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ReceivedXXXX Statistics (www.interscience.wiley.com)DOI:10.1002/sim.0000 in Medicine Research Article Using an Instrumental Variable to Test for Unmeasured Confounding Zijian Guoa,Jing Chengb, Scott A. Lorchc, Dylan S. Smalla An important concern in an observational study is whether or not there is unmeasured confounding, i.e., unmeasuredwaysinwhichthetreatmentandcontrolgroupsdifferbeforetreatmentthataffecttheoutcome. We develop a test of whether there is unmeasured confounding when an instrumental variable (IV) is available.AnIVisavariablethatisindependentoftheunmeasuredconfoundingandencouragesasubject 6 to take one treatment level vs. another, while having no effect on the outcome beyond its encouragement 1 0of a certain treatment level. We show what types of unmeasured confounding can be tested for with an IV 2 and develop a test for this type of unmeasured confounding that has correct type I error rate. We show n that the widely used Durbin-Wu-Hausman (DWH) test can have inflated type I error rates when there is a Jtreatmenteffectheterogeneity.Additionally,weshowthatourtestprovidesmoreinsightintothenatureof 3 theunmeasuredconfoundingthantheDWHtest.Weapplyourtesttoanobservationalstudyoftheeffectof 2 aprematureinfantbeingdeliveredinahigh-levelneonatalintensivecareunit(onewithmechanicalassisted ] ventilation and high volume) vs. a lower level unit, using the excess travel time a mother lives from the E Mnearesthigh-levelunittothenearestlower-levelunitasanIV.Copyright c 0000JohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. ⃝ . tKeywords: instrumentalvariables;observationalstudy;confounding;comparativeeffectiveness a t s [ 1 v 8 81. Introduction 2 6 0Randomized controlled studies are the gold standard to compare the effects of treatments between different . 1treatment groups. Unfortunately, randomized controlled studies are often not feasible because of cost or ethical 0 6constraints. When randomized studies are not feasible, observational studies provide important evidence about 1the comparative effectiveness of different treatments. Since treatments were not randomly assigned, a major : vconcerninanobservationalstudyisconfounding,meaningthatthetreatmentgroupsmaydifferbeforetreatment i Xin ways that also affect the outcome. If the confounders are measured, these differences can be adjusted for by r a aDepartmentofStatistics,TheWhartonSchool,UniversityofPennsylvania bDivisionofOralEpidemiologyandDentalPublicHealth,SchoolofDentistry,UniversityofCalifornia,SanFrancisco(UCSF) cDepartmentofPediatrics,UniversityofPennsylvania ∗Correspondenceto:DylanSmall,DepartmentofStatistics,TheWhartonSchool,UniversityofPennsylvania,400HuntsmanHall,Philadelphia,PA19104, e-mail:[email protected] Statist.Med.0000,001–22 Copyright c 0000JohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. ⃝ Preparedusingsimauth.cls[Version:2010/03/10v3.00] matching,stratificationorregression[1].However,thereisoftenconcernthatthereareunmeasuredwaysinwhich the treatment groups differ that affect the outcome, meaning that there is unmeasured confounding. Even when there is unmeasured confounding, it is possible to obtain a consistent estimate of the causal effect of treatment for a certain sub-population (the compliers) if an instrumental variable (IV) can be found. An IV is a variable that (1) is independent of the unmeasured confounding; (2) encourages, but does not force, a subject to take one treatmentlevelvs.another;and(3)hasnoeffectontheoutcomebeyonditsencouragementofacertaintreatment