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Preview US V Mckreith Trial Day 4

rILEDby nr appeals-----------^ 'S. M«V 3 0 1 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT Cctei»tKm uoc se MDI«SoT.o oCvT . SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA S Of n* MU*M 2 3 4 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 5 CASE NUMBER PLAINTIFF, 01-6095-CR-WDP 6 vs. 7 WILBERT McRRBITH, VOLUME 4 Of 6: 8 PAGES 809-1069 Defendant. 9 10 TRANSCRIPT of JURY TRIAL had befor eTHE HONORABLE 11 JOSE A. GONZALEZ, JR. ,in For tLauderdal eB,roward County , 12 Florid ao,n Monday, Dacaaber 16, 2002, in the above-styl ed * •' 13 matter. APPEARANCES : FOR THE GOVERNMENT; BERTHA MITRANI, ROGER STEFIN, Assista nUt.S. Attorneys FOR THE DEFENDANT; JOHN HOWES, ESQ. 18 19 20 ANITA LaROCCA 21 OFFICIAL COURT REPORTER U. S. COURTHOUSE 22 299 E. BROWARD BLVD., 205-D FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 33301 23 954 769-5568 24 25 »1 810 1 OtfwM adilblc lUitaer 21 ......................................... ... 869 21 3 3 Ottew* BOUblC arbor 22 ......................................... 6 3 3 □ofonoo Bdiibic tuiber 23 ......................................... 23 ACS ISOS ................................... . 8U 4 4 □oteao Qdutalt Mrtaft 24 ......................................... ... 872 19 QxM-Banlnitlon By 5 E MM 6 Ocaa-BoRiinatiai By 6 OMMimt Bdiibit HiibsB llO-A and llO-B___ ... 899 19 7 Hr. Mum ......................................... 814 7 ... 901 U 8 B/ ftt.e dSUteBfClnt B.a...i..o..n...t..l..a..n.............. . 8S7 8 .. 1010 10 » RecroM-Bcandiiaciai 9 OLWillOl*. BOUblt Miiben 2-D, 2-F, 3-1, By ft. itatM ................................. . 910 ard 2-II ............................................................................... 1018 8 10 iv Olncc acenlMtlen By Ogftinrn BMMt Hnben VB3-P, VB3-K. ad u ft. Btofln ..................................... . 921 11 TO-L................................................................................... S u OoM-Bcaainaciai By 13 OwoiTwrt Milbic Mrbers VM-P, IBI-K. ft. ttUM ......................................... 945 VB44f................................................................................... u 13 14 14 IW-D, VB5-H .................................................................... 18 Ibir DLn BanLnaUan ty 15 ft. seefift ....................................... . 922 IS Qawooront Bihitiic aabera VB7-K, W74 W7-0. W7-J. VB7-I ........................................................ 1039 6 u voir DLie Baidncim by IS 17 ft. Mum ........................................... 944 17 OimM-ER,T oVnBt 8B-Fd.i.l.M....C... ..H....m....b..e..n... .V....B...8..-.a... ..V..B...8..-.H...,.............. 13 RIOMS VOESt BiUHXE .............. 961 U 18 Oowmnc BOUbU airfaer 7-B ............................... .. 1044 39 QLrect Banlnaciai By 19 ft. Stefln ..................................... . 961 19 (toftLi'iiMU. BdilUt arbor 1B3-0............................. 11 30 30 OownnNic BOilbic arbezo W-l ard VH-2........... 17 31 mt m MMiiw 21 33 23 33 Oefcnw BddbLc Hntar 3........... 11 23 34 Defsne Bdiitalt Hnbft 5........... 11 34 35 Detewe BAltHc Kster 20......... 10 35 1 (oeuct eollod eo crdK ut 9iOS o-a.] 1 ft. H3UM. 2 ve caRT: Good noDUrg, lartloo and gaKlioan. 2 Ht. KSBSi ThaSc >cu. Your Mrer. 3 ft. ICueo, are )oi ready? 3 (aoaa mnuad'im 4 I«. tOCS: Judge, I need juot a ndnca wich ay 4 Bf Nt. KMBS: 8 dim. S 0. ft. lawia, yoj me alao urajlvod in the aeaich of the 6 HE COURT: Ci»y. Ready? « deferdm'a zeaidaiee en ftreital Amue, corect? 7 I have a cnoMoga fron jurer arbor 1. 3, 3. 4, 7 A. ft, air. 8 fta. Sovloy. She'd U)« to -- her huaCand naodo a peemlar. 8 0. you ate the egm «to ei9)ed the return at the intencecy 9 a»'o tha tociiod legal oeczetaiy. And she'o allied if ue could 9 fer that aeerdi, ccctect? 10 tooeaa tencrtew eftamsan ty 3 o'clock if uo'ro actll hero. 10 A. YBa. air. u' So I'm 93ing to tell her thac of ocutae uo can <b u g. Ocay. IW caae agm, you are leECWlble for the o«call u that, eo da cat ^ get her tuftad'e pacaaim put in. But I 13 tha^» rd txlng ttac to >cur actaKiai. u A. Yea. eir. 14 And. ft. lewia. ycu're at. 14 g. ftte you ever at the Ktmval raeidme? IS All n^. Wdan aedc. bring the jury in, plMoe. IS A. ft. U Uay antace tlie ocurtnoa). IS g. tSd you aver gi by the ftndvAl zaaldanee? 