CPC(HEP&NP),2009,33(X):1—6 Chinese Physics C Vol.33,No.X, Xxx,2009 2 ∆ Update of g of the muon and α − T. Teubner1 K. Hagiwara2 R. Liao1 A.D. Martin3 Daisuke Nomura2 1(Department ofMathematical Sciences,UniversityofLiverpool,LiverpoolL693BX,U.K.) 0 2(TheoryCenter,KEK,Tsukuba,Ibaraki305-0801, Japan) 1 3(Department ofPhysicsandInstituteforParticlePhysicsPhenomenology, UniversityofDurham,DurhamDH13LE,U.K.) 0 2 Abstract WeupdateourStandardModelpredictionsforg−2ofthemuonandforthehadroniccontributions n totherunningoftheQEDcoupling,∆α(5)(M2). Particularemphasisisputonrecentchangesinthehadronic had Z a contributionsfrom new data in the 2π channel and from the energy region just below 2 GeV. J 9 Key words Anomalous magnetic moment, muon, runningcoupling, hadronic contributions 2 PACS 13.40.Em, 14.60.Ef, 12.15.Lk ] h p 1 Introduction completelydominatedby the hadroniccontributions, - p ∆α(5)(q2). Recall α(M2) is the least well known of e The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, thehsaedt of precision obseZrvables [G ,M ,α(M2)], so h a =(g 2)/2, has been the subject of wide interest F Z Z [ µ − its error is a limiting factor in the electroweak fits of and detailed research. The discrepancy between its the SM as performed e.g. by the LEP Electroweak 1 experimental value as measured by BNL [1] and its Working Group. v prediction within the Standard Model (SM) is one of 1 0 thefew–ifnottheonly–experimentalsignofphysics 2 Standard Model prediction of g 2 4 beyond the SM (apart from neutrino mixing). This − 5 has triggereda lot of intense scrutiny of both the ex- Theanomalousmagneticmomentofthemuonre- . 1 perimental determinationand the theoreticalevalua- ceives contributions from all sectors of the SM. The 0 tion of a . The BNL experiment E821 has achieved QED and electroweak (EW) corrections can be cal- 0 µ 1 animpressiveprecisionof0.5ppm[1],andfurtherim- culated within perturbation theory and are, through : provements may only be reached with the planned many impressive works, well under control. In the v i experiments at Fermilab and J-PARC, see the pre- compilation for aSM presented here we use aQED = X µ µ sentations [2, 3]. As discussed below, the SM predic- 116584718.08(15)10−11[6,7]andaEW=(154 2)10−11 r · µ ± · a tionreliesheavilyonthe experimentalinformationof [8], as e.g. reviewed in [9]. The hadronic contribu- the measuredhadroniccrosssections atlow energies. tions can not be reliably calculated in perturbative During the last 15 years,the SM prediction has gone QCD(pQCD)astheloop-integralsaredominatedby through several phases of improvement and consol- low momentum transfer, i.e. the non-perturbative idation and has now, for the first time, reached an region of QCD. They are typically divided into the accuracy even slightly better than the experimental leading (LO) and higher-order (HO) vacuum polari- value. Thisismainlyduetothebigeffortstomeasure sation(VP),andtheso-calledlight-by-lightcontribu- the hadronic cross sections with increasing accuracy tions, which are also subleading: ahad=ahad,LOVP+ µ µ and the progress of various groups working on the ahad,HOVP+ahad,l−by−l. While the VP induced cor- µ µ data-drivenevaluationof the hadronic contributions, rections can be calculated with methods based on which are in fairly good agreement (though further dispersion relations and using experimentally mea- improvementsareforeseenaswillbediscussedbriefly sured hadronic cross sections as input, the light-by- in Section 4). In this article we will concentrate on light scattering contributions can be estimated only themainchangesinthehadroniccontributionstoa , usingmodels.