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Unusual Corrections to the Scaling of the Entanglement Entropy of the Excited states in Conformal Field Theory PDF

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Preview Unusual Corrections to the Scaling of the Entanglement Entropy of the Excited states in Conformal Field Theory

Unusual Corrections to the scaling of the entanglement entropy of the excited states in conformal field theory Lorenzo Cevolani Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Institut d’Optique, CNRS, Univ. Paris-Saclay, 2 avenue Augustin Fresnel, F-91127 Palaiseau cedex, France In this paper we study the scaling of the correction of the Rényi entropy of the excited states in systems described, in the continuum limit, by a conformal field theory (CFT). These corrections scaleasL−2n∆,whereListhesystemsizeand∆isthescalingdimensionofarelevantbulkoperator located around the singularities of the Riemann surface R . Their name is due to their explicit n 6 dependence on the Riemann surface R . Their presence has been detected in several works on the n 1 entanglement entropy in finite size systems, both in the ground and the excited states. Here, we 0 presentageneralstudyofthesecorrectionsbasedontheperturbationexpansiononR . Someofthe n 2 terms in this expansion are divergent and they will be cured with addition cut-offs. These cut-offs n will determine how these corrections scale with the system size L. Exact numerical computations a of the Rényi entropy of the excited states of the XX model are provided and they confirm our J theoretical prediction on the scaling of corrections. They allow also a comparison with the other 7 works present in the literature finding that the corrections, for the excited states, have the exact same form of the ones of the ground state case multiplied by a model dependend function of n and ] l/L. h c e m I. INTRODUCTION - t From the birth of the quantum theory, the entanglement has been one of the more fascinating features of the new a t description of the microscopic world. The presence of a spooky “action at distance” without a classical counterpart, s Ref. [1–3], has raised endless discussions between the fathers of the newborn theory and it has been defined as “the” . at nature of the quantum mechanics itself, Ref. [4]. After more than a century, entanglement is still a key quantity m to understand many phenomena from condensed matter theory to cosmology, Ref. [5–9]. The Rényi entropy S(n) = A (cid:16) (cid:17) - 1 lnTrρn has been found to be one of the best ways to quantify the amount of entanglement, see Ref. [10, 11], d 1−n A n betweenasystemS inapurestateandasubsystemAdescribedbythereduceddensitymatrixρ . Thelimitn→1+ A o gives the Von Neumann entropy S = −Trρ logρ . In general, the computation of S(n) or S is an impossible c A A A A A task: the complexity of the density matrix of an interacting system does not allow any analytic computations. In the [ special case of a one dimensional system S, whose underlying continuum theory is a CFT, it is possible to compute 1 the Rényi entropy for a generic index n. In the case where S is in its ground state the Rényi entropy reads v 9 0 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:20) (cid:21) c 1 L πl c 1 l 7 S(n) = 1+ ln sin L→∼∞ 1+ ln (I.1) CFT 6 n πa L 6 n a 1 0 . where L (l) is the length of S (A), a is an infrared cut-off and c is the central charge of the CFT, Ref. [12]. This 1 expression has been found in several works, see Ref. [13–18], its universal scaling represents one of the most beautiful 0 consequences of the concept of universality in physics. The previous expression is obtained using a multi-copy system 6 1 defined by n copies of the initial one. These copies are connected one to the other creating a new system that can be v: seen as defined on a complex Riemann surface Rn, see Ref. [19]. The same geometrical approach works also if