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Validity of Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Soft Matter Sangrak Kim Department of Physics, Kyonggi University 154-42 Gwangyosanro, Youngtong-ku, Suwon 440-760, Korea (Dated: January 15, 2013) In this work, we analytically examine the validity of molecular dynamics for a soft potential 3 systembyconsideringasimpleone-dimensionalsystemwithapiecewisecontinuouslinearrepulsive 1 potentialwallhavingaconstantslopea. Wederiveanexplicitanalyticalexpressionforaninevitable 0 energy change ∆E duetothediscrete process, which is dependenton two parameters: 1) α, which 2 is a fraction of time step τ immediately after the collision with the potential wall, and 2) µ≡ aτ, n where p0 is themomentum immediately before thecollision. The whole space of parameters α apn0d a µcanbedividedintoaninfinitenumberofregions,whereeachregioncreatesapositiveornegative J energy change ∆E. On the boundaries of these regions, energy does not change, i.e,∆E =0. The envelope of |∆E| vs. µ shows a power law behavior |∆E|∝µβ, with the exponent β ≈0.95. This 3 1 implies that the round-off error in energy introduced by the discreteness is nearly proportional to thediscrete time step τ. ] h PACSnumbers: 02.70.Ns,02.70.Bf,02.60.-x p Keywords: MolecularDynamics,Finite-differenceMethods,NumericalMethods - p m Hard, or completely impenetrable, core particles have If the total energy of the system is different from the o an excluded volume effect. To simulate a hard-core sys- initial energy, the system may show very different ther- c tem,weuseevent-drivenmethods[1]-[2]todeterminethe modynamicanddynamicbehaviors,whichnolongercor- . s timeatwhichthehard-coreparticlescollide. Atthetime respond to the original objective. Therefore, it is im- c of collision, the longitudinal component of the velocities portant to know how the total energy changes with the i s is exchanged, but the transverse component of the ve- system control parameters in the simulations. y locities remains the same after the collision. Therefore, In this article, we derive an analytical expression for h their total energy is completely conserved, and there is energy change ∆E in a very simple system. The system p absolutely no energy drift. is composed of a simple particle colliding with the soft [ In reality, atoms usually have a soft repulsive core. potential wall in one-dimension. The soft potential wall 1 This can be modeled by exponential or power functional is modeled as a piecewise linear potential, as shown in v forms [3]-[4]. For example, noble gases such as argons Fig. 1: 8 can be described by the Lennard-Jones potential 6 7 V (r)=4ǫ[(r)−12−(r)−6], (1) 0, if q ≥0, 2 LJ σ σ V(q)= (3) (cid:26)aq, otherwise, . 1 where ǫ and σ characterize the energy and length scales, 0 respectively. where q is a coordinate of the particle and a < 0 is a 3 In molecular dynamics simulations [2], we usually cal- constantthatcharacterizestheslopeofthepotential. For 1 culatethepositionsandvelocitiesoftheparticlesbysolv- simplicity, we take the mass of the particle as m=1. In : v ing the Newtonian equations of motion, region I, where q ≥ 0, the particle moves freely with Xi d2r~ the Hamiltonian H(p,q) = p2, which is quite trivial. In r mi dt2i =F~i(r~1,··· ,r~N),i=1,··· ,N, (2) region II, where q < 0, it m2oves with the Hamiltonian a H(p,q)= p2 +aq. for all the particles in the system. The system governed 2 The velocityVerletalgorithm,asymplectic algorithm, by the Newtonian equations of motion has some inter- is used to solve Eq. (2). For region I, it is written as esting properties such as time reversibility, energy con- servation, and so on [5]. Molecular dynamics is a digital computingimplementationofthiscontinuousdifferential qn = q0+nτpn, (4) equation into its corresponding