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Vacuum Rabi oscillation in nonzero-temperature open cavity Patrycja Stefan´ska,1 Marcin Wilczewski,2 and Marek Czachor2 1Zespo´ l Fizyki Atomowej — Katedra Fizyki Atomowej i Luminescencji, Politechnika Gdan´ska, 80-233 Gdan´sk, Poland 2Katedra Fizyki Teoretycznej i Informatyki Kwantowej, Politechnika Gdan´ska, 80-233 Gdan´sk, Poland Published as: Open Syst. Inf. Dyn. 18 (2011) 363-373 DOI: 10.1142/S123016121100025X Comparison of theory of Rabi oscillations with experiment [M. Wilczewski and M. Czachor, Phys. Rev. A79, 033836 (2009)] suggeststhatcavitylifetimeparametersobtained inmeasurementswith manyphotonsmay bemuchsmaller thanthoseapplicable toalmost vacuumstatesoflight. Inthis contextweshowthattheconclusionremainsunchangedevenifonetakesamorerealisticdescription 2 of theinitial state of light in cavity. 1 0 PACSnumbers: 42.50.Lc,42.50.Dv,32.80.Ee,32.80.Qk 2 n PHnL a I. INTRODUCTION 1 J 0 The1996Bruneet al. experimentonvacuumRabios- 0.8 1 cillation [1, 2] was analyzed in [3] by means of several 0.6 alternative models of atom-reservoir interaction. The 0.4 ] study was motivated by difficulties with fitting the data h 0.2 p bytheoreticalcurves,aproblemaddressedearlierbyvar- - ious authors [4–6]. Agreement with experimental Rabi n t 0 1 2 3 4 n oscillation data was then obtained but for the price of a a cavity quality factor that was 500 times bigger than FIG. 1: Probabilities of vacuum (n=0) and 1-photon initial u the one reported in [1]. A part of open questions thus states (n = 1) effectively dominate the initial thermal prob- q remained. ability distribution at 0.8K. Contributions from n ≥ 1 were [ Thesolutionsofmasterequationsdiscussedin[3]were not taken into account in [3]. 2 easier to find than in standard approaches because the v formalismwasbasedonjump operatorsgeneratingtran- 4 sitions between the dressed states of the atom-field sys- the behavior of the system. In order to understand the 1 tem. Such a construction is more consistent with the issueonecoulditerativelysolveequationsinvolvingmore 0 generaltheoryofopensystems[7,8]thanthepopularap- and more doublets and more transitions between them, 1 . proachbased on jumps between the atomic (hence bare) and compare predictions with the data. If inclusion of a 2 states [9], and is mathematically simpler. In the context next doublet would not produce visible modifications of 1 of quantum optics it appearedonly relatively recently in Rabi oscillations, it would be justified to conclude that 0 1 [10]. Another reason why it was possible to find exact truncation of the Hilbert space to a subspace spanned : solutionswasthat the