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ULB-TH/16-01 blank space IFT-UAM/CSIC-16-004 blank space CPHT-RR001.012016 UV Corrections in Sgoldstino-less Inflation Emilian Dudas Centre de Physique Th´eorique, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS, Univ. Paris-Saclay, 91128 Palaiseau Cedex, France Lucien Heurtier Service de Physique Th´eorique, Universit´e Libre de Bruxelles, Boulevard du Triomphe, CP225, 1050 Brussels, Belgium Clemens Wieck 6 Departamento de F´ısica Teo´rica UAM and Instituto de F´ısica Teo´rica UAM/CSIC, 1 Universidad Auto´noma de Madrid Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain 0 2 Martin Wolfgang Winkler n Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics and Physikalisches Institut der Universita¨t Bonn, u Nussallee 12, 53115 Bonn, Germany J We study the embedding of inflation with nilpotent multiplets in supergravity, in particular the 6 decouplingofthesgoldstinoscalarfield. Insteadofbeingimposedbyhand,thenilpotencyconstraint onthegoldstinomultipletarisesinthelowenergy-effectivetheorybyintegratingoutheavydegrees ] h of freedom. We present explicit supergravity models in which a large but finite sgoldstino mass t arises from Yukawa or gauge interactions. In both cases the inflaton potential receives two types - p of corrections. One is from the backreaction of the sgoldstino, the other from the heavy fields e generating its mass. We show that these scale oppositely with the Volkov-Akulov cut-off scale, h which makes a consistent decoupling of the sgoldstino nontrivial. Still, we identify a parameter [ windowinwhichsgoldstino-lessinflationcantakeplace,uptocorrectionswhichflattentheinflaton potential. 2 v 7 I. INTRODUCTION nonlinear supergravity theories are equivalent to linear 9 3 supergravities with an infinitely heavy sgoldstino scalar, 3 and that the limit relating the two is well-defined via Constrained chiral multiplets or, equivalently, nilpo- 0 functional integration. With a few restrictions this con- tent superfields and their application to cosmology have . nection was previously known in the rigid limit [31].1 1 attracted a large amount of interest in recent years [1– 0 Thereforeitisdesirabletostudyfieldtheoryexamples 17]. One feature of theories with nonlinear supersymme- 6 inwhichaheavysgoldstinoexistssothatsupersymmetry try,i.e.,withaconstrainedmultipletsatisfyingS2 =0,is 1 becomes linearly realized at a high scale. In such cases, theabsenceofadynamicalscalardegreeoffreedom. The v: auxiliary field of S breaks supersymmetry and the gold- the sgoldstino field cannot be infinitely heavy. Its mass, i andhencetheVolkov-Akulovcut-offscale,mustbelower X stino fermion is the only propagating field [18–21]. This than the Planck scale – and favorably below the Kaluza- makesthemappealingincosmologicalmodelbuildingfor r Kleinandstringscales. Astrongerconstraintarisesfrom a various reasons. unitarity which signals a perturbative breakdown of the The connection of such theories to string theory has nonlinear theory at a scale ∼√m in Planck units. A 3/2 recentlybeenstudiedin[15,22–27]. Effectivesupergrav- UV complete theory which can describe both the linear ity theories with a constrained goldstino multiplet can andnonlinearregimesisboundtoyieldcorrectionswhich be shown to arise from D3-branes in certain geometries aremissedbysimplyimposinganilpotencyconstrainton [23–27]. The emergence of nonlinear supersymmetry in the goldstino multiplet in supergravity. In this letter we string models with anti-branes was proven in [28], in the compute these corrections and evaluate their effects in context of global string theory vacua [29]. In such UV simple inflation models previously studied in the litera- embeddings it is difficult to extract the behavior of the ture. It is our aim to prove that in a well-defined regime supergravityabovethecut-offscaleoftheVolkov-Akulov of the theory, corrections are under control – though in action. Usually there is no scale at which linear super- symmetryisrestoredandthereforethescalarcomponent of S does not exist. A step towards understanding the connectionbetweenthelinearandnonlinearregimeswas 1 Forarecentstudyregardingtheapplicabilityofnilpotencycon- recently made in [30], where it was shown explicitly that ditionscf.