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Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities http://foa.sagepub.com/ Using Read-Alouds of Grade-Level Biographies and Systematic Prompting to Promote Comprehension for Students With Moderate and Severe Developmental Disabilities Pamela J. Mims, Melissa E. Hudson and Diane M. Browder Focus Autism Other Dev Disabl 2012 27: 67 DOI: 10.1177/1088357612446859 The online version of this article can be found at: http://foa.sagepub.com/content/27/2/67 Published by: Hammill Institute on Disabilities and http://www.sagepublications.com Additional services and information for Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities can be found at: Email Alerts: http://foa.sagepub.com/cgi/alerts Subscriptions: http://foa.sagepub.com/subscriptions Reprints: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsReprints.nav Permissions: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav >> Version of Record - Jun 14, 2012 What is This? Downloaded from foa.sagepub.com at WESTERN OREGON UNIVERSITY on April 3, 2013 446859 m©Rsae sg2p ee0rpti1 nua2tbls .H.F caooancmmdu m/psj oeiolrunlmr InAinassusltstiiioPtsunemt:re m h aotnitnspds : DiO/o/iwntshsaw.ebnrwia lDi.vtieevselopmental Disabilities FOCUS27210.1177/1088357612446859Mi Focus on Autism and Other Using Read-Alouds of Grade-Level Developmental Disabilities 27(2) 67 –80 © 2012 Hammill Institute on Disabilities Biographies and Systematic Prompting Reprints and permission: sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav to Promote Comprehension for Students DOI: 10.1177/1088357612446859 http://focus.sagepub.com With Moderate and Severe Developmental Disabilities Pamela J. Mims, PhD1, Melissa E. Hudson, PhD2, and Diane M. Browder, PhD2 Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a modified system of least intrusive prompts on text-dependent listening comprehension for four middle-school-aged students with intellectual disability and autism during read-alouds of adapted grade-level biographies. A system of least intrusive prompts was modified by inserting a rule for answering “Wh” questions and an opportunity to hear sections of the biography again. The procedure was evaluated via a multiple probe design across students. Outcomes indicate that all students improved listening comprehension after intervention and all students maintained high levels of correct responding 2 weeks after intervention. In addition, three students generalized skills to new biographies. The need for future research and implications for practice are discussed. Keywords shared story reading, read-alouds, biography, developmental disabilities, listening comprehension, literacy, intellectual dis- ability, general curriculum access, adapted books, nonfiction literature, middle school Even though access to the general curriculum has been (2003) found two paraprofessionals’ use of constant time required for all students since the Individuals With Disabili- delay in science, German, and U.S. history classes promoted ties Education Act (IDEA) Amendments of 1997, there con- learning of instructional targets drawn from the general edu- tinue to be few studies in which researchers demonstrate cation curriculum (e.g., cooking symbols for bake, mix, stir; how daily instruction can be linked to grade-level academic clothing necklines; definitions of terms from a science unit) content standards for students with moderate and severe for students with moderate intellectual disability. Similarly, developmental disabilities (Browder, Spooner, Ahlgrim- Polychronis, McDonnell, Johnson, Riesen, and Jameson Delzell, Harris, & Wakeman, 2008; Browder, Wakeman, (2004) found middle school general education teachers were Spooner, Ahlgrim-Delzell, & Algozzine, 2006). A lack of able to embed constant time-delay instruction with a focus empirically supported models is especially critical given not only on basic skills like telling time and naming class- that alternate assessments based on alternate achievement mates but also for some grade-appropriate geography con- standards (AA-AAS) are required to be aligned with grade- tent (i.e., naming the capital cities of 20 states) for four level standards (U.S. Department of Education, 2005). For students with developmental disabilities. Jimenez, Browder, students to “show what they know” on state assessments and Courtade (2008) taught high school students with mod- like the AA-AAS in academic content areas, models of erate developmental disabilities to use a nine-step algebra effective teaching practices are needed. task analysis to solve functional math problems, and Recently, researchers focusing on academic learning for students with moderate and severe developmental disabili- 1East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, USA ties have provided teachers with examples of ways to pro- 2University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA mote learning in the areas of reading, math, and science for Corresponding Author: students by extending well-known procedures like time Pamela J. Mims, East Tennessee State