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Valosin-containing protein is a key mediator between autophagic cell death and apoptosis in adult PDF

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Preview Valosin-containing protein is a key mediator between autophagic cell death and apoptosis in adult

Yeoetal.MolecularBrain (2016) 9:31 DOI10.1186/s13041-016-0212-8 RESEARCH Open Access Valosin-containing protein is a key mediator between autophagic cell death and apoptosis in adult hippocampal neural stem cells following insulin withdrawal Bo Kyoung Yeo1, Caroline Jeeyeon Hong1, Kyung Min Chung1, Hanwoong Woo1, Kyungchan Kim1, Seonghee Jung1, Eun-Kyoung Kim1,2 and Seong-Woon Yu1,2* Abstract Background: Programmed cell death (PCD) plays essential roles in theregulationof survival and function ofneural stemcells (NSCs). Abnormal regulation of this process is associated with developmental and degenerativeneuronal disorders. However, the mechanismsunderlying thePCD ofNSCs remain largely unknown. Understanding the mechanisms ofPCD inNSCs is crucial for exploring therapeutic strategies for the treatment ofneurodegenerative diseases. Result: We have previously reported that adult rat hippocampal neural stem (HCN) cellsundergo autophagic cell death (ACD) following insulin withdrawal without apoptotic signsdespitetheir normal apoptotic capabilities. It is unknown how interconnection between ACD and apoptosis is mediated inHCN cells. Valosin-containingprotein (VCP)is knownto be essential for autophagosomematurationin mammalian cells. VCP is abundantly expressed in HCNcells compared to hippocampal tissue and neurons. Pharmacological and genetic inhibitionof VCP atbasal stateinthepresenceofinsulinmodestlyimpairedautophagicflux,consistentwithitsknownroleinautophagosome maturation.Ofnote,VCPinactionininsulin-deprivedHCNcellssignificantlydecreasedACDanddown-regulated autophagyinitiationsignalswithrobustinductionofapoptosis.Overallautophagylevelwasalsosubstantiallyreduced, suggestingthenovelrolesofVCPatinitialstepofautophagy. Conclusion:Takentogether,thesedatademonstratethatVCPmayplayanessentialroleintheinitiationofautophagy andmediationofcrosstalkbetweenACDandapoptosisinHCNcellswhenautophagylevelishighuponinsulin withdrawal.ThisisthefirstreportontheroleofVCPinregulationofNSCcelldeath.Elucidatingthemechanismby whichVCPregulatesthecrosstalkofACDandapoptosiswillcontributetounderstandingthemolecularmechanism ofPCDinNSCs. Keywords:Autophagiccelldeath,Apoptosis,Adultneuralstemcells,Insulinwithdrawal,Valosin-containingprotein *Correspondence:[email protected] 1DepartmentofBrainandCognitiveSciences,DaeguGyeongbukInstituteof ScienceandTechnology(DGIST),Daegu711-873,RepublicofKorea 2NeurometabolomicsResearchCenter,DaeguGyeongbukInstituteof ScienceandTechnology(DGIST),Daegu711-873,RepublicofKorea ©2016Yeoetal.OpenAccessThisarticleisdistributedunderthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttribution4.0 InternationalLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/),whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,and reproductioninanymedium,providedyougiveappropriatecredittotheoriginalauthor(s)andthesource,providealinkto theCreativeCommonslicense,andindicateifchangesweremade.TheCreativeCommonsPublicDomainDedicationwaiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)appliestothedatamadeavailableinthisarticle,unlessotherwisestated. Yeoetal.MolecularBrain (2016) 9:31 Page2of14 Background ACDtoapoptosis[14].Interestingly,activationofglycogen Programmedcelldeath(PCD)isadeliberatecellularsui- synthasekinase-3β(GSK-3β),oneofthekeysignalingmol- cide process. Dysfunction of PCD is implicated in vari- ecules in regulation of neuronal apoptosis, also promoted ous human diseases, including developmental and ACD, not apoptosis, in insulin-deprived HCN cells [15]. neurodegenerative disorders, cancer and autoimmune These data suggest that there is the unique intrinsic cell diseases [1]. PCD can be categorized by morphological death program that drives the cell death mode towards criteria [2]. Type I cell death, known as apoptosis, is ACD rather than apoptosis in HCN cells following insulin characterized by cell shrinkage, nuclear condensation, withdrawal. Currently,HCN cell death induced by insulin membrane blebbing, mitochondria dysfunction, loss of withdrawal is regarded as the most genuine model of selectivity in membrane permeabilization, and nuclear ACDinmammals[16]. DNA