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US Navy NAVSHIPS 0967-420-0001 Index and Abbreviations for Directories of Electronic PDF

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Preview US Navy NAVSHIPS 0967-420-0001 Index and Abbreviations for Directories of Electronic

NAVSHIPS0 967-420--0001 DECE MBER1 971 \ ..JF . ., .. 'i,., INDEXA ND ABBREVIATIONS FO R DIRECOTRIES OF ELECTROICN EQUIPMENTS ( Eacht ransmittoafl t his'd ocumenotu tsidteh eD epartment of Defensmeu sth ave priora pprovaolf NavalS hipS ystems Comamnd SUPERSEDUNROET ICE THISP UBLICATISOUNP ERSEDTEHSE I NDEXA ND ABBREVIATIOFNOSR- DIRECTOROIFE ESL ECTORNIC EQUIPMENNTASV SHIP0S9 67-ij20-00D0A1T ED AUGUS1T9 68. NAVY ELECTRONICSSU PPLY OFFICE GREAT LAKESI,L LINSO I IMPORTANNTO TICE The equipmentsi n thisi ndexa re I isteda lpha-nmuericalb y equipment designaiton. The equipmendta tas heets in the NAVSHIPS9 4200 (oldn umberinsgy stem) directorys eriesa re assembleadl pha­ numeircallyw ithine quipmentc ategory A). (see Appendix Howeevr, due to the many requests � � rom serso f the directoriess,t art- ) 3, (NAVSHIPS 1ng w1th supplement -� 0967-420-0013) to the Commnuications I Directorayn d alI subsequenptu b ica­ NAVSHIPS tionsu ndert he new numbering I system,t he equipmendta tas heetsw i l be assembleidn a straighta lpha­ numeric sequencer,e gardlesosf cate­ gory. 1.1 ( t : NAVSHIPS0 96 7-420-0001. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE IMPORTANTN OTICE 11 TABLE OF CONTENTS 111 INTRODUCTION :LV - V111 ALPHANUMERICALL IST OF EQUIPMENTS 1 1-57 GLOSSARYO F ABBREVIATIONS 158-162 APPENDIXA . EQUIPMENTC ATEGORY CLASSI­ Al FICATIONS APPENDIXB . AUTOMATIC,T IME-PHASEDDO WN­ Bl - B2 GRADING AND DECLASSIFICATION SYSTEM ( APPENDIXC . JOINT ELECTRONISC TYPE DESIG­ Cl - ClO NATION SYSTEM FOR ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT APPENDIX D. NAVY MODEL LETTER AND TYPE Dl - D4 DESIGNATIONS YSTEM 1.I�.1 0 ( ;%� INTRODUCTION NAVSHIPS0 967-420-00S0ER0I ESP ROGRAM The purposeo f the Directorieosf ElectroniEcq uipmentN,A VSHISP 0967-420-00s0er0i es( formerly NAVSH9I4P2S0 0s eries),i s to provide descriptivaen d illustrativdea ta for electroniec quipmentsp rocuredb y the Departmenotf the Navy.T he directorieasr e publisheda s permanently boundv olumesa nd as loose-leapfu blication(sN AVSHIP0S 967-419-0000 series). The permanentlbyo undv olumesc overt he nine basicc lasseso f electronicesq uipmentuss ed by the Navyi,n additiont o a directroy of electronimca joru nits,N AVSHPIS 0967-420-010T0h.e loose-leapfu bli­ cationsc overn ew equipmentwsh ichh ave not yet appearedi n the perma­ nentlyb oundv olumesa nd in the Directoryo f Experimentaaln d Inactive ElectroniEcq uipment,N AVSHIPS0 967-420-30se0r0i es. A list of all di­ rectoriesc omprisingt he NAVSHIPS0 967-420-00se0r0i esa nd their corre­ spondingN AVSHIPSn umbersi s presentedi n the followingt able. NAVSHIPSN UMBER TITLE UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL PermanentB oundD irectories Indexa nd Abbreviationfso r Directorie0s9 67-420-0001 of ElectroniEcq uipments ) Navy Directoryo f Communication 94200l. 0967-42100-10 Equipment Navy Directoryo f RadarE quipment 0967-420-0002906 7-420-1020 Navy Directoryo f SonarE quipment 942003. 