University, 807 University Pkway., delay and task analysis to this new content. For example, 70548 Warf Pickel, Johnson City, TN 37614, USA Riesen, McDonnell, Johnson, Polychronis, and Jameson Email: [email protected] Downloaded from foa.sagepub.com at WESTERN OREGON UNIVERSITY on April 3, 2013 68 Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities 27(2) Jimenez, Browder, and Courtade (2009) used multiple evaluated the effects of shared story reading on literacy for exemplar training, time delay, and a graphic organizer (i.e., students with severe disabilities. Koppenhaver, Erickson, Know, What, How, and Learn [KWHL] chart) to promote and Skotko (2001) found girls with Rett syndrome made independent work during science inquiry lessons and gener- gains in early symbolic communication when they partici- alization of learned skills to untrained materials for middle pated in shared story reading with their mothers. In addi- school students with moderate intellectual disability. tion, Browder, Mims, Spooner, Ahlgrim-Delzell, and Lee Providing instruction on grade-level content to students (2008) found shared story reading increased the indepen- who are nonreaders is challenging. Nearly all academic learn- dent responses of three students with profound disabilities ing (e.g., math, science, social studies, language arts) and who had previously been unresponsive during reading many daily tasks (e.g., following a recipe to cook, using a gro- instruction. Mims, Browder, Baker, Lee, and Spooner cery list to shop for food) require individuals to derive mean- (2009) found shared story reading promoted listening com- ing from text. Browder et al. (2009) described a conceptual prehension for two elementary students with significant model for literacy in which students with moderate and severe intellectual disability and visual impairments. A limitation developmental disabilities have opportunities to learn to read of these studies was the focus on foundational literacy skills through intense, effective instruction as well as opportunities (Browder, Mims et al., 2008; Koppenhaver et al., 2001) and to gain meaning from text through listening comprehension. comprehension at a literal recall level (Mims et al. 2009). Many older students with severe developmental disabilities Mims, Browder, and Spooner (2010) extended the litera- have not had reading instruction and need to access content ture by investigating the effects of a modified system of other ways. Even if students are readers, some upper grade least prompts on text-dependent listening comprehension content may be beyond their reading level. One way to beyond literal recall. In the study, four elementary students actively engage nonreaders and beginning readers with age- with moderate and multiple intellectual disability received appropriate literature is through interactive read-alouds, intervention during shared story reading of an adapted chil- which are also called shared story reading in the literature. dren’s book. When a reread prompt of targeted information Shared story reading is a broad instructional approach was inserted into the verbal and model prompts of the sys- used to promote young children’s emergent literacy (Justice tem of least prompts, students increased the number of text- & Lankford, 2002), vocabulary development (Blewitt, dependent listening comprehension questions (e.g., Rump, Shealy, & Cook, 2009), print awareness (Pullen & sequencing, cause and effect) they answered. As in most Justice, 2003), and receptive word learning (Justice, 2002). prior studies on shared story reading, Mims et al. focused Shared story reading has been used to promote literacy for on elementary-aged students and used adapted picture students with mild disabilities, including phonological books. In contrast, Browder, Trela, and Jimenez (2007) awareness in young children with specific language impair- used adapted middle school novels in a read-aloud format. ments (Justice, Kaderavek, Bowles, & Grimm, 2005), In this study, three middle school teachers learned to use a emergent literacy skills in at-risk preschoolers (Justice & task analysis and systematic instruction to increase engage- Kaderavek, 2002), young children with visual impairments ment during read-alouds of adapted novels for six middle (Erickson & Hatton, 2007), and students with mild disabili- school students with moderate and severe intellectual dis- ties (Katims, 1991). ability and autism. Following teacher training, students Shared story reading has been adapted for use with stu- were able to identify vocabulary in text, read repeated story dents with moderate and severe disabilities to promote lit- lines, participate in reading routines (e.g., turn the page), eracy. When shared story reading is used with these students, read new words, and answer questions by referencing text. the practice typically involves a partner reading a story To date, this has been the only study to extend interactive aloud while providing opportunities and support for listener read-alouds to older students with moderate and severe participation as well as ways