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Preview Valley blockade and multielectron spin-valley Kondo effect in silicon

Valley blockade and multielectron spin-valley Kondo effect in silicon A. Crippa,1,2,∗ M. L. V. Tagliaferri,1,2 D. Rotta,1,2 M. De Michielis,2 G. Mazzeo,1,2 M. Fanciulli,1,2 R. Wacquez,3 M. Vinet,3 and E. Prati4,2,† 1Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali, Universit`a di Milano Bicocca, Via Cozzi 53, 20125 Milano, Italy 2Laboratorio MDM, CNR-IMM, Via C. Olivetti 2, 20864 Agrate Brianza (MB), Italy 3CEA-LETI-MINATEC CEA-Grenoble, 17 Rue des Martyrs 38054 Grenoble, France 4Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologia, CNR, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano, Italy We report on the valley blockade and the multielectron Kondo effect generated by an impurity atominasiliconnanofieldeffectdevice. Accordingtothespin-valleynatureoftunnellingprocesses, 5 andconsistentlywiththoseallowedbythevalleyblockaderegime,themanifestationofKondoeffect 1 obeys to the periodicity 4 of the electron filling sequence typical of silicon emerging at occupation 0 N =1,2,3. Thespin-valleyKondoeffectemergesunderdifferentkindsofscreeningdependingonthe 2 electron filling. By exploiting the valley blockade regime, valley index conservation in the Kondo r SU(4) is deduced without the employment of an external magnetic field. Microwave irradiation p suppresses the Kondo effect at occupancies up to three electrons. A 9 I. INTRODUCTION amount of valley mixing in contact-impurity tunnelings 2 gives rise to different kinds of Kondo screening from ] N = 1 to N = 3 at the relatively high temperature l l Thecontrolofindividualelectronsandimpurityatoms of 4.2 K. In agreement with theory, standard Coulomb a in silicon nano Field Effect Transistors (FETs) has deep blockade is observed at N = 4 where Kondo effect is h impact on the field of valleytronics1, which consists of forbidden. The fourfold degeneracy is usually revealed - s exploiting the orbital part of the electron wave function by splitting the orbital screening from the spin screen- e as additional degree of freedom with respect to more ing with a magnetic field6,20,21. Differently, in our m conventional charge and spin states. Valley-related experiment the valley blockade of first-order transport . t effects have been lately reported, from the valley filling (N =0→1→0) influences the Kondo processes within a sequence in silicon quantum dots (Si-QDs)2–4 and the N =1 Coulomb diamond: it selects donor-lead tran- m lifetime-enhanced transport as indirect observation of sitions between identical valley states, which beautifully - spin and valley blockade5, to a tunable valley Kondo confirms the selection rule at the base of the SU(4) d n effect in a As atom at single electron filling (N = 1)6. symmetry. The Kondo perturbed regime is obtained at o Valley-based qubits7 and pure valley blockade8 have the base temperature at filling up to 3 electrons and it c been proposed in analogy to spin qubits and Pauli spin is suppressed by means of microwave irradiation. [ blockade respectively. The direct experimental obser- The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II the 2 vation of the valley blockade, namely the suppression device and the experimental methods are described. v of transport determined by the orthogonality of orbital In Sec. III the experimental results are presented and 5 degrees in a reservoir and at an impurity site, was till discussed. The Appendix connects the spin-valley states 6 now unaddressed. Valley quantum numbers may also mentioned in Sec. III with the established formalism of 6 influence higher-order tunneling processes involving two Ref. 22. In Supplemental Material details about device 2 ormoreparticles,asinthecaseoftheKondoeffect. The electrical characterization and data analysis procedure 0 simplestKondotheoryforIII-Vsemiconductorquantum are reported. . 1 dots accounts for the emergence of Kondo effect only 0 with uncoupled spins in the dot9–11. Generalized to the 5 case of Si-QDs and group-V donors, the Kondo physics 1 : predicts that both spin and valley indices of a confined v II. DEVICE AND METHODS electron can be screened by a Fermi sea through virtual i X spin-valley flip processes, allowing for highly symmetric SU(4) Kondo states12. The tri-gate FET is fabricated from fully depleted r a Wealreadydemonstratedsingle/fewdonorsbasedsilicon silicon-on-insulator (FDSOI) technology. The silicon de- transistors operability13–15 and microwave irradiation vicelayerisphosphorousimplanted(1018cm−3)andthen effects in single atom based devices for spectroscopy of etchedtodefinethenanowirechannel(Fig. 1a). Thegate excited states at zero bias16 as well as in single interface is then formed on the three sides of the narrow channel defects17,18. with