� usb/MIDI sensor system “With the eobody2, you will be able to create your own instruments, to control and modulate sounds, lights, video, objects and robots. Just follow your imagination!“ “With the Eobody2, our wish was to keep the same early idea of an even more flexible “plug & play” system, but extend it to other applications to make Eobody2 become a versatile inter- face to control sensors as well as relays, gates, step motors... all at the same time.” Eowave and Ircam have been deeply involved into gesture analysis and sensing for a few years by now. Eobody sensor system was created in 2004 and has met a great response from artists. This year, Eowave is proud to introduce Eobody2 usb-MIDI sensor system based on a new communication protocol M2IB (Multiple Interface Interactive Bus) developped by Marc Sirguy (Eowave) and a new range of sensors. The Eobody2 system is not only limited to musicians or performers. With the Eobody1,we have seen a lot of interest for other applications such as healthcare apps, car simula- tors, fireworks triggering, robot apps and step motors control... With the Eobody2, all these application types will be directly accessible from the same core, just by adding the appropriate module (SensorBox, RelayBox, TriggerBox, cvBox...). More modules will be designed in the future. New Domains Of Application Permanent interactive installations With RJ45 connectors, Sensorboxes allow long cables. When Create new instrument externally powered, the Eobody2 system won’t crash if your Pressure gloves, sensored costumes, computer does! familiar objects, sensored tiles will let you trigger audio or video events in real time with a simple gesture. Give a new dimension to Control sound & video your choregraphies and performances with Cyrille Brissot, 2006. Eobody is the perfect interactive solution for all sensored costumes and spaces or create human/machine performances. It can be used new virtual instruments like virtual theremins, for sound synthesis control with the jMax or laser harps... MAX/MSP environments, Reaktor , Reason, Sensors for new gestual control tools Pure Data or any other MIDI softwares... With pressure sensors, digital ribbons, distance, Armageddon To trigger video events in realtime or create electromagnetic field sensors or any other kind c Em Valette 2004. interactive video environments, it can be used of sensors, Eobody is the intermediate to a new with Cycling’74 Jitter or Arkaos VJ. gestual and spacial dimension, the key to a Emilie Simon, 2004. realtime interaction between your body and the external musical or video environment. Control step-motors Welcome into the robot world! Control lights and any other electrical devices Imagine you can control and sequence any electrical devices from any MIDI sequencer like Ableton Live: lights, engines, Sensors as measurement tools fans, fireworks, why not your Mum’s kitchen robot? With Sensors are also very useful for their measurement functions RelayBoxes, it’s now possible and easy! and can be used in different domains such as healthcare, elec- tronic apps... Introducing M2IB new communication protocol New architecture and new needs M2IB (Multiple Interface Interactive Bus) With the idea of developping a modular system around a core M2IB (Multiple Interface Interactive Bus) has been especially unit hosting different modules came the question of the com- developped by Eowave to meet the requirements of Eobody2 munication protocol to be used so modules could communicate system new architecture. M2IB enables synchronous, bidi- simultaneously and in realtime with the core unit. rectionnal simultaneous communication between multiple interfaces. With the Eobody1, a noise gate algorithm and a sub-sampling process extenuated the slow rate of MIDI compared to the SPI based amount of exported datae. Thus, priority was given to sensor, M2IB is based on SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) bus, a and gesture (or sensor) noise could be removed, with significant synchronous serial data link standard designed by Motorola gain on the dataflow bandwidth. But the new modular architec- that operates in full duplex mode. Just like with SPI, M2IB ture of the Eobody2 system required a more powerful solution. enables devices communication in master/slave mode where the master device initiates the data frame. An architecture opened to future protocol compliance Fully MIDI Compliant The choice has been made to use full-speed USB for the Eo- M2IB has been developped to integrate MIDI (Musical Instru- body2 core unit. Though it would be easily adaptable to OSC or ment Digital Interface) protocol chart requirements and is fully any other new protocol. But no matters the protocol being used, MIDI compliant - what makes a perfect protocol for musical the modules will always be compatible with the core unit. instruments devices. No external part needed A High-Speed serial protocol M2IB does not require any external devices. It delivers a high- Compared to MIDI, M2IB allows a dataflow transmission up to speed data transmission rate for an affordable price. 