[32]. 2 a quite constrained parameter space. The limit c → ∞ in (1) then corresponds to taking the Forthispurposetheclassofmodelsdevelopedin[7]is couplingλtoinfinityorthemassm tozero. Sinceboth X particularly instructive.2 They feature the coupling of a must be finite and m must be large for the effective X nilpotent stabilizer multiplet to a holomorphic function field theory (EFT) to make sense, we must consider the oftheinflatonmultiplet,givingrisetoaplethoraofpossi- regime where the sgoldstino has a finite mass, i.e., finite ble potential shapes for the inflaton scalar. During infla- c. In the remainder of this letter we strive to determine tion and in the vacuum supersymmetry is broken by the whetherinflationisstillpossibleinthiscase. Specifically, auxiliary field of the nilpotent multiplet. The setup can we determine whether the inflaton potential obtained in accommodate low-energy supersymmetry which is non- the nilpotent limit still holds and corrections are under trivial given the high scale of inflation. We extend this control. setuptoasupergravitywithheavyfieldsinwhichalarge We will find that such corrections are of two differ- mass for the sgoldstino scalar is generated dynamically. ent natures. Additional heavy fields at the energy scale We expect our results to be relevant in many other su- Λ backreact on the inflaton potential, introducing cor- pergravity theories with nilpotent goldstino multiplets. rections which vanish as Λ → ∞.3 On the other hand, Thus, we hope that this work is another step towards thefinitemassofthesgoldstinofieldleadstocorrections understanding nilpotent multiplets and their role in cos- which vanish in the limit where the latter is infinitely mology. heavy. This corresponds to Λ → 0. Therefore, it is far from obvious that both types of corrections can be sup- pressed simultaneously. II. SGOLDSTINO DECOUPLING Note that while we study this in the class of inflation modelsproposedin[7],ourfindingscanstraightforwardly The success of nilpotent fields in cosmology has trig- be applied to alternative scenarios with nilpotent multi- gered growing interest in their field-theoretical origin. It plets. is well-known that in spontaneously broken linear su- persymmetry, the sgoldstino field acquires a large mass through the operator III. SGOLDSTINO-LESS MODELS OF |S|4 INFLATION K ⊃c (1) Λ2 Let us briefly review the inflation models of [7]. They in the K¨ahler potential. In the limit c → ∞, the sgold- feature the K¨ahler and superpotential stino becomes infinitely heavy and the resulting theory isequivalenttononlinearlyrealizedsupersymmetrywith 1 a nilpotent goldstino multiplet S [30, 31]. Clearly this K = (Φ+Φ)2+|S|2, (4a) 2 theory is only a low-energy effective theory. With the (cid:16) √ (cid:17) sgoldstinodecoupled,itviolatesperturbativeunitarityat W =f(Φ) 1+ 3S , (4b) √ the intermediate energy scale m [34]. Requiring in- 3/2 flationintheperturbativeregimeoneobtainsthegeneric where Φ denotes the inflaton superfield and S contains constraint [7] the stabilizer field. This setup is a generalization of the m >H2, (2) models developed in [36, 37] with built-in supersymme- 3/2 try breaking by the auxiliary field of S. The function f whereH denotestheHubblescale. However,thescaleof satisfies f(0) (cid:54)= 0, f(cid:48)(0) = 0 and f(x) = f(−x¯). In [7] it supersymmetrybreakingmaybedifferentduringandaf- is assumed that S fulfills the boundary condition S2 =0 