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Use of basin survey data in habitat modelling and cumulative watershed effects analyses PDF

14 Pages·1992·1.1 MB·English
by  ChenGlenn K
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Preview Use of basin survey data in habitat modelling and cumulative watershed effects analyses

Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. •V aQL627 .F48 CURRENTS... I R-5 Fish Habitat Relationship Technical Bulletin Number 8 June 1992 Use of Basin Survey Data in Habitat Modeiiing and Cumuiative Watershed Effects Anaiyses Glenn K. Chen Siskiyou National Forest Powers Ranger District Powers, Oregon 97466 (503) 439-3011; R06F11D05A Introduction Basin-wide stream survey methodologies have been adopted by numerous agencies in recent years. For fisheries biologists, these inventories have proved to be an invaluable resource for managing stream fish populations and their habitat. The techniques focus on using statistical sampling methods to gather quantitative data on both biological and geomorphic stream characteristics. Storage ofdata on PC- computer databases allow access to powerful software packages which facilitate data analysis. The basin inventory method ofHankin and Reeves (1988) is widely utilized in the western states and has been incorporated into a number of standardized procedures. This method was first tested on the Elk River, a Pacific Northwest coastal watershed located in the vicinity ofPort Orford, Oregon (southwest Oregon). Since 1985, approximately 70 miles ofthe Elk have been surveyed annually by researchers from the USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Experiment Station, under the direction ofDr. Gordon Reeves. Results from those efforts have clearly demonstrated the importance,ofscale in stream survey methodology. Reeves documented the variable nature ofsalmpnid,production.^Ujdhabitat characteristics related to processes operating on channel unit, reach, sub-basin, and'watershed scales. d 81 d3S %bl :1l USDA Manw3n1 1. Forest Service V vJ’^ Pacific Southwest Region FHR Currents Habitat and Fish Relationships Biologists are now focusing their attention on the applications ofbasin inventories. The Siskiyou National Forest has made extensive use ofthe Elk Analysis Using Basin Survey Data River data to address a number ofmanagement needs. The Elk was recently granted National Wild The relationship ofhabitat to fish is a key concept in and Scenic River status, and the fisheries informa- the management offisheries. However, we have tion from these surveys were key in its designation, often operated with scant knowledge ofthe specific and have proven to be invaluable for the river interactions between habitat characteristics and resource assessment and management plan. Other stream fish populations. The survey methods that uses include the development of an empirical model were previously employed were part ofthe problem, linking habitat features and fish abundance. This since they usually provided data with limited relationship has been further utilized as a quantita- resolution capabilities. Collected information was tive tool to assess the cumulative effects on fish primarily descriptive in nature, with an emphasis on habitat from logging activities in the basin. The reach summaries and the use ofbroad categorical following paper discusses the processes used in classifications; important small-scale features were both habitat modeling and watershed effects assess- often not quantified. Efforts were concentrated on ment. short segments that were considered to be “repre- sentative” of the entire stream. Estimation of fish Several noteworthy events have occurred since the populations relied on electroshocking or streamside development ofthe Elk River cumulative effects observation, further limiting the data’s interpretive analysis. The Elk Eork Timber Sale, encompassing value. the North Fork Elk River basin (a designated Wild River and one ofthe most productive salmonid The realization of these shortcomings led to the areas in the watershed) was offered for auction in development ofnew survey techniques. In methods fall of 1990. Seven lawsuits which focused on such as Hankin/Reeves, individual channel units protecting fisheries values in the North Fork were comprise the primary level oforganization. Each subsequently filed, and much ofthe controversy unit is classified into a particular habitat type, and centered around the implementation ofthe water- quantitative data is collected on its physical at- shed effects analysis. As a result, a review ofthe tributes. At systematic intervals, fish abundance is analysis process was requested by Siskiyou Na- determined. The key link here is that fish numbers tional Forest and Regional Office staff. In sum- are paired with specific physical habitat information mary, the reviewers found that the sediment model on a unit-by-unit