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User-generated vitriol: National stereotypes in online comments prompted by the Guang Da Xing No. 28 shooting incident* Francis Raymond T. Calbay Hay Pinas.org Conflicts between neighboring territories not only strain diplomatic relationships but reverberate at the level of individual sensitivities as well. Reviewing the 2013 case of the killing of a Taiwanese fisherman by the Philippine coast guard personnel in the South China Sea (locally referred to as the West Philippine Sea), this study seeks to identify national stereotypes that negatively cast peoples of both states as gleaned from online comments about the shooting incident. Using the Stereotype Content Model as framework, the study analyzed the collected user- generated content (N = 1,591) posted as responses to selected media reports. A significant number of comments are identified to convey contemptuous stereotypes, which are characterized by anger, hate, and disgust. By further applying thematic analysis to validate and evaluate stereotype contents, the study hopes to bring national stereotypes into the fray and encourage critical reflection on biases and unfounded assumptions between the concerned groups for improved intercultural communication. Keywords: User-generated content, online comments, national stereotypes, Taiwan-Philippine relations Introduction Competing economic and geopolitical interests in the South China Sea make the area a hotbed of tension among neighboring territories, with seemingly minor events escalating into full-blown crises (Buszynski, 2012). In May 2013, a 65-year-old Taiwanese man onboard the Guang Da Xing No. 28 *Acknowledgement: An fishing vessel was killed from an open-fire by the Philippine coast guard extended abstract of the research received an honorable mention in personnel, who claimed self-defense due to an attempted ship-ramming the inaugural Global (Enav, 2013). Depending on the erring party, the fisherman’s death was Outlook::Digital Humanities Prize (2013) sponsored by the preemptively described in political speeches and in local media as either University of Lethbridge (Canada) “murder” by unjustifiable brute force or “casualty” from reigning in illegal and the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations. poaching before formal conclusions from official fact-finding investigations. Rather than focus on the cold facts of the case, local media reports in Taiwan Copyright © 2014 and in the Philippines sometimes resort to an incendiary blame game. University of Santo Tomas Graduate School Similarly, many online comments posted by readers of the media reports also Vol.1 February 2015  Volume 1  page 28 USER-GENERATED VITRIOL turned vitriolic and even voiced overt hostile Philippines use different languages, some sentiments. nuances might have been lost. Since the current study’s focus is on user-generated The conflict has far-reaching implications content, it does not attempt to probe if the between the two Asian neighbors. Some 90,000 media reports’ framing contribute to Filipinos currently reside in Taiwan, mostly stereotyping in subsequent user comments. employed as factory workers and domestic By identifying and analyzing national helpers (Philippine Overseas Employment stereotypes attached by the Taiwanese and Agency, 2010). Reports of discrimination and Filipinos against each other in online media, physical violence among this vulnerable migrant the study hopes to call attention to the group have been publicized after the shooting unquestioned biases and prejudices held by incident (Atienza, 2013). For its part, Taiwan both camps, especially since the Internet can enjoys around US$6.7 billion dollars in trade devolve into an unregulated channel for surplus with the Philippines (Kao, 2013). proliferating malicious commentary. Curiously, a single episode of death in the high seas was enough trigger for Taiwan to suspend User-generated content and diplomatic relations and impose heavy-handed stereotyping sanctions against the Philippines that extended to three months. Among which included the User-generated content is broadly freeze-hiring of Filipino workers, the deferral of defined as any creative effort published on the economic and cultural exchanges, and the Internet outside of professional contexts issuance of a red alert for travel to the (OECD, 2007, 8). The constellation of user- Philippines (Zhi, 2013). To appease Taiwan, generated content includes blogs, social one of the demands was for the Philippines to network postings, podcasts and videos, Web enter into a fisheries agreement, allowing the 2.0-enabled comments, and other digitally former to access bordering portions of the born hybrids. In communication studies, user latter’s vast sea-based economic zones. -generated content can serve as a lens through which partisan rhetoric and