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Vacuum condensates, flavor mixing and spontaneous supersymmetry breaking Antonio Capolupo♮∗1 and Marco Di Mauro 1♮ Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Universita´ di Salerno, Fisciano (SA) - 84084, Italy Spontaneoussupersymmetry(SUSY)breakingisrevealedinallphenomenainwhichvacuumcon- densatesarephysicallyrelevant. ThedynamicalbreakdownofSUSYisgeneratedbythecondensates themselves,which lift thezeropoint energy. Evidenceispresentedin thecase oftheWess-Zuimino model, and theflavormixing case is treated in detail. PACSnumbers: 11.10.-z,11.30.Pb I. INTRODUCTION 3 1 Supersymmetry(SUSY)hashadanenormousimpactonphysicsinthelastfourdecades,sinceitwasfirstproposed 0 in1971[1]. Fromthepurelytheoreticalside,wementionthemanyinstancesofsupersymmetricquantumfieldtheories 2 which are highly controllable. These taught us a great deal about previously poorly understood subjects, such as n strongly coupled dynamics of four dimensional quantum field theories and duality, and also had a huge influence on a mathematics. From the phenomenological point of view, SUSY has had even bigger effects. In fact, the assumption J thatSUSY is afundamentalsymmetryofnaturegivesaverynaturalsolutiontothe hierarchyproblem,thatis ofthe 5 naturalness of a fundamental scalar Higgs field, which is impossible to give in the framework of the Standard Model. This spurred an enormous activity on the construction of phenomenologicalmodels which display SUSY. ] h The influence of SUSY has been important also on experimental physics, since much of the research has been t geared at the detection of the superpartners which according to SUSY are associated with the ordinary particles we - p know. Despite the enormous efforts devoted to this task, no evidence of the existence of superpartners has ever been e given. The fact that the superpartners are not degenerate with ordinary particles (otherwise they would have been h detected) means that, if SUSY exists as a fundamental symmetry, it must be spontaneously broken at the scales we [ can currently probe. As a consequence a large part of the above mentioned research activity has been devoted to 1 the study of SUSY breaking. In this paper we concentrate on the spontaneous breaking of SUSY, leaving aside the v possibility of explicit breaking which has also been much considered in the literature. 6 ThefirstmodelsexhibitingthespontaneousbreakingofSUSYwereproposedin[2,3]. Inthesemodelsthebreaking 1 is classical, i.e. it occurs at tree level. Another possibility is that the breaking is dynamical, i.e. it is triggered by 0 nonperturbativequantumeffects. Thismostinterestingpossibilityhasbeenfirstdiscussedin[4](see[5]forareview). 7 . It is very important to stress that, even if SUSY will not be recognized to be a fundamental symmetry of nature, 1 it can be realized as an emergent symmetry, e.g. in condensed matter systems [6]. The following discussion is very 0 general and applies to both fundamental and emergent SUSY. 3 Inanapparentlydetachedlineofstudy,therˆoleplayedbyvacuumcondensatesinmanyQuantumFieldTheoretical 1 : phenomena has been analyzed. Examples of systems characterized by the presence of condensates include QFT in v external fields like Unruh [7] and Schwinger effects [8], condensed matter physics (BCS theory of superconductivity i X [9], graphene physics [10], Thermo Field Dynamics [11]), particle physics and cosmology (flavor mixing [12–19], dark energy [20–22]), and quantization of dissipative systems [23]. In all cases, vacuum condensates can be effectively r a described by using Bogoliubovtransformations. The specific details of the mechanism or ofthe field that induces the condensate are contained in the coefficients of such transformations. The purpose of this paper is to stress the connection between the two issues outlined above. In fact, it has been recently proposed [24] that, in a supersymmetric context, vacuum condensates, generated in phenomena like the above listed ones, provide a new mechanism of spontaneous SUSY breaking. A particulary interesting system from the phenomenological point of view is represented by flavor mixing [25] (see also [26]), which appears