terinflation. Hence,nilpotentinflationmodelsconsistent of a nilpotent chiral multiplet. This implies (cid:104)s(cid:105) = 0 for with low-energy supersymmetry can be constructed [7]. its scalar component.4 √ A different concern is the limit c → ∞: in a UV- The factor 3 ensures the cancellation of the cosmo- complete model the operator (1) arises from couplings logical constant in the vacuum at (cid:104)φ(cid:105) = 0. Along the of S to heavy degrees of freedom. As an example, we inflationary trajectory the potential reads may consider the superpotential coupling W ⊃λSX2 of Sgenteorattheeshaeoanvye-lfioeolpdcXorrwecittihonm[a3s5s],mX. This coupling V =(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)f(cid:48)(cid:18)i√ϕ (cid:19)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)2 , (5) (cid:12) 2 (cid:12) λ4 |S|4 K ⊃− . (3) 16π2 m2 X 3 Thesewecall“UVcorrections”becausetheyarisefromembed- dingthenilpotentmultipletinacompletetheoryofsupergravity. 2 Werecommend[33]asareviewoftheseandotherinflationmod- 4 We use capital letters for superfields and small letters for their elsinvolvingnonlinearsupersymmetry. scalarcomponents. 3 √ where ϕ = 2Imφ denotes the canonically normalized denoting the inflaton potential in the limit where S is inflaton. Two examples for f are discussed in [7]. One is nilpotent and hence s is infinitely heavy. The gravitino mass along the inflationary trajectory can be approxi- m f(Φ)=f − Φ2, (6) mated as 0 2 leadingtothepotentialofchaoticinflation, V = 12m2ϕ2. m2 =eK|W|2 (cid:39)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)f(cid:18)i√ϕ (cid:19)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)2 . (11) The other is 3/2 (cid:12) 2 (cid:12) (cid:32) √ (cid:33) (cid:112) 3 √ f(Φ)=f −i V Φ+i e2iΦ/ 3 , (7) As only the real part of the stabilizer field is displaced 0 0 2 duringinflation, wesets¯=sinthefollowing. Atsecond √ order in s the scalar potential reads (cid:16) (cid:17) producingtheplateaupotentialV =V 1−e− 2/3ϕ .5 0 √ (cid:16) (cid:17) InthefollowingwecallS thegoldstinomultipletands V =V +m2 Λ2+ 3 2V −4m2 s+m2s2, (12) 0 3/2 0 3/2 s thesgoldstino, itsscalarcomponent. Thisisbecausesis theheavyscalarthatissupposedtodecouple,anddespite including only terms up to O(Λ2).7 The sgoldstino mass the fact that the inflaton multiplet has a sub-dominant is given by but nonvanishing auxiliary field during inflation. m2 m2 =12 3/2 , (13) IV. CORRECTIONS FROM THE SGOLDSTINO s Λ2 which,throughm ,dependsonϕduringinflation. The 3/2 inflaton-dependent minimum of s lies at Let us discuss corrections to the inflaton potential which arise if the sgoldstino has a finite mass. To this end we consider (cid:104)s(cid:105)= 2m23/2−V0 Λ√2 . (14) m2 4 3 3/2 W =f(Φ)(1+δS), (8a) 1 |S|4 The scalar potential after integrating out s reads K = (Φ+Φ)2+|S|2− . (8b) 2 Λ2 (cid:34) (cid:32) (cid:33) (cid:35) V The difference compared to the previous section is that V =V 1+ 1− 0 Λ2+O(Λ4) . (15) we do not impose the nilpotency constraint S2 = 0. 0 4m2 3/2 Instead we introduce the term |S|4/Λ2 in the K¨ahler potential which generates a large – but finite – mass As mentioned above, the corrections from the sgoldstino for the sgoldstino s and dynamically keeps s close to sector appear in powers of m2 /m2 and H2/m2, where the origin.6 Supersymmetry breaking introduces an √ 3/2 s s H ∼ V again denotes the Hubble parameter. Correc- inflaton-dependent linear term for the stabilizer field 0 tionsareundercontrolaslongasm >HΛwhichisthe which slightly shifts it away from the origin [4]. As this 3/2 case during inflation in the two examples of Section III.8 effect scales inversely with the mass of s, it is absent in Note that even when the corrections are small the the nilpotent limit. Notice that we introduced the pa- sgoldstino can affect post-inflationary cosmology. If the rameter δ which allows us to tune the vacuum