Original Article Using Fresh and Frozen Testicular Sperm Samples in Couples Undergoing ICSI-MicroTESE Treatment Safak Tavukcuoglu 1*, Tahani AL-Azawi 1, Safaa AL-Hasani 1, Amir Afshin Khaki 1, Arash Khaki 1, Seval Tasdemir 2 1- Reproductive Medicine Unit, University of Schleswig-Holstein, Luebeck, Germany 2- Fertijin IVF Center, Istanbul, Turkey Abstract Background: We performed this study to evaluate use of fresh and frozen sperm samples in non-obstructive azoospermia microdissection testicular sperm extraction (micro-TESE-ICSI) treatment. Methods: We performed a total of 82 consecutive in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles at Fertijin IVF Center in Istanbul, Turkey from January 2010 to March 2012. In 43 participants we used fresh sperm and frozen sperm in the remaining 39 cases. We used fresh and frozen thawed micro surgical testicular sperm extraction (micro TESE) sperm for ICSI with metaphase II (MII) oocytes. Results: Frozen microTESE sperm was used in 39 cycles, while 43 ICSI cycles were performed using fresh microTESE. Neither the age of male partners (38.33±5.93 and 38.13±8.28) nor that of the female participants (33.16±6.38 and 33.33±6.97) showed significant difference between fresh versus the microTESE and frozen treatment groups, respectively. FSH concentrations were (14.66±13.93 mIU/ml) in fresh TESE * Corresponding Author: group and (17.91±16.29 mIU/ml) in frozen group with no correlations or differences Safak Tavukcuoglu, Re- between the two groups. The average number of mature oocytes injected with sperm productive Medicine Unit, was 9.23±3.77, versus 9.26±5.26 in cycles using fresh and frozen microTESE sperm, University of Schleswig- respectively. Fertilization rate was not significantly different in the fresh microTESE Holstein, Ratzeburger Alle 160, 23538 Luebeck, (44.79%) than frozen TESE sperm group (46.76%). The average number of trans- Germany ferred embryos was 1.60±0.49 in fresh sperm group and 1.59±0.50 in frozen sperm E-mail: group. All embryo transfers were performed on day 3. [email protected] Conclusion: Cryopreservation of testicular sperm tissues is more suitable and of great benefite if carried out before ovulation induction and not after, especially in Received: Oct. 30, 2012 Accepted: Jan. 29, 2013 cases with non-obstructive azoospermia. Keywords: ICSI, In vitro fertilization, Microsurgical testicular sperm extraction, Sperm re- trieval, Sperm. To cite this article: Tavukcuoglu S, AL-Azawi T, AL-Hasani S, Khaki AA, Khaki A, Tasdemir S. Using Fresh and Frozen Testicular Sperm Samples in couples Undergoing ICSI- MicroTESE Treatment. J Reprod Infertil. 2013;14(2):79-84. Introduction urgical techniques for testicular sperm re- gin, such as microdeletions in Y-chromosome, or trieval, such as testicular sperm extraction of congenital origin as in cryptorchidism (2). Sec- (TESE) and microsurgical testicular sperm ondary causes may be due to chemo- or radiother- extrac tion (mTESE), are prerequisites for treating apy or endocrine dysfunctions (3). Testicular his- infertile men (1). Azoospermia due to spermato- tology generally demonstrates maturation arrest or genic failure may be classified as primary or sec- complete absence of germ cells (4). Male factor ondary. Primary disorders may be of genetic ori- infertility represents almost one-third of infertility J Reprod Infertil. 2013;14(2):79-84 Tavukcuoglu S, et al. JRI cases, out of which azoospermia may comprise up ticular pulp, was searched under the operative mi- to 10% (5). Azoospermia can be either obstructive croscope (×12 to 24 magnification) for areas with azoo-spermia (OA) or non-obstructive azoosper- dilated tubules, and several tiny fragments (ap- mia (NOA). In OA, there is a blockage in the prox. 2×2×2 mm3) of the testicular tissue were transfer pathway of sperm. In all OA and most of sampled from the two separate surfaces, at differ- NOA cases, sperm can be retrieved from the testis ent levels of depth from the albuginea to the hi- via microTESE (6, 7). In severe cases, there may lum. The volume of testicular tissue collected by be only scattered foci of sperm production and microTESE for sperm search was roughly the more extensive biopsy may be needed to recover same. At the time of surgery, a testicular biopsy tubules with mature sperm. from the subalbugineal pulp was also made. Some