Unsteady circular tube flow of compressible polymeric liquids subject to pressure-dependent wall slip H. S. Tanga) and Dilhan M. Kalyonb) Stevens Institute of Technology, Castle Point St., Hoboken, New Jersey 07030 (Received28May2007;finalrevisionreceived28December2007(cid:1) Synopsis A mathematical model is developed for the time-dependent circular tube flow of compressible polymeric liquids subject to pressure-dependent slip at the wall and applied to a poly (cid:2)dimethyl siloxane(cid:1)(cid:2)PDMS(cid:1).Theparametersofpressure-dependentwallslipvelocityandshearviscosityof the PDMS were determined using combinations of small-amplitude oscillatory shear, steady torsional and squeeze flows and were employed in the prediction of the time-dependent circular tube flow behavior of the PDMS. The numerical solutions suggest that a steady tube flow is generatedwhentheflowboundaryconditionatthewallisstable,thatis,eitheracontiguousstick (cid:2)orweakslip(cid:1)oracontiguousstrongslipconditionalongtheentirelengthofthewall.Ontheother hand, when the flow boundary condition changes from stick (cid:2)or weak slip(cid:1) to strong slip at any locationalongthelengthofthewall,undampedperiodicoscillationsinpressureandmeanvelocity are observed. The experimentally characterized and simulated tube flow curves of PDMS are similar and the simulation findings for flow stability are in general consistent with the experimentallyobservedflowinstabilitybehaviorofPDMS. ©2008TheSocietyofRheology. (cid:3)DOI:10.1122/1.2837104(cid:4) I. INTRODUCTION Experimentaldatacollectedfromsimpleshearflowsofpolymericliquidssuggestthat there are intimate links between the flow boundary condition at the wall and the time- dependent formation of flow instabilities and extrudate distortions for polymeric liquids (cid:3)Benbow and Lamb (cid:2)1963(cid:1); Ramamurthy (cid:2)1986(cid:1); Piau et al. (cid:2)1995(cid:1); Denn (cid:2)2001(cid:1); Lar- razabal et al. (cid:2)2006(cid:1)(cid:4). Three distinct types of extrudate irregularities are considered to have different initiating mechanisms, i.e., the shark skin region arising from slip and the uniaxialstretchingthatoccursattheexitofthedie(cid:3)HatzikiriakosandMigler(cid:2)2005(cid:1)(cid:4),the slip stick associated with wall slip (cid:3)Denn (cid:2)2001(cid:1); Georgiou (cid:2)2003(cid:1)(cid:4) and the gross bulk extrudatedistortions,linkedtothedynamicsoftheconvergingflowattheentrancetothe die (cid:3)Kim and Dealy (cid:2)2002(cid:1)(cid:4).Although the wall slip is assumed to be principally respon- sibleforslip-sticktypeflowinstabilitiesitisanticipatedthatslipwillalsoplaysignificant role in the development of flow instabilities in converging flow (cid:3)Joshi and Denn (cid:2)2003(cid:1)(cid:4) and uniaxial stretching at the exit of the die. Empirical experimental evidence indicates that flow instabilities are not encountered during pressure-driven flows for polymeric a(cid:1)CurrentlywithCityCollege,CityUniversityofNewYork,NewYork. b(cid:1)Authortowhomcorrespondenceshouldbeaddressed;electronicmail:[email protected] ©2008byTheSocietyofRheology,Inc. J.Rheol.52(cid:2)2(cid:1),507-525March/April(cid:2)2008(cid:1) 0148-6055/2008/52(cid:2)2(cid:1)/507/19/$27.00 507 508 H.S.TANGANDD.M.KALYON liquids or polymeric liquids incorporated with various additives, which generate either a stable wall stick condition or a stable wall slip condition (cid:3)Ramamurthy (cid:2)1986(cid:1); Kalyon and Gevgilili (cid:2)2003(cid:1); Fujiyama and Inata (cid:2)2002(cid:1)(cid:4). The slip-based theoretical treatment of the development of polymer flow instabilities in simple channels has generally relied on the considerations of the compressibility and various empirical