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Preview Using photo-ionisation models to derive carbon and oxygen gas-phase abundances in the rest UV

MNRAS000,1–7(2016) Preprint13March2017 CompiledusingMNRASLATEXstylefilev3.0 Using photo-ionisation models to derive carbon and oxygen gas-phase abundances in the rest UV Enrique P´erez-Montero,1(cid:63) Ricardo Amor´ın,2,3,4 1Instituto de Astrof´ısica de Andaluc´ıa. CSIC. Apartado de correos 3004. 18080, Granada, Spain. 2INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, via di Frascati 33, I-00078, Monte Porzio Catone, Italy. 3Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 19 JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge, CB3 0HE, UK. 4Kavli Institute for Cosmology, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HA, UK 7 1 0 AcceptedXXX.ReceivedYYY;inoriginalformZZZ 2 r a ABSTRACT M We present a new method to derive oxygen and carbon abundances using the ultra- violet (UV) lines emitted by the gas-phase ionised by massive stars. The method is 9 based on the comparison of the nebular emission-line ratios with those predicted by a large grid of photo-ionisation models. Given the large dispersion in the O/H - C/O ] plane, our method firstly fixes C/O using ratios of appropriate emission lines and, in A a second step, calculates O/H and the ionisation parameter from carbon lines in the G UV. We find abundances totally consistent with those provided by the direct method . when we apply this method to a sample of objects with an empirical determination of h the electron temperature using optical emission lines. The proposed methodology ap- p - pears as a powerful tool for systematic studies of nebular abundances in star-forming o galaxies at high redshift. r st Key words: methods: data analysis – ISM: abundances – galaxies: abundances a [ 2 v 1 INTRODUCTION numberofhighionisation,metalemissionlineswithrelative 1 large equivalent widths, such as those of carbon (e.g. Ciii] 1 Establishing the gas-phase abundances of carbon, nitrogen 1908 ˚A, Civ1549 ˚A) and oxygen (Oiii] 1664 ˚A), which are 4 and oxygen in galaxies through cosmic time is key to un- oftenrelatedtothepresenceof highequivalentwidthemis- 4 derstand not only their chemical enrichment, but also how sionofHeii1640˚AandLyα. Whilethesespectralfeatures 0 galaxiesassembleandevolve(Edmunds&Pagel1978;Gar- . could be quite common at very high redshifts (Stark et al. 1 nett et al. 1995; Henry et al. 2000; Chiappini, Romano, & 2017), they provide tight constraints to the ionisation, age, 0 Matteucci 2003). and metallicity properties of galaxies, as recently shown by 7 Inthelastdecadeorso,largedeepopticalspectroscopic emission-linediagnosticsbasedondetailedphoto-ionisation 1 surveysusingground-based8-10m-classtelescopes(e.g.Stei- models (e.g. Feltre, Charlot, & Gutkin 2016; Gutkin, Char- : del et al. 2003; Shapley et al. 2003; Lilly et al. 2007; Kurk v lot, & Bruzual 2016; Jaskot & Ravindranath 2016). i et al. 2013; Le F`evre et al. 2015) led to a significant in- X crease in the amount and depth of rest-frame UV spectra The wealth of information contained in the UV spec- r of high redshift galaxies (z (cid:38)1-2). These and other follow- traofstrongemission-linegalaxiesallowustoexplorenew a up spectroscopy of galaxies in deep fields (e.g. Erb et al. techniques for an accurate characterisation of the nebular 2010;Karmanetal.2015;Continietal.2016),inparticular chemicalcontentofstarforminggalaxiesbasedontheanal- gravitationally lensed systems (e.g. Christensen et al. 2012; ysis of the carbon abundance, the processes governing the James et al. 2014; Stark et al. 2014; Vanzella et al. 2016a), C/O ratio, and its relation with the total metallicity (e.g. are pushing now UV studies towards the low-luminosity Henryetal.2000;Erbetal.2010;Bergetal.2016).Theuse (mass) regime out to redshift z ∼3.5 (e.g. Patr´ıcio et al. of photo-ionisation models assuming different combinations 2016; Vanzella et al. 2016b, 2017; Amor´ın et al. 2017) and of C/O and O/H in an emitting ionised gas distribution is beyond (Stark et al. 2017, and references