Different studies have shown that the combina- of the patients had pathology reports from previ- tion of human testicular sperm biopsy and intra- ous biopsies but it was the first time for most of cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) are efficient them. We cryopreserved the rest of fresh m-TESE methods in the treatment of male infertility with sperm after ICSI. azoospermia (8, 9). The successful use of TESE Biological search for spermatozoa and freezing: procedures with ICSI led to the use of cryo- Testicular fragments were washed in Earl's Bal- preserved-thawed spermatozoa. The addition of anced Salt Solution (EBSS Sigma, USA) medium sperm cryopreservation is valuable as it may re- to remove blood, then they were placed in sterile duce the number of procedures required for preg- glass petri dishes with 0.5 ml of Sperm Washing nancy success, and repeated testicular biopsies Medium™ (from Vitrolife, Sweden), and finely can then be avoided (10). It seems that compara- minced using insulin enjection needls and while ble success could be achieved with frozen-thawed being stirred to a homogeneous suspension, they and testis spermatozoa (11, 12). However, limited were directly examined under an inverted micro- pieces of data exist about different factors con- scope at ×200 and ×400 magnifications (Diaphot, nected with the efficacy of ICSI using frozen non- Nikon, Japan) for the presence of spermatozoa, motile testicular spermatozoa. Dafopoulos et al. the search lasting up to 1 hr. Sperm search was reported in their study that they used motile sper- performed in all cases by the same operator, and matozoa for ICSI in 159 cycles while they used the results were expressed as positive when at immotile spermatozoa in 138 other cycles (13). least one recoverable sperm was observed (7). The The aim of this study was to compare use of sperm were frozen on the same day with Vitrolife fresh and frozen sperm samples in non-obstructive sperm freezing medium (Vitrolife Sweden). Tes- azoospermia through microdissection testicular ticular tissues were mixed 1:1 with sperm freezing sperm extraction (microTESE) treatment. m e d i u m i n s p e r m c r y o v i a l a f t e r l a b e l i n g s tayed 20 min at −20°C in deep freeze and then put on Methods liquid nitrogen vapour freezing technique as men- Patients: A total of 82 consecutive IVF cycles tioned by Dafopoulos (14). If we collected oo- were performed at the Fertijin IVF Center in Is- cytes on the same day, we used fresh testicular tanbul, Turkey from January 2010 to March 2012. sperm samples after centrifuging it for 15 min at This center has been approved by the Ministry of 2000 rpm (Heraeuse Labofuge 400, Germany) Health of Turkey and; therefore, under its ethical (15). Thawing was performed at room tempera- rules. In the study, we used fresh sperm in 43 and ture for 15 min. The preparation was then separat- frozen sperm in 39 participants with non-obstruc- ed from the cryoprotectant by washing in culture tive azoospermia. Fresh and frozen thawed m- medium and centrifugation at 2000 rpm for 15 TESE sperm were used for ICSI with metaphase min. The resulting pellet was resuspended in 500 II (MII) oocytes. μl of culture medium (Vitrolife, Sweden). Surgical procedures: Micro-TESE was performed Ovarian Stimulation: All female partners were under general anesthesia by removing off testicu- stimulated using gonadotropin releasing hormone lar tissue through a transversal incision of the al- agonist or antagonist, in combination with human buginea, either equatorially or in the cranial part menopausal gonadotropin, and/ or recombinant of the testis. In microTESE, an incision was made human FSH. Human chorionic gonadotropin was on the testes, covering three-quarters of its cir- administered when optimal follicle development cumference and oriented to preserve the predomi- was achieved, as evaluated by serial transvaginal nantly transversal subalbugineal vessels. The tes- ultrasound (GE Logiq P5, USA). Oocyte retrieval J Reprod Infertil, Vol 14, No 2, Apr-Jun 2013 80 JRI ICSII-mTESE Usinng Fresh andd Frozen Sperrm was performmed via a traansvaginal aapproach undder peerformed onn day 3 after oocyte rettrieval usingg sonographicc guidance (GGE Logiq P5, USA) 36 hr thhe Cook cathheter (K-Sofftt 5000, Austtralia). Preg-- after humaan chorionicc gonadotroopin