non-monotonic wall slip velocity versus wall shear stress expressions (cid:3)Hatzikiriakos and Dealy (cid:2)1992a, 1992b(cid:1); Den Doelder et al. (cid:2)1998(cid:1); Georgiou (cid:2)2003(cid:1)(cid:4). Furthermore, it is determined that wall slip of polymers occurs as a function of normal stress/pressure at the wall with wall slip velocities decreasing with increasing normal stress/pressure (cid:3)Vinogradov and Ivanova (cid:2)1967(cid:1); Kalika and Denn (cid:2)1987(cid:1); Hatzikiriakos and Dealy (cid:2)1992a, 1992b(cid:1); Person and Denn (cid:2)1997(cid:1)(cid:4). If the wall slip behavior is consid- ered to be a function of pressure then obtaining the parameters of the shear viscosity material function in the relatively high shear rate range using the conventional pressure- driven capillary and rectangular slit rheometers becomes a significant challenge. For example,HatzikiriakosandDealy(cid:2)1992a(cid:1)havedemonstratedthedifficultiesencountered in the application of the Bagley correction procedures for capillary rheometry (cid:2)due to a lack of linearity of the pressure drop versus capillary length over the diameter curves(cid:1). Currently there are no general methodologies available for the determination of the pa- rametersofpressure-dependentwallslipandtheshearviscositymaterialfunctions(cid:2)under conditions in which wall slip is significant(cid:1) simultaneously. Inthisstudy,amathematicalmodelisfirstprovidedforthetime-dependentisothermal laminar flow of compressible generalized Newtonian fluids through long circular tubes subject to pressure-dependent wall slip. Second, experimental procedures for the deter- mination of the parameters of pressure-dependent wall slip and shear viscosity material function of polymeric liquids (cid:2)based principally on the inverse-problem solution meth- odologies(cid:1) are presented. These procedures rely on the collection of small-amplitude oscillatoryshear,steadytorsionalandsqueezeflowdata.Finally,capillaryflowdataofa poly (cid:2)dimethyl siloxane(cid:1), PDMS, collected with relatively long capillaries with system- aticallyvarieddiametersatconstantlength/diameterratio,arecompareddirectlywiththe numerical simulation results of unsteady circular tube flow to probe the underlying mechanisms for the development of flow instabilities for polymeric liquids. II. WALL SLIP BEHAVIOR OF POLYMERIC LIQUIDS Various polymer melts, especially linear polymers, exhibit wall slip (cid:3)Ramamurthy (cid:2)1986(cid:1); Kalika and Denn (cid:2)1987(cid:1); Hatzikiriakos and Dealy (cid:2)1991, 1992a(cid:1); Migler et al. (cid:2)1993(cid:1); Chen et al. (cid:2)1993(cid:1); Awati et al. (cid:2)2000(cid:1); Münstedt et al. (cid:2)2000(cid:1); Gevgilili and Kalyon (cid:2)2001(cid:1)(cid:4).Wall slip is considered to be one of the major factors that can affect the formation of extrudate distortions (cid:3)Benbow and Lamb (cid:2)1963(cid:1); Kissi and Piau (cid:2)1990(cid:1)(cid:4). The literature suggests that there may be multiple mechanisms for the wall slip of poly- mer melts. For example, with PDMS Migler et al. (cid:2)1993(cid:1) have measured the velocity distribution directly within a distance of 100 nm of the wall and have observed a sharp transitionbetweenaregimeofweakslipandoneofstrongslip.Thetransitionfromweak to strong slip in simple shear is considered to occur at a material-dependent wall shear stress,valueofwhichdependsonthesurfacedensityofsurface-anchoredchainsandthe molecular weight of the polymer melt (cid:3)Brochard and de Gennes (cid:2)1992(cid:1); Léger et al. (cid:2)1997(cid:1)(cid:4).Lowmolecularweightpolymerfractions,aswellasvariousprocessingadditives with relatively low shear viscosity, are