a 5 nm thermal silicon dioxide of isolation. Silicon Here we investigate a system of a P atom strongly nitride (Si N ) spacers around the gate protect the ac- 3 4 coupled to the leads of a silicon ultra-scaled tri-gate tive region from Arsenic implantation of highly doped FET (Fig. 1a)19. Peculiarities of valley dependent (metal-like) source-drain electrodes. Nominal channel quantum transport arise both in sequential tunneling width of the tested device is 50 nm, gate length is 20 processes and in Kondo-like cotunneling events. The nm and channel is 8 nm thick. A dc voltage V sets the g 2 III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Valley blockade The valley blockade arising at single electron filling is observed by the asymmetry of the stability diagram of D+ ↔ D0 transitions in Figure 2a. The lack of con- qd qd duction in the section of the map involving the ground state only at negative bias voltages is the hallmark of valley blockade regime predicted in Ref. 8 as reported in Figure 2b. It is determined by perpendicularity of the FIG. 1. (Color online) (a) Scanning Electron Micrograph orbital states at the Fermi energies of the contacts and image of a tri-gate FET identical to measured device. Be- the ground state of the donor, which is labeled with the low the sketch of the active region with the two conductive odd parity index o. The first excited state of the donor, paths. BrowndenotesthegatecontactwhereasSi3N4spacers labeled with the even e parity index, defines in addition around the gate are yellow. Heavily-doped regions of reser- the inelastic cotunneling region delimited by the hori- voirs are highlighted in blue. (b) From the stability diagram zontal dashed lines. The valley splitting ∆ is 6.2 meV24. two Coulomb blockade patterns appear, each with its own The blockade is lifted at V =−6.2 mV when the donor lever-arm factor α. Red-orange (high current) diamonds are sd excited state is resonant with the e states at the Fermi attributedtothedonorD stronglycoupledwithleads. Blue qd level in the left lead. (lowcurrent)diamondsarerelativetoaweaklycoupledquan- tum dot. The origin of the valley blockade regime is ascribed to the random graining of the As atoms of the contacts in proximityoftheactiveregion,whichoriginatessingulari- tiesinthereservoirdensityofstates26. Asthevalleypar- ity of the wave functions depends on low dimensionality of randomly diffused dopant distribution27, the electron states at the Fermi levels of source and drain result un- intentionally of opposite valley. Such very special condition is confirmed by the stability gatepotentialtotunethenumberofconfinedelectrons,a diagram of the weakly coupled quantum dot in Figure bias V controls the difference between the Fermi levels sd 2d. The same asymmetry as the D+ ↔ D0 resonance of the electron reservoirs at the contacts. The differen- qd qd provesfromanindependentmeasurementthatthevalley tial conductance dI/dV is measured by using a stan- sd blockade occurs because of the opposite valley polariza- dard lock-in excitation of 40 µV at 116 Hz applied to rms tion of the contacts. the source electrode. The microwave line consists of a Theeffectivenessofthevalleyblockadeoverthecompet- 3.5-mm-diameter beryllium in stainless-steel coaxial line ingCoulombblockadeisquantifiedthroughasimplerate (UT-141) and it is ended by an unmatched dipole an- equation model: tunneling events between identical val- tenna. leys turn out to be more than 10 times faster than those As in similar doped15 and undoped23 devices with tri- between states of different valley. The current across a gate geometry, the onset of quantum transport takes potentialbarrier,forexampletheleftone,inthesequen- place via two parallel paths at the corners of the tial regime is I = e(Γ Γ )/(Γ +Γ ), where Γ nanowire. Twosetsofpeaksdifferingbyordersofmagni- left in out in out in andΓ denotetheratesinandoutofthedonor28. Any tudeinconductivityprovidedistinctcapacitivecouplings out temperature dependence is neglected since we are inter- with the gate (Figs. 1a and 1b). ested in a ratio between tunneling rates and not in their The highly conductive path D is attributed to a donor qd absolute values. When n levels of the donor enter in the close to the edge of the silicon nanowire with electronic biaswindow,Γ hastobereplacedwith(cid:80)n Γi 28. Re- states hybridized with the interface states of the cor- in i=1 in ferringtothebanddiagrams(b)and(c)ofFigure2b,we ner. For the exhaustive discussion see Supplemental define ΓX as the rate of tunneling events between levels Material24,inagreementwithvaluesofdonorsembedded in with opposite parity (i.e. from the left lead to the donor in etched-silicon channels6,20,25 Its first two (subthresh- groundstate). Analogously,Γ0 correspondstotunneling old) peaks D0 and D− are associated to transport via