in both the hadronic and leptonic sectors of the Standard Model. In the following we study a system whose Lagrangian is invariant under SUSY, namely the free Wess–Zumino model. We then implement the vacuum condensation effects by means of a Bogoliubov transformation, which acts simultaneouslyandwiththesameparametersonthe bosonicandonthe fermionicdegreesoffreedom,inordernotto breakSUSYexplicitly. We conjecturethatinthis situationSUSY willbe spontaneouslybroken,since the presenceof the condensates shifts the vacuum energy density to a nonvanishing value. As well known, indeed, this is a sufficient ∗ Correspondingauthor,e-mailaddress: [email protected] 2 condition for the spontaneous breaking of SUSY [4]. The SUSY breaking revealed considering the free Wess–Zumino (WZ) model should give a qualitative understanding of the behavior of more complicate systems. Thepaperisorganizedasfollows. InSec.2,wediscusstheeffectsofBogoliubovtransformationsinQFTonvacuum energy and we show the SUSY breaking for free WZ model induced by condensates. In Sec.3, we treat the specific case of particle mixing, and Sec.4 is devoted to the discussion of our results and to conclusions. II. VACUUM CONDENSATE, WZ MODEL AND SUSY BREAKING In the following we summarize different aspects of Bogoliubov transformations in the context of quantum field theory [27]andwe study the effects of vacuumcondensatesin the free Wess-Zuminomodel [28]. We startby treating the bosonic case. The fermion case is analogous and will be considered when the Wess–Zumino Lagrangian will be analyzed explicitly. Any physical degree of freedom of a bosonic field is described by a set of ladder operators a with canonical k commutation relations (CCRs), [a ,a†]=δ3(k−p), with all other commutators vanishing. To such a set a vacuum k p |0iisassociated,definedbya |0i=0,andaFockspaceisgivenasanirreduciblerepresentationoftheCCRsalgebra. k AgeneralBogoliubovtransformationactsonthesebosonicmodesasa˜ (ξ)=U (ξ)a −V (ξ)a† ,withthecondition, k k k k k |U |2 −|V |2 = 1, which ensures the invariance of the CCRs. The parameter ξ, which in general depends on the k k mode, is associated to the physics which is implemented by the transformation, e.g. the temperature in the TFD case,orthe accelerationintheUnruhcase. TheBogoliubovtransformationcanbe expressedbymeansofagenerator J(ξ) in the form a˜ (ξ) = J−1(ξ)a J(ξ), with J(ξ) = exp i ξ a2 −(a†)2 . The transformed modes a˜ (ξ) k k 2 k k k k k h (cid:16) (cid:17)i annihilateastate|˜0(ξ)i, i.e. a˜ (ξ)|˜0(ξ)i=0,whichisrelatedtoPthe vacuum|0iby|˜0(ξ)i=J−1(ξ)|0i.Suchastateis k calleditself avacuum, forthe followingreason. The generatorJ is aunitary operatorifkassumesa discreterangeof values; in this case, the Fock spaces built on the states |0i and |˜0(ξ)i are equivalent. On the other hand if k assumes a continuous infinity of values, which is what happens in the case of QFT, J is not a unitary operator any more. This implies that the state |˜0(ξ)i cannot be expressedas a superposition of vectors belonging to the Fock space built over |0i. Rather, it is a new vacuum, over which a whole new Fock space can be built by using the tilded creation operators. The two Fock spaces are unitarily inequivalent and describe different physical situations. The above described Bogoliubov transformation acts on the modes of a single field. A second type of Bogoliubov transformation mixes the modes of two fields, and its effects are essentially the same as in the single field case. Such is for example the one which is involved in the case of particle mixing, as we shall see later. Let us now consider the free Wess–Zumino model. The Lagrangianis given by i 1 1 m m2 L= ψ¯γ ∂µψ+ ∂ S∂µS+ ∂ P∂µP − ψ¯ψ− (S2+P2), (1) µ µ µ 2 2 2 2 2 where ψ is a Majorana spinor field, S is a scalar field and P is a pseudoscalar field. This Lagrangian is invariant under supersymmetry transformations [28]. By quantizing the fields in the usual way and denoting with αr, b and k k c the annihilator of ψ, S and P respectively, we define the vacuum |0i=|0i ⊗|0i ⊗|0i as the state annihilated k ψ S P by such annihilators. Now we perform a Bogoliubov transformation on the ladder operators corresponding to all three