17 TIE SlRT: WaiUiiH of the JUry, ^od namUig. I hope 17 A. Ym. 18 ycu had a nice ueekerd. 18 g, But you ueze never ineide of It? 19 HB're rMdy to proceed with tha aoaa>OMmLnatian of 19 A. Thet'e oarrect. 30 ft. lawia. 30 g. Ctay. kith remcc to that aaezeh. you're familiar with 21 rami wni0a vHvmwjr araf 21 the Itoie that ueze takmi from thK reeidenee, coanct? 23 HE aiKT: ft. lawia. you tan amn laec weak. 23 A. yae, air. 33 nu'n ranttded. eir. that )ou are tcill tidar oath. 33 g. YOU. likewiae, are fsi&liar with the itane tatan fzon the 34 HE HTDES8: YM, air. 34 69th Terrace raaidence? 25 HE OSUtT: And v«u nay croaa-eMattfa tha aicnaaa. 25 A. ftciect. 1 ^ Atb thsre aiy cmectin that yaa «euld 1D» to nlw to 1 A. yes. 2 cbe agn — ceRlmv <3^ Sagsr m to <Mt «m aelMd 2 Q. Oc^. you also arzescad tha dafendnc. oerzaei? } tran chat realdence? 3 A. ODCxaec. 4 A. I dart think -- 4 Q. itan you azzascad the defentat, you code a aaelM of Itn S Ht. saraii Ojjectlai to tha fecn of tha Tarim 5 cf (azaoal lanatty fzcin hi-n; ia that oorzaec? e HB aUCT: Suatalned. 6 A. yes. 7 8f Ht. 10C8: 7 g. Such aa taey«7 e Q. %u aza tha affiant on the aeaieh tamnta? 8 A. yea. 9 A. wa. 9 g. Telephcnea? 10 Q. YCxj aia tha affiant oi the zeturo to tha ODuzt on tha 10 A. yea. u wair± Mivanta. ccaaact? n g. Bs^aza? 12 A. vaa. 12 A. yes. U Q. So you mtoar mder oath on the zaaon <zi tha naztfi 13 g. McdasT 14 fZT»Ke that the Itos aa Uatad therein are tha iua thee 14 A. I dai't zaeall if he had a tocdi oi. he e^ haw. or If 1 IS are aaUad fzon bouse? 15 tccA one £rcn hlA. 16 A. ^zact. 16 g. NDw, baCora court started this aeaning. I adod you if all 17 Q. And )ou <±> that baaed i^cn jour tosaladgar 17 tha uBCdas wa ip hare, eerrex? le A. yea. 16 A. YM. 19 0- Mid the iaxwladge or ard the infoznaclai prodded to yoj by 19 g. And you told na. yae, taut for one eaceh that's not beat 20 ochazt? 20 plaoad Into evldenoe, caczecc? 21 A. Cbzrect. 21 22 0. So «tai you aaore at the return at the Inwantery of the 22 g. And chat ana MCeh chat has not best placed into eddence 23 aeazA at ttrtliaat 69th Ttetiaue aa to ehat «aa eel tad, you 23 la a lOud sll>«r «acdi with niifaaza on the outside: la that a 34 Maze ctolrq ao based tyn «4ac both you ioiaw and i4iac other 24 fair ilaan IpriiTi of it? 25 agwea had told you.- la that cczzect? 25 A. YSs. IIIA 1 Q. Oov- 1 g. tut a ndmea now. laC's don’t go with probataUitlsa. CO 2 Wt. IOCS: my I ^tauadi. JU^7 2 you torn dMza It is? 3 13C CCURT: Yea. sir. 3 A. He. 4 BY Ht. >OB: 4 g. Omy. Wan you Bl^ad the liMnccry of iuna Ccr the S Q. Let na Cm you a cepy cd a djonaiL and aCt you if you S saazdi oi April 26th, you atpaated before Jiz^ am. oorzact? racoptlta chat? € A. Oozacc. 7 A. yw. 7 g. And OI April 26th. you acre bafera her tfaK the iiMnury s 0. And That da you zeoogiiae that to ba. air? 9 9 A. TTiLM it a cep/ or a pi^perty racalpt that t fiUao cut tar 9 th6 ccpmcc? 10 W. Wiaaich he was arzescad. 10 A. ODrrect. u Q. Ckay. ihnse aze - - that ia a z^ort you flUad oiK of 11 g. Lock at Cheae last tm> pagea, AgoX, and see if chat *• u Itaea of petatnal pttpezcy you todt fzoat tha dsfandCK. 12 ChK's — first of all. lock at the page fcefere od aee if 13 ozzactr 13 cher'e your afflmatioi and dacher a not chX'a your 14 A. yes. 14 iiMKory and zacutn? 15 Q. Cl^. Jed tzi chat Use cf Icsia la a TImr ««Cdt cn the 15 A. Yea. 16 lOMBT zlght-hnl aide; ia chat ccrzaec? 16 g. Ani le that the Invsiccay sd zeoicn fer the (taxlMsat 69Ch 17 A. yea. 17 lazzBce zesidnea? 16 Q. Lock at aouezxim’a Bchibit 16. la that tha TImk «sceti 16 A. yea. 19 dec you'za zafaczlng to in that rttinilar item? 19 Q. Tail the rrenbei’a of the jury tm irany uecehea aze Uatad in 20 A. It Ray be. 20 that invoncery? 21 0. Mall, if chac'e nx the «ecdx aid the only other eecdi is 21 A. 1 see OB blade dlvv's «eteh. 22 tha aa cfaK'a bade here, it's aUnar nd road ad tfaearc 22 g. TOU Che BditBa of the jury bow bb^t aa-rtHa noa sic on 23 Hm a tacd) band oi it. daze is tha TIbbi eacdi tbat you cook 23 the edOBsa acanl up there? 24 froaiar. NdOaich? 34 A. Ttane. 2S A. ic'e pittataly still at our offiea. 