in qd qd processes preserving the valley index (i.e. from the left neutral and negative charge states of the phosphorous lead to the donor excited state). In particular, along the atom respectively. At higher gate fields the potential lines marked by (cid:52) and ♦ in the inset in Figure 2c, the barriers at the ends of the tiny channel originate quan- tum dot-like states visible as above-threshold resonances currents are I(cid:52) = eΓΓXinXin+ΓΓoouutt and I♦ = e(ΓΓ0in0in++ΓΓXinXin+)ΓΓoouutt re- and Coulomb diamonds with N ≥ 3 electrons confined. spectively. Since the valley blockade selects only tunnel- Such donor based quantum dot system is referred as the ing events entering the donor, relaxations are admitted donor hereafter. inthetraversingtime,givingtoauniqueoutcomingrate 3 0.11 0.60 0.0105 1.0 2 e/h) VsNd= =-7 1mV 0.55 VsNd= = 0 2mV VsNd= = 0 3mV 0.0100VsNd= = 0 4mV 0.8 2 e/h) -2 0dV(10sd.10 0.50 0.0095 0.6 -2 dV(10sd dI/ 0.45 0.4 dI/ 0.09 0.40 0.0090 0.2 0.35 0.0085 0.08 0.0 4 6 81012 4 6 81012 4 6 81012 4 6 81012 T (K) FIG.3. (Coloronline)Conductanceatdifferenttemperatures spanning the first spin-valley shell, for reference see Fig. 1b. Theincreaseofconductanceatlowtemperaturesisthefinger- printofemergingKondophysics. ThreeKondotemperatures T =(8.2±1.3)K,T =(3.0±0.4)KandT =(3±1)K K1 K2 K3 areobtainedatN =1,2,3electronfillingrespectively. Inthe Kondo perturbed regime the fitting function adopted is suit- ableforbothSU(2)andSU(4)frameworks11,20,21. ForN =4 the Kondo trend is not observed as the shell is complete. B. Kondo effect We now focus on the experimental investigation of FIG. 2. (Color online) (a) Stability map of the D+ ↔ D0 the strong coupling regime to the leads in the first sil- qd qd icon spin-valley shell (i.e. from N = 1 to N = 4) of resonanceandfirstCoulombdiamond(N =1). Dashedlines indicate the onset of cotunneling via the excited state. For a the donor-dot system. In III-V semiconductor quantum better visualization the derivative of the differential conduc- dots the presence of the Kondo effect stems from the tanceiscomputed. (b)Expectedstabilitymapinpresenceof paired-unpaired spin filling sequence at odd occupation inelastic cotunneling and valley blockade and, on the right, numbers9–11;differently,heretheKondoperiodicityisal- energydiagramsforsequentialtransitions. Thindashedlines teredbythepresenceofvalleydegreesoffreedom. Asili- representemptystatesavailableinthereservoirs. (c)Relative consystemwithanorbitalspacinglargerthanthevalley comparison of tunneling rates between states with identical splitting, such as an isolated donor, is predicted to have and opposite valley composition. Inset: current stability dia- a Kondo periodicity of four29, as in carbon nanotubes30. gramfromwhichthevalueI(cid:52)andI♦usedinEquation(1)are Figure 3 provides the first experimental signature of a obtained. (d) Transport data before the onset of conduction spin-valley Kondo effect reflecting the fourfold degener- through the donor. The sensitivity is tuned to magnify the current contribution of QD. The first peak shows the asym- acy of the first orbital shell. The hallmark of the Kondo metry due to the opposite valley polarization of the source perturbed transport lies in the increase of conductance and drain electrodes and the consequent valley blockade. GS by lowering the temperature down to 4.2 K at N = 1, andESdenotethegroundandtheexcitedstaterespectively. 2 and 3. Such fingerprint is not observed at N = 4 as no unpaired spin-valley degrees can be screened by the Fermiseaoftheleads. InFigure4atheKondoresonance at V = −7 mV is marked with a green rhombus. The sd non-zero conductance background from |V | (cid:38) 5 mV is sd attributed to inelastic cotunneling. To discern the con- Γ . tribution to conductance due to cotunneling from that out At the stationary state I =I ≡I. Because of the Kondo-related, the opposite temperature dependence of left right valley blockade, we consider ΓX (cid:28) Γ0 . By further as- the two second-order transport mechanisms is exploited. in in suming similar couplings between the donor and the two ByheatingthesampletheKondoresonanceprogressively reservoirs (Γ0 ∼Γ ), we obtain: dampstillvanishingat24K,whilethecotunnelingback- in out ground is enhanced24. I 1 The neutral charge configuration of the donor D0 is (cid:52) (cid:39)1− (1) qd I♦ 1+2ΓXin/Γ0in shown in detail in the right part of Figure 2a. The selec- tion rule on valley parity underlying the valley blockade I(cid:52) and I♦ are evaluated from the data plotted in the regimeisreflectedinsecond-orderKondotransport: only inset of Figure 2c, so that the ratio ΓX/Γ0 is extracted those processes for which the parity index is conserved in in for different values of gate voltage. clearly stand out from the cotunneling background. Fig- 4 by V for tunneling amplitude of processes