∗ Theresultsfromdifferentgroupsvary µ updating the works [4, 5]. considerably, both w.r.t. the mean value and the er- Similarly to g 2, the theoretical uncertainties ror. Forareviewpresentedatthisconferencesee[10]. − in the running of the QED coupling, α(q2), are IntheSMpredictionofg 2presentedhereweusethe − 1)E-mail:[email protected] ∗Firstprinciplecalculations withinlatticegaugefieldtheoryareunderwaybutverydifficultandatanearlystage. (cid:13)c2009ChinesePhysicalSocietyandtheInstituteofHighEnergyPhysicsoftheChineseAcademyofSciencesandtheInstitute No.X T.Teubneretal: Updateofg−2ofthemuonand∆α 2 value ahad,l−by−l=(10.5 2.6) 10−10, which has been of the 2π channel presented at the PhiPsi09 confer- µ ± · obtained in [11] as a combination of results based on ence but not yet available for public use). The grey different models.† In the following we will discuss in bandshowstheresultofourdatacombinationinthis more detail recent changes in the VP contributions. channel including also older data, but excluding the KLOE data, see the discussion below. 2.1 Hadronic VP contributions 1400 TheLOhadronicVPcontributionsarecalculated Fit (w/o KLOE) Mean of fit (w/o KLOE) Mean of fit (all sets) using the dispersion integral 1200 CKMLDO-E2 ((0068)) SND (04, re-anal.) 1 ∞ CMD-2 (02, re-anal.) ahad,LOVP= dsσ0 (s)K(s), (1) 1000 wtiohnergeivKin(µgs)h=ighm3es2µst·(w04e.πi4g3.h.Zt.m1t)o2πilsowaehksatndoewnenrgkieersn√els,fuanncd- +-+-σππ(ee -> ) [nb] 680000 σ0 (s) is the hadroniccrosssectionfor e+e− γ∗ had → → 400 hadrons(+γ). The superscript 0 indicates that the ‘undressed’ cross section must be used, i.e. the cross 200 section without VP effects in the virtualphoton, but 0 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 including final state radiation (FSR) of photons. To Energy [GeV] arrive at the best compilation for σ , at low ener- Fig. 1. Most important datainthe2π channel had gies (√s<2 GeV) about 24 hadronic channels (ex- and fits as described in thetext. clusive final states) have to be summed, and in each 250 channel the data from different experiments have to Mean ofF fiitt ((ww//oo KKLLOOEE)) Mean of fit (all sets) be combined. At intermediate energies σhad is mea- SND (0C4M, rDe--2a n(0a6l.)) 200 suredinclusively. PerturbativeQCDcanonlybeused away from resonances, and (most) data driven anal- ytmhseernesstuhwsoel.dr.p.tQ.FCorarDddioaetntailvyilesfcooorfrrteehnceetridgoainetssaaainnbdpovuteth,etthhdeeaitoraptecrneoambt¯b-- +-+-σππ(ee -> ) [nb] 110500 bination through a non-linear χ2 fit, as used in the min work reported here, see [4, 5]. Note that there are 50 uncertainties w.r.t. the correct application of radia- tive corrections (undressing of VP, possible addition 0 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 of neglected photon FSR) to the data, especially in Energy [GeV] the case of older data sets. In our analysis this leads Fig. 2. Low energy region close to the2π threshold. tothe assignmentofaseparateerrorduetoradiative corrections, δahad,VP+FSR 1.8 10−10, which alone is µ ≃ · The lowest energy region close to the 2π thresh- about ten times bigger than the uncertainty of the old is displayed in Fig. 2. The recent CMD-2 data electroweak contributions aEW. µ represented by (red) triangles and error bars clearly 2.1.1 Recent changes in the 2π channel demonstrate the improvement from this single data Morethan70%ofahad is coming fromthe ρ 2π set alone, with the fit in this region being dominated µ → channel. Following older experiments, the cross sec- by these data. Figure 3 shows an enlargement of the tione+e− π+π− hasbeenmeasuredinrecentyears ρ-ωinterferenceregionwhichisnowverywellmapped → with increasing accuracy by the Novosibirsk experi- out by the consistent data sets. However, Fig. 3 also ments CMD-2 and SND, see e.g. [14] for a short re- shows that the KLOE data are undershooting the viewoftheirresults. Figure1displaystheimpressive combination of the other data in this region, while agreement of the most recent data sets from CMD-2 typically being higher than other data at lower ener- and SND, together with recentdata from KLOE[15] gies as canbe seen by the (green) solidline in Fig. 1. obtained with the method of Radiative Return (see This apparent difference in shape is highlighted in [16] for a detailed review of the method and its ap- Fig. 4, which shows the normalised difference of the plication, and [17] for the very new KLOE analysis KLOEcrosssectionandthecombinationoftheother †Notethatthisisslightlydifferentfrom(thoughcertainlycompatiblewith)thevalueahµad,l−by−l=(116±40)·10−11 asobtained in[12,13]anddiscussedin[10]. No.X T.Teubneretal: Updateofg−2ofthemuonand∆α 3 2π data by the square markers, while the band dis- the non-linear χ2 fit.‡ Note that if we calculate min plays the size of the error of the compilation with- the contribution to g 2 from the KLOE data alone, − out KLOE. (The bands displayed in the figures are we obtain aππ,KLOE =(384.16 3.47) 10−10, in per- µ ± · obtained from the diagonal elements of the fit’s full fect agreement with the result of the integral over covariance matrix.) our compilation of all 2π data without KLOE (but in the range of the KLOE data), for which we get 1500 1400 MeaMne oafnF f iiott fC(( wwfKiMt//L oo(DOa KK-lEl2 LLs ((OOe00tEE68s))))) uaµπseπ,twh/eouptrKoLcOeEdu=re(3a8d4o.p1t2e±d2a.l5re1a)d·y10i−n1[04.]Wwheetrheeeraerfloireer SND (04, re-anal.) 1300 CMD-2 (02, re-anal.) KLOE data (now superseded by [15]) were included 1200 after integration, by calculating a weighted average +-+-σππ(ee -> ) [nb] 11010000 wKnaiLtthOioEnth.,eanindtengortalpoevreforrmthiengdaatapocionmt-pbiyla-ptiooinntwciothmobuit- 900 BaBar has also published their first measurement 800 ofthe2π channelbasedonRadiativeReturn[18](see 700 also[19]),findingsomediscrepancieswithKLOE.We 600 havenotincludedthenewBaBardataintheanalysis 0.74 0.75 0.76 0.77 0.78 0.79 0.8 0.81 0.82 Energy [GeV] presented here as they were not available for public Fig. 3. ρ-ω interference region in the2π channel. use at the time of the conference, but see [20, 21] for an analysis which includes them. 0.15 FitK wL/Oo EK LdOatEa 2.1.2 Energy region below 2 GeV 0.1 Important changes in the data input have also happened in the regionbetween 1.4 and 2 GeV. This 0.05 region is particularly difficult, as a growing number σσσ( - )/KLOEFitFit 0 ocgefososmdibulaletcica-hunardadcrhyoa.ns Hteoxocwblueesviievnrec,lufitdhneeadsletsoetnaoetebrsgtiaebisnecaσorhmeadeasbwoaitvche- -0.05 the reach of the Novosibirsk machine§, and the qual- ity of the available data was not very good. Alter- -0.1 natively, one can rely on inclusive R measurements, -0.15 but for this only rather old and not very precise 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 Energy (GeV) data are available. This situation has changed with Fig. 4. Normalised difference of the KLOE BaBar measuring, through Radiative Return, many data [15] and the data compilation excluding channels with higher accuracy than earlier experi- KLOE; the band represents the error of the ments. These include new data for 2π+2π− [23], compilation. K+K−π0, K0πK [24], 2π+2π−π0, K+K−π+π−π0, S One should keep in mind that the KLOE data 2π+2π−η [25], 2π+2π−2π0 [26] used for our updated are obtained via the method of Radiative