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Preview Update of the China-VO AstroCloud

Update oftheChina-VO AstroCloud 6 1 ChenzhouCui1,CeYu2,JianXiao2,BoliangHe1,ChanghuaLi1,Dongwei 0 2 Fan1,ChuanjunWang3,ZhiHong2,ShanshanLi1,LinyingMi1,Wanghui Wan1,4,ZihuangCao1,JiaweiWang1,Shucheng Yin2,YufengFan3,Jianguo n Wang3,SisiYang1,YinLing1,HailongZhang5,JunyiChen3,LiangLiu6,Xiao a J Chen7 3 1NationalAstronomical Observatories, ChineseAcademyofSciences (CAS), 1 20ADatunRoad,Beijing100012, China;[email protected] M] 2TianjinUniversity, 92WeijinRoad,Tianjin300072, China; [email protected] I h. 3YunnanAstronomicalObservatory, CAS,P.0.Box110,Kunming650011, p China;[email protected] - o 4WuhanScienceandTechnologyMuseum,104Zhaojiatiao Road,Wuhan r t 430010, China;[email protected] s a 5XinjiangAstronomical Observatory, CAS,150Science1-Street, Urumqi, [ Xinjiang830011, China;[email protected] 1 v 6PurpleMountainObservatory, 2WestBeijingRoad,Nanjing210008, China; 5 [email protected] 5 1 7Shanghai AstronomicalObservatory, 80NandanRoad,Shanghai 200030, 3 China;[email protected] 0 . 1 Abstract. Asthecyber-infrastructureforAstronomicalresearchfromChineseVir- 0 tual Observatory (China-VO) project, AstroCloud has been archived solid progresses 6 duringthelastoneyear. Proposalmanagementsystemanddataaccesssystemarere- 1 designed.Severalnewsub-systemsaredeveloped,includingChina-VOPaperData,As- : v troCloudStaticsandPublicchannel. Moredatasetsandapplicationenvironmentsare i integratedintotheplatform.LAMOSTDR1,thelargestastronomicalspectrumarchive X wasreleasedtothepublicusingtheplatform.Thelatestprogresseswillbeintroduced. r a 1. Introduction AstroCloud(Cui et al. 2015) is a cyber-infrastructure for astronomy research initiated by Chinese Virtual Observatory (China-VO) under funding support from NDRC (Na- tional Development and Reform commission) and CAS (Chinese Academy of Sci- ences). Tasks such as proposal management, data archiving, data quality control, data releaseandopenaccess,Cloudbaseddataprocessingandanalyzing,areintegratedinto the physical distributed platform. It acts as a full lifecycle management system and gatewayforastronomical dataandtelescopes. 1 2 ChenzhouCuietal. 2. Newfeature Since its lunch on May 15, 2014, many new features and remarkable improvements have been made to the platform. The current system consists of five channels, i.e. Observation, Data,Tools,CloudandPublic. Figure1. ChannelsofAstroCloud Proposalsubmissionsub-system(Xiaoetal.2015)wasre-designedtoprovideflex- ible management features for telescope managers. Configuration parameters for back- endinstrument, proposal submission, peer-review, andobservation timeallocation can bechangedbytelescope managerseasily. Figure2. ProposalManagementSystem Data query and access sub-system (Fan et al. 2015)was improved for better per- formance and interoperability. Tens of datasets hosted at the platform can be queried and cross identified through a uniform interface. LAMOST DR1(Luo et al. 2015), UpdateoftheChina-VOAstroCloud 3 the largest astronomical spectrum dataset with 2.2M spectra was open to the public in March2015throughthesystem. Figure3. DataQueryandAccessSystem A new dashboard is designed to give a user fast access points of frequently used resources andservices, andsummaryinformation ofthesystemandtheuser. Acquisition,ReductionandAnalysisofMulti-wavelengthAstronomicalData(MADARA) is a Cloud Computing(Li et al. 2015) based teaching and research environment for astronomical lectures and graduate students. Common used software packages, for example IRAF, DS9, CASA, HEASOFT, SSW, IDL, Python, to process and analyze