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Valence state of Sm in single crystalline EuO thin films A. Reisner,1 D. Kasinathan,1 S. Wirth,1 L. H. Tjeng,1 and S. G. Altendorf1 1Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, No¨thnitzer Str. 40, 01187 Dresden, Germany Samarium has two stable valence states, 2+ and 3+, which coexist in many compounds forming spatially homogeneous intermediate valence states. We study the valence state of samarium when incorporated in a single crystalline EuO thin film which crystallizes in a fcc-structure similar to that of the intermediate valence SmO, but with a larger lattice constant. Due to the increased lattice spacing, a stabilization of the larger Sm2+ ion is expected. Surprisingly, the samarium incorporatedinSm Eu Othinfilmsshowsapredominantlytrivalentcharacter,asdeterminedby x 1−x x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and magnetometry measurements. We infer that the O2− ions in theEuOlatticehaveenoughroomtomovelocally,astoreducetheSm-Odistanceandstabilizethe 7 Sm3+ valence. (Dated: January 09, 2017) 1 0 2 I. INTRODUCTION (fcc) lattice with comparable lattice constants of 4.9414 n ˚A [14] and 5.1435 ˚A [15], respectively. Based on empiri- a cal estimates of the lattice constants for Sm3+O (4.917 Interest in the study of samarium containing com- J ˚A) and Sm2+O (5.15 ˚A), [13] the samarium valency in pounds has increased recently, owing to the theoreti- 1 bulk SmO was determined to be 2.9+, not inconsistent calpredictionoftopologicallynontrivialsurfacestatesin 3 with x-ray absorption spectroscopy measurements [14]. SmB6 [1, 2], the high-pressure golden phase of SmS [3], EuOontheotherhandconsistsoftheintegervalentand ] and ambient SmO [4]. The speciality of samarium arises l magnetic Eu2+, and exhibits many spectacular proper- e fromtheperpetualcompetitionbetweenitstwostableva- ties including a nearly 100% spin polarized conduction - lence states: nonmagnetic Sm2+ and a magnetic Sm3+, r band [16, 17], a metal-to-insulator transition (MIT) [18] t which is stabilized in many solids by the formation of s and a colossal magneto-resistance [19] in the slightly . spatially homogenous non-integral intermediate valence at Sm2.x+. Experimental examples of samarium contain- Eu-rich compound, as well as large magneto-optical effects [20, 21]. We utilize the well established Eu m ing intermediate valence compounds include the exten- distillation technique [12] to grow high-quality single sivelystudiedSmB [5,6];high-pressuregolden-phasesof - 6 crystalline Sm Eu O thin films by molecular beam d SmS, SmSe and SmTe [7]; ambient SmO [8]; SmFe Al x 1−x n [9]; Sm C [10]; and elemental samarium metal2itse1l0f epitaxy (MBE) under ultra high vacuum conditions. We o 2.75 60 expect that the larger EuO lattice will allow the Sm [11]. The intermediate valence state of samarium can c to be stabilized in the 2+ valence state or at least in be understood as an intra-atomic promotion of 4f elec- [ an intermediate valence state closer to 2+ compared to trons to 5d bands, going from Sm2+ (4f65d0) to Sm3+ 1 (4f55d1). Combined with the effects of strong electronic bulk SmO. v correlations and strong spin-orbit coupling, various ex- 1 otic ground states are realizable in samarium based ma- 7 1 terials. 9 In this work we select the SmO and EuO system and II. EXPERIMENTAL METHODS 0 address the question of the valence of Sm in single crys- . 1 talline EuO films. Our interest is motivated by the pro- ThinfilmsofSm Eu OweregrowninaMBEsystem x 1−x 0 posal [4] that SmO is a candidate material for having with a base pressure of 1×10−10 mbar. Prior to growth, 7 topologicallyprotectedsurfacestatesandthatathinfilm epi-polished yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) substrates 1 interface of SmO with the ferromagnetic semiconductor with a (001) surface (provided by CrysTec GmbH) were : v EuO may make an excellent contender towards realizing annealedfortwohoursat600℃inanoxygenatmosphere i thequantumanomalousHalleffectinstronglycorrelated of 5×10−7 mbar. High purity Eu metal (Ames Labora- X electron systems. While the preparation of high qual- tory)and Sm metal(Hunan HMCMetals C., Ltd.) were r a ity single crystalline EuO thin films is well established co-evaporated from effusion cells (LUXEL RADAK I). [12], noreportexiststoourknowledgeaboutSmOfilms. The Sm was additionally purified by degassing