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IOPPUBLISHING EUROPEANJOURNALOFPHYSICS Eur.J.Phys.33(2012)101–113 doi:10.1088/0143-0807/33/1/009 Using surface integrals for checking Archimedes’ law of buoyancy F M S Lima InstituteofPhysics,UniversityofBrasilia,POBox04455,70919-970Brasilia-DF,Brazil E-mail:fabio@fis.unb.br Received27July2011,infinalform5October2011 Published22November2011 Onlineatstacks.iop.org/EJP/33/101 Abstract A mathematical derivation of the force exerted by an inhomogeneous (i.e. compressible) fluid on the surface of an arbitrarily shaped body immersed in it is not found in the literature, which may be attributed to our trust in Archimedes’lawofbuoyancy. However,thislaw,alsoknownasArchimedes’ principle(AP),doesnotyieldtheforceobservedwhenthebodyisincontact withthecontainerwalls,asismoreevidentinthecaseofablockimmersedina liquidandincontactwiththebottom,inwhichadownwardforcethatincreases withdepthisobserved. Inthiswork,bytakingintoaccountthesurfaceintegral ofthepressureforceexertedbyafluidoverthesurfaceofabody,thegeneral validityofAPischecked. Forabodyfullysurroundedbyafluid,homogeneous ornot,agradientversionofthedivergencetheoremapplies,yieldingavolume integralthatsimplifiestoanupwardforcewhichagreeswiththeforcepredicted by AP, as long as the fluid density is a continuous function of depth. For the bottomcase,thisapproachyieldsadownwardforcethatincreaseswithdepth, which contrasts to AP but is in agreement with experiments. It also yields a formulaforthisforcewhichshowsthatitincreaseswiththeareaofcontact. (Somefiguresinthisarticleareincolouronlyintheelectronicversion) 1. Introduction ThequantitativestudyofhydrostaticphenomenabeganinantiquitywithArchimedes’treatise On Floating Bodies—Book I, where some propositions for the problem of the force exerted by a liquid on a body fully or partially submerged in it are proved [1, 2].1 In modern texts, his propositions are reduced to a single statement known as Archimedes’ law of buoyancy, orsimplyArchimedes’principle(AP),whichstatesthat‘anyobjectimmersedinafluidwill experience an upward force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body’ [3].2 1 Certainlyinconnectiontotheneed,atthattimeofimprovingshippingbysearoutes,ofpredictinghowmuch additionalweightashipcouldsupportwithoutsinking. 2 NotethatArchimedesdidnotcallhisdiscoveriesinhydrostatics‘laws’,nordidhepresentthemasaconsequence ofexperiments.Instead,hetreatedthemasmathematicaltheorems,similartothoseproposedbyEuclidforgeometry. 0143-0807/12/010101+13$33.00 c 2012IOPPublishingLtd PrintedintheUK&theUSA 101 ! 102 FMSLima The development of this work had to wait about 18 centuries, until the rise of the scientific method, which was a guide for the experimental investigations in hydrostatics by Stevinus, Galileo,Torricelli,andPascal,amongothers3. TheverylongtimeintervalfromArchimedes totheseexperimentalistsisaclearindicationofhowadvancedhisthoughtswere. Aspointed out by Netz (based upon a palimpsest discovered recently), Archimedes developed rigorous mathematical proofs for most of his ideas [4]. However, the derivation of the exact force exertedbyaninhomogeneousfluidonanarbitrarilyshapedbodyimmersedinit, aswillbe shownhere,demandstheknowledgeofthedivergencetheorem,amathematicaltoolthatwas outofreachfortheancients. Therefore,thevalidityoftheArchimedespropositionsforthis