25 g. leU the BBiLeta of the jury Im nav eardas Agate Sigir 1 tfUd oame fton tha I«um? 1 A. na. 3 K. 1 bell»>« UtTM. 2 0- And you a^ on there chac — ec you acacad there chac cha 3 Q. mi tha BitaiB of tha jury tly, if Agnt Sagar aaid thiaa 3 Tlnn chat's In ctwc teg there locks like the Tlnac chac tea -- 4 MCrtaa csie fzoi rhe houae, ycu uiiuil tnler aacli chare laa 4 ctwc you cook fcon »t:. — oft of W. MdValch'a wdsc. occxecc? S only aw twcch chat «oa aeized chac «aa a diver's c>pa tacdi7 S A. It's poaaibie ic could be fros his «dsc, Oi the tecum I < A. MU, I jactafaly did not list this vetd). Uw alliwr vacdi. 8 doi'C put the naee b»d cf the weeh. IC juac a^e aw blade Clwc loa atrtsat) fton his safe. 7 dlwr'a twcdi. 8 Q. Probably dldt'c? 8 Q. Ck^. Muld you tall this a diver's wcdt? » A. ic 4vaaza chac 1 dldn'c — 9 A. Xt 03uld be. W Q. day. 10 Q, Nall, X nean. is chac Mac you tould call chat? is chac 11 A. — ctwc I tnds a lAacaka. U lew you would iksri ll'ii it? 13 0. chan it also appean chac cha bag «dch the oo MCehas 12 A. xc'a peaaible. 13 In U. the be black boded wcchea. Chat one of those la cbe 13 Q. MU. you eercalnly teulOi'C oaU Chls a diver's wacdi. M locdi chac W. NdOeiCh had oi ac Che else of Ma aneae. 14 would you? IS eoevsec? U A. M. u A. That'S posslbla. 18 Q. A diw'a wMdi hiB anbes on It, clgtae? 17 Q. So Che evidence with vwpeirc co dwe ms seised fron Che 17 A. Yea. 18 heuae is ccncsntnaced; is chac fair co aayr IS Q. So Chat Men you're diving, you coi calltzsCs the Bettings 19 A, I viculiti't Bay it laas caiCaninaCed. They ueie aaiaed 19 so Chat you can tell how nudi air cine you have left, oariecc? 20 cither from W. MdMieh or his house, it appears chat chare 30 A. CCneet. 21 haw been a wlatake as co there chey haw ban 21 Q. Ooy. So tw don't now Mow. baaed inoi your teaclmiy. 22 froB, be Chree aecdae tore aelaed either froa his peraoi or 23 Mather or not the two twcdwa in the blsdi beg cwis from the 23 CroB Cbe hows ehsc <tay. 33 dafodwK'a pareoi or bos wiinilane else, oacreet? M Q. «9u aay on April ueh chac you aaiaed a lUex eacdi fina 34 A. X todw tbac this silv« wacdi was tcoa Ua safe. 2S tdn. oBCieec? 25 Q, IMe you there? r«M4« • A?n 1 A. NO. 1 have bean the aw ctwt cane off of ter. Kdttelth's hand? 2 0- 3 A. Curing hie teatinav? 3 A. I knoa it fron the picboe. 3 Q. Outing siy tioe ixcil I txo^C It to your actnciai? 4 0. %u InoH it froa Che picture? Did you hear AgwK Sager say 4 A. M, not vneU you tsou^ it to ny sctention. S that now of cha {taco -- chat tha wcidwa aerwe vtsibla la S Q. Did it occur to you tlwt on yov Inwoay «1 return Use < the ptacoa? 6 you woe befere a UHted States ragutrace ju^ tlwt you bad 7 A. Vaa. 7 mtlowd oily erw vetch in that inwnccry md return? 8 Q. Oo you rwiBiber ne aaldng you If chare vaa viychlng ^ 8 A. NO, ic wBB nothing chac I did intoitlawlly Mbi I sucre to 9 uancad co laM'ract about Agent Ssger'a teatlncRy? 9 cha racum, it was an ouecBi^ic. 10 A. VH. 10 Q. Nall, you get a ccnpucerizad list of itwie chac are neimd IX m. siferiM: (XIJ<UlIgle XQUi IUU> XX 12 HB CUKTs Suacained. 13 A. yea. U BTHI. mS: 13 HI. lOBr My I Hpeoadt, Mgiff U Q. Old you pediK out to sqow cha fact that AgaK 9igK, acw 14 OB CUKT: Ysa. Sir. IS baaed ifm Mac )oi' re aqdng, «bb mistshw Mo\ ha aaid that IS nr Ht. KlCS: 18 Che iaei~lrn were not vlalble in Che safe? 16 0- Is this Mac you get? 17 W. Sill'lN: Cbjacc CO cha feem of cha ^jaaclai. 17 A. Yaa. 18 ThE OOCRT: dwmiled. 18 Q. YBu gat cha rBorts fron cha sgwwa aa waU, eerract? 19 THE MTOESS: ». 19 A. Yaa. 30 nr m. loiB: 30 Q. Agent Sager testified about aaiachlng eellsd a log, a 31 Q. Did yoi cell anycne chac peciepa Che wcch Chat you cock 31 saardi log? 22 froa M. MdCreich la In chac bag allagadly oaWng Ctoa a safe 22 A. Yha. 23 In a hows oi 69ch Teraoe? 23 Q. YOU 9R a copy of the seardi log? 34 A. ». 34 A. YM. 3S Q. Old 1C occur CO you chac the wacd) In the bag na#K weU 35 Q. AccuaUy, you probably get the original of the seardi log? 1 10. 7M. 1 FBI office, ccrxecc? 3 Q. dov- 7ou bm all tboae Itm with yoi fzon the Uch 2 A. yea. (Mil the 36th, ocBsect? 3 4 A. OC 3(Eil, yee. 4 A. ucer chat d^, yea. S 0- O^. Nell, the 26th of Jipcll tM Che dKe you nde your S 0. Ocay. After your recum &om the 69th Ttenace ad±ma. < ncwn to Jjdge acw? 6 eccrees? 7 A. CGrrecc. 7 A. yea. 8 0. day. NOW. with co choee icm. you hM non dai 8 0. ACts yoB- arreet at nr. fcnelth. eeaxect? » ■pie tine to pnpeie theee UMKcrlee and recunw? 