basis. The use ofestimation and the fish habitat model were acceptable, but the reduces data collection time and enables the expan- portion of the analysis linking sediment and fish sion of survey efforts to include entire basins. needed further evaluation before it could be used to Periodic measurements are added to evaluate the guide management decisions. This prompted the statistical accuracy ofthese estimates. The utiliza- withdrawal ofthe sale by the Regional Forester and tion ofPC computer databases allows for direct a subsequent decision by management staffto exportation to analysis software packages. Data in a discontinue use of the sediment/fish correlation. quantitative format, and with the assistance of Continuing interest in the effects analysis by microcomputers, enables the biologist to develop fisheries and watershed resources specialists, empirical models that can yield a better understand- however, merit its inclusion in this paper. ing ofthe factors contributing to fish production within a watershed. Page 2 FHR Currents An Examplefrom Elk River f. Dominant substrate (8 numerical classes representing silt to large boulders, Winter steelhead trout are common to many Pacific similar to phi classes) Northwest coastal watersheds. Part oftheir anadro- g. Large wood in the unit (6 classes of mous life history involves extended rearing in wood based on size and configuration). freshwater stream environments. Twojuvenile age Wood data were used to derive a “wood classes are found in coastal streams: young-of-the- index” for each unit, representing a year fry, referred to as 0+juvenile steelhead; and 3) measure ofvolume, configuration, and yearling parr, or 1+ steelhead. Because adult structural complexity. steelhead support valuable sport fisheries, many h. Channel constraint (derived from ratio of habitat projects are directed towards the needs of valley bottom:channel width). This juvenile steelhead. Yearling steelhead are often the was collected at the reach scale and focus because their abundance is considered to be applied to all units within the reach. limiting to adult production. An understanding of how specific habitat features contribute to increased Quantitative fish data for each habitat type numbers of 1+ steelhead can be obtained from basin at systematic intervals (numbers of survey data. salmonids by species and/or age class) The portions of the Elk River basin within the Comparisons between the different habitat types Siskiyou National Forest support approximately indicated that pools supported the highest numbers 95% of all steelhead production in the basin. An of 1-1- steelhead. A total oftwenty-two pools had examination ofthe basin survey data revealed that been sampled for fish and these units comprised the the North Fork Elk River has the greatest densities data set from which the model was derived. ofyearling steelhead. The North Fork basin has experienced little impact from timber harvest or Model development was performed using a PC associated roading. Because of its productivity and computer. The data were transferred from Lotus 1- lack ofmanagement-related influences, the data 2-3 spreadsheets into STATGRAPHICS, a statisti- from the North Fork was used to construct a year- cal analysis software program. The desired output ling steelhead habitat model for the Elk River was to produce a statistical model which math- watershed. ematically-related various habitat features to the numbers ofyearling steelhead in pool habitat ofthe Data for the North Fork consisted ofthe North Fork Elk River. The model would be in the following: form of a multiple regression equation, with habitat parameters as the independent variables, and l-l- 1) Two miles ofstream habitat categorized into steelhead numbers as the dependent variable. four types of units (pool, riffles, glides, and STATGRAPHICS was selected because of its side channels), from 1986 and 1987. The simple menu format and added graphics capabili- two miles encompass the total section of ties. stream inhabited by anadromous salmonids. To construct the yearling steelhead model, a number A 2) Quantitative physical data for each habitat of statistical procedures were utilized. correlation type: analysis was performed between each ofthe physi- cal habitat variables and the numbers ofyearling a. Estimated length steelhead for all pools sampled. This produced a b. Estimated width table ofcoefficients that allowed identification of c. From length and width, unit area correlated variables for use in the regression. d. Mean depth e. From length, width, mean depth, unit volume Page 3 FHR Currents In addition to the table, a “draftsmans plot” was Standard errors for coefficients were 1.273 (s.e. Bj) created. This is a STATGRAPHICS function which and 1.999 (s.e. B^). The final regression model met produces a matrix of scatter plots that allows one to statistical criteria for