fragmentation. Lastly, cells are rapidly eliminated Valosin-containing protein(VCP)/p97isaubiquitously by phagocytosis [3]. Type II PCD refers to autophagic expressed protein belonging to the AAA+ (ATPases As- cell death (ACD). Autophagy is a catabolic process that sociated with diverse cellular Activities) protein family disposes of various cytoplasmic components, including with two ATPase domains, D1 and D2 [17]. Following protein aggregates and organelles [4]. The components binding of the substrates to the N and C terminal do- are sequestered by autophagosomes, which fuse with mains, VCP hydrolyses ATP on its ATPase domains. lysosomes for degradation. This process usually oc- Subsequently, VCP changes its complex formation with curs in response to cellular stress to protect the cells. distinct interacting proteins or cofactors to exert its However, prolonged autophagy can cause ACD [5]. multicellular functions [18–25]. Previous studies have Type III cell death, called necrosis, is best defined by reported that VCP is involved in multiple cellular pro- abnormal mitochondria morphology, swollen and rup- cesses, including cell cycle regulation, Golgi biogenesis, tured cellular membrane, cell lysis and exposure of nuclear membrane formation, ubiquitin proteasome sys- intracellular content to the extracellular space. There- tem (UPS), apoptosis and the autophagosome matur- fore, inflammatory reactions are frequently related with ation [17, 26]. Cells with loss of VCP activity failed to necrosis[6]. undergo autophagosome and lysosome fusion, thereby Autophagy is the major degradation pathway for long- prevented autophagosome maturation, suggesting the lived proteins and damaged organelles for clearance or positive regulation of autophagosome maturation by recycling. Autophagosomes deliver cytoplasmic contents VCP in mammalian cells [27–29]. Mutations in human to lysosome where autophagosomes become autolyso- VCP is associated with the multisystem disease called somes for degradation. Autophagy process takes place in “inclusion body myopathy associated with Paget’s disease eukaryotic cells from yeast to mammals for cellular re- of bone and frontotemporal dementia (IBMPFD)”, which modeling during development as well as starvation, is featured with inclusion bodies in the brain or muscle inflammatory reaction and cell death [7, 8]. Majority of [28, 30]. Furthermore, depletion or ATPase-inactive mu- the studies on the physiological roles of autophagy sug- tants of VCP induced apoptosis in several different types gest that autophagy is a protective process by helping to of cells [31]. These previous studies prompted us to copewithcellularstressandmaintain cellular homeosta- examine the involvement of VCP in regulation of ACD sis. However, there are reports on the causative role of inHCNcells following insulinwithdrawal. autophagy in developmental cell death. Cell death of the In this study, we report the different actions of VCP salivary glands during Drosophila development is medi- depending on the autophagy level. Inactivation of VCP ated by autophagy genes (Atg) in a caspase-dependent at basal state in the presence of insulin led to mild im- or independent manner [9, 10]. Also, excessive auto- pairment of autophagy, indicating involvement in autop- phagy in response to stress or injury can cause ACD hagosome maturation, as previous reported by others. [11, 12]. However,despitetheemergingroleofautophagy On the other hand, pharmacological and genetic inhib- in regulation of PCD, the underlying mechanisms are ition of VCP in insulin-deprived HCN cells undergoing poorlyunderstood. high level of autophagy decreased autophagy initiation Previously we reported hippocampal neural stem signalingandreducedACD,concomitantwith robustin- (HCN) cells undergo ACD upon insulin withdrawal [13]. duction of apoptosis. These results suggest a novel role Cell death induced by insulin depletion did not show of VCP in mediation of autophagy, implicating VCP at apoptotic signs. Instead autophagic markers were signifi- the early stage of autophagy as well as the late matur- cantly increased, whereas anti-apoptotic/anti-autophagic ation step depending on the autophagy level. Our study, proteins, Bcl-2 and Bcl-X , were decreased. Importantly, for the first time, reveals the critical role of VCP in L cell death rate was significantly decreased with knock- crosstalk between ACD and apoptosis, indicating VCP