at about In fact, the synthesis of SmO as bulk material requires 1000 ℃ in a Mo ampulla before use. high pressures [13, 14], suggesting that the preparation Euwasevaporatedusingafluxrateof8.0±0.2˚A/min ofSmOinthinfilmformmaynotbepossibleusingstan- at temperatures of about 570 ℃. Sm was evaporated at dard thin film deposition techniques. As a start, we are flux rates of 0.02 - 1.5 ˚A/min at temperatures between therefore interested to make a system containing SmO6 450 - 520 ℃. Molecular oxygen was supplied via a high octahedral units by utilizing EuO as the stabilizing host precision leak valve and set to a partial pressure of material,i.e. toprepareSmxEu1−xO,andstudythelocal about 3.0×10−8 mbar during film growth. The YSZ properties of the Sm. substrates were heated to 400 ℃ during deposition. BothSmOandEuOcrystallizeinafacecenteredcubic These growth parameters were calibrated to fulfill the 2 FIG.1. (a)RHEEDimageoftheEuOthinfilmwith9%Sm. (b)correspondingRHEEDintensityoscillationsofthespecularly reflected electron beam. (c) LEED pattern of the EuO film with 9% Sm recorded at 61 eV. Sm concentration (%) Thickness (nm) zation, the films were covered with a capping layer of from XPS from flux rate EuO Cr about 100 ˚A thick Cr to prevent the sensitive EuO from degradation in air. X-ray diffraction (XRD), - 2.4 39 13 x-ray reflectivity (XRR) measurements and reciprocal 5.2 5.2 38 11 space maps (RSM) were recorded in an X’Pert PRO 9.1 9.8 38 12 four circle diffractometer from PANalytical equipped 12.0 11.9 43 12 with a monochromatized Cu K radiation source and α1 17.5 13.0 43 9 a PIXcel-3D detector. The magnetic properties were 19.9 20.0 43 10 investigated using a Quantum Design MPMS XL5 mag- netometer. The magnetization curves were measured by applying an in-plane magnetic field of 50 Oe during the TABLE I. Overview of Sm concentrations as derived from x- temperaturesweeps. Detailsofthesamples-Smconcen- ray photoelectron spectra and Eu/Sm flux rates (see text), trationsandlayerthicknesses-aresummarizedintableI. and layer thicknesses as deduced from x-ray reflectivity mea- surements. Cr was used for capping. Eudistillationcondition[12]. Thegrowthwasmonitored III. RESULTS by reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) using a STAIB Instruments EK-35-R system. The ThecrystallinequalityoftheSm Eu Othinfilmsis x 1−x diffraction patterns were recorded at an electron energy confirmed by the sharp streaks of the RHEED patterns of 15 kV. After 60 minutes, the growth was terminated fortheentiresubstitutionrangereported. Anexemplary by first closing the oxygen supply and the Sm shutter electron diffraction image of the EuO sample with 9% at the same time. To avoid a formation of Eu3+ at the Sm is shown in fig. 1 (a). The intensity oscillations of film surface, after further 30 seconds the Eu shutter the specularly reflected electron beam reveal a smooth was closed and the substrate cooled down to room layer-by-layer growth (fig. 1 (b)). One can distinguish temperature. Two reference films were additionally twodifferentgrowthmechanismswhicharecharacteristic prepared: i) intermediate valence metallic Sm was for the deposition of EuO on YSZ, cf. Ref. [12]. In deposited at room temperature onto an annealed YSZ the initial growth, oxygen is supplied mainly from the substrate, ii) a trivalent Sm2O3 film was grown at room YSZ substrate yielding the first pronounced intensity temperature onto a Sm film at a Sm evaporation rate of oscillations typical for the growth of EuO on YSZ. After 7.1˚A/mininanoxygenpartialpressureof1×10−7 mbar. thecompletionoffivemonolayers,theoxygenissupplied only through the partial oxygen pressure in the growth Thefilmswereanalyzedin situ byx-rayphotoelectron chamber. The LEED pattern in fig. 1 (c) reflects the spectroscopy (XPS), utilizing a monochromatized Al fourfold symmetry of the (001) facet of the fcc rock salt K x-ray source (hν = 1486.6 eV) and a Scienta R3000 structure and indicates a well ordered single crystalline α electron energy analyzer. Spectra were collected at surface. room temperature and in normal emission geometry. Subsequently, low energy electron diffraction (LEED) The structure of the Sm Eu O thin films was x 1−x measurements were performed using a Thermo VG analyzed in more detail by ex situ XRD measurements Scienta T191 system. For further ex situ characteri- (fig. 2). The θ-2θ scans show the sharp (002) peaks 3 FIG.2. (a)θ-2θXRDscansaroundthe(002)reflectionoftheSm Eu Ofilms. (b)Thecorrespondingout-of-plane(c)lattice x 1−x parameters calculated from the 2θ value as a function of Sm concentration. (c) XRD reciprocal space map around the (113) reflection of the EuO film with 17% Sm. lattice parameter of Sm Eu O adapts to the YSZ x 1−x substrate such that the grown films are coherently strained up to a Sm substitution level of 17%, see fig. 2 (c). This is not inconsistent with the reported solubility of 14 at.