DCN: 2014-ALB-007 US Agency for International Development (USAID) USAID/Albania Amendment to Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Program/Project/Activity Data Activity/Project Name: Albania Critical Economic Growth Areas (ACEGA) Conditions created for broad-based sustainable Assistance Objective: inclusive economic growth Program Area: Economic Growth Country(ies) and/or Operating Unit: USAID/Albania Originating Office: Date: April 21, 2014 PAD Level IEE: Yes No DCN of Original RCE/IEE: 2013-ALB-012 Supplemental IEE: Yes No DCN of Amendment(s): RCE/IEE Amendment: Yes No If Yes, Purpose of Amendment (AMD): To approve the PERSUAP. DCN(s) of All Related EA/IEE/RCE/ER(s): Implementation Start/End: LOP: FY 2014 - 2016 Funding Amount: LOP Amount: $3,000,000 Contract/Award Number (if known): Recommended Environmental Determination: Categorical Exclusion: Positive Determination: Negative Determination: Deferral: Additional Elements: Conditions: Local Procurement: Government to Government: Donor Co-Funded: 1. Purpose of Amendment 1.1. Purpose of Amendment: To approve the Pesticide Evaluation Report and Safe Use Action Plan (PERSUAP). 1.2. The “Strengthening Agricultural Vital Subsectors” ( SAVS) is a program funded by USAID/Albania aiming to stimulate growth in Albania’s agricultural sector. Activities will be focused on five commodities: greenhouse vegetables, watermelon, citrus, olives and medicinal and aromatic plants in the districts of Shkodra, Malësi e Madhe, Lushnja, Fier, Vlora, Saranda, Elbasan and Berat. AAC-Lushnja’s award intends to promote the increased production and marketing for selected commodities by advising farmers and agro-businesses to adopt 1 DCN: 2014-ALB-007 efficient technologies, agricultural practices and marketing for all value chains actors involved. This part is covered under the component 4 and 5 of program analysis in the approved IEE for the APS – specifically component 4 - “Strengthening of producer capacity for competitive commercial farming for selected value chains” and component 5 - “Strengthen capabilities for market development for Albanian farmers and agro-businesses”. The environmental analysis done for component 4 of the IEE, foresaw the preparation and annual update of a Pesticide Evaluation Report & Safe Use Action Plan (PERSUAP) as specified in the approved IEE (DCN: 2013-ALB- 012). Risks and the reduction or mitigation of risks are the drivers for USAID’s environmental procedures. Many types of development projects can increase risks of harm to human health, environment and natural resources, but pesticides pose some of the most significant of these risks, and if used improperly, can threaten access to regional and international markets in the EU. The present 2014 PERSUAP addresses the Condition of the Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Negative Determination regarding the potential financing or use of pesticides, following 22CFR 216.3 (b) Pesticide Procedures. This PERSUAP will closely inform the technical assistance and capacity building for SAVS and their partners. It addresses the following key findings and recommendations: PERSUAP/Allowed Pesticides: The 2014 Albania SAVS PERSUAP evaluates pesticides that could be potentially supported (use on demo trials, promotion during training, financing, procurement) with project and partner resources, as well as those that cannot be supported, with reasons that they cannot be supported. Safety Training/Equipment: Recommend that SAVS and partners that support the use pesticides on demo trials, promote the use of pesticides to farmers, or procure pesticides for farmers perform pesticide safety training and use