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A,DDRBSS FOR CORRESPONDENCE. Correspondence about courses (and related matters such as admission) should be addressed to The Academic Registrar, The Univorsity of Adelaide, Box 498, G.P.O., Adelaide, South Äustralia 5001. The Universi!y's telephone number is 223 4333. fire UniversiÇ of A,delaide FOREWORD The Calenda¡ of the University is published annually in th¡ee Volumes, as follows: I VOLUME Gene¡al information, including- The University Act Stafi Statutes Standing Orders of the Senate The Elder Conservatorium of Music Institutions, Foundations and Colleges of the University Public Lectures and Courses Scholarships and Prizes Societies Associated with the University VOLUME II "Details of Courses", being- Regulations, Schedules and Syllabuses of degree and diploma courses Rules Timetables VOLUME III A¡nual Report Commemoration Addresses Bibliography Financial Statements List _of,Graduates, Associates and Diploma holders of the University Ihese Volumes are normally published as follows: VOLUME I: In May: price 75c. VOLUME II: In December of previous year: price 25c. VOLUME III: In Âugust: price 25c. Postage extra. THE Â,RMS OF THE UNIVERSITY TABLE OF CONTEI\TS II VOLUME DEGREE AND DIPLOMA COURSES (The information in this volume is correct as at I November, L974.) REGULATIONS, SCHEDULES AND SYLLABUSES [Syllabuses fo¡ each degree and diploma are to be found immediately following the corresponding Regulations and Schedules,] Fectn-ry oF AcRrcuLTUR,lL Scrnr.¡cr: Bachelor of Agricultural Science (B.Ag.Sc.) - 510 Master of Agricultural Science (M.Ag.Sc.) 538 Fecwrr or AncrurrcruRE AND TowN Pr,aNNrNc: Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.) - 542 Master of Architecture (M.Arch.) 565 Master of Town Planning (M.T.P.) 567 Fecur-rr or Anrs: Bachelor of Arts (8.A',) 582 Diploma in Applied Psychology (Dip,App.Psych. ) 676 Diploma in Library Studies (Dip.Lib.Stud,) 682 Diploma in Education (Dip.Ed.) - 692 Advanced Diploma in Education (Adv.Dip,Ed.) 700 Master of Education (M.Ed.) 7L2 Master of A.rts (M.,{.) 7L5 ll (D.Litt.) Doctor of Letters - 7r9 Fecwrr o¡'DsNrrsrny: Bachelor of Dental Surgery (B.D.S.) 722 ll Bachelor of Science in Dentistry (Honours degree) iì (B.Sc.Dent.) 740 Master of Dental Surgery (M.D.S.) 746 Doctor of Dental Science (D.D.Sc.) - 749 Fecur.rr or EcoNo¡ulcs: I Bachelor of Economics (B.Ec.) 752 Diploma in Business Management (Dip. B.M,) 780 ri Master of Business Management (M.B.M.) 787 Master of Economics (M.Ec.) - 791 Feculrv o¡' E¡tcr¡rspnrNc: Bachelor of Engineering (8.E.) 794 Master of Engineering (M.E.) - 842 Master of Engineering Science (M.Eng.Sc.) u5 Master of Applied Science (M.App.Sc.) 851 Fectn-rv on Lew: Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) 854 Master of Laws (LL.M.) 883 Doctor of Laws (LL.D,) - 885 F¡cur-rv on M.lrr¡EùrÄTrcAL ScrrNcss : Bachelor of Science in the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences (B.Sc. ) 888 Diploma in Computing Science (Dip.Comp,Sc.) 922 Master of Science in the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences (M.Sc.) 927 Doctor of Science in the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences (D.Sc.) 929 F¿.cur-rv o¡' MpprcrNn: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (M.8., B.S.) 932 Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours degree) (B,Med,Sc, ) 956 Diploma in Clinical Science (Dip.Clin.Sc.) 961 Master of Surgery (M.S.) 963 Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) 965 F¡ct¡r,rv or Musrc: Bachelor of Music (B.Mus,) - - 970 - Master of Music (M.Mus. ) - 983 - Doctor of Music (D.Mus, ) - 987 Fecur-rv or Scrnwc,r: - Bachelo¡ of Science in the Faculty of Science (B.Sc. 990 ) - Master of Science in the Faculty