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Министерство образования и науки РФ Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Нижнетагильская государственная социально-педагогическая академия» Кафедра иностранных языков З. И. Трубина UP TO THE TOP Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов первого и второго курсов неязыковых вузов Нижний Тагил 2012 УДК 811.111 ББК 81.2Англ Т771 Печатается по решению учебно-методического совета Нижнетагиль- ской государственной социально-педагогической академии (протокол № 3 от 20.12.2011 г.) Т771 Трубина З. И. Up to the top: учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов первого и второго курсов неязыковых вузов / авт.- сост. З. И. Трубина. – Нижний Тагил : Нижнетагильская государ- ственная социально-педагогическая академия, 2012. – 247 с. Рецензенты: Ерофеева Л. А., канд. пед. наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков НТГСПА; Кустова А. Е., канд. пед. наук, доцент кафедры романских языков ИИЯ УрГПУ. Данное пособие содержит в достаточном объеме тексты для чтения на английском языке, упражнения и задания, выполняемые в рамках изучае- мых тем на первом и втором курсах неязыковых факультетов. Набор тем, представленных в пособии, достаточно широк и способен удовлетворить потребности в учебных изданиях не только студентов неязыковых специ- альностей и направлений, но и студентов иняза. УДК 811.111 ББК 81.2Англ © Трубина З. И., 2012 © Нижнетагильская государственная социально-педагогическая академия, 2012 2 СОДЕРЖАНИЕ От автора ......................................................................................................... 4 1. Me and my family. ....................................................................................... 5 1.1. My relatives. ..................................................................................... 5 1.2 Family duties. ................................................................................... 17 1.3. Holiday and family traditions. ......................................................... 23 1.4. The generation gap. The problems of the young. ............................. 32 1.5. Meals. .............................................................................................. 52 1.6. Shopping. ........................................................................................ 94 2. Me and my education. ............................................................................... 115 2.1. Higher education in Russia and abroad. .......................................... 115 2.2. My academy. .................................................................................. 133 3. Me and the world I live in. ........................................................................ 139 3.1. English in the modern world. ......................................................... 139 3.2. American and British lifestyles. ..................................................... 142 3.3. National cultures. ........................................................................... 147 3.4. Russian traditions. ......................................................................... 164 3.5. Travelling abroad. .......................................................................... 169 3.6. Getting around the town. ................................................................ 214 Литература ................................................................................................... 246 3 От автора Пособие предназначено для студентов первого и второго курсов неязы- ковых вузов, освоивших программу средней школы и готовых продолжать развитие коммуникативных умений на основе разговорных тем, преду- смотренных программой вуза. В качестве основной цели данное пособие ставит перед собой активизацию и расширение лексического запаса в соче- тании с эффективным развитием разговорных навыков. Пособие содержит 3 раздела, в которые входят актуальные для повсе- дневного общения темы: «Я и моя семья», «Я и моё образование», «Я и мир», включающие в себя разнообразные по стилю тексты, насыщенную лексику и соответствующие уровню грамматические явления. При работе с группами студентов разного уровня владения английским языком можно легко адаптировать материал пособия к конкретной ситуации. Актуальность и современность тем для обсуждения представленного материала позволяют развить речевые умения и языковые навыки, необхо- димые для успешного общения в реальных жизненных ситуациях. Раздел «Активная лексика по теме» не только позволяет расширить словарный за- пас, но и развить навыки правильного сочетания слов на уровне предложе- ния. Избыточность упражнений на отработку явлений, которые также пред- ставлены в ситуациях реального общения, делает процесс усвоения и за- крепления лексического материала увлекательным и эффективным. Посо- бие позволяет значительно усовершенствовать разговорный английский, обогатить лексический запас, внести необходимые коррективы в сферу грамматической подготовки студентов и, безусловно, рекомендуется к ис- пользованию всеми желающими улучшить уровень владения современным разговорным английским языком. Учебное пособие не содержит грамматического справочника. При ра- боте с ним преподаватели и студенты могут использовать любой из много- численных имеющихся специальных учебников по грамматике. 