generally present in commercial polymers. Such species can also generate wall slip on the basis of an apparent slip (cid:3)Kalyon (cid:2)2005(cid:1)(cid:4) mechanism. UNSTEADYCIRCULARTUBEFLOW 509 Ramamurthy (cid:2)1986(cid:1) reported a critical wall shear stress of 0.14 MPa for the onset of wall slip for linear low density polyethylene. Hatzikiriakos and Dealy (cid:2)1991(cid:1) reported a critical wall shear stress of 0.09 MPa for the onset of wall slip for high density polyeth- ylene (cid:2)HDPE(cid:1) using a sliding plate rheometer. In their study of high-density polyethyl- enes, Wang and Drda (cid:2)1997(cid:1) determined a critical stress of about 0.3 MPa (cid:2)based on the discontinuity of the flow curve(cid:1) for high density polyethylene at 180 °C. Kissi and Piau (cid:2)1990(cid:1)carriedoutflowvisualizationexperimentswithPDMSusingtransparentdieswith tracer particles and were able to document wall slip in the 0.05–0.07 MPa wall shear stress range. On the other hand, Benbow and Lamb (cid:2)1963(cid:1) determined a critical shear stressof0.07 MPafortheonsetofwallslipforPDMS.Chenetal.(cid:2)1993(cid:1)usedMooney’s method for capillary flow and determined that wall slip of linear-low density polyethyl- ene,priortotheonsetofextrudatedistortionsuponflowthroughacapillarydie,isrelated to the materials of construction and the roughness of the surface of the capillary. KalyonandGevgilili(cid:2)2003(cid:1)havefocusedonthewallslipandflowinstabilitybehav- iorofthreepolymersduringextrusionthroughcapillarydies.Twoofthesepolymers,i.e., a poly (cid:2)dimethyl siloxane(cid:1) and HDPE, exhibited easily detectable strong wall slip in simpleshearflowwithcriticalwallshearstressvaluesof0.07and0.2 MPa.Ontheother hand,thethirdmaterialoftheirstudy,i.e.,anoxetane-basedalternatingblockcopolymer, BAMO/AMMO,withhardblocksconsistingof(cid:3)3,3-bis(cid:2)azidomethyl(cid:1)oxetane,BAMO(cid:4) and with soft blocks of (cid:2)3-azidometyl-3-metyloxetane, AMMO(cid:1) did not exhibit strong slip in steady torsional flow (cid:3)Kalyon and Gevgilili (cid:2)2003(cid:1)(cid:4) over a very wide range of strains and strain rates. The extrudates of the HDPE and the PDMS emerging from capillary flow were distortion free at wall shear stresses, which were lower than their respective critical shear stress values. On the other hand, the BAMO/AMMO thermo- plastic elastomer of their study, which did not exhibit strong slip over a broad range of shearratesinsimpleshearflow,didnotexhibitextrudatedistortionsduringcapillaryflow overthesamerangeofshearrates.Thisobservationagainemphasizedtheimportanceof wall slip in affecting the development of flow instabilities and extrudate distortions. The relationship between the onset of strong wall slip of HDPE and its processability wasfurtherinvestigatedbyusingacontinuousshearrollextruder(cid:3)Kalyonetal.(cid:2)2004(cid:1)(cid:4). The continuous shear roll extrusion is a continuous processing method that is based solelyontheuseoftwoparallelandgroovedrolls.Sincethereisnobarreltoenclosethe rolls, the conveying of the melt takes place upon its sticking to one roll and its slipping at the surface of the second roll. Thus, the shear roll extruder can be considered to be a differential slip tester for polymer liquids (cid:2)the stick or slip can be immediately observed and affected by changes in roll speeds, temperatures, and surface roughnesses(cid:1). These experiments have revealed that the complete detachment of a HDPE melt from both roll surfaces occurs when the shear stress in the nip region between the two rolls surpasses the critical shear stress, (cid:1), at which strong wall slip is onset, providing a direct link c between onset of strong wall slip