preserving 0 the valley index and V for exchanges between different X valleys (m and m¯ indicate opposite parity indices).33 Thelackofazero-biasKondopeakrevealsanintervalley couplingV smallerthantheintravalleytermV . Kondo X 0 processes at V = −7 mV preserve the electron valley sd parity: the Hamiltonian in Equation (2) reduces to the highsymmetricformwithjusttheV intravallycoupling 0 term. ItcorrespondstoaSU(4)-symmetricKondomodel arising from a twofold spin degeneracy combined with a twofold valley degeneracy; as the cotunneling onset marks a non-zero valley splitting weakly dependent on V (Fig. 2a), the condition of nearly-degenerate valleys g is here achieved by setting a bias equal or larger than ∆. Spin-valley Kondo usually associates with spin-valley blockade, as reported for carbon nanotubes21,30 where reservoirs and dot are formed within the same tube. Here, as the wave functions in the leads are built from electron states of As with same orbital symmetry as the electron state at the P in the channel, the exper- iment reveals that in the device under investigation such maintenance of symmetry is achieved thanks to the specific distribution of As atoms in the reservoir FIG. 4. (Color online) Conductance as a function of bias in areas. In III-V semiconductors SU(4) symmetric Kondo the N = 1 and N = 2 configurations. On the right relative emerges either from spin-charge entanglement in two Kondo processes. (a) If the valley parity is conserved the electrostatically coupled quantum dots34 or by inducing Kondo resonance is observed (Vsd = −7) mV, whereas at multiorbitalgroundstatesinverticaldots35. Inourcase, V =0,+7mVtheKondoeventsarepreventedbythevalley sd two important clues point towards the SU(4) symmetry: blockade. (b) Schematics describing spin-SU(2) Kondo effect firstly, at operating temperatures of the order of the in presence of valley mixing. Kondo temperature T the SU(4) physics dominates K1 over the SU(2); secondly, the energy difference between the Kondo peak and the excited state (∼ 0.8 meV) is ure4areportsasectionoftheCoulombdiamond. Kondo comparabletoT 32. Thecombinedemergenceofvalley K1 eventswithandwithoutvalleyflipsoftheelectronbound blockade and SU(4) Kondo effect leads to a unified to the donor (expected at Vsd = +7 mV and 0 mV picture of quantum transport based on valley parity respectively20,29,31, marked by black arrows) do not ap- conservation during tunneling. pear. Differently from N = 1, the Kondo effect at N = 2 The general Anderson Hamiltonian including valley de- emerges as a zero bias resonance. The participation of grees of freedom reads as32 the excited state e would imply a Kondo temperature T ∼ ∆/k , where k is the Boltzmann constant, (cid:88) (cid:88) K2 B B H = εkc†kmσckmσ+ εmσd†mσdmσ yielding TK2 ∼70 K, a value that can be easly excluded kmσ mσ thanks to the experimental data reported in Figure + (cid:88)U n n + (cid:88)V (c† d +d† c ) 3. Therefore the single-particle level picture has to mm(cid:48) m↑ m(cid:48)↓ 0 kmσ mσ mσ kmσ be replaced with two-electron states obtained from mm(cid:48) kmσ (cid:88) Slater determinants. Following the formalism previously + V (c† d +d† c ) X km¯σ mσ mσ km¯σ adopted, the orbital part of such determinants is a kmσ combination of e and o states, and the spin component (2) is either a singlet |S(cid:105) or a triplet |T(cid:105). Their total antisymmetric tensor products provides the two-particle wherec†,ccreateandannihilatenon-interactingfermions √ states: |S(cid:105)|e,e(cid:105), |S(cid:105)|o,o(cid:105), |T(cid:105)(|o,e(cid:105) − |e,o(cid:105))/ 2 and in the leads, ε is the single-particle energy level of √ mσ |S(cid:105)(|o,e(cid:105)+|e,o(cid:105))/ 2. The electron-electron interaction the donor localized state with valley m and spin σ, d† further mixes the orbital components associated to and d are the creation and annihilation operators of the three spin singlets. As a result, both singlets and this state, U the intra (m = m(cid:48)) or inter (m (cid:54)= m(cid:48)) mm(cid:48) triplets have as orbital counterpart a linear combination valley Coulomb repulsion and n = d†d is the number of different valley parities (see Appendix). The Kondo operator; c†d and d†c describe tunneling events between transport takes origin when an electron in the reservoir a spin-valley state in the reservoir and a spin-valley level with a well-defined valley parity tunnels through a of the donor and viceversa. The channels involving the barrier by changing its valley index to form the com- coupling of the donor with the reservoirs are weighted 5 binations of mixed valley eigenstates above mentioned. fromthermal-activatedorphoton-assistedbackground24. For this reason these Kondo exchanges do not suffer any Next, the Kondo resonance suppression is investigated effect of the valley blockade previously discussed: the byvaryingthefrequency. Thezerobiasresonanceatthe V mixingchannelgovernstheKondotransitionswithin lowest filling at which it is observed, namely N = 2 at X the N = 2 diamond. The exchange integral between V = 34 mV, is studied under microwave irradiation at g wave functions with different combinations of valleys different frequencies. Above 30 GHz the photon energy is negligible22: in the limit of non-interacting spins |S(cid:105) approaches k T and the microwave-induced suppres- B K2 and |T(cid:105) are degenerate in energy. Hence, each level sion curves collapse over a single trend24, revealing that admits spin flip Kondo processes at zero bias (sketch in this regime the microwave field perturbs the coherent in Figure 4b). The ground and the first two-electron spinflipeventsunderlyingtheKondotransport. Because excited level are coupled with the conduction electrons ofthehighworkingtemperatureanappreciablesuppres- of the leads through two orthogonal scattering channels, sion is achieved when many photons cooperate to bring leading to a two-level SU(2) Kondo effect. That one theKondostateoutofequilibrium,eV >hν. Weunder- ω with higher Kondo temperature is activated here. The linethatsuchsuppressivetrendstandsoutindependently vanishingoftheexchangeinteractionhampersaunivocal from the choice of the background fitting function24. labeling of our Kondo at N = 2 as under, double-fully The systematic comparison among the Kondo reso- or overscreened type. nances at N = 1,2,3 by varying the power of a 30 Such an anomalous Kondo effect at even occupancy GHz excitation is carried out. In Figure 5 the ratio is inherently related to the non-zero momentum of (dI/dV ) /(dI/dV ) is plotted as a function of sd peak sd dark silicon conduction band edges. In III-V direct-gap the parameter eV /k T . Here ”dark” corresponds to ω B K semiconductor devices integer total spin states may thetotalabsenceofanyexternalmicrowavesignal. Such lead to the appearance of Kondo peaks at even electron renormalization allows a direct comparison of the three fillings. In Ref. 36 a magnetic field brings singlet and cases N = 1,2,3 taking into account for the different triplet into degeneracy, giving rise to singlet-triplet Kondo temperature. Microwave irradiation affects the Kondo transitions at zero-bias. Alternatively, by means Kondo resonance for all the three occupancies. Such of an electric field the orbital spacing of two adjacent suppression can be ascribed to the quenching effect of levels can be tuned37 to promote the spin triplet state the microwave photons rather than to heating, that is as the ground state. In the system under investigation excludedbytheestimationoftheelectronictemperature suchconditionisexperimentallyruledout, asbyvarying by means of Coulomb blockade thermometry. Under the V the Kondo resonance remains pinned at zero bias. assumption of temperature-broadened peak, i.e a cosh−2 g Within the N = 3 diamond the contribution to lineshape,weregisteranincreaseof∼0.8Katthemaxi- zero-bias conductance due to the Kondo effect (third mumpower(-5dBmnominally)withrespecttothebase panel of Fig. 3 and Fig. 4c) is attributed to the temperature in dark conditions. The weak thermal sup- unpaired spin of the third electron fully screened by pression expected in this range of temperatures cannot themany-bodyspinoftheelectronsinthereservoirs9–11. account for the complete destruction of the Kondo reso- nance,whichhastobeattributedtothemicrowavefield. At amplitudes of energy oscillations smaller or compa- rable to the Kondo binding energies, such behavior is ascribable to adiabatic variations of the bias combined C. Microwave suppression of Kondo effect withweakmodulationsofthegatepotential41,42,though their separate contribution is difficult to evaluate. By Finally the attention is turned to the perturbation of increasing the power of irradiation the rate of photon- the system by means of a tunable microwave irradia- induced events increases as well, progressively inhibiting tion. In this section the experimental microwave sup- the Kondo processes. pression of the Kondo effect, previously observed in di- Theresponsetomicrowavesignaldiffersamongthecases rect bandgap semiconductors38–40, is experimentally ad- N = 1,2,3, as shown in Figure 5. The slope of the dressed in a multi-valley semiconductor like Si. suppression curve for N = 1 is smaller than that for As the setup is equipped with an unmatched coaxial N = 2,3, which by contrast are comparable. An exten- cable employed as an antenna, the random microwave sive theory41,42 has been developed for a single spin 1/2 field distribution induces oscillations both to bias and to intheKondoregime(i.e. T (cid:28)T )perturbedbyphotons donor chemical potential. An empirical conversion be- K with hν > k T . Though a well-established theoretical tween