down of Atg7 in insulin-deprived HCN cells. Of note, as a distinct regulator in survival and death of neural high calpain activity switched the cell death mode from stemcells(NSCs). Yeoetal.MolecularBrain (2016) 9:31 Page3of14 Results in the NSCs in the subgranular zone (SGZ) of the den- VCPishighlyexpressedinHCNcellsanddegradedby tate gyrus, as revealed by co-localization with glia fibril- autophagyfollowinginsulinwithdrawal lary acidic protein (GFAP), a NSC maker in SGZ [32]. Since VCP has not been studied in NSCs before, first, VCP was also expressed in the granule neurons of the we examined the expression level of VCP in HCN cells. DG in adult hippocampus, when microtubule-associated VCP was highly expressed in HCN stem cells in vitro, protein 2 (MAP2) was used as a neuronal marker [33] compared to the total hippocampal tissue derived from (Fig. 1b). The time course analysis of VCP protein and 8-week-old rat and embryonic hippocampal primary mRNA expression levels was performed following insu- neurons after 9 days in vitro (Fig. 1a). To further exam- lin withdrawal. From here, we denote the insulin- ine whether VCP is abundantly expressed in HCN cells containing and insulin-depleted culture conditions as than hippocampal neurons in vivo, we performed immu- I(+) and I(-), respectively. Consistent with our prior nohistochemical analysis in 8-week-old rat brain tissue, studies [13–15], high level of autophagy was induced in since HCN cells were derived from the adult rat hippo- I(-) (Fig. 1c). Autophagy induction was verified by an in- campus of the same age [13]. VCP was highly expressed crease in the level of type II of microtubule-associated D A HT HCN HN VCP -Actin B E C 24h 48 h Insulin : + - + - F Insulin : + - - VCP BafA1 : - - + I VCP LC3 II I LC3 II -Actin -Actin Fig.1VCPishighlyexpressedinHCNcellsanddegradedthroughautophagyfollowinginsulinwithdrawal.aVCPwasabundantlyexpressedin HCNcellscomparedwithhippocampaltissuepreparedfrom8-week-oldratandembryonicprimaryhippocampalneurons(9daysinvitro).bVCP wasparticularlylocalizedinhippocampalneuralstemcellsinvivo,asindicatedbyarrowheads.GFAPandMAP2wereusedasNSCandneuronal markers,respectively.Scalebar,20μm.cVCPproteinlevelwassignificantlydecreasedat48hfollowinginsulinwithdrawal.Quantitativeanalysis ofVCPlevelswasnormalizedtoβ-actin.Quantitativedataarerepresentedatthemean±SD(n=3).Statisticalsignificancewasdeterminedwith anOne-wayANOVAtestbyTukey’smultiplecomparisontest.*p<0.05.dVCPexpressionlevelsweredecreasedinexvivoorganotypichippocampal sliceculturefollowinginsulinwithdrawalfor24h.ArrowindicatestheVCP-expressingHCNcellsinI(+)condition,whilearrowheadsshowthelossof VCPexpressioninI(-)condition.Scalebar,20μm.eExpressionlevelsofVCPmRNAwerenotchangedbyinsulinwithdrawal.Quantitativedataare representedatthemean±SD(n=3).n.s.notsignificant.fDegradationofVCPwaspreventedbyBafilomycinA1treatment(BafA1,30nMfor3h beforeharvest)following48hinsulinwithdrawal Yeoetal.MolecularBrain (2016) 9:31 Page4of14 protein1lightchain3(LC3-II),sincethisisthemostre- in I (-) HCN cells, which otherwise underwent genuine liable biochemical marker of autophagy [34–36]. VCP ACD. Staurosporine (STS), a common apoptosis inducer, protein level was decreased 48 h following insulin with- was used as a positive control of apoptosis in I(+) HCN drawal (Fig. 1c). To further confirm the decrease of VCP cells. STS-induced cell death was efficiently prevented by protein level following insulin withdrawal in ex vivo abroad-spectrumcaspaseinhibitor,Z-VAD-FMK(Fig.2b). HCN culture, we measured VCP levels in organotypic Also, necrostatin-1, a widely used necroptosis inhibitor hippocampal slice culture prepared from 8-week-old rat [41], did not change cell death rate in DBeQ-treated I(-) withvimentin asaNSCmarker[37,38].VCPexpression HCN cells. This pharmacological inhibitor study suggests level was highly enriched in vimentin-immunoreactive that VCP inhibition triggered a switch of cell death mode stem cells in the SGZ in the presence of insulin, but its fromACDtoapoptosisinI(-)HCNcells.Furtheranalyses level significantly decreased in insulin-deprived slices wereperformedtodemonstratetheinductionofapoptosis (Fig. 1d). These results with organotypic slice cultures following VCP inhibition in I (-) HCN cells. Cleaved, ac- were well accordant with the data obtained from HCN tive form of caspase 3 and chromatin condensation was cell culture, demonstrating the decrease of VCP protein