Return analysis. Figures 5 – 7 exemplify the influence of the at fixed collider centre-of-mass energy, whereas the new BaBar data. The new data are not always in other data are measured via the traditional method good agreement with other sets; in such cases the fit of energy scan by adjusting the e+e− beam ener- has a poor quality and we scale up the error of the gies. Hence Monte Carlo simulation tools including channel’s contribution by χ2 /d.o.f. (e.g. in the min radiative corrections and also the systematic effects 2π+2π−2π0 channel χ2 /dp.o.f.=2.7.) min arecompletely differentbetweenthe two approaches. 2.1.3 Sum rule analysis Up to now it is not clear what causes the differ- Notethatinpreviousg 2analyses[4,5]wefound − ence in the shapes of the 2π data, and more stud- a discrepancy between using the available inclusive ies are underway to clarify the situation. Unfortu- data in the region 1.4 to 2 GeV and adding the ex- nately this difference in shape prevents us from in- clusive channels. The inclusive data were lower than cluding the KLOE data in a straightforward way in ‡Thefitallowsareadjustmentoftheoverallnormalisationofthedatasetswithintheirsystematicerrors. IncludingtheKLOE datawouldleadtoabadχ2 /d.o.f.andunnaturalnormalisationeffects pullingthefitupward,see[4]foradetaileddiscussion. min §Thiswillchangewiththecurrentupgrade,see[22]. No.X T.Teubneretal: Updateofg−2ofthemuonand∆α 4 the sum of the exclusive channels, though they were over the exclusive for energies √s = 1.43...2 GeV. found to be similar in shape. Since then the situation has changed: the hadronic datahaschangedslightly,beingloweratlowenergies 7 Fit (w/o BaBar) and also at energies above 2 GeV. Also, with the in- Fit (all sets) BaBar (08) 6 DDMM12 ((8921)) clusionoftherecentBaBardatathesumoftheexclu- sive channels in the region 1.4 to 2 GeV has become 5 slightlylowerandmoreaccuratethanbefore. Ourup- +-0σπ(ee -> KK) [nb]s 34 dftehareteencdotrssruuemmsporrunuldleeisnagbnaasuslyemsdisrouinslepsiuQnmtCemDgraaarlirsseeodmveiarndteFhietgod.am8t;aadtbcifhy- fitting for α as a free parameter (see [5] for details). 2 s It is clear that the new sum over exclusive channels 1 is more accurate than the old inclusive data and also morecompatiblewiththepredictionsbasedonpQCD 0 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 Energy [GeV] with a world average value of αs. We therefore are Fig. 5. K0Kπ channel with improvement due nowcombining the resultsfromthe inclusive andthe S to recent BaBar data [24]. sum over exclusive data in this energy region.¶ 45 Fit w/o BaBar Fit all sets 40 BaDBMa2r ((9005)) (m,n,√s–0) data (fraction (%)) DM1 (82) M3N (79) (0,0,3.7) inclusive (13.0) 35 (1,0,3.7) inclusive (20.4) (1,1,3.7) inclusive (13.1) +-+-+-σππππ(ee -> ) [nb] 12235050 ((((((((20112011,,,,,,,,00010001,,,,,,,,33333222.))))...7555)))) iiiiiiiinnnnnnnncccccccclllllllluuuuuuuussssssssiiiiiiiivvvvvvvveeeeeeee ((((((((2122223429667903........79942068)))))))) (2,0,2.5) inclusive (24.2) 10 (0,0,3.7) exclusive 5 (1,0,3.7) exclusive (1,1,3.7) exclusive (2,0,3.7) exclusive 0 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 (0,0,3) exclusive Energy [GeV] (1,0,3) exclusive (1,1,3) exclusive Fig. 6. 2π+2π− channel. (2,0,3) exclusive (0,0,2.5) exclusive (1,0,2.5) exclusive (1,1,2.5) exclusive 14 Fit (w/o BaBar) (2,0,2.5) exclusive Fit (all sets) BaBar (06) 12 MDM3N2 ((7896)) αS(M Z2) 0.1 0.12 0.14 Fig.8. Resultsfordifferentsum-rules[5]trans- 10 +-+-+-00σππππππ(ee -> ) [nb] 468 2.1.I4n ltaaOhdtetedhdwietoiirnorltcndohaatavonpegrrteaehsgdeeiacnoitmifdoαnprsoeo(srMfutaαlZ2tns)t;f.otcrhheaahµbnaagdn,eVdsPsdhioswcusssed above, compared to [4], we have also included new 2 datainotherchannels: K+K− fromCMD-2 [27]and SND[28],K0K0 fromSND[29],π+π−π0 fromCMD- 0 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 S L Energy [GeV] 2 [30], ωπ0 from KLOE [31], and inclusive R data at Fig. 7. 