9 A. Oxzect. 10 A. ne. 10 0. After your Invntary of the preparcy o< nr. Hdttelth, 11 Q. diay. Km, can you cell me Kere the cgriginal pedoging is U comet? 13 {or Opwiiiiau-'e Qdnblc 16, Che cmd mcdae? 12 A. Aiect. 13 A. YOU man, like ha« — like a beg, a tsom bag or — 33 Q. After the inwttsy thK ycu, that l ahowad you 14 Q. There tore oc brow ba^ Chet aganc Sager teatillad to the u that you filled out with cha icm chac imziaed the llraR U ocher day about -- that hare were in like this? IS wcdi? 16 A. Cknecc. 16 A. yea. 17 Q. CD you Kew if Che uecehae ware placed in a bcowi beg like 17 g. Md ycu put Che two vecdse in that plastic bag, comet? U trusT U A. yea. 19 A. NO. Ae I eic hoe now, ne. But 1 lenw that Kn chey were 19 0. Old ycu oanidngle ths vecdi that s3ibm told ycu cm from 30 aeltad, 1 imadiaCely -- cr Knccly adcer lecumlng co the 30 the aafe with the «atdi that yoi took ten Ik. HdMlch? 31 otfioe that I tfaen inco eur safe, 1 plaoad 21 A. It's poseihle I did. 33 Chan inco this beg hoe. 22 Q. nr. nxreith had a grand total of ferty^oe daUars and 23 Q. Sue ycu <b)'c laiaitei bow they ««re oonCAlnad. occxecc? 23 34 A. tb. 34 Doea chac acmd abcuc ri^? 1 cock ctae beck. 35 0. Chay. Ybu placed Che «ecd«e into that bag thse sc Che 35 A. Ot. isMle - Oesa 835 1 0. Five dallare and eigbcy-cwo cants in locae coins and 1 A. Thrae hindred is inyte — 3 chlrty*alx dallwe in U.S. currmey? 3 0. Hlefi? 3 A. vae. 3 A. -- hl^. 4 0. {&• audi ocher nosy vae fcuil in the vahiela? 4 Q. te fifty? TW> tinted? 5 A. Nn. Ha^te sene locae danga. a few pnlaa hse sil 9 A. te fifty to c<o tuted [zctably. 6 time. 6 Q. Chay. Cue of a tinfeed sil fifty co cao tanked 7 Q. Ite BWdi nmey we fcund ac the Mrcival OLiaet address? 7 ptBCO^nghs, you all •• you — che lyeiiima has inczodnad 0 A. itoM. 8 these four; la that uaieti? 9 Q. Ibw Rueh neney tee fan] at the ttrtleaet 69th Tenaoa 9 A. QaiqlI . 10 addeeae? 10 Q. Out of the tuted and fccty-slx to a tuted and 11 A. HM. 11 nlmCy-slx other phocc^r^ha, in bow trery of thoae wee 13 Q. So fiem cha caeatticn of three wnencs. cm ip >dch a 13 Ik. mkeith wearing a plaid ehiit? 13 grand total ol, 4bc did I e^, fercy-ena doUsce and U A. Kn. 14 •l^Ky-Ccw esze; is cfaec corxecc? u Q. In the turkad and fcrcy-six co a tizted and nlnecy-eix 15 A. Yea IS (tecage^he. did you view these particular itm to decsmlne 16 0. OeiwuMUJC'e Bdtitalt 31-F wee miaad — wU. let <e gim u if you find a ptecogwph at Ik. loaelth in a plaid 17 ycu 21-F. 21-C. a-0 and 31-B. 17 dalR? U A. yea. 18 A. yea. 19 Q. Thoee mre taken fran the Mreades ac tha Cine aC the 19 Q. There ws mtatelqad film in the ear, cocxecc. roll# of 30 30 filalt 31 A. Onecc. 21 A. yadi, I belim then wee. 33 0- mi chbae «ere approdnacely three ludred 33 Q. Ck^. ne •• wore ttwee rolle of film da elcped by the 33 pincogngha that «ere in the car; ie Chat conacc? 33 m? 24 And if ny beUpark figure's ett, y«u give Cha jury a 24 A. ». 35 batter oa. 35 Q. you aant briefly thtcu» the bm at HaUaast 69th 1 fsRBce. cBiecc? 1 CO find out i8io that wa? 3 A. IM. 3 A. to. 3 Q. day. Lee n tfew ycu Oowstnicnt's BdtlUt 104. ID you 3 Q. CD you ibibiLb the data chat the poLioe fine rarK CD the 4 WCOflHiWfr CtaC ptlX09^^9(lT? 4 69Ch TBriaue ddlmaa? S A. yw. 5 A. The dace that the poUoa -- 6 0. ttw nary blcyclM are there In that jittagxtftt? 6 0. YM, Che CDcal Oeblea police officer chat toK Chan. 7 A. One, I think, lotto like three. 7 A. TD Che 69th lerrare adt'aei? 8 Q. Ihere'a a |8nuyii|ii In — there's a pieem In the 8 0. yeo. 9 phoco^aph leaning slrleiaiia in the lo«er left-hni eeme? 9 A. I <bi'c believe the oxal police were ever Chan. 10 A. Yea. 10 Q. MM police? 11 Q. Of a blatk nele? u A. told) — 1 dai'C tom tost etm ycu'n talking about. 13 A. iffseais to be. u Q. Son — scuae ra juat a mUute. The osral fltolaa police U Q. NSC to. wmith? u HCTC Co the 4600 Broctor Street uliiuju, ccrcecC? M A. It's, it's cut in hall. I dxi'C toew «to it is. u A. yea. 1» Q. Hall, oacteinly, it HOuld haue bean the policy Md peettloa IS Q. d^. And how Bwy nolM were there, not police officss. le of the toteal Bureai of aneetijOitn, if than wa a u to the houee? 17 itacogneta of to. Kttelth in the hom, ter yni to hm eelTwl 17 m. SI7IN: ab]«cUcn, Your ttznr. 18 18 ue CDJRT! ovemOad. 