public opinion Following the Guang Da Xing No. 28 can be observed. Bowman and Willis (2003), shooting incident that sparked the diplomatic who coined the term “We Media” to describe standoff, this research is interested in surfacing the blurring role of the online audience from national stereotypes as evinced from replies on a mere consumer to that of a producer, selected online media reports of leading English acknowledge that “the most pervasive, and -language newspapers in Taiwan and in the perhaps fundamental, level of participation is Philippines. The study employed qualitative commentary” (p. 33). To some extent, user- analysis of the collected data, hinging on the generated content has been found capable of concept of contemptuous stereotypes from the reshaping media agenda and political Stereotype Content Model (Fiske, Cuddy, discourse, as in the context of participatory Glick, & Xu, 2002). As a limitation of the journalism (Kaufhold, Valenzuela, & De study, only comments in English were Zuniga, 2010). By facilitating citizen collected. Although this choice raised the engagement in public affairs issues, the ability possibility of greater intercultural to post user-generated content may also lead communication since Taiwan and the to a feeling of psychological empowerment Page 29  Volume 1  The Antoninus Journal  A Multidisciplinary Journal of the UST Graduate School  F. T. CALBAY for users (Leung, 2009). replies to other users’ comments. Because of the participatory culture of the Internet, it is However, despite the optimism on the not surprising that people “with nefarious goals resurgent role of an active audience who has and agendas will join in and create their own more control of a converging media suspect content” (Daniels, 2008, p. 143). environment, user-generated content has not Indeed, hateful and offensive content have significantly garnered enough respect from become virtual pockmarks of the Internet, traditional media practitioners. In a survey of spreading widely through social media and American newspaper reporters by Santana personal websites (Gerstenfeld, Grant, & (2011), a majority of respondents “disagreed” Chiang, 2003). In online forums in particular, or “strongly disagreed” on whether online the misinformation, stereotypes, and racist comments posted by users fostered civil or attitudes against cultural minorities are thoughtful discussion. Interviewing newsroom indiscreet, as Steinfeldt et al. (2010) find out decision-makers, Paulussen and Ugille (2008) in their content analysis of online comments find out that professional journalists are not on an athletic team’s use of the “Fighting inclined to enrich their content with feedback Sioux” label. from users. Ornerbring (2008) notes that user- generated content in online newspapers are As to what drives users to comment, produced mainly as a response or in relation to Mitchelstein’s (2011) uses and gratifications materials produced by the media organization study reveals that self-expression is the and do not merit as standalone content. In such primary motive behind the replies to online a setup, the system is provided by traditional newspapers and blogs. Seventy (70) percent of media players and is a constraint to self- the study participants want to make their contained contributions by users. These notions opinions public by expressing dissent or could be the reason why user-generated support, while almost 65 percent said they content, especially comments to news articles, want to discuss them with other people. This are mostly ignored by media organizations penchant for self-expression may also be a despite the negative impact it could wield in the reason why computer-mediated media ecosystem. communication is notorious for “encouraging uncivil discourse and group-based Hughey and Daniels (2013) observe that stereotyping” (Price, 2006, p. 6). The online “the advent of the comments sphere of online activity referred to as “trolling,” which news outlets has significantly transformed the Hardaker (2010) describes as the intent to discursive shape of racism” (p. 33). They provoke others into conflict through abusive attribute the discontinuance of anonymous language, insults, and any other inflammatory commenting systems in several online news discourse, also exacerbates the problem of sites, such as the New York Times and Reuters, as stereotyping. Where voices of reason and a response to the overt racism and derogatory sobriety are drowned in the online echo content posted by users, which cannot be easily chamber, Van Dijck (2009) admonishes that it moderated. Through direct or coded language, is naïve to expect more rational users to bigoted comments are not only found in news participate in and correct disinformation even that touch on minority issues but can also be when digital technologies are accessible. seen in a variety of featured