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by  Hanes
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Prejudice in the Modern World Almanac VOLUME 2 Prejudice in the Modern World Almanac VOLUME 2 Richard C. Hanes, Sharon M. Hanes, Kelly Rudd Sarah Hermsen, Project Editor Prejudice in the Modern World Almanac VOLUME 2 12 Genocide in Rwanda Genocide is an end result of extreme prejudice (a negative attitude towards others based on a prejudgment about those individuals based on little prior knowledge or experience). Genocide is a planned, systematicattempttoeliminateanentiretargetedpopulationbymurder- ingallmembersofthatgroup.Inthelate1930sandduringWorldWarII (1939–45), the Nazi army, under Germany’s dictator, or ruler, Adolf Hitler (1889–1945), methodically rounded up and murdered over six million European Jews. This horrific episode in world history was a genocideknownastheHolocaust.Nazisalsotargetedtwoothergroups, gypsiesandhomosexuals,forelimination. Polish lawyer Raphael Lemkin (1900–1959) coined the term ‘‘geno- cide’’intheearly1940s.GenosisaGreekwordmeaningraceortribe.The endingcidemeans‘‘tokill.’’Lemkin,aJew,fledtheNazioccupationofhis homelandPolandinWorldWarIIbutlostfamilymembersinthegenocide. Each genocide that occurs in the world results from issues and difficulties specific to the country where it takes place. However, all genocides have several characteristics in common: (1) racial hatred or long-standing prejudice against a particular group; (2) scapegoating, which means blaming a minority faction, or section, in a society for all of that society’s problems; (3) characterization of a minority people as subhuman, unworthy of living; (4) an organized killing plan developed by officials within the country; (5) the means to carry out massive kill- ings, usually involving the country’s military; and (6) in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, an international community that turns away anddoesnotintervene. BeginningonApril6,1994,andcontinuingthroughJuneofthatyear, agenocidetookplaceinasmallcountryincentralAfricacalledRwanda. Bestestimatesplacethenumberofpeoplemurderedduringthatperiodat 800,000to850,000.ThetotalpopulationofRwandain1994wasbetween 7.5 and 8 million people. The Rwandan genocide was aimed at the 237 GenocideinRwanda WORDS TO KNOW colonizer:Acountrythatestablishespolitical prejudice:A negative attitude towards others andeconomiccontroloveranothercountryand based on a prejudgment about those individ- sendscitizenstosettleinthenewcountry. uals based on little prior knowledge or experience. extremist:Onewhotakesapositiononanissue thatisbeyondordinaryormoderatepositions. race:Agroupofpeoplewhoshareadistinctive genocide:Thedeliberatedestructionofaracial, physicaltrait. religious,orculturalgroup. refugee:Apersonwhofleesinsearchofprotection ingrained:Adeep-rootedquality. orshelter. eliminationofagroupofpeopleknownasTutsi,whomadeupabout14 percent of the country’s population. Organized by factions within the Rwandan government, the attempted extermination of the Tutsi was carriedoutbyagroupofpeoplecalledHutu.Hutucomprised85percent ofRwanda’spopulationandcontrolledthegovernment.IndividualTutsi werenotkilledbecausetheywerepoororwealthy,criminalorlawabiding, politicalornonpolitical,lazyorhardworking,man,woman,orchild,but becausetheywereTutsi.Theinternationalcommunitylabeledtheturmoil acivilwarandchosenottostepinuntilitwastoolate. ForcenturiesinRwanda,TutsiandHutuhadlivedsidebyside,often intermarrying.Yetin1994onegroupofordinarypoorpeople,theHutu, werewillingtoexterminatetheirinnocentneighborsandfamilymembers merely because they were Tutsi. Neighbors killed neighbors, teachers killed their students, and husbands killed their wives. The Rwandan genocide is partly traceable to issues of poverty, land scarcity, and over- population.Mostimportantly,deeplyingrainedideasofracialdifferences basedonphysicalcharacteristicsandlong-standingbitterprejudiceleda frustrated and desperate Hutu people, manipulated by their Hutu lead- ers, to murder hundreds of thousands of their Tutsi neighbors. This chapterdescribeshowsuchprejudicetookrootandgrew. Rwanda: land of a thousand hills Known as the land of a thousand hills,Rwanda is neither a desert nor a teeming jungle, but a hilly country that lies entirely above 3,280 feet 238 PrejudiceintheModernWorld:Almanac GenocideinRwanda BodiesofRwandangenocidevictimslieonamound,whileafront-endloaderpreparestoburytheminamassgraveinJuly1994. APIMAGES. (1,000 meters). For centuries it had been protected from hostile tribes and slave traders by mountains, lakes, and marshes. Its temperature, rainfall, and soil were favorable to human habitation and farming. Rwanda resembled a giant garden. The fertile land supported high densitiesofpeople.HutuandTutsilivedsidebysideonthesame hills. The dense population required a centralized, controlled social