level. For discussions of IVs, see [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]. In this paper, we develop a method for using an IV to testwhetherthereisunmeasuredconfounding.Detectingwhetherthereisunmeasuredconfoundingisvaluablein many studies because if unmeasured confounding is found in a given study, it suggests that for studying related questions,researchersshouldeithertrytomeasuremoreconfoundersorseektofindIVs. TheexistingandwidelyusedtestforwhetherthereisunmeasuredconfoundingusinganIVistheDurbin-Wu- Hausmanendogeneitytest,hereaftercalledtheDWHtest,independentlyproposedbyDurbin[10],Wu[11]and Hausman[12].TheDWHtestcomparesanestimateoftheaveragetreatmenteffectundertheassumptionthatthere isnounmeasuredconfoundingtoanestimateoftheaveragetreatmenteffectusinganIVthatallowsforunmeasured confounding. The IV estimate of the average treatment effect is assumed to be consistent so that a significant differencebetweenitandtheestimatethatassumesnounmeasuredconfoundingistakenasevidenceofunmeasured confounding.ThetwoestimatesoftheaveragetreatmenteffectintheDWHtestassumethatthetreatmenteffectis homogeneous,meaningthatthetreatmenteffectisnotdifferentbycovariates;see[13,4,14,15,16]fordiscussion ofhomogeneityassumptions.[15]notedthatiftheDWHtestrejects,onecannotbesurewhetheritisbecauseof unmeasured confounding or treatment effect heterogeneity. Extensions to the conventional DWH test have been developed that allow for heteroskedasticity[17, 18], but these tests all have the property that if they reject, one cannotsurebesurewhetheritisbecauseofunmeasuredconfoundingortreatmenteffectheterogeneity. In this paper, we develop a test that distinguishes between unmeasured confounding and treatment effect heterogeneity.Wediscusswhattypesofunmeasuredconfoundingcanbetestedforandprovideatestwithcorrect type I error rate for the testable types of unmeasured confounding. In addition to having the advantage over the DWH test of having correct type I error rate for testing unmeasured confounding when there is treatment effect heterogeneity,ourtestingapproachalsoprovidesmoreinsightintothenatureoftheunmeasuredconfoundingby providingseparate tests for twodifferenttypes of unmeasured confounding. In the DWH test, these twotypes of unmeasuredconfoundingarelumpedtogether. The motivating application for our work is an observational study of neonatal care that seeks to estimate the effect on mortality of a premature infant being delivered in a high-level neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) vs. a lower-level NICU. A high-level NICU is defined as a NICU that has the capacity for sustained mechanical assisted ventilation and delivers at least 50 premature infants per year. Estimating the effect of being delivered at a high-level NICU is important for determining the value of a policy of regionalization of perinatal care that aimsforprematureinfantstobemostlydeliveredinhigh-levelNICUs[19].Regionalizationofperinatalcarewas developedinthe1970salongwiththeexpansionofneonataltechnologies,butbythe1990s,regionalizationbegan toweakeninmanyareasoftheUnitedStates[20].Thedifficultyinstudyingthecausaleffectofaprematureinfant beingdeliveredinahigh-levelvs.alower-levelNICUisconfoundingbyindication–themotherandthemother’s physicianmaytryhardertodeliveraninfantatahighlevelNICUiftheinfantisathigherriskofmortality.Inour data from Pennsylvania (described in Section 7), the unadjusted death rate in high-level NICUs is higher than in low-levelNICUs,23vs.12deathsper1000deliveries.SinceitisunlikelythathighlevelNICUsareworsethanlow level NICUs, the