of Science (M.Sc.) 1048 - Doctor of Science in the Faculty of Science (D.Sc.) - 1050 Fecur-rr o¡' Tpcuxor-ocy AND Appr.mr Scrr¡qce: - Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) 1054 - Bachelor of Applied Science (B,App.Sc.) L075 - Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm.) 1095 Boeno o¡' ErwmorrrMEl{rar Srurms¡ Master of Environmental Studies 1106 Boeno or Rpsnenc¡r Srrroms: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) 1110 Hrc¡mn DBcnnns: Notes and fnstructions to candidates for Higher Degrees (by thesis) 1116 RULES AND TABLES Rur-as: - The University Library LT22 - Laboratory and General Rules - 1128 - Economics Statistics Laboratory 1130 - Napier Birks Room 1131 - Computing Annexes 1132 - Conduct of Examinations - 1133 - Fnns, Crrencrs ¿rvo Cosrs 1134 - Trun-Ta¡r-ns ron 1975 rr37 T¿¡r¡s or: Departments - - 1166 - Syllabus Numbers 1167 - Subjects rt74 FACULTY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE REGULATIONS, SCHEDULES AND SYLLABUSES OF DEGREES Bachelor of Agricultural Science (B.Ag.Sc.): Regulations and Schedules 510 Syllabuses 5L7 Á,gricultural Biochemistry and Soil sclence 518 Agriculture 52r A¡imal Physiology blz' Biometry 528 Economics (for B,Ag.Sc.) 529 Entomology 632 Genetics (for Hons. B.Ag.Sc.) - 634 Plant Pathology DóÐ Plant Physiology - 536 Master of Agricultural Science (M.Ag,Sc.): Regulations 538 Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.): Regulations and Schedules: under "Board of Research Studies"-sø¿ Table of Contents. 509 FACULTY OF B..A.c.SC, AGRICI'LTUN,A,L SCIENCE REGULATIONS OF THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE REGULATIONS 1. There shall be an Ordinary and an Honours degree of Bachelor of Agricultural Science. A candidate may obtain eithei degree or both. 2. Except ín special cases allowed by the Council, every candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Agricultural Science shall after matricu- lation spend at least four academic years in coruses of study for the degree. (b) Such schedules shall become efiective fr bv the Council or from such other date as the añd shall be published in the next edition of t t6. A candidate may be exempted from attendance at practical work in a subject in which he desires to be examined, bìrt only upon grounds approved by the Council. 7.(a) tion in a of instru be held f Amended 21 December, 1967. * Amended 24 December, 1969. 510 B.AG.SC, FACULTY OF RECULATIONS AGRICI'LTURAL SCIE\TCE ( c ) At the annual examination in a subject, the examiners may take intò âccount the candidate's written or piactical work in the subject and his results at terminal or other examinations in it. (a) A 18. candidate presenting himself ag in that subiect to the cerned unless exempte Science. thre 9. There shall be ât an annual examina- tion in anv subiect for as follows: Pass with Distincüoú pasi with C of the candidates who pass with Distinction or with Credit shall be arranged in order of merit within the classiûcation; the names of other candidates who pass shall *10. (a) A candídate for the Honou¡s degree shall spend an addi- tional year in advanced study in one of the subjects listed in tho scheduÍe relating to the Honoúrs degree. (b) The names of candidates who qualify for the Honours degree shall be published in alphabetical order within ttre following classes and divisions: First Class Second Class Division A Division B Third Class. * Amended 21 Decernber, 1967. I Amendeil 24 December, 1969. 511

Univorsity of Adelaide, Box 498, G.P.O., Adelaide, South Äustralia. 5001. _ The course comprises two topics:'The,history of education in Australia; the history of Shigley, l,8., Kinemøtio analgsis of mcclun*tms (McGraw-Hill).
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