of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE). Spray Services: Recommend that SAVS promote and support the concept and use of pesticide spray services that have well-trained and PPE-protected spray personnel. Good Agriculture Practices: Recommend that SAVS staff promote the use of state of the art Good Agriculture Practices (GAPs) for each of the three crops, including use of high yielding and quality seed, soil fertility testing and conservation, plant nutritional needs to grow healthy crops, proper water use, crop rotation, clean storage and marketing. Pest Management Plans/Integrated Pest Management: Recommend that SAVS promote the use of state of the art (used by many international, national and state extension services) pest management plans (PMPs) containing major pests/diseases/weeds of each target crop, with preventive non-chemical Integrated Pest Management (IPM) tools/tactics, registered synthetic pesticides, as well as any artisanal and registered natural pesticides available. 2 DCN: 2014-ALB-007 1.3. All conditions of the original IEE remain in effect. With this Amendment, all existing reporting requirements shall remain in place, for instance, any monitoring or reporting timelines stated in the EA or other existing EMMPs remain in place as do requirements for submittal by the implementing partner of Records of Compliance with Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plans at the close of activities. 1.4. This project is currently in compliance. 2. Recommended Environmental Threshold Decision Clearances: _ Approval : ____________________________________ ___________________ Marc ELLINGSTAD, Acting Mission Date Director Clearance: ____________________________________ ___________________ Kristaq V. JORGJI , Mission Environmental Date Officer Clearance : ____________________________________ ___________________ Kristaq V. JORGJI, Activity Manager AOR Date Concurrence: ____________________________________ ___________________ Mark Kamiya Date E&E Bureau Environmental Officer Distribution: IEE File MEO (to also provide a copy to AOR/COR) 3 DCN: 2014-ALB-007 FOR THE “STRENGHTENING AGRICULTURAL VITAL SECTORS” (SAVS) PROJECT ( IEE’S DCN: 2013-ALB-012) IMPLEMENTED BY AAC-LUSHNJA, ALBANIA 4 DCN: 2014-ALB-007 2014 Albania Strengthening Agricultural Vital Subsectors (SAVS) Program PERSUAP (Pesticide Evaluation Report & Safe Use Action Plan) For: Albanian Agriculture Competitiveness (AAC)-Lushnja Dates of Study: February 10-21, 2014 By: Alan Schroeder, PhD, MBA Environmental Assessment Professional [email protected] Business cell phone: 703-859-1676 Skype VOIP: happywildwarthog and Astrit Balliu, PhD Agricultural University of Tirana Horticultural Department (Head) Koder Kamez 1029, Tirana, Albania Phone: 00355 6860 22105 [email protected] 5 DCN: 2014-ALB-007 ACRONYMS AAC Albania Agriculture Competitiveness (DAI Project) AACL Albanian Agricultural Competitiveness –Lushnja (Albanian NGO) AI Active Ingredient (reference to chemical/s in pesticides) AOR Agreement Officer’s Representative (USAID) APS Annual Program Statement (USAID) BEO Bureau Environmental Officer (USAID) BMP Best Management Practice BT Bacillus thuringiensis (a bacteria that produces a toxin that is used as a pesticide) CCD Colony Collapse Disorder CFR Code of Federal Regulations (USA) CLI Crop Life International (private sector pesticide companies trade association) COP Chief of Party (USAID) COR Contracting Officer’s Representative (USAID) DAI Development Alternatives Incorporated DCN Document Number (USAID documentation system) E Emulsion (a pesticide formulation) EA Environmental Assessment EC Emulsifiable Concentrate (pesticide formulation) EC50 Effective Concentration 50 (acute toxicity