moregeneralcasewasnotformallyprovedinhisoriginalwork(see[1]). By defining the buoyant force (BF) as the net force exerted by a fluid on the portion of thesurfaceofabody(fullyorpartiallysubmerged)thattouchesthefluid,thevalidityofAPin predictingthisforcecanbechecked. Infact,thesimplecaseofsymmetricsolidbodies(e.g., aright-circularcylinder,asfoundin[5],orarectangularblock,asfoundin[6])immersedina liquidisusedinmosttextbooksforprovingthevalidityofAP.There,symmetryargumentsare takenintoaccounttoshowthatthehorizontalforcesexertedbytheliquidcancelandthenthe netforcereducestothedifferenceofpressureforcesexertedonthetopandbottomsurfaces4. The BF is then shown to point upwards, with a magnitude that agrees with AP, which also explainstheoriginoftheBFintermsofanincreaseofpressurewithdepth5. Note,however, thatthisproofworksonlyforsymmetricbodieswithhorizontal,flatsurfacesonthetopandthe bottom, immersedinanincompressible(i.e.homogeneous)fluid. Althoughanextensionof thisresultforarbitrarilyshapedbodiesimmersedinaliquidcanbefoundinsometextbooks [7–9], a formal generalization for bodies immersed in a compressible (i.e. inhomogeneous) fluidisnotfoundintheliterature. Thiscertainlyinducesthereaderstobelievethatitshould beverycomplexmathematically,whichisnottrue,aswillbeshownhere. The existence of exceptions to Archimedes’ law has been observed in some simple experimentsinwhichtheforcepredictedbyAPisqualitativelyincorrectforabodyimmersed inafluidandincontactwiththecontainerwalls. Forinstance,whenasymmetricsolid(e.g., a cylinder) is fully submerged in a liquid with a face touching the bottom of a container, a downward BF is observed, as long as no liquid seeps under the block [2, 10, 11, 12, 14]. Indeed,theexperimentalevidencethatthisforceincreaseswithdepth(see,e.g.,[2,12–14]) clearlycontraststotheconstantforcepredictedbyAP.Thesedisagreementsledsomeauthors toreconsiderthecompletenessorcorrectnessoftheAPstatement,aswellasthedefinitionof BFitself[2,11–13,15],whichseemstomakethethingsyetmoreconfusing. On aiming at checking mathematically the validity of AP for arbitrarily shaped bodies immersedininhomogeneousfluidsandintendingtoelucidatewhythebottomcaserepresents anexception toAP,inthisworkImake useofsurfaceintegrals forderiving theexact force exerted by a fluid on the surface of a body immersed in it. When the body does not touch thecontainerwalls, agradientversionofthedivergencetheoremapplies, yieldingavolume integralthatreducestotheweightofthedisplacedfluid,inagreementwithAP.Forthebottom case, this approach yields a force that points downwards and increases with depth, in clear disagreementwithAP,butinagreementwithexperiments. Thismethodalsorevealsthatthis 3 Gravesandealsodeservescitation,duetohisaccurateexperimentforcomparingtheforceexertedbyaliquidon abodyimmersedinittotheweightofthedisplacedliquid. Thisexperimentusesabucketandametalliccylinder thatfitssnuglyinsidethebucket. Bysuspendingthebucketandthecylinderfromabalanceandbringingitinto equilibrium,oneimmersesthecylinderinawatercontainer. Thebalanceequilibriumisthenrestoredbyfillingthe bucketwithwater. 4 Ofcourse,theonlyphysicallyplausiblecauseforthisupwardforceisthegreaterfluidpressureonthebottomof thecylinderincomparisontothepressureonthetop. 