observed in DBeQ-treated I(-) HCN cells (Fig. 2c, d). A level following insulin withdrawal in ex vivo and in vitro markedincreaseinAnnexinVpositivestainingindicating conditions.Despite the decrease ofVCPprotein levels in thederangementofphosphatidylserinedistributionduring HCN cells and hippocampal slices, the levels of VCP apoptosis was also observed in DBeQ-treated I(-) HCN mRNA expression were not changed by insulin with- cells (Fig. 2e). Taken together, these data show that in- drawal in HCN cells (Fig. 1e). These data suggest that hibition of VCP switches ACD to apoptosis in insulin- VCP may be subject to post-translational regulation. To deprivedHCNcells. testwhetherVCPitselfisa substrateforautophagicdeg- To further test whether genetic suppression of VCP radation or proteasome in insulin-deprived HCN cells, expression also switches ACD to apoptosis, VCP- autophagic flux inhibitor, Bafilomycin A1 (BafA1) was targeting small interfering RNA (siRNA) was transfected treated following insulin withdrawal [39]. Interestingly, in HCN cells following the presented experimental BafA1 (30 nM for 3 h) significantly prevented VCP deg- scheme (Fig. 3a–b). In support of the results obtained radation suggesting that autophagy may be responsible with DBeQ treatment, knockdown of VCP did not alter for degradation of VCP in insulin-deprived HCN cells cell death rate in I(+) condition, but significantly en- (Fig. 1f). hanced cell death in I(-) HCN cells (Fig. 3c). Augmented cell death in I(-) HCN cells by VCP knockdown was PharmacologicalandgeneticinactivationofVCPswitched substantially diminished by Z-VAD-FMK (Fig. 3c) and ACDtoapoptosisininsulin-deprivedHCNcells accompanied by caspase-3 activation (Fig. 3d). Collect- VCP is known as a positive regulator in autophagosome ively, thesedata indicatethatgeneticknockdown ofVCP maturation. To test whether VCP ATPase activity is re- expression induced a switch of PCD mode from ACD to quired for ACD in HCN cells, HCN cells were treated apoptosis in I(-) HCN cells in a similar fashion as with VCP ATPase activity inhibitor, N2, N4-dibenzylqui- pharmacologic inhibition of VCP. However, it should be nazoline-2,4-diamine (DBeQ) [40], in insulin-depleted noted that VCP depletion or inactivation did not induce media and cell death was measured. We tested a wide apoptosis at basal state in I(+) HCN cells, which is in range of DBeQ concentrations both in I (+) and I (-) sharp contrast with the previous studies reported in HCN cells and chose 0.5 μM concentration of DBeQ, yeast, Caenorhabditis. elegans, HeLa, and several other based on marginal effect on cell death in I (+) but sig- mammaliancells[31,42–49]. nificant increaseofcelldeath in I(-)HCN cells (Fig. 2a). To exclude the possibility that DBeQ induces apop- Hereafter, this concentration of DBeQ has been used tosis independent of inhibiting VCP, we treated VCP- throughout this study. Since cell death in I(-) HCN cells suppressed I(-) HCN cells with DBeQ. Unlike the eleva- was boosted by DBeQ, we wondered if this increase was tionofcelldeathinNTsiRNA-treated HCNcells,DBeQ due to the continuance of the default ACD or switch to failed to increase cell death in I(-) HCN cells depleted of different mode of PCD. To determine whether ACD was VCP (Fig. 3e). These data suggest that DBeQ-induced affected by DBeQ in I(-) HCN cells, the different kinds apoptosis in I(-) condition was VCP-dependent. Also, to of PCD inhibitors were treated (Fig. 2b). Consistent with test whether inhibition of VCP by DBeQ was due to the absence of apoptotic indices, Z-VAD-FMK failed to perturbation of non-autophagy related functions of VCP reduce cell death in I(-) HCN cells (data not shown), independently of autophagy, we stably knocked down which was well documented in our prior studies [13–15]. Atg7 in HCN cells before DBeQ treatment. HCN cells However, interestingly, Z-VAD-FMK significantly de- were transduced with the lentivirus expressing Atg7- creasedcelldeathinDBeQ-treatedI(-)HCNcells(Fig.2b), targeting shRNA and subject to puromycin selection. suggesting that apoptosis was induced by VCP inhibition Atg7 knockdown significantly decreased ACD in I(-) Yeoetal.MolecularBrain (2016) 9:31 Page5of14 A C D B 100 24 h 48 h 12 h n.s. 80 ) % ( * *** *** h 60 at * *** e d 40 lle C 20 E 0 Insulin : + - - - + - - - - + + DBeQ: - - + + - - + + + - - Z-VAD : - - - + - - - + - - + STS : - - - - - - - - - + + Necrostatin-1 : - - - - - - - - + - - Fig.2PharmacologicalinhibitionofVCPswitchedACDtoapoptosisininsulin-deprivedHCNcells.aAVCPinhibitor,DBeQ(0.5μM)markedly increasedcelldeathfollowinginsulinwithdrawalfor24h,butwithoutsignificanteffectonI(+)HCNcells.Quantitativedataweredetermined usingOne-wayANOVAfollowedbyTukey’smultiplecomparisontest.