structure in order to organize and carry out everyday activities, such as farming, cattlegrazing,andkeepingorderforthebenefitofall. Thehighlystructuredsocietyhadbeenheadedbyakingbeginningat some point during the sixteenth or seventeenth centuries. In the late nineteenth century just before European colonizers settled in Rwanda, the king was Tutsi leader Kigeri IV Rwabugiri (d. 1895). Although Rwandan kings were of Tutsi lineage, they did not force Hutu into a slave-like feudal system, a misconception commonly held in history. Instead, they oversaw a complex arrangement where Tutsi and Hutu PrejudiceintheModernWorld:Almanac 239 GenocideinRwanda worked together to sustain a livelihood based on farming and cattle grazing. The king appointed three chiefs for each hill. The chief of landholdings oversaw distribution of land, food production, and taxa- tion.Thechief ofpasturesoversawcattleandgrazing.Thechiefofmen kept a watchful eye on relationships and recruited men for the king’s army.MostchiefswereTutsibutHutuwerealsorepresentedamongthe chiefs. Sometimes one chief might have certain responsibilities on more than one hill. The end goal of the complex system was to sustain all Rwandan families on each hill. Perhaps because it was the only way to maintain order in the densely populated land, the people for centuries hadunquestioninglyobeyedthekingandtheirchiefs.Thishabitofstrict obediencewouldplayalargepartinthe1994genocide. Three groups of people—the Hutu, Tutsi, and the Twa—lived in Rwanda.Hutumadeupabout85percentofthepopulationandfarmed the land. Tutsi made up about 14 percent of the population and were predominantly cattle herders. In the twenty-first century, most think Tutsi moved into the Rwanda hills sometime during the fifteenth cen- tury, most likely to escape famine. Historians and anthropologists (sci- entists who study human origins) have never reached agreement on the Tutsi’s place of origin. The Twa, less than 1 percent of the population, livedbyhuntingandgatheringnaturalfoodstuffssuchasroots,orworked inservitudefortheking.Thethreewerenotseparatetribesbutsharedthe samelanguage,worshippedthesamegods,andsharedthesameculture. IntermarriagewascommonbetweentheHutuandTutsi. Germans arrive in Rwanda On May 4, 1894, the first European, German count Gustav Adolf von Gotzen,cameintotheRwandankingdom.Rwandahadbeenpreviously shut off from the outside world by its landlocked remoteness. At the BerlinConferenceof1885,controloftheAfricancontinentwasdivided among European powers so its natural resources could be developed to bring increased wealth to the European countries. Tiny, beautiful Rwanda was claimed by Germany to be part of its colonial empire. GermansknewnothingofRwandaandsentvonGotzenonaninforma- tion-gatheringmission. When von Gotzen arrived he found the Hutu, Tutsi, and Twa. He quicklyobservedthatthethreedifferedsignificantlyinphysicalcharacter- istics.TheTwawerepygmies,verysmall,muscular,andhairy.TheHutu were generally short, but not pygmies. They had thick bodies with big 240 PrejudiceintheModernWorld:Almanac GenocideinRwanda heads, wide noses, and prominent lips. But the Tutsi were different. Tutsi were tall and thin with fine facial features, thin noses and lips, andstraight,whiteteeth. Manufacturing the great myth Prior to 1894 the only Europeans to have ven- tured near Rwanda were British explorers John Hanning Speke (1827–1864) and Sir Richard Francis Burton (1821–1890). They were part- ners in a 1857–58 expedition to explore the lakesofcentralAfrica,hopefullyfindthesource oftheRiverNile,andtostudylocaltribes.They never entered Rwanda but located Lake Tanganyika southwest of Rwanda in February 1858. Speke then ventured east of Rwanda to Lake Victoria, which he believed was the source oftheNile.WhiletrekkingtowardLakeVictoria, Speke encountered black people that he noted hadathingracefulstature.Theseweremostlikely Tutsi.Inhis1863report,JournaloftheDiscovery BritishexplorerJohnHanning of the Source of the Nile, he presented his theory Speke,whoencountered that the people he encountered were a superior peoplewhowerelikelyTutsi rulingracethathadconqueredotherinferiorraceslivinginthearea.Speke duringthe1857–58 merelymadeuphistheoryasithadnofactualbasis. expeditionhemadewithSir RichardFrancisBurton. Late-nineteenth-century European anthropologists—along with #HULTON-DEUTSCH most all Europeans—were very aware, even obsessed, with racial differ- COLLECTION/CORBIS. ences.TheyconsideredCaucasians(peopleoflightskincolor,commonly fromEuropeanandMiddleEastancestry)superiortoanyblack-skinned group. German colonists who arrived in Rwanda were amazed at the kingdom’ssophisticatedorganization.Theybelievedblacksweresavages andnevercouldhaveproducedsuchanorganizedsociety. Expanding on Speke’s thinking, the Germans and other Europeans wholearnedofRwandainthe1890sbeganbuildingavarietyofillogical theories that