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Uprooting the Forces of Evil - Islam's War on Terror PDF

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UPROOTING THE FORCES OF EVIL Ace these indtscttiate bombings, euch what occurred in the U.S., London and Mads, Istamically justifiable? Islam unequivocally prohibits the likes of these horrendous acts and does not condone this awful ‘behavior Look at what Allah says in the Qur'an shout those who kil innocent people: Te could beat if be Killed the wbae of mankind and if anyone saved aif it woul bea fe saved te cabo of mankind." (A-Maldel 32) Prophet Muhammad (nay he Pca Bing of lsh be ‘mh stressed the prohibition of killing, women sand children on many occasions, even a times of wat. A Bb Ppt ip i ‘Demet it eomen ar cen aro enon, do att Zronfin Soing tt et thy haa pea! ‘Therefore, this behavior can never be justified in any say, shape of form. Froreiga policy of Western countries is often! iamed aad used at an excos for thee reac” tions, opecificlly the wari rng und Afghani iescictetageea nad tha Sadly, we frequently hear these kinds of excuses being regurgitated. But the truth of the mater is that nothing can be used to support the validity of| this madness. AM sei ‘No sel shal bear the sin of enter.” (An-Najm 38) ‘Muslims should condemn terrorism and not make ‘excuses for any murderous deviant, because Islam rejects these acts Tie people reponible for thete cowardly crimes have been Muslims, so obviously they ‘must be relying on some sort of proof. “These misguided individuals distort texts of both the Qur'an and the Prophetic traditions to euit their desires. They invent for themselves an ideology and then search for arguments that ‘an be utilized to convince the ‘ignorant masses. Actually this i not only found ‘amongst Muslims but adher- cents to other religions, in the past and present, have commit~ ted atrocities in the name of religion and then claimed that | they were supported by the | teachings of thei scriptures. Islam commands people to be | just, ruthfil, kind and honest, ‘whereas terorism is built upon | Ties, treachery, oppression and deceit, Anyone with two eyes can sce that Islam is free from thie barbarity, perpetrated by these few fanatics. "Wius about suicide bombings; is this permislble in Islam? Ala sayin th noble Quran: “Denot bil yuretes."(An-Nisa:29) Allah clearly probit mankind from suicide regardless of whether i is with a bomb razor blade or anything else. Moreover tis an even grate sin to take ones life tod the lives of other innocent people who have not committed any crime that warans sich a punishment. Propet Mamma ny a gs pi ‘Whaccer intentionally bl bimself wil be punished inthe feof Hel bern be ball deel forever” ISLAM'S WAR OR TERROR ~ ‘Telling the police: + Prevents this person from committing suicide, if that’s what he intends to do, lelps those who would have been injured, or even killed, by such an attack. * Removes any animosity that might be directed, wrongly, at the other Muslims ‘own souls and oppres the innocent civilians they people ‘il tbe martyn, Suicide bombers oppress their Many people thnk that Bin Laden and chose like tim myth another Muslim, is planning to commit an act _al-Jazeera towards the end of 1998, Dori forget the ‘of terrorism, can he inform the police? hhomific scenes of the bombings, carried out by {eis mandatory upon them to inform the necessary Muslim country. ‘authorities, because these people are plorting to SUICIDE BOMBERS ARE ROT MARTYRS Uprooting the Forces of Evil u\Istaamea “the religion ofall prophets! 874-A Weston Rd, Toronto. ON Canada ‘9 (00) 1.416.243.5820 3 infoiscam.ca Compiled by Hassan Hosein Ab

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