S is no longer in its ground state but in one of its excited states, Ref. [20, 21]. The difference between the entropy of excited i X stateS(n) andtheoneofthegroundstateS(n) seenbeforecanbecomputedagainusingthemulti-copymodelonthe Υ gs r surface R a n (cid:104)(cid:81)n−1Υ (w)Υ†(−w)(cid:105) e(1−n)(SΥn−Sgns) = lim (cid:104)j=0 j j (cid:105)Rnn (I.2) w→−ı∞ (cid:104)Υ (w)Υ†(−w)(cid:105) 0 0 R1 where the notation (cid:104)(cid:105) means an expectation value computed over the n-sheeted Riemann surface. Rn The previous expressions have been proved to be true in several systems, both analytically and numerically, see Ref. [14, 22–32]. Furthermore, some fast oscillating geometry dependent corrections to the continuum CFT results have been found and studied in different systems Ref. [33–44]. In particular, the scaling of these corrections has been 2 found to be L−2n∆ were ∆ is the scaling dimension of a relevant bulk operator. This behavior is different from the standard renormalization group (RG) flows which is L−(∆−2). The understanding of these corrections is crucial to compare the continuum limit and the numerical data from finite size systems. In Ref. [45] it was demonstrated that, for the ground state, these geometry-dependent corrections are due to the presence of a relevant bulk operator ∆>2 localized around the conical singularities that describe the surface R . In this paper we will extend this result to n the case of the excited states, where some oscillating corrections to the CFT prediction have been found but not yet studied from the theoretical point of view. This work is organized as follows: in the first section we will study how Eq. (I.2) is affected by a perturbation to the conformal invariant action. The entanglement entropy can then be evaluated as a power series in the standard perturbation theory on R . We will look for divergences in the terms of this expansion and we will cure them with n additional cut-offs. This procedure will lead to the scaling behavior of the corrections to the CFT predictions. In the second part we will present the numerical results. We will study the entanglement entropy of the particle-hole excitations of the XX model, which corresponds to the operator ı∂φ in the continuum limit of this model. We will confirm that the difference between the entropy of this state and the one predicted by the CFT scales as L−n2. We will then compare the corrections in the excited state case with the one found in Ref. [46, 47] for the ground state finding that they have the same dependence on the filling. We will conclude that the corrections in the excited states can be written as the ground state ones multiplied by a model dependent function R (l/L) which was an unknown n result before our analysis. II. UNUSUAL CORRECTIONS A. Perturbation of the function F(n) Υ We will study the unusual corrections to the scaling of the Rényi entropy of the excited states produced by a primaryfieldΥ(w)definedonR . ThereplicatrickapproachfoundforthegroundstateinRef.[16]canbeextended n to the excited states taking as "in" state |Υ(cid:105)= lim Υ(z;z¯)|0(cid:105), (II.1) (z;z¯)→0 where |0(cid:105) is the standard vacuum state, and as "out" state (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 1 (cid:104)Υ|= lim z−2hz¯−2h¯(cid:104)0|Υ ; . (II.2) (z;z¯)→0 z z¯ In the previous expressions we used radial quantization, see Ref. [12], to define the infinite past and infinite future. The sub-system A is a segment of length l < L inside the system S and the Riemann surface R , defined using the n replica trick approach, is mapped onto C for every value of n thanks to the conformal transformation  1 sin(cid:0)πw(cid:1) n z = (cid:16) L (cid:17) (II.3) sin π(w−l) L Calling ρn the density matrix of the excited state and ρn the one of the ground state, following Ref. [20, 21], the Υ I Rényi entropy can be written as Fn(x)≡ TrρnΥ =exp(cid:0)(1−n)(cid:0)Sn −Sn(cid:1)(cid:1)= lim (cid:104)(cid:81)nj=−01Υj(w)Υ†j(−w)(cid:105)Rn, (II.4) Υ TrρnI Υ gs w→−ı∞ (cid:104)(cid:104)Υ0(w)Υ†0(−w)(cid:105)R1(cid:105)n thelimitw →−ı∞fixesthetheoperatorsΥ†(w)andΥ(w)totheinfinitefutureandtheinfinitepast. Thecorrelation functions are evaluated using the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics and the conformal invariant action S . 