measure) EMMP Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plan (USAID) EPA US Environmental Protection Agency (also known as USEPA) ESP Environmental Services Payment (WB) ETOA Environmental Threats and Opportunities Analysis (biodiversity/forestry study) EU European Union FAA Foreign Assistance Act FAO Food and Agriculture Organization (United Nations) FDA Food and Drug Administration (USA) FIFRA Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (USA) FRAC Fungicide Resistance Action Committee G Granular (a pesticide formulation) GAP Good Agriculture Practice GlobalGAP Global Good Agriculture Practices, a certification system GMO Genetically Modified Organism GUP General Use Pesticide Ha Hectares HRAC Herbicide Resistance Action Committee HT Highly Toxic ID Identification IEAP International Environmental Assessment Professional IEE Initial Environmental Examination (USAID) IGR Insect Growth Regulator IP Implementing Partner IPM Integrated Pest Management IPMP Integrated Pest Management Plan (WB) IRAC Insecticide Resistance Action Committee LC50 Lethal Concentration 50 (acute toxicity measure) LD50 Lethal Dose 50 (acute toxicity measure) M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MEO Mission Environmental Officer (USAID) 6 DCN: 2014-ALB-007 MOA Ministry of Agriculture MRL Maximum/Minimum Residue Level/Limit MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet MSL Meters above Sea Level MT Moderately Toxic NAT Not Acutely Toxic NCAT National Center for Appropriate Technology (USA) NEPA National Environmental Policy Act (USA) NGO Non-Governmental Organization NIFA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USA) OD Oil Dispersion (a pesticide formulation) PAN Pesticide Action Network (pesticide NGO) PEA Programmatic Environmental Assessment (USAID) PER Pesticide Evaluation Report PERSUAP Pesticide Evaluation Report and Safe Use Action Plan pH log of Hydrogen concentration, measure of acidity PHI Pre-Harvest Interval PIC Prior Informed Consent (a treaty, relates to toxic pesticides) POPs Persistent Organic Pollutants (a treaty, relates to toxic persistent pesticides) PMP Pest Management Plan PMT Project Management Team (WB) PNT Practically Non-Toxic PPE Personal Protection Equipment QC Quality Control R&D toxin Reproductive and Developmental toxin REA Regional Environmental Advisor Reg 216 Regulation 216 (USAID Environmental Procedures) REI Re-Entry Interval (safety period after pesticide spraying) RUP Restricted Use Pesticide SAVS Strengthening Agricultural Vital Subsectors Program SC Suspension Concentrate (a pesticide formulation) SL Soluble Liquid (a pesticide formulation) S&C Standards and Certification SO Strategic Objective SOW Scope of Work ST Slightly Toxic SUAP Safe Use Action Plan UC University of California UN United Nations UNEP United Nations Environment Program USAID United States Agency for International Development USDA United States Department of Agriculture USEPA US Environmental Protection Agency (also known as EPA) VHT Very Highly Toxic WB World Bank WDG Water Dispersible Granule (a pesticide formulation) WHO World Health Organization (United Nations) WP Wettable Powder (a pesticide formulation, usually for fungicides) WPA Wildlife Protected Areas 7 DCN: 2014-ALB-007 Table of Contents ACRONYMS 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 11 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 12 COMPILATION OF 12‐FACTOR ANALYSIS PRIMARY CONCLUSIONS & ACTIONS 13 TABLE 1: INSECTICIDES (KILL INSECTS) 2014 PERSUAP ANALYSES FINDINGS 15 TABLE 2: ACARICIDES (KILL MITES AND TICKS) 2014 PERSUAP ANALYSES FINDINGS 16 TABLE 3: MOLLUSCICIDES (KILL SLUGS AND SNAILS) 2014 PERSUAP ANALYSES FINDINGS 17 TABLE 4: NEMATOCIDES (KILL NEMATODES) 2014 PERSUAP ANALYSES FINDINGS 17 TABLE 5: RODENTICIDES (KILL RATS, MICE AND VOLES) 2014 PERSUAP ANALYSES FINDINGS 17 TABLE 6: FUNGICIDES (KILL FUNGAL DISEASES) 2014 PERSUAP ANALYSES FINDINGS 17 TABLE 7: HERBICIDES (KILL WEEDS) & PLANT GROWTH REGULATORS (PGR) ANALYSES FINDINGS 19 HOW TO USE THIS PERSUAP EFFICIENTLY 20 UPDATE THE REPORT ANNUALLY AND AMEND THE REPORT IN TWO YEARS 20 SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION 21 1.1 PURPOSE, SCOPE & ORIENTATION 21 1.2 USAID ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS DEVELOPMENT 21 1.3 22 CFR 216.3(B) (REGULATION 216) 22 1.4 THE PESTICIDE EVALUATION REPORT AND SAFER USE ACTION PLAN (PERSUAP) 22 1.5 INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT—USAID POLICY 23 1.6 ALBANIA SAVS/SUB‐GRANTEES/PARTNERS PERSUAP METHODOLOGY 23 SECTION 2: BACKGROUND 24 2.1 ALBANIA COUNTRY AND AGRICULTURE BACKGROUNDS 24 8 DCN: 2014-ALB-007 2.2 AACL SAVS PROJECT BACKGROUND 27 2.3 INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT AND PERSUAP PRECEDENTS 28 2.4 ALBANIA PESTICIDE SYSTEM RISKS AND AREAS FOR IMPROVEMENT 29 SECTION 3: PESTICIDE EVALUATION REPORT (PER) 31 3.1 FACTOR A: USEPA REGISTRATION STATUS OF THE PROPOSED PESTICIDE 31 3.2 FACTOR B: BASIS FOR SELECTION OF PESTICIDES 33 3.3 FACTOR C: EXTENT TO WHICH THE PROPOSED PESTICIDE USE IS, OR COULD BE, PART OF AN IPM PROGRAM 34 3.4 FACTOR D: PROPOSED METHOD OR METHODS OF APPLICATION, INCLUDING THE AVAILABILITY OF APPLICATION AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT 35 3.5 FACTOR E: ANY ACUTE AND LONG‐TERM TOXICOLOGICAL HAZARDS, EITHER HUMAN OR ENVIRONMENTAL, ASSOCIATED WITH THE PROPOSED USE, AND MEASURES AVAILABLE TO MINIMIZE SUCH HAZARDS 36 3.6 FACTOR F: EFFECTIVENESS OF THE REQUESTED PESTICIDE FOR THE PROPOSED USE 37 3.7 FACTOR G: COMPATIBILITY OF THE PROPOSED PESTICIDE USE WITH TARGET AND NON‐TARGET ECOSYSTEMS. 39 3.8 FACTOR H: CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE PESTICIDE IS TO BE USED, INCLUDING CLIMATE, GEOGRAPHY, HYDROLOGY, AND SOILS 41 3.9 FACTOR I: AVAILABILITY OF OTHER PESTICIDES OR NON‐CHEMICAL CONTROL METHODS 43 3.10 FACTOR J: HOST COUNTRY’S ABILITY TO REGULATE OR CONTROL THE DISTRIBUTION, STORAGE, USE, AND DISPOSAL OF THE REQUESTED PESTICIDE 44 3.11 FACTOR K: PROVISION FOR TRAINING OF USERS AND APPLICATORS 44 3.12 FACTOR L: PROVISION MADE FOR MONITORING THE USE AND EFFECTIVENESS OF EACH PESTICIDE 45 SECTION 4: PESTICIDE SAFER USE ACTION PLAN (SUAP) 47 4.1 INTRODUCTION 47 4.2 ALLOWED PESTICIDES 47 4.3 USAID FIELD MONITORING REQUIREMENT 51 4.4 SUMMARY OF COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS (SAFER USE MEASURES) 51 9 DCN: 2014-ALB-007 ANNEX 1: MATRIX OF ALBANIA SAVS CROPS WITH PRIMARY PRODUCTION CONSTRAINTS, PERSUAP‐RECOMMENDED PEST PREVENTION GAP/IPM TACTICS & PERSUAP‐RECOMMENDED CURATIVE TOOLS AND TACTICS 53 ANNEX 2. GUIDELINES FOR PEST MANAGEMENT PLANS (PMPS) FOR ALBANIA CROPS AND BENEFICIARIES 68 ANNEX 3. ELEMENTS OF INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT (IPM) PROGRAM 71 ANNEX 4. BOTANICAL ACTIVE INGREDIENTS IN PESTICIDES, REPELLENTS, AND BAITS REGULATED BY USEPA 74 ANNEX 5. NATURAL PESTICIDES THAT HAVE BEEN COMMERCIALIZED 76 ANNEX 6. ACUTE TOXICITY OF PESTICIDES: EPA AND WHO CLASSIFICATIONS 77 ANNEX 7: PERSUAP ANALYSES OF ACTIVE INGREDIENTS IN PESTICIDES REGISTERED IN ALBANIA 79 ANNEX 8. TRAINING TOPICS AND SAFE PESTICIDE USE WEB RESOURCES 87 ANNEX 9. FIELD MONITORING FORM FOR FARMER BEST PRACTICES INCLUDING GAP AND IPM OPTIONS 89 ANNEX 10: FARM AND PROJECT RECORD KEEPING ASSOCIATED WITH PESTICIDE USE 91 ANNEX 11: PERSUAP REFERENCES 94 ANNEX 12: 2013 ALBANIA REGISTERED PESTICIDES LIST 96 ANNEX 13: 2013 ALBANIA SAVS PROJECT EMMP 103 10