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Unusual nest sites of Réunion Stonechat Saxicola tectes high in trees - a response to increased predation of ground nests? PDF

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Preview Unusual nest sites of Réunion Stonechat Saxicola tectes high in trees - a response to increased predation of ground nests?

Unusual nest sites of Reunion Stonechat Saxicola tectes high in trees—a response to increased predation risk of ground nests? MarkusHandschuh — Des nids duTraquetde laReunion Saxicola tecteshautdans des arbres unereponseaune augmentation du risque de predation au sol? En decembre 2003, des Traquets de la Reunion Saxicola tectes ont ete observes occupant des territoires dans la plupart des habitats a haute alti- tude dans le nord de Tile. Cinq nids ont ete trouves, dont deux juste au-dessus du sol sur des m m talus, deux a une hauteur d’environ 9 et 12 dans des arbres du genre Cryptomeria et un m , a environ 7 dans une fougere arborescente Cyathea sp. L’emplacement du nid a une hauteur elevee au-dessus du sol est inhabituel pour le Traquet de la Reunion, une espece endemique commune de File de la Reunion, et le genre Saxicola en general. Des emplacements pareils sont- ils communs quoique restes inapenpas jusqu’a present? Ou sont-ils dus a Fabsence locale de sites de nidification typiques, a un niveau localement elevee de derangement, ou a une augmentation du risque de predation des nids au sol par des mammiferes predateurs introduits? Cette derniere hypothesesembleetrelaplusplausible. Des etudes plus pousseessonttoutefois necessairesafinde determiner si Futilisation d’arbres comme site de nidification est un phenomene de plus en plus frequent, ce qui pourrait avoir des implications pour la conservation. Summary. In December 2003, territory-holding Reunion Stonechats Saxicola tectes a common , Reunion endemic, were encountered in most habitat types at higher elevations in the north of the island. Five nests were found, ofwhich two were lowabove the ground on banks, whilst two were at c.9 m and c.12 m in Cryptomeria trees, and one at c.7 m in a tree fern Cyathea sp. Nest sites high above the ground are unusual for Reunion Stonechat and the genus Saxicola in gen- eral. Potential explanations include such sites being a more common but to date overlooked or unpublished traitofReunion Stonechat, alocallackoftypicalnestsites, alocallyhighlevelofdis- turbance, or increased predation risk ofground nests by introduced mammalian predators. The latterexplanation seems most likely. However, more detailedstudies are required to investigate if tree nests are an increasingly frequent phenomenon with potential conservation implications. R eunion Stonechat Saxicola tectes is endemic Methods to the 2,500 km2 island of Reunion, an During a visit to Reunion in December 2003, I overseas department of France in the Indian located five nests ofReunion Stonechat (seeTable Ocean. The species is described as very common, 1 for details) and made unsystematic observations typically at higher elevations of the island (e.g. on the species’ habitat and nesting. Barre 1983, Barre et al. 1996), and currently is not considered globally threatened (BirdLife Results and Discussion International 2009). Although Reunion Stonechat is relatively Habitat conspicuous and easily observed, its breeding Along a hiking track from the village Le Brule biology is not well known, and few detailed towards the protected forest of La Roche Lcrite accounts of its nesting have been published (altitudinal range: c.700-1,500 m) in the north & (see Milon 1951 in Urquhart Bowley 2002, ofReunion, territory-holding Reunion Stonechats Cheke 1987 and Probst 2002; a line drawing were encountered in most habitat types except illustrates a typical nest in Barre et al. 1996). dense, single-species plantations of introduced Here, I provide details on five nests found in Japanese Cedar Cryptomeria japonica bereft of December 2003. undergrowth. At lower altitudeswith mostlyexot- 204-BullABC Vol16No2(2009) UnusualnestsitesofReunionStonechat:Handschuh