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UsiSnPgS fSor W idnows FOURTH andM actionhs EDITNI O Analyiznagnd U ndersdtianDnga ta SamuBe.lG reen AriSztoaUntnaei versity NeiJl.S alkind UnivoeKfra snistya s PEARSON ------­ Prentice Hall UpperS addlRei veNre,w J erse0y7 458 LibraoryfC ongrCeastsa loging-Diant-aP ublication GreenS,a mueBl. UsinSgP SSf oWri ndowasn dM acintoasnha:l yzainndgu nderstanddaitna/gS amuBe.l GreenN,e i1l.S alkind.e-d4.r d p.c m. Inclubdiebsl iographicala nrdie nfdeerxe.n ces ISBN0 -13-146597-X 1.S ocisacli ences-Stamteitshtoidcsa-lC omppurtoegrr amIs..S alkiNnedi,Jl . IIT.i tle. HA32. 0737 2004 300'8.52'6593-dc22 2004050529 VP,E ditionrC hieLfe:a hJ ewell ExecutEidviet oJre:s siMcoas her EditorAisasli stKaenrtSi:c ott Executive MaMrakneatgienBrge: t Mhe jia VPlDirecoftP orro ductainodMn a nufactuBrairnbga:Kir tat le ManagiEndgi toJro:a nnRei ker Assistant MaEndaigtioMnrag:u reeRni chardson ProductLiioani sRoann:d Pye ttit ProductEidoint oLro:r enCzoam pagnoPnree,p aIrnec . PrepreasnsdM anufactuMrainnagg eNri:c kS klitsis PrepreasnsdM anufactuBruiynegTr ri:c iKae nny ElectroPnaigceM akeupP:r epaIrnec,. InterDieosri gJno:h Pn. M azzola CoveDre sigDni rectJoary:nC eo nte CoveDre sigKni:w iDe sign Copyri©g h2t0 05, 22000030,1, 997b yP earsEodnu catiIonnc,U. p,p eSra ddlReiv eNre,w J erse0y7,48 5. PearsPorne ntHiacleAl l. lri ghrtess ervPeridn.t eidnt heU niteSdt atoefsA mericTah.i psu blicaitspi roon­ tectbeydC opyriagnhdtp ermissisohno ubledo btainferdo mt hep ublisphreirot roa nyp rohibirteepdr o­ ductisotno,r aignae r etriseyvsatle omrt, r ansmisisnai noynf ormo rb ya nym eanse,l ectronic, mechanipchaolt,o copyriencgo,r doirnl gi,k ewiFsoeri. n formarteigoanr dpienrgm issiownr(istt)eo, : Righatnsd P ermissDieopnasr tment. ® ® MicrosoafntdW indowsarer egistterraedde maorftk hseM icrosCoofrtp oratiinto hneU .S.Aa.n do ther countrSicerse.es nh otasn di conrse prinwtietdph e rmissfiroonmt heM icrosCooftr poratTihoinbs.o oki s nots ponsoorree dn dorsbeydo r a ffiliated thweMi itch rosCooftr poration. Applet,hA ep plleo goA,p plVei sioCno,l orSyMnacc,,M acintoMsahc,i ntoQsuha drPao,w erBooMka,c in­ tosChe ntrPiosw,e Mra cintoasnhdQ, u ickTiamreet rademaorfAk psp lCeo mputeIrn,cr .e,g istienrt ehde U.Sa.n do thecro untries. PearsPorne ntHiacHTeM i sa t rademoafrP ke arsEodnu catiIonnc,. Pearsoinsa® r egistterraedde moafrkP earspoInc PrentHiaclel i®sa r egistered torfaP deeamrasEordnku catiIonnc,. PearsEodnu catLiToDn. ,Lo ndon PearsEodnu catNioornt Ahs iLat d PearsEodnu catSiionng apoPrteeL,.t d PearsEodnu cacid6eMn e xicSo.,A d.e C .V. PearsEodnu catiCoann,a dLat,d PearsEodnu catMiaolna ysPitae,L. t d PearsEodnu cation-Japan Pearson EducUaptpieorSn a,d dlRei veNre,w Jersey PearsEodnu catAiuosnt raPlTiYa, Limited PEARSON ----­ Prentice 109 8 7 65 4 Hall ISBN 0-13-146597-X Contents