*p<0.05,**p<0.01,***p<0.001.n.s.,notsignificant.bZ-VAD-FMK significantlypreventedcelldeathinducedbyDBeQinI(-).Staurosporine(STS,1μMfor12h)wastreatedinI(+)HCNcellsasapositivecontrolfor apoptosisinduction.However,additionofnecrostatin-1(10μM)upto48hdidnotdecreasecelldeathinDBeQ-treatedI(-)HCNcells.Quantitativedata arerepresentedasthemean±SDbyOne-wayANOVAusingTukey’smultiplecomparisontest(n=3).**p<0.01,***p<0.001.n.s.,notsignificant. cCaspase3wasactivatedinDBeQ-treatedI(-)HCNcells.dNuclearcondensationwasobservedbyHoechststaining,asindicatedbyarrow.Nuclear condensationwasdetectedinDBeQ-treatedI(-)HCNcells,butpreventedbyZ-VAD-FMK.Scalebaris20μm.eApoptosisinductionwasconfirmedby Annexin-VstainingandFACSanalysisfordetectionoftheexposureofphosphatidylserine HCN cells, consistent with our previous studies [14, 15]. VCPinactivationreducedautophagyfluxininsulin-deprived Of particular interest, DBeQ failed to increase cell death HCNcells in I(-) HCN cells depleted of Atg7, nor did Z-VAD-FMK Our findings that loss of VCP activity switched ACD to affect cell death (Fig. 3f). These data strongly demon- apoptosis suggest that VCP is required for the progress strate that ACD is a prerequisite to DBeQ-induced of ACD in I(-) HCN cells. However, it is not known switch to apoptosis in HCN cells and DBeQ-induced whether VCP functions at the autophagosome matur- apoptosis proceeds following yet-to-be-discovered mech- ationstep,asinotherstudies[27–29],orplaysnewroles anism for interaction between ACD and apoptosis, but in the autophagy of HCN cells upon insulin withdrawal. isnotnon-specific cytotoxic event. To elucidate what roleVCP may play in the progression Yeoetal.MolecularBrain (2016) 9:31 Page6of14 A E 80 %) 60 n.s. ( h *** *** t ae 40 *** d ell 20 C B C Insulin: + + 0 NT siRNA : + - 50 *** *** Insulin : + - - + - - VCP siRNA : - + )% 40 NT siRNA : + + + - - - ( VCP siRNA : - - - + + + h VCP eat 30 DBeQ: - - + - - + d 20 n.s. ell 10 -Actin C F 0 40 Insulin : + + - - - *** NT siRNA : + - + - - %) 30 *** VCP siRNA : - + - + + ( h D Z-VAD : - - - - + at 20 n.s. e d Insulin : + - - + NT siRNA : + + - + ell 10 C VCP siRNA : - - + - STS : - - - + 0 Cleaved Insulin : + - - - - - shScramble: + + - - - - caspase-3 shAtg7: - - + + + + DBeQ(µM) : - - - 0.25 0.5 0.25 -Actin Z-VAD : - - - - - + Fig.3GeneticinhibitionofVCPchangedACDtoapoptosisininsulin-deprivedHCNcells.aAnexperimentalschemefortheknockdownofVCP. CDA,celldeathassay;WB,Westernblotting.bKnockdownofVCPwasconfirmedbyWesternblottingafter24htreatment.NT,non-targeting. cVCPknockdownincreasedcelldeathandZ-VAD-FMKefficientlyblockedanincreaseofcelldeathinI(-)HCNcells.Quantitativedataare determinedasthemean±SDbyOne-wayANOVAfollowedbyTukey’smultiplecomparisontest(n=3).***p<0.001.n.s.,notsignificant. dCleavedcaspase3wasdetectedinI(-)HCNcellsfollowingVCPknockdownat48h.eCelldeathratewasnotaffectedbyDBeQinI(-)HCNcells depletedofVCP.Quantitativedataaredeterminedasthemean±SDbyOne-wayANOVAfollowedbyTukey’smultiplecomparisontest(n=3). ***p<0.001.n.s.,notsignificant.fAtg7knockdowndecreasedcelldeathinI(-)HCNcells.However,celldeathratewasnotalteredbyDBeQor Z-VAD-FMKinI(-)HCNcellswithstableknockdownofAtg7.Quantitativedataaredeterminedasthemean±SDbyOne-wayANOVAfollowedby Tukey’smultiplecomparisontest(n=3).***p<0.001.n.s.,notsignificant of autophagy in HCN cells, we depleted VCP function An increase in LC3-II level may indicate increased by siRNA or using the same chemical inhibition ap- formation of autophagosomes with high autophagy flux. proach of VCP activity and examined the autophagy flux Yet, impairment of autophagy flux due to blocking of rate. VCP inactivation by DBeQ or siRNA knockdown in autophagosome-lysosome fusion and failure of autopha- I(+) HCN cells led to a modest increase in LC3-II level gosome maturation can also lead to an increase in LC3- (Fig. 4a–b). On the other hand, DBeQ treatment or VCP II. Therefore, mild increase following DBeQ-treatment siRNA knockdown in I(-) HCN cells substantially de- or VCP depletion in I(+) HCN cells can be due to either creased LC3-II levels (Fig. 4c–d). When autophagy flux increase or impairment in autophagy flux. If