significance (F = 62.74, 2 jg visually verify these correlations. Such examination corresponding to a p < 0.05; R-square = 0.861). is useful, because “significant” coefficient values can be falsely obtained due to the presence ofa For pools in the North Fork, this analysis docu- small subset ofnon-representative data points; the ments that greater numbers ofyearling steelhead are draftmans plot enables the user to quickly identify correlated with a combination ofwider valley floor such spurious correlations. It also permits the user areas and increased depth created by wood material. to see if inter-correlation exists between the predic- To verify the basin-wide applicability of the model, tor variables. This allows one to use combinations we conducted similar analyses for all tributaries in ofindependent variables to further refine the Elk River. Pool depth, wood, and wider valley regression model. floor areas turned out to be key elements for year- ling steelhead in other parts ofthe basin as well. From the correlation table, the list of variables was narrowed down to channel constraint. An exami- The ability ofthe habitat model to predict fish nation ofthe draftmans plot and the table showed numbers suggests that it can also be used for that wood debris and mean depth were inter- estimating population levels. Typically, such correlated predictor variables. In regression analy- estimates have relied upon the extrapolation of sis these can be tested as multiplicative variables. average density calculations, with the assumption Thus, wood X depth was added to constraint as that the relationship between surface area and fish possible choices for the steelhead habitat model. numbers is constant. However, this is often not the case. Very large, deep pools have disproportion- The third procedure involved the use of multiple ately lower densities than small pools because much regression in STATGRAPHICS. The two variables ofthe area is not utilized by fish. Surface area is were combined using stepwise regression. Stepwise two-dimensional, but fish clearly respond to fea- techniques sequentially add predictors based on F- tures in other dimensions, such as depth. Basin tests for significance. Intercept and coefficients are variability in fish densities are often due to changes then calculated, producing a multiple regression in reach characteristics, rather than differences in equation. Further tests on the regression were spatial area. Other features not directly associated performed (eg, residual plots). The influence of with habitat area (such as wood debris) may also outlier points was also evaluated. After adjusting have an influence on the number offish present. the model as needed using these criteria, more Such sources ofvariation affect mean density regression iterations were run. The final model was calculations and subsequent population estimates then tested for significance. derived from them. Use of a regression model, rather than density extrapolations, may result in Using stepwise regression, STATGRAPHICS more accurate determinations of stream fish popula- selected constraint and wood x depth variables for tions. inclusion in the final model (p was set at < 0.05 for the F-tests). Two outliers were removed either Comparisons of population estimates based on area/ because oftheir disproportionate influence on the density extrapolation versus the values calculated regression, or because they were outside the scatter from the habitat regression model are given in ofpoints. This reduced the sample size from 22 to Table 1. 20. No adjustment of the linear model was found necessary in the residual plots. The final equation is stated below: #s of 1+ steelhead + -4.501 + 3.396 (constraint) + 12.752 (wood*depth) Page 4 FHR Currents Habitat Model Density Actual Fish Prediction Extrapolation Numbers 7 12 3 3 10 4 7 5 5 6 8 7 20 18 19 21 25 18 14 15 19 19 32 21 42 25 32 33 26 36 30 23 37 34 26 41 Totals: 237 225 241 Table 1 . North Fork Elk River. Results from steelhead habitat model, density extrapolation, and actual numbers of yearling steelhead in 16 sampled pools. (Actual fish numbers derived from snorkel- ing visual counts. Density extrapolation based upon mean density of 0.1385 1+ sthd/m^ N = 16.) Activity Impact used in the National Environmental Policy Act Assessments: (NEPA) is as follows: Evaluation ofFish Habitat Conditions & Use Theeffects,eitheradditiveorsynergisitic,of in Cumulative Effects Analysis past,present,andforseeablefutureactivities withinaplanningarea. The previous section discusses how basin survey data were used to develop a fish habitat model. This model was a key element in the analysis ofcumula- In many land management agencies, such planning tive watershed effects for the Elk River basin. is conducted at the scale ofwhole basins. This becomes a logical boundary for analysis ofcumula- Cumulative effects, as opposed to direct