atom-fieldsystemwasassumedto by a given number of dressed state has sufficiently well v startfromthe initialphotonic vacuumstate. Intermsof approximated the thermal state. i X dressed states the initial state belonged to the subspace Thegoalofthepresentpaperisperformthistestonthe r of the first dressed-state doublet. datafrom[1]. We willseethatinclusionofthenextdou- a The latter assumption was not very realistic. Light in bletofdressedstatesessentiallycomplicatescalculations, the cavity was initially in thermal state at T = 0.8K. but does not really change agreement with experiment. The analysis from [3] not only took into account emis- Weconcludethatsolutionoftheproblemofthe“wrong” sions from the dressed states downward on the energy cavity Q factor will not be achieved by taking more re- ladder, but also thermal excitations from vacuum to the alistic initial states. The true physical mechanism must two dressed states, as well as thermal long-wave fluctu- be therefore different. ations between the dressed states from the first doublet. But it did not take into account the presence of the re- maining bands of dressed states in the initial state. The II. OPEN-CAVITY MODEL first doublet appears with probability around 0.95, but the second doublet has probability higher than 0.045. It We employ the standard Jaynes-Cummings Hamilto- looks like downwardtransitions from the second doublet nian H =~Ω in exact resonance, are processes of the same order as the upward thermal ω transitions at 0.8K from exact vacuum to the first dou- Ω = 0 (e e g g ) blet. Sowhatremainedunclearin[3]wastowhatextent 2 | ih |−| ih | thefactthattheinitialstatewasthermalwasinfluencing +ω0a†a+g ae g +a† g e . (1) | ih | | ih | (cid:0) (cid:1) 2 E+ The decay coefficients from Fig. 2 satisfied γ3 γc E– γ2 γb γ1 γa γa = e−~(ωk0T+g)γ1 ≈0.0466327γ1, (6) γb = e−~(ωk0T−g)γ2 0.0466328γ2, (7) ≈ E0 γc = e−2k~Tgγ3 0.999997γ3, (8) ≈ FIG.2: Energylevelsanddecaycoefficientsusedinthegener- alization of theScala model [10] discussed in [3]; E± =~Ω±, E0=~Ω0. Thermalexcitationsfromthegroundstatetothefirsttwo dressed states involve proportionality factors e−~(ωk0T−g) that are of the same order as p1. Since p1 measures The initial state at T =0.8 K is the probability of occurrence of e,1 e,1 in the initial | ih | thermal mixture, it simultaneously determines probabil- ρ(0) = p0 e,0 e,0 +p1 e,1 e,1 +..., (2) | ih | | ih | ities of finding the next two dressed states. Accordingly, transitions determined by γ and γ should be regarded where p0 = 0.952381, p1 = 0.0453515, p2 = 0.00215959. a b Let us note that ∞j=1pj = 1−p0 = 0.047619 is of the afrsomprothceessseescoonfdthderessasemde-sotardteerdoausbdloetw:nward