UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff RRhhooddee IIssllaanndd DDiiggiittaallCCoommmmoonnss@@UURRII Open Access Master's Theses 1986 UUttiilliizzaattiioonn ooff DDiieettaarryy CCaarrbboohhyyddrraatteess aanndd LLiippiiddss bbyy SSaallmmoonniiddss SSeexxuuaallllyy SStteerriilliizzeedd wwiitthh 1177aallpphhaa--MMeetthhyylltteessttoosstteerroonnee Bruce S. Ahern University of Rhode Island Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/theses RReeccoommmmeennddeedd CCiittaattiioonn Ahern, Bruce S., "Utilization of Dietary Carbohydrates and Lipids by Salmonids Sexually Sterilized with 17alpha-Methyltestosterone" (1986). Open Access Master's Theses. Paper 938. https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/theses/938 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@URI. It has been accepted for inclusion in Open Access Master's Theses by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@URI. For more information, please contact [email protected]. UTILIZATION OF DIETARY CARBOHYDRATES AND LIPIDS BY SALMDNIDS SEXUALLY STERILIZED WITH 17alpha-METHYLTESTOSTERDNE BY BRUCE S. AHERN A THESIS 3LJBMITTED IN PARTIAL FLJLLFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN FISHERIES AQUACULTURE AND PATHOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND 1986 MASTER OF SCIENCE THESIS OF BRUCE S. AHERN Approved: _,O , ~ ~~~~ Thesis Committee Major Professor · ~VJ I ___ _ ~£ Dean of the Graduate School UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND 1986 ABSTRACT Two, twelve week feeding trials were conducted to determine the performance of j uvenil e and yearl ing rainbow trout CSalmo gairdner i) which were fed high-fat or high-carbohydrate diets. In each feeding trial and f or each diet group, 50% of the fish used had been previously treated with 17a-methly-testosterone, given orally at the onset of feeding. These were called treated fish. Also, for each group, 50% were untreated rainbow trout (control s), kept and fed under identical conditions ~~ treated fish . All fish were held in 100% flow-through systems and fed twice or three times daily. Fe0d requirement was determined as a percent age of the total fish weight for each tank, accordi ng to water temperature .and average size of fish calculated at each Thr ee replicates were used in the first feeding tri al and two in the second. Growth measurements Performance was determined through teed c0nversion efficiency, 9Ctual weight yain, actual length ~sin. relative weight gain and condition f;;;.ctor Pla~ma glucose and ammonia levels, and visc2ral Two diets were Formulated in t he first trial , one high in lipid C24. 1%) with no carbohydrate added and the other ii. lower in lipid l15%) and high in sucrose C23. 8%) as a digestible carbohydrate. In the second trial three diets were formul at ed: one high in fat C24. 1% lipi d), one high in sucrose (25.8%) and low in l ipi d (14.1%), and one high in molasses C42. 0%) and low in lipid. All diets were iso-nitrogenous and iso-caloric. The ob jecti ve in these studies was to determine if a correlation existed between performance of treated or control rainbow t~out and diet fed. diet performed better than those fed the high-fat diet. groups with respect to growth parameters, though not signiFicantly so in a.i1. i., inst:::inces;. (-:, positive In the car-!::· Dl-i ·.,..cl.- d h?. ~,,our c: e) di et . a <:;uc n:.ise d .Let. and <~. hi qh--+ a.t 1 Fi sh in qr:'·'-1,~r<:•.i. pt·~!'·fut-iT1t:?d bettt.-'!r 11.1hen ·fE?cj the tl-"JD cl1E~t.s; hic.ih 1n di qestibl~ car·bahydrate. Molasses in the fi~h di et had no ~dver·se ~fi2~t on growth and r esults indicated that this sucrose SLurce might potentially be u5ed as a feed .:<.d•_i J. I.: i ..-e f •::-_w f i ~:;Ii .. Treated fish fed the 1·1.t1Jh·· .. ·c:,::•t""bor1ycl1""· .. :.~t.;·,. dit."