94200.03 Navy Directoryo f Test Equipment 94200.4 0967-420-1040 Navy Directoryo f Radiac Equipment 94200.5 94200.05 Navy Directoryo f InfraredE quipment 94200.6 94200.06 Navy Directoryo f Countermesaures 94200.7 94200.07 Equipment Navy Directoryo f Meteorologcial 94200.8 94200.08 Equipment Navy Directoryo f IndustrialE quipment 94200.9 94200.09 Navy Directoorfy ElectroniMca jorU nits 0967-420-0100906 7-420-1100 Loose�LeaDfi rectories Loose-LeaDfi rectoryo f Electronic 0967-419-90s0er01 es Equipment Loose-LeaDfi rectoryo f Experimental 9420l and InactiveE lectronic Equipment 1V �� ( .NEWN AVSHIPSN UMBERS Recently,n ew NAVSHIPSn umbersw ere assignedt o the directorys eries. The new numbersw ill not be used untilt he directoriesa re reprinted. A list of all directoriesa nd their new corresponding NAVSHnIuPmSb ers is presentedi n the followingt able. .NAVSHIPNSU MBER TITLE UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL PermanentB ound Directories Index and Abbreviaitons for 0967-420-0001 Directorieso f Electronic Equipments Navy Directoryo f Communication 0967-420-0010 0967-420-1010 Equipment Navy Directoryo f Radar Equipment 0967-420-0020 0967-420-1020 Navy Directoryo f SonarE quipment 0967-420-0030 0967-420-1030 ( Navy Directoryo f Test Equipment 0967-420-0040 0967-420-1040 Navy Directoryo f RadiacE quipment 0967-420-0050 0967-420-1050 Navy Directoryo f InfraredE quipment0 967-420-0060 0967-42-01060 Navy Directoryo f Countermeasures 0967-420-0070 0967-420-1070 Equipment Navy Directoryo f Meteorological 0967-420-0080 0967-4201-080 Equipment Navy Directoryo f Industrial 0967-420-0090 0967-420-1090 Equipment Navy Directoryo f Electronic 0967-420-0100 096 7-420-1100 Major Units Loose-LeafD irectories Loose-LeafD irectoryo f Electronic 0967-419-900s0e r1es Equipment Loose-Lea!D irectoryo f 0967-420-300s0e r1es Experimentaaln d Inactive ElectronicE quipment ( y GENERAL ·� Thisi ntroductiopnr ovidesi nformatiorne gardingf ormata nd contents of this publication. AUTHORITY This directoryi ndexi s publsihed pursuantt o the authorityc ontained 1n BuShipsl etters Ser6s9. 5036-85,d ated1 2 June 1961,a nd 69503-1317, dated2 8 September1 961. PURPOSE To provideg uidancet o the user in locatinga nd interpretinign forma­ tion containedi n the Directroies of ElectroniEcq uipmentN,A VSHIPS 0967-420-00s0er0i esa nd supplements thereto. RESPONSIBILITY The Navy ElectronicSsu pplyO fficeh as been designateads the cata­ loginga gentr esponsiblfeo r compilatioann d maintenancoef this publication. SCOPEO F CONTENTS This publicatioins a consoildatedi ndexo f equipmentd esignatorasn d authorizeadb breviationfso r electroniecq uipmnets publishedi n the NAVSHIPS0 967-420-00s0er0i esd irectories. ARRANGEMENOTF CONTENTS The indexr elatest he designatoro f the equipmentt o: (1)t he Federal ) StockN umber;( 2)t he securityc lassificatioann d group,i f othert han unclassifie(ds eeA ppendixB ); (3)t he equipmentc ategoryc lassification (seeA ppendixA ); and (4)t he directoryi n whicht he equipmnet description is published. Old NAVSHIPnuSm berl ocatione xamp�e: .5 indicatese quipmenti s publishedi n basicR adiacD irectoryN AVSHIPS 94200.5. .5 -2 indicatese quipmenti s publishedi n supplemen2t to basicR adiac Directory NAVSH9IP4S2 00.5. 94201 indicatese quipmenti s publishedi n the Directoryo f Experimental and InactiveE lectronicE quipmentN AVSHIPS9 4201. New NAVSHIPSn umberl ocatione xample: 1010 indicatese quipmnet is publishedi n basicC onfidentiaClo mmunications Directory NAVSH0IP9S6 7-420-1010. 0013 indicatese quipmenti s publishedi n supplement3 (0967-420-00t1o3 ) basicc ommunicationDsi rectoryN AVSHIPS9 4200.