energy to above constraint is violated after inflation, s may no zero at the minimum of the potential. Due to the shift √ longer trace its minimum. If it gets trapped the associ- of s, δ is close to but not exactly 3. We find atedpotentialenergycanalterlate-timecosmology. This √ Λ2 isnotnecessarilyproblematicandmayeveninduceinter- δ = 3+ √ +O(Λ4). (9) esting signatures. We merely point out that decoupling 2 3 s from all dynamics in the universe requires the bound For a compact notation we introduce m >HΛtobesatisfiedduringtheentirecosmological 3/2 V0 =(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)f(cid:48)(cid:18)i√ϕ (cid:19)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)2 , (10) esivsotleunttioEnF.TWΛecwainllnoshtobweainrbtihtrearfiollyloswminagll,tmhaatkiinngathciosna- (cid:12) 2 (cid:12) very severe constraint. 5 AspointedoutinSection5of[7],thefunctionf canbeextended to include matter fields like an MSSM sector. Tachyonic direc- 7 Noticethats=O(Λ2)andm2=O(Λ−2). s tions are avoided automatically for matter fields which appear 8 ForthesgoldstinotobeheavierthanRe(Φ)onewouldaddition- atleastquadraticallyinf. ally have to require |f(cid:48)(cid:48)(Φ)|,|f(cid:48)(cid:48)(cid:48)(Φ)|<|f(cid:48)(Φ)| on the inflation- 6 ComparedtoSectionIIweabsorbedtheparametercinthedef- ary trajectory. These conditions are, however, already fulfilled initionofΛ. byrequiringslow-rollinflation. 4 V. CORRECTIONS FROM UV COMPLETIONS m m H Λ 3/2 s inflation 8·1014GeV 9·1015GeV 9·1013GeV 7·1017GeV In the previous section we have included corrections to the inflaton potential which arise from the sgoldstino vacuum 105GeV 106GeV ∼0 7·1017GeV sector. The corrections disappear in the limit Λ → 0 in whichthesgoldstinobecomesinfinitelyheavy. Butthere TABLE I.Representativeexampleofthedifferentscalesap- are more corrections related to the heavy fields living pearing in sgoldstino-less inflation. The values during infla- at the scale Λ. Contrary to the sgoldstino corrections, tion refer to the beginning of observable inflation, 50-60 e- thesescalewithΛ−1 andpreventusfromtakingthelimit folds in the past. Λ→0. In the following we discuss these UV corrections intwoexamples. Inthefirstexamplethesgoldstinomass Notethatitisthesameasthemasstermarisingfromthe isgeneratedbyYukawainteractionswithheavyfields, in equivalent quantum correction to the K¨ahler potential the second example by gauge interactions. Despite their ∆K =−|S|4/Λ2 with simplicityweexpectthatourexamplesarerepresentative √ of more sophisticated UV embeddings. 2 3π Λ= M. (22) λ2 WeconcludethatweobtainthemodelofSectionIVasa A. Example 1 low-energy effective theory and the small shift of s does not affect inflation for sufficiently small Λ. Consider two additional chiral multiplets X,Y with a However,wehaveyettoconsidertheeffectofinflation vector-like mass M. We consider M to be large com- onthesectorofheavyfieldsX andY. Inflationdoesnot pared to the Hubble scale and the gravitino mass during induce linear terms for the scalar components x and y. inflation. We define the model as follows, However, it generates a bilinear mass term for x. The W =f(Φ)(1+δS)+λSX2+MXY , (16) mass of Imx is given by √ K = 1(Φ+Φ)2+|S|2+|X|2+|Y|2. (17) m2Imx (cid:39)M2−2 3λm3/2. (23) 2 Thus, taking the limit M → 0 to make S nilpotent in- It bears resemblance to the O’Raifeartaigh model [38]. troduces a tachyonic direction in the full theory, which ThesgoldstinosuperfieldS obtainsamasstermthrough makesinflationimpossible.9 Toobtainapositivesquared its coupling to X. The parameter δ is chosen such that mass, we obtain the constraint the vacuum energy vanishes at the minimum of the po- √ tential M2 >2 3λm3/2. (24) √ (cid:18) 2π2M2(cid:19) Taking the example of chaotic inflation (6) and using δ = 3 1+ +O(M4). (18) √ λ4 m (cid:39) 6·10−6, ϕ ∼ 15, this translates into M > 0.03 λ. At the same