fields, α˜r(ξ,t) = Uψαr(t)+Vψ αr† (t), k k k −k −k α˜r† (ξ,t) = Uψ∗αr† (t)+Vψ∗αr(t), (2) −k −k −k k k ˜b (η,t) = USb (t)−VS b† (t), k k k −k −k b˜† (η,t) = US∗b† (t)−VS∗b (t), (3) −k −k −k k k c˜ (η,t) = UP c (t)−VP c† (t), k k k −k −k c˜† (η,t) = UP∗c† (t)−VP∗c (t), (4) −k −k −k k k Since the Bogoliubovcoefficients ofscalarandpseudoscalarbosons arethe same, US =UP andVS =VP,we denote k k k k them as UB and VB, respectively. The constraints satisfied are Uψ = Uψ , Vψ = −Vψ , and |Uψ|2 +|Vψ|2 = 1 k k k −k k −k k k for fermions and UB = UB , VB = VB , and |UB|2−|VB|2 = 1 for bosons. Thus, the forms of the coefficients are k −k k −k k k Uψ = eiφ1kcosξ (ζ), Vψ = eiφ2ksinξ (ζ), UB = eiγ1kcoshη (ζ), VB = eiγ2ksinhη (ζ), respectively, where ζ is the k k k k k k k k 3 parameter which controls the physics underlying the transformation. We neglect the phases φ , γ , i = 1,2, since ik ik they are irrelevant in the following. At any time t the transformations (2)–(4) can be written as: α˜r(ξ,t) = J−1(ξ,η,t)αr(t)J(ξ,η,t), and sim- k k ilar relations for the other operators, where the generator is J(ξ,η,t) = J (ξ,t)J (η,t)J (η,t), with J = ψ S P ψ exp 1 d3kξ (ζ) αr(t)αr (t)−αr† (t)αr†(t) , J = exp −i d3kη (ζ) b (t)b (t)−b† (t)b†(t) and J = 2 k k −k −k k S k k −k −k k P h R (cid:16) (cid:17)i h R (cid:16) (cid:17)i exp −i d3kη (ζ) c (t)c (t)−c† (t)c†(t) . The new annihilators define the tensor product vacuum |˜0(t)i = k k −k −k k |˜0(t)hi ⊗R|˜0(t)i ⊗|(cid:16)˜0(t)i , where |˜0(t)i = J−(cid:17)1i(ξ,t)|0i , |˜0(t)i = J−1(η,t)|0i and |˜0(t)i = J−1(η,t)|0i . Then ψ S P ψ ψ ψ S S S P P P |˜0(t)i = J−1(ξ,η,t)|0i. The vacuum |˜0(t)i is the relevant, physical vacuum for the systems listed above when they are studied in a supersymmetric context. It has the nontrivial structure of a condensate of couples of par- ticles and antiparticles as can be seen explicitly by looking at the condensation densities of fermions and bosons, h˜0(t)|αr†αr|˜0(t)i= |Vψ|2, and h˜0(t)|b†b |˜0(t)i =h˜0(t)|c†c |˜0(t)i= |VB|2. Such vacuum condensates are responsible k k k k k k k k for the energy density of |˜0(t)i being different from zero. In fact, denoting with H = H +H the free Hamiltonian corresponding to the Lagrangian (1), where H = ψ B B H +H ,onehash˜0(t)|H |˜0(t)i=− d3kω (1−2|Vψ|2),forfermionsandh˜0(t)|H |˜0(t)i= d3kω (1+2|VB|2), S P ψ k k B k k for bosons. Then the expectation valuRe of the Hamiltonian H on |˜0(t)i is [24] R h˜0(t)|H|˜0(t)i=2 d3kω (|Vψ|2+|VB|2), (5) Z k k k which is different from zero and positive because of the presence of the fermion and boson condensates, both of which lift the vacuum energy by a positive amount. This result, together with the fact that the true vacuum is the transformedone|˜0(t)i,implies,insupersymmetriccontext,thespontaneousbreakingofSUSYinducedbyphenomena in which condensation takes place. The above result, Eq.(5), holds for disparate physical phenomena; the explicit form of the Bogoliubov coefficients Vψ and VB specifies the particular system. For example, in the case of Thermo Field Dynamics, the parameter ζ is k k the temperature,the physicalvacuumis the thermalone,andthe resultis thatSUSY isspontaneouslybrokenatany nonzero temperature, as is well known [29, 30]. III. FLAVOR MIXING AND SUSY BREAKING Nowweconsiderexplicitlythespecificcaseofflavormixingbecauseofthephenomenologicalinterestofthissystem. Our starting point is the Wess–Zumino lagrangianfor two massive free chiral supermultiplets 2 i 1 1 m m2 L= ψ¯γ ∂µψ + ∂ S ∂µS + ∂ P ∂µP − ψ¯ψ − (S2+P2) , (6) (cid:26)2 i µ i 2 µ i i 2 µ i i 2 i i 2 i i (cid:27) Xi=1 with ψ denoting two free Majorana fermions, S two free real scalars and P two free real pseudoscalars (i = 1,2). i i i We assume that m1 6= m2, since this is a necessary condition to have nontrivial mixing. It is clear that both the 1 and 2 sectors of the above Lagrangianare separately invariant under SUSY transformations. Consider now the mixing transformations for the Lagrangian(6): ψ =Uψ, S =US, P =UP (7) f f f cosθ sinθ where U = (cid:18)−sinθ cosθ (cid:19), ψ = (ψ1,ψ2)T, ψf = (ψa,ψb)T = (cosθψ1+sinθψ2,−sinθψ1+cosθψ2)T , etc. The Lagrangian(6) takes then the form i 1 1 1 1 L= ψ¯ (6∂+M)ψ + ∂ S ∂µS − ST M2S + ∂ P ∂µP − PT M2P , (8) 2 f f 2 