for the listener to demonstrate developmental disabilities. understanding of the text being read. Common features of The need exists for more research to evaluate how read- shared story reading include the use of repeated story lines alouds can promote comprehension of academic content for (e.g., main idea of a story or chapter), attention getters to students with moderate and severe developmental disabili- engage the reader with the story’s context (e.g., apples for a ties and how learned skills might generalize to new content. story about an orchard), and repeated opportunities to hear Although previous researchers, such as Browder et al. the story read again (i.e., rereads). When shared story read- (2007) and Mims et al. (2010), have demonstrated learning ing is used with older students, text is often summarized across stories, all stories were presented with systematic into shorter, more easily understood chapters, with and instruction and repeated readings. Through systematic without picture support, and read aloud to the listener. prompting of comprehension strategies (e.g., having the Shared story reading is an evidence-based practice for reader focus on smaller chunks of text), it is plausible that promoting literacy for students with extensive support the listener would be able to apply these skills to new text needs (Hudson & Test, 2011) and researchers have without repeated readings. Downloaded from foa.sagepub.com at WESTERN OREGON UNIVERSITY on April 3, 2013 Mims et al. 69 The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a been missed). Each student received intervention individu- modified system of least intrusive prompts on text-dependent ally 3 times a week for approximately 20 min a day listening comprehension for middle school students with between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. In addition, moderate and severe developmental disabilities during the students continued to participate in three 45-min lan- read-alouds of grade-level biographies. Specifically, we guage arts lessons each week, which focused on sight examined the following questions: words, decoding, and comprehension of passages read aloud from adapted novels (fiction). For these read-alouds, 1. What was the effect of a modified system of least the teacher was following a task analysis similar to that intrusive prompts on text-dependent listening used by Browder et al. (2007) that did not include the range comprehension during read-alouds of adapted of comprehension questions or least intrusive prompts grade-level biographies? introduced in the current study. Prior to the study, none of 2. Did students generalize learned skills to new biog- the students had been taught rules for answering “Wh” raphies? questions (i.e., who, what, why, when, and where) or the 3. Did the classroom teacher find the intervention use of a graphic organizer in answering sequencing ques- beneficial for students with severe developmental tions (i.e., What came first? Next? Last?). disabilities? Materials Method Biographies. Biographies used for intervention were Participants selected from two 6th-grade literature textbooks (Holt, Rinehart, & Winston, n.d.; Littell, 2002). Together the spe- Participation criteria included (a) ability to use symbolic or cial education teacher, Grade 6 language arts teacher, and abstract language (i.e., communicated through picture sym- interventionist selected five biographies that peers without bols or words), (b) met the federal definition for intellectual disabilities were likely to read or discuss during the school disability and autism, (c) ability to make selections recep- year, those of John Brown, Gary Paulsen, Harriet Tubman, tively from an array (e.g., eye gaze, pointing, activating a Matthew Henson, and Amelia Earhart. The interventionist switch), (d) available for the study 3 times a week, (e) adapted the biographies for nonreaders by summarizing text regular school attendance (e.g., no more than five absences using controlled vocabulary and pairing keywords with pic- in previous 6 months), (f) signed informed parental con- ture symbols using Writing With Symbols 2000 software, sent, and (g) teacher recommendation. One girl and three version 2.5 (2003). The adapted biographies were printed boys, ages 12 to 14 years, met these criteria, and their and organized in three-ring binders because, even though demographic information is provided in Table 1. listening comprehension was the dependent variable mea- All of the students were classified as having autism and sured in this study and students were not required to read intellectual disability. Wanda used spoken language to com- independently, it was important for students to have a municate, and the other three participants used pictures and printed copy of each biography for the interventionist to objects. Three of four students read some sight words with refer to the text during read-alouds. Biography length was limited comprehension but Nathan had no word recognition reduced so it could be read entirely each session. skills. All of the students had difficulty following