time, to make the sgoldstino sufficiently The tree-level scalar potential along the direction heavy we have to require that Λ (cid:46) 1 which is equiv- x=y =0 reads alent to M (cid:46) 0.09λ2, cf. (22). After combining these 12π2M2 √ (cid:16) (cid:17) two constraints there is a small window at λ (cid:38) 1 and V = V + m2 +2 3 V −2m2 s 0 λ4 3/2 0 3/2 M ∼0.05,wheresgoldstino-lessinflationcanconsistently (cid:16) (cid:17) takeplace. Inthisregimetheheavyfieldsremainattheir + 4V2−2m2 s2+O(s3), (19) 0 3/2 minimaandinflationdoesnotreceivecorrectionsbesides those of Section IV. Notice, however, that the sgoldstino where V = |f(cid:48)|2 and m2 (cid:39) |f|2 as before and s¯ = s 0 3/2 mass can at most be enhanced by an O(10) factor com- is assumed. The imaginary part of s is stabilized at the paredtothegravitinomass. ThisisillustratedinTableI, origin and does not play a role in our discussion. The where we show a possible choice of scales which leads to tree-level mass of s is negligible compared to the one- successful sgoldstino-less inflation. In the vacuum, the loop contribution due to the interaction with X. We use gravitino mass is much smaller than in the inflationary the Coleman-Weinberg formula epoch and low-energy supersymmetry can be obtained. 1 M2 V = StrM4log , (20) CW 64π2 Q2 B. Example 2 where StrM4 =(cid:80)i(−1)2Ji(2Ji+1)m4i is the trace over the field-dependent mass eigenvalues of states with spin Second, we consider an example where the sgoldstino J . The Coleman-Weinberg potential gives rise to an ad- i receives its mass from gauge interactions. We introduce ditional mass term m2 V =λ4 3/2 s2+... . (21) CW π2M2 9 Weassumeλ>0. IntheoppositecaseRexisthetachyon. 5 three new chiral multiplets X, Y, Ψ which carry the 108V(φ) charges q(X) = −1, q(Y) = 1 and q(Ψ) = 0 under a U(1) symmetry.10 We further assume that q(S)=1 and 2 define the model by W =f(Φ)(1+δXS)+λΨ(XY −v2), (25) K = 1(Φ+Φ)2+|S|2+|X|2+|Y|2+|Ψ|2, (26) 1 2 where δ is again chosen to adjust the cosmological con- stant. We find φ √ 10 20 30 40 50 3(cid:18) 2v2 (cid:19) δ = 1− +O(v4) . (27) v 9 Figure1. Effectiveinflatonpotentialforthechaoticinflation The second term in the superpotential is introduced to model with v = 0.03 (blue) v = 0.1 (orange) and v = 0.3 break the U(1) symmetry at a high scale. For the same (green). The backreaction of the heavy fields flattens the reason as before we set x¯ = x, y¯ = y, ψ¯ = ψ in the inflaton potential. For v (cid:38) 0.1 corrections from the heavy following. The imaginary parts do not play a role in our fields are under control, while sgoldstino decoupling requires discussion. Giventhatv (cid:29)Max(m ,H)theU(1)sym- v (cid:46)1. This leaves a small window of viable parameter space 3/2 metryisbrokenalongthealmostD-andF-flatdirection in which sgoldstino-less inflation consistently proceeds. xy =v2, s2−x2+y2 =0, ψ =0. (28) Using these three conditions to eliminate x, y, and ψ Noticethedifferencetoourfirstexample. Inthiscasethe yields the scalar potential shift of the heavy fields during inflation causes a back- reaction on the potential. Expression (31) only includes 2 √ (cid:16) (cid:17) V =V + m2 v2+ 3 2V −2m2 s the corrections due to the heavy fields. In addition, the 0 3 3/2 0 3/2 sgoldstino-induced corrections of Section IV arise. +m2s2+O(s3), (29) Requiring the correction to be suppressed compared s to the leading-order inflaton potential leads to the con- with straint 9m2 m3/2 m2 = 3/2 . (30) v (cid:29) , (32) s 2v2 V1/4 0 This resembles (12) if we identify Λ = (cid:112)4/3v.11 The for λ,g ∼O(1). In the model of chaotic inflation defined large mass m decouples the sgoldstino and the small by (6), with m ∼ 6·10−6 and ϕ ∼ 15, the constraint s shift of s does virtually not affect inflation. translates into Unfortunately, this is not the end of the story. So far v (cid:29)0.03. (33) we have