ME MORDANDEM OF LAE STANDING. REL: THCY OF NEW ORLEANS. THE NEW ORLEANS POLICE DECARTMENT ant “THE UNITED STATES SECRES SERVICE PAS MEMORANBLM OF CNDERSTANDING {ths “MOUs made and ontered inte LR eeneagry 2418 been the lt of Orlers represented by Mucell -andci, Wager Ghe OND, the New Oca Poise 2 (tke “LSSY", collet ae the "Parties, AUTHORITY This WOU is established pessueec eo provisions oF tee Treesu-y Purfeiture Fund Act af 992, 31 (USC $705 as ameaie, This set estwalshed the Deparimen: of the Treas Toefsiawe Fond and thu tae te piyent af eeeiain aveaiine eepanditres, neve, sel, aining equipmsne ane ol similar zcste of Sate ana J cal ley colorsomsnt a.ces, Git ve intel in joint aeations, ith epnctnsnt ef the Izeastry lav onforcement orgauizaton. ax presurbed in 31 TSC 9303 (411 (0) (hsteingte-“avertime coats and other expenses") TL PURPOSE. Theis WOU esahlishos the procedcrss and eesponsibiliica of bots the NOPD aad the U' resbursement af eovain cystine casts ang other expshiee puss aa io 33 USC 9703. SS fos the HE. CONDITIONS AND PROCEDURES ‘The NOPD and the USSS ages co the following, cuntitions: 2) Tho NOPD ray request reimborseiacne of payuacat dive relgtet! 19 work performed by fs offion(s assigned i 3 snd Financial Crimes “ask Forge in condcsting oval invest requests for seimbursement payments, Focce Supervisur Special Agent Darron Voy levee vented ad oenee 6 Hinansal Crime Task Fovce. 2 overlie casts an ether esas a dhe USSS Laisa Bleinanie ious. The NOPD wii submit al we apraved and serie ay nuesement hours wf overtime casts and al oher expenees covered under this ISS Fack Estee sageevisor. The rsimbusstle veces yaqancits sill be bused upon the actual hourly over rve rte, exckeive of malaing employer ecuktThations for any twaes sibel 6) ie USES oaks eave sageevisoe wil nwa ll approved veimbursermentreyuest Uarngh ial Agent ia Charge SAIC") Chieti! Investigative Division, ChTice af Investigates, 70 tbe Treasury Forks 's payment agents he U.S. Customs Racigmal Finance Comer he NEC, 4) Ducing ths pared of assignment ofthe | avisians klecranie and kinsnotal Crimes Eask Forze, she NOPD wii zeevain respaasibk Fae sales ancl bells. inclining aver ofthe cfticer(s} asi wal: sesunonts due thei, Reinibursersera unser this MOU is coctingsut upos tue avatsoility of mandiiacy Pauls allocate tu the USES trough the Depactonent of lhe Treasury Purkelure lund. 42) The NOPD shale soxmit aud have ely vailable Sorexaeninioa ced aun by Sie USS, the Deparment of Treasury, fw Cammpolle: the Unie States, and uny af tai duly suthosized agents un represectanives, amy ae alt reennds, ecumvents, xecoits noize, reeeapts ot cexpendliurss rolling uy this agreement. They’ atel santana suck wecencs and eeper’s ati all adits and examination are completed and ivselved or Fara pried of theee 2) years, sehen 1) Payments may he made to me extect they aie inchieed in the USSS Fisee] Year Pian anid the mares ane availabe within the Department of Teeasary Forfeiture Puc to sis the eae) forelecbnrsably expenses, I should a0 be understood tht the tts: araount{s)niade availa tote USSS tluozgh dhe Deperument oF the Trausury Fortaes ined, for sebarsemront to the NOPD. chuld ehange ut any tims. ) Presvaara the [eoasuny Eaeculive Olfie Zor Asse. Porfeiure (the “TROAB" dinestive nuzibor 1 the maximum zeimhrsemen’ entitlement for eversime zosss to any avy sntoreeneat lVcial camo exteed Thirteen Thsssean] and MET ON Dollgrs (15,0000) during fiscal year 1) his dneurnons cons not obligate unde, Fonding snubority will be provided dseugh ether ecurents 1) The NOP shall provide he USSS within 116) cays ofthe signing oF this MOU, wiLs ageney's mailing adress. contact nauce,teleahase nusnher so lu idemizetiom number: Furthet, this agency ust provide the name, acemirt name andl ABA routing mums of te Zina itn ere te ORD wants dhe Elsen Rts raates CHET) paymca dogote fete reimbursemenc af ths everime salty ccsts, Failure to peovido ss inane shin the peated pevinet af che rane ill nallity this MOU agreement, TV, DURATION This MOTE wil be effeccve for one (1) Year ou the sae of excoutia ais agente by Ube fast pare. V.TRRMINATION ieser party may “ceminste the MOU et any tee dusng the tes wr ae agree ent by Ay tie Natice of is itantion sn eravinate al least hirls C3R) days aetire isthe tered date VL REVISIONS This MOU shall not be sevised except by writieu arweadmen: exeented by authored representatives of he Pais. YI EXECUTION For the fhful porformanee af th toms of this MOLI, the Parces, by dele anfaorized tives ins capacities as states, alia Vie sgetaves urd ayree tw be bum hy Eee poovisisns bere APPROVED BY: City of New Orfenus Sime! Snitohell d. Lande ~~ Title: Mayor FORM AND LEGALITY APPROVED: Law Bepartment By: i US, Seeret Service New Orleans Field Cfice US, Secrer Service, Oifice of Tavestigation _Atset Forfciinee Divs SAIC —Assei Forfeiture Division Bate