5 MHz (whilst MIDI is limited to 31250 Hz) - what significantly reduces the latency and enable a continuous, simultaneous and synchronous realtime communication between the mod- ules and the core unit. A Modular Architecture to fi t your project CVbox stand-alone controller The Eobody2 new architecture offers a full modular system in terms of number of inputs that can be connected (in theory, up to 128!), but also in terms of applications. With the same core unit, you may imagine plugging different kinds of modules at the same time: a Sensorbox, a Relaybox, a GGllaassss ttiillee Triggerbox and why not a Glass tile stand-alone controller! This modular architecture offers numberless configuration possibilities. Sensorbox Digital Display Triggerbox Relaybox sswwiittcchh jjooyyssttiicckk position move pprreessssuurree ppoott laser lliigghhtt flexion ttteeemmmpppeeerrraaatttuuurrreee Control lights, Drum pads step motors, robots... detection footswitch distance eexxpprreessssiioonn ppeeddaall � core The Eobody2 core unit is the central component of the system. Full Speed USB It is directly connected to your computer via USB and can With full-speed USB, latency has been reduced to 1,5 ms. simultaneously process up to 16 modules datae in real time. With different modules, each dedicated to a special application, Powered via USB 3,3V or external 5V the Eobody2 core unit is the central part of a modular, versatile When plugged to a computer, the unit is powered via 3,3V USB. and flexible interface. The unit can also be powered externally for sensors that need 5V powering (e.g. distance sensors). When powered with 5V, all the modules are also powered with 5V and support any kind of eowave sensors. A 3- position slide switch determines the power status: external– off – USB. A LED indicates the powering status. MIDI compliance makes the eobody2 interface compatible with major music softwares. M2IB, A New Protocol Eobody2 uses a new communication protocol M2IB developped 44 RRJJ4455 iinnppuuttss ttoo pplluugg uupp ttoo 1166 mmoodduulleess by Marc Sirguy, eowave. This new protocole enables simultane- RJ45 connectors are standard cables that can allow long ous high speed communication bewteen modules and the core cables – sometimes very useful for installations. unit. 4 LEDs indicate inputs activity. Software Editor MAC/PC/MacIntel Compatible 4 encoders and 4 switches fully editable can be Settings are made via the software editor featuring presets set- mapped to any MIDI messages. Real-time response. tings per application types (sensors, relays, CVs, triggers). � modules: choose your application! It is possible to connect different module types depending on your specific application. Each module has an internal memory. It’s now possible to store an entire installation or performance setup inside a module and keep it as a back-up unit for a future use. sseennssoorrbbooxx triggerbox Triggerboxes have been especially designed to Sensorboxes host sensors inputs. It is possible to plug trigger applications such as drums triggered by 8 sensors to a Sensorbox. Connexions are 6,35’’ and piezo sensors. They can be connected to any drum are compatible with all Eowave sensors range. Appli- pads and shock sensors for simulating or trigger cations vary in fonction of sensor type from triggering drums. events (sound/video) with on/off sensors such as laser, detection ; modulating sources with continuous sensors like distance or position sensors ; datae measurements (such as temperature, distance, humidity... ). Plug up to 16 sensorboxes Plug up to 16 triggerboxes - 8 inputs 6,35’’ for 8 sensors - 8 inputs 6,35’’ for 8 pads - high resolution up to 12-bit - 1 RJ45 in - 1 RJ45 in/out - 1 activity led - 1 activity led - channel selection - channel selection - internal non volatile memory - internal non volatile memory - power by eobody2 core 3,3V or 5V - power by eobody2 core 3,3V or 5V - special trigger software editor - special sensor software editor rreellaayybbooxx ccvvbbooxx Relayboxes enable to control lights, engines... Their CVboxes can control any controlled voltage output, wide voltage range (250V; 16A) enables to control turning the Eobody2 system in a powerful multi-in nearly al kind of electric devices. usb-to-cv converter. The best tool for all vintage modular synths owners... Plug up to 16 relayboxes Plug up to 16 cvboxes - 8 inputs - 8 inputs 6,35’’ - 8 relays - 1 RJ45 in - 1 RJ45 in - 1 activity led - 1 activity led - channel selection - channel selection - internal non volatile memory - internal non volatile memory - external power 5V - 250 V; 16 A - special cv software editor - power by eobody2 core 3,3V or 5V - special relay software editor - external power is needed to power relays Sensors & New Controllers new controllers glass tile Eobody2 also allows new types shock sensor of stand-alone controllers such digital display as a digital display, a glass tile ultrasonic control interface that you can directly connect to the core unit... sensors detection distance distance touch expression pedal flexion footswitch Gforce joystick laser light movement position potentiometer pressure switch temperature GGllaassss ttiillee ((nneeww!!)) DDeetteeccttiioonn Stand-alone touch surface. This Detection sensors may be very Glass tile does not need to be useful for interactive installations or connected to a SensorBox. danse performances. It is available in different size. Type of sensor: on/off SSHHOOCCKK ((nneeww!!)) DDiissttaannccee Shock sensors can only be used with the Eobody2 Infrared distance sensors modulate TriggerBox. Perfect for drums set. parameters via a modification of distance. One of them can easily have the scenic power of a Theremin… DDiiggiittaall DDiissppllaayy ((nneeww!!)) Can be delivered on a gooseneck to clip anywhere! Digital Display is a 4 digits display you Range available: 20-80 cm can control via your sequencer. Very Type of sensor: continuous useful for a synchronized play. But you may imagine many other use. DDiissttaannccee ttoouucchh Distance touch sensors use a minimal range of detection. They can be used on the keys from a UUllttrraa--ssoonniicc CCoonnttrrooll IInntteerrffaaccee ((nneeww!!)) keyboard (or all other virtual keys) to imitate a real game It’s not possible to use more than one ultra-sonic sensor without touching the keyboard. They are very flexible in a room unless they are synchronized. Ultra-sonic and allow many other application. Control Interface will synchronize up to 4 ultra-sonic Range available: 4-30 cm sensors. Very accurate measure of distance. Type of sensor: continuous