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US-Southeast Asia Symposium on Engineering for Natural Hazards Protection Edited byA. HS. Ang PDF

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Preview US-Southeast Asia Symposium on Engineering for Natural Hazards Protection Edited byA. HS. Ang

Proceedings of the U.S.-Southeast Asia Symposium on Engineering for Natural Hazards Protection Manila, 1977 Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this pUblication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflecttheviews of the National Science Foundation. Edited byA. H-S. Ang Department of Civil Engineering College of Engineering Universityof Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1978 REPRODUCEDBY NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE u.S.DEPARTMENTOFCOMMERCE SPRINGFIELD,VA.22161 _.- _._-------------------------------------------- - Foreword The US-Southeast Asia Symposium on Engineering for Natural Hazards Protection was held at the Philippine International Convention Center in Manila, Philippines on 26-30 September 1977, sponsored jointly by the Philippine National Science Development Board, the University of the Philippines System, and the U.S. National Science Foundation. The Symposium consisted of a technical conference and a research workshop. The present volume contains all the technical papers contributed and presented at the Conference part of the Symposium. It is through the joint support of the above sponsors that made the Symposium in Manila possible. The U.S. contribution to the Symposium was supported by the Division of International Programs of the National Science Foundation under Grant INT 77-15418 to the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, which included the funding for the publication of the present volume of proceedings. The Volume represents the collective technical contributions of the authors to the SUbject of the Symposium; their individual efforts and written contributions are gratefully acknowledged. It is a great pleasure to acknowledge the organizational leaderships of Dr. E. G. Tabujara of the University of the Philippines and Mr. R. P. Venturina of the National Science Development Board; the successful convening of the Symposium in Manila was, in large measure, due to their efforts. The assistance of Mr. Lynn Barry of the U. of I. Engineering Publica tions during the pUblication of the Volume is greatly appreciated. A. H-S. Ang Urbana, Illinois CONTENTS Risk and Safety Analysis in Design for Natural Hazards Protection A. H-S. Ang and Y. K. Wen .•.•.•.•. 1 Risk and Decision in Engineering for Natural Hazards Protection E. H. Vanmarcke • . • . • • . • • • . • 18 Earthquake Risk Analysis for Metro Manila Fr. Sergio S. Su, S. J.•.•.•. 33 Risk Analysis of Underground Lifeline Network Systems M. Shinozuka, S. Takada, and H. Kawakami 44 Statistical Nature of Earthquake Ground Motions and Structural Response J. Penzien •••• 59 Stochastic Process Models of Strong Earthquake Motions for Inelastic Structural Response H. Kameda •.••.•.•.•.•.•.•.•. Vulnerability Analysis of Natural Disaster Risks for the Metro Manila Area N. von Einsiedel •.•.• 86 Seismic Risk Analysis Including Attenuation Uncertainty A. Der Kiureghian • • . • • • . • . • . • . Probabilistic Solution to Hysteretic Systems Subjected to Earthquakes P. Karasudhi, C-C. Wu, and H. Takemiya. • • • • .• •.•.•. Ilffi Seismic Analysis of Soil-Building Interaction Systems p. Karasudhi, T. Balendra, and Seng-Lip Lee • . • . •.•.• 121 Seismic Response and Reliability of Mechanical Systems - Effects of Uncertainty of Ground Motions H. Shibata, T. Shigeta, and A. Sone .•.•.•.•.•.•.•. 133 Current Trends in the Seismic Analysis and Design of Structures and Facilities W. J. Hall ••••••.•.•.•.•.•.• 147 Development of Earthquake Resistant Design Method Employing Ultimate Capacity Concept H. Aoyama •••.•.•••.•••.•.•.•.•••.•.• 164 ii Seismic Design of Masonry Structures M. J. N. Priestley •.•.•••. 178 Problems in Wind Engineering M. P. Gaus. • .•.•. 196 Turbulence and Wind Force Effects on Structures R. H. Scanlan.•.•.•.•••. 229 Aerodynamic Responses of Bridge Structures Subjected to Strong Winds N. Shiraishi and M. Matsumoto•.•. 241 Recent Developments in the Formulation of Design Wind Loads R. D. Marshall . 256 Some Probabilistic Considerations on Wind Resistant Design M. Ito and Y. Fujino • . • . • . 272 Wind-Resistant Design Practices of Cable-Suspended Bridges in Japan M. Ito and N. Shiraishi.•.•. 287 The Development of Design Criteria for Extreme Events Arising from Natural Hazards G. R. Walker and K. P. Stark .• 295 Design Considerations for Resistance to Wind A. N. L. Chiu .•.•.•.•. 310 The Prevention and Control of Landslides S. L. Koh and W-F. Chen. • .•. 325 Hurricane Waves, Storm Surge and Currents: An Assessment of the State of the Art O. H. Shemdin and D. B. King 338 Management of Storm Surges and Floods in Manila Bay F-F. Yeh •.