5 TheoriginoftheBFisnotfoundinArchimedes’originalwork[1]. CheckingthevalidityofArchimedes’law 103 Figure1. AcylinderofheighthandradiusR,fullyimmersedinaliquid. NotethattheBFB isverticalanddirectedupwards. ThetopsurfaceS2iskeptatadepthz2 belowtheliquid–air interface(aplaneatz 0). = forcedependsontheareaofcontactA betweenthebodyandthebottom,beingequaltothe b difference between the product p A (p being the pressure at the bottom) and the weight b b b of the displaced fluid, a result that is not found in the literature and could be explored in undergraduateclasses. 2. Buoyantforceonabodywitharbitraryshape In modern texts, Archimedes’ original propositions are reduced to a single, short statement knownasArchimedes’principle[3,6]. When a body is fullyor partially submerged ina fluid, a buoyant force B from the surroundingfluidactsonthebody. Thisforceisdirectedupwardandhasamagnitude equaltotheweightm gofthefluiddisplacedbythebody. f Here,m isthemassofthefluidthatisdisplacedbythebodyandgisthelocalacceleration f ofgravity. TheBFthatfollowsfromAPissimply B m g, (1) f =− where g gkˆ, kˆ being the unit vector pointing in the z-axis direction, as indicated in =− figure 1. For an incompressible, homogeneous fluid—i.e. a fluid with a nearly uniform density6—,onehasm ρV ,andthen f f = B ρV gkˆ, (2) f = whereρ isthedensityofthefluidandV isthevolumeofthefluidcorrespondingtom .7 In f f mosttextbooks,someheuristicargumentssimilartotheStevinus‘principleofrigidification’ (see,e.g.,[16])aretakenintoaccountforextendingthevalidityofthisformulatoarbitrarily 6 Forsmalldepths,mostliquidsbehaveaspracticallyincompressiblefluids. Forinstance,thedensityofseawater increasesbyonly0.5%whenthe(absolute)pressureincreasesfrom1to100atm(atadepthof1000m). 7 Ofcourse,whenthebodyisfullysubmerged,Vf equalsthevolumeVofthebody. 104 FMSLima shapedbodiesimmersedinaliquid(see,e.g.,[3,5,6]),withoutamathematicaljustification. Thevalidityofthisgeneralizationischeckedbelow. Our method starts from the basic relation between the pressure gradient in a fluid in equilibrium in a gravitational field g and its density ρ ρ(r), with r being the position = vector. Fromtheforcebalanceforanelementofvolumeofthefluid(homogeneousornot)in equilibrium,onefindsthewell-knownhydrostaticequation[9,17] p ρ(r)g. (3) ∇ = For a uniform, vertical (downward) gravitational field, as will be assumed hereafter8, this simplifiesto ∂p p kˆ ρ(z)g kˆ. (4) ∇ = ∂z =− Forahomogeneous(i.e.incompressible)fluid, ρ isaconstant(seefootnote6),andthen (4)canbereadilyintegrated,yielding p(z) p ρgz, (5) 0 = − wherep isthepressureatz 0,anarbitraryreferencelevel. Thislineardecreaseofpressure 0 = withheightisknownastheStevinuslaw[3,5,6]. LetusnowderiveageneralformulaforBFevaluations,i.e.onethatworksforarbitrarily shapedbodies,fullyorpartiallysubmergedinafluid(orsetofdistinctfluids)homogeneous ornot. Toavoidconfusion,letusdefinetheBFasthenetforcethatafluidexertsonthepartS ofthesurface#ofabodythatiseffectivelyincontactwiththefluid. Ofcourse,ifthebodyis fullysubmerged,thesurfaceScoincideswith#. Consider,then,abodyimmersedinafluid instaticequilibrium. Sincethereisnoshearingstressinafluidatrest,thedifferentialelement offorcedFitexertsonadifferentialelementofsurfacedS,atapointPofSinwhichthefluid touches(andpushes)thebody,isnormaltoSbyP.Therefore, dF p(r)dS nˆ, (6) =− where nˆ nˆ(r) is the outward normal unit vector at point P. Note that the pressure force = is directed along the inward normal to S by P. On assuming that