verbal Content validity. To ensure the adapted biographies directions and answering questions. The interventionist retained high quality (i.e., content and performance central- who implemented the study and collected the data was a ity), an expert in middle school literacy and learning in the full-time special education doctoral student with 10 years content areas compared the adapted biographies with the experience in public schools teaching students with moder- original biographies and responded to the following ques- ate and severe disabilities. tions: Do the adapted biographies capture the main points of the original? Do the adapted biographies provide students with significant disabilities similar experiences with grade- Setting level literature that peers without disabilities have with the Students attended a self-contained class for students with original curriculum? The expert approved all the biography autism in a middle school located in a large metropolitan summaries with no recommended revisions. school district in the southeast. Individual baseline, inter- Questions. A total of 11 comprehension questions, includ- vention, generalization, and maintenance sessions took ing 8 “Wh” questions (i.e., who, what, where, when, why) place in a multipurpose room located across the students’ and 3 sequence questions (i.e., What came first? Next? classroom. The room was shared by eighth-grade teachers Last?), were written for each biography and placed in text and related service personnel for meetings, student counsel- so questions and answers fell on the same page. Compre- ing, and student make-up work (e.g., taking tests that had hension questions from each biography are listed in Table 2. Downloaded from foa.sagepub.com at WESTERN OREGON UNIVERSITY on April 3, 2013 70 Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities 27(2) Table 1. Student Demographics Characteristic Wanda Nathan John Gary Age (in years) 14 14 13 12 Gender Female Male Male Male Diagnosis Autism, SID Autism, SID Autism, SID Autism, SIDa IQ/instrument No IQ score Unable to score 42a Unable to score Adaptive behavior 61b 42 ± 3c Parent: 21 Teacher: 3d 55b Communication and Uses speech; short Uses objects or gestures Uses some pictures; Uses some pictures; symbol use sentences to communicate; relies uses range of objects uses range of objects on context to use symbolically symbolically object symbolically Reading skills Reads some sight words; Identifies some basic Reads fewer than 20 Reads fewer than limited decoding picture symbols; sight words with 20 functional sight skills; lacks basic matches some objects picture symbol words; limited comprehension to picture symbols; no support; limited comprehension skill word reading comprehension skill Listening skills Answers some Does not follow Does not follow verbal Good receptive skills immediate recall verbal directions directions alone; for verbal directions questions; often alone; needs visual needs repeated about everyday tasks; responds to academic cues paired with verbal prompts/ follows personal questioning by stating verbal prompts and cues; listens to only schedule but resists last answer choice gestures to complete brief communication; change; limited given task; requires many requires many attending skills during repetitions to learn to repetitions to learn to instruction; requires answer a question answer a question many repetitions to learn to answer a question Relevant IEP goals Comprehension Match picture symbol to Identify target Decode new words questions after a story adapted story (target vocabulary words vocabulary) Decode new words Basic story-based lesson Answer simple Identify adapted skills (identify title, comprehension definitions of author, turn page, etc.) questions vocabulary Identify vocabulary and Attend to an adapted Read adapted story definitions story and answer comprehension questions Experience with shared Limited None Limited Limited stories Note: SID = severe intellectual disability; IEP = Individualized Education Program. aNonverbal Battery of Cognitive Ability–Revised (Roid & Miller, 1997). bComposite on the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales–Second Edition (Sparrow, Cicchetti, & Balla, 2005). cGilliam Autism Rating Scale–Second Edition (Gilliam, 2006). dScales of Independent Behavior–Revised: Broad Ind. Full Scale (Bruininks, Woodcock, Weatherman, & Hill, 1997). Students receptively responded to comprehension ques- Response options were attached to a page protector via tions by selecting one of four response options. Response Velcro™ in a 2 × 2 format and organized sequentially by ques- options included a combination of picture symbols and words tion. Placement of response options on page and order of pre- printed on 2.5-in. × 1.5-in. index cards and laminated. Each sentation during intervention varied from session to session. comprehension question included a correct response and three Graphic organizers. Two graphic organizers were created plausible distracters (e.g., if the question asked about a person, for use in the intervention. The first graphic organizer (see all response options were people). The target and distracter Figure 1) was similar to one used by peers to organize their options contained picture symbols from the page so students responses to the sequence questions (i.e., What came first? could not correctly answer the question by simply matching Next? Last?) in the general education language arts class. the picture symbol from the response card to one on the page. The second was a T-chart graphic organizer with rules for Downloaded from foa.sagepub.com at WESTERN OREGON UNIVERSITY on April 3, 2013 Mims et al. 71 Table 2. Comprehension Questions by Biography John Brown Gary Paulsen Harriet Tubman Matthew Henson Amelia Earhart 1. W ho was Annie’s 1. What was Storm 1. Who was working 1. Who is the main 1. What did Amelia father? built like? in the field? character? like to fly? 2. Why could free 2. What did Storm like 2. Why was Harriet 2. Why did Matthew 2. Why did Amelia Blacks not read or to do? afraid to go north get a job? have to find warmer write? alone? air? 3. What did father ask 3. What was storm 3. Why did the 3. W hy did Matthew 3. W hat was coming his children to do? hiding? brothers follow join the crew of a from the manifold? Harriet? ship? 4. When did the men 4. What did Storm 4. W hen would 4. Who asked 4. What did the little hide? bury in the snow? Harriet be sent Matthew to study white clouds look south? while he was at sea? like? 5. What did the 5. Why did the dogs 5. Who helped 5. Who was Peary 5. Why did Amelia “fly Liberation army have to work hard? Harriet? looking for? in the shade”? want to do? 6. Who is guilty? 6. Where was the 6. Who was the 6. W hat was Peary’s 6. W hat did Amelia eat stove loaded? Underground goal? during the flight? Railroad? 7. Who did Annie 7. What did Storm 7. Why did Harriet 7. Why did the 7. Why was Amelia think was brave? and Gary do give the woman her Eskimos like afraid to go through together? quilt? Matthew? a thunderstorm? 8. Who sang a song 8. What did Storm 8. Where did Harriet 8. What did Congress 9. Where did Amelia about John Brown? talk with? think she was? give Matthew? land her plane? 9. What happened 9. What happened 9. What happened 9. What happened 9. What happened first? first? first? first? first? 10. What happened 10. What happened 10. What happened 10. What happened 10. What happened next? next? next? next? next? 11. What happened 11. What happened 11. What happened 11. What happened 11. What happened last? last? last? last? last? This decreased the threat of learning through prolonged testing and exposure to materials. Maintenance data were collected on students who had finished the study while First Next Last other students continued intervention. Study phases included baseline, intervention, generalization, and mainte- nance. The interventionist conducted baseline sessions for five sessions prior to intervention and task performance Figure 1. Graphic organizer for sequence questions data for each student was low and stable or descending. Students were introduced into intervention in a time-lagged manner until all students completed intervention. answering “Wh” questions (see Figure 2). Intervention Experimental control was demonstrated by a consistent materials were adapted and constructed by the intervention- change in level of data from baseline condition to interven- ist from supplies found at an office supply store for approxi- tion condition across students for all biographies. mately US$150.00, a cost determined to be practical and Baseline probes of biographies were conducted prior to cost-effective by the research team. and between intervention phases. These probes indicated the number of correct unprompted responses to comprehension questions. The order of biographies was varied across par- Research Design ticipants to control for sequence effect. With the exception A multiple probe across students design (Gast, 2010) was of the last biography for John which was taught 4 times, stu- used to establish experimental control and allowed for dents received instruction on each biography three sessions instruction to begin with one student while periodic base- as additional readings may have resulted in memorization of line probe sessions were conducted with all other students. the answers to the questions rather than listening to the text. Downloaded from foa.sagepub.com at WESTERN OREGON UNIVERSITY on April 3, 2013 72 Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities 27(2) sessions and 28% of intervention sessions. During baseline, the third author scored each question as correct (+) or incor- rect (−). During intervention, each question was scored item by item and the prompt level required for the student to pro- vide the correct response was recorded. IOA was calculated by taking number of agreements divided by the number of agreements plus disagreements and multiplying by 100%. IOA for baseline and intervention sessions was 100% for all students for all sessions. Procedural fidelity was computed by having the third author score whether or not the interventionist presented each step of the intervention