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Preview USAF: AF(C)

AF(C)-1-1 COPY NO. ___ fliGHT MANUAL MODELS U-2C and.U-2F AIRCRA" !llOTICE THIS REVISlON, DATED 10 MAY 1967, SUPERSEDES FLIGHT ~"'ffAL AF (C)-1-1 DATED 15 DECEMBER 1966, CHA."'iGED 15 FEBRUARY 1967. THIS CHANGE, DATED 15 OCTOBER 1968, AFFECTS INFORMATION n. IN SECTION DESTROY SUPERSEDED DATA IN ACCORD~""lCE WITH AFR-205-1. LATEST CHAHGm PAGES SUPBSEDE THE SAME PAGES OF PHVIOUS OA. TE ...... ~~-- 0 as o....r ... *'~ 10 MAY 1967 Changed 15 October 1968 AF (C)-1-1 NOTE Tk ...,_ ., - llnll .." '" ..,. ... ~ ...... iliST OF EFFEGJVE PAGESf C...S by • --nr.l '-ia clllr -" _,._. el rlllr .-.r J-- - - - - - - - - - - ; ..... l_.••• a.wrn a.. ..e 4 ...... O.drey ~...-"11 TOTAl fofUIUl• Of PAGIS IN TMts J>UalJCATlON I:S 310 CONJUTIMG Of TMI FOU.OWlNG= Pa2~ • 'o. !ssce Page . •o. !ssue 15 Oct b8 Z-14 thru 2-17 1 Sept 68 •A 15 Oct os Z-18 iliru 2-19 b Nov 67 OB (Adaed) !5 Oct o8 2-20 1 Sept 68 C (Bhnk) ~ Sept 68 2-21 Origi.Dal I thr..: \. Ortg.n.a.l Z-Zl o ~·o .. 67 v1 B~ank) Ortg.aal 2-2.3 thru 2-25 1 Sept o8 !-1 I Sept 68 2-2o Ortginal 1 -2 thru 1-3 Or:gtn.al Z-27 l Sept 68 I --i 1 Sept 66 Z-28 thru 2-29 Ongtnal 0 • o7 1-:S 'O'Io' *Z-30 15 Oct o8 1-oth:u!-7 Or.gi.nal Z-31 !hru l-32 Ortgtnal 1- I ::,:::pt 68 2-33 1 Sept o8 1-9 :.h.ru ! -10 o . 'o"· o7 2-3..; :.hru 2-35 6 • •ov o1 1-J OA (Added) o ~ 'ov 67 2-36 (Blank) Ortginal I -1 OB Blank) o. ·ov 67 2-37 thru 2-o5 (Deleted) 6 Nov 67 1-11 o Nov o7 3-: thru 3-4 1 Sept 68 l - 12 Origmal 3--lA (Added) 1 Sept o8 ! -13 0 ~O'Io t7 3-4B ( B la.JljoJ 1 Sept 68 l-H On;.nal 3-5 1 Sept o8 on 1-15 J Sept 3-o thru 3-7 Orsgmal On<».na! 3-8 o No'· o7 -!7 o. O\' o7 .3-9 thru 3-!0 Ortginal !-.s ~ 1-2o Ortginal 3-11 0 • OV 67 I -21 lhru 1-22 1 Sept o8 3-l Z t.h=u 3-!o Ortgtna1 1-~3 :hru ! -2o Or. .nal 3-11 thrn 3-ll 1 Sepc os 0 !-27 1 S.:t.>t 0~ 3-ZZ thru 3-Zo Or.gtoal 1-28 tiu'u l -29 Orsgtnal 3-27 1 Sept 6fs ! -30 1 Sept os 3-28 Ortgmal ! -31 th:u 1-32 Original 3-29 1 Sept os . -33 thru : -3; I Sc:pt 68 3-30 lbru 3-3.; Origtnal ;-35 Or.g.nal 3-3:, 15 Aug o& 1-Jo 1 Sept 68 3-36 I Sept o8 J-3&.6.. tiJru I-36B J-r 15 Aug o8 (Added) 1 Sept o8 3-J8 thru 3-39 Orig.nal l - l7 1 Sept 68 3-'iO o !':ov b1 1-38 thru )-..;9 Or.g.n."l 3-... t thru 3-66 (Ddeu:d) o Nov 67 I-SO Blank) OribiD..3l ~-1 Or1ginal ! -1 0 -·ov o7 4-2. o 'ov 67 2-2 Ongtnal 4-3 5 July o7 2-3 ! Sept o8 4-4 r.hru. 4-6 1 St:pt o8 2--i tbru Z-5 Origin:\1 4-6A thru 4-oB (Added) l Sept 68 2-o th~u 2-!0 J Sept 68 4-7 lhru ,;_zo Ortgtnal Z-11 b. 