19 A. toac likaly, yea. 19 lie HTDCSS: Including to. KttelCh, foe. 30 Q. Ocay. And so, in fact, that ptoCoep:e(ph %aa net seised. 30 BY ML K3CS: 21 eerzeet? 21 Q. d^. ED you recall the nnes cf the other Chna? 33 A. TYria photu^^l «BS not MaiMnY OOmCt. 22 Ml. BIS1N: ic'a all haaregy. Your itoa. 23 0. And you <toi't toow i4s that is? 33 ne ouiT: derculed. 24 A. to. M ne NmBSi Yaah. you're testing tie. but 1 think ao. 35 Q. Did you mmr ask anyone to ds any follow^ InuMtlgaticn 35 t.xi> . SYS I BY l«. H3CSi 1 0. toac else <Ud to. Wlttelch have <n czi torch 30th. 30017 3 Q. Clay, can you ttil ue the nna? 3 A. let ne bade to (or a ntfuce. It tofsrrs to ba the aeia 3 A. I think then van cw toiaggena (yhonatie), as ran naied 3 Jr *"** 1 IXll L JUbW ii PIL • Ihv Mas 4 itMve (phcnacicl, nyfea. 4 ]ad(K in a different aUa. S Q. Oi the 20th of toreh, you conducted a aumillBEe of — S sue certainly it - - w<n» and with the John Dear 6 the 30th of Much, 2001, a sueuaillanae ms ctnducted of « eifalan, it’s a very -• it'a the aeie style jadeet. Slsa wise. 7 to. Hdtreith, ontect? 7 1 don’t, I ton'C torn. 8 A. I balicw ao. 8 Q. toll, the aiaa Iceta pretty big czi to. toaggert, doeei'c 9 Q. It aem like ttoc'a the ri^ date? 9 it? 10 A. Y«e. 10 A. On I lock to It again? U Q. dev- >*n you pwt of that autvartllanea taaa? U Q. Sure. 12 A. YBB. u A. Hell, I don't tom. I man, the sleeve goes rl^ dswi to U Q. rad you Bee to. Hd&elth that day? u his vrlsc. U A. yea. 14 0. Ri^- IS Q. >tBt «B ha Storing? IS A. I agree that it is the sane style jadeec Chat I saw U A. to «ea taaring a fiulti-colored Jehn Dear 3adwt. u to. Wtteicb toarlng chat day, but I cai’C -- t dart tom if 17 Q. d(^. I ahowd you befse tovemm'a Miitait 21-P. You 17 it's Che aane -- the actual jaekto, aaae slae. 18 aee it — you toot* «4«c this is, ri#K7 18 Q. toac did to. wnelth tsve on that you rdesniert cn the 19 A. yias. 19 30eb? 30 Q. 1 oean. do 1 need to show it to you closer? 30 A. He had cn a blade T-toirt, blade prate, and thto'a all I 31 day. tte haa on the JCha Saar JaAat in this 21 xw0iIb^« 22 piaure? 33 Q. YOU Men Icddng, «en you not, to aee If pardraca ha had 33 A. niatoi toiaggart. 23 oi a plaid shirt that day? 24 Q. And tlac's the aea }adcet that to. wnaitb had en? 34 A. I dldi't — I am hl/n driving the car. I new mm hlai gto 35 A. yes. 35 out of toe ar. So, auce if ha <os him Iiq a pleld diiit. that 1 t^uld, ChK wuld hM bes) saiethlng I nA^ hM ban loeWng 1 A. Cbaiact. 3 far. 2 0. Thata wta phacagr^ha cahen of that aurvelUanoe, ootiecC? 3 Q. NkU, IC certainly aculd have beat acneching you'd hewa 3 A. yw. 4 baai loiang fcr? 4 g. Thay'xa net In evldsseT S A. Abaolucaly. 5 A. tb. 6 Q. Cloy. And your aur>«UlaEe can tculd hai« ban Icddng 6 g. But nm of chsa ahow W. Wttaich In a plaid aUcc, 7 7 6 A. YSa. 8 A. asracC. 9 Q. I nan. you had, ccgecher, you and your aurveUlansa can. 9 g. Ybu'vB loctad at cheaa phoco^r^haf 10 about a plan to cbaecva nr. Hsceich n chat dqr. 10 A. YM. 11 mace? U g. you'ca faadllar vdcta Chad? U A. yaa. 12 A. yea. u Q. And you and yeur aucvalllanae can «oild ha«a. «ould tna 13 Q. Ybu Inod Chat cbexa*a not a pteOBa of tatae In a plaid 14 dlaeuaaad i4ac it «aa you «sa Iciddng for with caipeec Co 14 ahUtJ 1$ IS 16 A. yaa. 16 g. cna of the chli9 Uisc you aahad Cl« Ocuct fcr pemdaelcn 17 Q. Mid In your mind, the plaid ahiit by that tine had Ctf«n cn 17 to ataith fcr at the 69ch Teczaoa aCttraaa. the Ferolval IS U atUiaaa, wd in ?>r. na««lch's car wen naiapapai- azticlce, 19 A. yaa. 19 connect? 20 0. 80 you wuld haws cold ycur aiswillAnea caaov neng ottan 30 A. yaa. 21 chln^, bo ba laddng for chat plaid #tlit? 21 g. Ooy. And a ncMg^rar atciela <aa feud, cenaec? 22 A. yaa. 23 A. In Che vehicle, yea. 23 0. <li^. And no cna infoanad ycu, rme of yoir aurvaiUanca 23 ?«. HKS; Aiey I ^gcoadv, Adga? 34 oCfloara Infenrad you that <My that th^ saw Milbact 34 'SB aOKT: Yea. air. 25 NdOaltb In chat plaid Milcc; is chat cotiacc? 3S 1 enr m. kw: 1 A. yaa. 3 0. (at na dew you Cafandant'a BddUc 1 for Idncifliaeicn. 3 g. day. And did you ooduec «iy Inveetljctui to talk co the 3 «d taka you bade to last TUeadiv, nd adc you if you mntar 3 cffioaia d» were linoavad In that uaffle honiclde or ciaffic 4 that (tcco copy of the arcicla being giian to na chn? 4 wdddK Inveaci^clai dxuc Chair imolvoMOC vdch 5 A. yaa. S lb. Hdttalch? 