for each predetermined com- prehension question across 27% of baseline sessions and 28% of intervention sessions. Procedural fidelity was calcu- lated by dividing number of steps present by total number of steps planned and multiplying by 100% (Billingsley, White, & Munson, 1980). Procedural fidelity for baseline and inter- vention sessions was 99.8% (range = 98%–100%). Procedures Baseline. The interventionist and student sat side-by-side at a table for all sessions. Response options and graphic organizers (i.e., sequence graphic organizer and “Wh” ques- tion T-chart) were on the table in front of student. To begin, the interventionist showed the student the biography and said, “Today, we are going to read a biography about [per- son’s name]. A biography is a true story.” The interventionist held the adapted biography in front of the student so both could see the printed page and moved a finger under text Figure 2. Rules for answering comprehension questions while reading aloud. At predetermined points in the story, the interventionist stopped and asked 1 of 11 comprehension questions paired with the biography. After a question was asked, the interventionist pointed to and read aloud the Dependent Variable and Data Collection response options, looked expectantly at student, and waited Procedures 4 s for a response. If a response was correct, the interven- Dependent variable. The dependent variable was the num- tionist recorded “+” on the data sheet. If the student ber of correct unprompted responses to text-dependent lis- responded incorrectly or made no response within 4 s, the tening comprehension questions (see Table 2). Each interventionist recorded “−” and continued reading. Each question was asked at a predetermined time during a read- biography was read entirely and students were given an aloud of adapted biographies, which occurred the same way opportunity to answer all comprehension questions each ses- each time the biography was read. Data summarized the sion. The interventionist did not prompt or praise student number of correct unprompted responses to comprehension responses or refer to the sequence graphic organizer or “Wh” questions during the read-aloud. question T-chart. General verbal praise was given for work Data collection. The interventionist delivered intervention behaviors and attending to task on a variable ratio schedule. to all students and immediately scored student responses on a Intervention. Intervention included a modified system of data sheet as each comprehension question was asked. A sec- least intrusive prompts delivered during a read-aloud of an ond person from the research team observed 25% of baseline adapted biography. The interventionist began each session as and intervention sessions and scored student responses to described in baseline procedures. At predetermined points comprehension questions for purposes of computing interob- during the read-aloud, the interventionist stopped and asked server agreement (IOA) reliability, and interventionist behav- 1 of 11 comprehension questions and waited 4 s for a iors for purposes of computing procedural fidelity. response. If the response was correct, the interventionist IOA and procedural fidelity. IOA reliability for student recorded the response as a correct unprompted response, response data collection was taken on 27% of baseline delivered descriptive verbal praise, and continued reading the Downloaded from foa.sagepub.com at WESTERN OREGON UNIVERSITY on April 3, 2013 Mims et al. 73 biography. If the response was incorrect or no response was pointed to and read aloud the four response options, then given within 4 s, increasingly intrusive prompts were pro- immediately pointed to and said the correct response (e.g., vided until the student gave the correct response. In this “The answer is John Brown.”) and asked the student to do study, the system of least intrusive prompts was modified by the same (e.g., “Now, you do it.”). After 10 question–answer inserting a rule for answering “Wh” questions and an oppor- trials at 0-s delay, another 10 question–answer trials were tunity to hear sections of the biography read again (i.e., conducted in the same fashion, but a 4-s delay was inserted rereads). The first prompt involved the interventionist stating after presenting the response options, giving the student an the type of “Wh” question being asked and its rule while opportunity to respond independently. Descriptive verbal pointing to the “Wh” word and rule on the T-chart. For exam- praise was given after each correct response, and a student- ple, if the student failed to respond to the question, “Who was selected reinforcer was given at the end of training. Errors Annie’s father?” the interventionist said, “When you hear were interrupted and the correct response modeled and the who, [pointed to ‘who’ on T-chart], listen for a person’s controlling prompts were given. After massed-trial training, name” [pointed to rule on T-chart]. The interventionist then intervention was delivered using the procedures described reread the paragraph containing the answer (i.e., general