worked in the regime m ,H (cid:28) v. We expect 3/2 additionalcorrectionsifeitherm orH areclosetothe Even for larger v there are substantial corrections. We 3/2 scale v. To find these corrections we must treat x, y and depict the effective inflaton potential of the example (6) ψ as dynamical fields. We perform a Taylor expansion in Figure 1 for f = 10−14, m = 6·10−6, λ = g = 1, 0 around s=0, ψ =0, x=v, y =v up to second order in and different values of v. Again there is a small window theshiftofthefourfields. Settingthefourfieldstotheir at v (cid:38) 0.1 where the backreaction is under control and new minima, we arrive at the following effective inflaton sgoldstino-less inflation can take place. As in the previ- potential ous example, choosing v too large decreases the mass of the sgoldstino scalar beyond the point where it can be 9(cid:18) 1 1 (cid:19)m43/2 consistently decoupled. The corrections from the heavy V =V − + . (31) 0 4 2g2 λ2 v4 fields of the UV completion cause a flattening of the in- flaton potential. 10 In order to avoid anomalies we have to introduce another field VI. DISCUSSION Z withchargeq(Z)=−1. ThefieldZ canbecoupledtoanew singletΘviaatermYZΘinthesuperpotential. WhenY breaks Wehaveemphasizedthatsgoldstinodecouplingincos- the U(1) symmetry this becomes a large vector-like mass term mology is nontrivial. Working in spontaneously broken for Z. In this case Z and Θ do not affect our analysis, and we neglecttheminthefollowingdiscussion. linearsupergravity,insteadofimposinganilpotencycon- 11 To recove√r the exact form of (12) we would have to substitute straint by hand we assumed that the mass of the sgold- m3/2→ 2m3/2. stino field is produced dynamically. This required the 6 inclusion of heavy degrees of freedom which couple to we calculated the corrections to the inflaton potential the sgoldstino. We discussed two possible UV embed- which typically appear in the form of flattening effects. dings of nilpotent goldstino multiplets. Both scenarios The constraints on Λ imply that the sgoldstino mass result in the sgoldstino-less inflation models of [7] as a canatmostbeenhancedbyoneorderofmagnitudecom- low-energy effective theory. The sgoldstino has a large pared to the gravitino mass. Requiring the sgoldstino to but finite mass ms ∼ m3/2/Λ during inflation, where Λ decouple in the post-inflationary cosmology as well puts is the mass scale of the heavy fields which couple to the strong additional constraints on the form of the scalar sgoldstino. As m3/2 > H the sgoldstino decouples from potential. the inflationary dynamics. Duetothestructureofthedangeroustermsthatarise, ThescaleΛsetsanewcut-offatwhichthelow-energy we expect these results to be relevant for many other effective theory breaks down and the heavy fields be- applications of constrained multiplets in cosmology. comedynamicaldegreesoffreedom. Forinflationtotake place in a controlled regime, where the heavy fields can be integrated out, one has to require that the Hubble scale does not exceed Λ. However, an even more severe ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS constraint arises in the class of models [7] which feature m3/2 (cid:29)H duringinflation. Thereinflationinduceslarge The authors thank G. Dall’Agata and A. Uranga for “soft terms” which may destabilize the heavy fields. De- discussions. The work of C.W. is supported by the ERC pendingonthespecificUVembedding,wefindthattad- AdvancedGrantSPLEundercontractERC-2012-ADG- pole terms ∝ m23/2MP2/Λ and bilinear terms ∝ m3/2MP 20120216-320421, by the grant FPA2012-32828 from the are particularly dangerous. In all examples we find that MINECO,andbythegrantSEV-2012-0249ofthe“Cen- inflation is generically spoiled if Λ (cid:46) 0.1. This does not tro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa” Programme. 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