•••. 353 Storm Surge Potentials of Selected Philippine Coastal Basins C. P. Arafiles and C. P. Alcances, Jr.• Some Observations on the Damages Resulting from the ~tindanao Earthquake of August 17, 1976 A. O. Hizon••.•.•••.•.•.•••.• 382 iii Assessment of Seismic Damage in Existing Structures J. T.P. Yao • • • . • .•.•. 388 Wind Damage Experiences: Failure Assessment, Practices, Solutions J. E. Minor •.• 400 Full Scale Pressure Probability Distributions and Spectral Measurements on a Multi Storey Building R. Feasey and D. H. Freeston . • . • . • . • . • 420 iv 1 RISK AND SAFETY M~ALYSIS IN DESIGN FOR NATURAL HAZARDS PROTECTION by A. H-S. Ang and Y.K.Wen University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Syno;psis An approach to the risk-based analysis of safety of structures and facilities against the extreme forces of natural hazards is described. The components of the basic methodology are outlined, and applications to wind and earthquake are emphasized. References to more comprehensive works are provided. The implications for design to insure a desired level of protection (in terms of probability) against natural hazards are indicated. Introduction In the design and planning of a structure or facility for resistance against the extreme forces of natural hazards, such as earthquakes and storm winds, the level of protection or safety required for its design is undoubtedly the most important technical problem underlying the planning process. Indeed, resolving the question of "how safe is safe enough?" is central to proper engineering. In this regard, it is important to recognize that safety, specially for protection against natural hazards, cannot be assured with absoluteness. Realistically, safety may be assured only within the context of some acceptable risk. Either explicitly or implicitly, some risk is unavoid able; few (if any) economies can afford to do otherwise. In short, within limited resources, there is a limit to safety--this is particularly apropos in the case of natural hazards protection. Within this risk-based concept of structural safety, a quantitative framework for developing safety criteria for design can be developed. The basic risk methodology is summarized herein, and the applications of the approach to natural hazards protection are discussed and developed, with emphasis on wind and earthquake resistant designs. Methodology for Risk and Safety Assessments The adequacy of a structure or facility to withstand the maximum environment to which it may be subjected over its useful life is of principal concern in planning its design. Like most natural phenomena, the occurrence of an extreme environmental hazard, such as hurricane or earthquake at a particular site, is difficult to predict; an extreme even may occur at random in time as well as in space. Moreover, the intensity 2 (i.e. destruction potential) may vary greatly from one event to another. In this light, the maximum environment that may be expected over the life of a structure or facility at a particular location would be difficult to predict with any certainty. It is realistically possible only to deter mine the potential intensity in terms of probability; specifically, for example, the annual probability of exceedance. Accordingly, the "design environment" may be prescribed with an associated exceedance probability. During the occurrence of a given natural hazard, such as a hurricane or earthquake, the disturbance is a function of time; again the character~ istics of this function may be highly variable from one event to another and thus may be described as a random process. Moreover, in analyzing the response of a given system to a given random process disturbance (requiring dynamic response analysis), the methods of random vibration are appropriate. The adequacy of a structure or facility against the expected lifetime maximum environment, of course, will depend also on the limiting response capacity of the structure. The determination of this capacity will invariably also contain uncertainty; consequently, the adequacy or safety of a structure against a particular lifetime hazard may only be measured in terms of its probability of failure. In summary, the determination of the safety of a given or proposed system, therefore, requires the following: (i) definition or specification of the maximum environment that a facility may be SUbjected to over its intended useful life; (ii) analysis of the response of the system under the estimated lifetime environment; and (iii) determination of the limiting response capacity of the system. Each of these items may be elaborated as follows: Determination of Lifetime Maximum Environment The determination of the lifetime maximum environment requires an analysis of the potential hazards expected in the particular locality or site. This may be accomplished by first determining the probability distribution of the short-term (e.g. one year) maximum environment at the site, from which the long-term (i.e. lifetime) maximum environment may be extrapolated through extreme-value statistical theory. The procedure for determining the short-term (e.g. one year) distribution will depend on the specific hazard under consideration, as will be discussed subsequently for the cases of wind and earthquake. In any case, having determined the distribution of the annual maximum' environment, say FA(a), the annual exceedance probability of the intensity level a is, P(A > a) = 1 - F (a) A Graphically, such hazard probabilities may be portrayed qualitatively as shown in Fig. 1. 