previously. Massed-trial training was given before the next reread prompt), repeated the question and response options, six intervention sessions, then discontinued when Nathan’s and waited 4 s for a student response. The rules stated in the data demonstrated a therapeutic change in level (i.e., first level prompt for each question are shown in Figure 2. increased number of correct unprompted responses). If the student failed to respond or responded incorrectly, a Maintenance. Maintenance data were collected 2 weeks second prompt was given. In the second prompt, the interven- after intervention was completed. Maintenance conditions tionist reread the sentence containing the answer (i.e., targeted were the same as baseline conditions except biographies were reread prompt), modeled the correct response (e.g., pointed to randomly selected from biographies used during intervention. response option for John Brown), reread the question and Generalization. Generalization of learned skills was mea- response options, and waited 4 s for a student response. If the sured during the introduction of new biographies. General- student failed to demonstrate a correct response, the interven- ization was measured by comparing the mean number of tionist provided a third prompt. In the third prompt, the inter- correct unprompted responses to comprehension questions ventionist provided the controlling prompt by pointing to the during baseline to the mean number of correct unprompted correct response option and saying, “The answer is John responses during baseline probes taken during intervention Brown. Your turn. You point to John Brown.” Descriptive ver- prior to instruction on new biographies. The mean number bal praise was given for correct responses (e.g., “You’re right! of correct unprompted responses during baseline probes John Brown was Annie’s father.”). Students were given pre- after intervention was computed by adding the total number ferred items following all sessions. of correct unprompted responses for each baseline probe The sequence graphic organizer (see Figure 1) was used divided by the number of baseline probes (i.e., five). during intervention to help students organize their responses to three sequence questions following the prompting procedure Data Analysis previously described, but the number of response options the student had to select from was different for the second and During baseline and intervention, the number of correct third sequence questions. For the first question (i.e., What hap- unprompted responses was graphed. Data were analyzed by pened first?), students selected from one of four response visually inspecting graphed data to identify trend, level, and options and placed their responses in the first box of the graphic variability and to determine whether a functional relation organizer. This response was no longer available in the array of existed between the independent and dependent variables. options. For the second question (i.e., What happened next?), Prediction, verification of prediction, initial effect, and repli- students selected from one of three response options and cation of effect were assessed for all students and biographies. placed it in the second box. For the third sequence question (i.e., What happened last?), students selected from the two Results remaining response options and placed it in the third box. Massed-trial training. After the 1st week of intervention, Each student answered 165 “Wh” questions across five the second participant, Nathan, failed to demonstrate a ther- biographies during intervention. Wanda answered 106 apeutic change in level. Massed-trial training was imple- questions correctly (i.e., 64%); Nathan, 77 (i.e., 47%); mented on how to answer a comprehension question before John, 92 (i.e., 56%); and Gary, 124 (i.e., 75%). Student the next biography was introduced to increase his correct performance data are displayed in Figure 3. unprompted responses. Questions were taken from the A comparison of the mean number of correct unprompted biography used with Nathan during intervention the 1st responses and ranges for baseline, intervention, and gener- week. For each trial, the interventionist ensured student alization for each student are provided in Table 3. Each attention (e.g., Ready?), asked a comprehension question, biography was assessed at least once in baseline; baseline Downloaded from foa.sagepub.com at WESTERN OREGON UNIVERSITY on April 3, 2013 74 Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities 27(2) Baseline Bio 1 Bio 2 Bio 3 Bio 4 Bio 5 Biography 11 Ind. Key Wanda student Maintenance 10 responses 9 begin 8 Harriet 7 Tubman Wanda's 6 Independent 5 Bio 4 BL responses are 4 respresented by 3 Bio 3 John BL open circles. Brown 2 Bio 2 Bio 5 1 BL BL 0 11 Maintenance Gary 10 IV + IV + Paulsen 9 Nathan massed massed trials trials 8 s e 7 s n 6 Bio 2 Matthew o BL Henson p 5 s e 4 R nt 3 Bio 5 BBioL 1 X e 2 Bio 3 Bio 4 BL ud 1 BL BL Amelia St 0 Earhart ect 11 rr10 Maintenance o John C 9 of 8 er 7 b m 6 u 5 Bio 3 N Bio 4 BL 4 BL Bio 5 Bio 1 3 BL BL Bio 2 2 BL Spring 1 Break 