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Using Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012: Updated for Version R2 PDF

414 Pages·2013·23.497 MB·English
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Using Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Andreas Luszczak Using Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Updated for Version R2 3rd Edition Dr. Andreas Luszczak Vienna, Austria ISBN 978-3-658-01708-8 ISBN 978-3-658-01709-5 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-01709-5 Th e Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografi e; detailed bib- liographic data are available in the Internet at http://dnb.d-nb.de. Library of Congress Control Number: 2013946307 Springer Vieweg © Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 2009, 2012, 2013 Th is work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifi cally the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfi lms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer soft ware, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereaft er developed. Exempted from this legal reservation are brief excerpts in connec- tion with reviews or scholarly analysis or material supplied specifi cally for the purpose of being entered and executed on a computer system, for exclusive use by the purchaser of the work. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of the Copyright Law of the Publisher’s location, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer. Permissions for use may be obtained through RightsLink at the Copyright Clearance Center. Violations are liable to prosecution under the respective Copyright Law. Th e use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specifi c statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. While the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publica- tion, neither the authors nor the editors nor the publisher can accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may be made. Th e publisher makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein. Printed on acid-free paper Springer Vieweg is a brand of Springer DE. Springer DE is part of Springer Science+Business Media. www.springer-vieweg.de Preface When looking for a business management solution supporting business processes in mid-sized and large companies, Microsoft Dynamics AX is likely to be your favorite. Because of its deep functional and technological integration, it is also a good choice for universities teaching ERP systems. Reading this Book The primary purpose of this book is to provide you with a good knowledge of the standard application concept and functionality, enabling you to run business processes in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. This book applies to you, if you are an end user, student, or consultant interested in learning how to use Dynamics AX. Going beyond the operations on the user interface, you will also learn how the different parts of the application work together. As a result, you will also take advantage from learning the end-to-end application concept, if you are a system administrator, developer, IT executive or experienced consultant not knowing the complete application already. Actually working in an application is the best way to learn it. This book therefore includes exercises building up on each other in a comprehensive case study. If you need support for the exercises, a free download of sample solutions is available. The current edition of this book is based on Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 and includes the core changes of Dynamics AX 2012 in the initial version and in R2. It is an update of the previous edition “Using Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012” published in 2012. Since Dynamics AX is a very comprehensive business solution, it is not possible to cover all parts of the application in a single book. In order to provide a profound understanding of the core application, this book addresses the primary functionality in supply chain (including trade, logistics and production control) and finance management. It shows the application, but does not cover tasks in system administration and development. If you want to learn more about the concepts and options for implementing Dynamics AX, the book “Implementing Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 with Sure Step 2012” by Keith Dunkinson and Andrew Birch might be interesting for you. Applicable Settings In Dynamics AX, you can individually choose the language of your user interface. Descriptions and illustrations in this book refer to the language “EN-US”. Whereas VI Preface it is obviouus that the Dynamics AXX client displays differentt labels whenn choosing languages like Spanish or Russian, tthere are alsoo differencess when selectting British English. Forr example, thhe label for tthhe field “Salles tax” is “VVAT” in Britiish English. Other differrences betweeen your appplication annd the descriiptions in thhe book are possibly cauused by youur permissioons, by appliicable local ffeatures, or by specific modifications and featuures implemeented in yourr Dynamics AAX system. In order to benefit frrom the exxplanations, it is recommmended too access a Dynamics AAX applicatioon. A separaate test appllication for eexecuting thhe exercises minimizes tthe risk of afffecting actuaal company ddata. The exercisses and illusstrations refeer to a sammple companny “Anso Teechnologies Ltd.”, whichh shows a siimple setup limited to thhe described functionalitty. In order to grant flexxibility for seelecting the ttraining envvironment, thhe tasks in thhe exercises are specifieed in a way that you can also uuse the Microsoft standdard demo environmennt (“Contoso”) or any othher test envirronment. This book hhas been upddated for Miicrosoft Dynaamics AX 20012 R2. If youu are using the initial vversion of Dyynamics AX 2012 or the Dynamics AAX 2012 Featuure Pack, a limited nummber of featuures and settiings work diifferent. Notees in the boook show the differences between thee initial versiion and R2, eenabling youu to use this book in all versions of Dynamics AAX 2012. If you want too know in wwhich versioon you are working, cllick the buttoon Help / About Microosoft Dynamics AX in thee command bar of the DDynamics AXX client – if yoou are in thee Feature Pacck or R2, it is displayed. Available Support In order to download ssolutions to tthe exercisess in this boook and otherr applicable resources, pplease access the online seervice of thepublisher orr following wweb site: http:///axbook.addynn.com If you havee comments or questionns regardingg the book oor the exerciises, please contact me tthrough the web site menntioned abovve or via e-mmail to lua@adddyn.com. Acknowleedgementss Many peopple have beenn involved iin finalizingg this book, ddirectly and indirectly, from the firrst edition inn German to the current English edition. I want tto thank all of them. In particular, I would like tto mention: (cid:190) Matthiass Gimbel (Sennior Consulttant at STZ ITT-Business CConsulting) (cid:190) Ingo Maaresch (Solutiion Architectt at Semantax Business CConsulting) (cid:190) Keith Duunkinson (Owwner at ERPP advisers) Thank you also to editoorial team Beernd Hansemmann and MMaren Mithöffer. Finally, my special tthanks go to my family –– Sonja, Felixx and Carolinne. Andreeas Luszczak Table of Contents 1 What is Microsoft Dynamics AX? ............................................................................ 