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document archived Historic, Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. 4 1 Great A99.9 F764Un outhwest Plains Research Note RM-527 February 1994 USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station Using Conditional Utility Models for Measuring Welfare Robert Mendelsohn1 Rosa Matzkin1 George Peterson2 Donald Rosenthal3 This paper argues that the functional form of conditional indirect utility functions is more restrictive than practitioners realize. The conditional indirect utility must be a function of the difference be- tween income and price. Many empirical examples of discrete choice violate this constraint, implicitly assuming that the marginal utility of income in the conditional indirect utility function is constant across choices. When applied to conditional utility functions, this is equiva- lent to assuming that people of different incomes would make the same choices, which is frequently not the case. Empirical discrete choice studies should be interpreted using unconditional utility. Keywords: Welfare measurement, conditional utility, discrete choice, marginal utility of income, unconditional utility Introduction is jeopardized. Given the widespread adoption of discrete choice models for modeling contingent valu- In recent years, logit and probit models have grown ation responses (Bishop and Heberlein 1979; Bishop in popularity as a tool for analyzing discrete choices et al. 1983; Bowker and Stoll 1981; Boyle and Bishop because of their analytic simplicity and powerful 1985; Loehman and De 1982; Sellar et al. 1985, 1986) empirical properties. In order to interpret these mod- and recreation decisions (Caulkins et al. 1986, Kling els, McFadden (1981], followed by Small and Rosen 1987, Morey and Rowe 1985, Smith and Kaoru 1986) (1981) and Hanemann (1984), have proposed the use it is important that researchers conducting future of random conditional utility models. Although this empirical work understand the restrictions theory analytical development has been flawless, its adop- places on the form of conditional utility functions. tion by the empirical literature has been more prob- This paper begins by clarifying the limitations of lematic. Empirical analysts appear not to understand using conditional utility models for predicting wel- the restrictions that must be placed on the form of fare when consumers must make discrete (1,0) conditional utility functions to make them consistent choices. Following McFadden, conditional indirect with theory. By using functional forms that have no utility functions are deduced from an underlying utility basis or that require strong underlying as- direct utility function. The correct specification of sumptions, the welfare implications of this research the conditional utility model for discrete choices is emphasized. Although the architects of this method- ' Mendelsohn and Matzkin are Professors, Yale University, New ology may argue that there is no need to clarify the Haven, Connecticut. theory, the applied literature appears not to under- 2 General Research Supervisory Engineer, Rocky Mountain For- stand the limitations of the model. Unless these est and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, Colorado. Head- methodological problems are openly reviewed, there quarters is in Fort Collins in cooperation with Colorado State Uni- versity. is every reason to suspect empirical studies will con- 3 Senior Economist, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Washington, D.C. tinue to be flawed by suspect specifications. In light of this theoretical discussion, several ap- where P, is the price of the good that is selected.4 X plications of discrete choice from the resource valu- Substituting the equation for N+1 back into [1] ation literature are reviewed. The specifications used yields: in many of these studies are analyzed for their theo- MAX retical consistency. It is shown that a few studies are U[l,0,Q...0,Y-P1,Z1,e) correctly specified, but most are either correct only or U{0,%0,...0,Y-P2,Z2,e) [2] under strict assumptions or are simply misspecified. or U[0,0,...0XY-PN,ZN,e). Each element above is a conditional indirect utility Specifying Conditional Utility Differences function. The conditional indirect utility function for a discrete choice consequently has the following The general model we are analyzing is a discrete form: cahsoiincgelebypucrocnhassuemefrrsomeiotnheerotrommoarkeemourtunaoltlytoemxcalkue- V[Y,Pi,Zi,ei) = V[Y-Pi,Zi,ei). [3] sive options. This choice is assumed to be motivated by an underlying conditional indirect utility func- The essential aspect of [3] that we wish to draw at- tion, VjiXPjjZ^ei), associated with choosing good i, tention to is that neither income nor price enters the where Y is income, P, is the price of good i, Z, is a conditional indirect utility function alone. The price- vector of characteristics associated with choice and income variable in the conditional utility function is i, e, is an error term. The error term could be viewed the difference between income and price. as known to the decision-maker or a random vari- For example, suppose the indirect utility function able. Since this distinction is not relevant to our ar- [3] is linear: gument, we assume for simplicity of exposition that the error term is known to the decision-maker. Each V^Ai +BiUr-PJ+CiZf+e,. [4] choice is presumed to have a conditional utility func- tion associated with it. The model has the general In this case, the income and price coefficient must be the same magnitude and opposite sign for the dis- form: crete choice model to be consistent with the under- If V(Y, ePiq,uaZlhteo,)i,>thV(eYn,gPoko,dZki,iesk)c,hofosrena;ll