Precfea xi PARIT I NTRODSUPCSISN 1G Unit1 GettnigS tratde witShPS S 1 Leosn1s StratnigS SPS 2 Lseso2 nT hSeSP SM aniM eunsa nTdoo bLar5 Lseso3 n UisnSgSP SH epL 13 Lseso4 nA B ireSfSP S uTro 18 Unit2 Creaitnga ndW oriknwgi thD ataF lies 23 Lseso5 n DfieninVgari aebsL 24 Lses6o n Etneirnagn Edd iintDgta a 30 Lseso7 nI ntsienargn Ddee iLtnCga saensVd ari aebsL 36 Lesns o8S eeLtcinCgpo,yn igC,ut ntiga,n Pda insgtD taa 40 Leosn9s Pirtninagn Edx nigtai nS SPSD taaFl ie 45 Leosn1s 0 Epxotnriga nIdm ptnoigrS SPSD taa 48 Unit Workign wiht Data 3 53 Leosn1s 1 FniidngV aLueVsrai,ae bsaL,n Cda se5s4 Leosn1s 2 RecnogDd taiaa nCdmo ptunigV aLues58 Lesso1n3 SotnrigT,ar snpiogns, Rananikdn Dga ta6 4 Lseso14n S Lpintgat dinM egrnigF ile6s8 vii Unit4 A Worknigw ithS PSSC hatrsa ndO utpuftor W indwos 73 Leosn1s 5ACe raintga nS SPSC hta r74 Lseso16nA E nhiannSgcSP SC htasr 80 Leosn1s 7AU snigt hVei erw e91 Unit4 8 Worknigwi thS PSSC hartsa ndO utpuftor M adnotsh 95 Leosn1s 5BC raetniga nS SPSC hta r96 Lesso1n6 BE nahnicngS SCS hPtasr 102 Lsesno1 7BU snigt hVeei wer1 10 PARITIW ORKIWNIGTS HP SPSR OCEDU1RE14S Unit5 CeraitngV airaebsla ndC omputnigD ecsrpitive Stasttciis 114 Lseso18n CeraintgV ariaebsl 116 Lesso1n9 UinavirtaeD esipctvrieS tsaittcifsroQ ultaiative Vraiaebsl 129 Lseso20n UinavirtaeD esipctvrieS tisatctisfr oQ uaiantttive Vraialbes1 38 Unit6 TestP orceduers 154 t Lsesno2 1 On-eSmapel Tset 155 t Lseso22n Pardie-mSpaelsT est1 61 t Leosn2s 3 Indepte-nmSdpaeelsnT est1 67 t Unit7 Uniavirtaea ndM ultivaatrei Anlaysso-if-ViaarneT cechniqsu e 175 Leosn2s 4 Oen-aWyA nlyasoifVs ar iaen c176 Lseso25n T woW-aAyn lasysio fV arei a1n8c5 Leosn2s 6 On-eWayA nyasloifCs o rviaea n2c07 Lseso27n On-eaWyM utvliraiaAtneya ssloi fV ariea n2c18 Lsesno2 8 Oen-aWyR epeeda-tMeesaA snyuassrloi fV raiaen c228 Lesso2n9 TwoW-aRye ptee-adMaseuersA nyasLoifVs ar iaen c238 viiiC o ntnet s Unit8 Corrleatni,Ro egersisona,n dD isicmriannAt naylssi Proecduers 253 Lseso30n PaesroPnor dtuM-comteC nrorleaitoCno eiffiecn2t5 4 Lseso31n PatiraClro rleaitons26 3 Lses3o2n BiivtaaeLrn ieaRerreg sison2 73 Lseso33n MutplielL nieaRgerer sison2 83 Leosn3s 4 DiismcniratAn nyasli2s9 8 Unit9 ScailnPgr oecduers 311 Leosn3s 5 FcatrAo nyassli 312 Lseso36n I tnearClno ntsneiycEs tsmiatesR leiobafi lit3y2 5 Leosn3s 7 Itme AnyasslUi snigt hReei blailiPtoryec deu r335 Unit1 0N opnaarmetcrP iroecduers 349 Lsesno3 8 Bimniola Te3s5t0 Lseso39n On-eSmapelC h-iSqeuT aerst3 57 Leosn4s 0 TwoW-aCyo ingnteynT cbaelA nyasslUi isnCgor stsbas 366 Lseso41n T wIon depte-nmSdplaeesTn setT:h Mean nW-hityn e Test3 77 U Lseso42n Inedpdeenntm-peSlsTas et:Ts he kKarlul-isWsa l K antdh Mee idaTne st3s8 3 Leosn4s 3 TwRole aetda-mSepsls Tt:Tes hMec Ne,tm haSergi n, antdh Weil conTx eost3s9 5 Lses4o4n Rleaet-dSmapelsTs et:Ts hFeir edman K antdh Ceco harnT est4s0 6 AppeinxdA Dataf oCr rabS claea