nominal power P and effective amplitude of the B K analysis is still lacking for the mentioned working condi- perturbation V on the donor site38 is established for ω tions (multi-valley semiconductor, hν ∼ k T ) we can eachelectronoccupancy(N =1,2,3)(detailsreportedin B K infer valuable information from our experimental data. Supplemental Material24). However, the microwave cou- ThedifferentsuppressiveratesofFigure5suggestacon- plingwiththequantumsystem, aswellasthelinetrans- nection between the Kondo symmetries of the three oc- mission efficiency, varies also at different frequencies. cupancies. Itisnotablethattheoccupancieswithsimilar For this reason, we first developed a robust background dampingrateshavecomparableKondotemperaturesand subtraction procedure to isolate the Kondo resonances 6 1.0 k 0.8 ar d d s V 0.6 d dI/ / d 0.4 s V d dI/ 0.2 N = 1 N = 2 N = 3 = 30 GHz 0.0 1 10 eV /kBTK FIG.6. (Coloronline)(a)DifferentialconductanceoftheD qd FIG.5. (Coloronline)NormalizedKondopeakamplitudesfor resonance without microwave irradiation. (b) Same stability N = 1,2,3 as functions of eVω/kBTK for the three different diagrammeasuredat-17.5dBm,-10dBm,-7.5dBm,-5dBm, occupancies. -2.5 dBm and 0 dBm nominal powers with a frequency of 30 GHz. The asymmetry due to the valley blockade is not influenced by the microwave irradiation. CONCLUSIONS the same underlying symmetry. Such suppressive trends ValleyblockadeandmultielectronKondorelatedtrans- arequalitativelyinagreementwithpreviousobservations in SU(2) spin Kondo effect38,40. port are observed in a single P donor silicon transistor. The Kondo perturbed regime arises at partial filling of The reasons of the different rate for N = 1 are not un- thefirstspin-valleyshellofsilicon,N =1,2,3. AtN =1 ambiguouslyaddressed. Ontheonehand,themicrowave occupancy the pure valley blockade occuring between suppressioncouldbelessefficientonSU(4)thanonSU(2) donor and leads selects Kondo spin-valley processes at symmetry due to different couplings of the microwave non-zero bias consistent with a SU(4) symmetry. Mixed field to spin and to valley degrees. On the other hand, even-odd valley states originate spin SU(2) Kondo reso- as T > T ,T , stating the different symmetry at K1 K2 K3 nances at zero bias when 2 and 3 electrons are confined. N =1,theenergycarriedby30GHzphotonsmayresult The Kondo effect is not observed when the shell is com- tobelesseffectiveinperturbingtheKondoeffectbecause plete at N = 4, as predicted. Finally, microwave driven of the higher binding energy k T . B K1 oscillationssuppressallthethreeKondoresonanceswhile Overall, our results show the effectiveness of microwave leaving the valley blockade phenomenology unaffected. suppression over the first spin-valley shell, suggesting a possible extension of the theory of Refs. 41, 42 beyond the context of standard spin 1/2 Kondo effect. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Finally,weinvestigatetheeffectofmicrowaveirradiation on the valley blockade regime. The valley selection rules are not perturbed by the 30 GHz microwave irradiation. The device has been designed and fabricated by the In Figure 6 no significant variations with respect to the AFSiD Project partners under the coordination of M. dark condition appear in the asymmetric D+ ↔ D0 Sanquer. The authors acknowledge S. Cocco for techni- qd qd peak by increasing the microwave power. At the Fermi cal assistance and M. Belli, A. Chang and D. Culcer for levels of the reservoirs the valley parity electronic states fruitful discussions. are not altered and the valley blockade phenomenology is fully preserved8. Such experimental result suggests thatthemicrowavesuppressionoftheKondoresonanceis APPENDIX mainly due to spin coherence breaking, while valley fluc- tuationsremainunaffected. TheKondopeakatN =1is In this Appendix the spin-valley states are explicitly effectively suppressed at V = 2 mV24. Non-zero peaks expressed. In Table I we connect our formalism to the ω of Figure 5 can be therefore ascribed to competing deco- effective-mass theory of Hada and Eto22 by writing the herent mechanisms like thermal fluctuations or inelastic states in both bases. For the two-particle states the su- cotunneling. perscript 1 labels the first electron wave function and 2 the second electron wave function. 