and processability. The weak to strong transition in slip velocity, u , at the critical wall shear stress, (cid:1), s c canbedescribedinconjunctionwithahyperbolictangentdependence(cid:3)TangandKalyon (cid:2)2004a(cid:1)(cid:4): u =(cid:2)(cid:1)s1(cid:3)0.5+0.5tanh(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:2)(cid:1) −(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:4). (cid:2)1(cid:1) s w w c Here, (cid:1) is the shear stress at the wall, (cid:2)and s are the Navier’s slip coefficient and slip w 1 exponent, respectively, for the polymers and (cid:3)is a positive constant describing the sharpness of the weak-to-strong slip transition in the slip velocity of the polymer at the criticalwallshearstress,(cid:1).Thepowerlawdependenceoftheslipvelocityonwallshear c stress arises directly in the apparent slip mechanism when the fluid constituting the 510 H.S.TANGANDD.M.KALYON apparent slip layer is non-Newtonian (cid:3)Kalyon (cid:2)2005(cid:1)(cid:4). This power law dependence was assumed to hold also for the wall slip of the polymer melt. The hyperbolic tangent function allows the incorporation of the concept of the critical wall shear (cid:2)at which the transition from weak to strong slip at the wall occurs(cid:1) to describe the wall slip behavior of the polymer melt. HatzikiriakosandDealy(cid:2)1992a(cid:1)haveindicatedthatforviscoelasticpolymericliquids the slip velocity should be a function of the pressure and the first and second normal stress differences at the wall but only the pressure effect is considered here, following PersonandDenn(cid:2)1997(cid:1).Kalyonetal.(cid:2)1995(cid:1)haveinvestigatedthepressure-drivenflow of a concentrated suspension through a slit die, using high-speed cinematography and a microscope attached to a transparent die surface (cid:2)at a location which is close to the exit of the die(cid:1). The high-speed cinematography has revealed for the first time that the die surface is covered in a time-dependent fashion with air films. The bubbles of air were observed to approach the die surface, attach and flatten, and then slide, roll and detach uponcontactwiththewallfor30(cid:4)10 msundertheexperimentalconditionsapplied.The ramificationsofthelubricationofthediewallbythevaporphasehavebeendiscussedin conjunction with the processing behavior of concentrated suspensions (cid:3)Aral and Kalyon (cid:2)1995(cid:1)(cid:4). Imaging experiments with various other fluids have also revealed the formation of a vapor layer (cid:2)some as nanobubbles(cid:1) at the wall (cid:3)Tyrrell andAttard (cid:2)2001(cid:1)(cid:4). Theformationofsuchanapparentsliplayer,entrainingsomeofthevaporphaseatthe wall, would be affected by the bulk pressure. Thus, the slip velocity at the wall should diminish with increasing pressure.This provides an important mechanism to explain the experimentallyobservedpressuredependenceofwallslipofpolymermelts(cid:3)Vinogradov and Ivanova (cid:2)1967(cid:1); Kalika and Denn (cid:2)1987(cid:1); Hatzikiriakos and Dealy (cid:2)1992a, 1992b(cid:1); Person and Denn (cid:2)1997(cid:1)(cid:4). Here, considering that the presence of a gas phase at the wall is the important factor to give rise to the observed pressure dependence of wall slip on pressure, the Navier’s slip coefficient for the polymer, (cid:2), is assumed to vary inversely with pressure, akin to the experimentally observed wall slip behavior of compressible gases during flow through simple conduits (cid:3)Knudsen (cid:2)1950(cid:1)(cid:4): (cid:5) (cid:6) (cid:5) p (cid:2)=(cid:2) a , (cid:2)2(cid:1) 0 p wherepisthelocalpressure,p istheatmosphericpressure,and(cid:2) istheslipcoefficient a 0 ofthepolymeratatmosphericpressure.Theexponent(cid:5)isexperimentallyobservedtobe