k not laysisnugmdeirtehcattu[t3i]lihtyasfuancsteimoin-.loAlgtefrunnacttiivoenlayl, foonrem:could otherwise good i is not chosen. V,- = At +B, log {Y-Pi)+C, log Z, +e,-. [5] In the single good example Vk[Y, Pk, Z^, ek) = V {Y Regardless of the functional form, the difference be- 0, 0, e„). We derive, following McFadden (1981), the condi- tween income and price is the appropriate argument tional indirect utility function from a general utility (variable) in all conditional indirect utility functions. function in order to clarify the restrictions on its As discussed above, the decision calculus is based functional form. We focus entirely upon a pure (1,0) upon the difference between the conditional indirect discrete choice. We begin with a continuous direct utility functions of each choice. For example, in the utility function U[X,Z,e) defined over a set of goods linear case, where the choice is to purchase the good X where e is a vector of individual characteristics at price P or not, the utility difference is: known to the consumer but not to the econometri- cian. Thus, we assume that the consumer makes AV = V[Y,0)-V[Y-P,Z) = A -A + choices with certainty. The consumer faces the prob- BqY-B, [Y-P)+C^Z+u l [6] lem of choosing a bundle of goods to maximize his/ her utility function subject to a budget constraint: where u = e -ei. Similarly, with the semi-log indi- MAX U{X1,X2,...XN,XN+1,e) rect utilitv function [5], the utilitv difference is: ^*P [1] SV = V[Y.0)-V[Y-P,Z) = A -A + Y = X +X o l s.t. t i N+1 B log y-B, log (T-PJ-C, log Z+u. [7] i=i where prices have been normalized so that the price ocfhotihceecmomopdoeslitteakgeosoad XsnNa+pXsihsoetquoafltthois1.deTchiesidoinscprreot-e Oecfoanlolmtihce elimtpeirraitucrael, poanpleyrsBdinwktehre aapnpdliSetdolrles(o1u9r81c)e cess during which the consumeNr chooses only one 4 Many applications of discrete choice in environmentalresource unit of one good from a set of goods. Given this economics involve preferences forpublicgoods for which there may X constraint, one can solve for N+1 in the budget con- be no market price. In the case of outdoor recreation, the effective straint: price, however, may be transportation costs to the site. Further, in = Y-P contingent valuation exercises, the price is the payment being re- quested of the individual on behalf of the public good. 2 and Smith and Kaoru (1986) choose a functional form often reveal that income elasticities are nonzero. that is clearly consistent with [6] or [7]. Empirically, income does affect public recreation and In contrast, many empirical studies have introduced environmental choices. In order to reflect the impact the following simplification of these two models: of income in a conditional utility function frame- work, one must assume that Bj * Bk even for relatively AV= V{Y,0)-V{Y-P,Z)=A -A +B P+C Z+u [8] inexpensive goods. In which case, the utility difference 1 1 1 model must be specified as [6] or [7], not [8] or [9]. and One final specification in the literature is provided by Bowker and Stoll (1981) and Loehman and De AV = V(Y,0)-V(Y-P,Z) = A - + (1982), who estimate a log model: A-y By log (P)+C, log Z+u. [9] AV = V -V = Aj + B logF+C, log Pj. [10] i 1 For example, Bowker and Stoll (1981), Caulkins et al. This model follows from an underlying indirect util- (1986), Kling (1987), Morey and Rowe (1985), and ity function of Sellar et al. (1985) all adopt [8]. Bishop and Heberlein (1979), Bishop et al. (1983), Boyle and Bishop (1985), Vj = Aj + Bj log [YlPil [11] Hanemann (1984), and Sellar et al. (1986) all adopt [9]. It is not possible to derive [9] from [7] unless Y However, [11] is not consistent with [3], and [10] is approaches 2P. a poor approximation of [7]. With [8], the literature has either explicitly or im- In this paper, we argue against interpreting the plicitly assumed that B = Bx. Is this a reasonable as- results of models such as [8], [9], and [10] using con- sumption? Since Bj is the marginal utility of income ditional utility models. Because the specifications are and it is unlikely that the marginal utility of income inconsistent with the theory, the interpretations will will change depending upon the decision to consume be biased. For example, Bowker and Stoll (1981) re- one good, several authors argue that, in most circum- veal that the misspecified equations (relative to the stances, it is a reasonable assumption. correctly specified equation) can lead to biases in In this paper, we argue that Bj * Bk in most circum- predicted welfare of between 25% to 100% of the stances. Bj is the marginal utility of income for a true value. conditional utility function, not an unconditional However, we are not arguing that models such as utility function. If Bj was the marginal utility of in- [8], [9], and [10] are unattractive econometric mod- come for an unconditional utility function, the argu- els. In fact, these models perform admirably in em- ment for equality would be reasonable. However, the pirical applications. Bowker and Stoll (1981), Boyle fact that Bj is the marginal utility of income for a and Bishop (1985), and Sellar, Chavas, and Stoll conditional utility function is very important. As- (1986) all find that theoretically incorrect functional suming that the conditional marginal utility of in- forms fit the data more closely than tested theoreti- come is the same for all choices is effectively assum- cally correct specifications. Given that [8], [9], and ing that income will not affect the choice between the [10] can all be justified using a standard uncondi- available alternatives. That is, people with high in- tional utility framework, the empirical results suggest come and people with low