7 By taking into account the Coulomb interaction the triplet apart, remain. An example of the orbital 1 between the two electrons as a perturbation, part of a spin singlet is √1 e2iθ(cid:2)−isin2θ(|e,e(cid:105)+|o,o(cid:105))+ t4hπe(cid:15)(cid:15)0e|irg1e−nrf2u|nctions can be written as linear combination cos2θ(|o,e(cid:105)+|e,o(cid:105))(cid:3), whi2ch shows how both even and of Slater determinants. The Coulomb interaction is spin odd valley parities contribute. independent, so mixed singlet-triplet states annihilate, and just combinations between the three singlets, and Spin Orbital Even-odd formalism Ref. 22 formalism |e(cid:105) √1 (ψz+e−iθψ−z) 2 Single |↓(cid:105), |↑(cid:105) particle |o(cid:105) √1 (ψz−e−iθψ−z) 2 |ee(cid:105) e−iθ(ψ(1)ψ(2)+ψ(1)ψ(2))+ 1(ψ(1)ψ(2)+ψ(1)ψ(2)e−2iθ) 2 z −z −z z 2 z z −z −z |S(cid:105) |oo(cid:105) −e−iθ(ψ(1)ψ(2)+ψ(1)ψ(2))+ 1(ψ(1)ψ(2)+ψ(1)ψ(2)e−2iθ) 2 z −z −z z 2 z z −z −z √12(|eo(cid:105)+|oe(cid:105)) √12(ψz(1)ψz(2)−ψ−(1z)ψ−(2z)e−2iθ) Two particles |T (cid:105) + |T−(cid:105) √12(|eo(cid:105)−|oe(cid:105)) e√−i2θ(ψ−(1z)ψz(2)−ψz(1)ψ−(2z)) |T (cid:105) 0 TABLE I. Conversion table between the even-odd formalism adopted in the main text and the formalism of Ref. 22 . SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL Estimated energies of the P atom InFigure1bofthemaintexttwoseriesofconductancepeaksdifferingbyanorderofmagnitudeappear. Red-orange (i.e. high-current) diamonds give a unique lever-arm factor α, thus a single coupling with the gate, observed up to N = 5. The blue diamonds of Figure 1b have a different lever-arm factor. The pair of interlaced diamond patterns with different lever-arm factors suggests a circuital scheme with two conductive paths in parallel (D and QD) with qd a negligible inter-conductance43. The first is associated to a phosphorus atom, labeled as D , while the second to a qd disorder-assisted quantum dot (QD), like previously observed in similar samples. D localized states arise from the qd hybridization of Coulomb potential of a donor, with the gate-induced potential well at the Si/SiO interface44. 2 Accordingtothedopingconcentration,weexpect6-12donorsinthevolumeofthechannel. Byloweringtemperature thermal transport is progressively quenched so that the threshold voltage V can be easly extracted from the TH linear part of the G(V ) characteristics, see Figure 7a. At 300 K the subthreshold current is ascribed to thermally g broadened tunnelings through the dopants of the active region45 (Fig. 7b). At cryogenic temperatures only those donorssufficientlycoupledwithbothsourceanddrainmaybeobservedfromquantumtransport. Similarlytoprevious reportsonsingleatomtransistorswithetchedchannels16,46,47,thefirstadditionenergyofD liesintherange15−40 qd meV (here U = 26.4 meV). The neutral charge state D0 is 44.7 meV below the conduction band edge marked by qd the threshold voltage. This ionization energy is very close to the 45 meV of P atoms in bulk silicon48, indicating the proximity of the atom to the gate oxide45. Such a vicinity enhances the confinement in the gate-field direction, delocalizing the electron wavefunction along the tunneling direction. The consequent strong tunnel coupling with 8 FIG. 7. (a) The threshold voltage of the D conductive path is extracted from the linear part of the G(V ) characteristics at qd g relatively high temperatures. The contribution to G of the QD island is here neglected being one order of magnitude weaker. (b) The presence of donors in the channel is confirmed by the subthreshold current at room temperature. FIG. 8. (a) Raw data of the Kondo resonance for N = 2 at different microwave power at 30 GHz frequency. Dashed arrows identify the background enhancement due to photon assisted tunneling, whereas the solid arrow highlights the suppressive trend of the Kondo resonance. (b) Same data after background subtraction. reservoirs allows for cotunneling and Kondo processes. The conclusive argument to attribute the high conductance peaks to a donor is provided by the valley splitting ∆. It is estimated from the dI/dV curves as the center of the cotunneling step, see data analysis in Subtraction of the sd Background section. The value of about 6.2 meV is indeed inconsistent with the typical valley splitting of (cid:46) 1 meV of a Si/SiO quantum dot49. 2 Subtraction of the background In this section we show that the height of the Kondo peak is irrespective from the choice of the background model. ThequantitativeanalysisoftheKondocontributiontoconductanceisperformedbytakingintoaccountbothinelastic cotunnelingandthermalactivatedtransport. ByincreasingmicrowavepowertheKondopeakamplitudedecreases,as a result of oscillating bias and decoherent microwave-induced processes like spin flip cotunneling; on the other hand, thebackgroundconductanceinCoulombblockedregionsincreasesduetophotonassistedtunnelling. Thecotunneling step enhances as well, as predicted by Flensberg50 and experimentally confirmed in Refs. 51 and 52. To discriminate the effects, the data analysis reported in Ref. 53 allows to isolate the Kondo physics from other competitive effects. In Figure 8 the zero bias Kondo resonance for N =2 is shown at different microwave power values, namely the dark signalandatthenominalappliedpower-17dBm,-15dBm,-11dBmand-8dBm,beforeandafterdataanalysis,with 9 Data N = 3 Parabola 2.50 2-Exponential Dark signal P = -25 