stories and in Reconciling erring communities in online February 2015  Volume 1  page 30 USER-GENERATED VITRIOL channels also poses a huge challenge because, attitudes toward out-groups. According to as Shuter (2012) explains, “social factors from Cohen and Garcia (2005), strereotypes the physical world, including stereotyping, function as a “collective threat” to those predispositions, and different cultural values, associated with the stigmatized group and may may affect the development of intercultural agitate the self-esteem, socialization, and dialogue” (p. 226). security of individual members. One way that stereotypes get transmitted is through As a basic definition, stereotypes are “priming,” which Ajtony (2011) defines as “an “psychological representations of the information-processing strategy based on the characteristics of people that belong to fact that the way we process information is particular groups” (McGarty, Yzerbyt, & heavily influenced by information that we Spears, 2002, p. 2). Lippmann, a former news previously encountered” (p. 142). Mass media reporter himself, coined the term “stereotype” and online communication channels service to describe the perceptual filter through which stereotypes when it propagates misinformed events are described by particular groups. and nonflattering images of minority groups. Understanding that facts could be distorted in Because of the harmful effects that powerful media and public opinion, Lippmann says: “If stereotypes create for stigmatized groups, we cannot fully understand the acts of other Inzlicht et al. (2011) stress the necessity of people, until we know what they think they policy regulations on mass media portrayals of know, then in order to do justice we have to group stereotypes, especially TV programs appraise not only the information which has aimed at children. But even if media been at their disposal, but the minds through practitioners avoid stereotyping, Hoffman which they have filtered it” (1922/1998, p. (1991) believes that the public would still bring 85). From a critical perspective, stereotypes and read their stereotypes to the media text’s often uncloak social injustices that the message. dominant group impinges on minorities based on differences of gender, class, race, and Since previous studies tend to focus on user similar social markers. At a macro level, -generated content in relation to media national stereotypes could also be formed, practices, the current study assesses user- ascribing certain qualities to citizens of a generated content in the broader context of particular country. As national stereotypes are socially constructed prejudice, specifically as often tinged with racist, ethnic, or chauvinistic national stereotypes. Related literature about assumptions, it is this kind of stereotyping that stereotyping warns about the dire Blum (2004) considers as a “moral distortion,” consequences of negative stereotypes on the which can wield damage that goes beyond lives of out-groups and other minorities, such individual stereotyping. as labor migrants. By looking at the case of the Guang Da Xing No. 28 shooting incident, the In their study of national stereotypes for current study finds out how prevalent consumer research, Chattalas, Kramer, and stereotyping could be in online comments, and Takada (2008) find that the “perceptual then draws themes of national stereotyping to representations often employed in evaluations reflect the sentiment among neighbors with pertaining to members of that nation” (p. 61) competing claims in the South China Sea. By could provoke animosity and discriminatory revealing negative national portrayals as Page 31  Volume 1  The Antoninus Journal  A Multidisciplinary Journal of the UST Graduate School  F. T. CALBAY reflected in user-generated content, it is hoped positive or negative, with varying degrees of that the concerned nationalities would have a prejudice, as influenced by the out-group’s better idea of how they can subvert stereotypes perceived “competence” and “warmth.” for improved intercultural communication. Competence specifies whether the out-group is well-regarded in such areas as intelligence, Study Framework confidence, and independence. Warmth indicates whether the out-group is considered Social Construction Theory provides congenial as indicated by sincerity, helpful explanation on why stereotypes are pleasantness, and sociability. These dimensions formed, maintained, and circulated in social are tied to issues of social status, power interactions and cultural practices. Berger and relation, and interdependence. As ranked Luckmann (1966/1991) propose that reality is against these dimensions, stereotypes are said constructed as persons and groups form to fall into any of four categories: “paternalistic perceptions about each other through everyday prejudice” (low competence, high