effects, tive watershed impacts. involve expanded spatial and temporal scales for analysis. Although numerous definitions exist of Because watersheds are complex entities whose what constitute “cumulative effects”, a definition physical and biological functions are still poorly Page 5 FHR Currents understood, this definition presents formidable blage of salmonid species, including coho, chinook, challenges to resource specialists asked to assess and chum salmon, sea-run and resident cutthroat, such impacts. Project planners desire numerical resident rainbow trout, and winter steelhead trout. results, but in many cases, even basic data are not Elk River chum, coho, and anadromous cutthroat available, and rarely is it in a format suitable for are currently being proposed for Federal sensitive quantitative analysis. Consequently, there has been stock listing (Nehlsen et al 1991). The basin is a tendency to rely upon generalized models which extremely prone to landslides, and past roading and do not address the necessary range ofpotential timber harvest activities have severely impacted impacts, and which also may be geographically several tributaries; in general, however, these have inappropriate; or specialists have been directed to primarily occurred outside ofthe most productive A utilize professional opinion, usually without ad- fisheries areas. cumulative watershed effects equate knowledge of site-specific processes to analysis examining the impacts ofpast, current, and substantiate such forecasting. future activities in the Elk River was initiated in 1986 as part ofthe basin timber management plan. Within the resource agencies, there is increasing awareness ofthe inadequacy ofmany cumulative We sought to produce an empirically-derived model effects analysis (CEA) models. With issues such as which would provide a scientific basis for evaluat- increasing water demand, declining fish stocks, and ing fisheries impacts from roading and timber continued loss ofproductive aquatic habitat, CEA’s harvest. In addition to the basin habitat and fisher- will continue to be an important aspect ofpublic ies data, we also had information on landslide rates, land management. geology, and water temperature trends. Forest Resource Geologist Cindy Ricks and I utilized these sources in formulating the analysis. Elk River Watershed Cumulative Effects A quantitative assessment that addressed all poten- In Elk River, high timber values are combined with tial impacts quickly proved to be too complex. Key important salmonid resources in a steep and erod- hydrology data (precipitation measures, discharge, ible landscape. A majority ofthe watershed is etc...) were also not available. We therefore had to managed by the Siskiyou National Eorest. These focus on the impacts most relevant to the Elk River. holdings are located primarily in the upper parts of To do this, we recognized that three key compo- the basin, and comprise 79% oftotal basin acreage. nents had to be identified: The Siskiyou National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan calls for a substantial percentage ofits 1990s allowable cut to be taken from the Elk River basin. Port Orford-cedar is found in the WHAT wouldbecausingthegreatest drainage and has recently sold for prices as high as impacts(source) $6,000 per mbf. The portion ofthe Elk within the WHAT wouldbeimpacted(impacts) National Forest also contains some ofthe most WHERE wouldtheimpactsmostlikely productive anadromous salmonid habitat on the occur(location) Oregon coast (Reeves, 1988). Some 500,000 wild Chinook salmon smolts and 14,000 wild steelhead smolts were produced in 1989 on about 18 miles and 33 miles of streams in Elk River respectively. Identification ofsource, impacts, and location set It has been estimated that Elk River chinook the framework for the Elk River cumulative effects provide up to $550,000 ofnet revenue annually to analysis. Basin habitat and fish survey data were commercial fishermen, and the sport chinook essential information used in the process. fishery is valued at more than $350,000/year. High productivity is also combined with a diverse assem- Page 6 FHR Currents Source draft). Activities such as logging or urban develop- ment appear to alter stream habitat characteristics, Timber harvest effects on hydrological regime, resulting in conditions that favors fewer species in stream temperature, and fine or coarse sediment the community. Fish with little economic value are input were evaluated as potential impacts in the Elk overlooked in impact evaluations and are often lost River watershed. Ofthese, the effect ofincreased from the assemblage. Habitat simplification has bedload input was selected for analysis. Monitoring been suggested as one of the dominant mechanisms indicated that coarse sediment delivered to streams for loss ofdiversity. from road and clear-cut-generated landslides (and the resulting