transitions orderofp1. TheaPnalysisperformedin[3]assumedjumps betweendressedstateswithtransitioncoefficientstypical of T = 0.8 K, but the initial state was approximated by 1 tρr(a0n)si=tio|nes,0biehetw,0e|e.nTthheedsroelsusteiodnstgaitveesnsihnow[3n] ienmFpliogy.e2d, |Ω2+i = √2 |g,2i+|e,1i , (9) (cid:0) (cid:1) i.e. those involving e,0 and the ground state: 1 | i Ω2− = g,2 e,1 . (10) | i √2 | i−| i 1 (cid:0) (cid:1) Ω+ = g,1 + e,0 , (3) | i √2 | i | i (cid:0) (cid:1) 1 Ω = g,1 e,0 , (4) It is therefore justified to regard Fig. 3 as more realistic − | i √2 | i−| i than Fig. 2. The open-cavity generalization of the Scala (cid:0) (cid:1) Ω0 = g,0 . (5) et al. model [10], corresponding to Fig. 3, reads | i | i ρ˙ = ρ= i[Ω,ρ] L − 1 1 1 1 +γ1 Ω0 Ω+ ρΩ+ Ω0 Ω+ Ω+ ,ρ +γa Ω+ Ω0 ρΩ0 Ω+ Ω0 Ω0 ,ρ (cid:26)2| ih | | ih |− 4h| ih | i+(cid:27) (cid:26)2| ih | | ih |− 4h| ih | i+(cid:27) 1 1 1 1 +γ2 Ω0 Ω− ρΩ− Ω0 Ω− Ω− ,ρ +γb Ω− Ω0 ρΩ0 Ω− Ω0 Ω0 ,ρ (cid:26)2| ih | | ih |− 4h| ih | i+(cid:27) (cid:26)2| ih | | ih |− 4h| ih | i+(cid:27) 1 1 1 1 +γ3 Ω− Ω+ ρΩ+ Ω− Ω+ Ω+ ,ρ +γc Ω+ Ω− ρΩ− Ω+ Ω− Ω− ,ρ (cid:26)2| ih | | ih |− 4h| ih | i+(cid:27) (cid:26)2| ih | | ih |− 4h| ih | i+(cid:27) 1 1 1 1 +γ4 Ω+ Ω2+ ρΩ2+ Ω+ Ω2+ Ω2+ ,ρ +γ5 Ω2− Ω2+ ρΩ2+ Ω2− Ω2+ Ω2+ ,ρ (cid:26)2| ih | | ih |− 4h| ih | i+(cid:27) (cid:26)2| ih | | ih |− 4h| ih | i+(cid:27) 1 1 1 1 +γe Ω2+ Ω2− ρΩ2− Ω2+ Ω2− Ω2− ,ρ +γ6 Ω− Ω2+ ρΩ2+ Ω− Ω2+ Ω2+ ,ρ (cid:26)2| ih | | ih |− 4h| ih | i+(cid:27) (cid:26)2| ih | | ih |− 4h| ih | i+(cid:27) 1 1 1 1 +γ7 Ω+ Ω2− ρΩ2− Ω+ Ω2− Ω2− ,ρ +γ8 Ω− Ω2− ρΩ2− Ω− Ω2− Ω2− ,ρ . (cid:26)2| ih | | ih |− 4h| ih | i+(cid:27) (cid:26)2| ih | | ih |− 4h| ih | i+(cid:27) (11) Expressing the initial condition ρ(0)= c ρ as a lin- vectors. Twenty of them are easy to find and determine j j j ear combination of eigenvectors of , Pρj = Λjρj, we find the solution ρ(t) = jcjeΛjtρj.LWLe need 25 eigen- P 3 E2+ ρ16 = Ω+ Ω− , (23) γ5 γe γ4 E2– Λ16 = |−i(Ωih+−|Ω−)− γ1+γ2+4 γ3+γc, γ7 γ6 ρ17 = |Ω+ihΩ0|, γ1+γ3+γa+γb (24) γ8 E+ Λ17 = −i(Ω+−Ω0)− 4 , γ3 γc ρ18 = |Ω−ihΩ0|, (25) E– Λ18 = i(Ω− Ω0) γ2+γa+γb+γc, − − − 4 γ2 γb γ1 γa ρ19 = Ω− Ω+ , (26) | ih | E0 γ1+γ2+γ3+γc Λ19 = i(Ω+ Ω−) , − − 4 FIG. 3: E2+ =~Ω2+,E2− =~Ω2−, E± =~Ω±, E0=~Ω0. ρ20 = Ω− Ω2− , (27) | ih | γ2+γ7+γ8+γc+γe Λ20 = i(Ω2− Ω−) , − − 4 off-diagonalmatrix elements(in the dressed-statebasis), ρ21 = Ω− Ω2+ , (28) | ih | ρ6 = |Ω2+ihΩ2−|, γ4+γ5+γ6+γ7+γ8+γ(e12) Λ21 = i(Ω2+−Ω−)− γc+γ2+γ44+γ5+γ6, Λ6 = −i(Ω2+−Ω2−)− 4 , ρ22 = Ω0 Ω2+ , (29) | ih | ρ7 = |Ω2+ihΩ+|, (13) Λ22 = i(Ω2+ Ω0) γa+γb+γ4+γ5+γ6, γ1+γ3+γ4+γ5+γ6 − − 4 Λ7 = −i(Ω2+−Ω+)− 4 (14) ρ23 = Ω0 Ω2− , (30) | ih | γa+γb+γ7+γ8+γe Λ23 = i(Ω2− Ω0) , − − 4 ρ8 = Ω2+ Ω− , (15) | ih | γc+γ2+γ4+γ5+γ6 ρ24 = |Ω0ihΩ+|, (31) Λ8 = −i(Ω2+−Ω−)− 4 , Λ24 = i(Ω+ Ω0) γ1+γ3+γa+γb, − − 4 ρ9 = Ω2+ Ω0 , (16) | ih | γa+γb+γ4+γ5+γ6 ρ25 = |Ω0ihΩ−|, (32) Λ9 = i(Ω2+ Ω0) , γ2+γa+γb+γc − − − 4 Λ25 = i(Ω− Ω0) . − − 4 ρ10 = Ω2− Ω0 , (17) | ih | γa+γb+γ7+γ8+γe Λ10 = i(Ω2− Ω0) , − − − 4 ρ11 = Ω2− Ω− , (18) | ih | Λ11 = i(Ω2− Ω−) γ2+γ7+γ8+γc+γe, The remaining five eigenvectors ρj, j = 1,2,3,4,5 are − − − 4 related to the diagonal matrix elements of ρ, ρ12 = Ω2− Ω+ , (19) | ih | γ1+γ3+γ7+γ8+γe Λ12 = i(Ω2− Ω+) , − − − 4 ρ13 = Ω2− Ω2+ , (20) | ih | Λ13 = i(Ω2+−Ω2−)− γ4+γ5+γ6+4 γ7+γ8+γe, ρj = xj|Ω2+ihΩ2+|+yj|Ω2−ihΩ2−|+zj|Ω+ihΩ+| ρ14 = Ω+ Ω2+ , (21) +vj|Ω−ihΩ−|+wj|Ω0ihΩ0| (33) | ih | γ1+γ3+γ4+γ5+γ6 Λ14 = i(Ω2+ Ω+) , − − 4 ρ15 = Ω+ Ω2− , (22) | ih | γ1+γ3+γ7+γ8+γe Λ15 = i(Ω2− Ω+) , The corresponding eigenvalue problem is equivalent to − − 4 4 γ4+γ5+γ6 γe 0 0 0 xj xj 1 γ5 γ7+γ8+γe 0 0 0  yj   yj  γ4 γ7 γ1+γ3 γc γa zj = Λj zj . (34) 2 γ6 γ8 γ3 γ2+γc γb  vj   vj   0 0 γ1 γ2 γa+γb  wj   wj  The eigenvalues are the atom in its ground state reads finally Λ1 = 0, (35a) pg(t) = B1(x1+y1+z1+v1+2w1)eΛ1t Λ2 = 0.25 ω+δ+√θ , (35b) +B2(x2+y2+z2+v2+2w2)eΛ2t − (cid:16) (cid:17) +B3(x3+y3+z3+v3+2w3)eΛ3t Λ3 = −0.25(cid:16)ω+δ−√θ(cid:17), (35c) +B4(x4+y4+z4+v4+2w4)eΛ4t Λ4 = 0.25 ζ+ξ+√κ , (35d) +B5(x5+y5+z5+v5+2w5)eΛ5t − Λ5 = 0.25(cid:0)ζ+ξ √κ(cid:1), (35e) 0.025e−γ4+γ5+γ6+4γ7+γ8+γetcos2√2gt − − − (cid:0) (cid:1) 0.475e−γ1+γ2+4γ3+γctcos2√2gt. (40) where − Let us stress that the above solution is found under the κ = γ6((δ+ω)2 4(γ2(γ3+γa) (36a) assumption that the atom-field coupling g is constant in − + (γa+γb)(γ3+γc)+γ1(γ2+γb+γc))), time. We know, however, that the atom interacts with themodewhosespatialprofileisGaussianwithwidthw. Theatomispropagatingthroughthecavitywhichmakes, θ =(ζ ξ)2+4γ5γe (36b) effectively, the coupling time-dependent. A method of − taking this into account was discussed in detail in [3]. Assuming that the length of the cavity is d we obtain ω =γ1+γ2+γ3, ζ =γ4+γ5+γ6, (36c) probability appropriate for comparison with experimen- tal data ξ =γ7+γ8+γe, δ =γa+γb+γc. (36d) pg(t) = B1(x1+y1+z1+v1+2w1)eΛ1t +B2(x2+y2+z2+v2+2w2)eΛ2t Explicit forms of the eigenvectors can be found in the +B3(x3+y3+z3+v3+2w3)eΛ3t Appendix. Areasonableapproximationoftheinitialthermalstate +B4(x4+y4+z4+v4+2w4)eΛ4t is given by +B5(x5+y5+z5+v5+2w5)eΛ5t 0.025e−γ4+γ5+γ6+4γ7+γ8+γetcos 2√2g√πwt ρ(0) = 0.95e,0 e,0 +0.05e,1 e,1 (37) − d = 0.95|(cid:16)|Ω+ihihΩ+||+|Ω−|ihΩi−h| | −0.475e−γ1+γ2+4γ3+γctcos(cid:0)2√2g(cid:0)√πwdt(cid:1). (41(cid:1)) Ω+ Ω− Ω− Ω+ Let us recall that the data shown in [1] were plotted as − | ih |−| ih |(cid:17) a function of an