discrete difference equa- (cid:26) pn = p0, tion. Thus, keeping energy constant is a key measure in and for region II, it is written as assessing the validity of molecular dynamics. An inevitable loss of accuracy is caused by represent- qn+1 = qn+τpn− 12aτ2, (5) ing a derivative by its finite-difference approximation, (cid:26) pn+1 = pn−aτ. termeda round-offerrorindigitalcomputing. Manydif- ferent molecular dynamics algorithms [6]-[8] have been Atypicaldiscretetrajectoryfora=0.1,τ =0.5,start- proposed to solve Eq. (2). ing at q0 =5.1,p0 =−1.0, is shown in Fig. 2. Note that 2 0.9 II I 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 q) V( 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 −0.1 −10 −5 0 5 10 q FIG. 1: (Color on-line) Potential model for a soft potential FIG.3: (Coloron-line)Divisionsofαandµspaceuptonc = wall with slope a = 0.1. If a particle has an energy E0 = 10. These divisions can continue up to nc → ∞. The cross 0.5,continuousdynamicspredictsthattheparticlewillreflect pointswithabscissa aregivenbytheformulaµ= nc2−1,nc = at q = −5.0, but in molecular dynamics, the particle may 2,··· ,∞. All points on the vertical lines and diagonal lines, penetrate furtherinto thesoft wall. except α = 0 show ∆E = 0. Upper right-angled triangles show ∆E >0, denoted with the+ symbol shown in thebox. Lower right-angled triangles show ∆E <0, denoted with the − symbol shown in the box. The numbers shown in the box are thenumbernc. 5 4 3 2 1 n+n 1 n c 0.8 q 0 0.6 −1 0.4 −2 0.2 −3 E ∆ −4 0 −5 −0.2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 µ=0.4 t −0.4 µ=0.42 µ=0.44 FIG. 2: (Color on-line) A typical particle trajectory for a = −0.6 µ=0.46 0.1,τ =0.5startingat q0 =5.1with p0=−1.0. Thenumber µ=0.48 −0.8 nisthenumberofstepsimmediatelybeforethecollisionwith 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 α the potential wall when the particle enters from region I to II. The number n+nc is the number of steps immediately afterthecollision withthepotentialwallwhentheparticleis FIG. 4: (Color on-line) Energy change ∆E vs. parameter α leaving region II. This corresponds to α= 0.9. Note that in for differentvaluesof µ. Thiscorresponds toseeing a change regionI,thetrajectoryisastraightline,denotedwithastar, along the vertical lines on the regions ’4 -’ and ’5 +’ in Fig. butinregionII,itisaparabola,denotedwithafilledsphere. 3. inregionI,thetrajectoryis astraightline,denotedwith the wall and then finally, leaves the region II. Let n de- a star symbol, whereas in region II, the trajectory is a notethenumberofstepsimmediatelybeforethecollision parabola, denoted with a filled sphere symbol. We now andn+n denote thenumberofstepsimmediately after c examine the beginning and end of the collision with the thecollision. Then,n wouldbethenumberofstepsthat c wall. As the particle enters a line q =0 from region I to occur during the collision. As shownin Fig. 2, when the region II, it experiences a constant repulsive force from particle enters the potential wall, it has a different value 3 Parameter α is in the range of 0 < α ≤ 1, and µ is in 10 α=0.1 therangeof0<µ≤1sincen isanintegergreaterthan α=0.5 c 5 α=0.9 1. From Eq. (8), for a fixed value of µ, the number of E ∆ collisionsnc changesby1overthewholerangeofαfrom 0 0 to 1, since n (α = 1)−n (α =0)=1 for any value of c c −50 0.5 1 1.5 2 µ. If ξ =µ(nc−1)=2, then ∆E =0 for any value of α. µ Thus, vertical lines µ = 2 for n = 2,··· ,∞ divide nc−1 c theparameterspaceintoaninfinitenumberofsubspaces, 100 asshowninFig. 