0 FollowingnowRef.[45]wewanttostudytheresponseofthepreviousexpressiontoarelevantperturbationΦ(w)with scalingdimensions∆>2localizedaroundtheconicalsingularitiesoftheRiemannsurface. Theseconicalsingularities areidentifiedonR bythepointsw =0andw =landtheycanbemappedintothecomplexplaneusingthemapping n 3 II.3. The introduction of this perturbation operator changes the action to ˆ S =S +λ d2wΦ(w), (II.5) 0 Rn Consequently, II.4 can be formally written as ´ F˜Υn(x)=w→li−mı∞(cid:104)(cid:81)(cid:104)(cid:104)njΥ=−001(Υwj)(Υw†0)(Υ−†jw(−)ew−)λe´−Rλ1dR2wnΦd2(ww)Φ(cid:105)(Rw1)(cid:105)(cid:105)nRn, (II.6) where the correlation functions are here evaluated using the CFT invariant action S . 0 The previous expression can be evaluated as power series of the coupling constant λ (cid:28) 1 which can be written as g/(cid:15)2−∆ where g is the dimensionless coupling constant, see Ref. [12]. Taking the logarithm of this expansion we will restrict ourself to the evaluation of just connected Feynman diagrams (cid:16) (cid:17) ln F˜n(x) = ln(Fn(x))+ (II.7) Υ Υ ˆ ˆ +(cid:88)∞ (−λ)k ··· (cid:104)(cid:81)jΥj(w)Υ†j(−w)Φ(w1)Φ(w2)...Φ(wk)(cid:105)Rnd2w ...d2w k=1 k! Rn (cid:104)(cid:81)jn=−01Υj(w)Υ†j(−w)(cid:105)Rn 1 k −n(cid:32)(cid:88)∞ (−λ)k ˆ ···ˆ (cid:104)Υ0(w)Υ†0(−w)Φ(w1)Φ(w2)...Φ(wk)(cid:105)R1d2w ...d2w (cid:33). k=1 k! R1 (cid:104)Υ0(w)Υ†0(−w)(cid:105)R1 1 k Some terms in the previous expansion have divergences due to the field Φ(w), as we will see, and they have to be curedimposingashortdistancecut-off(cid:15). Thiscorrespondstoassumethatthecontinuumtheorydescribesthecorrect behavior of the correlations just on distances larger than (cid:15) because for smaller ones the continuum theory does not hold. This approximation is rude but it has been demonstrated to be sufficient to find the correct scaling of the corrections in the ground state case, Ref. [45]. We will study separately the two integrals defining the order λ term in Eq. II.7 ˆ ˆ λ (cid:104)(cid:81)nj=−01Υj(w)Υ†j(−w)Φ(w1)(cid:105)Rnd2w −λ (cid:104)Υ0(w)Υ†0(−w)Φ(w1)(cid:105)R1d2w , (II.8) Rn (cid:104)(cid:81)nj=−01Υj(w)Υ†j(−w)(cid:105)Rn 1 R1 (cid:104)Υ0(w)Υ†0(−w)(cid:105)R1 1 and the same for the order λ2 ˆ ˆ λ2 (cid:104)(cid:81)nj=−01Υj(w)Υ†j(−w)Φ(w1)Φ(w2)(cid:105)Rn −λ2 (cid:104)Υ0(w)Υ†0(−w)Φ(w1)Φ(w2)(cid:105)R1. (II.9) Rn (cid:104)(cid:81)nj=−01Υj(w)Υ†j(−w)(cid:105)Rn R1 (cid:104)Υ0(w)Υ†0(−w)(cid:105)R1 B. The λ term on the surface R 1 We start from the order λ term defined on the surface R which reads 1 ˆ (cid:104)Υ (w)Υ†(−w)Φ(w )(cid:105) d2w lim 0 0 1 R1. (II.10) R1 1w→−ı∞ (cid:104)Υ0(w)Υ†0(−w)(cid:105)R1 Withoutlossofgenerality,wewillassumethatΦisspinless,h¯ =h ,andΥhasjustanholomorphicpart,h =hand Φ Φ Υ h¯ =0. UsingtheconformalmapII.3,theintegrandcanbemappedfromR toCusingthestandardtransformation Υ 1 rule for conformal fields, see Ref. [12], lim (cid:104)Υ0(w)Υ†0(−w)Φ(w1)(cid:105)R1 =(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:18)Lsin(πx)(cid:19) 1 (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)−2hΦ (cid:104)Υ(zout)Υ†(zin)Φ(z1)(cid:105)C, (II.11) w→−ı∞ (cid:104)Υ0(w)Υ†0(−w)(cid:105)R1 (cid:12) π (eıπx−z)(e−ıπx−z)(cid:12) (cid:104)Υ(zout)Υ†(zin)(cid:105)C 4 the points z and z are the "in" and "out" states mapped on the complex plane from the Riemann surface. The in out previous expression can be computed explicitly thanks to the conformal invariance on C (cid:104)Υ (z(cid:48))Υ†(z)Φ(z )(cid:105) (cid:18) |2sin(πx)| (cid:19)2hΦ 0 0 1 C = . (II.12) (cid:104)Υ0(z(cid:48))Υ†0(z)(cid:105)C |eıπx−z1||e−ıπx−z1| Even if this expression depends on the