Captionstofiguresareonpage206 largely native, more open, mixed evergreen forest at higher altitudes, I found stonechat territories arranged linearly along the hiking track, with a territorial male every 100-300 m. However, I did not search for stonechats awayfrom the trail. Compared to other Saxicola Reunion , Stonechat occupies a broader range of habitats & (Urquhart Bowley 2002). According to Barre et al. (1996) and Cheke (1987), it can be found icsecondarygrowth,stonechatterritoriesappeared almost anywhere from the lower extent ofthe for- I clumped around openings and clearings. In the est at 300-800 m up to the highest elevations at j UnusualnestsitesofReunionStonechat:Handschuh BullABCVol16No2(2009)-205 & c.3,000 m. Probst (2002) adds that in parts ofthe 1951 in Urquhart Bowley 2002, Barre et al. south itstilloccursdowntosealevelandalsomen- 1996, Cheke 1987, Probst 2002). Although Barre m tions a nest at 3,030 on the Piton des Neiges. et al. (1996) mention that, occasionally, nests Cheke (1987) notes that the stonechat is the only are located in trees, on the lower branches or in m Turdidae on the island and therefore takes advan- a trunk cavity 1-2 above the ground, I have tage ofall the ‘small thrush’ niches open to it, i.e. found no account ofthe species nesting higher up open ground as well as closed-canopy forest, in in trees. addition to the scrub habitat typical ofthe genus Nest sites high above the ground are also Saxicola. unusual for the genus Saxicola in general, as its members typically nest on or near the ground in Nestsites the cover of the field layer (Urquhart & Bowley Table 1 gives details ofthe five nests found. Two 2002). There are several potential explanations for were on banks (Fig. 3), whilst the otherthreewere the high nestsites reported here. (1) Tree nests are high above the ground: two at c.9 m and c.12 m, a more common but to date overlooked trait of respectively, in Cryptomeria trees (Fig. 1), and one Reunion Stonechat. This explanation is unlikely, c.7 m high in a Cyathea tree fern (Fig. 2). The as the nestingofReunion Stonechathaspreviously nestsites several metres above ground are unusual. been studied systematically and in greater detail & Reunion Stonechats normally nest on the ground (Milon 1951 in Urquhart Bowley2002, Cheke under a tussock or in a tuft ofground vegetation, 1987, Probst 2002), and available information on or on vegetated banks along forest tracks (Milon the birds ofReunion has been collected and com- & piled (Barre etal. 1996, Barre Barau 1982), but not a single nest high in a tree has been reported. Captions to photos onpage205 Ifit is a regular trait ofthe species, then it would Figure 1. NestsiteofReunion StonechatSaxicolatectes most likelyhave been noted before. c.12 m abovetheground inJapaneseCedar Cryptomeria (2) Local lack oftypical nest sites. This is also japonicatree, Reunion, 17 December2003. Thearrow unlikely, as in each ofthe three cases reported here indicates the location ofthenest (Markus Handschuh) potential typical nest sites were readily available Sitede nidificationduTraquetdelaReunion Saxicola both in thevicinityand in thewider surroundings tectesdans un Cedrejaponais Cryptomeriajaponicaa ofthe nestingtrees. Atthepicnicsite thesewerein environ 12 m au-dessusdusol, Reunion, 17decembre the form ofareaswith awell-developed field layer, 2003. La fleche indique l’emplacementdu nid (Markus such as patches of rough grass, vegetated banks Handschuh) and margins of roads and tracks, and root plates cFD.ie7gcumermeabb2e.orvNe2e0st0th3e.sigtTrehoouefnaRdreriunonwitroiennedifScetarotnneesCcythahatethelSaoac,xaiRtceiouolnnaiotofenct,tehse17 oinffnaaltlievnetrfeoerse.stFuwratshelromcoarteed, othnelynecs.t20i0n amtrfeerofmerna nest (Markus Handschuh) typical bank nest in the same habitat. Sitede nidification duTraquetdela Reunion Saxicola (3) Locallyhighlevelsofdisturbance. Frequent tectesdans une fougerearborescente Cyatheaaenviron and / or heavydisturbance maycause birds to nest i 7 m au-dessusdu sol, Reunion, 17decembre2003. high above the ground. Fiowever, the