therein). henceanalternativetoestimatethegas-phasemetallicityin Overall,theabovestudiesconsistentlyfindthattheUV those cases where very few UV emission lines can be mea- spectrum of high redshift galaxies is systematically bluer sured. These methodologies, entirely or partially based on and harder than in most local galaxies. Thus, it includes a theavailableUVemissionlineratios,arenecessarytocom- plementthewidelyusedrecipestoderivephysicalproperties and chemical abundances from rest-frame optical spectra, (cid:63) E-mail:[email protected](EPM) which at z ∼2-3 rely on the (usually challenging) detection ©2016TheAuthors 2 Enrique P´erez-Montero & Ricardo Amor´ın of faint emission lines in the near infra-red (NIR, e.g. Stei- Table 1.ReferencesandnumberofHiiregions,localstarbursts del et al. 2014; Maseda et al. 2014; Troncoso et al. 2014; (LSB),andLyman-breakgalaxies(LBG)usedinthiswork. Amor´ınetal.2014;Shapleyetal.2015;Onoderaetal.2016; Sanders et al. 2016; Trainor et al. 2016). They would also Reference Numberofobjects Type be of great interest for metallicity studies of galaxies at the deBarrosetal.(2016) 1 LBG highest redshifts, where observing the optical rest-frame is Baylissetal.(2014) 1 LBG Bergetal.(2016) 7 LSB extremely challenging. In particular, the future arrival of Christensenetal.(2012) 3 LBG unprecedentedly deep observations using the James Webb Erbetal.(2010) 1 LBG Space Telescope (JWST) and the new generation of 30m- Garnettetal.(1995) 6 LSB classtelescopes,willincreasebyahugefactorcurrentgalaxy Garnettetal.(1997) 2 LSB samplesat z(cid:38)3,extendingdetailedUVspectroscopicstud- Garnettetal.(1999) 6 Hii ies towards the cosmic dawn. Izotovetal.(1999) 3 LSB For this aim, in this paper we present an adapted ver- Jamesetal.(2014) 1 LBG sionofthecodeHii-Chi-mistry(P´erez-Montero2014,here- Kurtetal.(1995) 2 Hii inafter HCm), originally designed to derive O/H and N/O Kobulnickyetal.(1997) 3 LSB fromopticalemissionlines,thatdealswithUVemissionlines Kobulnicky&Skillman(1998) 3 LSB Steideletal.(2016) 1(stack) LBG to derive O/H and C/O ratios. This new semi-empirical Thuanetal.(1999) 1 LSB method is fully consistent with direct estimations based on Vanzellaetal.(2016a) 1 LBG the electron temperature of star forming regions and pro- Villar-Mart´ınetal.(2004) 1 LBG vide a potentially powerful tool to constrain the metallic- ity of galaxies out to very high redshifts. Even considering the inherent limitations affecting all methods for estimat- and, in some cases, from the ratio between [Oiii]5007 and ing chemical abundances in galaxies from their integrated 1664˚A. Ourcalibrationsampleincludesobjectswithoutob- spectra, such as, e.g. the fact that these are based on spa- servedfluxesinthe[Oii]3727˚A line.Fortheseobjectsthe tiallyunresolveddata(e.g.Iglesias-Pa´ramoetal.2016)and thetotaloxygenabundancewasderivedbyapplyinganem- rely on the simplistic assumption of a single Hii region for pirical calibration between O/H and te([Oiii]) (see below). the analysis of the observed emission lines, it is still possi- For C/O determinations using the direct method, we com- ble to find characteristic abundance ratios (i.e. O/H, N/O, piledobjectswithmeasurementsofatleastOiii]1664˚Aand P´erez-Monteroetal.2016)thatcorrelatewiththeintegrated Ciii] 1909 ˚A, and also Civ1549 ˚A in very high-excitation properties of galaxies, such as stellar mass, thus providing objects. All the compiled fluxes were reddening corrected useful constraints for their assembly histories and chemical using a Cardelli et al. (1989) extinction law based on the evolution. extinction coefficients given in these references. The list of Our paper is organized as follows; In Section 2 we de- references and the number of objects are listed in Table 1. scribe the sample of objects with available emission lines We recalculated the physical properties and the chem- both in the optical and in the UV whose O and C abun- ical abundances of the selected objects using expressions dances could be derived using the direct method. In Sec- based on the pyneb software (Luridiana, Morisset, & Shaw tion3wedescribethemodelsandthemethodusedtoderive 2015). The O/H