4 1. ME AND MY FAMILY 1.1. MY RELATIVES Активная лексика по теме ancestor предок, прародитель father отец mother мать wife жена husband муж sister сестра brother брат godchild крестник, крестница godfather крестный отец stepbrother сводный брат half-brother единокровный брат, брат по одному из родителей son сын daughter дочь first-born первенец twins близнецы orphan сирота to adopt усыновлять, удочерять widow; widower вдова, вдовец relative; relation родственник (-ца) uncle дядя aunt тетя nephew племянник niece племянница cousin двоюродный брат, двоюродная сестра grandfather дедушка great-grandfather прадедушка grandmother бабушка great-grandmother прабабушка parents родители grandparents дедушка и бабушка love at first sight любовь с первого взгляда marriage брак married женатый single холостой, незамужний bridegroom жених, новобрачный (в день свадьбы) 5 bride невеста, новобрачная (в день свадьбы) fiancée, fiancé невеста, жених (до свадьбы) father-in-law тесть, свекор brother-in-law шурин, деверь son-in-law зять sister-in-law золовка, свояченица age возраст middle-aged средних лет old (older, oldest) старый (старше, самый старый) elder (eldest) старше, самый старший elderly пожилой grown-up взрослый young (younger, youngest) молодой (моложе, самый молодой) name; to name after smb. давать имя, называть в честь кого-либо to be born родиться bring up воспитывать generation поколение generation gap разрыв поколений birth, to give birth to a child рождение, родить ребенка engagement; to be engaged to помолвка; быть помолвленным с кем- smb либо wedding свадьба silver wedding, golden wedding серебряная, золотая свадьба newly married couple / newly новобрачные wed, the young couple propose to somebody делать предложение (о браке) anniversary годовщина, юбилей honeymoon медовый месяц divorce развод to divorce smb. развестись registry office отдел записи актов гражданского состояния bachelor холостяк spinster старая дева to separate разлучаться, расходиться, расставаться When did you separate from Когда ты разошлась с мужем? your husband? to split (Am. pазг.) разводиться to split up прекращать отношения 6 Основные тексты для чтения и понимания Текст 1 My brother’s name is James. He’s thirty-four and he’s married. His wife’s name is Liz. She’s thirty-two and she’s an engineer. James is a dentist. They have two children. Their daughter, Helen, is seven and their son, Sam, is four. Согласитесь или не согласитесь. 1. James is married. 2. Liz is James’s wife. 3. Liz is thirty-four. 4. James and Liz have two daughters. 5. Helen’s brother is four. Текст 2 Dolores Valentine Прочитайте и переведите текст. Dolores Valentine knows all about love. She is 65 years old and has been married six times. The first time she was a bride, her wedding day was on her seventeenth birthday. The last time she got married, she was 62. Her bridegroom that day was 75 and he died two weeks later. Dolores has been married six times but she has never been divorced. All six of her husbands died while they were married to her. Six times she has been a loving wife and six times she has been left a widow. Now she is engaged again and is going to marry a man much younger than herself. Her fiancé is a thirty-nine-year-old farmer – strong and healthy. This time Dolores feels pretty sure that she is going to die first to leave her husband a widower. Текст 3 British and American families British and American families are small. In fact the populations of both Brit- ish and the USA have nearly stopped growing. In the old days, a "typical" family had a father, a mother and two or three children, with grandparents living near. Most children still live in this kind of family, but in both countries there is a growing number of "single parent fami- lies", with only one parent. Some parents are single because they are divorced, but many other young parents do not get married at all. The typical American family has more money than a British family. Some have two or three cars, large modern kitchens and more electrical goods. They spend more money on clothes and food. 7 Сравните американские, британские и русские семьи. Согласитесь или не согласитесь. 1. Young people should only leave home after they are married. 2. Young people should never leave home without their parents’ permission. 