2 0 1 6 2 0 1 7 The Underground Guide to Outsmarting the ACT by Chris Arp and Veritas Tutors and Test Prep with Ava Chen, Jon Fish, Devon Kerr, and Zack Swafford Illustrations by Julian Callos WORKMAN PUBLISHING, NEW YORK Copyright © 2015 by Chris Arp and Veritas Tutors and Test Prep Illustrations copyright © by Julian Callos All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced— mechanically, electronically, or by any other means, including photocopying—without written permission of the publisher. Published simultaneously in Canada by Thomas Allen & Son Limited. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available. ISBN 978-0-7611-8449-2 Design by Orlando Adiao Cover art by John Ritter ACT is a registered tradmark of ACT, Inc., which does not sponsor or endorse this product. Workman books are available at special discounts when purchased in bulk for premiums and sales promotions as well as for fund-raising or educational use. Special editions or book excerpts can also be created to specification. For details, contact the Special Sales Director at the address below, or send an email to [email protected]. Workman Publishing Co., Inc. 225 Varick Street New York, NY 10014-4381 workman.com WORKMAN is a registered trademark of Workman Publishing Co., Inc. Printed in the United States of America First printing July 2015 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Acknowledgments This book would never have happened without the initiative and continued support of Matt Bardin, who built Veritas Tutors and Test Prep with true vision, and Margot Herrera at Workman Publishing, for whom the title of senior editor does not begin to suffice. Everyone at Workman has been fantastic, but special thanks are due to Orlando Adiao for his design brilliance, Jessica Rozler and Marta Jaremko for their incredible attention to detail, and Heather Schwedel for, among many other things, her encyclopedic knowledge of popular culture. Ava, Zack, Jon, and Devon, you are battle-tested troopers, terrific editors and writers, great mathematicians, and true comedians. The book also owes a great deal to the experience and wisdom of everyone at Veritas, but mason jars of gratitude are especially due to Teddy Martin and Sam Levin for their overflowing math brains, and to Will Chancellor for his overflowing everything brain. Many shukrans to Steve Reiss for his math magic, and to Gail Ross for her legal magic. Buckets of appreciation to Larry, Manek, Paul, Michael, and everyone who helped create the Up Your Score series. Forty- ounce Big Gulps of envy and respect to Julian Callos for his superb illustrations. A German stein of appreciation to my sister, Rachel Ramstad, both for her design advice and her unflagging emotional support. And, as always, rooftop water towers of love to Helene Miller, Bill Arp, Lila Gault, and all my lovely and handsome friends. —CA Thanks to Yi-Yi Tsai for being the foundation and support behind all my endeavors. And to Bill McKenzie for introducing me to Up Your Score: ACT and teaching me (nearly) everything I know. —AC iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Many thanks to Tim and Angela Fish for being the most supportive parents a kid could ask for, and to Jake and David Fish for being pretty good, as far as older brothers go. Also to Jed Hilbert of Saint Xavier High School for his advice and encouragement as my standardized test guru. —JF Thanks to Matt Swafford, Lisa Fitzpatrick, and Xander Swafford for doing the things families do, only better. To Alan Hermanns for irrefutably making my sense of humor what it is today. And to Annabeth, Linus, and Greg, along with Misters E and D. P. et al., for teaching me what I know and therefore was able to apply to the ACT. —ZS Thanks to Mom and Dad for being the best darn tootin’ parents a kid could ask for; thanks to Mollie Kerr for not killing me in my sleep; and thanks to Anne Silverman for all the love and support and Wheat Thins. Also, to my friends, for putting up with me singing along to my weird indie music, for watching the TV shows I push on them, and for making my basement a place that will live on in memory. —DK Contents Introduction: A Brief History of This Book ................ 1 Let’s Begin at the Beginning ........................... 2 But Then Something Great Happened.................. 4 Years Later.......................................... 5 A Few More Years Later .............................. 8 Devon: A Formal Introduction......................... 8 Chapter 1: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the ACT (But Were Afraid to Ask).............. 9 Before We Dive In, Any Questions?.................... 10 SAT or ACT? ...................................... 12 How High Should I Reach? .......................... 15 The True Story of the ACT-bot ......................18 A Series of Pep Talks................................ 21 The Score on Scoring................................ 24 Practice, Practice, Practice! ........................... 28 The Digital Future .................................. 30 Chapter 2: Keeping Your Cool: Anxiety and the ACT ...... 31 The Darkness: A Maelstrom of Fear ................... 32 The Light: Studying Without Stress................... 