1 1.1 Axapta and the History of Dynamics AX ..................................................... 1 1.2 Dynamics AX 2012 Product Overview ......................................................... 2 1.2.1 Functional Capabilities ........................................................................ 2 1.2.2 Business Intelligence ............................................................................ 3 1.2.3 Collaboration Features ......................................................................... 4 1.2.4 Implementation ..................................................................................... 4 1.3 Technology and System Architecture ........................................................... 4 1.3.1 Development Environments ............................................................... 5 1.3.2 Layer Technology ................................................................................. 6 1.3.3 Three-Tier Architecture........................................................................ 7 1.3.4 Data Structure ....................................................................................... 7 1.3.5 Voucher Principle ................................................................................. 8 2 Getting Started: Navigation and General Options ................................................ 9 2.1 User Interface and Common Tasks ............................................................... 9 2.1.1 Logon and Authentication ................................................................... 9 2.1.2 User Interface ...................................................................................... 10 2.1.3 Navigation ........................................................................................... 18 2.1.4 Home Menu ......................................................................................... 22 2.1.5 Working with Records ....................................................................... 24 2.1.6 Filter, Find and Sort ............................................................................ 31 2.1.7 Help System ......................................................................................... 37 2.1.8 Case Study Exercises .......................................................................... 39 2.2 Printing and Reporting.................................................................................. 40 2.2.1 Printing Reports .................................................................................. 40 2.2.2 Copy/Paste and Microsoft Office Add-Ins ...................................... 45 2.2.3 Case Study Exercise ............................................................................ 47 2.3 Advanced Options ......................................................................................... 47 2.3.1 User Options and Personalization .................................................... 48 2.3.2 Record Information and Templates ................................................. 50 2.3.3 Case Study Exercises .......................................................................... 54 VIII Table of Contents 2.4 Global Address Book .................................................................................... 55 2.4.1 Parties and Addresses ....................................................................... 55 2.4.2 Address books .................................................................................... 56 2.4.3 Case Study Exercise ........................................................................... 58 3 Purchasing ................................................................................................................ 59 3.1 Business Processes in Purchasing ............................................................... 59 3.1.1 Basic Approach ................................................................................... 59 3.1.2 At a Glance: Purchase Order Processing ........................................ 62 3.2 Vendor Management .................................................................................... 64 3.2.1 Vendor Records .................................................................................. 64 3.2.2 Payment Terms and Cash Discount ................................................ 69 3.2.3 Ledger Integration ............................................................................. 71 3.2.4 Case Study Exercises ......................................................................... 73 3.3 Product Management for Purchasing ......................................................... 73 3.3.1 Procurement Category Management .............................................. 74 3.3.2 Product Master Data for Purchasing ............................................... 76 3.3.3 Purchase Price and Discount ............................................................ 80 3.3.4 Case Study Exercises ......................................................................... 84 3.4 Purchase Orders ............................................................................................ 85 3.4.1 Basics of Purchase Order Processing ............................................... 85 3.4.2 Planned Purchase Orders .................................................................. 87 3.4.3 Purchase Requisitions ....................................................................... 90 3.4.4 Requests for Quotation ...................................................................... 92 3.4.5 Purchase Order Registration ............................................................ 94 3.4.6 Change Management and Purchase Order Approval ................ 101 3.4.7 Canceling and Deleting Purchase Orders ..................................... 103 3.4.8 Purchase Order Confirmation and Printing ................................. 104 3.4.9 Purchase Agreements ...................................................................... 107 3.4.10 Case Study Exercises ....................................................................... 108 3.5 Item Receipt ................................................................................................. 109 3.5.1 Basic Steps for Item Receipt ............................................................ 109 3.5.2 Receipts List ...................................................................................... 110 3.5.3 Inventory Registration ..................................................................... 110 3.5.4 Product Receipt ................................................................................ 113 3.5.5 Receiving a Deviating Quantity ..................................................... 116 3.5.6 Order Status and Inquiries .............................................................. 118 3.5.7 Case Study Exercises ....................................................................... 121 Table of Contents IX 3.6 Invoice Receipt ............................................................................................. 122 3.6.1 Different Ways for Processing Vendor Invoices ........................... 