an increase was blocked by addition of BafA1, there was a marked of LC3-II observed in VCP-depleted HCN cells in I(+) increase in the amount of LC3-II and they reached the was due to high rate of autophagy flux, BafA1 treatment same level between BafA1 control and BafA1/DBeQ or would lead to higher amount of LC3-II than BafA1 I(+) BafA1/VCP siRNA in I(+) HCN cells (Fig. 4a–b). In the control cells. However, the amount of LC3-II was the case of I(-) HCN cells, BafA1 also increased LC3-II same, suggesting that the overall autophagy flux rate levels. However, interestingly, BafA1-induced accumula- remainedthesameregardlessofVCPinactivationduring tion of LC3-II was significantly less in BafA1/DBeQ or the basal autophagy in I(+). Therefore, this modest in- BafA1/VCP siRNA than BafA1 control in I(-) HCN cells crease in LC3-II by VCP depletion can be interpreted (Fig. 4c–d). due to partial inhibition of autophagosome maturation Yeoetal.MolecularBrain (2016) 9:31 Page7of14 A B Insulin : + + + + Insulin : + + + + NT siRNA : + - + - DBeQ: - + - + VCP siRNA : - + - + BafA1 : - - + + BafA1 : - - + + I I LC3 LC3 II II -Actin -Actin el el levtin) 8 n.s. levtin) 8 n.s. C3Ac 6 * C3Ac 6 L- L- * 4 4 ativeC3-II/ 2 ativeC3-II/ 2 el(L 0 el(L 0 R R C D Insulin : - - - - Insulin : - - - - NT siRNA : + - + - DBeQ: - + - + VCP siRNA : - + - + BafA1 : - - + + BafA1 : - - + + I I LC3 LC3 II II -Actin -Actin el * el vn) vn) *** leti 4 leti 5 C3Ac 3 C3Ac 4 veL-II/- 2 * veL-II/- 23 * atiC3 1 atiC3 1 el(L 0 el(L 0 R R E el el evn) sionlev-Actin) 1.5 n.s. essionlo-Acti 12..50 n.s. s rt xpredto 1.0 expzed 1.0 NAealize 0.5 RNAmali 00..05 Rm 0.0 mor N A N A N A LC3m(Nor I(+) I(-I)(-)/D BeQ LC3I((N+)/NT siI(R-)/NTIs(i-)R/V C P siR Fig.4(Seelegendonnextpage.) Yeoetal.MolecularBrain (2016) 9:31 Page8of14 (Seefigureonpreviouspage.) Fig.4VCPinhibitionreducedautophagicfluxininsulin-deprivedHCNcells.a-bDBeQtreatment(a)orVCPknockdown(b)inducedamoderate increaseinLC3-IIinI(+)HCNcells.BlockingofautophagyusingBafA1gaverisetoasignificantincreaseofLC3-IIwiththesamelevelsbetween BafA1aloneandBafA1/DBeQorBafA1/VCPknockdowncellsinI(+).QuantitativeLC3-IIlevelsweredeterminedasthemean±SDbyOne-way ANOVAfollowedbyTukey’smultiplecomparisontest(n=3).**p<0.01,***p<0.001.n.s.,notsignificant.c-dDBeQtreatment(c)orVCPknockdown (d)ledtoadecreaseinLC3-IIinI(-)HCNcells.BlockingofautophagyusingBafA1gaverisetoasignificantincreaseofLC3-II,buttheamountof accumulatedLC3-IIinBafA1/DBeQorBafA1/VCPknockdowncellswassignificantlylessthanBafA1aloneinI(-).QuantitativeLC3-IIlevelswere determinedasthemean±SDbyOne-wayANOVAfollowedbyTukey’smultiplecomparisontest(n=3).**p<0.01,***p<0.001.n.s.,notsignificant. emRNAexpressionlevelofLC3didnotshowdifferentchangesbyVCPinactivationinI(-).QuantitativeLC3mRNAexpressionlevelsarerepresented asthemean±SD(n=3).QuantitativedatawasdeterminedbyStudent’st-test.*p<0.05.n.s.,notsignificant with the yield of the same amount of LC3-II accumula- A tion following full inhibition of autophagy flux by BafA1. DAPI GFP-LC3 RFP-LC3 Merge On the other hand, complete blocking of autophagy flux by BafA1 disclosed considerably smaller amount of LC3- I(+) II in VCP depleted I(-) HCN cells than I(-) control, indi- cating reduced rate of autophagy flux. Therefore, a de- crease in LC3-II by DBeQ or VCP siRNA before BafA1 treatment imply the similar decrease of autophagy flux I(+)/ rate in I(-) HCN cells. Quantitative analysis of LC3 DBeQ mRNA level did not show significant change by VCP inactivation (Fig. 4e). Taken together, these data demon- strate that VCP positively regulates autophagosome mat- I(-) uration at basal autophagy in I(+), as reported by others. In contrast, VCP regulates overall autophagy flux rate in insulin-deprived HCN cells when autophagy activity ishigh. I(-)/ Modest changes in the level of LC3-II may not be DBeQ detected due to saturation of Western blotting signals. To further validate different roles of VCP for autophagy B between I(+) and I(-) conditions, next, we adopted monomeric RFP-GFP tandem fluorescent LC3 (mRFP- GFP-LC3) and measured autophagy flux. Co-existence of GFP and RFP signals in autophagosomes before mat- uration and RFP signals in autolysosomes after matur- ation are based on the acid-sensitive quenching of EGFP protein. DBeQ treatment in I(+) increased the percent- age of yellow puncta, but without significant increase in the total puncta number, suggesting attenuation of autophagosome maturation by