37 First, Make a Plan................................... 37 Be Here Now....................................... 42 Still Stressed? Good! ................................ 44 Chapter 3: How to Be Smart: Key Strategies for the ACT .. 45 Building Your Endurance............................. 46 Speed ............................................. 48 The Grand Strategy: Skipping and Coming Back........ 49 vi CONTENTS Guessing and Eliminating Wrong Answer Choices....... 54 In Summary........................................ 55 Chapter 4: The English Test: Like That Annoying Uncle Who Corrects Everything You Say......................... 57 The Nutz and Boltz of Proper English ................. 58 Six Punctuation Rules ............................... 61 Can This Sentence Be Gooder? Grammar and Usage..... 77 Sentence Structure—Use Your Ears ................... 85 The Big Picture: Rhetorical Skills ..................... 94 Moving Forward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104 Chapter 5: The Mathematics Test: The Easiest Section— If You Know Everything About Math ................107 Math: Is It Impossible?..............................108 What’s on the Mathematics Section of the ACT?.......108 Some Quick Thoughts on Strategy ...................109 Basic Arithmetic ...................................110 Advanced Arithmetic...............................133 Stop!.............................................155 Algebra...........................................156 Advanced Algebra..................................172 Break Time!.......................................181 Geometry.........................................181 Coordinate Geometry ..............................202 Three Scary Words: Logarithms, Trigonometry, and Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .216 Hooray! ..........................................230 Chapter 6: The Reading Test: Because “The Movie-Watching Test” Would Have Been Too Much Fun ..............231 You Know How to Read ............................232 A Few Thoughts on “Test Reading”...................234 Lean-Forward Reading .............................235 CONTENTS vii The Five Habits of Lean-Forward Reading ............236 Patience, Young Grasshopper: Training to Become a Master Reader................................240 Finally, the Real Deal: Tips for the Reading Section . . . . .243 So Many Different Types of Passages .................247 Finally, a Trick: The General Strategy.................253 The Torturer’s Tools: Know the Question Types........259 A Few Key Tone Words.............................263 Become the Monster: How to Create a Reading Question .............................265 One Last Thing: Dual Passages ......................269 Moving Forward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .269 Chapter 7: The Science Reasoning Test: In Which Reasoning Is Tested Far More Than Science ..........271 What the Science Reasoning Section Says It Tests......273 What the Science Reasoning Section Really Tests.......273 Overall Strategy: Go, Go, Go!!! ......................275 Data Representation................................277 Research Summaries ...............................283 A Scientific Drama.................................284 Conflicting Viewpoints .............................293 It’s Party Time, Science Style.........................299 Chapter 8: The Writing Test: What’s One More Section Among Friends?...................................301 How Optional Is Optional? .........................302 How the Test Works (and How It Doesn’t) ............302 Patented Five-Step Guide ...........................304 But What If I Can’t Write Five Paragraphs in 30 Minutes? .................................319 Let’s Get Fancy: Advanced Moves ....................320 How Do You Get to Carnegie Hall? ..................322 viii CONTENTS Chapter 9: Countdown to Test Day: The Final 24 Hours ..325 The 18th Hole.....................................326 I ♥ Failure ........................................327 Okay, nice pep talk, but it’s the night before the test. Now what? ....................................329 I didn’t sleep last night and I feel like garbage...........330 I’m too nervous to eat...............................331 I gotta be honest: Despite all the encouragement, I’m still feeling pretty stressed............................333 But, but, but . . . what am I going to wear?!? ............334 What about personal grooming? .....................335 My proctor seems a bit clueless, and I’m worried he’s going to mess this up ............................335 What about these bubbles? What do I do with them? ...336 I think the two kids behind me are cheating; is that . . . can I do that?..........................336 I’ve heard that these tests can be biased; is that true? ....337 Alright, I finished the test; now how should I feel? ......337 I’m freaking out. I feel like I messed up. Should I cancel my score? ................................337 So . . . it’s over; I can have fun until college? ............338 So, are we done here? ...............................341 Who Are These People, Anyway?....................343 I N T R O D U C T I O N A Brief History of This Book