122 3.6.2 Posting Vendor Invoices .................................................................. 124 3.6.3 Order Status and Inquiries .............................................................. 128 3.6.4 Case Study Exercises ........................................................................ 130 3.7 Credit Notes and Item Returns .................................................................. 131 3.7.1 Crediting Purchase Orders .............................................................. 132 3.7.2 Inventory Valuation for Separate Credit Notes ............................ 134 3.7.3 Case Study Exercise .......................................................................... 134 4 Sales and Distribution ............................................................................................ 135 4.1 Business Processes in Sales and Distribution ........................................... 135 4.1.1 Basic Approach ................................................................................. 135 4.1.2 At a Glance: Sales Order Processing .............................................. 138 4.2 Customer Management ............................................................................... 140 4.2.1 Basic Data and Comparison to Vendors Records ......................... 140 4.2.2 Case Study Exercises ........................................................................ 144 4.3 Product Management for Sales .................................................................. 144 4.3.1 Product Records and Categories in Sales ...................................... 144 4.3.2 Sales Price and Discount .................................................................. 146 4.3.3 Case Study Exercises ........................................................................ 151 4.4 Sales Orders and Quotations ...................................................................... 151 4.4.1 Basics of Sales Order Processing ..................................................... 152 4.4.2 Sales Quotations ................................................................................ 153 4.4.3 Sales Order Registration .................................................................. 155 4.4.4 Sales Prices and Discounts............................................................... 160 4.4.5 Managing Charges ............................................................................ 162 4.4.6 Sales Order Confirmation ................................................................ 165 4.4.7 Case Study Exercises ........................................................................ 165 4.5 Distribution ................................................................................................... 166 4.5.1 Basics and Setup for Picking and Shipping ................................... 166 4.5.2 Pick Form and Picking List .............................................................. 169 4.5.3 Output Order and Shipment ........................................................... 171 4.5.4 Packing Slip ....................................................................................... 173 4.5.5 Case Study Exercises ........................................................................ 174 4.6 Invoicing ........................................................................................................ 175 4.6.1 Invoicing Sales Orders ..................................................................... 175 4.6.2 Collective Invoice .............................................................................. 177 4.6.3 Free Text Invoices ............................................................................. 180 X Table of Contents 4.6.4 Credit Notes and Item Returns ...................................................... 181 4.6.5 Case Study Exercises ....................................................................... 185 4.7 Direct Delivery ............................................................................................. 186 4.7.1 Processing Direct Deliveries ........................................................... 186 4.7.2 Case Study Exercise ......................................................................... 188 5 Production Control ................................................................................................ 189 5.1 Business Processes in Manufacturing ....................................................... 189 5.1.1 Basic Approach ................................................................................. 189 5.1.2 At a Glance: Production Order Processing ................................... 192 5.2 Product Data and Bills of Materials .......................................................... 194 5.2.1 Product Master Data for Manufacturing ...................................... 194 5.2.2 Bills of Materials (BOM) .................................................................. 196 5.2.3 Case Study Exercises ....................................................................... 201 5.3 Resources and Routes ................................................................................. 203 5.3.1 Production Units and Resource Groups ....................................... 203 5.3.2 Resources and Capabilities ............................................................. 206 5.3.3 Routes and Operations .................................................................... 209 5.3.4 Case Study Exercises ....................................................................... 216 5.4 Production Orders ....................................................................................... 218 5.4.1 Basics of Production Order Processing ......................................... 218 5.4.2 Production Order Registration ....................................................... 222 5.4.3 Processing Production Orders ........................................................ 224 5.4.4 Case Study Exercises ....................................................................... 228 5.5 Production Journal Transactions ............................................................... 228 5.5.1 Journal Transactions and Ledger Integration .............................. 228 5.5.2 Picking List........................................................................................ 229 5.5.3 Working Time Registration ............................................................ 231 5.5.4 Case Study Exercises ....................................................................... 232 5.6 Reporting as Finished and Ending Production ....................................... 232 5.6.1 Reporting as Finished ...................................................................... 232 5.6.2 Ending and Costing ......................................................................... 234 5.6.3 Case Study Exercise ......................................................................... 236 5.7 Subcontracting ............................................................................................. 236 5.7.1 Outsourced Operation ..................................................................... 236 5.7.2 Purchased Service ............................................................................ 237

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