ndTe caheSrca le 415 AppedniBx Methodfso Cr ontrolilnTgy peI E rror acrossM utlpiel HyptohessiT ests 417 AppeinxdC Selcetde Answerst oL essEoxne rsceis 420 Refreences 446 Index 447 Cnotnetsi x Preface hed eveloopfem aesnyt- tsot-autsisesot fitclwaialSkr PeeS hSa csh antgheweda ys tatistics T ibse itnagu agnhldte arneNdo. lodnosg teurd enttols e harna as vyes toefem l abocroadtee toc ondsuicmtpo lrce o mpalneaxsl eyIsn.s tsetuadde,sn itmspe lnyt er tihnetioer a asdnya -ttao ­ usdea etdai Tthoercy.a tnh esne lietcetfrm osma p ull-dowtnom amkaeepn pur optrriaantsef or­ matioofnv sa rbilaecsl,io cpkt ifroonmsa notmheenrtu o c reagtrea pohfds i stribouft ions varbil,aes selaemcotn g vsatraitoiausnsta ilbcyyasl ec sl oinca kpipnrgo porpiitoanatsnem,d o re. Witahm inailam mouonftt i maene dff otrhtoe,u tipdsui ts plsahyoewdti,hnr ege lstus. Researcahlehsraosv b ee nefiftreoadmp pliclaitSkiePSo SnT.sh edyon ohta vteos pend timree acqutahientmiswneiglt vthehi esn asn odu tofss taa tissotftiwcpaaarlce k oarlg eearn ing nepwr ogrfaocmros n duacntailntgyh staeatskh eo utroms a stTehrea.yl dsoon h'atvt eot each assishtoawtn owt rsic toedt eop rodauncael yosree xsa,m ainnrdee exacmoidtnehe ha atps r o­ duceerdr moers satghedaston orte ailnldyi wchaatitesw ronEgv.e rycoanjneu psoti anntd cliMcokr.e sophuissectraisunc s athete se ydn fteaaxts u.r e In general,l ipSkrPeoS ghSra avmmeas dl ei efaes fioesrrt udwehnot slar eearni nsgt saittcis, fotre acwhheor star eea cshtiantgi asnftdoi rrce ss,e arwchhoae rareps p lsytiianstgst N.ie cver­ thleesmasn,uy s eorfths e sper ogrfianm"dsd oisntga tiasnart diucosuu"ns e,n jotyaasTbkhl.ee y stairlel fwaictmehad n y pootbescntltaeaisnat,dlh ey feel aorvsietdrr wehrseasltemthdehe dar n challaennedgx ecdia tbeotduh tpe o tefnotmria aslt etrhieinsmgep orstkilalsn.t Whaatr seo moeft hoeb statchslatetus d ienpn atrst,i fcaucwleha ertn,h eayrt er ytiocn ogn ­ ducstt atiasntailcwyaisltSe hPsS S? • Obsta1Ac:ll teh oSuPgSihSes a styou smea,n syt udaennfidtr ss t-utsiefmrmdesi t vercyo mplTehxehy.a vteol e ahronwt oin pduatti ant thoDe a tEad itsoarva,en d retrdiaetmvaake,e t ransfoontrsmod a attciao,n dauncastle ymsa,n ipulate output, cregartpaeh esd,gi rta phss,oo na.n d • Obst2a:Sc tleu dceanfnte she ell spsAl.le thotuhgechyap no ianntcd l itchkea,yr e frequecnotnlfyr wointthe ddn ieawl boogxuweeis tm ha ndye cistioo nmTsah keei.r instrduocentsooh tra vteht ei mteot alk eaabcoohfthu eto ptisoosn tsu,d feenetls asi tfh earyem akingu ninfodrcemiensdsi o. • Obst3a:Tc hlaeem ounotu toapfnu ntdu mbperrosd ubcyae ndsy t atipsrtoiccea­l duriees n outgoch o wmeors rte searitcfhh eeyrf soa rrtceoee dx pltahiemnie ra n­ in.Hg owc asnt udwehnoat rste ak isntga tfiostrth fiierc sst fteiemle confident aboiuntt erporuetptfuirtno agmnS PSpSr oceIdnut rreyt?iou n ngd erosuttapnudt , thearyel ikteofl aycl