two nests La fleche indiquel’emplacementdu nid (Markus on banks were located directly on the edge of a Handschuh) narrow, well-used hiking trail (during my obser- Figure 3. Typical nestsiteofReunion StonechatSaxicola vations several people passed the nest <2 m from tecteson avegetated bank, Reunion, 17 December2003. the incubating female, without it leaving the nest) Thearrow indicates the location ofthe nest (Markus and a small road (with cars passing at a distance Handschuh) of <3 m), respectively. According to A. S. Cheke Sitede nidification typiquedu Traquetde la Reunion (pers. comm.), stonechats have successfully nested Saxicolatectesdans un talus herbeux, Reunion, 17 decembre 2003. La fleche indique1’emplacementdu nid alongside the same trail for decades. Also, almost (Markus Handschuh) all of the Reunion Stonechats I encountered seemed relatively unwary of people, independent Figure4. Nest and eggsofReunion StonechatSaxicola tectes, Reunion, 17 December 2003 (Markus Handschuh) ofwhether they had an active nest or not. Nid etoeufsduTraquet de la Reunion Saxicolatectes, (4) Predator avoidance / locally increased pre- Reunion, 17decembre 2003 (Markus Handschuh) dation riskofground nests. The mostlikelyreason 206-BullABC Vol16No2(2009) UnusualnestsitesofReunionStonechat:Handschuh . Table 1. Detailsoffive nestsofReunion StonechatSaxicolatectesfound in December2003. 123= Forphotograph ofnestsitesee Figs. 1-3, respectively.4= Forphotographofnestand eggssee Fig. 4. *=Ageestimated, basedon nestling developmentofEuropean Stonechat S. torquatusrubicola (pers. obs.). Tableau 1. Donneessurcinq nidsduTraquetde la Reunion Saxicolatectestrouvesen decembre2003. 123= Pourune photode (’emplacementdu nid, voirFigs. 1-3, respectivement. 4= Pourune photodu nid etdesceufs, voirFig. 4. *= Estimation de I’age baseesurledeveloppementdesjeunesduTarierpatre S. torquatusrubicola (obs. pers.). Nestno I1 2 32 43,4 5 Date 17December2003 17December2003 17December2003 17December2003 18December2003 Locationand NorthReunion,Mamode Asnest1 NorthReunion,along c.200mfromnest3along NorthReunionnearvillage heighta.s.1. Camp,c.1,200m hikingtracktoLaRoche track,c.1,500m Hell-Bourg,c.1,400m Ecrite,c.1,500m Habitat Relativelyflat,park-like, Asnest1 Steepterrain,mesothermic Asnest3 Rivervalleywithmostly publicpicnicsite,withsingle evergreenforestwith steeptopographyandwoods JapaneseCedarCryptomeria denseundergrowth,short ofexoticpinePinussp.and japonicatreesandvarious vegetationandbaresoil broadleavedtrees artificialverticalstructures, surroundedbyopen JapaneseCedarplantation withgrassyundergrowth Nestsite c.12mabovegroundin c.9mabovegroundin Belowtrack,c.7mabove 0.7mabovegroundin 1.1mabovegroundon >20-mtallJapaneseCedar c.20-mtallJapanese groundinc.9-mtalllive semi-cavityondensely vegetatedrockfacenext treenexttominorpaved Cedartree;nestentirely Cyatheatreefem,entirely vegetatedbankwherethe tominorpavedroad;cavity road;nestconcealedin concealedatbaseoffirst, concealedincavitycreated pathhadbeencutfromthe behindclumpofmoss;nest broomofdenseshort dense,1-mlongbranch, bydeadvegetationhang- slope;nestconcealedby entranceconcealedbytuft branchesattrunk,darkspot invisiblefromground ingfromthetrunk,invisible overhangingmoss.Extent ofgrass,onlysmallhole andsomenestingmaterial fromoutside andshapeofnichesug- visiblefromoutside.Niche visiblefromground gestthatitmayhavebeen mayhavebeenenlargedby enlargedbythebird. thebird. Nestdescription Outerwallsmainlyofdry Asnest1 Notexaminedclosely Outerwallsmainlyofmoss, Asnest4 grassanddryleaves,con- resemblingmoss-domi- taininghardlyanymoss.Nest natednestsofEuropean cuplinedmainlywithfine RobinErithacusrubecula. plantmaterialandsomeani- Nestcupasnest1 malhairandsmallfeathers. Entrancefaces north-west east south-east west south Nestcontents* Threenestlingsc.9daysold Twonestlingsc.6daysold Nestinconstruction Presumablycomplete Presumablycomplete clutchoffoureggs,female clutchofthreeeggs,female incubating incubating for high nest sites may be a (locally) increased potential nest predators is likely to be higher at & predation risk of ground