% Sm in EuO bulk samples [23]. In fact, our observation that the out-of-plane lattice constant of the 17% sample does not follow the decreasing trend may indeedindicatethatwehaveexceededthesolubilityhere. To check the chemical composition and the valence states of the constituents, in situ XPS measurements were performed. The valence of the Eu atoms in Sm Eu O films can be directly deduced from the x 1−x valence band scans shown in fig. 3. The 4f7 → 4f6 transition at about 2 eV binding energy corresponds to the Eu2+ valence state. The absence of the Eu3+ peak at 7 eV confirms the purely divalent character of the Eu. With increasing Sm content, the Sm 4f states can FIG. 3. XPS spectra of the valence band region of the be recognized in the range of 4-10 eV binding energy. A SmxEu1−xO thin films for various Sm concentrations up to comparison with the trivalent Sm2O3 reference indicates 20%. For comparison, the spectra of a pure EuO film, a that the Sm valence in the films is predominantly Sm2O3 thin film and a pure Sm metal film are shown below. Sm3+. In fig. 4, we have simulated the spectrum of ThecontributionsofSm3+ andSm2+ totheintermediateva- Sm Eu O by composing a spectrum consisting 0.12 0.88 lence Sm metal spectrum are indicated. [22] of 12% trivalent Sm O and 88% divalent EuO. The 2 3 spectral weight around 5-10 eV binding energy is reproduced quite well, implying the trivalent nature of the incorporated Sm. of the YSZ substrate and, at slightly higher diffraction angles, the broader (002) peaks of the Sm Eu O films x 1−x with interference fringes, a signature of the finite layer The detection of possible Sm2+ 4f states in the thickness. With increasing Sm substitution concentra- valence band region is rather difficult due to the intense tion, the film peaks shift to larger 2θ diffraction angles, Eu2+ peak at 2 eV binding energy. For a clear detection i.e., the out-of-plane (c) lattice constant decreases. The ofSm2+,therefore,theEu3dandSm3dcorelevelswere deduced lattice parameters are summarized in fig. 2 (b). measured. Figure 5 exhibits the core level spectra with The thickness fringes vanish for high Sm substitution the integral background [25] subtracted. The integrated concentrations indicating an increasing disorder and intensityofthepeakshasbeenusedtodeterminetheSm roughness. The RSM analysis reveals that the in-plane content of Sm Eu O films, see table I. The resulting x 1−x 4 Eu:Sm ratios fit in general reasonably well with the calculated ratios deduced from the metal fluxes mea- sured using a quartz crystal microbalance and assuming identical re-evaporation rates of Eu and Sm. We note that for the film with the lowest Sm concentration of 2.4 % the Sm 3d peak intensity is only of the order of the background. Therefore, this doping level was estimated solely based on the flux ratios. The shape of the Sm 3d core levels in Sm Eu O matches well with the x 1−x ones of the Sm O reference confirming the predomi- 2 3 nantly trivalent state of Sm in our films. We do not observe any indication for the presence of metallic Sm orSm2+ withinthelimitsofthemeasurementresolution. In the next step, we investigate the influence of the Sm on the magnetic properties of EuO to verify that the Sm3+ ions are successfully integrated into the EuO matrix as indicated by the structural analysis. The incorporationoftrivalentdopantsintotheEuOlatticeis known to enhance the relatively low Curie temperature (T ) of 69 K for the stoichiometric compound [26]. C Examples include doping with trivalent rare earth ions like Gd [27–31], La [17, 27, 31, 32], Lu [31], and Nd [27] ortrivalenttransitionmetalsionslikeY[27]andSc[33]. FIG. 4. top: XPS spectra of the valence band region of the Indeed, also our Sm Eu O films show enhanced Curie pure EuO, the EuO with 12% Sm, and a Sm O thin film. x 1−x 2 3 temperatures. The temperature dependent magnetiza- bottom: A comparison of a reference spectrum composed of tion curves are presented in fig. 6. The EuO reference 12% of the Sm O spectrum and 88% of the EuO spectrum, 2 3 and the measured spectrum of the EuO thin film with 12% sample shows the typical Brillouin like shape with a Sm. TC of 69 K. Upon incorporation of Sm, TC increases significantly with a maximum of 122 K. The shape of the magnetization curves deviate from a Brillouin function (except perhaps for the 5% film), indicating the presence of phase separation, i.e., part of the film orders magnetically at 122 K and another part at 69 K or lower. The observed elevated Curie temperature of the Sm Eu O films proves the effective integration x 1−x of samarium as dopant into the EuO lattice and as well as provides further evidence for the predominantly trivalentcharacteroftheincorporatedSm. Inthe1970s, a few studies about the substitution of Eu2+ by Sm in EuO polycrystalline samples (Sm:EuO) were published inwhichatrivalentcharacterofthebuilt-inSmionswas reported [34], and a higher maximum Curie temperature of 135 ℃ was found [23, 35]. The magnetization curves of the Sm Eu O films exhibit a striking similarity to x 1−x Gd-doped EuO which has a slightly higher maximum T of 125 K [30]. The 3 K lower T value of the C C Sm-doped films may be explained by the slightly larger ionic radius of Sm3+ compared to Gd3+, and thus a smaller compression of the lattice, consistent with our previous band structure calculations. [36] FIG.5. XPSspectraoftheEu3d andSm3d corelevelregion Having unambiguously established that samarium is of the Sm Eu O thin films. For comparison the spectra of x 1−x trivalent in Sm Eu O, we now address the underlying aSm O thinfilmandapureSmmetalfilmareshownbelow. x 1−x 2 3 The energy position of the Sm3+ and Sm2+ contributions to microscopic reasoning for the observed behavior. Given the 3d level of Sm metal are indicated. [24] thatthelatticeconstantforEuO(5.1435˚A)[15]islarger 5/2 thanintermediatevalencebulkSmO(4.9414˚A)[14],one would expect that there is enough room to stabilize the 5 energy by moving the O2− ions closer to the Sm ions as to form Sm3+ having the shorter Sm-O bonds. A simi- lar observation was also made in La Sr CoO , [38] in 1.5 0.5 4 which both Co2+ and Co3+ ions are occupying similar lattice sites. It was found that the Co3+ ions are in the low spin state although the lattice space would be suffi- cient to stabilize the larger ionic radius - high spin Co3+ ions. [38] IV. CONCLUSIONS We have prepared high quality single crystalline Sm Eu O thin films with Sm concentrations up to x 1−x 20% by Eu distillation assisted MBE to study the va- lence state of Sm. Despite the large lattice spacing in the EuO rock salt crystal which is expected to support the divalent state of Sm, XPS and magnetization mea- surements reveal that the incorporated Sm ions exhibit a predominantly trivalent character. The Curie temper- FIG. 6. Normalized temperature-dependent magnetization ature of the Sm-doped EuO films can be enhanced up curves of the Sm Eu O films. x 1−x to 122 K confirming an effective transfer of charge from theSmtotheunoccupiedstatesoftheEuions. Weinfer larger Sm2+ ions in Sm Eu O. The observed unex- thatthelargeEuOlatticeallowstheoxygenionstomove x 1−x pected 3+ valency can be reasoned as follows. Com- locallyinthestructure,formingshorterSm-Obondsand paring the lattice constants of fcc-NiO (4.17 ˚A) [37] and thereby stabilizing the Sm3+ valence. fcc-EuO (5.1435 ˚A) [15], one can infer that the larger lattice parameter of EuO originates from the fact that theionicradiusofEu2+ islargerthanboththeNi2+ and ACKNOWLEDGMENTS theO2− andthatitistheEu2+ ionswhichdeterminethe lattice constant. Thus, the O2− ions have enough space We thank Ch. Becker and T. Mende for their skillful to move or ’rattle’ in this lattice. This should also be technicalassistanceduringexperiments. Thepurification the case for Sm Eu O, giving the possibility to gain of the samarium by P. H¨ohn is gratefully acknowledged. x 1−x [1] M. Dzero, K. Sun, V. Galitski, and P. Coleman, Phys. [12] R.Sutarto,S.G.Altendorf,B.Coloru,M.MorettiSala, Rev. Lett. 104, 106408 (2010). T. Haupricht, C. F. Chang, Z. Hu, C. Schu¨ßler- [2] T. Takimoto, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 80, 123710 (2011). Langeheine, N. Hollmann, H. Kierspel, H. H. 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