effective time t = √πwt. Since it is eff d + 0.05(cid:16)|Ω2+ihΩ2+|+|Ω2−ihΩ2−| [m3]o,rweecornesvceanlieentthefodrautas ttootw.oFrkig.in4tsehromwssovfactutuhmanRtaebffi Ω2+ Ω2− Ω2− Ω2+ . (38) oscillationpredicted by our morerealistic scenario(solid − | ih |−| ih |(cid:17) line) as compared to experimental data and predictions Aftersomewhatlengthybutsimplecalculationsonefinds of the simplified model from [3] (dotted). that ρ(t) = 2 B1eΛ1tρ1+B2eΛ2tρ2+B3eΛ3tρ3+B4eΛ4tρ4 +(cid:0)B5eΛ5tρ5 +B6eΛ6tρ6+B13eΛ13tρ13 III. CONCLUSIONS +B16eΛ16tρ(cid:1)16+B19eΛ19tρ19. (39) The effort devoted to solving the more realistic case The coefficients are explicitly given in the Appendix. apparentlydidnotpay: Thenewcurvedoesnotdescribe Probability pg(t) = pg,0(t)+pg,1(t)+pg,2(t) of finding thedataanybetter. Theapproximationmadein[3]turns 5 p HtL 5 g A2j = εiklmxizkvlwm (j =1,..,5) 1.0 X {i,k,l,m}=1 {i,k,l,m}6=j 0.8 0.6 5 A3k = εijlmxiyj vlwm (k =1,..,5) X 0.4 {i,j,l,m}=1 {i,j,l,m}6=k 0.2 5 t A4l = εijkmxiyj zkwm (l =1,..,5) 0.0000 0.0001 0.0002 0.0003 0.0004 0.0005 X {i,j,k,m}=1 {i,j,k,m}6=l FIG. 4: The solid line represents (41). The dotted curve is the prediction from [3]. The parameters are γ1 = γ2 =γ4 = γ6 =γ7 =γ8 =17.73 Hz,γa =γb =ǫγ1, γ3 =γc =γ5 =γe = 5 0.07g, g=47π103 Hz. t is the truetime. A5m = εijklxiyj zkvl (m=1,..,5) X {i,j,k,l}=1 {i,j,k,l}6=m out to be physically reasonable. This is in a sense good newssinceinclusionofyethigherdresseddoubletswould requiresolvingalgebraicequationsoforderhigherthan5, 5 andthustherewouldbepracticallynochanceforfinding χ= ε x y z v w exact solutions. ijklm i j k l m On the other hand, this also means that refined the- {i,j,kX,l,m}=1 oretical analysis of Rabi oscillation has not brought us For eigenvalues Λ (k =1,2,3,4,5) we define eigenvec- any closer to understanding why probability of atomic k tors with coordinates x ,y ,z ,v ,w exited state does not decay to zero as fast as expected k k k k k { } on the grounds of cavity lifetime reported in [1]. The cavity quality seems to be better than that assumed by x1 = 0 Brune et al. Perhaps, as suggested in [3], the key el- y1 = 0 ement is in opening of the cavity and inclusion of the z1 = γ2γa+γcγa+γbγc long-wave transitions within a given doublet of dressed states. Theappropriatejumpoperatorsoccurifonemod- v1 = γ3γa+γ1γb+γ3γb ifies the cavity-reservoir coupling. The required interac- w1 = γ1γ2+γ2γ3+γ1γc tion with the reservoir has stronger dependence on the numberofphotonsinside ofthe cavity. Measurementsof For k =2,3 we have cavity lifetimes are typically performed with more cav- ity photons than in Rabi oscillation experiments. It is x = 0 k possible that the same