nests by introduced locations frequented by humans (see Cheke mammalianpredators.Although thespecies is still Hume 2008), such as the picnic site, e.g. due to common on Reunion (A. S. Cheke pers. comm.) waste andleftoverfood. However, because atleast and there is no published evidence that it suf- Black Rats have been abundant in the forests of fers from high nest predation, which could cause Reunion at all elevations for centuries (see Cheke birds to nest higher in trees, this may be a recent & Hume 2008), feral cats are a more likely cause phenomenon that has not been noted in earlier ofa significant change in nest site selection (A. S. & studies (Milon 1951 inUrquhart Bowley2002, Cheke pers. comm.). Cheke 1987, Probst 2002). Both Black Rats Rattus rattus and Norway Nestcontents Rats R. norvegicus as well as feral Cats Felis catus I found clutch sizes of three (nest 4) and four have been introduced to Reunion (pers. obs.; (nest 5) eggs, and brood sizes oftwo (nest 2) and Cheke & Hume 2008). The density of these three (nest 1) nestlings. Both incubating females UnusualnestsitesofReunionStonechat:Handschuh BullABCVol16No2(2009)-207 . were sitting tightly at around midday and were the submitted draft which greatly improved this note, thereforepresumedto havefinishedtheirclutches. and Ron Demeyforprovidingthe Frenchsummary. Of 12 completed clutches that Milon (1951 in Urquhart & Bowley 2002) recorded, 11 com- References & prised three eggs and one four eggs. In 1973-74, Barre, N. Barau,A. 1982. OiseauxdelaReunion. St. Cheke (1987) found eight nests containing three Denis: ImprimerieArts Graphiques Modernes. eggs andsixwitheggs, andassumedtheclutchsize Barre, N. 1983. Distribution et abondance des oiseaux to be 2-3 eggs. However, Barre & Barau (1982), terrestres de file de La Reunion (Ocean Indien). Barreetal. (1996) andProbst (2002) reportclutch Rev. Ecol. 37: 41-&85. sizes of2-4 (most commonly three) eggs. Barre, N., Barau,A. Jouanin, C. 1996. Oiseauxdela Reunion. Paris: Les Editions du Pacifique. Conclusion BirdLifeInternational. 2009. Speciesfactsheet: Saxicola Nests of Reunion Stonechat high above the tectes. www.birdlife.org (accessed4July2009). Cheke,A. S. 1987. Theecologyofthesurvivingnative ground in trees merit further investigation to land-birds of Reunion. In Diamond, A. W. (ed.) determinewhethertheyare (a) arare, irregularand StudiesinMascareneIslandBirds. Cambridge, UK: local occurrence, or (b) more common and wide- Cambridge UniversityPress. spread but previously overlooked, or (c) a recent Cheke, A. S. & Hume, J. P. 2008. Lost Land ofthe and perhaps increasingly frequent and widespread Dodo: An EcologicalHistory ofMauritius, Reunion phenomenon. Ifthe latter is the case, it should be andRodrigues. London, UK:A. & C. Black. established which factors cause tree nesting and, Probst, J.-M. 2002. Faune indigene protegee de llle in particular, whether the phenomenon is related de la Reunion. Le Port: Association Nature et to predation of ground nests and therefore has Patrimoine. potential implications for the conservation ofthis Urquhart, E. & Bowley, A. 2002. Stonechats:A Guide insular endemic passerine. to the Genus Saxicola. London, UK: Christopher Helm. Acknowledgements POBox93 054, SiemReap, Cambodia. E-mail:Markus. I am grateful to the Durrell Wildlife Conservation [email protected] Trust and the Mauritian Wildlife Foundation, in par- ticular DavidJeggo and CarlJones, for mytwo-month Received 13 December 2008; revision accepted 4June secondment to Mauritius, from where I also visited 2009. Reunion. I thankAnthonyChekeforhis commentson Birding in East Africa at its Best. We offer over 70 birding tours Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi. We offer set-departure and customized trips any time of the year for all destinations. Suite 7,first Floor,Colline house, Pilkington Road, Kampala Uganda www.toursuganda.com [email protected] Access Africa Safaris Tel:+256 312 265 737 256 392 842042 208-BullABCVol16No2(2009) UnusualnestsitesofReunionStonechat:Handschuh

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