higher unadjusted death rate in high level NICUs probably reflects confounding by indication. Ourdatacontainsanumberofpotentialconfounders,includingbirthweight,monthprenatalcarestarted,mother’s 2 education and whether the mother went into labor prematurely. After adjustment for measured confounders by propensity score matching, the death rate is 0.5 deaths per 1000 deliveries lower in high-level NICUs [21]. However,weareconcernedaboutunmeasuredpotentialconfounders,suchastheseverityofamother’scomorbid conditionoraninfant’santenatalcondition,labresults,fetalhearttracingresults,thecomplianceofthemotherto medical treatment and the physician’s history with the mother. These variables are known to the physicians who assess a mother’s probability of delivering a high-risk infant. Based on this probability, the physicians then play a role in deciding where the mother should deliver. To attempt to deal with the problem of potential unmeasured confounding,wehavecollecteddataonaproposedIV,theexcesstraveltimethatamotherlivesfromthenearest high-level NICU compared to the nearest lower-level NICU; specifically, the IV is whether or not the mother’s excesstraveltimeislessthanorequalto10minutes.Excesstraveltimetoahospitaldeliveringspecialitycarehas beenusedasanIVinothermedicalsettings,suchasstudiesoftheeffectofcardiaccatheterizationonsurvivalin patients who suffered an acute myocardial infarction[22]. In obstetric care, prior work suggests that women tend to deliver at the closest hospital so that we expect that excess travel time will have a strong effect on where the infant is delivered[23]. We discuss in Section 7 reasons for thinking excess travel time is a valid IV. Our goal in thispaperistousetheputativeIVexcesstraveltimetotestwhetherthereisunmeasuredconfoundinginthestudy of the effect of high-level vs. lower-level NICUs. If unmeasured confounding is found, it suggests that previous studiesoftheeffectofhigh-levelvs.lower-levelNICUsthatassumednounmeasuredconfoundingprovidedbiased estimatesandthatfuturestudiesoftheeffectofNICUlevelonmortalityandrelatedmedicalquestionsshouldseek tomeasuremoreconfoundersand/orfindandmeasureIVs.Relatedmedicalquestionsincludetheeffectsofhigh levelNICUsoncomplications,lengthofstayandreadmissions,whichhavenotyetbeenstudiedsystematically. Therestofthepaperisorganizedasfollows.InSection2,wesetupthecausalframeworkandintroducenotation andassumptions.InSection3,wediscusswhattypeofunmeasuredconfoundingcanbetestedforwhenthereare heterogeneous treatment effects. In Section 4, we develop our method for testing for unmeasured confounding usinganIV.InSection5,wediscusstheDWHtestandhowitperformswhenthereareheterogeneoustreatment effects.InSection6,wepresentasimulationstudycomparingourmethodtotheDWHtest.InSection7,weapply ourtesttothestudyoftheeffectofhigh-levelvs.lower-levelNICUs.Finally,weprovideconclusionsinSection8. 2. TheFramework 2.1. Notation The IV Z and the treatment A are assumed to each be binary, where level 0 of the treatment is considered the “control”(lower-levelNICUinourapplication)andlevel1isconsideredtobethe“treatment”(high-levelNICUin ourapplication).WeletZdenotetheN-dimensionalvectorofIVvaluesforallN subjects,withindividualelements Z =z 0,1 forsubjecti;level1oftheIVisassumedtoencouragereceivingthetreatmentcomparedtolevel i ∈{ } 0. Let Az be the N-dimensional vector of potential treatment under IV assignment z, with individual element Az =a 0,1 according to whether subject i would take the control or treatment under z. We let Yz,a be the i ∈{ } vector of potential responses that would be observed under IV levels z and treatment levels a, with individual element Yz,a for subject i. Yz,a and Az are “potential” responses and treatments in the sense that we can i { i } { i} observeonlyonevalueineachset.WeletY andA bethecorrespondingobservedoutcomeandtreatmentvariables i i forsubjecti.WeletX denotethemeasuredconfoundersforsubjecti.WeassumethatX includesanintercept. i i 3 2.2. Assumptions Wemakethesameassumptionsas[2]withinstrataofthemeasuredconfoundersX. 