(1N AVSHIPS 0967-420-0010). FederalS tockN umbersa re includedi n this publicatiownh en available. For the latesta pplicablFee derla Stock Numbaenrd CognizantS ymbol,t he user shouldr efert o the Navy ManagemenDta ta List (NMDL). V1 �.� If the FederaSlt ockN umbera ppearedi n the basicd irectoryi ndexes ( and does not appeari n the annuali ndex,i nteresti n the FederaSlt ock Numberh as been withdrawnb y the cognizanta ctivity. The "W/S"f ollowingt he FederalS tockN umberi n the cross-inde1xn ­ dicatesa n equipmentw iths pares( W/S). The securityc lassificatioins givenf or referenceo nly. For actual classificatioonf the equipmentr,e ferencem ust be made to the Military StandardizatiHoann dbookS ecurityC lassificatioann d CognizantA ctivity of Elect�onci EquipmentM IL-HDBK-14a0n d supplementtsh ereto. FUNCTIONACLL ASSIFICATIOONF EQUIPMENT The definitionasn d terminologgyi venh ereina re establisheads a standardf or identifyinfgu nctionaslt atusc ategories. l. Standard( STD). Classifictaion denotingt he most advanced and satisfactoreyq uipmentasd opted,a nd thosew hicha re preferredf or procurement. 2. SubstitutSet andard( SUBS TD). Classificatiodne notingt hose equipmentwsh ichd o not have as satisfactormyi litaryc haracteristics as standarde quipmentasn d, when necessary,m ay be procuredt o supplement the supplyo f standarde quipmenst. 3. LimitedS tandard( LTDS TD). Classificatiodne notingt hosee quip­ ( mentsw hichd o not havea s satisafctorym ilitaryc haracteristicass standard equipmenbtust, a re usables ubstitutefso r standard equipments. Complete� ajoru nitsw ill nobte procured,b ut componentp artsa nd acces­ soriesa nd complementareyq uipmentse,v en thought h�y may be limited standard equipments,b e mparyo curedi f necessray and economicalt,o maintaint he complete majuonri tsi n servicaeblec ondition throughao ut reasonabllei fe expectancy. 4. Obsolescen(tO ). Classificiaotn denotingt hosee quipmentwsh ich do not have satisfactormyi litaryc haracteristicsC.o mpleteu nits,c om­ ponentp arts,a ccessoriesa,n d complementarye quipmentwsi ll normallyn ot be procuredf or the specificp urpose of maintainintgh is equipmetn; how­ ever,s parep artsc ommont o othere quipmenti n the supplye stablish�ent may be used for theirm aintenance. 5. Obsolete( OBS). Classificiaotn denotingt hosee quipmentwsh ich haveb een declaruends uitablfeo r their original mipluirtpaors-ey. Dis­ posalo f stockso f obsoletee quipmentwsi ll,i n all cases,b e expedited. 6. PlannedS tandard( PLN STD)C.l assificatiodne notingt hosee quip­ mentsu nder evaluation whhaivceh b eeni ndicatedb y the ShiCph aracter­ isticsB oardf or installatiotnh rought he Ship ImprovemenGtu ideo r new constructioann d conversiopnr ojects.A pprovalf or serviceu se priort o installatioins requiredf or equipmentsi n this category. { V11 APPENDICES �-, The appendicesa re providedt o supplementt he data in the indexa nd to aid the user in interpret1ngt he informationc ontainedi n the Directories of ElectronicE quipment. The appendices are as follows: APPENDIXA -EQUIPMENTC ATEGORYC LASSIIFCATIONS. This appendixp ro­ vides a list of categorieso f equipmentsf or which directoriesh ave been prepared. APPENDIXB - AUTOMATIC,T IME-PHASEDDO WNGRADINGA ND DECLASSIFICATION SYSTEM. This appendixp rovidese xtractsf rom OPNAV INSTRUCTIONN o. 5500.40B concerningt he automaticd owngradinga nd declassificatiosny stem. APPENDIXC - JOINT ELECTROINCS TYPE DESIGNATIO�S YSTEM FOR ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT. This appendixg ivesd etails about