0 // Maintenance 11 10 Gary 9 8 7 6 Bio 4 5 BL 4 Bio 5 Bio 3 BL BL 3 12 BBioL 1 BBioL 2 BSpreriankg 2 weeks 0 // // 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 Sessions Figure 3. Number of unprompted correct student responses during shared story reading of a biography across all study phases Note: Each data point represents one complete reading of an adapted biography. Downloaded from foa.sagepub.com at WESTERN OREGON UNIVERSITY on April 3, 2013 Mims et al. 75 Table 3. Mean Number of Correct Unprompted Student Responses During Read-Alouds Across Study Phases Baseline Biography 1 Biography 2 Biography 3 Biography 4 Biography 5 Generalization Student M Range M Range M Range M Range M Range M Range M Change Range Wanda 3.4 2–5 6.3 4–8 8.0 6–9 8.3 5–10 7.7 5–10 7.7 5–10 5.0 +1.6 3–7 Nathan 2.7 2–3 3.7 2–5 4.0 2–5 4.7 3–7 6.3 4–8 6.3 4–8 2.5 −0.2 1–4 John 2.0 1–3 5.3 5–6 5.0 4–6 8.3 7–10 5.0 4–6 5.75 4–9 2.75 +0.75 2–4 Gary 2.2 1–3 5.3 2–7 9.0 9.0 9.3 7–11 8.3 7–10 4.5 +2.3 2–6 Table 4. Correct Student Responses to “Wh” Questions Across John. The number of correct unprompted responses for Biographies John increased from baseline, with a noticeable peak during Biography 3. Correct student Gary. Gary’s correct unprompted responses increased Question Opportunities (n) responses (n) % steadily across the biographies. What 348 197 57 Who 120 76 63 Generalization Why 132 85 64 When 24 16 67 In Figure 1, the generalization data points are enclosed Where 36 25 69 within phase lines (e.g., Bio 1 BL, Bio 2 BL). This data point indicates performance on the new (not yet trained) biography to be introduced in the next phase. As can be seen in Table 3, the mean number of correct unprompted mean was computed by calculating the total number of cor- responses for baseline probes after intervention was higher rect unprompted responses divided by the number of base- for three students but lower for Nathan. line sessions. To compute the mean number of correct unprompted responses for each biography during interven- Social Validity tion, the sum of correct unprompted responses was divided by the total number of sessions the biography was taught in The classroom teacher completed a social validity form for intervention. Table 4 contains the frequency and percentage each student after the study ended. Using a 5-point Likert- of correct student responses by “Wh” question. type scale, the classroom teacher indicated her level of Wanda. Although Wanda’s educational records and her agreement or disagreement with 10 statements by circling teacher indicated that she was a nonreader except for some one of five responses (5 = strongly agree, 4 = agree, 3 = sight words, beginning with Biography 2, Wanda began to neutral, 2 = disagree, and 1 = strongly disagree). Statements read the biographies aloud and answer the comprehension measured study procedures (e.g., the system of least questions without any help from the interventionist after prompts is appropriate for the student) and outcomes (e.g., intervention. Wanda’s performances during independent the adapted biographies helped access the general curricu- reading are displayed in Figure 3 as a second data series. lum for this student). Wanda’s mean number of correct unprompted responses The teacher strongly agreed that the use of system of least during independent reading sessions increased considerably intrusive prompts was appropriate for all students, the use of from baseline through the five biographies. rules for answering “Wh” questions was appropriate for all Nathan. Because Nathan’s response to the first biography students, and the adapted biographies helped all students was minimal, the research team provided massed-trial access the general curriculum. In addition, the teacher instruction (i.e., 10 question–answer trials at 0-s delay and 10 strongly agreed to statements, “I am considering using the question–answer trials at 4-s delay) prior to intervention until system of least intrusive prompts to help increase my other he showed a therapeutic change in level. Massed-trial instruc- students’ comprehension skills” and “I am considering using tion occurred for six sessions (i.e., two biographies). Biogra- rules for answering ‘Wh’ questions with the students in my phy 2 showed an increase in correct unprompted responses as classroom.” The teacher agreed comprehension questions did Biography 3. For the remaining biographies, the massed- from adapted biographies were important and adequate for most trial instruction was discontinued. Nathan showed an increase students and the ability to correctly answer text-dependent in correct unprompted responses for Biography 4, and main- comprehension questions during a biography lesson was a tained level of responding for Biography 5. valuable skill for all but one student. Anecdotally, the teacher Downloaded from foa.sagepub.com at WESTERN OREGON UNIVERSITY on April 3, 2013

mote learning in the areas of reading, math, and science for students by extending .. so questions and answers fell on the same page. Compre- hension
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