cavity has a much longer lifetime y = 0 k if only a few photons are present. The problem requires further experimental studies. zk = 32γ1 az +( 1)k√κbz − vk = 32γ1(cid:0)av+( 1)k√κbv(cid:1) − Appendix wk = 32γ1(cid:0)aw+(−1)k√κbw(cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) and if k =4,5 we have Coefficients introduced in previous section are: B6 =B13 = 0.025 and B16 =B19 = 0.025, whereas for n=1−,2,3,4,5 we have: − xk = 16γ1γ6 cx+( 1)k√θdx (cid:16) − (cid:17) 1 Bn = χ[0.2375(A3n+A4n)+0.0125(A1n+A2n)] yk = 32γ1γ5γ6(cid:16)cy+(−1)k√θdy(cid:17) where zk = 32γ1γ6 cz +( 1)k√θdz (cid:16) − (cid:17) A1i = 5 εjklmyj zkvlwm (i=1,..,5) vk = 32γ1γ6(cid:16)cv+(−1)k√θdv(cid:17) {{jj,,kkX,,ll,,mm}}=6=1i wk = 128γ1γ6(cid:16)cw+(−1)k√θdw(cid:17) 6 where az = 2γ5(γ6γ7−γ4γ8) ω2−δ2−2γ2(δ+ω) cz = 4γ2((ζ−ξ)(γ4γb−γ6γa)+2γ5(γ8γa−γ7γb)) + 4(γ2γa+γcγa+γ(cid:0)bγc) +(γ6(δ+ω 2ξ) + (ξ+ζ−2δ+2γc)((2γ5γ7−γ4(ζ−ξ)) − −+ 2γγ45δγ28)(cid:0)4ωγ26γγ2c2++22(γδ6γ+c((cid:1)ωω)−δ4)γ−c(γ4aγ+2γaγ(bγ)4+γ6) ×− (θξ(γ+4(ζξ−+23γζ2−−22δγ)c−)+2(2γγ2cγ(4γ+6(ζγ5−γ7ξ)+−γ62γγc5)γ)8)) κγ(cid:0)6(γ4−(δ+3ω 2ξ) 2(−γ2γ4+γ5γ7+(cid:1)γ(cid:1)6γc)) cv = −θ(γ6(−2(δ+ω−γ2−γc)+3ζ+ξ)−2(γ3γ4 − − − + γ5γ8))+( 2δ+ζ+ξ+2γc)(2γ3((ζ ξ) av = 4γ5(γ4γ8 γ6γ7)(γ3(ω δ)+2(γ3γc γ1γb)) − − − − − (γ4+γ6)+2γ5(γe ξ)) (ζ+ξ 2γ1) κγ6(γ6(δ+ω 2ξ) 2(γ3γ4+γ5γ8 × − − − − − − (γ6(ζ ξ) 2γ5γ8)) 4γ1((ζ ξ) γ6(γ2+γc)))+((δ+ω 2ξ)γ6 2γ5γ8) × − − − − − − − (γ4γb γ6γa)+2γ5(γ8γa γ7γb)) (2γ4(γ3(ω δ)+2(γ3γc γ1γb)) × − − ×+ γ6((γ1+γ3− γa γb)2 −(γ2+γc)2+4γ1γa)) cw = γ4+γ2γ6)−(γ1γ2+γ1γc+γ2γ3)((ζ −ξ) − − − (γ4+γ6) 2γ5γ8)+γ5γ7(2γ2(γ1+γ3) aw = 2 (γ6(δ+ω 2ξ) 2γ5γ8)(γ1γ4(δ+ω) × − + γ(cid:0)2γ6(δ−ω)−−2γ2(−γ1γ4+γ3γ4−γ2γ6) d =− 2−(γ(ξ1(+ζ+ζ ξ−δ 2γωc)))−ζ2γ2γξ52γ8(ζ+ξ) x − 2γ1γc(γ4+γ6))+2γ5(γ6γ7−γ4γ8) θ(δ+ω −ξ −2ζ)(cid:0)+η−ζ) (cid:1) (2(γ1γ2+γ3γ2+γ1γc) γ1(δ+ω)) − − − × − d = 2(δ+ω ξ ζ)(ξ+ζ) η θ y + κγ6(γ1γ4+γ2γ6) − − − − bz = 4γ6((γ1+γ3)(γ4((cid:1)ξ ω)+γ2γ4+γ5γ7) dz = 4(γ5γ7(ξ+ζ−δ−γ2)+ζ(γ4(δ−ζ+γ2)+γ6γc) − γ5(γ8γc+γ4γe) (γ2γa+γc(γa+γb))(γ4+γ6)) γa(γ1γ4+γ2γ6)+(ω ξ+γc)γ6γc − − − − dv = 4( γ5(γ3γ7 γ2γ8+γ6γe) (γ4+γ6)(γ3γa γc(γ3γ4+γ5γ8)) − − − − + γb(γ1+γ3))+γ5γ8(ξ+ζ δ ω+γc) bv = 4γ6(γ3γ4(ω ξ+γc) γb(γ1γ4+γ2γ6) − − − − + ζ(γ3γ4+γ6(δ+ω ζ γ2 γc))) + (γ5γ8+γ6(ξ γ2 γc))(γ2+γc) − − − − − dw = γ2γ6(ζ ω) γ2(γ3γ4 γ2γ6+γ5γ8) γ3(γ5γ7+γ6γc)) − − − − + γ1γ4(ζ γ2 γc) γ1(γ5γ7+γ6γc) bw = 4γ6(γ2γ6(δ ξ) γ2(γ1γ4+γ3γ4 γ2γ6 − − − − − − η = γ2(4γ3 2(ξ+ζ 2γa)) + γ5γ8) γ1(γ4(ξ δ ω+γc) γ5γ7 γ6γc)) − − c = η ζ2 −ξ2 +θ(θ−+η− ξ2 − − + (ξ+ζ−2γ3−2γc)(ξ+ζ−2δ+2γc) x + ζ((cid:0)4ξ −4δ(cid:1) 4ω+5ζ))− + 2γ1(2γ2−(ξ+ζ−2δ+2γa)) − − c = θ(2(δ+ω) 3(ξ+ζ)) η(ξ+ζ) y − − [1] M.Brune,F.Schmidt-Kaler,A.Maali,J.Dreyer,E.Ha- [6] R. 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