RaddliffesLeBrasseu PRESS STATEMENT OF MARI VINDIS ‘Vindle dispute now resolved by ayreement snd subsequent Court appravat Tam delighted by today's ruling t the Rolls Building, hy shich the court approved an sgroement between ‘the parties in respect ofthe three olaims that were due to beheard at w 12-day ral lotr this year. The Court's ‘Order ensures that my childeen and I will reel ve proper fisanclel provision ftom my late husband?’ extate, By way of hackgreund, thera has heen a soecesefl family owned avd run oar dealership Insinesses in ‘Cambridgeshire and the suroundiog area for many yours, The interests of diferent members ofthe Gaily in tbe business lay at the heart oF the dignate but happily these metiers have navy been resalved by agreement sand subsequent court approval. My ehildcen, Alex and Gaby, and [are delighted to be joining my brother-tiJaw Gary as owners of the business and we ace looking forward tn its continued success baoyed by our stg family tes. 1 was with my fate Husband, Nigel ftom the age of 17 und stood alongside him ae he and Gary his beother ‘worked hard, taming ther business vision inte reality, Nigel hag great cherisraa aad was much admired for bis business ueuruen and generous nature, We were married for 34 years. Jahls workdag Uf, Nigel gave al he hod to mule the business the suocexs il is nda, ogether with his bother ‘Gory, Sadly, Nigel did not live to sce either of is children gradoste from university but would have been 50 ‘very proud of their achievements, Our son Alex works in the busiuess and is detemincé to maintain the eneegy and vision thathis fivher brought to the business. Alex, Gaby and are looking forward tthe coalinved rovth and soecess ofthe enmpany, ‘1eMar2017, Further media enquires to: [email protected]