warmth), practices, interactions, and organizations. “envious prejudice” (high competence, low Eventually, these perceptions are repeatedly warmth), “admiration” (high competence, high performed and institutionalized in the larger warmth), and “contemptuous prejudice” (low society, becoming commonsense and self- competence, low warmth). evident knowledge. Berger and Luckmann also talk about a “continuum of typifications, which For the purpose of the study, the focus is are progressively anonymous as they are on contemptuous stereotypes, which are removed from the here and now of the face-to- stereotypes that provoke negative feelings such face situation” (pp. 47-48). They suggest that as anger, disgust, or hate. Characterized by categorizing – including stereotyping – other hostile attitudes, anger is directed to groups social actors is one way that individuals make that experienced negative consequences which sense of the world. Assigning categories to could have otherwise been avoided, while people, especially those belonging to other blame is put on groups that caused what could social groups, becomes easier with the absence have been individually controllable incidents. of direct and face-to-face interaction in the In-groups may also harbor feelings of injustice Internet Age. Without critical reflection, this because of perceived “illegitimate behavior” typifying scheme often upholds the stand of performed by other groups. Furthermore, those who have ulterior agenda to protect. As conflict fans the flame: “Groups that are both instrument and symbolic representation of perceived to have interests that detract from social beliefs, it is important to examine others create competition in a zero-sum language because “through language an entire sense” (Fiske, Cuddy, Glick, & Xu, 2002, p. world can be actualized at any moment” (p.54). 896). Returning to the Social Construction Theory, the research findings of Fiske et. al. From a conceptual standpoint, the study support the notion that underlying stereotypes refers to the Stereotype Content Model (Fiske, is the “consciousness of power relations; Cuddy, Glick, & Xu, 2002) in examining stereotypes function to justify the status national and ethnic biases expressed in user- quo” (p. 881). generated content. The Stereotype Content Model predicts that stereotypes may either be February 2015  Volume 1  page 32 USER-GENERATED VITRIOL Method incident were selected: the first reportage of the Taiwanese fisherman’s death; demands The study reviewed the Guang Da Xing No. imposed by Taiwan; sanctions on the 28 shooting incident, a widely covered conflict Philippines; attacks against Filipino migrant in Taiwanese and Philippine mass media, and workers in Taiwan; and the recommended the contemptuous stereotypes that developed charges to be filed against the coast guard in online comments against the nationalities personnel by Philippine prosecutors. Using involved. The research problems are: How slight variations of these keyword sets, an prevalent is stereotyping in online comments online search was run on websites of the around the Guang Da Xing No. 28 shooting Philippine Daily Inquirer (http:// incident? ; and What national stereotypes have www.inquirer.net) and the Taipei Times formed in online comments on the aftermath of (http://www.taipeitimes.com) to collect the the diplomatic conflict? relevant news articles from the period of May to September 2013. These English-language Content and thematic analyses were newspapers were chosen as starting points for employed in the study, following the qualitative sampling not only because they were leading design. Rather than focus on the framing of publications in their respective locations but news reporting, which has been the approach of also because their websites supported a robust many other past studies, the study evaluated commenting system. Ten purposively selected comments posted as a response to the media media reports served as baseline for gathering reports about the shooting incident. Publicly the comments. Online comments posted accessible comments, as a type of user- within one month after the original publishing generated content, are considered naturally date of each news article were collected. occurring and are, therefore, a legitimate source of data. However, consistent with ethics Some 1,854 comments served as raw data regarding privacy concerns on Internet-based for the initial analysis. From this number, research (Convery & Cox, 2012), personally comments that contained stereotypes were identifiable information such as links to online identified and subjected to a more detailed profiles of the commenters were discarded analysis. In the content analysis of media texts, from the collected data and were not Seiter (1986) warns of “a frequent failure to mentioned in further discussions. The study identify what is a