6 Q. O^. And that'a the pfaococcfiy cf the article ctae wa 6 A. NO. 7 from the vehicle, cszecCT 7 g. Old you find cut thecher er not be calked to cfaeaiihcuc 8 A. yaa. 8 uairg ay plcturee he cock? 9 Q. C3cay. 9 A. lb. 10 Hi. iOCS: Judge, I dsi't )nv if the govamuMK has 10 g. Did you do any follow-up Inwetlotion with Che Mlam u any ebjaetlcn. but I'd lUte to intxoduae etda ctx of otder ao i u Herald m co how ch^ cbi« Into psaaaaalan of a phocegngh 12 can gwatlian the wicnaaa ahouc it. 13 thac'a attrlbjced Co lb. KMralch? 13 Ml. sibhiN: w> ctiyaetioi, yt» itxxr. U A. M>. 14 Ite (XUtr; 03 ahead. 14 g. Did you do aiychiiig octe chan coUacc and {seasw chac IS BT Ht. KW: IS {articular icon cf evidence? 16 Q. llBta le a photoyeph in thac plcosa, aaiaU.7 u A. lb. 17 A. cn Che seoad page, yea. 17 g. There were phocegnpha taken cf the vehicle chac bene been 18 g. cn Che aecod page. A phecoyagh calaclv* Co the nattar at 18 incroducad into dddenca. eocrecc? 19 hantf 19 A. yaa. 30 A. yaa. 30 g. di^. In the ncrnel -- in the oouraa the FBI's 31 Q. Ony. Than yicjtup^i accclbucaa — er the Mlaad Idiald 21 cpacKlaa. you cake {hcccgrepla ac cr near the ciae of the 32 attrtbuCaa that ptsccgngh co Mr. MdCcalch, oKiacc? 33 aetsuce cf ai icon to preeerva It te pcocslcy aa It acpaacad 23 A. yaa. 23 34 0. Ck^. And chat la a {fccegnph of a ear aeelddit ddta 34 A. y<ea. 2$ Chaaa uaa a fatality, azxece? 25 g. di^. Md ChaC's that vaa dm in this eaaa tdcb 1 itooc^l^ia. UXIBLL? 1 0. Aid taU oe If tbac'a m FBI phnngmh? 3 A. 08180.. 2 A. t baliavB thia ia, yea. 3 0. tbac l» to aay. uksi of >». MMalth'a 3 Q. CIvy. Jbd teU ne ibether cr not that aoagtaly « 48hlcl8. ter oxaiple, wexe {tetogra|9ia chBt «ar» takn ac o 4 the <pialicy cf the palic }cb oi or about April lltb er 13Cb of S 5 30017 « A. YH. 5 A. NS. 7 Q. Ck^. Let ire ehCM you tasfendanc'a 8MUblc Mrter 37. is 7 0. IbT • thia A {tecogi^ that vbb ta)n at or ibeut the tine ot the 8 A. NS, thia waa taksi probably cue to tio naitha after the » Inpoadimt of the vehicle cn April Utb er 13th. 30 -- 9 aelsuie. 10 A. NO. 10 0. Ckay. iCuld you agtee that in the pbocognph thK ia U 0- Me that takeo? u batere you there, that there la aubatmial paiic peeling cn u A. I bate no idea. Qua ioi’t a m 13 the hood of the '«hlcle? u 0. ThK la't a m ihnrrgTfli? U A. Oi tide phetegt^b. ywe. 14 A. Ns. M Q. Oi thet me? u Q. *8mr -- you don't locw <4iere that tiuUJjp^i «aa from? 15 A. Yee. u A. I ballave it mbs tean -- it mbs taka in our back lot. buc 16 Q. YOu'd agree? Ckay. So It accurately depicta the »ay tha 17 chla la not a FBI jtocogc^. 17 car m the 12th, rt^ic? 18 Q. Deas it aeeurataly d^lct the the car i^fmnvO 18 A. Ns. It'a ny reooUactlm chac on the 12th, chaare karn't 19 A. At the tine ot the aeizuie? 19 this nudi paint peelage. 30 Q. YBa, at the tine ot the aeixure. 30 Q. Hsuld it be fair co a^. a^k. dub thia «aa nob a ddiv a A. lha paint )cb is nxb am £adad. At the tme ttac this 31 MRoadas ibsi you gsc it m du 12th? 23 |9ote9raph «sa taken, it vas in our bade lot fer fstiably 23 A. Oi Che nth? 33 aawal noKha vneownd. 23 Q. O) Che lich? 24 Q. MU, lock at »tA. 9-a. 34 A. It taa Bhinier than it ia cfcpictert in thoaa tao 2S A. Ckay. 25 - (Vr<M 8.36 av7 1 Q. Mall. «8«re are the photegr^ia that the FBI toek <n the 1 pleom eC the hood. 2 day er tht day after it «os seised? 2 Q. <3^. HeU - 3 A^ If theyra mcexiir pbocegr^ha. riOdi 2 ballM yu haw 3 A. Ybu oi mly aee a quartar of the hood. 4 in your hand, those ate — those loild be the phccsgtichs. 4 Q. Nan you. ware you preaenc tben thoaa phocugiqia «ara 9 Q. AU n^. ihsi voa 9-e taken, am tin* aa thaae othoa? 5 Cain? « A. Fb, that »BB tata) me to tM nentha after or ncce. 6 A. YM. 7 Q. And 9>BT 7 Q. A fladili^ •• m a fladi bulb %aa used CO cahB Che 8 A. The aaae. 8 9 Q. And 9<7 9 A. I believe ao. y«s. 10 A. YW. 10 Q. Ybu were direcciig <4iac phece^spba to be calan? u Q. as Ita atandard oeucae conduct ter the ni to take u A. YM. 13 phottyiiffM at cr about the tine of bi incidn dldi't — did u Q. Ybu loMw at Out tim abcut the lat^a ceBCinav. de U not ooeur in this particular ceae «dth TBapect co thia \ehicle. u ceacified the ocher day about the robbery mr m Qalt Ocaan 14 OORBCt? 