!ts in t he 3econd l 1···1al d1 d not ci2monstr2te the superior performance whi ch w2s 8V1denced .L n t h f= f l r •.:; t t. r "i. a. 1 .. i.i i. these feeding trials are discussed and possi bl e implications for the aquaculture industry are put f orth. iv. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would to express my gratitude and li~e appreciation to a number people who were instrument al in completion of this thesi s. Foremost , I t hank my major pr ofessor , Dr Lewi s T. Smith, f or his guidance in developing this thesis project and his very helpful assistance in following up on the research end of things, through several dishearteni ng complicat ions. His ki·iu:.,,JlF.::dge of qenF2r-al fi;;:.h cul turr::.•, genetics and statistics proved invaluable to me in completi ng this thesis while his good humor , philosophical insi ghts and interesting story-telling kept morale high . I would a l so like to thank Dr. Thomas L. Meade for hi s help in t he formulation of fish diets and his advise on the nu·.c 1r l• "\ ..1. Dna .·1. dspects of the r~search . I a.m grateful to Dr. Meade for ser ving as a member of my committee alonq with Dr . Richard Rhodes and Dr. Mur n 1 Dr . Rhodes and Dr. Nippo were very helpful with their editorial corrections of the defense copy of the thesis and their comments and suggest ions weighed heavily in the completicn of the f i nal, r evised product. Dr. Wol ke's training and assistance in diagnosing and treating diseases of fish is appreciated and his good sportsmanship and competeti veness at the T.T. t able provided me with many afternoons of intelectual stimulation and exercise away From the rigors of ~;tudyi ng. Dr Terance Bradley's insight was most helpful. I am grateful for the work of Sheila Polofeky in processing tissue needed for analysis in my study and 1 ·fer· her· p<::1tiE:ncf? i.n t.r;,:·\:tninq a. '',.J.T.'' in histulo(]ic:al t.ec:hil 1 qw.ee .. I appreciate the help of Foster Edgar, who was always happy to lend a hand when one was needed. Conrad'3 good spirits and willing assistance to all t~ac:h1 ng can indeed go hand in hand. The moral support Bernatonis~ Anita George, Karla Johanning, Dan Medina and ·rhe nu.1···+ I am than~ful for the suppor~ and understandinu of my Family; Dad, Jane, Kelly, Maure~11, Kevin and Brian and Mom 1n Fl~r1da 1 ~var the years. Mast Gf 211 1 it was the support 1 understandinq and encouragement of my wife Carlene and her belief in me, which qave me the pe~serverdnce tw compl~t~ this theeis. it i s t~ her that this thesi s iE dedicated. v'l • P-i!J ·::;tr· ac: t. i.]. \,/ Table of Contents \/ l l v' 1 i :i . .1.1·1t.1'"DcJuc:t1 un J. Feview .... L1te~2tur2 I'"!"'· L. ;::;_. r· i. <:« l c:;, ::.<. r·, t:J i"'"! c t 1-·1 D ci ~=; • .. • .. • .. .. • .. .. • • • • .. • • • .. • • • • .. • • .. • • ..:: ..•. · 1:;: ·-== s u l t: s • . " . " .. " \/ 1 l. " OF ~IST TABL,..E~ I. Dietary Ingredients-Trial #1 ··.· .:: -..·....:-:.,. I I .. -··-· I II .. I 'v' .. Energ; Content of Diets CKcal/Kgl-Tr1al #2 .• ~. 1:::· ·-'~ .. I '·. ./ .. -;·i--: E· r? +- i'.'. 1?:.~c: t c:i f t (' ec~ t. rnen t ~·\Ji th 1 ·7 .::·1. ·-.. Hif::.·t. h -~,... 1 on the dev0lopment of testu~terone sex~~! !" .. i:l 1. n b c:11r.; t.1··· CJU. t" .......... " ...... ·-·'/ \/I .. r/iE.:.~':tf'i ·-~ , ... C)i,"'J t.1···, p a.r··· i.4.ff1e·t F::!.-· ~:; ;:: C:Jr· t !:"" e~·=·l t E·d :::-.n d ~ontroi rainbow trout after feeding for 1~ w~e~s with high-fat and sucrose Jiet0 ·i:f l " " .... " . " . " . ..',I ...! . , i .•. T ·.,· .L .i. u : ··, :~ ·~.1 r··1 :~.: i. .i (~ i .... ::; ·~-= 1.~: (j 1 E:• t '=3 i r- L :::-. J. ·r+ 1. .• .._:,·! ..· ·1t •. JI 1-.. ·.·:.' ~:t i~. t::0. 1j -::.·. n j __ ; ; . . l ',I_ ::;.jjJ:;;i. tJ i. ,.. ' .1.:,. ::)''.::.1.7::1 -~.(jd .I. ·::: •:::: i .... .·.·I. (I T ::.~' :.::~· ,j ... ! . I ·d ..'\ : ::-~-·-·>- -i ·- r .;:.:•l l!... . \ -::. 1. ..l •.:. ,:J-::: ~ ~:·i I [ ._j -ii.'.i;', .-I·•:• i