the surface S is piecewise smooth and the vector field p(r)nˆ is integrable over S, one finds a general formula for BF evaluations,namely F p nˆ dS. (7) =− !!S Thisintegralcanbeeasilyevaluatedforabodywithasymmetricsurfacefullysubmergedin afluidwithuniformdensity. Foranarbitrarilyshapedbody,however,itdoesnotappeartobe tractableanalyticallyduetothedependenceofthedirectionofnˆonthepositionroverS,which inturndependsonthe(arbitrary)shapeofS.However,thistaskcanbeeasilyworkedoutfor a body fully submerged in a homogeneous fluid (ρ constant) by applying the divergence theorem to the vector field E p(z)kˆ, which yie=lds a volume integral that evaluates to ρgV kˆ, in agreement with AP=, a−s discussed in some advanced texts [7, 20]. For the more general case of a body fully or partially submerged in an inhomogeneous fluid (or a set of fluids),Ishallfollowaslightlydifferentroutehere,baseduponthefollowingversionofthe divergencetheorem[7,19].9 8 TheassumptionofauniformgravitationalfieldisaverygoodapproximationforpointsneartheEarth’ssurface. However, forproblemsinvolvinglargedepths/heightsoffluids(e.g., underseaextractionofoil, isostasyindeep crustallayers,andothers),thedecayofthegravitationalfieldwiththedistancetothecentreoftheEarthhastobe takenintoaccount. Fortheseapplications,amoreaccuratemodel(reconsideringequations(4)and(5))hastobe developed. 9 Thismoregeneralversionofthedivergencetheoremisusedherebecauseitisvalidforpiecewisesmoothsurfaces, thuscovering,e.g.,thecasesofrectangularblocksandcylinders,inwhichSisnotsmoothinallitspoints. CheckingthevalidityofArchimedes’law 105 Gradient theorem. Let R be a bounded region in space whose boundary S is a closed, piecewise smooth surface which is positively oriented by a unit normal vector nˆ directed outwardsfromR.Iff f(r)isascalarfunctionwithcontinuouspartialderivativesinall = pointsofanopenregionthatcontainsR(includingS),then f(r)nˆ dS f dV. " = ∇ !! !!!R S In the appendix, it is shown how the divergence theorem can be used for proving the gradienttheorem. Theadvantageofusingthisless-knowncalculustheoremisthatitallows ustotransformthesurfaceintegralinequation(7)intoavolumeintegralof p,avectorthat ∇ canbeeasilywrittenintermsofthefluiddensityviathehydrostaticequation(4). Forthis,let ussubstitutef(r) p(r)intobothintegralsofthegradienttheorem. Thisyields =− p(r)nˆ dS pdV , (8) − " =− ∇ !! !!!Vf S where the surface integral on the left-hand side is, according to our definition, the BF itself whenever the surface S is closed, i.e. when the body is fully submerged in a fluid. Let us analysethismoreclosely. 2.1.Abodyfullysubmergedinafluid Foranarbitraryshapebodyfullysubmergedinafluid(orasetoffluids),bysubstitutingthe pressuregradientofequation(4)intoequation(8),onefinds10 F pdV ρ(z) dV gkˆ. (9) =− !!!Vf ∇ ="!!!Vf # For the general case of an inhomogeneous, compressible fluid whose density changes with depth, as occurs with gases and high columns of liquids11, the pressure gradient in equation (9) will be integrable over V as long as ρ(z) is a continuous function of depth (in f conformitytothehypothesisofthegradienttheorem). Withthiscondition,onehas F ρ(z) dV gkˆ ρ(z) dV gkˆ. (10) ="!!!Vf # =$!!!V % Since ρ(z) dV isthemass m offluidthatwouldoccupythevolumeVofthebody(fully V f submerged), &&& F m g kˆ, (11) f = which is an upward force whose magnitude equals the weight of the fluid displaced by the body, in agreement with AP as stated in equation (1). This shows that AP remains valid evenforaninhomogeneousfluid, aslongasthedensityisacontinuousfunctionofdepth, a conditionfulfilledinmostpracticalsituations. 