1. Stableunittreatmentvalueassumption(SUTVA)[29]:(a)Ifz =z′,thenAz =Az′.(b)Ifz =z′ anda =a′, i i i i i i i i thenYz,a =Yz′,a′.ThisassumptionallowsustowriteYz,a andAz asYz,a andAz,respectively,forsubject i i i i i i i. 2. IVisindependentofunmeasuredconfounding:ConditionalonX,forarandomlychosensubject,theIVZ is independentofthevectorofpotentialresponsesandtreatments(Y0,0,Y0,1,Y1,0,Y1,1,A0,A1). 3. Exclusion restriction: For each subject i, Yz,a =Yz′,a for all z,z′ and a, i.e., the IV level affects outcomes i i onlythroughitseffectontreatmentlevel.ThisassumptionallowsustodefineYa Y0,a =Y1,a fora=0,1. i ≡ i i 4. IVaffectstreatment:P(A=1Z =1)>P(A=1Z =0). | | 5. Monotonicity:A1 A0 foralli.Thisassumptionsaysthatthereisnoonewhowouldalwaysdotheopposite i ≥ i ofwhattheIVencourages,i.e.,noonewhowouldnottakethetreatmentifencouragedtodosobytheIVlevel butwouldtakethetreatmentifnotencouragedbytheIVlevel. Wefurthermaketheconsistencyassumption[30]: 6. Consistency:Nomatterhowsubjectiisadministeredthetreatment,thepotentialoutcomeisthesamesothat: Y =A Y1+(1 A )Y0, i i i − i i whereY andA aretheobservedoutcomeandtreatmentforsubjecti. i i 2.3. ComplianceClass Basedonasubject’sjointvaluesofpotentialtreatment(A0,A1),asubjectcanbeclassifiedintooneoffourlatent i i complianceclasses[2]: nt(never-taker) if(A0,A1)=(0,0) i i co(complier) if(A0,A1)=(0,1) C = i i i  at(always-taker) if(A0,A1)=(1,1)  i i  de(defier) if(A0,A1)=(1,0) i i   Under the monotonicity assumption, there are no defiers. We can observe only one of A0 and A1, so a i i subject’s compliance class is not observed directly but it can be partially identified based on IV level and observed treatment as shown in Table 1. Based on Table 1, the following quantities are identified under assumptions1 6basedontheobservabledata:P(C =at)=P(A=1Z =0),P(C =nt)=P(A=0Z =1), − | | P(C =co)=1 P(A=1Z =0) P(A=0Z =1), E(Y1 C =at)=E(Y Z =0,A=1), E(Y0 C =nt)= − | − | | | | E(Y Z =1,A=0), E(Y1 C =co)= E(Y|Z=1,A=1)−[P(C=at)/{P(C=at)+P(C=co)}]E(Y|Z=0,A=1) and E(Y0 C = | | P(c=co)/ P(C=at)+P(C=co) | { } co)= E(Y|Z=0,A=0)−[P(C=nt)/{P(C=nt)+P(C=co)}]E(Y|Z=1,A=0). The quantities E(Y1 C =nt) and E(Y0 C = P(c=co)/ P(C=nt)+P(C=co) | | { } at)arenotidentified.[2] [24,25,26,27]discussusingtheframeworkdescribedinthissectiontoestimatetheeffectofatreatmentfroma randomizedtrialwithnon-compliancewhererandomassignmentisusedasanIV.Severalofthesepapersconsider theadditionalcomplicationofsubsequentmissingoutcomes. 4 Table1.Therelationofobservedgroupsandlatentcomplianceclassesunderthemonotonicityassumption Z A C i i i (observed) (observed) (latent) 1 1 co(Complier) or at(Always-taker) 1 0 nt(Never-taker) 0 0 nt(Never-taker) or co(Complier) 0 1 at(Always-taker) 3. TypeofUnmeasuredConfoundingthatCanBeTestedForUsinganIV In this section, we discuss what types of unmeasured confounding can be tested for using an IV. Because the concernaboutunmeasuredconfoundingisthatfailuretoadjustforunmeasuredconfoundingmightbiasatreatment effectestimate,wedefinetheretobeunmeasuredconfoundingforatreatmenteffectestimateifnotadjustingfor unmeasured variables would result in a biased