stereotype (often it is used as proceeded with the qualitative analysis by a ‘dirty word’) and how it is related to following the protocols described by Zhang & ideology” (p.19). To avoid this pitfall in the Wildemuth (2005): preparation of data, study, comments characterized by stereotype definition of the unit of analysis (which, in this content such as “anger,” “contempt”, “disgust,” case, was individually posted comments), “hate,” and “resentment” (Fiske et al., 2002) developing and testing the coding scheme, were identified during the content analysis. coding the text, assessing coding consistency, The comment must be attributed to a general and drawing conclusions from the coded data. populace and not directed to individual persons, political figures, or state institutions. To limit the data collection to a manageable Only comments written in the English corpus, media reports on the following five language were considered. The rest of the data major developments related to the shooting Page 33  Volume 1  The Antoninus Journal  A Multidisciplinary Journal of the UST Graduate School  F. T. CALBAY that did not suit the first stage of coding were media reports’ discussion board. Users were discarded. Categories were derived required to sign in with their existing social inductively from the collected data. Where media accounts. The Philippine Daily Inquirer two or more codes apply to the comment, the used the Disqus commenting system, which coders agreed to select the more dominant allowed login through Facebook, Twitter, or sentiment. Thematic analysis was then used to Google accounts apart from its own proprietary critically evaluate the stereotype content. system. On the other hand, the Taipei Times based its commenting system on Facebook. By In processing the data, the study followed default, posted comments would also be the instructions of Meyer and Avery (2009) to displayed on the user’s respective social media look at qualitative research as “a tracking accounts. This requirement did not deter users problem” (p. 92) and use spreadsheet software from posting provocative statements, barring in data coding and analysis. Although the study the possibility that some of these accounts could was qualitative by design, it also tested have been faked. Commenting rules were not intercoder reliability, which according to explicitly stated, and no active moderation from Freelon (2010) is “a standard method of the staff was observed in both news sites. summarizing the substance of a set of mediated messages” (p. 20). Two reviewers (the From selected articles discussing the Guang researcher and an independent coder) Da Xing No. 28 shooting incident, 1,591 examined the data. To develop and refine comments (222 from Taiwan media; 1,369 suitable codes, initial codes were tested on a from Philippine media) were identified as smaller subset first before working on the suitable data from the total 1,854 comments complete sample. Coding instructions were gathered. In the first phase of the content provided by the researcher, and disagreements analysis, the overall intercoder agreement was were discussed during the pilot tests. established at 0.71 in Cohen’s kappa index, Following Freelon (2010), the online which was within the satisfactory and acceptable statistical utility ReCal (http://dfreelon.org/ threshold. Of the suitable data, 477 comments utils/recalfront/) was used to estimate the (30 percent) were coded by reviewers as having rate of intercoder agreement based on content that can be described as contemptuous Cohen’s kappa index. stereotypes against particular nationalities, while 1,124 (70 percent) were coded as Results and Discussion neutral. To provide a brief description of the Disregarding the targeted group in collected data and its context, most comments comments on the media reports, 19 percent of were estimated to range between 20 to 100 comments in Taiwan media have stereotype words, with a few longer comments extending content, compared with 32 percent in the to around 500 words. Considered as null were Philippines. Negative comments were not non-English comments, one-word or exclusive against the out-group represented in nonsensical retorts, and posted hyperlinks to the local media. On the assumption that Taiwan third-party content. At the time of data and Philippine media reports would cater to in- collection, both online news outfits did not groups in their respective societies as target permit for anonymous commenting in the readership, it turned out that the in-group February 2015  Volume 1  page 34 USER-GENERATED VITRIOL Table 1: Breakdown of overall and local media share of stereotype content Share in Philippine me- Nationality targeted Comment share overall Share in Taiwan media dia Taiwanese 38% 44% 36% Filipino 40% 36% 42% Mainland Chinese/ 22% 20% 22% Others received more comments with stereotype “Thieving, blackmailing Taiwanese” content in the respective local media. The table above illustrates the proportion of stereotype The strong belief that the Taiwanese fishing content in the comments. vessel trespassed and poached in Philippine territory was basis for some commenters to The second phase of the study, a rationalize the killing of the fisherman. thematic treatment of the data, is concerned Moreover, some comments supported the coast with identifying categories and patterns of guard personnel’s defense that the shooting stereotype content. Some national stereotypes incident happened because of the threat of ship- were incidental and formed around the ramming, despite contrary evidence. The unfolding conflict, while some were not stereotyping portrayed the Taiwanese as seemingly related to the crisis. For national marauding thieves and livelihood saboteurs to stereotypes against the Taiwanese, the following poor and underequipped Filipino fishermen. major coding categories emerged in order of Illegal poaching activities on the Philippine frequency: “thieves,” “labor exploiters,” territory by the Taiwanese were said to be a “criminal-minded,” “blackmailers,” and “no long-running problem. A representative different from mainlanders.” On the other comment said: hand, categories that developed for national stereotypes against Filipinos were “blood- Finally, these thieving chinkies have been lusting,” “corrupt and deceitful,” “low-skilled/ taught a lesson. But one Taiwanese is not slave labor,” “arrogant,” and “trouble-maker.” enough for the decades they have been stealing A surprising third nationality, the Chinese, was our resources depriving our local fishermen of dragged into the issue, and the national their catch. [Article 3, comment 13] stereotypes were “the real enemy,” “greedy,” and “disgusting.” Stereotypes against other Comments also denounced Taiwan’s national or ethnic groups were also found in the demands and sanctions on the Philippines, comments, such as those against Americans, interpreting it as blackmail with profit Arabs, and Malays but were not closely motivations. The Taiwanese were also examined anymore since the number was very frequently compared to have similar agenda small. In coding the data at this phase, the with the mainland Chinese. This has intercoder agreement for all the variables was at antagonistic connotation since the Taiwanese 0.53, a moderately acceptable agreement in have a complicated political relationship with Cohen’s kappa index. the mainland Chinese, separating as a people to form a democratic government system in the Page 35  Volume 1  The Antoninus Journal  A Multidisciplinary Journal of the UST Graduate School  F. T. CALBAY island-state that the latter does not recognize. Although Taiwan enjoys considerable National and ethnic stereotypes blurred economic power over the Philippines, in some comments since Taiwan is a stereotypes still surfaced as “contemptuous” predominantly Chinese society. Furthermore, rather than “admiring” or “envious.” As the some comments stressed on the “nonnation” Stereotype Content Model would predict, it status of Taiwan and maintained that Taiwan may be attributed to the conflict that has no right to make unreasonable demands on questions the “competence” of the Taiwanese. an otherwise independent and internationally “Criminal-minded” was a major coding recognized Philippine state. Sample comments category inferred from the comments, that captured the resentment said: painting an image of the Taiwanese as often involved in nefarious activities or businesses. Taiwanese-chinks are no different from their The prevailing sentiment was summed up in greedy mainland brothers. They came, they saw, the following comment: they poached, even though somebody owns the territory. [Article 3, comment 65] It is more decent to work as a factory worker or a house help rather than manufacturing illegal What is more barbaric? A Coast Guard vessel that drugs, hi-tech robbery by stealing your identity protected itself when a foreign devil vessel tries to by bank fraud and credit card account, ram it, or a de-facto government that uses its smuggling and dumping contraband. [Article dead citizen as a tear-jerking crutch to bully and 3, comment 34] blackmail a sovereign nation to get what it wants? [Article 8, comment 3] “Dangerous, deceitful Filipino” The sanctions imposed by the Taiwan The Philippine camp was lambasted in the government and the support of the same by the comments for the brutal death of an old man Taiwanese were seen as a bullying tactic gone who was perceived as innocent and helpless. overboard. Apart from the freeze-hiring of The coast guard’s defense of being threatened Filipino workers in Taiwan, reports of with ship-ramming was met with incredulity otherwise isolated cases of abuse against Filipino and disbelief. A major national stereotype