3 Then, the distribution of the life-time (say, n years) maximum environment becomes For sUfficiently large n, Eq. 2 will approach some asymptotic form of distribution (Gumbel, 1958). Although the rate of convergence (in distribution) will depend on the short-term distribution FA(a), it is reasonable to assume, in the case of structures and large systems, that the life (in years, n) is sUfficiently long to permit the use of the appropriate asymptotic form of the extremal distribution for the lifetime maximum. On this basis, only the key parameters of the extremal distribu tion need to be determined for a given site; in particular, these are the modal value, u, and the dispersion parameter, a. The modal value, u, is defined as, Hence, u is the annual maximum with the return-period of n years; whereas, a is (see Gumbel, 1958) (4) Since I-FA(a) is invariably determined numerically, the necessary derivative, may be evaluated approximately as, (6) from which the parameter a may be evaluated through Eq. 4. In short, therefore, the main problem in the definition of the lifetime environment is in the determination of the distribution or exceedance prob abilities of the short-term (annual) maximum environment. Having established this, the parameters of the lifetime maximum environment 'can be evaluated from information on the short-term environment as indicated in Eqs. 3 and 4, whereas the distribution form for the lifetime maximum would be the appropriate asymptotic extremal distribution. Response to Life-time Maximum Environment Knowledge of the lifetime environment itself, of course, is not sUfficient; relative to the consideration of structural safety, the real damage potential of the environment must include the "maximum" response of the structure or system in question. The response of a structure to the 4 anticipated lifetime maximum environment may be analyzed assuming that it does not significantly deteriorate over its life. The disturbance during a natural hazard event is invariably a fluctuating forcing function over the duration of the event. The response of a system to such a dynamic forcing function may be analyzed by the methods of random vibrations. Such analyses will depend on the definition of failure and associated characteristics of the system. Failure may be defined as the occurrence of the first yielding; in which case, the response may be limited to linear system analysis. However, if failure is defined as some state approaching ultimate collapse of the structure or any of its parts, then the nonlinear-inelastic behavior of the system must be considered. In any case, the response to the lifetime maximum environment may be denoted as, R =R(a,q) max where, q =the parameters of the structure or system, and a =the lifetime maximum environment. R will remain a random variable, with probability max distribution FR(r). The methods of random vibration analysis, suitable for the above purposes, will be reviewed subsequently below. Limiting Response Capacity For a given structure or system, there is a response level beyond which the structure may fail; this is the limiting capacity of the structure. For a linear system, this may be the limiting displacement (or velocity, or acceleration) beyond which some damage will occur in the structure. However, failure may be defined as a state approaching collapse, in which case the capacity could be related to its energy absorbing capacity. In any case, the limiting capacity must be defined in terms consistent with the calculated response r. The corresponding probability distribution then may be represented as Assessment of Risk and Safety In view of the fact that both the lifetime extreme environment, as well as the capacity of a system may be described only to the extent of the respective probabilities, the assessment of safety may be evaluated in the context of risk and probability of failure. Specifically, the lifetime probability of failure is of interest: r PF(T) FC(r) . fR(r)dr a or r PF(T) [l-FR(r)] . fc(r)dr ('Ta) a

The US-Southeast Asia Symposium on Engineering for Natural Hazards. Protection was Seismic Risk Analysis Including Attenuation Uncertainty .. placement, I;; = viscous damping ratio, D/Y=nondimensional excitation intensity.
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