the fine-featured Tutsi were a superior race that invaded Rwanda in earlier times, conquered the Hutu and Twa, and were the people responsible for Rwanda’s organized society. They spoke of the Tutsi as a worthy race that, aside from being black, had none of the NegroidfeaturesoftheHutuorTwa.VarioustheoriesclaimedtheTutsi PrejudiceintheModernWorld:Almanac 241 GenocideinRwanda descendedfromsuperiorstockinsouthernEthiopia,orfromtheancient Egyptians, or even from Tibet. The made-up theories became more bizarre, such as Tutsi came from the Garden of Eden (home of Adam andEveintheBible),orthefabledlostcontinentofAtlantis,saidtohave sunkbeneaththeseaduringanearthquake. Such theories resulted in the myth of Tutsi superiority. German colonizers stated that Tutsi were gifted with intelligence, boundless energy, natural leadership abilities, refinement in speech manners, and capableofself-controlandfeelingsofloveandgoodwill.HutuandTwa werebothconsideredinferiorraces. Due to intermarriage, not all Rwandans exhibited precise Tutsi or Hutu physical characteristics, but a mixture of both. Therefore, the German colonists set up physical standards to determine who was a superior Tutsi and who was an inferior Hutu. Their standards were based on nose width and length, height and weight, head width and height,andtheshapeoftheireyes.Thecolonistsmanufacturedtworacial groupsinacountrythathadneverbeforerecognizeddifferences.Fewin numberandpygmies,Twawereignored. German placement of Tutsi and Hutu into the mythical categories was the first step, however unintentional, on the path to genocide one hundred years later. The myth became accepted as scientific truth. It greatlyinfluencedbothGermanandlaterBelgianviewstowardTutsiand Hutu. ThemythhadamajoreffectonRwandansociety.Forthenextsixty years,theTutsibelievedthemselvesphysicallyandmentallysuperior,and racialprejudiceagainsttheHutuwasextreme.Hutuweredeprivedofall politicalandeconomicpowerandtoldtheydeservedtheirfatebecauseof theirallegedinferiority.Thisservedtofrustrateandquietlyinfuriatethe Hutu.Asocialtimebombhadbegunticking. German colonizers instituted a system called indirect rule. The minorityTutsiweregivenmostchiefpositions,educatedandtrainedto privilegedpositions.GermansruledthroughtheTutsi.Anypunishment to keep Hutu in line was carried out by Tutsi, not the white colonizers. HuturesentedTutsi,nottheGermanswhoremainedinthebackground. Belgian colonial domination FollowingthedefeatofGermanybytheAlliedpowersofBritain,France, Italy,Russia,andtheUnitedStatesinWorldWarI(1914–18),Germany’s colonies in Africa were divided between Britain, France, and other 242 PrejudiceintheModernWorld:Almanac GenocideinRwanda countries. Control of Rwanda went to Belgium. The Belgians began to further empower the Tutsi over the Hutu by putting only Tutsi into government jobs. The remaining few Hutu chiefs were replaced with Tutsichiefs. The Belgians introduced a forced labor system where every man, woman,andchildhadtovolunteeraspecificnumberofdayseachweek to public projects. Public projects included building permanent struc- tures, such as buildings and bridges, digging anti-erosion terraces, and maintainingroads.TheHutudespisedthesystem;theywereoftenforced to devote over 50 percent of their work time to public projects, taking away from time to grow food for their family. Tutsi were in charge of forcingHututocooperate.HutustronglyresentedTutsitreatment. Becoming Christian In thelate 1920s,Tutsi realizedthatto be on best termswith thewhite men they had to become Christians, the main religion of the Belgians. Tutsirejectedtheirnativeworshippracticescalledkubandwaandflocked to the Catholic Church, newly established in Rwanda by missionary European priests. Destruction of the native religion further destroyed existingculturaltiesandconnectionswithHutu. The Church immediately supported the Tutsi and from then on played an important part of Rwandan society and politics. The Church provided the only education in the country, and Tutsi were given priority. Deep-rooted racial prejudice Racial prejudice had become firmly established in Rwandan society. Most Tutsi were still poor peasants like their Hutu neighbors. However, they too believed the Tutsi/Hutu myth. No matter what the realcharacteristicsofeachandeveryindividual,ifapersonwasHutuhe wasconsideredtobestupid,lazy,anddishonest.BymerelybeingTutsi, anindividualwassmart,hardworking,andtrustworthy. Aclearsocialorderofsuperiortoinferiordeveloped.Atthetopwere thewhitecolonizers:BelgiumgovernmentofficialsandCatholicpriests. NextinlineweretheTutsielite,thenpoorTutsi,andfinallyallHutusat thebottom.FewTutsihadactuallybecomepartoftheTutsielite.Elites areinfluentialandpowerfulmembersofthehighestsocialclass.Assuch, theyreceivethebesteducationsandaccruethemostwealth. PrejudiceintheModernWorld:Almanac 243

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