vol. 3 Issue 8 Editor-in-Chief DeCeMber 2014 DEEPAK MOHINDRA CONTENTS Editor ILA SAXENA Chief Response Editor VINITA PANDEY 16 buyer blog Copy Editor VEERESHWAR SOBTI Asmara Strategising growth... Asst. Editor-Fashion with Challenging & Critical Products SHRADDHA guPTA Asst. Editor-Technical 18 trACking growth TuSSHAR KuMAR Advertising Manager tracking growth in knits: Sustainability Driving the RAgHAV SOOD thrust in top gear 01962098753 Subscription Enquiry 22 buSineSS eXChAnge RANI MAHENDRu [email protected] Denim expo: rendezvous to Spell out Denim 16 Creative Team Competency of bangladesh RAJ KuMAR CHAHAL Manish Ojha, Country Manager, PEEuSH JAuHARI Asmara Bangladesh Accessories & Sewing technologies SATYAPAL BISHT Complete the Denim expo Photo Editor JITENDER MEERWAL 34 eXPorter inSight Operation Director MAYANK MOHINDRA efficiencies conquered: Armana takes the next 01962098754 step with “virtual” vertical integration Publisher & Managing Director RENu MOHINDRA 36 bAnglADeSh CAnvAS Head Office beXiMCo tags printing as its next agenda Apparel Resources Private Limited B-32, South Extension-1, gMS looking at touching uS $ 180 million New Delhi-110 049 by next Fy Phone: 91-11-47390000, 24602283 Fax: 91-11-24604597 34 Scandex group brings in Ceo, Financial E-mail: [email protected]; Pavan Kumar Soni, Chairman, Armana Group Advisor and erP [email protected] Web associate: www.apparelresources.com 44 teCh MAnAgeMent Printing Ask Advertising Aids Pvt. Ltd. utAh group: kPis at the core of its vertically 88, DSIDC, Okhla Indl. Area, Phase-1, integrated operations New Delhi-110 020 Phone : 26816824 46 worlD wrAP ---------------------------------------------------------- inSiDe the CoMPleX buSineSS oF DeniM: Subscribe to runwAy to retAil Apparel Online Bangladesh at www.apparelresources.com 50 trenDS 2015 OR Première vision 2014 in review: mail at 44 Autumn / winter'15-16 Fabric Forecast [email protected] Razzak Sattar, Managing Director, UTAH Group for details. 6 Apparel Online Bangladesh | DECEMBER 2014 E D I T O R I A L As predicted and conveyed repeatedly in numerous editorials of the magazine, as well as said by many stalwarts of the industry during their interviews… the time to see growth through capacity expansion is now limited to only after having exploited all other avenues to garner growth. Though capacity expansion is still an important consideration, but the industry decision makers are now readily taking up issues of systematic waste controls in the entire supply chain, improved productivity and quality, better management of resources… all by using IT solutions. Over the last one year we have covered over a hundred companies for whom the time is now to get more from what they already have… Companies are building better WIP controls for better price and quick to market, better visibility over the entire supply chain for quick solutions to problems and optimal allocation of manpower… This indeed is a marked change in the course of development for the Bangladesh garment industry. Companies, like Standard Group, Epyllion Group, Fakir Knitwear, Far East Knitting & Dyeing Industries, Viyellatex, Beximco, Ananta, Finery, Rhymer Apparel, Fakir Fashion and Texeurop have not only implemented IT solutions but have also started reaping the benefits of higher productivity and better margins… No wonder, IT solutions such as Fast React for capacity planning and control, efficiently managing supply chain using WFX and Stage, Time & Method Study for better output using GSD solutions such as SewEasy, are gaining importance… In this issue too we have covered UTAH Group which is monitoring the shop floor remotely using 14 KPIs to improve on-time delivery percentage, cut-to-ship ratio, and capacity utilization. Knits has been a growth engine for the Bangladesh industry for a long time, and now with the major players upgrading their capabilities, a new phase of growth is underway… and driving the thrust for this growth is sustainability. We present an interesting insight into the shifts happening with the knits segment and why it will continue to be an important category for Bangladesh in the future too… The inaugural edition of Denim Expo successfully highlighted the growing clout of Bangladesh as a denim manufacturing country… A detailed report covers the various players and activities that made the event an appreciated platform. Also of interest is the journey that Asmara buying office has covered, taking challenges in new products and meeting demands of ‘quick to market’ items from Bangladesh, tilting the sourcing priorities of the group to this region. Deepak Mohindra Editor-in-Chief 8 Apparel Online Bangladesh | DECEMBER 2014