NAME THE PENTANDRA OF SYMPLOCOS (SYMPLOCACEAE) VALIDATION Almeda Joao M. Aranha W. and Frank Peter Luiz Filho Fritsch Angela Martins B. Department of Plant Biology CEP CP.6109, 13083-970, Campinas, SP, I ABSTRACT DC. 2008) comprises 25 Symplocos section Barberina A. (sensu Fritsch species distributed (Veil.) et ca. al. in eastern Asia and the Americas. Species within this section are recognized by their hermaphroditic or dioecious breeding system, basally connate corolla, stamens that are adnate to the corolla only at the base, terete filaments that are either distinct or united only at the base, 3-carpellate ovary, l-(2-3) locular fruit with 1(2-3) seeds, and an embryo with the radicle usually longer than the cotyledons (rarely shorter; Brand One endemic 1901; Fritsch 2008). of the species within this section the Brazilian Symplocos pentandra et al. is Wawra (Mattos) Occhioni. This species was originally described as a variety of by Mattos (1971) itatiaiae S. many and subsequently raised to species rank by Occhioni (1974). Specimens of this species are housed in name commonly and used on herbaria the pentandra in publications the of Brazil Sobral flora et S. is (e.g., 2006). al. we In the course of revising the South American species of Barberina have agreed with Occhioni sect. we and (1974) that pentandra should be treated as a species not a variety of 5. itatiaiae. Therefore, accept S. When pentandra in our treatment. raising itatiaiae var. pentandra to species rank, however, Occhioni S. S. where was and (1974) did not indicate the page validly published therefore did not fully cite the reference it of the basionym. Thus, under article 33.4 of the International Code Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN; McNeill of 2006), pentandra cannot be considered a validly published name. In his unpublished revision of the et al. 5. name can be Brazilian species of Symplocaceae, Bida (1995) suggested that Occhioni's pentandra treated S. new as a validly published species because Occhioni provided a holotype that was different than that of 5. itatiaiae var. pentandra and described the plant in Latin. It is clear, however, that Occhioni intended to raise pentandra the species rank, because of the author citation "Symplocos pentandra (Mattos) 5. itatiaiae var. to Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 3(2) 660 where basionym was OcchionL Nonetheless, due his omission in providing the page the validly nov." to stat. pub- and basionym work, pentandra consequently not validly published his direct reference to the S. is still ICBN, on and January 1953 an author lished. This because, according to the article 33.8 of the after 1 if is new under requirements 33.4 the combination but provide the article claims to be publishing a fails to all would name not published even the author provided at the same time other information that validly if is new name taxon (McNeill 2006). have resulted in valid publication as the of a et al. We by Schwacke, which has been considered a specimens caparaoensis studied identified as also S. Our name and Schwacke ex Gurke. observations published Mattos 1969) cited as caparaoensis validly 5. (e.g., makes same However, pentandra. of these specimens suggest that caparaoensis reference to the entity as S. S. which with therefore Gurke provided neither diagnosis nor illustration analysis for caparaoensis, is (1891) 5. and ICBN, nomen nudum. not published under 32.1(d) 42.3 of the Thus, caparaoensis validly articles a S. is (McNeill 2006). respectively et al. We We name name choose instead of caparaoensis here validate the pentandra. to validate this S. S. name. based on published because pentandra a validly 5. is ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (CNPq) The Conselho Nacional do Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico for author grateful to first is and Lakeside Foundation support during a six-month research visit to the California a Ph.D. grant the for Academy of Sciences. REFERENCES do de Symplocos (Symplocaceae) published Ph.D. 995. Revisao taxonomica das especies Jacq. Brasil. A. Bida, 1 de Sao Universidade Paulo, thesis. SP, Brazil. Engelmann, Symplocaceae. Das Pflanzenreich, IV.242 (Heft 6):1-100. Lipsia, 1901. A. Engler, ed. Brand, A. In: Germany. Symplocaceae LM. Y.Wang, Almeda, and 2008. Revised infrafamilial classification of P.W, Kriebel R. Fritsch, Kelly, F. DNA sequences and morphology. Taxon 57:823-852. on from based phylogenetic data A 65-1 and M. Symplocaceae. Engler eds. Nat. Pflanzenfam., Vol. 4(1 72. Fleisher, 1981. 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