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Using Apache Derby Using Apache Derby Using Apache Derby PDF

40 Pages·2009·0.37 MB·English
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UUUUUUUUssssssssiiiiiiiinnnnnnnngggggggg AAAAAAAAppppppppaaaaaaaacccccccchhhhhhhheeeeeeee DDDDDDDDeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyy TTTThhhheeee OOOOppppeeeennnn SSSSoooouuuurrrrcccceeee DDDDaaaattttaaaabbbbaaaasssseeee EEEEmmmmbbbbeeeeddddddddeeeedddd iiiinnnn CCCCoooollllddddFFFFuuuussssiiiioooonnnn 8888////9999 ((((PPPPrrrreeeevvvviiiieeeewwww ffffoooorrrr CCCCFFFF MMMMeeeeeeeettttuuuupppp)))) www.cfunited.com ® Copyright 2008 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. WWWWWWWWhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyy aaaaaaaarrrrrrrreeeeeeee wwwwwwwweeeeeeee hhhhhhhheeeeeeeerrrrrrrreeeeeeee???????? (cid:190)(cid:190) CCoollddFFuussiioonn 88 ((aanndd 99)) iinncclluuddeess tthhee ooppeenn ssoouurrccee Apache Derby database (cid:190) Easy to misconstrue what it does, doesn’t do; why/why not use it (cid:190) Will try to show here why you should consider it, even ffor prodducttiion, ttransacttiionall, mullttii-user applications (cid:190)(cid:190) WWiillll aallssoo ddiissccuussss sseevveerraall ttooppiiccss ooff ttyyppiiccaall iinntteerreesstt when considering/using it www.cfunited.com 2 TTTTTTTTooooooooppppppppiiiiiiiiccccccccssssssss (cid:190)(cid:190) AAuuddiieennccee FFoorr TThhiiss TTaallkk (cid:190) Quick Demonstration (cid:190)(cid:190) SSoommee NNaattuurraall QQuueessttiioonnss:: WWhhaatt iiss iitt?? WWhhyy uussee iitt?? And more (cid:190) Dashing a Common Myth (cid:190) How to Use/Enable it in ColdFusion (cid:190) Connecting to Derby Databases Using Tools (cid:190) Derby SQL Topics/Issues (cid:190) Some Common Challenges (cid:190)(cid:190) RResources ffor LLearniing MMore www.cfunited.com 3 AAAAAAAAbbbbbbbboooooooouuuuuuuutttttttt YYYYYYYYoooooooouuuuuuuurrrrrrrr SSSSSSSSppppppppeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr (cid:190) 12 yyrs CF expperience ((26 in Enterpprise IT)) (cid:131) Independent consultant since April 2006 (cid:131) Member, Adobe Community Experts (cid:131) Certified Adv CF Developer (4 - 8), Certified Adobe Instructor (cid:131) Writer in FAQU, Adobe DevCenter, CommunityMX, CFDJ, more (cid:131) Contributor to all three Ben Forta CF8 WACK books (cid:131) Run the Online ColdFusion Meetup (coldfusionmeetup.com) (cid:131)(cid:131) LLiivviinngg iinn AAllpphhaarreettttaa, GGeeoorrggiiaa ((nnoorrtthh ooff AAttllaannttaa)) (cid:190) Web home at www.carehart.org (cid:131) Hosts ~300 blog entries, 70+ articles, 80+ presentations, more (cid:131) UUGGTTVV:: rreeccoorrddiinnggss ooff 330000+ pprreesseennttaattiioonnss bbyy ~220000 CCFFUUGG ssppeeaakkeerrss (cid:131) CF411.com - 1000+ tools/resources in 100+ categories (cid:131) Consulting: available for troubleshooting, tuning, training • For as few as days, hours; remote or on-site www.cfunited.com 4 AAAAAAAAuuuuuuuuddddddddiiiiiiiieeeeeeeennnnnnnncccccccceeeeeeee FFFFFFFFoooooooorrrrrrrr TTTTTTTThhhhhhhhiiiiiiiissssssss TTTTTTTTaaaaaaaallllllllkkkkkkkk (cid:190)(cid:190) TThhoossee jjuusstt ccuurriioouuss aabboouutt iitt (cid:190) Those already using it (cid:190)(cid:190) TThhoossee sskkeeppttiiccaall aabboouutt iitt www.cfunited.com 5 QQQQQQQQUUUUUUUUIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCKKKKKKKK DDDDDDDDEEEEEEEEMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTIIIIIIIIOOOOOOOONNNNNNNN www.cfunited.com 6 SSSSSSSSoooooooommmmmmmmeeeeeeee NNNNNNNNaaaaaaaattttttttuuuuuuuurrrrrrrraaaaaaaallllllll QQQQQQQQuuuuuuuueeeeeeeessssssssttttttttiiiiiiiioooooooonnnnnnnnssssssss:::::::: WWWWWWWWhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaatttttttt iiiiiiiissssssss DDDDDDDDeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyy???????? (cid:190)(cid:190) LLeett’ss aannsswweerr sseevveerraall nnaattuurraall qquueessttiioonnss … (cid:190) Is Derby a “real” DBMS? Absolutely (cid:131) Oppen source relational database impplemented entirely in Java (http://db.apache.org/derby/) • Implements JDBC and SQL standards, all in a tiny ffoooottpprriinntt ((~~22 MMBB)) www.cfunited.com 7 SSSSSSSSoooooooommmmmmmmeeeeeeee NNNNNNNNaaaaaaaattttttttuuuuuuuurrrrrrrraaaaaaaallllllll QQQQQQQQuuuuuuuueeeeeeeessssssssttttttttiiiiiiiioooooooonnnnnnnnssssssss:::::::: WWWWWWWWhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaatttttttt iiiiiiiissssssss DDDDDDDDeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyy???????? (cid:190)(cid:190) YYeett hhaass aaddvvaanncceedd ffeeaattuurreess yyoouu'dd eexxppeecctt iinn aa quality DBMS: (cid:131) Stored procedures, triggers, views, referential integrity constraints (including cascading deletes), localization/unicode (cid:131) CCoosstt-bbaasseedd qquueerryy ooppttiimmiizzaattiioonn, ttrraannssaaccttiioonnss, savepoints, checkpoint/recovery, transaction logs, backup, schemas, authentication (including LDAP), eennccrryyppttiioonn, aanndd mmuucchh mmoorree (cid:131) Row-level locking with available escalation to table level when needed, deadlock detection, and more www.cfunited.com 8 SSSSoooommmmeeee NNNNaaaattttuuuurrrraaaallll QQQQuuuueeeessssttttiiiioooonnnnssss:::: WWWWhhhhaaaatttt iiiissss DDDDeeeerrrrbbbbyyyy???? ((((((((ccccoooonnnntttt....)))))))) (cid:190)(cid:190) IIss DDeerrbbyy ssoommeetthhiinngg nneeww?? NNoott rreeaallllyy (cid:131) Actually started life as Cloudscape (from Cloudscape) in 1997 • Cloudscape Inc was acquired by Informix in 1999 • IBM acquired Informix DB assets in 2001, continued ddeevveellooppmmeenntt aass IIBBMM CClloouuddssccaappee • IBM contributed it to Apache in 2004 (continues contributing, with Sun) (cid:131) Now known also as SSun Java DB and included in Sun Java 1.6 SDK • More at httpp://developpers.sun.com/jjavadb/ www.cfunited.com 9 SSSSoooommmmeeee NNNNaaaattttuuuurrrraaaallll QQQQuuuueeeessssttttiiiioooonnnnssss:::: WWWWhhhhaaaatttt iiiissss DDDDeeeerrrrbbbbyyyy???? ((((((((ccccoooonnnntttt....)))))))) (cid:190)(cid:190) WWhhyy hhaass AAddoobbee iinncclluuddeedd iitt iinn CCFF88//99?? (cid:131) Provides a built-in DBMS for use by customers, that is portable (cid:131) One can create a scalable database without any add’l software installation •• AAnndd oonnee ccaann rreellyy oonn iitt bbeeiinngg tthheerree iiff bundling/distributing a CF8/9 application (cid:131) Is used for example databases (portability really hhellpedd tthhere)) www.cfunited.com 10

Open source relational database implemented p p entirely in Java (http://db.apache.org/derby/). •. Implements JDBC and SQL standards, all in a tiny.
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