10For a homogeneous fluid, one has ρ(r) ρ const, which reduces the integral in equation (9) to = = ρg Vf dV kˆ =ρgVfkˆ =ρgV kˆ,which,asexpected,agreeswithAP. 11B’e&i&n&grigoro(us,allfluidspresentsomeincreaseofdensitywithdepth,buttheincreasingrateforliquidsismuch smallerthanthatforgases. 106 FMSLima 2.2.Abodypartiallysubmergedinafluid The case of an arbitrarily shaped body floating in a fluid with a density ρ (z), with its non- 1 submerged part exposed to either vacuum (i.e. a fictitious fluid with null density) or a less densefluid,isaninterestingexampleoffloatinginwhichtheexactBFcanbecomparedtothe forcepredictedbyAP12. Thisisimportantforthestudyofmanyfloatingphenomena, from shipsinseawatertotheisostaticequilibriumoftectonicplates(knowningeologyasisostasy) [28]. Without loss of generality, let us restrict our analysis to two fluids: one (denser) with densityρ1(z),wecallfluid1;another(lessdense)withdensityρ2(z)!min[ρ1(z)] ρ1(0−), = wecallfluid2. Forsimplicity, Ichoosetheorigin z 0at theplanar surfaceof separation = betweenthefluids,asindicatedinfigure2,wherethefluiddensityusuallypresentsa(finite) discontinuity ρ (0 ) ρ (0+). Theforcesthatthesefluidsexertonthebodysurfacecanbe 1 − 2 − evaluatedbyapplyingthegradienttheoremtoeachfluidseparately,asfollows. First,divide the body surface S into two parts: the open surface S below the interface at z 0 and the 1 = opensurfaceS abovez 0. Theintegraloverthe(closed)surfaceSinequation(7)canthen 2 = bewrittenas p(z)nˆ dS p(z)nˆ dS+ p(z)nˆ dS, (12) 1 2 " = !! !!S1 !!S2 S wherenˆ (nˆ )istheoutwardunitnormalvectoratapointofS (S ),asindicatedinfigure2. 1 2 1 2 Let us call S the planar surface, also indicated in figure 2, corresponding to the horizontal 0 cross-sectionofthebodyatz 0. Bynotingthatnˆ kˆ andnˆ kˆ inallpointsofS , 1 2 0 = = =− p(z)beingacontinuousfunction,onehas p(z)nˆ dS+ p(z)nˆ dS 0. 1 2 = !!S0 !!S0 This allows us to use S to generate two closed surfaces, S and S , formed by the unions 0 1 2 S S andS S ,respectively. Fromequation(12),onehas 1 0 2 0 ∪ ∪ ) ) p(z)nˆ dS p(z)nˆ dS+ p(z)nˆ dS+ p(z)nˆ dS+ p(z)nˆ dS 1 1 2 2 " = !! !!S1 !!S0 !!S2 !!S0 S p(z)nˆ dS+ p(z)nˆ dS. (13) 1 2 = " " !! !! S1 S2 As both S1 and S2)are closed surfa)ces, one can apply the gradient theorem to each of them, separately. Thisgives ) ) F p(z)nˆ dS+ p(z)nˆ dS 1 2 =− " " *!! !! + S1 S2 ) pdV + ) pdV (14) =− ∇ ∇ *!!!V1 !!!V2 + ∂p ∂p dV + dV kˆ, =− ∂z ∂z *!!!V1 !!!V2 + whereV andV arethevolumesoftheportionsofthebodybelowandabovetheinterfaceat 1 2 z 0,respectively. Fromthehydrostaticequation,onehas ∂p/∂z gρ(z) ,whichreduces = =− 12AnullpressureisassumedontheportionsofSthatarenotinteractingwithanyfluid. CheckingthevalidityofArchimedes’law 107 Figure2.Anarbitrarilyshapedbodyfloatinginaliquid(fluid1),withthenon-submergedpartin contactwithalessdense,compressiblefluid(fluid2).Notethatnˆ1(nˆ2)istheoutwardunitvector onthesurfaceS1(S2),asdefinedinthetext. S0isthehorizontalcross-sectionatthelevelofthe planarinterfacebetweenfluids1and2(atz 0). = theaboveintegralsto [ ρ (z)g] dV + [ ρ (z)g] dV 1 2 − − !!!V1 !!!V2 g ρ (z)dV + ρ (z)dV . (15) 1 2 =− $!!!V1 !!!V2 % Thelattervolumeintegralsareequivalenttothemassesm andm offluids1and2displaced 1 2 bythebody,respectively,whichreducestheBFto F g ρ (z)dV + ρ (z)dV kˆ (m +m ) gkˆ. (16) 1 2 1 2 = = $!!!V1 !!!V2 % The BF is then upwards and its magnitude is equal to the sum of the weights of the fluids displaced by the body, in agreement with AP in the form given in equation (1). Note that the potential energy minimization technique described in [21–23] cannot provide this confirmation of AP because it works only for rigorously homogeneous (i.e. incompressible) fluids. Interestingly,ourproofshowsthattheexactBFcanalsobefoundbyassumingthatthe bodyisfullysubmergedinasinglefluidwithavariabledensityρ(z) thatisnotcontinuous, butapiecewisecontinuousfunctionwitha(finite)leapdiscontinuityatz 0.13 = Although the contribution of fluid 2 to the BF is usually smaller than that of fluid 1, it cannot in general be neglected, as has been done in introductory physics textbooks [24]. In ourapproach,thiscorrespondstoassumingaconstantpressureonallpointsofthesurfaceS 2 of the emerged portion, which is incorrect. This leads to a null gradient of pressure on the non-submergedpartofthebody,whicherroneouslyreducestheBFtoonly F ρ (z)dV gkˆ. (17) 1 = $!!! % V1 Fluid1beingaliquid,asusual,ρ (z)isnearlyaconstant(letuscallitρ ),whichsimplifiesthis 1 1 upwardforcetoρ V g. Thisistheresultpresentedforthewater–airpairinmosttextbooks 1 1 13Interestingly,thissuggeststhatamoregeneralversionofthedivergencetheorem(seetheappendix)couldbefound, inwhichtherequirementofcontinuityofthecomponentsofE E(r)isweakenedtoonlyapiecewisecontinuity.I = havenotfoundsuchageneralizationintheliterature. 108 FMSLima [3,5,6]. ItisalsotheresultthatcanbededucedfromArchimedes’originalpropositions14,as wellastheresultfoundbyminimizingthepotentialenergy[21–23]. Itisclearthatthisnaive approximateresultalwaysunderestimatestheactualBFestablishedinequation(16),beinga reasonableapproximationonlywhenm m .15Theinclusionofthetermcorrespondingto 2 1 $ m isthenessentialforaccurateevaluationsoftheBF,asshownbyLanforablockfloating 2 in a liquid [24]. For an arbitrarily shaped body immersed in a liquid–gas fluid system, our equation(15)yieldsthefollowingexpressionfortheexactBF: ∂p F ρ gV dV kˆ. (18) 1 1 = − ∂z * !!!V2 + Therefore,thefunctionp(z)ontheemergedportionofthebodydeterminesthecontribution of fluid 2 to the exact BF. If fluid 2 is approximated as an incompressible fluid, i.e. if one assumesρ (z) ρ (0) ρ ,byapplyingtheStevinuslaw,onefinds 2 2 2 ≈ ≡ F ρ gV [ ρ (0)g] dV kˆ (ρ gV +ρ gV )kˆ. (19) 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 ≈ − − = , !!!V2 - ThisisjusttheresultfoundbyLanbyapplyingAPintheformstatedinourequation(2)to fluids1and2,separately,andthensumminguptheresults[24]. Ofcourse,thisapproximation isbetterthanequation(17),but,contrarilytoLan’sopinion,thecorrectresultarisesonlywhen onetakesintoaccountthedecreaseofρ withz. Thisdemandstheknowledgeofabarometric 2 law,i.e.aformulaforp(z)withz>0. Fortunately,mostknownbarometriclawsarederived justfromthehydrostaticequation[17],whichallowsustosubstitutethepressurederivative intoequation(18)by ρ (z)g,findingthat 2 − F ρ gV [ ρ (z)g]dV kˆ 1 1 2 = − − $ !!!V2 % (20) ρ V + ρ (z)dV g kˆ, 1 1 2 = $ !!!V2 % whichpromptlyreducestotheexactresultfoundinequation(16).16 3. ExceptionstoArchimedes’principle