variable z on the complex plane, its dependence is canceled out by the 1 transformation factor from R to C. The integrand of II.10 is then a constant and it has no divergences around the n conical singularities (cid:104)Υ (w)Υ†(−w)Φ(w )(cid:105) (cid:18)2π(cid:19)2hΦ lim 0 0 1 R1 = . (II.13) w→−ı∞ (cid:104)Υ (w)Υ†(−w)(cid:105) L 0 0 R1 No further cut-off of order (cid:15) is needed and the scaling of this term is given by the coupling constant λ=g/(cid:15)2−∆. C. The λ2 term on the surface R 1 On the same Riemann surface R we can study the next order λ2 of II.7 which reads 1 ¨ (cid:104)Υ(w(cid:48))Υ†(w)Φ(w )Φ(w )(cid:105) dw dw lim 1 2 R1, (II.14) R1 1 2w→−ı∞ (cid:104)Υ(w(cid:48))Υ†(w)(cid:105)R1 as usual the integrand can be mapped from this Riemann surface to C thanks to conformal symmetry (cid:104)Υ(w(cid:48))Υ†(w)Φ(w1)Φ(w2)(cid:105)R1 =(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)dw1(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)−2hΦ(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)dw2(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)−2hΦ (cid:104)Υ(z0(cid:48))Υ†(z0)Φ(z1)Φ(z2)(cid:105)C, (II.15) (cid:104)Υ(w(cid:48))Υ†(w)(cid:105) (cid:12)dz (cid:12) (cid:12)dz (cid:12) (cid:104)Υ(z(cid:48))Υ†(z )(cid:105) R1 1 2 0 0 C but in this case, the conformal invariance is not sufficient to fix completely the four point function on the complex plane (cid:104)Υ0(w(cid:104)(cid:48))ΥΥ0†0((ww(cid:48)))ΥΦ†0(w(w1))(cid:105)ΦR(1w2)(cid:105)R1 =(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)ddwz11(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)−2hΦ(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)ddwz22(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)−2hΦ|z1−z2|−4hΦF (η;η¯). (II.16) where F(η;η¯) is an invariant continuous scalar function of the anharmonic ratio (z(cid:48) −z )(z −z ) η = 0 1 0 2 . (II.17) (z(cid:48) −z )(z −z ) 0 2 0 1 Eq. II.16 exhibits the same dependence on the variables z and z as the correlator (cid:104)Φ(w )Φ(w )(cid:105) in the ground state 1 2 1 2 caseRef.[45],buthereitismultipliedbyaninvariantcontinuousfunctionofη. Inthelimitwherez andz approach 1 2 together the conical singularities on C, the function F(η;η¯) tends to a constant thanks to its continuity, see Ref. [12]. Its contribution to Eq. II.14 is an overall constant factor which can be ignored in the followings. We can then study the integral II.16 using the explicit expression found for the integrand and the fact that F (η :η¯) is a approximatively constant in this region ˆ ˆ F (η2;η¯)λ2 dz1 dz2(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)ddwz1(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)−2hΦ(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)ddwz2(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)−2hΦ|z1−z2|−4hΦ. (II.18) C C 1 2 The contribution from the region z ∼ 0 and z → ∞ can be easily computed because the integrand factorizes and 1 2 we can evaluate separately the two contributions from the two conical singularities. For the region z ∼0 1 ˆ ˆ d2z1(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)ddwz1(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)2−2hΦ ≈ d2w1(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)Lsinπ(πx)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)2hΦ =2π(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)Lsinπ(πx)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)−2hΦ(cid:15)2. (II.19) C 1 R1 where the prefactor comes out from the linearization of II.3 around the conical singularity w = 0. This integral is divergent and we need to impose a cut-off of order (cid:15). The same procedure has to be done for the integral on z 2 5 approximated around w ≈l ˆ ˆ d2z2(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)ddwz2(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)2(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)ddwz2(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)2hΦ|z2|−4hΦ =(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)Lsinπ(πx)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)−2hΦ d2w2 =2π(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)Lsinπ(πx)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)−2hΦ(cid:15)2. (II.20) C 2 2 R1 Thisexpressionneedstobefurtherregulatedimposingacut-offoforder1/(cid:15)ontheupperbound. Takingintoaccount the contribution coming from the integral and from the factor λ2 we find the scaling of the term (cid:18)Lsin(πx)(cid:19)−2∆ , (II.21) π which is the scaling of the unusual corrections on the Riemann surface R . 1 D. The λ2 term on the surface R n We want to continue our analysis with the term λ2 defined on the Riemann surface R in II.7 n ˆ ˆ λ2 d2w d2w lim (cid:104)(cid:81)nj=−01Υj(w)Υ†j(−w)Φ(w1)Φ(w2)(cid:105)Rn. (II.22) 2 Rn 1 Rn 2w→ı∞ (cid:104)(cid:81)nj=−01Υj(w)Υ†j(−w)(cid:105)Rn Theexpectationvalueofanarbitrarilylongstringofdifferentoperatorscanbecomputedwithatrick: wecomputethe correlatorreplacingalltheoperatorswithvertexoperatorswiththesameholomorphicandantiholomorphicdimensions as the original ones. Then we multiply this result by a scalar function of all the possible anharmonic rations. The simplification comes from the fact that the correlator of the product of vertex operators can be computed thanks to the conformal symmetry n−1 (cid:104)(cid:89)V (z )(cid:105) =(cid:89)|z −z |4αiαj (II.23) αi i C i j i=0 i<j (cid:80) if the neutrality condition α = 0 is fulfilled. The α parameter of the vertex operator is connected to the scaling i i dimension as α2 = h = h¯. For all the vertex operators, we will tune this parameter to match the scaling dimensions of the original operators, and at the same time to satisfy the neutrality condition. For example, for the field Φ we have h =h¯ . Therefore, we will replace it with a vertex operator whose α is Φ Φ (cid:112) α =± h . (II.24) Φ Φ For the Υ operator the situation is slightly different. This operator has√only the holomorphic part hΥ = h different from zero. We can consider a vertex operator with α¯ = 0 and α = ± h, which means simply that the correlator between these vertex operators has a vanishing anti-holomorphic part. The signs of the α parameters are chosen to satisfy the neutrality condition for the numerator and the denominator of II.22 at the same time. The fields Υ are replaced by vertex operators with parameter √ (α ;α¯ )=( h;0) (II.25) Υ Υ which satisfies the neutrality condition for the denominator alone in Eq. II.22. For the fields Φ(z ) and Φ(z ) we use 1 2 vertex operators defined by α and α opposite to each others as Φ1 Φ2 (cid:16)(cid:112) (cid:112) (cid:17) (α ;α¯ )=−(α ;α¯ ) = h ;− h . (II.26) Φ1 Φ1 Φ2 Φ2 Φ Φ Thischoice,togetherwiththepreviousone,satisfiestheneutralityconditionforthenumerator. Wecannowcompute the two correlators involving the vertex operators √ (cid:104)(cid:81)ni=−01Vαi(zi(cid:48))Vα†i(zi)VαΦ1(z1)VαΦ2(z2)(cid:105)C =(cid:20)(cid:81)n−1 (zi(cid:48)−z1)(zi(cid:48)−z2)(cid:21)2 hhΦ 1 . (II.27) (cid:104)(cid:81)ni=−01Vαi(zi(cid:48))Vα†i(zi)(cid:105)C i=0 (zi−z1)(zi−z2) |z1−z2|4hΦ 6 The integrand of Eq. II.22 is then given by the product between the previous expression and an unknown invariant function of all the anharmonic ratios (cid:104)(cid:81)n−1Υ (w)Υ†(−w)Φ(w )Φ(w )(cid:105) j=0 j j 1 2 Rn = (II.28) (cid:104)(cid:81)n−1Υ (w)Υ†(−w)(cid:105) j=0 j j Rn √ =(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)ddwz11(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)−2hΦ(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)ddwz22(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)−2hΦF(ηi)(cid:32)ni(cid:89)=−01((zzjj(cid:48) −−zz11))((zzjj(cid:48) −−zz22))(cid:33)2 hhΦ |z1−1z2|4hΦ. (II.29) where η are the anharmonic ratios involving the variables z and z j 1 2 (z(cid:48) −z )(z −z ) η = j 1 j 2 . (II.30) j (z(cid:48) −z )(z −z ) j 2 j 1 Expression II.28 depends z and