dBm 2-Boltzmann 2.25 )h 2/ e 3 -0 2.00 1 ( d 2.50 s V d P = -20 dBm P = -15 dBm dI/ 2.25 2.00 -2 -1 0 1 -2 -1 0 1 Vsd (mV) FIG. 9. Examples of the background fitting using three different functions: a parabola (red), double exponential (blue) and double Boltzmann (green). The data refer to the N =3 Coulomb diamond with a 30 GHz radiation except the top-left panel. At -15 dBm the Kondo resonance is completely suppressed. the microwave frequency fixed at 30 GHz. Without any background subtraction at the higher microwave power, i.e. from -11 to -8 dBm, it is difficult to distinguish the Kondo resonance from the Coulomb valley bottom. In Figure 8b theKondopeakisdecoupledfrombackgroundaccordingtothefollowingprocedure. Wefirstsystematicallytestthree different background functions for N = 1,2,3. A parabolic, a double exponential and a double Boltzmann fittings are imposed in the proximity of the resonances53. As an example we report in Fig. 9 the data analysis for N = 3. Generallyparabolaoradoubleexponentialfunctionsreturnalowerboundforexperimentalbackgroundsignal, while the double Boltzmann gives a fit closer to data. Table II reports the adjusted coefficients R2 obtained by fitting the data of Figure 9. It confirms the qualitative conclusions previously derived: the parabolic fit is characterized by the lowest R2 among the tested functional forms, thus signaling the biggest deviation from the experimental data. The double exponential returns a R2 value close, but generally lower, to the double Boltzmann. Analogous results, not shown here, are obtained for N =1,2. According to these results the data in Figure 5 of the main text and Figs. 8, Parabola Double exponential Double Boltzmann 0.982 0.985 0.985 0.986 0.987 0.992 0.980 0.982 0.982 0.965 0.981 0.986 TABLE II. : Adjusted R2 for the fits shown in Fig. 9. 10, 11, 12, 14 are extracted after a 2-Boltzmann background subtraction. Once determined the best functional form of the background signal, the next step is the data analysis of the resulting Kondo resonance. To evaluate the height of such resonances for N = 2,3 we use a simple Lorentzian (the theoretical shape of the Kondo peak at non-zero temperatures is still debated): 2A w g =g + (3) 0 π 4(V −V )2+w2 sd c 10 Background: 2-Boltzmann 0.3 g0 = (-1.90 – 0.05)•10-4 Data Vsd = -0.120 – 0.006 Lorentzian 32 e/h ) 0.2 wA r==ed (6=4. 2.244. 1 ––3 060. .1•01)9•01-05 -3 - 0 1 ( d 0.1 s V d dI/ 0.0 N = 2 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 Vsd (mV) FIG. 10. Example of a Lorentzian fit performed after background subtraction. The data shown are taken at a nominal microwave power of -19 dBm at 15 GHz, in the N =2 valley. Background: 2-Boltzmann Kondo Data 1.25 Cotunneling step fit Kondo peak fit h) Global fit 2 / e 1.00 Cotunneling step -3 0 (1d s V 0.75 d dI/ 0.50 N = 1 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 Vsd (mV) FIG. 11. Example of data analysis for N =1. The non-zero bias resonance is characterized by a non trivial shape, showing a shoulder at -6.2 mV due to the cotunneling step. where the fitting parameters are g , A, w and V . The Lorentzian fits adequately the data, as reported in Fig. 10 0 c where a -19 dBm irradiation is applied at 15 GHz. Inordertoevaluateanddiscriminatespin-valleyKondoeffectfrominelasticcotunnelingatN =1weadoptamodified approach. Thecotunnelingsignalispredictedtobeastepsmoothedbytemperature,superimposedonabackground; in some cases it can be characterized by a cusp-like resonance54. In absence of an overall functional form describing the simultaneous presence of Kondo effect, inelastic cotunneling and background signal we choose to fit our data with the sum of two Lorentzians (one fits the Kondo resonance and one fits the cotunneling resonance) superimposed to each of the three fitting functions mentioned above. At 4.2 K and in dark conditions, the two Lorentzian result centered at V =−6.2 mV and V =−7 mV, which are identified as the cotunneling and Kondo peak respectively. sd sd The best R2 (= 0.92) are obtained with the double Boltzmann choice, returning the satisfactory fits of Figure 11. As shown in Fig. 13, the Kondo resonance height behaviour is insensitive to the chosen background function. It is worthy to note that the fitting procedure with double Lorentzians returns good results when the two resonances are comparable. As soon as one prevails on the other this procedure will never return a complete suppression, producing an artificial saturation of the height of the decreasing peak. We finally remark with Figure 12a that the Kondo peak decreases by increasing of microwave power whereas the cotunneling behaves oppositely. The net result consists in a shift of the position of the conductance maximum towards less negative biases, as visible in Figure 12b.

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