'ov 67 4-21 6 .'ov 67 ! - ll UlrU l -!3 Onginal 4 -Z2 th-?U 4-28 Or,etna! A Changed 15 Octobe~ 1 Qo8 AF (C)-1-1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • •• SECURITY CLASSIFICATION •I • • I I SPECIFIC ~S7RUC7:0~"S FOR SAFEGUARDu·c •• •I TH!S • I I • MIL.:TARY !NFORMAT.:OX • • • This document is ~C!...ASS2!E::>. !ts disse.mination and handling. I I boweve::-. will be on an established "need-to-k:ww"' basis. B)~ I I I direction oi the Chief of Staff. USAF. the following pobcies wi'!.~ •• govern its use. dissemination and band~ing: •I • • I 1 7hls doclL"llent may be issued to ?e:-sons possessing an estab!.!shed I 1 • need-to-know. • accountabiti~ ; Sttict will be maintained of all copies issued. : • • I I This document wi!.! be control!ed in a rr.anner that '\lo·ill preven: i:s I I loss. desttuctton. o::- its falling into the hands oi unauthorized I I pe:-sons. I I I I 1 In the event this document is tost or destroyed. this ract v.-Ut oe I I repor:ed to the a!!ice o! issue and/or to the Co-rnma:1der responsiole I 1 1 • !or :he c-.1stody of the materiaL • • • I I •I •I I I •I •I • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ' i AF (C)-1-1 The following de!inttions apply tO tile Warning. Cautions. and Notes found :h:oughout the handbook. O?erating procedures. pracuces. etc •• which WARNING will resu!:. in personal inJUry or loss o! E!e if no:: carefully followee. O?e:-ating procedures. prac:.ices. etc .• wh!ch CAUTION :I :10~ sL.,ctly obser,.·ed W:L resul:. io damage !.o equi?Jnelit. NOTE An operating procedure. condition. etc .• which i: is essential to en1pbasiz.e. \ AF (C)-1-! CODING This Flight Manual covers 0-ZC and U -ZF mode. se~ies aircraft. A coding system to identify that part o! the manual pertaining to individual aircraft models is ?resented below: Tex~ and illustrations a??licabte co all aircraft ~nodels are not coded. Text and iUust:ra.tlons app~icable to i::tC.:.·.•idua! aucraft models are identified as U-ZC or U-l.F, @ @. respectively, or coded with the letters or Ei AF (C)-1-1 AF (C)-1-1 · TABLE OF CONTENTS · PAG~ SECTIO-. I :::>ESCRIPTIO. • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • 1-1 SEC':'IO. ~ ll -·o&MAL PROC-:-DUR.ES . . . . . . . . . • • . Z-1 ·cy SECT!.o.