z exactly in the same way as (cid:104)Φ(z )Φ(z )(cid:105) but multiplied by the invariant function 1 2 1 2 √ F(η )(cid:32)n(cid:89)−1(zj(cid:48) −z1)(zj(cid:48) −z2)(cid:33)2 hhΦ. (II.31) i (z −z )(z −z ) j 1 j 2 i=0 This expression becomes an overall constant in the limit where z →0 and z →∞ 1 2 (z(cid:48) −z )(z −z ) z(cid:48) η = j 1 j 2 → j, (II.32) j (z(cid:48) −z )(z −z ) z j 2 j 1 j F (η )(cid:32)n(cid:89)−1(zj(cid:48) −z1)(zj(cid:48) −z2)(cid:33)2√hhΦ →F (cid:18)zj(cid:48)(cid:19)n(cid:89)−1(cid:18)zj(cid:48)(cid:19)2√hhΦ. (II.33) i (z −z )(z −z ) z z j 1 j 2 j j i=0 j=0 This contributes to the integral as an overall constant and we can ignore it in the followings. The contribution to the integral II.22 coming from the conical singularities, w ∼0 and w ∼l on the Riemann surface, can be computed as 1 2 ˆ ˆ Cd2z1 Cd2z2(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)ddwz11(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)2−2hΦ(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)ddwz22(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)2−2hΦ |z1−1z2|4hΦ = ˆ ˆ = d2z1(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)ddwz1(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)2−2hΦ d2z2(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)ddwz2(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)2−2hΦ|z2|−4hΦ = C 1 C 2 ˆ ˆ =(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)nLsiπn(πx)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)−4hnΦ d2w1|w1|(1−n1)2hΦ d2w2|w2−l|(n1−1)2hΦ. (II.34) Rn Rn These integrals are both divergent for n>n where n =∆/(∆−2), which is the same result found in Ref. [45] for c c the ground state. We impose then two cut-offs of order (cid:15) in the R space to cure these divergences n (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)nLsin(πx)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)−4hnΦ (2π)2(cid:15)4hΦ(n1−1), (II.35) (cid:12) π (cid:12) taking now into account the (cid:15) dependence of the coupling constant λ2 given by the RG we get the final result: (cid:18)Lsin(πx)(cid:19)−2n∆ . (II.36) π We have then found that the geometry dependent corrections to the scaling of the entanglement entropy computed using the CFT are present also when the systems is in one of its excited states. The scaling of this corrections is the same one already found in the ground state and it is due to their purely geometrical nature. 7 E. The λ term on the surface R n We can now analyze the order λ term defined on the surface R in II.7. We will perform the calculation for a n specific model: the bidimensional critical Ising model, this is because the method used in the previous section cannot be applied here. We choose Υ(w ) = σ(w ) as the excitation operator and Φ(w ) = (cid:15)(w ) as the perturbation one. i i 1 1 We want then to evaluate (cid:104)(cid:81)2i=n1σ(w¯i)(cid:15)(w1)(cid:105)Rn =(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)dw1(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)−1 (cid:104)(cid:81)2i=n1σ(vi)(cid:15)(z1)(cid:105)C. (II.37) (cid:104)(cid:81)2i=n0σ(w¯i)(cid:105)Rn (cid:12)dz1(cid:12) (cid:104)(cid:81)2i=n1σ(vi)(cid:105)C The previous expression on the complex plane can be computed using bosonization techniques, Ref. [48], and it can be written in the general form 2n (cid:104)(cid:89)σ(v )(cid:15)(z )(cid:105) =(cid:88)F(2n;N=1)F¯(2n;N=1). (II.38) i 1 C m m i=1 m where: n 2n Fm(2n;N=1) =2−n2 (cid:89)(v2i−1−v2i)−81 (cid:89)(vi−z1)−21(Am2n)−21× i=1 i=1     n ×(cid:88)(cid:89)tmi i (cid:89) (1−xi,j)ti4tjΨt, t i=1 1<i,j<n and: (v −v )(v −v ) x = 2i−1 2i 2j−1 2j , (II.39) i,j (v −v )(v −v ) 2i−1 2j 2j−1 2i   n Am2n =(cid:88)(cid:89)tmi i (cid:89) (1−xi,j)ti4tj, (II.40) t i=1 1<i,j<n Ψt =−(v1−v2)21 (cid:89)n (cid:32)vv1−−vv2i+ti2−1 (cid:33)12 (v2i−1−ti−1 −z1). (II.41) i=2 1 2i−1−ti2−1 2 After taking the limit to the "in" and "out" states for the variables v , the expression F(2n;N=1) is