multi-wavelength observation data are pre-installed. A virtual machine instance with thesepackagescanbeinitiated andreadyforusinginonlyfewminutes. China-VO Paper Data Repository, provides long-term storage and open access serviceforuserâA˘Z´spaperdata,whichincludesbutnotlimitedtables,figures,pictures, movies,sourcecodes, models,softwarepackages mentionedinhisscientificpapers. A permanentbutuserspecifiedURLwillbeprovidedforeachitem. Public channel is a new one especially developed for the public and amateur as- tronomers in the last year. Video streams provide live images taken from video cam- eras at different observatories. Gallery is a collection of beautiful pictures taken by AstroCloud users. China-VO Special is a collection of China-VO hosted services, for exampleAstronomical Dictionary andWWTBeijingCommunity. OnJuly29,2015,PopularSupernovaProjectwaslunched. Itisthefirstastronomi- calcitizenscienceprojectinChinaasajointventurebetweenChina-VOandXingming AmateurAstronomical Observatory. Inthemorning ofSep. 12,asupernova candidate 4 ChenzhouCuietal. wasdiscovered bya10-year old pupil. Inspired bythe news, number ofthe registered users of AstroCloud platform raised violently to 105K by the end of September. Two supernovacandidates discovered bypublicusersinOctober2015havebeenconfirmed byprofessional observations. In additional to the above user facing channels, several crucial functions are pro- videdbythebackend platform. Twoexamplesaregivenhere. CSTNETpassport, thecombination ofanemailaddress andapassword provided by China Science & Technology Network (CSTNET) that you use to sign in to sup- ported services. Ifyoudon’t haveaCSTNETpassport, you cansignupforfreeatany time. UsageStatistics, giveout important statistic data about the platform interested by usersandadministrators. Forexample,generalweblogresultsandplatformrunningsta- tusincludingonlineusers,registered users,logininnumbers,etc. Submittedproposals fortelescopes. Archivedastronomicalobservationdatasetsandtheirlatestprogress(He et al. 2015); Running status and number of virtual machine instances at each Cloud computing node. Acknowledgments. Thispaperisfunded byNationalNaturalScienceFoundation ofChina(11503051,U1231108,U1531246,U1531115),MinistryofScienceandTech- nologyofChina(2012FY120500), ChineseAcademyofSciences(XXH12503-05-05). Dataresources aresupported byChineseAstronomicalDataCenter. References Cui,C.,Yu,C.,Xiao,J.,He,B.,Li,C., Fan,D.,Wang,C.,Hong,Z.,Li,S.,Mi,L.,Wan, W., Cao,Z.,Wang,J.,Yin,S.,Fan,Y.,Wang,J.,&Yang,S.2015,inADASSXXIV,edited byA.R. Taylor,&E. Rosolowsky(SanFrancisco: ASP), vol.495ofASPConf.Ser., 469 Fan,D., He, B., Xiao, J., Li,S., Li, C., Cui, C., Yu,C., Hong,Z.,Yin, S., Wang, C., Cao, Z., Fan,Y.,Mi,L.,Wan,W.,&Wang,J.2015,inADASSXXIV,editedbyA.R.Taylor,& E.Rosolowsky(SanFrancisco:ASP),vol.495ofASPConf.Ser.,477 He,B.,Cui,C.,Fan,D.,Li,C.,Xiao,J.,Yu,C.,Wang,C.,Cao,Z.,Chen,J.,Yi,W.,Li,S.,Mi, L.,&Yang,S.2015,inADASSXXIV,editedbyA.R.Taylor,&E.Rosolowsky(San Francisco:ASP),vol.495ofASPConf.Ser.,483 Li, C., Wang, J., Cui, C., He, B., Fan,D., Yang,Y., Chen, Y., Zhang,H., Yu,C., Xiao, J., Li, S., Mi, L., Wang, C., Cao, Z., Fan, Y., Hong, Z., Wan, W., Wang, J., & Yin, S. 2015, inADASSXXIV,editedbyA.R.Taylor,&E.Rosolowsky(SanFrancisco: ASP),vol. 495ofASPConf.Ser.,487 Luo,A.-L.,Zhao,Y.-H.,&Zhao,G.2015,ResearchinAstronomyandAstrophysics,15,1095 Xiao,J.,Yu,C.,Cui,C.,He,B.,Li,C.,Fan,D.,Hong,Z.,Yin,S.,Wang,C.,Cao,Z.,Fan,Y., Li,S.,Mi,L.,Wan,W.,Wang,J.,&Zhang,H.2015,inADASSXXIV,editedbyA.R. Taylor,&E.Rosolowsky(SanFrancisco:ASP),vol.495ofASPConf.Ser.,473

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