estimate of the treatment effect[28]. There are different treatment effectsthatareofinterestincausalinference,soitispossiblefortheretobeunmeasuredconfoundingforonetype oftreatmenteffectbutnotforanothertypeoftreatmenteffect. Wewillconsidertestingforunmeasuredconfoundingforthreetypesoftreatmenteffectsthatareoftenestimated in the causal inference literature. For ease of explanation, we will define the treatment effects conditional on the measured covariates X; the treatment effect over the whole population of interest can be found by averaging the estimates of the treatment effect for different values of the measured covariates X over the covariate distribution of the population of interest[32]. The three treatment effects we will consider are the following: (i) the average causaleffectoverthewholepopulationwithcovariatesX(PACEX),τ (X)=E(Y1 Y0 X);(ii)theaverage pacex − | causaleffectforthetreatedsubjectswithcovariatesX(TACEX),τ (X)=E(Y1 Y0 A=1,X);and(iii)the tacex − | averagecausaleffectforthecomplierswithcovariatesX(CACEX),τ (X)=E(Y1 Y0 C =co,X). cacex − | We say that there is no unmeasured confounding for a treatment effect τ(X) if the expectation of a straight comparisonbetweenthetreatedandcontrolsubjects’outcomesconditionalonXisequaltoτ(X),i.e., Nounmeasuredconfoundingforτ(X):E[Y A=1,X] E[Y A=0,X]=τ(X). (1) | − | When (1) holds, a consistent estimate of τ(X) under random sampling is the difference in sample means of the outcomes for treated (A=1) and control (A=0) subjects with covariates X. When X is continuous or high dimensional, regression methods can be used to estimate E[Y A,X], and τ(X) can be estimated by | Eˆ[Y A=1,X] Eˆ[Y A=0,X] [32]. The bottom line is that when (1) holds, the treatment effect τ(X) can be | − | estimatedconsistentlyfromtheobserveddataontreatments,outcomesandcovariates;incontrast,when(1)does not hold, additional information like an IV is needed to deal with unmeasured confounding to obtain consistent estimates. We now consider, under what conditions does no unmeasured confounding for the CACEX, τ (X)= cace E(Y1 Y0 C =co),hold?NounmeasuredconfoundingfortheCACEXmeans − | E[Y A=1,X] E[Y A=0,X]=E[Y1 C =co,X] E[Y0 C =co,X]. | − | | − | 5 Wecandecomposetheexpectedvaluesonthelefthandsideof(1)intopartscontributedbythecomplianceclasses: P(C =atX) E(Y A=1,X)=E(Y1 A=1,X) = | E(Y1 C =at,X)+ | | P(C =atX)+P(Z =1X)P(C =coX) | | | | P(Z =1X)P(C =coX) | | E(Y1 C =co,X), P(C =atX)+P(Z =1X)P(C =coX) | | | | P(C =ntX) E(Y A=0,X)=E(Y0 A=0,X) = | E(Y0 C =nt,X)+ | | P(C =ntX)+P(Z =0X)P(C =coX) | | | | P(Z =0X)P(C =coX) | | E(Y0 C =co,X). (2) P(C =ntX)+P(Z =0X)P(C =coX) | | | | From(1)and(2),nounmeasuredconfoundingfortheCACEXholdsifthefollowingtwoconditionshold E(Y1 C =at,X) = E(Y1 C =co,X) (3) | | E(Y0 C =nt,X) = E(Y0 C =co,X). (4) | | When(3)and(4)bothhold,theCACEXcanbeestimatedbycomparingthetreatedandcontrolgroupsconditional on X without using an IV. When (3) and/or (4) does not hold, then in most situations, estimating the CACEX by just comparing the treated and control groups conditional on X without using the IV will produce a biased estimate. Note that it is possible that such an estimate of the CACEX would be unbiased if, for example, the bias in Eˆ(Y A=1,X) as an estimate of E(Y1 C =co,X) cancels the bias in Eˆ(Y A=0,X) as an estimate of | | | E(Y0 C =co,X), but such a situation is unlikely. Thus, for practical purposes, by testing (3) and (4), we are | testingwhetherthereisnounmeasuredconfoundingfortheCACEX.Wewilltest(3)and(4)separatelybecause theviolationofoneconditionbutnottheotherisinformativeaboutthenatureoftheunmeasuredconfounding;see