abundances were calculated using the de- the abundances and we compare our results with the direct rived electron temperatures and the bright optical emission abundances.Finally,inSection4wepresentourresultsand lines [Oii] 3727 ˚A and [Oiii] 4959,5007 ˚A and the expres- in Section 5 we summaries our conclusions. sions given in P´erez-Montero (2014). In those cases where Throughout this paper the following convention thefluxofthe[Oii]3727˚Alinewerenotavailabletocalcu- is adopted: O/H is 12+log(O/H), C/O is log(C/O), latetheO+abundances,weresortedtotheempiricalrelation Oiii]λ1664˚A represents the total flux of 1661 and 1666˚A, between O/H and te([Oiii]) given by Amor´ın et al. (2015), Ciii]λ1908˚A represents the total flux of lines at 1907 and which is valid for a wide range of metallicity and ionisation 1909˚A,andCivλ1549˚Arepresentsthetotalfluxoflinesat values. 1548 and 1551˚A. Using the pyneb code, we also defined expressions for thetemperatureandcarbonabundancesusingUVemission lines. Computing the emission line ratio: 2 CALIBRATION SAMPLE AND ABUNDANCES R = I(5007 ˚A) (1) WecompiledfromtheliteratureasampleofHiiregionsand O3 I(1664 ˚A) starburst galaxies at different z with optical and UV lines wederivethe[Oiii]electrontemperatureusingthesameset emitted by the gas ionised by episodes of massive star for- of atomic parameters as in P´erez-Montero (2014): mation. Owingtothescarcenumberofobjectswithsimul- tcaonnesoisutssomneaascuormembiennattioofnoopftiinctaelgarnatdedUsVpelcintreas,oobuserrvsaedmupsle- te([Oiii])=1.9263+6.433·10−5·RO3−0.4221·log(RO3) (2) ingavarietyofinstrumentsandtechniques.Oursamplewas valid in the range te([Oiii]) = 0.8 to 2.5 in units of 104 K selected in such a way that the O/H and C/O abundance and that is nearly independent on electron density (i.e. a ratioscouldbederivedusingthedirectmethodfromthees- change from 10 to 1000 cm−3 implies a change in te of less timation of the [Oiii] electron temperature, te([Oiii]). This than 0.1%). Nevertheless, due to the very long wavelength was obtained from the ratio between [Oiii]5007 and 4363˚A baseline between the involved emission lines and the large MNRAS000,1–7(2016) Gas-phase C and O abundances in the rest UV 3 extinction correction in the UV, the used ratio has a large uncertainty if the extinction correction is big. For instance assuming an extinction of 1 mag at 1664 ˚A implies an elec- trontemperatureofabout10%largerusingaCalzettietal. (2000) than a Cardelli et al. (1989) extinction law. ThecarbonionicratiosbasedonUVlineswerederived using the following expressions and assuming the derived te[Oiii]: log(C2+/O2+)=log(cid:32)Ciii] 1908 ˚A(cid:33)−0.8361+ Oiii] 1664 ˚A 0.4801 − −0.0358·te+0.2535·log(te) (3) te Figure1.RelationbetweenO/HandC/Oforthestudiedsample (cid:32) (cid:33) log(C3+/O2+)=log Civ1549 ˚A −1.5625+ as derived from the direct method. Different symbols stand for Oiii] 1664 ˚A the class of objects and colours for the method used to derive abundances: direct method with 5007/4363 ratio (black), O/H from empirical relation with te[Oiii] (red), and direct method 0.2946 + −0.043·te+0.31·log(te) (4) usingtemperaturefrom5007/1664ratio(white). te and using the collisional coefficients of Berrington et al. (1985) and Aggarwald & Keenan (2004) for C2+ and C3+, carbon lines. This is similar to the situation in the optical, respectively. when N/O must be determined before deriving O/H using The total C/O was then derived under the assumption [Nii]emissionlines(P´erez-Montero&Contini2009;Amor´ın that: et al. 2010). C C2++C3+ = (5) O O2+ 3 MODEL AND METHOD DESCRIPTION that can be simplified to C/O = C2+/O2+ when no Civ Both O/H, C/O and the ionisation parameter (logU) were emission is detected. derived using a semi-empirical approach based on the com- In Fig.1 we plot the relation between total O/H and parison between the most representative extinction cor- C/O for our calibration sample. The objects are identified rected emission lines observed in the UV (Lyα1216˚A, according to their nature and the method used to derive Civ1549˚A, Oiii]1664˚A, and Ciii]1908˚A) and in the opti- O/H and C/O. We distinguish