· !!I E~'ffiRGE. ?ROCE!>URES . . • . . • . . 3-1 SEC7!0. ... IV A DESCRlPTIVN ArD OPERATION OF AUXll.lARY ".EQtr...P.MENT . • • . . • . . • • . 4-1 SEC7!0.· !V B DESCRIP:'IO. • A-a> OP.E.iL-\. TIO~ OF PH070GRA?H:C -~m .:.U.:: ·-;: EQUIPME).""'!" • . • . • • . • . • • • • • . . • • . • • . -:-I (UXDER SEPARA:-.E COVER) SECTio.· Y OPERATING LIM!':'AT!O.o ·s . . . . . . . . . 5-l SECTION V! FLIGH':' CHA.RAC7ER.;STICS . . • . . . . . 6-1 SEC :'10! • vn SYSTEMS OPERA ':'10.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . -; -1 SECTION VI!! CR.E\V DUTIES (~ •oT APPL:CABLE) . 8-1 SECTio.· IX ALL WEATHER OPERA710.. . . . . . . . . 9-1 APPEXDIX I PERFOR.M.AYC..::. 'JA'!A ... •. •. •• . •.• A-1 INDEX ALPHABETICAL . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . • . X-1 v/ v! A:: (C)-1-1 I DESCRIPTION: SECTION TABLE OF Co.·:-EX7S PAGE PAGE ............ .. .. . 'I'l iE AlRC RAF 7 • • • • • • • • • . • • . • l-1 ~-c F:-~os l-l8 EXG.:..~ .••...••.• . ....•.• •..• 1-4 RETRAC':"ABLE STALL S7RI?S l -28 :2::"\"Gl.."\"E FUEL SYS7E.M ..•....• 1-4 SPEED BRAKES ..•...... . ... .. 1-29 E-·c~"E OIL SYSTE.M ........ . 1-7 1-A4""1DU'G GEAR . •... ..... .... l-29 NOR..'\fAL IG""":TlO~ SYSTE.M 1-9 STEER:l.G SYSTE~i ........ . . . 1-30 CO. ·n.,tGOUS IG.fiTION ... . ... . 1-9 WHEEL BRAKES ..•.•.......• . l-30 S:"ARTER SYS':'EM ••. . ..•. . . .. 1-9 DRAG CHU7E . . .......... .• ... 1-30 I::XTERCO~!PRESSOR BLEED SYS 1-10 U ·sTRUME. . 75 .............. . 1-32 E~G~~ DJSTRt;~!E. •Ts •••• ••• • 1-10 FIRE WARl'CNG SYS7E~i ..... . 1-45 A:-~L~'-"'E FUE.:... SYS7E~i .••••• l-11 SPEED WAR.:W:G SYS':"E.M •••.. 1--iO I ELECTR.:CAL SYS:'EM •• •• ••••• 1-19 CA.."'lOPY .•. ...........•...... 1-~ HYDRAULIC SYS':"EM . ••••• •••• 1-24 AUXILIARY EQUIP• • t£. --: .. ... . 1-47 F:_:GH':' CON7RO~ SYS7E~i •••• 1-26 THE AIRCRAFT APPROXllt.AT£ GROSS \"EIGH7S The U -2C and U-ZF are stngle place jet Condition Gross Wetght aircralt designee for high altitude. long range operaoon. The U-ZF is air refuel U-ZC U-2F abte. Both models can be equtpped with "sli?per" anti dro? tan.&s. Full matn and 20.680 lb lO. CJSO lb empty au.x tanks 7 he baste configuration is fit:ee for photo (1020 gat) re-coona!ssance. Other equipment can also be aostaHed for special purposes. Refer to Full main and ll. 650 lb ll. 950 tb figures 1- 1 and 1-Z for general configura full awe tanks tion informauon. (1320 gat z.;.z;o Full main. aux 23. 