aggradation ofthe channel) appeared A number ofdifficulties arise when attempting to to have had the most deleterious, pervasive impacts predict forest management impacts on anadromous to salmonid habitat in the basin. salmonids. Effects on fish population numbers are compounded by a host offactors outside the influ- Data on landslide frequency and cause, slide ence oftimber harvest and roading. The relation- volume, and proximity to the stream channel were ship between logging and anadromous salmonids is used by Ricks to develop a harvest/roading land- more clearly focused by discussing how such slide sediment delivery index (LSDI). ESDI activities result in physical changes to their habitat. represents a measure of the total amount ofbedload sediment delivered to the stream channel from past For Elk River, we utilized the community-level road failures and timber harvest unit landslides. An approach by identifying the specific effects of LSDI value was calculated for each tributary in the bedload on multi-species salmonid assemblages. National Forest portion of the Elk River. This resulted in the selection of an indicator species that would represent salmonid community integrity. Location Effects on the current habitat condition for this indicator species was a key focus in the analysis. Although the upper Elk is typified by steep and narrow channels with high bedload transport Using the SteelheadHabitatModel andBasin capabilities, it also contains a number of low- Survey Data gradient, wide valley floor reaches. The Reeves- PNW study found that these areas were also sites of The data indicated that pools in low-gradient highest fisheries productivity and species diversity. reaches supported the greatest diversity of salmo- Because oftheir morphology, such locations are the nids. Ofprimary concern in the Elk is the filling of most sensitive to excess bedload aggradation. We such habitat by excess bedload. We utilized site- selected the low-gradient areas as analysis sites and specific observations of microhabitat usage to labelled them as critical reaches. Past and future determine which species would be most sensitive to impacts to the critical reaches were portrayed in the depth loss. For low-gradient pools, observations of analysis. Chinook, coho, steelhead fry/parr and cutthroat indicated that l-i- steelhead and cutthroat were Impacts associated with depth, primarily occupying the deepest portions of the pools near the substrata. Impacts on fish are often assessed as the effects on Cutthroat trout and yearling steelhead were poten- economically-important species. A more appropri- tial candidates for indicators; however, cutthroat ate measure, however, may be to evaluate changes were not well-represented in the data set (due to in fish community structure. Recent studies in the sampling problems). \+ steelhead were thus Pacific Northwest have suggested that changes in selected as the community indicator species. salmonid diversity may be a more sensitive indica- Reeves (unpublished data) corroborates the relation- tor ofland management impacts (Reeves 1992, ship between loss ofdepth and disappearance of larger trout. Page 7 FHR Currents The yearling steelhead habitat model became a regression equation to produce an HCI value for the measure ofthe condition ofpool habitat for yearling sub-basin. Because we were interested in isolating steelhead. In the model, increased numbers ofthese impacts to low-gradient critical reaches, only data fish corresponded to greater depth, wood abun- from such areas were used in these calculations. dance, and increased valley floor width. The For determining the sub-basin HCI, values for the regression equation may therefore be viewed as a three variables represented mean estimates only quantitative indicator ofhabitat condition that from pools within the critical reaches (mean depth, incorporates physical parameters known to be mean wood, constraint at pools in low-gradient important forjuvenile steelhead in the basin. For reaches). For analysis purposes and to simplify the effects analysis, the same equation was used as a interpretation, all generated HCI values were yearling steelhead Habitat Condition Index (HCI). proportionally adjusted to fit on a scale ofzero to one. This process is summarized in the following Values from each tributary on constraint, wood, flowchart: and mean depth were input into the HCI multiple Yearling Steelhead Habitat Model (developed from N. Fork Data) used as a Habitat Condition Index HCI (quantitative indicator of pool habitat condition) HCI equation is used with Data from Critical Reach pools^ in each tributary: mean ofdepth, wood & constraint in pools Input data into HCI equation to derive HCI value for tributaries Bald Mtn Blackberry Butler N Fork* S. Fork Panther Purple Mtn HCI HCI Upper Lower NFk HCI NFk HCI Page 8

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