thediscussionoftheNICUstudyinSection7. Because an IV only identifies the CACEX and does not identify the TACEX or the PACEX without further assumptions[2], we cannot test for no unmeasured confounding for the TACEX or PACEX without further assumptions.Wenowdiscussfurtherassumptionsunderwhichthetestof(3)-(4)providesatestfornounmeasured confoundingfortheTACEXorPACEX.ConsiderfirsttheTACEX.Thereisnounmeasuredconfoundingforthe TACEXifE[Y A=1,X] E[Y A=0,X]=E[Y1 Y0 A=1,X].Ifwehaveanassumptionthatguarantees | − | − | E[Y1 Y0 A=1,X]=E[Y1 Y0 C =co,X], (5) − | − | then no unmeasured confounding for the TACEX will be equivalent to no unmeasured confounding for the CACEX,andhence(3)-(4)willguaranteenounmeasuredconfoundingfortheTACEX.Wewillshowthatsuchan assumptionthatguarantees(5)isthattheaveragetreatmenteffectforthealwaystakersandcompliersisthesame, E(Y1 Y0 C =at,X)=E(Y1 Y0 C =co,X), (6) − | − | 6 Under(6)andAssumptions1-6fromSection2.2,wehavethefollowingexpressionforE(Y1 Y0 A=1,X): − | E(Y1 Y0 A=1,X) − | = E(Y1 Y0 A=1,C =co,X)P(C =coA=1,X)+E(Y1 Y0 C =at,X)P(C =atA=1,X) − | | − | | = E(Y1 Y0 Z =1,C =co,X)P(C =coA=1,X)+E(Y1 Y0 C =at,X)P(C =atA=1,X) − | | − | | = E(Y1 Y0 C =co,X)P(C =coA=1,X)+E(Y1 Y0 C =at,X)P(C =atA=1,X) − | | − | | = E(Y1 Y0 C =co,X), (7) − | wherethesecondtolastequalityfollowsfromtheassumption2thatZ isindependentofpotentialoutcomesand treatmentreceivedconditionalonXandthelastequalityfollowsfrom(6)andthefactthat P(C =coA=1,X)+P(C =atA=1,X)=1. | | Thus, we conclude that under (6), the test of (3)-(4) tests whether there is no unmeasured confounding for the TACEX.NowconsiderthePACEX.Ifwehaveanassumptionthatguarantees E[Y1 Y0 X]=E[Y1 Y0 C =co,X], (8) − | − | thennounmeasuredconfoundingforthePACEXwillbeequivalenttonounmeasuredconfoundingfortheCACEX. Usingsimilarreasoningasin(7),suchanassumptionthatguarantees(8)isthattheaveragetreatmenteffectforall threecomplianceclasses–alwaystakers,compliersandnevertakers–isthesame, E(Y1 Y0 C =at,X)=E(Y1 Y0 C =co,X)=E(Y1 Y0 C =nt,X), (9) − | − | − | Thus,under(9),thetestof(3)-(4)testswhetherthereisunmeasuredconfoundingforthePACEX.Theassumption (9)meansthatthetreatmenteffectisthesameforthedifferentcomplianceclassesandthusthatthereisnoeffect modification by compliance class. No effect modification by compliance class will hold if either (a) treatment effects are homogeneous or (b) treatment effects are heterogeneous but the heterogeneity can be explained by observedcovariatesandweincludethosecovariatesinthecovariatevectorXthatweconditionon. Insummary,havinganIVasdefinedinSection2enablesustotestwhetherthereisnounmeasuredconfounding fortheaveragetreatmenteffectforcompliers(theCACE)bytesting(3)-(4).Anadditionalassumptionofnoeffect modificationbycomplianceclassmeansthatthistestisalsoatestofwhetherthereisnounmeasuredconfounding fortheaveragetreatmenteffectforthewholepopulation. IntheNICUstudy(secondtolastparagraphofintroductionandSection7),theremightbeeffectmodification by compliance class since always takers tend to be sicker babies than compliers or never takers, and might benefit more from the high technology (e.g., sustained mechanical ventilation) in a high level NICU. Even if there is effect modification by compliance class, the test of (3)-(4) is still useful in two ways: (i) It tests for no unmeasured confounding for the CACE, which is useful to know about. The CACE is an important causal parameter because, by combining the CACE with information about how the treatment effect is expected to vary between compliers, always takers and never