970 lb lb .3A.S:C DD.i.EXS!OXS and shp?er tanks (ISZO gal) v.·ing Area .....•••. . .. ..•. 600 sq ft Full main. ailJC, l3, iiO lb l{, llO lb V.'tng Span . . .. ... ....... . . . 80ft and dro? tanks Aspect Ratio .....•........ 10.67 (1520 gat) ,.,.tog Average Tiuckness 1.8~ F<.1se~age :..engti:J. 49 ... ft ' Zero fuel weight 13 s-o tb 14. 110 !~ C~r:gerl ' Se?te.tnbe:- 19o8 l-1 SEC7!0N l .::...:.= (C -1- l FLAP SCR.E'1JJA CK OJUTI: ACCESS TY~ 0 Oi!.QPTI,V•'X· CA~- ~C ~:.. n· • E'" CAPS _J .ua cosmna....-.c ~a:AT £XCHA.~ COCl!.!NG A!ll EXRACST A!ll CO:."Dl~G COl.lPAll"!'"l.l.Oo T I:OVlPl:Dr:" BAT l.!PP.EA HA"!Ci" BAl' PA£5St!aE R£GU!.A.TO't .PilESSt...a.E SAFETY VALVE TAc:"!C..U.. £Ql."lPWOOT ln{F AA.l)JO £C\o:P~~ ATCTRA..~Eil VHF l!.A:IlO ECUIPWO:T ~ COMPAJLTMOC': ACC!::SS.- -.. ACTOP'..L07 5TS"''£:W (l llAD!O COMPASS a.I:Cl:!"•'l:R KF itADJO Ta.A.~CEIY£Jl .EOCP»L'O' !lAY I..O'ii"ER KATOI 1\DT S£1!QE M-'"1 ES'A L AUXll..lARY GI:Ail E~U.I: Oh. . COO~II. AlA SCOOP £XT!:JU'At. AC A.''D !)C ECEPTACL£ POGOSJ ANTtCOL.LJSlC.. :.A. ... t.:GKT MA.L'4 LAJC)~ C!:.AA o.:G~E COMPA..Rn.to.""7 ' Figure 1-1 1-2 AF (C)-1-1 SEC7!0N - GENERAl CO FIGURATIO \OOEl U-2f :rt.'S£1.AGl: I.:PPE:R IFA:IU:'-"G AilS (A1:A!A1.. iil.E:Ft.~G SYST~, a£CEPrACLE A.£iUAL a£1FO~ GC!!)£ ..!CHTS 2r.'D£ZVOL'S S£AOO.S A.~ A..~D<XA o. aT-J HF ii.AD!O rt."N£11. :aY 1G.A riO.S UCHT ~l: AOC£5S t..,_"D£Jt F ABI.-.c; ~Col., ESGI.s£ Ol.L Fl.l..L£it ACC:E:SS -. /\; DJLOP TA!Ot (tOO GA1J Sl..IPPDl TA.."'t (100 GAL E:QCIPloiC."T 8A Y trPP£it HATCH BA' t Pit.£.5s::a.E: a.£GULA-:"Oa PaE:SSUR£ SAFETY VAL.V£ A~!3." CXGJN ADnt n£X~H~A CBSE"Ar T EXCRA.~ Tt.' AHICF ~RCAADL!O O :lti::!:PQtWll.P£::0.&.-~:'"T A TC TaA....:SPOSD£.it VRF aA.D.:O ::c~-r FIT:e:t.. StJWP "tA..'vQ!: ··~ HF ii.AD:O "-'-;c.,~ ~ <Xl~Aa:n.te-'T A.G f"" At:'TO~T STS'::'"<'_..lol 12 ~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~=l====::~;:==~~==~~;~~:.. ii.AD!O COJ.l.PASS iU:C!:JVE:Jl Hi' MD!O ~~ll A!lF ~£ ,._.,-; ~.... .... m!::a.'(AL AC A..'\D DC a£c::?TACJ....E:s Figure 1-Z l -3

SEC':'lON I. Chac.ged 1 Se?tember 1968. 1-Z!. Gt:s: control - F A.l.~D::: mina! When the switch !.abe!ed BFO is o:1.. tt e!1ab!es. :-eception oi
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