income will choose alter- they are preferable functional forms. The results sug- native i with the same probability.5 In the context of gest that conditional utility functions are not useful a traditional demand function, assuming income will frameworks for analyzing discrete choices because they not affect choice is equivalent to assuming that the impose restrictions on the data that are not justified. income elasticity of the good is zero. Alternatively, assuming that B, = Bk for a class of goods is the same as assuming that the income elasticity of all goods k Conclusion and i is the same. Although there are special cases where income will This paper examines the derivation of discrete not affect choice, the frequency by which people choice (1,0) conditional indirect utility functions. choose any environmental or recreation good i is The derivation implies that the conditional utility often affected by their incomes. Empirical evidence function is a function of the difference between in- from multiple site analyses reveals that Bj is not the come and price. Simplified functional forms that just same across sites. For example, in the three sites in depend upon price can only be used if income does Smith and Kaoru (1986), Bj varies from -.37 to -3.6, not affect choice. The empirical valuation literature, a statistically significant difference. Multiple site, however, reveals that income frequently does affect travel cost analyses such as Burt and Brewer (1971) choice. Further, valuation exercises that compare and Cichetti et al. (1976) also reveal that Bj will vary correctly specified and incorrectly specified equa- across sites. Individual travel cost analyses of sites tions reveal that they imply quite different welfare values. Logit and probit models with broad specifi- su5mpSteieo,nfoerxpleixcaimtpilne,hisHa[6n].emAasnhne(d1i9s8c4u)sswehserien hhies mfoaoktenostethi6,s atsh-e cations may be perfectly reasonable methods of esti- more general formulation is the one adopted in this paper. mating empirical relationships. Conditional utility 3 models can be used to measure welfare from these Hanemann, W.M. 1984. Welfare evaluation in contin- estimates, but only with very rigid specifications for gent valuation experiments with discrete re- these models. In general, for welfare analysis of dis- sponses. American Journal ofAgricultural Econom- crete choice, the unconditional utility framework is ics. 66: 332-41. far more promising than conditional utility models. Kling, C. 1987. A simulation approach to comparing multiple site recreation demand models using Chesapeake Bay survey data. Journal of Marine Literature Cited Resource Economics. 4: 95—109. Loehman, E.; De, V.H. 1982. Application of stochas- Bishop, R.C.; Heberlein, T.A. 1979. Measuring values tic choice modeling to policy analysis of public of extramarket goods: Are indirect measures bi- goods: A case study of air quality improvements. ased? American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Review of Economics and Statistics. 64: 474-80. 61: 926-30. McFadden, D. 1981. Structural analysis of discrete Bishop, R.C.; Heberlein, T.A.; Kealy, M.J. 1983. Con- data with econometric applications. In: Manski, C; tingent valuation of environmental assets: Com- McFadden, D., eds. Econometric Models of Proba- parisons with a simulated market. Natural Resource bilistic Choice, Chapter 5. Cambridge, MA: MIT Journal. 23: 619-633. Press: 198-272. Bowker, J.M.; Stoll, J.R. 1981. Use of dichotomous Morey, E.; Rowe, R. 1985. The logit model and exact choice nonmarket methods to value the whooping expected consumer's surplus measures: Valuing crane resource. American Journal of Agricultural marine recreational fishing. In: Proceedings, the Economics. 63: 372-381. AERE Workshop on recreation Demand Modeling. Boyle, Kevin Bishop, Richard C. 1985. The total May 17-18, 1985, Boulder. CO. Washington, DC: J.; value of wildlife resources: Conceptual and empiri- The Association of Environmental and Resource cal issues. In: Proceedings, the AERE Workshop on Economics and The Environmental Protection Recreation Demand Modeling. May 17-18, 1985, Agency. Boulder, CO. Washington, DC: The Association of Sellar, C; Stoll, J.R.: Chavas, J.P 1985. Validation of Environmental and Resource Economics and The empirical measures of welfare change: A compari- Environmental Protection Agency. son of nonmarket techniques. Land Economics. Burt, O.; Brewer, D. 1971. Estimation of net social 61: 156-75. benefits for outdoor recreation. Econometrica. Sellar, C; Stoll, J.R.; Chavas, J.P. 1986. Specification 39: 813-28. of the logit model: The case of the valuation of Caulkins, P.; Bishop, R.; Bouwes, N. 1986. The travel nonmarket goods. Journal of Environmental Eco- cost model for lake recreation: A comparison of nomics and Management. 13: 382-90. two methods for incorporating site quality and Small, K.: Rosen, H. 1981. Applied welfare econom- substitution effects. American Journal of Agricul- ics with discrete choice models. Econometrica. tural Economics. 68: 291-297. 49: 105-30. Cichetti, C; Fisher, A.; Smith, V.K. 1976. An econo- Smith. V.K.; Kaoru, Y. 1986. Modeling recreation metric valuation of a generalized consumer surplus demand within a random utility framework. Eco- measure: The mineral king controversy. Econo- nomic Letters. 22: 395-99. metrica. 44: 1259-76. USDA policy prohibits discrimination because of race, color, national origin, sex, age. religion, orhandicappingcondition. Any person whobelieves he orshe hasbeendiscriminatedagainstinany USDA-relatedactivityshould immediately contact the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington. DC 20250. 4

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