takers, we can predict the effects of increasing or decreasing accesstothetreatment[33,34,6],i.e.,increasingordecreasingaccesstohighlevelNICUs.Ifthereisunmeasured confoundingfortheCACE,thenthecurrentstudyandfuturestudiesontheeffectofhighlevelNICUsonmortality andrelatedoutcomesshoulduseIVmethodstoestimatetheCACE.Butifthereisnounmeasuredconfounding,it isnot necessaryto useIV methods;(ii) If(3) or(4) isrejected, thenthat meansthere isan unmeasuredvariable, 7 complianceclass,whichisassociatedwithpotentialoutcomesandtreatmentevenaftercontrollingfortheobserved covariatesX.Thissuggeststhatsomekeycovariate(s)relatingtothetreatmentandoutcomeremainsunmeasured anditwouldbeworthwhiletotrytocollectmorecovariatesrelatingtotreatmentandoutcomeifpossible. 4. ComplianceClassModelTestforUnmeasuredConfoundingUsinganIV Ourapproachtotestingfornounmeasuredconfoundingistotest(3)-(4)viathefollowingapproach: 1. Specifyamodelforthepotentialoutcomeandcomplianceclassdistributions. 2. FindtheunconstrainedmaximumlikelihoodofthemodelusingtheEMalgorithm. 3. Findthemaximumlikelihoodofthemodelundertheconstraints(3)and(4)usingtheEMalgorithm. 4. Testthevalidityoftheconstraints(3)and(4)usingthelikelihoodratiotest. We call our approach the compliance class likelihood ratio test of no unmeasured confounding. We will explain ourapproachindetailforbinaryoutcomesandnormallydistributedoutcomes. 4.1. BinaryOutcomeModel Weconsideralogisticmodelfortheoutcomeineachcomplianceclass/treatmentcombinationandamultinomial logistic model for the compliance classes. As a starting point, we consider a model in which the effect of the covariatesXontheoutcomeisthesameacrossthecomplianceclasses. Modelfortheoutcome: exp(κ +κTx+γI(t=co)a) P(Ya =1C =t,X =x)= 0,t 1 , (10) i | i i 1+exp(κ +κTx+γI(t=co)a) 0,t 1 whereI()istheindicatorfunction.Theκ ’smeasurethedifferencebetweenthecomplianceclasseswhentheIV 0,t · Z =0,κ istheeffectofx,assumedtobethesameacrosscomplianceclassesandγ isthelogoddsratioforthe 1 effectoftreatmentforcompliers. Model for compliance classes: We consider a multinomial logit model. Let the compliers be the reference category. 1 P(C =coX =x) = i | i 1+exp(δ +τT x)+exp(δ +τT x) nt nt at at exp(δ +τT x) P(C =ntX =x) = nt nt i | i 1+exp(δ +τT x)+exp(δ +τT x) nt nt at at exp(δ +τT x) P(C =atX =x) = at at . (11) i | i 1+exp(δ +τT x)+exp(δ +τT x) nt nt at at We condition on the observed values of the covariates X and the IV Z, and seek to maximize the likelihood of Y,AZ,X under the model (10)-(11). We can use the EM algorithm to maximize the likelihood of the model | (10)-(11), where we think of the compliance classes as partially missing data as in ([7, 8, 35, 36]). If we know thecomplianceclasses,themaximumlikelihoodestimate(MLE)iseasytocompute.Inpractice,wearenotable to observe the latent compliance classes, so we will use the EM algorithm to obtain the MLE. For the E step, conditional on observables and parameter estimates in the previous iteration, the expected value of the complete 8 dataloglikelihoodl is C n E(l Y,Z,A,X) = I(Z =1,A =1)logP(Z =1X ) C i i i i | | i=1 ∑ + I(Zi =1,Ai =1)ω1[logP(Ci =co|Xi)+log{(PiC1)yi{1−(PiC1)}1−yi}] + I(Zi =1,Ai =1)(1−ω1)[logP(Ci =at|Xi)+log{(Piat)yi{1−(Piat)}1−yi}] + I(Z =1,A =0)[logP(Z =1X )+logP(C =ntX ) i i i i i i | | +log(Pint)yi{1−(Pint)}1−yi] + I(Z =0,A =0)log 1 P(Z =1X ) i i i i { − | } + I(Zi =0,Ai =0)ω2[logP(Ci =co|Xi)+log{(PiC0)yi{1−(PiC0)}1−yi}] + I(Zi =0,Ai =0)(1−ω2)[logP(Ci =nt|Xi)]+log{(Pint)yi{1−(Pint)}1−yi}] + I(Z =0,A =1)[log 1 P(Z =1X ) +logP(C =atX ) i i i i i i { − | } | +log{(Piat)yi{1−(Piat)}1−yi}] where