2π+2π−2π0 channel. higher energies above 2 GeV from BES [32, 33] and CLEO [34]. Figure 9 shows the recent BES data to- In [5] we performed a QCD sum rule analysis, con- gether with the fit of all inclusive data in this region cluding that the inclusive data are more compatible and the prediction from pQCD. While the contribu- with pQCD and the world average of α , and there- tiontog 2issignificantlysmallerthanpreviously,it s − forechosetousetheinclusivedatainsteadofthesum is obvious that pQCD, which is in perfect agreement ¶Note that the sum over exclusive channels stills requires, due to the lack of experimental information, the use of iso-spin relationsforunknownchannels, whichinturnresultsinalargeerrorfromthepoorlyknownKK¯ππ channel. No.X T.Teubneretal: Updateofg−2ofthemuonand∆α 5 with the three latest BESII (09) data points [33], is corresponds to a 4σ discrepancy. The situation is still somewhat lowerthan the fit for energiesbelow 3 displayedin Fig. 10 where we also show our previous GeV. result and the most recent results from Jegerlehner and Nyffeler [13] andthree different predictions from 4.5 Inclusive Davier et al. [20, 21, 35]: While their e+e− based re- Inclusive mean pQCD pQCD mean sultwithout the new BaBar2π (labelled‘w/o BaBar 4 BEBSE SII ((0019)) BES (99) (09)’ in the figure) data agrees very well with our evaluation, the result including these new data lead 3.5 toashiftupwards,butstillcompatiblewiththeother R(s) 3 e+e− basedresult. The thirdresultemploys,inaddi- tion to e+e− data, also the use of τ spectral function 2.5 data from ALEPH, OPAL, CLEO and BELLE. 2 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 HMNT (06) √s [GeV] Fig.9. RecentdatafromBEStogetherwiththe JN (09) fit of all inclusive data compared to pQCD in Davier et al, τ (09) the energy region above2 GeV. Davier et al, e+e–w/o BaBar (09) w/ BaBar (09) Numerically the changes to ahad,LOVP from the µ HLMNT (09) different energy regions amount to (units of 10−10, comparedtoresultsfrom[4]): 0.76(0.32 1.43GeV, experiment − − low energy exclusive channels), +2.10 (1.43 2 GeV, − BNL results from inclusive and sum over exclusive data BNL (new from shift in λ) combined), 1.35 (2 11.09 GeV, higher energy in- − − clusive data). This accidentally leads to a near per- 170 180 190 200 210 fect cancellation of the shifts, with the total result aµSM × 1010 – 11659000 ahad,LOVP=(689.4 3.6 1.8 ) 10−10. The first µ ± exp± rad · Fig. 10. Comparison of recent predictions for error is coming from the statistical and systematic g−2compared to theBNL measurement. error of the data, whereas the second error is our estimate of the uncertainty in the radiative correc- To translate the charged current induced hadronic tions as mentioned above. However, compared to τ decay data into the required spectral functions our earlier result from [4], ahad,LOVP(HMNT06) = µ requires the application of isospin breaking correc- (689.4 4.2 1.8 )10−10,thereisafurtherreduc- ± exp± rad · tions, which can only be predicted in a model de- tion in the error. pendent way. Earlier τ based results from Davier et The higher-order VP induced contributions can al. were incompatible with e+e− based results, but also be calculated using a dispersion integral, see [5] with a re-evaluation of the isospin breaking correc- for details. Our updated result is nearly unchanged tions [21, 35, 36] they find the