DBeQ in I(+) HCN cells. On the other hand, LC3 puncta formation was strikingly increased in I(-) HCN cells and this increase was greatly reduced by DBeQ. However, the percentages of yellow puncta remained similar between I(-) and I(-)/DBeQ Fig.5DifferentialregulationofautophagyfluxbyVCPinI(+)and conditions, indicating that DBeQ inhibited autophagy I(-)HCNcells.amRFP-GFP-LC3wasusedforautopahgicfluxassay. induction rather than maturation step in I(-) HCN cells DBeQtreatmentinI(+)ledtoanincreaseinthepercentageof (Fig. 5). yellowpunctawithnomarkedincreaseinthenumberofthetotal LC3puncta,suggestingimpairmentofautophagosomematuration. DBeQtreatmentinI(-)greatlyreducedthenumberofthetotalLC3 VCPisrequiredforautophagyinitiationsignalingin puncta,butthepercentageofyellowpunctaremainedsimilar insulin-deprivedHCNcells betweenI(-)andI(-)/DBeQconditions.Scalebar,10μm.bQuantitative Based on our results indicating the reduced autophagy redandyellowpunctanumbersweredeterminedasthemean±SD levelbyVCPinactivationinI(-)HCNcells,wepostulated byOne-wayANOVAfollowedbyTukey’smultiplecomparisontest (n=16–35).Blackandyellowasterisksindicatethecomparisonofthe that VCP may regulate autophagy initiation signaling in totalandyellowpuncta,respectively.*p<0.05,**p<0.01,***p<0.001 HCN cells following insulin withdrawal. Our previous Yeoetal.MolecularBrain (2016) 9:31 Page9of14 study by Ha et al. demonstrated that glycogen synthase was rescued by VCP inaction surprisingly even in the kinase 3β (GSK-3β) induced ACD in HCN cells following absence of insulin (Fig. 6a–b). In our previous report, we insulinwithdrawal[15].Bothpharmacologicalandgenetic demonstrated that calpain 2 was degraded by UPS in I(-) inactivationofGSK-3βsignificantlydecreasedACD,while HCNcells,butconditionsleadingtocalpainaccumulation activation of GSK-3β increased autophagic flux and andhighcalpainactivityutterlyswitchedthedefaultACD causedmorecelldeathwithoutinducingapoptosisfollow- toapoptosisinI(-)HCNcells[14].Inaccordancewiththe ing insulin withdrawal. This report uncovered GSK-3β as induction of apoptosis in VCP-inactivated I(-) HCN cells, one of the critical upstream signaling kinases for ACD in calpain2levelwasalsorestoredtomuchhigherlevelthan I(-) HCN cells. GSK-3β activation, as revealed by a de- I(-) (Fig. 6a). Knockdown of VCP in I(+) induced mild creaseintheinhibitoryphosphorylationofserineninefol- changes in the phosphorylation level of mTOR (data not lowing insulin withdrawal, was significantly prevented by shown). Compared with dramatic recovery of mTOR both pharmacological and genetic inactivation of VCP phosphorylationbyVCPknockdowninI(-),thesedatain- (Fig. 6a–b). Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is dicatethatdeficitinautophagyinductioninI(-)HCNcells known for a nutrient sensorand negativeregulator ofau- depletedofVCPislikeadirectresultofVCPinactivation tophagy [50]. mTOR activation in relation to autophagy specificallyinI(-)condition. suppression is reflected by various phosphorylation sites Double FYVE-domain-containing protein 1 (DFCP1) in- including serine 2448 in response to insulin or nutrient teractswith phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PtdIns(3)p), stimulation [51, 52]. S2448 of mTOR was dephosphory- which is required for the early step of autophagosome latedinI(-)HCNcells.However,itsphosphorylationlevel formation. Therefore,DFCP1isregardedasanautophagy A B Insulin : + - - Insulin: + - - NT siRNA : + + - DBeQ: - - + VCP siRNA: - - + p-mTOR(S2448) p-mTOR(S2448) Calpain2 Calpain2 p-GSK3 (S9) p- -Actin -Actin C DAPI DFCP1 Merge I(+) ell c r e p 15 *** *** 1 P C 10 F I(-) D f 5 o r e b 0 mu I(+) I(-) BeQ N D DBIe(-Q)/ I(-)/ Fig.6VCPisrequiredforautophagyinitiationsignalinginHCNcellsfollowinginsulinwithdrawal.a-bNegativeregulatorsofautophagy,mTOR andcalpain2weresuppressedinI(-),butreactivatedbyDBeQtreatment(a)orVCPknockdown(b).Onthecontrary,positiveinducersof autophagysuchasGSK-3βwereactivatedfollowinginsulinwithdrawal,butdeactivatedbyDBeQtreatment(a)orVCPknockdown(b).cThehigh numberofDFCP1punctaobservedinI(-)weregreatlyreducedbyDBeQtreatment.ThenumberofDFCP1punctawasquantifiedwithcut-off diameterof0.5μm.Scalebar,5μm.QuantitativeDFCP1punctaweredeterminedasthemean±SDbyOne-wayANOVAfollowedbyTukey’s multiplecomparisontest(n=10).