exp(κ +κTx+γ) PC1 = P(Y =1Z =1,C =co,X )= 0,co 1 i i | i i i 1+exp(κ +κTx+γ) 0,co 1 exp(κ +κTx) Pat = P(Y =1C =at,X )= 0,at 1 i i | i i 1+exp(κ +κTx) 0,at 1 exp(κ +κTx) Pnt = P(Y =1C =nt,X )= 0,nt 1 i i | i i 1+exp(κ +κTx) 0,nt 1 exp(κ +κTx) PC0 = P(Y =1Z =0,C =co,X )= 0,co 1 i i | i i i 1+exp(κ +κTx) 0,co 1 ω = P(C =coY =y,Z =A =1,X ) 1 i i i i i | P(C =coX )f(Y Z =1,C =co,X ) = i | i i| i i i P(C =coX )f(Y Z =1,C =co,X )+P(C =atX )f(Y Z =1,C =at,X ) i i i i i i i i i i i i | | | | ω = P(C =coY =y,Z =A =0,X ) 2 i i i i i | P(C =coX )f(Y Z =0,C =co,X ) i i i i i i = | | P(C =coX )f(Y Z =0,C =co,X )+P(C =ntX )f(Y Z =0,C =nt,X ) i i i i i i i i i i i i | | | | Weseektotestthenullhypothesisthat(3)and(4)hold.Underthemodel(10)-(11),thesetwoequationscanbe simplifiedas exp(κ +κTx) exp(κ +κTx+γ) 0,at 1 = 0,co 1 ; 1+exp(κ +κTx) 1+exp(κ +κTx+γ) 0,at 1 0,co 1 exp(κ +κTx) exp(κ +κTx) 0,co 1 = 0,nt 1 . 1+exp(κ +κTx) 1+exp(κ +κTx) 0,co 1 0,nt 1 Bysimplecalculation,thenullhypothesisthat(3)and(4)holdisequivalenttotheconstraints κ =κ +γ, 0,at 0,co κ =κ . (12) 0,co 0,nt 9 Under the null hypothesis, we can maximize the likelihood using the EM algorithm, where we impose the constraints(12).Thelikelihoodratiotestof(3)and(4)looksatthedifferencebetweenthemaximizedloglikelihood oftheunconstrainedmodel(10)-(11)andthemaximizedloglikelihoodofthemodelthatconstrains(3)and(4)to hold,i.e.,(12)tohold;underthenullhypothesis,2timesthisdifferencefollowsasymptoticallyaχ2 distribution withdegreesoffreedomequaltothenumberofextrafreeparametersintheunconstrainedmodelcomparedtothe constrained model [37]. For the model (10)-(11), the constraints (12) reduce the number of free parameters by 2 (sinceκ andκ arenolongerfreeparametersgivenκ andγ).Notethatforthelikelihoodratiotest,weare 0,at 0,nt 0,co consideringthemaximizedobserveddataloglikelihoodratherthanthecompletedataloglikelihood.Wecantest (3)and(4)separatelybycarryingoutlikelihoodratiotestsoftheconstraintsκ =κ +γ andκ =κ ; 0,at 0,co 0,co 0,nt foreachofthesetests,thenulldistributionof2timestheloglikelihoodratioisχ2 with1degreeoffreedom. We now consider a binary outcome model where the treatment effect is heterogeneous, that is, the treatment effectdependsoncovariatesX. Model for the outcome that allows for heterogeneous treatment effects: With covariates X, we consider the followingmodel.Letλ denotethelogoddsthaty =1whenz =0forcomplianceclasstandcovariatevector t,x x. Let γ be the log odds ratio that y =1 for A=1 vs. A=0 for compliers with covariates X. The model we x consideris exp(λ +γ I(t=co)a) P(Ya =1C =t,X =x) = t,x x i | i i 1+exp(λ +γ I(t=co)a) t,x x γ = α +αTx x 0 1 λ = κ +κT x. (13) t,x 0,t 1,t Themodelallowsforthetreatmenteffectforcomplierstodependonxthroughα andforthedifferencebetween 1 thecomplianceclasseswhenZ =0todependonxthroughtheκ ’s. 1,t The expected value of the complete data log likelihood l and the observed data log likelihood for the binary C outcomemodelwithheterogeneoustreatmenteffect(13)isofthesameformasthosewithhomogeneoustreatment effectwithdifferentexpressionsforPC1,PC0,Pat andPnt: i i i i exp(λ +γ ) PC1 = P(Y =1Z =1,C =co,X )= co,x x i i | i i i 1+exp(λ +γ ) co,x x exp(λ ) Pat = P(Y =1C =at,X )= at,x i i | i i 1+exp(λ ) at,x exp(λ ) Pnt = P(Y =1C =nt,X )= nt,x i i | i i 1+exp(λ ) nt,x exp(λ ) PC0 = P(Y =1Z =0,C =co,X )= co,x i i | i i i 1+exp(λ ) co,x Bysimplecalculation,thenullhypothesisofnounmeasuredconfounding(3)-(4)undermodel(13)is H : κ =κ , 0 nt co κ =κ +α, (14) at co whereκ =(κ ,κT )andα=(α ,α )T. t 0,t 1,t 0 1 10

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