equal to one for slip flow of gases (cid:3)Knudsen (cid:2)1950(cid:1)(cid:4). It is an empirical factor that needs to be determined experimentally for polymeric liquids. III. UNSTEADY LAMINAR FLOW OF COMPRESSIBLE GENERALIZED NEWTONIAN FLUIDS THROUGH LONG CIRCULAR TUBES SUBJECT TO PRESSURE-DEPENDENT WALL SLIP The unsteady isothermal laminar flow of a compressible fluid contained in a long circular tube of length L and radius R resulting from the sudden imposition of a flow condition at one end of the tube is considered. Consistent with the earlier literature investigating the dynamics of the flow of polymeric liquids in circular tubes, the com- pressible fluid is assumed to be purely viscous, i.e., generalized Newtonian fluid (cid:3)Hatz- ikiriakos and Dealy (cid:2)1992a(cid:1); Den Doelder et al. (cid:2)1998(cid:1); Georgiou (cid:2)2003(cid:1)(cid:4). It is assumed that Ostwald-de Waele or “power law” behavior represents the shear viscosity, (cid:1) = rz −m(cid:7)dV /dr(cid:7)n−1(cid:2)dV /dr(cid:1), where m and n are the consistency index and the power law z z index parameters of the power law equation and V (cid:2)r(cid:1) is the velocity component in the z UNSTEADYCIRCULARTUBEFLOW 511 flow direction, z.The inertial and gravitational effects are assumed to be negligible.The integrations of the governing equations of the continuity and momentum equations over the cross-sectional area,A, provide (cid:8)(cid:5) (cid:6) (cid:9) (cid:1)p (cid:1) (cid:6) + p−p + a V =0, (cid:2)3(cid:1) (cid:1)t (cid:1)z a (cid:7) (cid:1)V 1(cid:1)(cid:8)V2 2(cid:1) 1 (cid:1)p + + w + =0, (cid:2)4(cid:1) (cid:1)t 2 (cid:1)z (cid:2)(cid:7)(cid:2)p−p (cid:1)+(cid:6)(cid:1)R (cid:2)(cid:7)(cid:2)p−p (cid:1)+(cid:6)(cid:1)(cid:1)z a a a a where t is the time, V is the cross-section-averaged z velocity, the density is given by (cid:6)=(cid:7)(cid:2)p−p (cid:1)+(cid:6), i.e., (cid:6)and (cid:6), are the density values of the melt at pressures p and p , a a a a respectively, (cid:7) is the compressibility coefficient, and (cid:8)=(cid:2)1/(cid:2)AV2(cid:1)(cid:10)(cid:10) V2dA. 1(cid:1)(cid:8)V2 was A z 2 (cid:1)z assumed to be negligible for creeping flow conditions. Under steady conditions the wall stress, (cid:1), can be determined from the prevailing steady local pressure gradient, w (cid:2)−(cid:1)p/(cid:1)z(cid:1), i.e., (cid:5) (cid:6) R (cid:1)p (cid:1) =− , (cid:2)5(cid:1) w 2 (cid:1)z and the local averaged velocity, V, can be obtained as (cid:5) (cid:6) R(cid:2)1+1/n(cid:1) (cid:1)p 1/n V= − +u . (cid:2)6(cid:1) (cid:2)2m(cid:1)1/n(cid:2)3+1/n(cid:1) (cid:1)z s The boundary conditions at the entry and exit planes of the tube are V=V at z=0, (cid:2)7(cid:1) o p=p at z=L. (cid:2)8(cid:1) a Thedetailsofnumericalmethodsusedforthesolutionoftheseequationsarediscussedin Appendix. IV. DETERMINATION OF THE PARAMETERS OF SHEAR VISCOSITY AND PRESSURE-DEPENDENT WALL SLIP VELOCITY A. Materials Apoly (cid:2)dimethyl siloxane(cid:1), PDMS, manufactured by GE Silicones (cid:2)SE-30(cid:1) was used intheexperimentalstudies.Ithasadensityof958 kg/m3 underambientpressure(cid:2)Table I(cid:1). This PDMS was used in our earlier experimental investigations focusing on the flow instabilities of polymeric liquids on one hand and as the binder of concentrated suspen- sions used in studies concerned with the development of flow instabilities during capil- lary and rectangular slit die flows (cid:3)Kalyon and Gevgilili (cid:2)2003(cid:1); Birinci and Kalyon (cid:2)2006(cid:1)(cid:4). B. Experimental apparati and procedures An Advanced Rheometric Expansion System rheometer, originally from Rheometric Scientific, Inc., Piscataway, NJ (cid:2)currently TA Instruments(cid:1), was