Whenabodyisimmersedinaliquidandputincontactwiththecontainerwalls,asillustrated infigure3, aBFisobservedwhichdoesnotagreewiththatpredictedbyAP.Thishasbeen observed in some simple experiments in which a symmetric solid (typically a cylinder or a rectangular block) is fully submerged in a liquid with a face touching the bottom of a container. Let us call this the bottom case [10]. In this case, a downward BF (according to our definition) is observed if no liquid seeps under the block [10–12, 14]. There is indeed experimental evidence that the magnitude of this force increases linearly with depth (see, e.g.,[2,12,14]),whichcontrastswiththeconstantforce( ρVg kˆ)predictedbyAP.These = experimentalresultshaveledsomeauthorstoreconsiderthecompletenessorcorrectnessof theAPstatement,aswellasthedefinitionofBFitself[2,11–13,15]. 14Archimedes certainly knew the existence of air, which was discovered by Empedocles (490–430BC), but, as pointedoutbyRorres,itisdoubtfulthathewasawareofthebuoyancyeffectsofair.Seenote4in[25]. 15Infact,formostapplicationsinvolvingaliquid–airpair,thesecondterminequation(19)representsonlyasmall correctiontotheapproximationinequation(17)becauseairdensityisgenerallymuchsmallerthantypicalliquid densities. Forinstance,atsealevel,theairdensityisonly1.2kgm 3,whereasthefreshwaterdensityisabout − 1000kgm 3. − 16When fluid 2 is vacuum—i.e. the body is partially submerged (literally) in fluid 1 only—the exact result in equation(20), above, isindeedcapableoffurnishingthecorrectforce(namelyanupwardforcewithmagnitude ρ1V1g),whichisfoundbytakingthelimitasρ2(z)tendstozerouniformly. CheckingthevalidityofArchimedes’law 109 Figure3. The hydrostatic forces acting on rectangular blocks in contact with the walls of a container. Thearrowsindicatethepressureforcesexertedbytheliquidonthesurfaceofeach block.Thenetforceexertedbytheliquidineachblock,i.e.the‘buoyant’force(asdefinedinthe text),isrepresentedbythevectorF.Thelargerblockrepresentsthebottomcase. InspiteoftheexperimentaldifficultiesinstudyingtheseexceptionstoAP,Ishallapply the surface integral approach to determine the exact BF that should be observed in an ideal experimentinwhichthereisnofluidundertheblock. Thiswillhelpustounderstandwhythe bottomcaserepresentsanexceptiontoAP.Forasymmetricsolidbody(eitheracylinderora rectangularblock)withitsflatbottomrestingonthebottomofacontainer,asillustratedfor theblockattherightoffigure3,ifnoliquidseepsundertheblock,thenthehorizontalforces cancelandthenetforceexertedbytheliquidreducestothedownwardpressureforceexerted bytheliquidonthetopsurface[10–12]. FromtheStevinuslaw,p p +ρg z ,z top 0 top top = beingthedepthofthetop;therefore, . . . . F p(z)nˆ dS p Akˆ (p +ρg z )Akˆ, (21) top 0 top =− =− =− | | !!Stop where A is the area of the top surface. This downward force then increases linearly with depth, which clearly contrasts with the force predicted by AP, but agrees with experimental results[2,12,14]. Infact,theincreaseofthisforcewithdepthhasbeenthesubjectofdeeper discussions in recent works [2, 12, 13, 26], in which it is suggested that the meaning of the word‘immersed’shouldbe‘fullysurroundedbyaliquid’insteadof‘incontactwithaliquid’, which would make the ‘bottom’ case, as well as all other ‘contact cases’, out of the scope ofArchimedes’originalpropositions,aswellasthemodernAPstatement[2,12,26]. Note, however,thatthisredefinitionisdeficientbecauseitexcludessomecommoncasesofbuoyancy