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Urban Wind System Revised Edition 1982 PDF

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Preview Urban Wind System Revised Edition 1982

een mato M4- 79-6 + “GRANTS — ‘N08 3 we poe/Ri/100s1——n p86 o00355, FINAL REPORT i E.0.B,, Project #08-PG41-70R230051 i i | 1 AX URBQY AUD RURAL DEAOSSTRATION OF A KIND-POVERED WATER PUMP The New Alcheny Tastimute ‘257 Yatehvi lle Rone Yast Falmouth, Nessachusezts 2556 (11) -568-2085 sane iy de ney cer, Page, Lt Technica: Iaprovenents oo the Ne Mebogy SAHA en esos 1 1. The Crankshaft. 1 2. he Pap Saree. : Ei the prebe H vase 2: The fosten Hinénilt settee 7 Fenfommance Tost Reselts * he Cape Cod Minded. - u ‘Sucational and Related Eftorts, vee Mt appendix pppandix Appensitx Appendix Agpediz Appendix appendix Agpendix 4 a Fy 4 5. 6. 1 TABLE oF coMTENTS Construction Pens for the Seulvang Kindnil. Nek. Wewslertar AcLicty om Boston Mimimill M.D.€. Auchowinatton Letear. Letter to S. Redlich re: Fate of fostoa ill. Scickhouse Advertisement for Winénil} Book. etter Center Course Eyer. Selected Media Clippings. Saleiag Hida st the Christian Herter Center, ALlezon, MA Introduction: “The following report sumarixes the progress and roculta cf 0.O-E. 9RLIOUSL, “An Urban end Raval Demonstration of m Mind- Geant 60E-F6 Powered Water Pump". The late suluiscion of this smnary is dus to the ace thet one of the ceo prototype windnllis 2 sti1? besag andified, sod tie final results are, rot yet in. However, as the report deserihes, ‘the project as originally proposed Yes been suecesefully complered. Dur original intent was to complete a four-year design effort so than. the protctype Sallwing could be built by e do-tt-yourselfer com he dari eodificetions ploealy fom off-the-chal® component ore completed, ve proposed to construct twa mills = ane at an ween comunity garden fn Eosten, the other at the Cape Cod Siashelter in ts ished ang made available iz several forms, This report sumari ville Massachusetts, Piang for the nachine would thea be yuh ‘the project in onder of these Zour ffores. Passe 1; ‘Leghateal Imptovenones ‘gn tho ew Alcheny Sat}wing, 1, The Crankshete. Four years of research on "ig Red", Nou Atchony's srtgtual Seilwing satec-pumping wivdail, had resulted Sa a voxldng prototype hich couié ba constructed wa lov erst, but uMeh requisad the wre of specially mechined crankshaft snd pump ahefe components, the first four nonthe of this effort fooured on the ralesign ond teszing ous crankehy se euntigmretions, 7 Tho prinary design eriterda vere (a) 22 convert a roteting shut! Ato a 7-tn total rotational Sisp‘esenent, (0) vo vithntand up to 2,000 fe-tha of tongue G4 an 16 mph wind, and (oy co be consesucved vith ek(LLe and equipomt arcesetite to & typical do-ie-yoursotéor. ‘The original cramk (S00 Figure 1) act the Cleat exo ev'varia, but did not udequately meet the ching requtrenent, Foor somths of research re- sulted fn the design which is described in Figure 2, This proven crank requires convemional eelding and drillong squipnent and enphesizes off thevghel£ Dearing? Which are eonmonly available, The first crank (see Phase 2) expiuyed I-in pillow block beautngs, and the met xecent de sign (Phase 3) saves money and welding tine ty employing Ita ftenze mount bearings. The cratt'shagt has operated uithout fall on three Sail ving windasiis for a combined roming tine of etghteen montha. A comparison betwean the criginal and the final designs indi~ sates the success of this dasign effort: Prototype Crankehege Mey Cranbsnafe Cost of Materials Hs ue Non-Hrofessiona) Sachdotet'a Tae 3 ° 2. The Pomp shaft. . ‘Ths original SaLlving prototype was spplo;ed in & igh come _poession application wich @ Lerge volume (1 gat) disphrage suction pump. | i f rt i i i Hf i i i H i : i I } i i i i i i Pigure 1 The Original Sailtdag Cronstaft [een enmind cnr = ecremamaecnsaninnreetimatamttt ayeusqueay MNTATIEG wey eu, Cem—ays —— (Azmsodnay) ‘Tha shaft required for this application was s stusdy, nos -bucbring de ‘ign made from S-in FB asd machined end plates (Figire 5). Since the typical anticipated application weulé requize tention strassas rather ‘then compression forces, we set out to design & pump shaft which could ‘ve constructed inexpeusively using off-the-shelf components. the pri- mmery design criverio were: (0) ability to withstand tension stresses din excess of 500 Ibs, (2)! ability to adept simply to crankshaft beerines on top, and polish rod on pump below, (¢) ineosyoration of a sxivelTing capebility to accomodate the wind rotor! yaw response to changing wind Sixections, and (2) ability to accomodate a stuple pump rod guide for tout over 55 #8 an hetght ‘our finat destgyl tmolved the use of @ vooden red xed and a comercial vindsill swivel plus 1-in of Reavy wall conduit with several veided connecting sections. Re are satisfied with the desgn, end At has performed fawneasty for eleven months of runing Choe, “(80 Ap pondin 1 for sosrtrvstion detai?e.) 5. The Brake. ‘The original SuLising prototype aid not have « brake. The operator € this experimental aaciting had to manually step the x0toF from mid-tower wien furling or inspecting tho wachine, Two besking strategies vere designed an this poofect, Wut only one is ready for Vide-soelo application ‘The ficet, a manual turn-out levor, bus performed Beautifully fon the Baste ail and en a Sadiving vhich wo coneteucted in Yoro, [rrr Raa

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