US Army Airfield Pavement Assessment Program Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory Vicksburg, MS HaleyParsons LuluEdwards EileenVelez-Vega ChadGartrell US Army Corps of Engineers Background (cid:127) Initiated in May 1982 by the Department of the Army (cid:127) Requested by FORSCOM, TRADOC, and AMC (cid:127) Army Airfields (AAFs) last evaluated in the 1960s (cid:127) Pavements designed for WWII and Korean War era aircrafts (cid:127) Now required to support heavier and larger aircraft US Army Corps of Engineers 1941-1993 AAF Mission Aircraft 11994433 11994411 BB--2299,, 110055,,000000 llbb BB--1177,, 6655,,000000 llbb 11999933 CC--1177,, 558800,,000000 llbb 11996699 11996644 CC--55AA,, 883377,,000000 llbb CC--114411,, 332233,,000000 llbb 11995555 CC--113300,, 115555,,000000 llbb US Army Corps of Engineers Significance (cid:127) Determines the overall mission readiness of the AAFs in support of the Army’s force projection mission (cid:127) Provides technical data required to quantify airfield pavement maintenance, construction, and repair needs (cid:127) Data assists in optimal use of available funding for maintenance and repair (M&R) (cid:127) Provides information for establishing work plans necessary to reach and maintain AR 420-72 facility condition requirements (cid:127) Provides data for runway-bearing strengths US Army Corps of Engineers Why ERDC? (cid:127) Leadership in pavement design, evaluation, and research (cid:127) Expertise (cid:127) Military and security issues (cid:127) Database expansion and research validation (cid:127) Consistency (cid:127) Equipment – Dynatest heavy weight deflectometer (HWD) – 2 Dynatest falling weight deflectometers (FWDs) – dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) (cid:127) State of the art equipment implementation – ground-penetrating radar (GPR) – portable seismic pavement analyzer (PSPA) US Army Corps of Engineers GERMANY Coleman,Grafenwoehr,Giebelstadt, ALASKA Hohenfels,Hanau,Illesheim,Ansbach, KWAJALEIN andWiesbadenAAFs AllenAAF BucholzAAF WainwrightAAF DyessAAF GrayAAF Selah AAF Sparta/McCoy Wheeler-Sack MuirAAF AAF AAF PhillipsAAF Amedee AAF ForneyAAF GodmanAAF DavisonAAF ButtsAAF ShermanAAF MichaelAAF Redstone FelkerAAF AAF FortCampbell MarshallAAF CampbellAAF&SabreAHP LagunaAAF HenryPostAAF FortBragg HAWAII Simmons&MackallAAFs LibbyAAF BradshawAAF WheelerAAF BiggsAAF Lawson AAF FortStewart PolkAAF JAPAN FORTHOOD FortRucker Hunter&WrightAAFs KastnerAAF RobertGray&Hood CairnsAAF,Lowe& AAFs HancheyAHPs SOUTH KOREA A-306AAF A-511AAF US Army Corps of Engineers Inspection Intervals (cid:127) Critical Category I airfields – structural evaluation including nondestructive testing (NDT) every 5 years – pavement condition survey to determine the pavement condition index (PCI) every 5 years (cid:127) Category I airfields and instrumented heliports – structural evaluation including NDT every 8 years – pavement condition survey to determine the PCI every 4 years US Army Corps of Engineers Objectives (cid:127) Structural evaluation – determines allowable aircraft loads and design traffic FWD/HWD (cid:1) DCP (cid:1) (cid:127) Visual evaluation – pavement condition survey – identify M&R (cid:127) Test new technologies – PSPA – GPR US Army Corps of Engineers FWD/HWD (cid:127) Trailer mounted, nondestructive, impact load device (cid:127) Dynamic force applied to the pavement – drop height of 0-15.7 in – 0-50,000 lbs – 25-30 ms duration (cid:127) Applied force and pavement deflections are measured US Army Corps of Engineers DCP (cid:127) Determines strength (CBR) of underlying soil layers (cid:127) Thickness is delineated from changes in strength (cid:127) 4 main components – cone, rod, anvil, hammer (cid:127) Procedure: – 1-in drilled hole – drop hammer until penetration depth is 20-30 mm – record number of blows and depth – penetration/mm is correlated to CBR US Army Corps of Engineers