the Type DesignatorS ystem used in the Index and Directoires. APPENDIXD -NAVY MODEL LETTERA ND TYPE DESIGNATIONS YSTEM. This appendixg ives detailso f Navy equipmenta nd major unit designations ystem. This systemi s no longeri n generalu sage. MAINTENANCE This publicationw ill be published annualtloy p rovideu sers current informationa nd to reflectt he additiono f new items publishedi n basic ,) directorieso r supplementst hereto. COMMENTSA ND SUGGESTIONS All inquiriesc oncerningd istributioonr commentsr egardingt his publicatiosnh ouldb e referredt o: Commander Naval Ship EngineeringC enter Departmento f the Navy,C enterB uilding PrinceG eorge'sC enter Hyattsville, Maryla2n0d7 82 ATTN: SEC 6181C03 vi·ii � ( EQUIPMENTD ESIGNATOR FEDERAL STOCK SEC- CATE- LOCA- NUMBER CLASS GORY TION A-62 4.11 .4 A-83 4oll .4 AB-157/GR 465825-308-6341 1o2 o1 AB-158/GR 1o1 .1 AB-234/B 2N5985-893-4914 2o9 9020 AB-234A/B 2o9 0020 AB-2348/B 2N5985-893-4914 2.9 0029 AB-o02/UKR 1.2 .1 AB-603/UKR 1.2 .1 AB-770/1:3 2F5985-999-1234 1o1 0013 AB-771/B 2N5985-999-1244 1o1 0013 ABO 1o4 .1 ABK 1.4 .1 ABK-1 1o4 .1 ABK-2 1o4 .1 ABK-3 1.4 .1 ABK-4 1o4 .1 ABK-5 1o4 .1 ABK-6 1o4 .1 ABK-7 1.4 .1 AD-2 1o2 0013 AFSAV-34C 1.2 .1 AFSAV-39C 1.2 .1 AM-1905/U 2Z5805-665-1945W/S 1·2 o1 ( AM-1017/SLR 2F5895-3298-926 c: 7o1 .07 AM-1017/SLR 2F5950-538-1357W/S c: 7.1 .07 AM-1017A/Slk 7.1 0072 AM-103/U 1.5 .1 AM-185/APS-4-T2 1·2 .1 AM-1066/UQC 3o1ft .3 AM-1197/U 1.2 .1 AM-1365/UTR 2Z5820-447-95ll 1·2 .1 AM-1365<XN-2)/URT 1.2 0013 AM-14/APT 7o1 .7 AM-1454/SRC 1o2 .1 AM-1463/SRC 1·2 .1 AM-1479/SRC 1.2 .1 AM-1492(X-G1)/SRT 1·2 .1 AM-1565/URC 1·2 0013 AM-1565(X-Nl)/URC 1.2 .1 AM-1577/PFN-33 225840-562-8900 2·9 0020 AM-1600/APN 2.9 0020 AM-1600A/APN 2R5841-730-0379 2·9 0020 AM-1700/FPN 2.9 0020 AM-1725/GRC 1o2 .1 AM-1741/FRN 1·2 .1 AM-1785/GRC 1.2 .1 AM-18/APT 2.9 0020 AM-1850/STC 1·2 0013 AM-1850A/STC 1.2 0013 1 { ��') EQUIPMENT DESIGNATOR FEDERAL STOCK SEC- CATE- LOCA- NUMBER CLASS GORY TION AM-1913/UP 2N5840-95-74688 2.9 8828 AM-1913A/UP 2N584.0-95-74600 2.9 0020 AM-19138/UP 2N5840-957-4600 2.9 0028 AM-1913C/UP 2N5840-832-6252 2.9 0020 AM-1914/UP 2N5840-957-4610 2.9 0020 AM-1914A/UP 2N5840-957-4610 2.9 0020 AM-19( 4b/UP 2N5840-95-74601 2.9 0020 AM-1914C/UP 2N5840-8326-226 2.9 0020 AM-1959/ARR-26 1.2 .1 AM-1976(XN-1)/SRT 1.2 .1 AM-2072<XN-l)/SR 1·2 .1 AM-2073<XN-ll/SR 1.2 .1 AM-2076/SQS-23 c: 3.10 .B3 AM-2077/SQS-23 c: 3e18 .03 AM-2097/UX 1·2 .1 AM-2098/UX 1.2 .1 AM-2103/URT 1.2 .1 AM-2123/U 2F5820-078-5541 1·2 0013 AM-215/U 2N582.0-999-2519 1·2 .1 AM-215A/U 2N582.0-999-2519 1.2 .1 AM-2158/U 2N5820-999-2591 1·2 .1 AM-215C/U 1.2 .1 AM-2150/U 2N5820-999-2591 1.2 .1 AM-220A/MPQ-2A 2·9 0020 ') AM-2206/MPQ-2A 2e9 0020 AM-22.09/AJA-3 2·9 0020 AM-2210/WTC 1.2 .1 AM-22101:/::1wTC 1e2 0013 AM-22U!C/wTC 1.2 0013 AM-2279/DSA-4 1e2 .1 AM-229/UP 2·9 0020 AM-2316C/5IA 1·2 .0013 AM-2317/SIC 1.2 0013 AM-2352/U 1.2 .1 AM-2368/ARW7-3 C.4 1·2 1010 AM-2370/APN-129 2.9 0020 AM-2374/URT 1.2 .1 AM-2454/URT 2Z5820-724-8496 1·2 .1 AM-2631/U 1.2 .1 AM-2643/UR 1.2 0013 AM-2731/UGC 1.5 .1 AM-2865/SYA-1<V> c: 4' 2.9 1020 AM-2865A/SYA-1(V) C:4 2.9 1020 AM-293/UPX 465840-665-1448 2.9 0020 AM-293A/UPX 2·9 0020 AM-3017/SR 1.2 0013 AM-3051/WIH 1.2 0013 AM-3051A/WIH 1·2 0013 AM-316/U 2.9 0020 AM-317/U 2.9 0020 2 %)

0967-420-0000 series (formerly NAVSHIPS 94200 series), is to provide descriptive and illustrative data for electronic equipments procured by.
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