3. Straightlinesα=(n −1)(1n µ−1) c 2 c ∆ E for nc =2,··· ,∞ divide the subspaces into two regions: upper trianglesshowapositive changein∆E, andlower 10−5 trianglesshowanegativechangein∆E. Atpointsonthe 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 100 boundaries, ∆E = 0. In Fig. 3, the regions are denoted µ with different colors and a pair of symbols including a number n and a symbol, ’+’ or ’-’, up to n =10. c c FIG. 5: (Color on-line) Energy change ∆E vs. parameter µ along the horizontal lines in Fig. 3 for different values of parameterα. Upperpanel: ∆E vs. µ. Lowerpanel: log|∆E| Energy changes ∆E as a function of α for different vs. logµ. The straight line shown in the lower panel has a values of µ are illustrated in Fig. 4. These correspond slope of 0.95. to seeing a change of ∆E along the vertical lines on the regions’4 -’,and’5+’inFig. 4. Forthe caseofµ=0.4, every point except α=0 gives ∆E =0. For other cases, ∆E =0 occurs when crossing the diagonal lines. of qn+1, depending on the previous position qn. We pa- rameterize this as α, the fraction of time during which the particle moves in region II from qn to qn+1. Thus, Fig. 5 shows the results of ∆E as a function of µ for α = 0 corresponds to qn+1 = 0, and α = 1 corresponds different values of α. The upper panel shows ∆E vs. µ to q = 0. The parameter α can take a value in (0, 1]. and the lower panel shows log|∆E| vs. logµ. We find n The case shown in Fig. 2 corresponds to α = 0.9. In that the envelope of log|∆E| is linear with a slope of thesimulations,weactuallyencountermanydifferentre- 0.95. This exponent governsthe energy fluctuation from alizations of α; however, unfortunately, we do not know the round-off error of a discrete time step τ. the distribution of α a priori. Wederiveanalyticalexpressionsforthenumberofcol- Although we havedemonstratedthe validity of molec- lisions nc and the relative energy change during the col- ulardynamicsfromaverysimplesystemforsoftmatter, lision, defined by theresultscanbegeneralizedtoawiderangeofsystems. Furthermore, if we recognize many realizations of colli- ∆E ≡ pn+nc2−pn2. (6) sions, then energy fluctuations, or energy drifts in the p 2 n system are coming from distributions of just two vari- ables: 1) α, which is related to the phase of the collision The number of collisions n is calculated from the in- c withthe potentialwallwhenthe particleentersitand2) equality p , which is different from collision to collision. n n (n −1) (α−1)τp +n τp − c c aτ2 ≥0, (7) n c n 2 In summary,we considereda very simple system com- so that n can be obtained from posed of a particle entering a linear repulsive potential c wall with a constant slope a. By applying the velocity 1+ 1µ+ (1+ 1µ)2+2(α−1)µ Verlet algorithm, the incoming momentum pn and the 2 2 nc =Ceil( q ), (8) outgoingmomentumpn+nc couldbederived. Further,we µ also derived the collision number n and energy change c whereµ≡ aτ andthefunctionCeil(x)denotesthemini- ∆E. These two values depended on only two parame- pn ters, α and µ, with ranges of 0 < α ≤ 1 and 0 < µ ≤ 1, mumintegerlargerthanx. Thequantityaτ corresponds respectively. The parameter space created by α and µ to the magnitude of momentum generated by the force could be divided into regions by the values n and signs field in a time step τ, and thus, parameter µ is the ratio c of ∆E. An energy change of 0, i.e., ∆E = 0, was only of this momentum and the momentum of the incoming seen on the boundaries of the regions. The envelope of particle. The relativeenergychange∆E is calculatedby log|∆E| followed a power law with an exponent of 0.95. ∆E =ξ(ξ−2), (9) Roughly speaking, |∆E|≈µ0.95. Finally, any two parti- cles with a soft repulsive potential core could be treated whereξ ≡µ(n −1). Notethatn and∆E arefunctions inthe same wayif we introducedthe reducedcoordinate c c of only two dimensionless parameters, α and µ. system. This needs to be examined further. 4 Acknowledgement Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education Sci- ence and Technology (2012-0002969). 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