ea ngupargoeb lFeomersx .a mp"lWeh,iaa tsS iFg?.I istt h e samaest hpe v altuhetah tei nstriutsca tlokarib noguN toi?,t c'obtue lo,drs n hoer hew ouhladv teo ulsd". xi Researcghreardssu,ta utdeae nnmdto sr,aed vanucnedde rgrsatduudaaetrngeeto sit nofg a ce additoibosntaalc les. • Obstaclec a4tn:h ioUnfaskn e urmsbo efdr i ffewraeynttsoa naltyhzedeia rtb au,t theyu nasruaerb eow uhti wcahwy ouylide tlhmdeo sutn derstoaftn hderiienr­g sulatnnsdo vti oltahatese s umputnidoenrstl hyaein nagl. y ses • Obst5aEc:vl eein uf s emraska elg lo oddec isiaobnossut ta tiasptpircoaaalcn dh es undertshtoeau ntdpt uhtes,yt ill maur sets uswlertcisttt iheoca not n fotrom sA mer­ icaPns ycholAosgsioccai(laA tPifAoo)nr mat. UsiSnPgSf SorW indoawnsMd a cinAtnoyaszlhia:nn gUd n derstDaantwdaaiw snr igt ttoe n trtyoh elrpe adoevresr ctohmee o fibvset adcilsecsua sbsoevde . ParIt" ,I ntroSdPSuSc",i nwwgar si tttoae dnd rOebssst acwlheiP laerI tI" ,W okrinwgi th 1, SPSPSr ocedwuardsee ss,i"tg ona edddr tehosets h feoruo rb sctlaes. ParIt", I ntroSdPuSc"Sci ,onngs oifss etvse nlteesesdnoi nvsii dneftdoo uu rn i.It gtsu ides students mtohsrbtoa usogifShc P StSh et ecahnundsi eqassu te esp -bdye-ssctreipp tion. Uni1t", G etSttianrgwt ietSdhP S S",s hotwhsse t udheonwtt og estt arutseiSdnPS gS i,n ­ cludais nugr voefty h e mmeaniunads e,s criphtoiwto oun sS eoP fSH Se l,ap nadb riteofu r of whaStP ScSa dno . Unit" CreaatnWidon krgi nwgi tDha tFai lgeose,ts"h rotuhgseht eopfds e finvianrbgil aes, 2, showhionwdg a taaree n tearneeddd itheodwt, ou steh e eddaitatano dr the sdcarteae nvsi,e w howt op rinStP SS fidlaeatsnah,d o wt oi mpoarnetdx pionrfto rmaatnifdor noS mPSt So. Unit" Wornkgwi itDha tdae,"s crhiobwte ofis n adn rde placree cdoaadntcedao ,m pute 3, valuseosr,t adnadt ama,en rsdgp elfi ilet s. Uni4t,t hfien auln iintP a r1tt, i t"lWoerdk iwnigtS hP SCSh aratnOsdu tptueta,c"th hees studheonwtt oc reaanteden haSnPcSecS h aarswt se lalsh owt ow orwki tShP SoSu tpSuPtS.S Windo(wvse rsioMnaa ncdi n(tvoesrh1s )1id oinffi etnr h e twhagayrt a pahricecr se aatnedd 12) editaentddh, ut she irases eparate section4 Afc ooWrvi enrdioanwngsUd n ei4atBcf ho,r Unit thMea cintosh. PaIrtI" ,W orkwiintSghP SPSr ocedcuornessi,ts"wt esn toyfl- esse,svd oeinnvs iidnestdio x uni.Et ascuhn pirte sae nstesst t aotfit setcihcnaailnqa dus etse p-ebpdy e-ssctriopfthi oowtn o condtuhcsett atiasntasile.cyTs ahlii ssn o hto,w evae rc,o okfboormoaWkte .p roveixdtee nsive subasnttiinvfeo rmatieoancs hta abtoiutstet cihcniainlqc uleua,bd riindegif s cuosfts hiseot na tis­ tical tuencdhcenoriin dqseurea etxiaomnpo,lfh e oswt hset atiiassp tpilcti heaeds ,s umputni­ons derlyisntga ttaidh seets iccr,oi ftp hteeiffo ensc itfz oetr h set atais satmipdcla,ets aet th caatn be analyzetdhs etw aitttihhsr ete isceq,aru cehs atsisoonedc w iiattthhd ea tsae