just a function of i m z , which appears just in Ψ as 1 t Ψ =α +α z +···+α zn−1, (II.42) t 0 1 1 n−1 1 and from this, II.38 is a polynomial in z and z∗ of degree n−1 1 1 (cid:104)(cid:89)2n σ(vi)(cid:15)(z1)(cid:105)C = γ0;0+γ0;1z1∗+γ(cid:12)1;0z11+···+γn(cid:12)−1;n−1|z1|2(n−1). (II.43) (cid:12)(cid:81)i=2n(v −z )(cid:12) i=1 (cid:12) i=1 i 1 (cid:12) Taking then into account the transformation factor between R and C we obtain the value of the correlator on the n Riemann surface (cid:104)(cid:81)2i=n1σ(w¯i)(cid:15)(w1)(cid:105)Rn =(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) π (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)γ˜0;0+γ˜0;1z1∗+γ˜1;0z11+···+γ˜n−1;n−1|z1|2(n−1). (II.44) (cid:104)(cid:81)2n σ(w¯ )(cid:105) (cid:12)nLsin(πx)(cid:12) |z |n−1 i=1 i Rn 1 The denominator of the LHS is function only of the variables v and it will become a constant after the limit to the i "in" and "out" states, contributing just as a total multiplicative factor. We can approximate the previous expression 8 around the conical singularities looking for non integrable divergences. In the point z ≈0 it gives 1 (cid:104)(cid:81)2i=n1σ(w¯i)(cid:15)(w1)(cid:105)Rn ≈(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) π (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) γ˜0;0 , (II.45) (cid:104)(cid:81)2n σ(w¯ )(cid:105) (cid:12)nLsin(πx)(cid:12)|z |n−1 i=1 i Rn 1 and in z →∞ 1 (cid:104)(cid:81)(cid:104)2i(cid:81)=n12σn(wσ¯i()w¯(cid:15)()w(cid:105)1)(cid:105)Rn ≈(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)nLsiπn(πx)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)γ˜n−1;n−1|z1|n−1. (II.46) i=1 i Rn Integrals of II.45 and II.46 are both finite in the regions around the conical singularities and no more cut-offs are (cid:18)Lsin(πx)(cid:19)−1 needed. This term exhibits the scaling , which is negligible compared to the one of the unusual π corrections. This demonstrates that the corrections to the scaling of the entanglement entropy of the excited states have the same geometry dependent scalings as the ground state ones. III. NUMERICAL RESULTS A. The XX model and its excitations In order to provide numerical results for our theoretical predictions, we will perform numerical computation of the entanglemententropyoftheexcitedstatesoftheXXmodel. Thismodelhasbeenextensivelystudiedintheliterature because it can be mapped into free fermions thanks to the Jordan-Wigner transformations. The Hamiltonian of the XX model reads L H =−1(cid:88)(cid:0)σxσx +σyσy (cid:1)+ J (cid:88)σz, (III.1) XX 2 j j+1 j j+1 2 j j=1 j whereweusedthenearestneighborscouplingasunitofenergy,J isthestrengthofthemagneticfield,σi arethePauli matrices and we assume periodic boundary conditions (PBC) on the chain, σi =σi. This model can be mapped into 1 L a free fermionic theory thanks to the Jordan Wigner transformation (cid:32)l−1 (cid:33) (cid:89) c = σz σ−, (III.2) l i l i=0 where σ± are the ladder operators on the i-th site and the c operators respect the standard fermionic statistic. In i i the Fourier space the Hamiltonian takes a diagonal form (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19) (cid:88) 2πk H = J −2cos c†c . (III.3) XX L k k k where we can identify the dispersion relation E =J −2cos(cid:0)2πj(cid:1) of the fermions. k L The boundary condition on the fermionic problem are cL+1 =(−1)n↓c1, (III.4) where n is the number of down spins defined as ↓ n =L−L(cid:88)−1szj −1, (III.5) ↓ 2 j=0 this means that the periodic conditions on the spin model and the fermionic one are not the same. The model III.1 has different ground states depending on the values of J , in the case J > 2 all the eigenvalues are (cid:81) positive definite and the ground state is the classical state |↑ (cid:105), represented by the fermionic vacuum. For smaller i i values of the magnetic fields, 0 < J < 2, the spectrum has some eigenvalues with E < 0 and the ground state is k 9 composed by a Fermi