***p<0.001 Yeoetal.MolecularBrain (2016) 9:31 Page10of14 Fig.7AschematicdiagramillustratingthenovelfunctionofVCPinACDandapoptosisinHCNcellsfollowinginsulinwithdrawal.HCNcells undergoautophagiccelldeathfollowinginsulinwithdrawal.Inbasalautophagy,VCPpositivelyregulatesautophagosomematuration.However, followinginsulinwithdrawal,VCPregulatesautophagyinitiationandthecrosstalkbetweenACDtoapoptosis initiation marker[53].A transient transfectionofDFCP1- Our previous study revealed that calpain 2 inhibition GFPconstructgavethehighnumberofDFCP1punctain and GSK-3β activation promoted ACD following insulin I(-) HCN cells, compared with the negligible number in withdrawal HCN cells [14, 15]. In accordance with in- I(+). However, DBeQ treatment strongly suppressed the hibition ofACDuponVCP inactivationinI(-)condition, formation of DFCP1 puncta, again suggesting that VCP there was significant increase in calpain 2 and inactive activity is required for autophagy initiation in I (-) HCN form of GSK-3β. GSK-3β and calpain 2 are anticipated cells (Fig. 6c). This novel role of VCP in autophagy initi- as potential functional or physical interacting candidates ation has not been reported before. Taken together, these ofVCPinHCNcells. data suggest that VCP contributes to the maturation of We propose the following model for distinct roles of autophagosomes to autolysosomes at basal autophagy VCP under different cellular stress conditions (Fig. 7). In process under I(+) condition. However, when autophagy I(+) cells, VCP ensures the maturation of autophago- flux is intensified upon insulin withdrawal, VCP is critic- somes and blocking of VCP activity impairs the late ally involved in the initiation stage of autophagy, as well stage of autophagy flux at basal autophagy. When cells exemplified in insulin-deprived HCN cells, which under- are encountered with high autophagy level following in- goeshighautophagylevelandcelldeath. sulin withdrawal, depletion of VCP activity affects the early stage of autophagy flux and diminishes the autoph- Discussion agy initiating signals. Of note, our novel discovery also Inthisreport,wedemonstratethatVCPisakeyregulator indicates another function of VCP in association with of autophagy initiation signaling and a mediator of cross- crosstalk between autophagy and apoptosis, as the in- talkbetweenACDandapoptosisininsulin-deprivedHCN action of VCP dramatically decreased autophagy initi- cells. Theanalysisofthe phenotypes of VCP inhibitionor ation while the mode of cell death switched to apoptosis knockdown revealed two important observations regard- in insulin-deprived HCN cells. Further studies should ing autophagy process and cell death. First,VCP inactiva- clarify how VCPmovesfromalatestagetoanearlystage tion did not alter autophagy induction under normal of autophagy under condition of insulin withdrawal. An- conditionwheninsulinwasprovided.RatherVCPwasre- other important direction of future research will be to quiredforautophagosomematuration.Ontheotherhand, understand how VCP affects the decision of cell death VCP inhibition or depletion down-regulated autophagy modebetweenACDandapoptosis,andthemolecularde- inductionsignalsinI(-)HCNcells.Second,ourresultsin- tailsregulatingthisVCPactivityduringACD. dicatethatACDisthedominantmodeofPCDininsulin- Autophagy and apoptosis plays an essential role in deprived HCN cells, but apoptosis can be an alternative development and survival of NSCs. Basal autophagy is route to cell death when autophagy level is subdued by essential to protect cells against stress conditions by VCP inhibition or depletion. However, unlike other stud- degrading damaged organelles and proteins. However, ies, VCP inactivation itself, does not induce apoptosis in excessive autophagy can cause ACD. The abnormal HCNcellsundernormalculturecondition.Ourdatasug- regulation of autophagy, such as too little autophagy or gestthatregulationofswitchbetweenACDandapoptosis too much autophagy and ACD, plays an important role by VCP constitutes a unique regulatory module of cell in aging and neurodegenerative diseases [54–58]. The deathprogramwhenHCNcellsaredoomedtodiefollow- efforts of understanding the molecular mechanisms of inginsulinwithdrawal. ACD have continued in recent years. Knowledge on the

VCP is abundantly expressed in HCN cells compared to hippocampal tissue and neurons Autophagic cell death Apoptosis Adult neural stem cells Insulin withdrawal Valosin-containing protein Br J Cancer. Shen HM, Codogno P. Autophagic cell death: Loch Ness monster or endangered species
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