result displayed in andreadsahad,HOVP=( 9.79 0.06 0.03 )10−10. µ − ± exp± rad · Fig. 10 (labelled ‘τ (09)’) which is now marginally 2.2 SM predictions compared to the BNL consistent. These findings were discussed controver- measurement siallyatthePhiPsi09conference;Benayounpresented analternativeapproachbasedonHidden LocalSym- Combiningthe QED,EWandhadroniccontribu- metry anddynamical (ρ,ω,φ) mixing. With this and tions as discussedabove,we arriveatour SM predic- with a global fit he gets consistency of the τ spec- tionoftheanomalousmagneticmomentofthemuon, tral function with the e+e− data and an improved aSM(HLMNT09)=(116 591 773 48) 10−11. (2) 2π contribution to g 2 [37]. Keeping in mind that µ ± · − otherstudiesobtainedaverylargeuncertaintyofthe DuetoasmallshiftofCodata’smuontoprotonmag- isospin breaking corrections (see e.g. [38]) we believe netic ratioλthe experimentalvaluefora fromBNL that, until this issue is better understood, the pre- µ is now aEXP=116592089(63) 10−11 [2]. This results dictions of g 2 based on e+e− data alone are more µ · − in a difference aEXP aSM=(31.6 7.9) 10−10 which reliable. µ − µ ± · No.X T.Teubneretal: Updateofg−2ofthemuonand∆α 6 3 Running QED coupling α(q2) cies are reported by other groups, depending on the data used and the details of the analyses. However, Basedonthe same data compilation,we alsopre- for all e+e− based analyses the discrepancy is about dict the hadronic contributions to the running of the 3 4σ and standing all scrutiny. QED coupling, α(q2)=α/(1−∆αlep−∆αhad). The −For the future, further improvements of the SM hadronic VP is important for many studies where prediction will be possible. The method of Radiative high accuracy radiative corrections are required, as Return has proven extremely powerful and will be is the case forthe hadroniccontributionsto g 2,see − leading to many more results. In addition to the al- [16] for a very recent review. Of particular impor- readyreportednew 2π datafromKLOE[17],further tance as input in EW precision fits is the quantity ∆α(5)(M2), the hadronic contributions to the run- analysesareongoing,andthereareexcitingprospects had Z withKLOE2[39]. Thereisalsoarichprogrammego- ning α from five-flavours (the contribution from the ingonatBELLE,andthepossibilityofSuperBELLE top quark is usually added using pQCD). Our up- dated value is ∆α(5)(M2)=0.02760 0.00015. This at the horizon. CMD-3 and SND at VEPP-2000 had Z ± currently commissioned in Novosibirsk are aiming at isslightlyhigherandsignificantlymoreaccuratethan largely improving the exclusive measurements in the thenumberfromBurkhardtandPietrzykusedasde- regionbelow 2 GeV, whereas BESIII at BEPCII will fault by the LEP EW Working Group, andleads e.g. cover higher energies. With all these developments to a lower preferred Higgs mass and a lower upper the error of the SM prediction of g 2 is expected to limit from the famous ‘Blue Band Plot’. − shrinkevenfurther,sothatinthefuturethelight-by- light contributions may eventually become the limit- 4 Summary and outlook ing factor. Obviously there is an extremely strong We have given an update of the SM prediction case for new the g 2 experiments as planned by the − of g 2, emphasising recent developments for the g 2 Collaboration for Fermilab [2] and at J-PARC − − hadronic contributions. With the e+e− based anal- [3]. With this, g 2 will become even more powerful − ysis presented here we obtain a 4σ discrepancy be- in establishing and constraining physics beyond the tween the experimentally measured value of a and Standard Model. µ its SM prediction. 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