between objects with tem- cal(Hβ4861˚Aand[Oiii] 5007˚A)withalargegridofphoto- peratures obtained from the [Oiii] ratio 5007/4363 (30), ionisation models covering a wide range of values in O/H, objects whose O/H was calculated using the empirical re- C/O, and logU. lation between O/H and te([Oiii]) given in Amor´ın et al. The photo-ionisation models were calculated using the (2015)(6),andobjectswhoseO/HandC/Owerecalculated code Cloudy v.13.01 (Ferland et al. 2013). In all models using the electron temperature from the [Oiii] 5007/1664 we adopted a spherical geometry of constant density gas ratio(8).Forthelatter,typicalerrorsinO/Hare∼0.18dex, (100cm−3),fillingfactorof10−1,andastandardgas-to-dust whileinthetwofirstcasestheyareslightlylower,∼0.10dex. massratioaroundanionisingpoint-sourcewiththespectral On average, C/O tend to increase with metallicity, as energy distribution of a 1 Myr old cluster using popstar carbon is essentially a secondary element (i.e. its relative (Molla´ et al. 2009) model atmospheres at the metallicity of productionishigherforhigherO/H)mainlyejectedintothe thegas.Thecalculationwasstoppedineachmodelandthe ISM by massive stars (e.g. Henry et al. 2000). This trend lines were thus retrieved when the electron density fraction startstobeobservedinoursamplefrom12+log(O/H)>7.4. was lower than 10%. However, the dispersion of this relation, of about 0.25 dex, Although several authors have pointed out the impor- islargerthantheaverageC/Oerrors(∼0.15dex),owingto tanceoftheassumedSEDinthemodelsforthedetermina- thedifferentphysicalprocessesaffectingmetallicityandthe tion of abundances (e.g. Kewley et al. 2005; Morisset et al. ratio between a primary element as O and a secondary one 2016),asourapproachissemi-empiricalitispossibletoas- asC.Thisisthecaseofhydrodynamicalprocesses,including sessanysystematiceffectandtheuncertaintyassociatedto metal-enriched outflows or inflows of metal-poor gas, which the assumption of an ionizing stellar cluster of a single age can change metallicity and keep relatively unaffected C/O in our models. (e.g. Edmunds 1990). Other factors that could also modify Thegrid coversinputoxygenabundancesintherange this ratio are, for instance, different star-formation efficien- [7.1,9.1]inbinsof0.1dex,logUintherange[-4.0,-1.5]inbins cies or the presence of a non-standard IMF (e.g. Gavila´n of0.25dexandassumessolarproportionsfortherestofele- etal.2005;Mattsson2010)Therefore,asnoclear trendcan ments,withtheexceptionofcarbon,thattakesvaluesinthe be taken between O/H and C/O, C/O has to be previously rangeofC/O=[-1.4,0.6]inbinsof0.125dex,andnitrogen, calculatedtoallowthederivationofO/Habundancesusing forwhichweassumeasecondaryoriginandaconstantsolar MNRAS000,1–7(2016) 4 Enrique P´erez-Montero & Ricardo Amor´ın ratiolog(C/N)=0.6(Asplundetal.2009). Theassumption Hβ4861˚A.AsinthecaseofC3O3,C34canbedefinedinthe of a constant C/N ratio is justified by the expected similar absenceofCivlinesusingonlyCiii]lines.AsshowninFig.2, behaviorbetweenprimaryandsecondaryelementsunderhy- this ratio has a very similar dependence with O/H as the drodynamicaleffects(e.g.Edmunds1990)andsupportedby R parameter (i.e. [Oii]+[Oiii] relative to Hβ, Pagel et al. 23 recentobservationsofgalaxiesatlow(Bergetal.2016)and 1979) as it is double-valued (i.e. it increases with O/H for high redshifts (Steidel et al. 2016), which show a constant lowO/HanditdecreasesforhighO/H).Besides,itpresents trend in C/N with metallicity. Under the above conditions, additional dependence on logU and C/O that contribute to the grid consists on a total of 3,927 models that can be ob- enlargethedispersion.ThedependenceonC/Oislimitedin tained from the 3MDB database (Morisset et al. 2015) 1. ourmethodbecauseC/Oisconstrainedinthefirstiteration A Python-based routine called Hii-Chi-mistry-UV 2 of our calculations. As shown in Fig. 2, theC34 parameter (hereafter HCm-UV was developed in order to calculate also presents a large dependence on log U. The latter is O/H, C/O and logU comparing the observed relative UV obtainedinthisiterationastheaveragevalueoftheresulting