t, stienps-tbryu-cs­tep tiofnohsro wt oc ompltehatene a luyssiitnshgs e a mpdlaets aea td ,i scuosfts hireoe ns ultthse of anasliaysv ,i sduiaslpo lfta hryee suuslitSnsPg Sg Sr apohpitcia or ness,su elcttsi on tdhees cribing resuilAntP sA format,a naalltyteternicachtanil(iv wqehu aeevnsa billeaa)np,dr acetxiecsreec si. Unit" C5r,e aVtairilnageba sn Cdo mpuDteisncgr iSpttaitvisesh toihwcosswt ,o c" r enaetwe variafrbolmee xsi sotnieansngs d h otwhsbe a sic prfoodcree sdcurrqieubsai lnigat naqdtu iavne­ titavtairbvileae s. Uni6t",t T esPtr ocedfuourcseesos,nc " o mpamreianngs anhdo wts ouh soaew sv aorfi ety techniinqculeusid,ni dnegp eanndde ndte ptte ensdatensdn to tnhee- sattm septl.e Uni7t", U nivaarnMidua lttei vAanrlaiyasti-Vesa -aronifcTeec hniqfuoecsu,os"nte hsfe a m­ iloyfa naly-sviasr-itoaefncchen iiqnucelsuo,dn ien-gwa antdy w o-waanya loyfsv easr iance, analoyfcs oivsa riaanmnduc let,i vaanrailaoytfvs eai rsi ance. Unit" CorreRleagetrsisoinao,nDn di, s criAmnianslaiyPnsrt o cediunrcelssu,id"me psl e 8, technsiuqcuahesb s i vacroirartee latioannabdli vaanrraeielgasyrtsseaii noslan y saisws e,la ls more coamnpallesyxus caehssp arctoiarrle laatniasolinmysaul,l tliipnlreeea egrsr siaondndi ,s ­ crimiannlaaynsti s. Uni9t," cS alPirnogc edfucoruessoe,nsf" ca toarnl aysriesl,i aebsitliimtaaytn iidto enm, anasliys. Uni1t,0" NonrpaamePtrroicce dduirsecsua,vs "as reisoe ft yn onpatreacmhentiirqniu­ce s, cludsiunctghe satsts hb ei nomoinael-,s ampleKr ucshkia-alls-lqMWiucsaNr,ee m,Fa rri,e dman, anCdo chtrseatns . xiiP erface Vesrio1n2o f S PSfSoW ri ndoawnsvd e rs1if1oo ntr h Mea cinotffoesrh a owfae dadlitthi onal feastu.Fr oerm ordee taaiblosut th ea dditfieoarntseau,lr efteort heS PSWSe b site hu:p//wwswp.scso.m/spss/sw/hsapwts.sh_ntem. Thifso uerdtiht oifUo sni SnPgSf SorW indoawnsMd a cinitnocslthuh dfeeo sl loawdidnig­ tiocnoavle rage: • Chanignteh sne a mionfvg a riaabnvldae lslu aeb (eslLesee s s5o)n • Newt cehniqfuocerr se nagat niedd itcihrnatgbs o tfhot rh Wei ndsoa wnd Macinvteorssh(i esoeUn nsi t 4) TheS tduenDta at Disk UsiSnPgSf SorW indoawnsMd a cinctoomswehis t ahS tudenDti sDka ittnahc altau ldtleh se fileysow ui nlele tdow ortkh rouglhe sesaPoarcnthIu . s es sdeavtfiealr eaasml,o nthge mo ne nameCdra Sbcl aRee sualntadsn otnhaemreT eda chSecarl Ree suTlhtesws.ie bl eli ntroadsu ced you workt htfiehr rssoetuv gehnl tseeseoTnnh se.cya ansl ob es eeinAn p penAd.i x Thle essionPn asrI uTts tew toy poefds a tfial eTsh.fie r ysotcu a uns aesa s ampdlaet a file whelne arnianp ga rtiScPuSlpSar ro cesduucrahes, pairetdt -esosartfm apclatenosyra s lis. Thefislece sab nee asiidleyn tsiifintechdeea yrn ea mefdoe,rx ampLlees,s2 o2Dn a tFai l1oe r Less3o5Dn a tFai 2lAe.l so iutnsh seeed c ohnaodlf fth eb ooakrs ee otfds a fitla feoscr o mplet­ inlge sesxocenir s.Te hseasrene a mefdo,r exLaemsps2lo2eEn ,x