Sea of all the particles with k <k F (cid:89) c† |0(cid:105). (III.6) mj mj≤nF where kF = νπ = 2πLkc = arccos(cid:0)J2(cid:1) is the Fermi momentum, kc = (cid:2)2Lπ arccos(cid:0)J2(cid:1)(cid:3) is the number of states in the Fermi sea and ν is the filling factor. Following Ref. [32], the Rényi entropy can be computed exactly and they are l 1 (cid:88) S(n) = ln[λn+(1−λ )n], (III.7) 1−n i i i where λ are the eigenvalues of the correlation matrix A i ij A =(cid:104)GS|c†c |GS(cid:105) (III.8) ij i j In the thermodynamic limit, (III.7) reproduces perfectly the CFT predictions expected by Ref. [16] (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:20) (cid:21) 1 1 L S(n)(x)= 1+ ln sin(πx) +c(cid:48) (III.9) gs 6 n π n The central charge is c=1 because the quantum field theory corresponding to the XX chain is a free boson. Besides this continuum behavior, corrections of the type L−n2 have been found. They correspond to the unusual corrections to the scaling for a spinless relevant operator defined by ∆=1. The entanglement entropy of the excited states can be obtained in the same way as for the ground state. Following Ref. [20, 21], we will study a particular type of excitations of the XX model which is the standard particle-hole excitation. It consists in the promotion of a fermionic particle from the Fermi sea to the free states above it |e-h(cid:105)=c† c |GS(cid:105), (III.10) (nF+1)/2 (nF−1)/2 inthecontinuumlimit,thisexcitationcorrespondstotheapplicationofΥ=ı∂φoverthegroundstaterepresentedby the Fermi sea. The entanglement entropy of this state is different from the one of the ground state Ref. [20, 21, 49]. The correlation matrix for this state is A˜ =(cid:104)e−h|c†c |e−h(cid:105)=(cid:104)GS|c c† c†c c† c |GS(cid:105), (III.11) ij i j (nF+1)/2 (nF−1)/2 i j (nF+1)/2 (nF−1)/2 passing in the Fourier space we can compute this correlation function using the standard fermionic anti-commutation relations and the fact that the ground state is a Fermi sea. The correlation matrix computed for this state is (cid:34) (cid:35) A˜ij = L1 (cid:88) e2Lπı(i−j)k−eπLı(nF−1)+eπLı(nF+1) (III.12) k∈Ων whereΩ arethepossiblequantumnumbersfork. TheRényientropyisafunctionoftheeigenvaluesofthecorrelation ν matrix A˜ ij l S˜(n) = 1 (cid:88)ln(cid:104)λ˜n+(1−λ˜ )n(cid:105). (III.13) 1−n i i i Once we have computed the Rényi entropy for the ground state and for the excited state, the function F(n) is simply (I.2) F(n)(x)=e(1−n)(S˜(n)−S(n)). (III.14) 10 B. Scaling of the corrections The aim of our study is the analysis of the scaling of the corrections to the continuum CFT behavior. This is possible from the study of the dependence on the system size L of the quantity Λ =F(n)−F(n) , (III.15) n CFT where F(n) is obtained from the eigenvalues of the correlation matrix and F(n) is the one obtained from analytic CFT computations. These computations are performed using the exact expression of the correlator of 2n ı∂φ operators found in Ref. [20, 21] and in particular its analytic continuation to real values of n found in Ref. [49, 50]. Our theoretical analysis bases on the breaking of the conformal symmetry around the conical singularities predicts that Λ scales as n (cid:18)Lsin(πx)(cid:19)−n2 Λ ∼ . (III.16) n π 2 InFig.III.1wepresenttheplotsofΛn(x)andtheonesof(Lsin(πx)/π)n Λn(x)fordifferentXXsystemsathalf-filling. Data from systems with different values of L are presented in the same plot for every value of n to make an easier comparison between them. It is possible to see that the function Λ (x) for fixed n depends on the size of the system n L and it goes to zero with L→∞. This represents the fact that in the thermodynamic limit the CFT result is exact 2 and the corrections vanish. On the other side, (Lsin(πx)/π)n Λn(x) is no longer a function of L and it depends just on the variable x=l/L and on the filling, as we can see in the next figure.

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