14 Mila, of Che diiiy Tbyota with the ipciiler m Che bade? 15 A. lb, tloC'e net true. He tack photogr^ha of the \ehicle 15 A. YBa. U the d^ after the aaiure. aU the Intarlv ;prarp {fcccgcfba 16 Q. OMy. Ctid you accsipc to depict Chla picture as a ddiqr 17 MB* takn cn the 1^. 17 car? 18 Q. AU rl^. 18 A. lb, 1 dirfet'c abtotpe oo d^ict U ddiq' or not. Nb juat 19 A. tm mnt back and tock acre (teco^^ha ac a lacer tine. 19 CdgIc picc^sc0 30 Q. In 9-D. «culd it be fair to aay tlec you could aaa oi the 30 0. day. Eib you dm'c cake any plecuTBa outside f« a anxh? 21 hoed that It'a in lastcy bad omdltlm? 31 A. QZXBCC. 23 A. The hood s the — 33 0. And that's the cnee that are here in evidence? 23 Q. The hood. I’m not talking about the dm. I'm talking 23 A. QxcBCt. ThsEB v«8 a picture of the car ojcelde hie heuae 24 about tha hoed. 34 cn Che day of his arreac. 25 A. Hall, thecB'a am dmts in it. It'a net a wy good 35 0. die? 1 A, YW. 1 A. OJliecL. 7 Q. That’S ODvemisiC's MilbiC 10. 2 Q. ckq'. YOU teviawad Che rQxxts that rettery. That's 3 A. QxiBct. 3 UIAL UUL*ULXBd 141 AL 62^0 BU PWlBni] CLAiBLUi 4 0. You tsatified y«eceidBy' about placing a BOD ctr be on the 4 A. Yes. s Icdc out for v^udes - - Cor a vehicle, oonecC? s Q. l«iat tank was that? 6 A. Cbcrecc. 6 A. Bank of Acnerlca. 7 Q. And you testified yestenfeiy that ycu based that BOO on 7 Q. Clov. YOU reviehed both the BroMcd aaclff'a Office 8 piTTiei daseripcicne fron cstaln indivldals: is chat ccezecc? 8 xqnrts c< that? 9 A. It «ea a ccnpilaticn of wioieee desctipcicns. 9 A. Yee. 10 Q. That coipilaticn of vatness dnsniprimn eduded cexcaln 10 Q. Aod thB of the a9enc itto zBeponded to tte scsie 9id U IfrfOgTfBClgl? 11 talked to the wiDMeaes, cccrecc? 12 A. Yea. 12 A. Cbrrect. U Q. 9tor instance, it eecludad the qpoller? 13 Q. Did you, in fact, reapend to that esene? 14 A. Oeracc. 14 A. No, 1 did not. 15 Q. It the ehlny paint jots 15 Q. Clay. Old you ever go bade and interview any ot thoae 16 A. Oscncc. 16 witneeees? 17 Q. It aduded a -- it being a lejnca? 17 A. After chat rcteery? ito. IB A. YM. IB Q. Hell, would you agree char - did you eae Che ECLO that the 19 0. An Acuca Legend? 19 ShKlff'a Departmmt put out? 20 A. Yes. 20 A. Fort T.»nHTri»i« — Che Bart lauderdale Ceparomt? 21 0. And a Jetca? 21 Q. Fbrt Laukardale, FCrt r^erientaie police put cut, yee. 22 A. Oanect? 22 A. I dxi'C recall if I did car not. 23 Q. It did mt include, in an/ irsner, shape cr farm, »hac 23 Q. H>11, Itet lauderdale had a detective coepenting wteh you 24 earllar oie uitneas referred to as a Jesus fidi car scneehlng 24 in CMS invest igaticn, riche? 25 alcng thcae lines, a fish on the bade? 25 A. Yes. LsHis • cross 841 1 Q. Itfd that that detective ves s^pplylrg you vdth 1 BY Hi. ICMES: 2 dccixmcatlOR concerning the retteries, ccerect? oBB U b(UB IB UbC Uuuio-k 3 A. He vae assisting in the Inveetl^tion. 3 A. Ym. 4 Q. Cka/. And he VBS turning over zepexts to you. oociect? 4 Q. And chat r^orc indicates chat chase was. In fset, a BOD 5 A. ether chan cte initial ljT.«sci9Klv« r^nce, inless yM S placed out? 6 have ecmeching to the ccnccary, I dsi’ c recall him Cuming ovr 6 A. If you haw a particular -- 7 any ocher r^cart he hav« dn. 7 Q. Msec to Che last — Chat last page there. 8 Q. Mlchouc our going into a lixg a^ilaiatigi that would put 8 A. lb, it dcesi'c indicate that a BdD was sent cut. 9 Che jury to sleep, is it fair to say that nest of the reporta 9 Q. All rl^. Mall -- 10 that I get cene fron the gouertrenc? 10 A. It's just a desoripciai cn the police rapesc of what a 11 A. Y«B. Ya. 11 witness nay tave said wtet Che car locked like. u Q. day. Ani would it be fair Co a^ that cbcee are — Chose 12 Q. Ttec drsnlrrlm contains nothing about there being s fiah 13 -- chat you are the pecacn «to others Chose npercs foe u B^LUi Lli uW LBUA m liJB <.4Ua UULliX^J 14 purposes of gKCing chart to your accotneys to get — to 14 A. About the fish synbol, no. IS ccerecc? 15 Q. day. It says, no tag? 1< A. yes. 16 A. ttHTSCt. 17 Q. ckay. So if there were a BCIC accadsd to the csiginal 17 Q. 1990, 1991 htecadas? le lauderdale offense repatt, you would have eean it; ie Chat 18 A. Red or rrarocn. 19 eorxecc? 19 Q. Rad cr rarcai? 20 A. Cbcrecc. 20 A. UwJLlQLU • 21 Q. Ckay. Because you do lenenter gKCing the initial report. 21 Q. day. there were you the first cine ycu heard «iy witness 22 right? Ybu renenher getting the initial report? 