erFcii1lsoe erL esson 35 Ex­ ercFiis2lee. OtheFre atrueso ft heB ook AfteTrh Liesss oYnou W ilKln ow InP arIt, t habete ginonfei anclghe ssyoonu, s weiaell lio sfot jb ectivetsh-yasotkwu ii lllls mastwehrey no suu ccescsofumlplltyehc teoe n toeftn hltee sasnowdno rk tharloolftu hgeh ex­ ercistehlsee sisTnoh nea.sd ev anocjbecedt iivnedsi wchaayttoe u ecxapnea cntwd,h aites x ­ pectoefyd o u. KeWyo rds AlsionP a rIat, t btehgei nonfei ancgh ltehseisrasoel n i,s otfik enwygo rtdhswa itbl eli ntro­ ducaenddd e finfeotdrh fier tsitm ient hlee ssTohnews.oe r wdisbl eli nb oldtfyaptcehefi e r st timteh earyeu sed. TpynigC onvieonnts Theirosen loynt ey pcionngv eynotmuiu osnat t tteotn hdr outghhibosou otAk s.e queonfac ce­ tioinrsse psreenbtyew dh aotp tiaornsese lefcrtoewmdh amte ncuo,n nebcyat nea dr rloiwk e thi-s. Foerx ampialfc e e,r tain rperqouccielrdieucsork neti hnFegi mleen aun d thent hcel icking New opitwtio ounbl,edr epresaesfn otleldo ws. 1.C liFcikl- eN ew. Prefaxciei i Exmapels Eaclhe sisnocnl sutdeeps- bpyr-oscteeesdwp,ui rtcho piiolulrsua sttioofsn csr seheonft ossr,u c­ cesscfoumlpllyae t teicnhgnw iiqtsuhae m pdlaetE ax.e rcaitts heeens od fe aclhe saslolnyo owu top racwthiayctoe hu a vlee arned. Tpis Somet holefe sscoonnstt aii(pnist n hm ea grintsh)wa ithl ell ypo lue arnS PSaSn wdi tlela ch you shtohrmatatck uSetP sSe Sa stioue sre . Sysmt Reeqreuminest Ify oaur ues iSnPgS 1S2f oWri ndsot,wh eyno usrye smtm usmte etth felo lowmiiningml a reqeumiern:t s ® • Windo9w8Ms,E ,N T4.200,0 o0rX P ® • Penticulmapsrso cessor • 182M BR AMm inimum • 200MhBar dd ifsokr SbPaSssSey stoenml y • SVGAm onitor Ify oaur ues iSnPgS 1S1f o Mra cinttohesynho ,us rsy temmu smte etth felo lowmiinmngai l requitr:se men • PowerMacGi32n 3t3oHsMzoh rf as(t3eM5rH0 zr ecommended) • 25M0Bf rheear dd isspka fcoer ifnusltla (l5l1M0aBtf iooarnp pliocnaltiyin)o­,n clud3iMnBog n S ystdeims k • 129MBR AM( 2M5B6r ecommended) • Colmoorn i8t0oX0r 6 ,0 r0e solourht iigo(hne12 r04X 76r8e commended) A Notea botuS PSSf orM acnitosh SPSS 12f oWri ndoawnsSd P S1S1f oMra cindtioffsiehntr h teo oulsset doc reaanteded it grap(haidsce ss criibnUe ndi4 t)O .t hweirsteh,ea yrv ee rsyi mria,ln atdh mee thdoedssc riinb ed thbioso gke neraaplprlleyyg ,ae rsodsfpl latsf.o rm Thearreae f edwi fferbeentcwepesle ant ftohrsamhtso bulekd e pitnm ind. 1.T hCet +r lZk ecyo mbinuantdioaoenons p eraftoWirio nnd owwhsi,tl hee Opti+oZ nk se cyo mbinuantdioaoenons p eraftoMirao cnoi snth. 2.I nad iablooxgt hiMena cinvteorsshyi oohuno ,l d doOwpnt iktoehnryesa ther thatnhC et krelya ,sd onient h Wei ndovwessri on. 3.O ptiionsno sat v aiolantb hElede mi te niunt h Mea cinvteorsshwi hoinil,ite s availiantb hWleie n dovwesr sion. 4.T hrei gchltio cpkt iaornes mloirmeii tnteh Mdea cintoisohn .v ers xivP reface

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