µ f f 2 f f 2 µ f f 2 f f with M = (cid:18)mmaab mmabb (cid:19), where ma = m1cos2θ + m2sin2θ, mb = m1sin2θ + m2cos2θ, and mab = (m2 − m1)sinθcosθ. This Lagrangian is invariant under the same SUSY transformations as the unmixed one, but this time referring to the mixed field. A careful discussion of this fact can be found in [10]. Let us now proceed as in the previous section. We quantize the fields ψ , S and P and we express the mixing i i i transformations (7) in terms of generators as ψ (x) ≡ G−1(θ) ψ (x) G (θ), S (x) ≡ G−1(θ) S (x) G (θ) and σ ψ i ψ σ S i S 4 P (x) ≡ G−1(θ) P (x) G (θ), respectively, where (σ,i) = (a,1),(b,2), and the generators G−1(θ), G−1(θ), G−1(θ), σ P i P ψ S P are given in Refs.[12]-[14], [19, 31]. In a similar way, the flavor annihilation operators are written in terms of free fields annihilators, αr , b and c k,i k,i k,i as αr ≡ G−1(θ) αr G (θ), b ≡ G−1(θ) b G (θ), and c ≡ G−1(θ) c G (θ). They annihilate the flavor k,σ ψ k,i ψ k,σ S k,i S k,σ P k,i P vacuum(inthefollowingwesuppresstheexplicittimelabel)|0i ≡ |0iψ ⊗|0iS ⊗|0iP ,where,|0iψ ≡ G−1(θ)|0iψ , f f f f f ψ m |0iS ≡ G−1(θ) |0iS , and |0iP ≡ G−1(θ) |0iP , are the flavor vacua of the fields ψ (x), S (x), P (x), respectively f S m f P m σ σ σ and |0iψ, |0iS, |0iP denote the vacua for free fields. m m m As before, the vacuum |0i is a condensate. We have in fact [22]: h0|αr†αr |0i = sin2θ |Vψ|2, and f f k,i k,i f k h0|b† b |0i = h0|c† c |0i = sin2θ |VB|2, where i = 1,2 and the reference frame in which k = (0,0,|k|) f k,i k,i f f k,i k,i f k has been adopted for convenience. The Bogoliubov coefficients Vψ and VB are k k |Vψ|= (ωk,1+m1)−(ωk,2+m2) |k|, |VB|= 1 ωk,1 − ωk,2 . (9) k 2 ωk,1ωk,2(ωk,1+m1)(ωk,2+m2) k 2(cid:18)rωk,2 rωk,1(cid:19) p TheexpectationvalueofthefermionicandbosonicpartsofH aregivenby: fh0|Hψ|0if =− d3k(ωk,1+ωk,2)(1− 2|Vkψ|2sin2θ), and fh0|HB|0if = d3k(ωk,1+ωk,2)(1+2|VkB|2sin2θ), respectively. Then wRe have [25] R fh0|(Hψ + HB)|0if = 2 sin2θ Z d3k(ωk,1+ωk,2)(|Vkψ|2+ |VkB|2), (10) which is different from zero and positive when θ 6=0 and m1 6=m2. Eq.(10) shows that SUSY breaking is induced by particle mixing phenomenon. This situation should show up in any supersymmetric model in which mixing is turned on before SUSY is spontaneously broken by some other mechanism. IV. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Wehaveshownthat,inasupersymmetricfieldtheory,differentphenomenamayspontaneouslybreakSUSYbecause of the presence of vacuum condensates. For many of such systems the nontrivial dynamics makes the naive vacuum ofthe theoryunstable in favorofanew vacuumwhichcontainsthe vacuumcondensates[32]. The realvacuumofthe systemis obtainedfromthe originalonebyapplyinganappropriateBogoliubovtransformation. BesidesBCStheory, this is expected to happen in the mixing case as well. In fact, while particle mixing is put by hand in the standard model or in neutrino physics, it is expected to result fromsome dynamicaleffect which is still unknown, whose result will be a shift of vacuum. In other situations, such as the Unruh or the Schwinger effects, the system is put in an externalfield. This makes the originalvacuum unstable again (Schwinger effect), or even inaccessible to the observer (Unruheffect), infavorofanew vacuumwhichisagainobtainedbymeansofaBogoliubovtransformationcontrolled by the external field. In the remaining case, that is TFD, the Bogoliubov transformed vacuum is called thermal vacuum, and it is the appropriate one to use at finite temperature in place of the naive one which is valid at zero temperature. The discussion then boils down to the point that, in any situation in which the physics is described by a vacuum with condensates,SUSY is spontaneouslybroken. We have givenevidence of SUSY breaking in the case of the freeWess–Zuminomodel,howeverourresultcanbe extendedto morecomplexandphysicallyrelevantsituations. In particular,a wellestablishedfeature ofthe StandardModel, namely flavormixing, emergesas a possible triggerof spontaneous SUSY breaking. [1] Y.A. Golfand and E. P. Likhtman,JETP Lett. 13 (1971) 323 [Pisma Zh.Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 13 (1971) 452]. 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