injection naancy was deetermined as a spontaneoous rise in aa (16). Cumuulus-oocyte complexes wwere collectted β--hCG conceentration onn day 10 affter embryoo in MOPS mmedium (Vittrolife, Swedden) and dennu- traansfer. Cliniical pregnanncy implied tthe presencee dation was performed uusing hyaluroonidase (Vitrro- off an intrauteerine gestatioonal sac andd fetal heartt life, Swedenn). beeat on an ulltrasound peerformed in the seventhh Oocyte preeparation andd ICSI: Thee cumulus aand wweek of gestattion. corona radiata cells werre removed bby exposure to DData collectioon and statisttical analysis:: The prima-- hyase hyaluuronidase ×110 (Vitrolifee, Sweden) uun- ryy outcome measures tabulated weere patientss der stereommicroscopy foor 30 s. Onlly MII oocyttes coount, age andd sperm couunt. Serum FSH level forr were used ffor ICSI and this was perrformed as dde- alll male particcipants was mmeasured beefore testicu-- scribed by AAl-Hasani et al. (17). Botth kinds of tees- laar sperm extrraction, matuure oocyte coounts, fertili-- ticular spermm were pickeed up from testicular tisssue zaation rate, nnumber of trransferred emmbryos, em-- droplets to MOPS (Vitrolife, Sweeden) drop in brryo quality oon day 3, clinnical pregnanncy and birthh ICSI dishess. Spermatozzoa were asppirated into tthe raates were inncluded. Reesults are expressed ass injection piipette and ttransferred wwith polyvinnyl mmeans±SD forr numeric vaariables. Cateegorical var-- pyrrolidonee (PVP) drooplets. The tail of eaach iaables were exxpressed as proportions (%). Distri-- sperm was crushed withh the injection pipette aand buutions of quuantitative vaariables werre comparedd then aspiratted the tail ffirst for micrroinjection. AAll ussing the Maann-Whitney U test for variables inn procedures were performmed on the hheated stage of evvery two grroups. Proportions were comparedd an invertedd microscopee (Nikon, TEE 300, Tokyyo, ussing the Chi-squared (χ22) test or the Fisher's ex-- Japan) at ××200 magniification andd three-dimeen- acct test, depennding on sammple size. TThe p-valuess sional hydraaulic system micromanippulators. leess than 0.055 were consiidered to be statisticallyy Embryo cuulture, evaluaation and trannsfer: Fertilizza- significant. tion was checked 16 to 18hr after ICSI. The ferrti- lized oocytees were transsferred and ccultured in 00.5 Resuults ml fresh G11 (Vitrolife, SSweden) drooplets in 5-wwell WWe retrospecctively analyyzed 82 conssecutive IVFF dishes coveered by mineeral oil (Vitrolife, Swedeen) cyycles performmed at Fertijjin IVF Cennter in Istan-- at 37°C in 6% CO , 5% O and 995% humiditty. buul. They included 39 utiilized frozenn-thawed mi-- 2 2 Then, we ccontinued cuulture in 0.5 ml G2 (Vitrro- crroTESE sperrm and 43 ffresh microTTESE sperm,, life, Swedenn) at the samme condition.. Cleavage wwas wwhich were used for ICCSI of matture oocytess assessed aftter 48 to 72hhr and embryyo quality wwas (MMII). Frozenn microTESEE sperm wass used in 399 evaluated pprior to trannsfer. Embryyo quality wwas cyycles; while 43 ICSI cyccles were peerformed us-- evaluated oon the basis of morpholoogical and dde- inng fresh micrroTESE (Tabble 1). velopmentaal stages. Emmbryos were classified innto NNeither thee age of mmale (38.333±5.93 andd two good annd poor cateegories (18). Embryos wiith 388.13±8.28 yeears) nor thaat of female (33.16±6.388 normal morrphology, whhich was in aa developmeen- annd 33.33±6.97) participants showedd significantt tal stage apppropriate forr its age, werre classified as diifferences beetween freshh versus micrroTESE andd transferablee and the mmaximum nummber of tranns- frrozen groupps, respectivvely. FSH levels weree ferred embbryos was twwo. Embryoo transfer wwas (114.66±13.93)) in fresh mTTESE group and (17.91±± Table 1. Patient Characcteristics, serumm FSH concentrrations, fertilizaation rates and eembryo transfer percentaages of the two groups (M±SDD) Fresh MicroTESE Frozen MicrooTESE p-vvalue Patients coount 43 39 >>0.05 Age male (years) 38.33±5.93 38.13±8.228 >>0.05 Age femalle (years) 33.16±6.38 33.33±6.997 >>0.05 Sperm couunt (106/ml) 4.83±1.14 5.69±1.119 >>0.05 FSH conceentration (mIU//mml) 14.6±13.93 17.91±16.29 >>0.05 Mature ooocyte count 9.223±3.77 9.26±5.226 >>0.05 Fertilizatiion rate (%) 44.779±18.27 46.76±20.85 >>0.05 Embryo trransfer (%) 1.660±0.49 1.59±0.550 >>0.05 81 J RReprod