such as, for instance, that of a solid (e.g., a piece of cork) floating in a denser liquid (e.g., water). Inthissimpleexample,thebodyisnotfullysurroundedbyaliquidandyetAPworks! Morerecently,otherauthorshavearguedthatthedefinitionofBFitselfshouldbechangedto ‘anupwardforcewithamagnitudeequaltotheweightofthedisplacedfluid’[13]. However, I have noted that this would make AP a definition for the BF and then, logically, AP would notadmitanyexceptionsatall. FacedwiththedownwardBFexperimentsalreadymentioned, itisclearthatthisisnotagoodchoiceofdefinition. Therefore, Iwouldliketoproposethe abandonmentofsuchredefinitions, astheyareunnecessaryonceweadmitsomeexceptions toAP,whichisthenaturalwaytotreattheexceptionalcasesnotrealizedbyArchimedesin hisoriginalwork. 110 FMSLima For a better comparison to the result for arbitrarily shaped bodies that will be derived below,letuswritetheforcefoundinequation(21)intermsofthepressurep atthebottomof b thecontainer. Asthereadercaneasilycheck,thisyields F (p A ρVg) kˆ. (22) b =− − Note that this simple result is for a ‘vacuum’ contact, i.e. an ideal contact in which neither liquidnorairisundertheblock. Thisisanimportantpointtobetakenintoaccountbythose interestedindevelopingadownwardBFexperimentsimilartothatproposedbyBiermanand Kincanon[12],sinceapartofthebottomoftheblockwithanareaA isintentionallyleftin air contactwithair(thiscomesfromtheirtechniquetoreducetheliquidseepageundertheblock) [14]. ThischangestheBFto F (p A p A ρVg) kˆ. (23) b 0 air =− − − Foranarbitrarilyshapedbodyimmersedinaliquid(inthebottomcase),letusassume thatthereisanon-nullareaA ofdirectcontactbetweenthebodyandthebottomofacontainer. b Ifnoliquidseepsundertheblock,thenthepressureexertedbytheliquidthereatthebottom ofthebodyisofcoursenull. TheBFisthen F p(z)nˆ dS p(z)nˆ dS+ 0( kˆ)dS =− =− − !!S2∪Ab $!!S2 !!Ab % p(z)nˆ dS. =− !!S2 Inviewofapplyingthegradienttheorem,oneneedsasurfaceintegraloveraclosedsurface. By creating a fictitious closed surface # S A on which the pressure forces will be 2 b = ∪ exerted as if the body would be fully surrounded by the liquid (i.e. one assumes a constant pressurep overthehorizontalsurfaceA ),onehas b b F p(z)nˆ dS p ( kˆ)dS+ p ( kˆ)dS b b =− − − − !!S2 !!Ab !!Ab p(z)nˆ dS p ( kˆ)dS p(z)nˆ dS p kˆ dS (24) b b =− " − − =− " − !! !!Ab !! !!Ab # # ρVg kˆ p A kˆ (p A ρVg) kˆ. b b b b = − =− − This is again a downward BF that increases linearly with depth, since p p +ρgH , H b 0 = beingtheheightoftheliquidcolumnabovethebottom,asindicatedinfigure3. Thisresultfor arbitrarilyshapedbodiesisnotfoundintheliterature. Incidentally,thisresultsuggeststhatthe onlyexceptionstoAP,forfluidsinequilibrium,arethosecasesinwhich pisnotapiecewise ∇ continuousfunctionoverthewholesurface# ofthebody;otherwisetheresultsoftheprevious sectionguaranteethattheBFpointsupwardsandhasamagnitude ρVg,inagreementwith AP.Thisincludesallcontactcases,sincetheboundaryofthecontactregioniscomposedof pointsaroundwhichthepressureleaps(i.e.changesdiscontinuously)fromastrictlypositive value p(z) (on the liquid side) to a smaller (ideally null) pressure (at the contact surface).

IOP PUBLISHING. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS or simply Archimedes' principle (AP), which states that 'any object immersed in a fluid will.
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