andopticalemissionlineswiththepredictionsfromthemod- distribution.ThedependenceonlogU isalleviatedusing an els. The methodology is the same as that described for the additional parameter in the total χ2 that depends on the optical in P´erez-Montero (2014). In a first step, the code C3C4index,definedastheratiobetweentheCiii]andCiv calculates C/O in order to constrain the space of models in lines: which O/H abundances can be calculated using UV carbon emission lines. (cid:32)I(Ciii] 1908 ˚A)(cid:33) The C/O abundance ratio is derived as the average of C3C4=log (9) the χ2-weighteddistributionoftheC/Ovaluesinthemod- I(Civ1549 ˚A els. The χ2 values are calculated as the relative quadratic differencesbetweenobservedandmodel-predictedemission- line ratios sensitive to C/O. The ratio R is used when O3 Oiii] 1664 and 5007 ˚A are observed. In all cases, we also 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION use theC3O3 parameter, defined as: In Figure 3 we show the comparison between the chemical (cid:32)I(Ciii] 1908 ˚A) + I(Civ1549 ˚A)(cid:33) abundances derived from both the direct method and from C3O3=log (6) HCm-UV. In the two upper panels, the latter uses all the I(Oiii] 1664 ˚A) available optical (Hβ and [Oiii]5007) and UV (Civ, Ciii], whichcanbealsodefinedinabsenceoftheCivlineasthera- Oiii])emissionlines.Overall,wefindagoodagreementbe- tiooftheCiii]and[Oiii]lines.AsshowninFig.2,according tweenthesetwodatasets, bothforC/OandO/H>7.5,with tomodelsC3O3haslittledependenceonO/H, whilethede- anmeanoffset thatislowerthantheuncertaintyofthedi- pendenceonlogU isonlysignificantforverylow-excitation. rect method (i.e. <0.10 dex) both for O/H and C/O. The Figure 2 also shows the calibration sample, which follow a overall standard deviation of the residuals is 0.15 dex for linear trend that can be used to derive C/O empirically: O/H and 0.16 dex for C/O. Interestingly,usingHCm-UVitcouldbepossibletoob- tainabundancesfromUVlinesaddingonlyfollow-upobser- log(C/O)=−1.069+0.796·C3O3 (7) vations of the blue part of the rest-frame optical spectrum with a dispersion of 0.20 dex, calculated as the standard correspondingto[Oiii]5007˚AandHβ,withoutanylowex- deviation of the residuals. citationemissionlinesuchasOii]3727˚A. Thoughforvery Once C/O is fixed in the grid of models, both O/H lowvaluesofO/H((cid:46)7.5)theabundancesderivedbyHCm- and logU are calculated as the mean of the model input UVdonotfollowanycorrelationwiththosefromthedirect values in the χ2-weighted distribution, where again the χ2 method,thecodeessentiallyidentifiesalloftheseobjectsas valuesforeachmodelarederivedfromthequadraticrelative extremely metal-poor galaxies. differences between the observed and predicted emission- Whenthe RO3 ratio–usedtoderivete([Oiii])inthedi- line ratios sensitive to O/H and log U. Also in this case, rectmethod–cannotbederivedduetotheabsenceofoptical R is used when Oiii]1664 and [Oiii]5007 are observed. lines,thecodefollowsthesamestrategyasinP´erez-Montero O3 Similarly to the case of C/O, the χ2 values for R are (2014):itconstrainsthegridofmodelsbyassuminganem- O3 added in quadrature to other emission-line ratios from the piricallawbetweenO/HandlogU insuchawaythatmetal- UV, such as theC34 parameter, defined as: poor objects have higher logU and metal-rich objects have lowerlogU.Thisempiricalrelationwasalreadyobservedby Dopita&Evans(1986)andcouldberelatedwithanevolu- C34=log(cid:32)I(Ciii] 1908 ˚A) + I(Civ1549 ˚A)(cid:33) (8) tionarysequence.Sinceoursamplesmallcomparedwiththe I(Hi) samplestudiedinP´erez-Montero(2014)weadoptthesame constrainforourgrid. InFig.4weshowthecomparisonbe- where I(Hi) is the intensity of a Hydrogen recombination tweentheempiricalO/H-logUrelationempiricallyderived line.Whenopticalemissionlinesareavailable,theHIlineis for Sa´nchez Almeida et al. (2016) and P´erez-Montero et al. (2016)andthevaluesderivedforoursampleusingalllines. 