Inferttiil, Vol 14, Noo 2, Apr-Jun 22013 Tavukcuoglu S, et al. JRI Table 2. Embryo quality, pregnancy and birth rates for both groups of mTESE using fresh or frozen testicular sperm Fresh Micro TESE Frozen Micro TESE p-value Quality Number of Embryos % of Embryo Quality Number of Embryos % of Embryos Emryo quality Poor 18 41.9% Poor 19 48.7% >0.05 Good 25 58.1% Good 20 51.3% Pregnancy rate Result Pregnancy count Pregnancy (%) Results Pregnancy count Pregnancy (%) Negative 24 55.8% Negative 22 56.4% >0.05 Positive 19 44.2% Positive 17 43.6% Birth rate Birth counts Birth rate (%) Birth counts Birth rate (%) >0.05 16 37.2% 12 30.8% 16.29) in the frozen group with no differences produce similar results (12, 16, 19, 20) and that between the two groups. freezing does not affect spermatozoa (21). Sperm The average number of mature oocytes injected recovery rate for ICSI treatment was between with sperm was (9.23±3.77, 9.26±5.26) in cycles 60% to 70% in patients with non-obstructive azo- using fresh and frozen microTESE sperm, respec- ospermia (22) but in our study it was between tively. Fertilization rate did not significantly differ 30% to 40%. In some cases there were no clear between fresh microTESE cases (44.79%) and relationship evidence parameters and results, for frozen TESE sperm cases (46.76%). The average example between serum FSH concentrations and number of transferred embryos was (1.60±0.49) in testicular volume measurements to predict success fresh group and (1.59±0.50) in frozen group. rate especially in patients with sertoli cell only All embryo transfers were performed on day 3. syndrome or maturation arrest (23). Although, Embryo quality was evaluated as good or poor FSH concentration showed no significant differ- depending on the fragmentation percentage, blas- ence between the two groups, its concentration tomere count and multinucleation absence prior to correlated with sperm count. However, when transfer. In groups using fresh mTESE sperm, sperm collection was not possible on the day of 58.1% were of good and 41.9% of poor embryo oocyte retrieval for ICSI in some cases, we of- qualities, and nearly similar results were produced fered the couples to throw or cryopreserve their in the frozen sperm group, 51.3% were of good oocytes. In these cases, cryopreservtion of testicu- and 48.7% were of poor quality. lar spermatozoa with diagnostic biopsy or TESE Clinical pregnancy was achieved in 19 couples attempt for future ICSI cycles, would avoid both (44.2%) and 17 couples (43.6%), respectively, in unnecessary female stimulation and the need for groups using fresh and frozen TESE sperm. De- repetative biopsies for sucessive ICSI cycles (24). livery rate was similar between groups. Nineteen This approach has been shown to be feasible (19). pregnancies were established using fresh TESE Testicular sperm could be frozen within testicular and resulted in the delivery of 12 healthy neo- tissue with minimal processing of testicular tissue nates. In the frozen TESE group, 17 clinical preg- or after being extracted and purified from the tis- nancies were delivered, resulting in the birth of 10 sue. The prefered method may be to freeze the healthy neonates. Two pregnancies resulted in tissue intact as this allows better post-thaw sur- spontaneous abortion in the fresh sperm group and vival and motility rate (25). Our method was very four abortions occurred in the frozen one. No con- simple, with fast and good result as compared to genital anomalies or major malformations were other studies. The results showed that the combi- noted in both groups (Table 2). nation of human testicular sperm biopsy and intracytoplasmatic sperm injection (ICSI) was an Discussion efficient method for the treatment of male infertil- Several authors have demonstrated that perform- ity with azoospermia. Some authors have reported ing ICSI with fresh or frozen spermatozoa will fertilization rates between 44% to 63% (19), em- J Reprod Infertil, Vol 14, No 2, Apr-Jun 2013 82 JRI ICSI-mTESE Using Fresh and Frozen Sperm bryo cleavage rates between 89% to 92% (26), Acknowledgement implantation rates of 8% to 11% (27) and clinical The authors would like to thank their colleagues pregnancy rates per embryo transfer of about 27% at Lab. Tech. Fevzi Akçıl in Istanbul and Ms. (26). 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