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Using Analytics to Detect Possible Fraud: Tools and Techniques PDF

358 Pages·2013·12.44 MB·English
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3GFFIRS 06/03/2013 17:33:15 Page1 Using Analytics to Detect Possible Fraud 3GFFIRS 06/03/2013 17:33:15 Page2 Founded in 1807, John Wiley & Sons is the oldest independent publishing companyintheUnitedStates.WithofficesinNorthAmerica,Europe,Asia,and Australia,Wileyisgloballycommittedtodevelopingandmarketingprintand electronic products and services for our customers’ professional and personal knowledge and understanding. TheWileyCorporateF&Aseriesprovidesinformation,tools,andinsightsto corporateprofessionalsresponsibleforissuesaffectingtheprofitabilityoftheir company, from accounting and finance to internal controls and performance management. 3GFFIRS 06/03/2013 17:33:15 Page3 Using Analytics to Detect Possible Fraud Tools and Techniques PAMELA S. MANTONE 3GFFIRS 06/03/2013 17:33:16 Page 4 Cover image: Wiley Cover design: # iStockphoto.com/Artur Figurski Copyright # 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Published by John Wiley & Sons , Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. 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Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representa tions or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and speci fically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fi tness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of pro fit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. 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LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData: ISBN978-1-118–58562-7(Hardcover);ISBN978-1-118–71595-6(ebk) ISBN978-1-118–71598-7(ebk) PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 3GFFIRS 06/03/2013 17:33:16 Page5 Toallwhocherishtheopportunitytocontinuetolearnand excelinwhatevertheymaydo. 3GFFIRS 06/03/2013 17:33:16 Page6 3GFTOC 06/03/2013 18:16:56 Page7 Contents Preface xi Acknowledgments xv Chapter1: OverviewoftheCompanies 1 TheFourCompanies 2 Company1 2 Company2 5 Company3 8 Company4 10 Summary 16 Chapter2: The“Norm”andthe“Forensic”Preliminary Analytics:BasicsEveryoneShouldKnow 19 LiquidityRatios 20 WorkingCapital 21 WorkingCapitalIndex 21 WorkingCapitalTurnover 22 CurrentRatio 22 CaseStudies:LiquidityRatios 22 ProfitabilityRatios 25 GrossProfit 26 GrossProfitMargin 26 StockSales 26 ReturnonEquity 27 CaseStudies:ProfitabilityRatios 27 Company1 31 HorizontalAnalysis 36 Company1 36 Company2 43 Company3 50 vii 3GFTOC 06/03/2013 18:16:56 Page8 viii & Contents Company4 61 VerticalAnalysis 66 Company1 66 Company2 70 Company3 73 Company4 79 Summary 79 Chapter3: TheImportanceofCashFlowsandCashFlow Statements 83 CashFlowsandNetIncome 85 Company1 87 Company2 89 Company3 92 Company4 97 OtherCashFlowTechniques 100 Company1 101 Company2 104 Company3 107 Company4 114 Summary 117 Chapter4: TheBeneishM-ScoreModel 119 Company1 124 Company2 133 Company3 143 IndicesofthePrimaryGovernment 145 IndicesoftheGovernmentalFunds 151 Company4 158 Summary 166 Notes 170 Chapter5: TheAccruals 171 Dechow–DichevAccrualQuality 173 TheFourCompanies:Dechow–DichevModel 175 Sloan’sAccruals 184 TheFourCompanies:Sloan’sModel 185 JonesNondiscretionaryAccruals 191 TheFourCompanies:JonesModel 192 Summary 196 Notes 198 3GFTOC 06/03/2013 18:16:56 Page9 Contents & ix Chapter6: AnalysisTechniquesUsingHistoricalFinancial StatementsandOtherCompanyInformation 199 ThePiotroskiF-ScoreModel 200 Company1 203 Company2 205 Company3 207 Company4 212 Lev–Thiagarajan’s12Signals 215 Company1 220 Company2 222 Company3 225 Company4 230 Summary 233 Notes 235 Chapter7: Benford'sLaw,andYes—EvenStatistics 237 Benford’sLaw 239 Company1 243 Company2 249 Company3 255 Company4 267 SimpleStatistics 272 Company1 277 Company2 281 Company3 284 Company4 289 Summary 290 Note 292 Chapter8: GradingtheFourCompanies 293 Company1 294 Company2 302 Company3 310 Company4 320 Summary 326 Bibliography 329 AbouttheAuthor 331 Index 333 3GFTOC 06/03/2013 18:16:56 Page10

Detailed tools and techniques for developing efficiency and effectiveness in forensic accountingUsing Analytics to Detect Possible Fraud: Tools and Techniques is a practical overview of the first stage of forensic accounting, providing a common source of analytical techniques used for both efficienc
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