22 rtwT-rihB CO ycu Che fact there wee itec one wdcneeB, 23 A. Yea. 23 tttr. Fsnae, has cascifisd to aa a Jbm type fish oi Che bade 24 m. HAGS: (toy I eppioach, Juc^7 24 of Che >«hicle? 25 ns CCUIT: Yes, sir. 25 A. prior CO his Ceaclucny or preparatioi for this trial, there 1 tm ttx * oltneM Uwt dMoribad tiw fiib en cb» bade of tt» 1 Q. Stay. It certainly wBoi't In any npocta? 2 ear. 2 A. Ihat'a true. 3 Q. HK4 ptetegr^ia dcwi to Ftelaa oi the day that ha wa 3 Q. And evsi theu^ they an acnadiae comai, wculd ycu egraa 4 praparlng to teetify? 4 chac that is the kind of infarnaclai chat you would -- well. 5 A. 7w. S would aeccacc ycur attention if It waa glvn to you? « Q. IM either OanemiaA's BfUblt lO-A cr ttweuuM«.*e 6 A. The fidi ayntol? 7 9-F too to w. petiae? 7 0- YW. • A. I faelie¥e they were. 8 A. YM. 9 Q- chtt (sortiBK 9) both d chcaa i**'**''j^*ir 9 Q. JRl it 1b the Kind c£ infTiniWilqn tlMC you in 10 la that syntaol, th« fidi eyitol that we’\e been dlacuealng? 10 aiy BCU3 thee yoi would asd cut? U A. 7M. But I dan't losw itoi the fiah synfaal iioa put on the u A. Yea. 13 car. It could have bean after the Haventer 24th zedaary. 12 Q. Becatm it would be an identifying type dtararxeriatlc that U Q. Say. 9s If It «ae after the Mavoitaer 24th roUOeiy. than 13 would ha^ you pcaalhly elimnate a whole aerlea of oaxa? 14 that CDulSi't ta«e been the car chat wee Undved In It, rl^7 14 A. y«B. 15 A. I oei't eneior fer »r. nrlae. I to'c -- 15 Q. ID your jgieeladge, an you the fiiat ember of the 1« Q. Ntil, «f«c I'n aaytna la. la thee if ywr aicpoaiciai la 15 liiaiiil Ini cen that cme Into cmacc with Ren Aodra? And t 17 than the fiA eynbol laai't pio cn tocll after the xcOeiy chac 17 nan that in the invastlgacive aanae. IB (ju-uiioJ at ttiiiiuiLui 34th, 2000, Chat the car that belot^ to la A. I wae net. Atxher agne. I ballewa, waa. 19 19 Q. Stay, tts was that? 20 A. NO. I'Ri aayliq that I can’t anawar for what nr. PBclaa 20 A. I belle^« It waa Agsit MUler. 21 aaw. I -- what he atw waa «hat he b»>. 21 Q. Stay. And did Agant KlUar repeert bade to ycu cataeailng 22 Q. And you can't, and you can’t aniier Ccr where nr. nrlaa 22 ». Attn? 33 flrac 99C cha idea chK thm toa a flah ayabol cn cha bade cf 23 A. molding? 34 cha car aa wU, conacc? 24 Q. Ua aoMnacian wdeh Um. 35 A. csiace. 25 A. m eet with him. I believe he say tave Mmd him a ________ t^a - Owtaa M4 1 Bi^pOSlB. 1 3 Q. O^. Ha aaivtd hln a au^oena ac a buaineaa addbaaa chK 2 A. YBBn. I tiujvc you saia Suita t\ao rmired BonBCning. itub 3 nr. Antra tad ec that tlae, coertca 3 Suita 434. 4 A. I don't. I dvi'C lent wtae the atfrowia asvlce code 4 Q. Sl^. If I did. I'm acciy. But it'a 434. 5 plJCB. 5 Did you or afqcna In the inittetijitim proceaa of thia « Q. mu, you're Mre Chat nr. Anlra tad a tiAinem addraaa, 6 oaea mteittne the ten Anln uead en a '• in tha ngular ccuraa 7 / of buBlneea as his cloalng agent? a A. I'm not aware cne way or the ocher, 5 A. No. 9 Q. ccea Che .ail,mu 13605 South Dixie Klffeay, Suite 434, 9 Q. Did you or aryexe else In this caaa ever Aedt ftn Anlra'a 10 MiAicl. FlCKida ring a baU «dch you? 10 OHiacdiip cf land a cha enpucer ayacan in Ode CCuicy ficr u A. YM. u hom svl hojBBB? u 0. Oaf. la that the adftam fer AOia Itana, Inc.? 12 A. I (UA'c. no. u A. it could be. It ecuidi like a bualnepa adCbraaa. 13 0. mu. did aLUBJB alae? 14 Q. mu. doea chs aozd like the adftaaa -- none, lac ra dee M A. NX A ny knowdet^. 15 you A dsoranc. 09 you thlB peart IculBf dxuwtc? IS Q. dwy. AgtnC MLLLBT BBIW a ttA^AAUI Cll m • /Viu-ba^ 15 A. Yea. 16 17 Q. omy. IB thee particular •- Chat cepy of that doarant. 17 A. I believe eo. »Vim kvSm name Kmim Ciidt* ^ name ^>iar imaA i/nel mp» «‘i‘a'a» m 1$ A M4M We* mn* its mim* ■ fhaP riimi9 19 cc?)y of tha gcuLp cf itoiB ttoc wen catmi fion nr. HKalth'a 19 A. AC Chat tima. 1 dA'C believe eo. 20 wabicle at cr tox the llth cr 12th ot a^l7 20 Q. Stay. Did he later? 21 A. YM. 21 A. YM. 23 Q. I eaan. dacawar dv it waa «f» cha aaardi of cha ck waa 23 Q. Soy. Did he hen a iMyM vhan he did thac? 23 oonAicted? 23 A. Yae. 24 A. Yea. 24 Q. Did he aaeerc a mA Anendnent privilege at chac elite? 35 Q. Okay. And chat dewa — cha ad±raaa chat 1 read ycu than 25 Hi. siaiN: Cbjectioi, YOur ttneer.

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