1 3MdB project and the models can be found in As can be seen the trend is well followed by the points, https://sites.google.com/site/mexicanmillionmodels/ Byusingthisconstrainedgrid,thecodecalculatesC/O 2 The routine HCm-UV is publicly available at using only the C3O3 ratio and the same procedure as de- http://www.iaa.es/∼epm/HII-CHI-mistry-UV.html. scribed above and then derives O/H and logU using the MNRAS000,1–7(2016) Gas-phase C and O abundances in the rest UV 5 Figure 2.Relationsbetweentherelevantemissionlineratios,models,andderivedabundancesforthecompiledsample.Upperpanels: RelationbetweenC3O3andC/OatfixedO/H(Left)andfixedlogU (Right).Thedashedblacklinerepresentsthelinearfittingtothe observations.Lowerpanels:RelationbetweenC34andO/HatfixedC/O(Left)andatfixedlogU (Right). C3C4 and C34 parameters, but taking Lyα as the hydro- caseofN/O(Amor´ınetal.2010;P´erez-Monteroetal.2013, gen recombination line. This approach, however, should be 2016). used with caution. The Lyα line is resonant and photons When no previous determination of C/O can be made scatter in the neutral Hydrogen, thus having a complex ra- (i.e. the C3O3 ratio cannot be measured), we follow again diation transfer. Especially for faint Lyα emission (i.e. low theproceduredescribedinP´erez-Montero(2014)forthecase equivalent width) this may produce an additional source of of N/O: the code adopts a new constrain for the space of systematic uncertainty. models assuming a given empirical relation between O/H InthetwolowerpanelsofFig.3weshowthecomparison and C/O to calculate O/H using the C34 parameter. The betweentheabundancesderivedfromthedirectmethodand codethenusestherelationbetweenO/HandN/Oshownin fromHCm-UVinabsenceoftheopticalemissionlines.The Fig. 3 of P´erez-Montero (2014) and assumes the C/N solar number of points with a reliable measurement of Lyα in ratio for all the sample. our sample is very low, but all the objects are identified as metal-poorinthissample.RegardingC/O,asthisratiohas a very little dependence on the electron temperature, the 5 CONCLUSION agreement is still very good, i.e. the mean offset is lower thantheuncertaintyofthedirectmethodandthestandard In this work we present a semi-empirical method to derive deviation of the residuals is 0.20 dex, fairly similar to that oxygen (O/H) and carbon abundances (C/O) from rest- obtained using optical lines. frame UV emission lines, which are consistent with those ThisresultunderlinestheimportanceoftheC/Oabun- obtained using the direct method. danceratioasanindicatorofthechemicalcontentofgalax- We highlight the potential use of this method for (Te- ies at different epochs. Apart from the reliability of the re- consistent) metallicity inferences at high redshifts (z > 2), sults only using Oiii] and Ciii] UV emission lines, C/O is e.g. through deep optical spectroscopy with large ground- notaffectedbyhydrodynamicalprocesses,suchasinflowsor based telescopes (Amor´ın et al. 2017) or using future space outflows, and can be more tightly related with other inte- telescopes,suchastheJamesWebbSpaceTelescope.Forex- grated properties of galaxies such as stellar mass, as in the ample, the NIRSpec spectrograph onboard the JWST, will MNRAS000,1–7(2016) 6 Enrique P´erez-Montero & Ricardo Amor´ın Figure 3. Comparison between C/O (Right) and O/H (Left) abundances derived from the direct method and from HCm-UV under different assumptions. The HCm-UV-based abundances in lower panels were derived using only UV lines, while for upper panels they alsoincludeopticalinformation,i.e.Hβ and[Oiii]5007˚A.Theredsolidlinesrepresentinallcasesthe1:1relation. mic reionisation (at z >6). In these presumably metal-poor objects, rest UV emission lines with relatively high EWs (such as Ciii], Civ, and Oiii]) are apparently ubiquitous (e.g. Stark et al. 2015; Stark et al. 2017), but the access to faintkeyopticallines(suchas[Oiii]4363˚Aand[Oii]3727˚A in the case of high ionisation objects) will be very limited, thus making Te-consistent metallicity inferences extremely challenging. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Wethanktheanonymousrefereeforconstructingandhelp- ful comments. EPM acknowledges support from the Span- ish MICINN through grants AYA2010-21887-C04-01 and AYA2013-47742-C4-1-P and the Junta de Andaluc´ıa for Figure 4. Relation between O/H as derived from the direct grant EXC/2011 FQM-7058. 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