3. Young people who live with their parents should pay rent to them. 4. The state should help young people find a home of their own. Текст 4 Touchy Topics In North America when people meet each other for the first time, they talk about things like family, work, school, or sports. They ask questions like "Do you have any brothers or sisters?", "Where do you work?", "What school do you go to?", and "Do you like sports?" They also ask questions like "Where do you come from?" and "Where do you live?" These are polite questions. They are not personal or private. But some things are personal or private, and questions about them are not polite. People don’t ask questions about a person’s salary. They don’t ask how much someone paid for something. It is OK to ask children how old they are, but it is not polite to ask older people their age. It is also not polite to ask people questions about politics or religion unless you know them very well. People don’t ask unmarried people "Why are you single?", and they don’t ask a married couple with no children "Why don’t you have any children?" Ответьте на вопросы: Are they polite or not polite when you meet someone for the first time in North America? Are they polite or not polite in your country? Polite Not polite a) What does your wife do? b) Do you believe in God? c) How much money do you earn? d) How many children do you have? e) Why aren’t you married? f) Do you like baseball? g) How old are you, Mr. Lee? h) Are you a Democrat or a Republican? i) How much was your watch? 8 Текст 5 Paul and Kerry McDonald would like to welcome their new son Christopher Casey to the clan! Weighing 4.2 kilograms, Chris was born on January 2nd at 3:30pm. He will join sister Rachel, 6 and brother Malcolm, 4 in the McDonald household in Vancouver, Canada. Christopher’s proud aunts Kathy McDonald and Sherry Smith were present at his birth. Grandparents, Lisa and Mike Smith were also present. Chris’s grandmother in Texas will be arriving soon to meet her new grandson. Cousins Jerry, Fern, and Lindsay can’t wait to meet baby Chris too! The proud parents would like to thank all of their extended family for the warm wishes and gifts. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. What is Christopher’s mother’s name? 2. Who are Christopher’s siblings? 3. How is Kathy McDonald related to the newborn? 4. Who will be coming to see Chris soon? 5. Who is Kathy in relation to Kerry? Текст 6 Annie’s Brother I have a small hotel in the city of Galway. We’re from Ireland, I have a small hotel in the city of Galway. My wife’s name is Shona, and she has a job as a nurse in a hospital near the town centre. We have three sons, Paul, Donny, and Conor. We have an apartment in the hotel. Our sons Paul and Donny have a band, Metro 5. They’re in Las Vegas now. Conor is here with us. My sister, Annie, and her husband, Jim, have a big house in London. They have two children, a son and a daughter. Annie has a very good job. Jim has a good job, too. Согласитесь или не согласитесь. Is Paddy’s hotel is in England – It isn’t in England. It’s in Ireland. 1. His wife has a job in a hospital. 2. Annie is Paddy’s wife. 3. Their hotel is very big. 4. Paddy and Shona have three children. 5. All their sons are in Las Vegas. 6. Jim and Annie have a son and a daughter. 9 Текст 7 The Castle Family Andy Castle lives in Brighton. He’s not married. He has a nice car and a good job. Andy Castle lives with his parents, in his parents’ house. He’s thirty- seven years old. His mother’s opinion It isn’t a problem. Andy is a very good boy. He doesn’t have parties in the house. Why does Andy live at home? Because he likes it here. He helps me around the house. It’s not a problem. I have a daughter Emily, but she doesn’t live at home. Andy is my only son. His father’s opinion It’s not right. His mother says he’s a good boy ... well, he’s a man! And a thirty-seven-year old man doesn’t live with his mother and father. What about a family for Andy? I want to be a grandfather! Why does Andy live at home? I don’t understand. He has money, he’s a handsome young man. I love him, but it’s better for Andy if he has his own house or flat. Andy’s opinion It’s fine. My father isn’t very happy, but that’s his problem. I don’t have a girlfriend right now. When I meet the right girl, I’ll get married and leave home. Why do you live at home? I have great parents, and I’m very happy to live with them. I like my house. A lot of my friends live at home. Подчеркните правильный вариант. 1. Andy is / isn’t 32 years old. 2. Andy has / doesn’t have a car. 3. His mother wants / doesn’t want Andy to live at home. 4. Emily lives / doesn’t live with Andy. 5. Andy is / isn’t married. 6. His father loves / doesn’t love Andy. 7. Andy likes / doesn’t like his house. What’s your opinion? Useful language · It’s not a problem. · It’s a problem. · It’s fine. · It’s not right. 10

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