that migrant workers engendered comments that emerged for Filipinos depicted them as blood- labeled the Taiwanese as cruel and inhumane. lusting and troublesome. Many comments also With tables turned, the Filipinos looked to be the described Filipinos as being corrupt and underdog in the unfolding crisis situation. A deceitful and their coast guard acting as pirates commenter opined: in the high seas. It developed following revelations that the video evidence was Their lame sanctions will hurt Taiwan more tampered, with spliced footage of the coast than the Philippines, so they resort to physically hurting helpless Filipinos in their guard personnel apparently laughing while cities. How cruel these Taiwanese can be. It shooting at the evading fishing vessel. The ire gives them pleasure to starve, humiliate, slap was expressed in comments such as: Filipinos in the face, even if they have nothing to do with the death of one fisherman. [Article Filipinos are just barbaric and would think 8, comment 5] nothing of firing on an unarmed fishing vessel. [Article 6, comment 18] February 2015  Volume 1  page 36 USER-GENERATED VITRIOL described as a “3rd class country that doesn't Indeed only a Filipino or a fool (both often know its place” [Article 3, comment 75]. Since mutually inclusive)…would seriously believe a the Philippines had burden of proof in the fatal fishing boat, beautifully decorated, 13 meters shooting and had lopsided economic with an unharmed crew of four would attempt to relationship in favor of Taiwan, its competence ram a fully armed Philippine CG 34-meter- and warmth were obviously diminished long. [Article 3, comment 39] following the Stereotype Content Model. A characteristic reaction said: The slight that the Taiwanese felt was also rooted in the perceived aggression and What skilled workers and professionals? None arrogance of a neighbor who would not of the 100,000 [Filipino workers] in Taiwan immediately and formally apologize at the state endangered of losing their jobs because of some level for the avoidable death of their kin. The trigger-happy coast guards is involved in fishing site was also pointed out to be a research and development in high-tech contested area in the South China Sea that industries of Taiwan. They are mostly factory Filipinos cannot claim exclusive jurisdiction of, workers, [domestic helpers], caregivers and which all the more drew attention to the other low-level workers. Easily replaceable… shooting incident as a despicable act. [Article 3, comment 56] Compensation was also demanded for the dead fisherman’s family. Comments like the “Mainland Chinese as the greedy, real enemy” following articulated this stance: Initial reactions to media reports of the You think your country can just claim any shooting incident put forward an unfounded disputed territory as your own, then you shoot to theory that the mainland Chinese were behind kill… If you had done wrong, just be a man the attacks on the Taiwanese fishing vessel. and admit your guilt, apologize, compensate the Comments pointed out the growing Chinese aggrieved party and make sure this incident military presence on disputed areas of the South never happen again! [Article 1, comment 12] China Sea, where the suspicion should be turned to instead. Furthermore, China was The problem is that most Filipinos now, except portrayed as the only party that could benefit some sensible few, are super arrogant even it is from the row between Taiwan and the clearly the Philippine Coast Guard's fault for Philippines, which were noted to be both allies being trigger happy without any respect for of the United States. Speculation about China’s human life at all. [Article 3, comment 91] involvement was suggested by the following comment: Regarding accounts on the freeze-hiring and maltreatment of Filipino migrant workers Dear Taiwan, it's the Chinese who fired and in Taiwan, many comments dismissed that it killed one of your fishermen. The Chinese were would be a huge loss to Taiwan’s businesses disguising as the Philippine Navy to commit should these migrant workers were to leave en crimes. You should investigate the type of masse. Migrant Filipino workers were said to bullet used during the attack. I know this for be often illegally staying and unproductive low- sure because the Chinese are murderers, and the skilled or “slave” labor from what a comment Filipinos are very reasonable people and value Page 37  Volume 1  The Antoninus Journal  A Multidisciplinary Journal of the UST Graduate School 

Page 29 · Volume 1 · The Antoninus Journal · A Multidisciplinary Journal of the UST Graduate School ·. USER-GENERATED VITRIOL turned vitriolic and even voiced overt hostile current study's focus is on user-generated content, it does not attempt to probe if the media reports' framing contribute
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