utilized in conjunction with steady torsional flow, and small-amplitude oscillatory shear flows using cone-and- plateandparallel-diskconfigurations.Theenvironmentalchamberwasequippedwithan imagingwindowandauxiliaryopticsforcontinuousmonitoringofthefreesurfaceofthe specimen (cid:3)Aral and Kalyon (cid:2)1994(cid:1); Gevgilili and Kalyon (cid:2)2001(cid:1)(cid:4).Ahigh-speed camera, 512 H.S.TANGANDD.M.KALYON TABLE I. Parameters of PDMS associated with density, wall slip and K-BKZequation Densityatambient,(cid:6): 958kg/m3 a Compressibility,(cid:7): 1.4(cid:9)10−6s2/m2 Criticalshearstress,(cid:1): 70,000Pa c Pressurecoefficientofslip,(cid:5): 0.7 Navier’sslipcoefficient,(cid:2): 5(cid:9)10−16m/(cid:2)s-Pas1(cid:1) 0 Slipexponent,s : 3.1 1 (cid:3): 20 Dampingfunctionparameters: f: 1.0 n : 0.283 1 n : - 2 Relaxationtime,(cid:10),s: Relaxationstrength,G,Pa i i 0.0003 61,040 0.006 47,140 0.034 40,730 0.16 29,210 0.72 11,970 3.27 2,435 21.1 290 80 38 Powerlawparameters: For(cid:11)˙(cid:12)40s−1: m=19,000Pasnandn=0.37 For(cid:11)˙(cid:13)40s−1: m=31,000Pasnandn=0.21 capable of recording at filming speeds as high as 2000 frames per second, was a part of the setup to allow the monitoring of the free surface of the specimen. During steady torsional flow a straight-line marker was placed on the edges of the cone/plate and the freesurfaceofthepolymermelt(cid:3)Kalyonetal.(cid:2)1993(cid:1);AralandKalyon(cid:2)1994(cid:1);Gevgilili and Kalyon (cid:2)2001(cid:1)(cid:4). The discontinuities in the marker line that develop between the surface of the plates of the rheometer and the polymeric liquid suggest the initiation of strongwallslip,fromwhichthecriticalshearstressfortheonsetofstrongwallslipcould be determined. The torque data of the steady torsional flow of the PDMS at various nominalshearrateswereusedforthedeterminationoftheslipparameters(cid:2) ands upon 0 1 the solution of the inverse problem. An Instron Floor Tester was employed in conjunction with a capillary rheometer to study the development of extrudate distortions of PDMS upon exit from capillaries with differing diameters at constant capillary length over diameter ratio. The shapes of the extruded samples were captured immediately upon exit from the capillary using a high- speedcamera.Thetemperaturedistributionsoftheextrudatesemergingfromthediewere also monitored using a ThermaCam thermal imaging camera (cid:3)Birinci and Kalyon (cid:2)2006(cid:1)(cid:4). Typically, the surface temperature of the PDMS extrudate upon exit from the capillarydieisobservedtoincreaseupto4 °Criseinthe2–40 s−1range(cid:2)overrelatively long runs and with capillary length/diameter ratio of 60(cid:1).The viscous energy dissipation effect is thus important in affecting the flow curve but was ignored in our current iso- thermal analysis. An Instron capillary rheometer was used in conjunction with a plug to seal the reser- voir kept under isothermal conditions for the pressure-volume-temperature experiments. The compressibility coefficient, (cid:7), of the PDMS, was determined to be 1.4(cid:9)10−6 UNSTEADYCIRCULARTUBEFLOW 513 FIG.1. SmallamplitudeoscillatorysheardataofPDMSandthebestfitoftherelaxationspectra. (cid:2)s2/m2(cid:1), which agreed with the available pressure-volume-temperature data of PDMS fitted with the Sanchez and Lacombe Lattice Fluid Model (cid:3)Brandrup et al. (cid:2)1999(cid:1)(cid:4). C. Characterization of the shear viscosity of the PDMS The pressure dependence of the slip velocity suggests that the shear viscosity of the PDMS cannot be characterized in the relevant high shear rate range using conventional pressure-driven viscometers.This was also recognized in the investigation of Smillo and Dealy (cid:2)2006(cid:1), in which the magnitude of complex viscosity values was utilized to rep- resent slip-free shear viscosity values on the basis of the Cox–Merz rule. Here the shear viscosity of the PDMS at the relevant high shear rate range was predicted using a fac- torized K-BKZ integral constitutive equation in conjunction with an exponential type damping function (cid:3)Bernstein et al. (cid:2)1963(cid:1); Wagner (cid:2)1976(cid:1); Gevgilili (cid:2)2003(cid:1)(cid:4) (cid:11) t (cid:1)(cid:2)t(cid:1)= M(cid:2)t−t(cid:1)(cid:1)h(cid:2)I ,I (cid:1)B(cid:2)t(cid:1)(cid:1)dt(cid:1), (cid:2)9(cid:1) 1 2 −(cid:14) whereh(cid:2)I ,I (cid:1)isthedampingfunctionandI andI arethefirstandsecondinvariantsof 1 2 1 2 the relative Finger strain tensor, B. M(cid:2)t−t(cid:1)(cid:1) is the rubberlike-liquid memory function, which can be determined from linear viscoelastic data. The determination of the param- eters of the memory function and the damping function needs to be undertaken using simpleshearflowconditionsatwhichthewallslipofthePDMSisnegligible(cid:2)i.e.,under conditionsforwhichtheshearstressislessthanthecriticalshearstress,(cid:1),atwhichthe c weak to strong slip transition takes place(cid:1). Thus, for example, the relaxation modulus versus time and strain data obtained upon the step strain experiment could not be used due to the significant slip observed during the step strain experiment (cid:3)Gevgilili and Kalyon (cid:2)2001(cid:1)(cid:4). The parameters of the constitutive equation were determined upon the best fit of the relaxation spectra from the dynamic properties, collected using small- amplitude oscillatory shear, and the shear stress growth and shear stress relaxation upon cessation of steady shear material functions collected at the relatively low shear rates at which wall slip of the PDMS was negligible. The dynamic properties of the PDMS are shown in Fig. 1. The collected storage modulus,G(cid:1),andlossmodulus,G(cid:2),dataasafunctionoffrequency,(cid:15),wereemployedto determine the relaxation strength, G, versus the relaxation time, (cid:10) as follows: i i (cid:12) G(cid:10)2(cid:15)2 (cid:12) G(cid:10)(cid:15) G(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:15)(cid:1)= i i , G(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:15)(cid:1)= i i . (cid:2)10(cid:1) 1+(cid:10)2(cid:15)2 1+(cid:10)2(cid:15)2 i i i i 514 H.S.TANGANDD.M.KALYON FIG.2. Shearstressgrowthupontheinceptionofflowandshearstressrelaxationuponthecessationofsteady sheardataofPDMSandthebestfitofthesheardampingfunctionparameters. Thecharacterizationofthediscreterelaxationspectra,i.e.,therelaxationstrength,G, i versustherelaxationtime,(cid:10),valueswascarriedoutinconjunctionwiththeGeneralized i Reduced Gradient type of nonlinear optimization by using a pattern search method. Thedeterminationoftheparametersofthesheardampingfunctionh (cid:2)(cid:11)(cid:1),asafunction s of shear strain, (cid:11), i.e., f, n and n (cid:3)Osaki (cid:2)1976(cid:1); Laun (cid:2)1978(cid:1)(cid:4) 1 2 h (cid:2)(cid:11)(cid:1)=f exp(cid:2)−n (cid:11)(cid:1)+(cid:2)1−f(cid:1)exp(cid:2)−n (cid:11)(cid:1) (cid:2)11(cid:1) s 1 2 required the use of two additional material functions, i.e., the shear stress growth upon theinceptionofsimpleshearflow,(cid:16)+(cid:2)t,(cid:11)˙(cid:1),andtherelaxationoftheshearingstressupon the cessation of steady shear flow, (cid:16)−(cid:2)t,(cid:11)˙(cid:1), data at shear rates under which wall slip is negligible for PDMS (cid:3)Kalyon and Gevgilili (cid:2)2003(cid:1)(cid:4). The shear stress growth and relax- ation material functions predicted on the basis of the double exponential damping func- tion in conjunction with the Wagner postulate of the K-BKZ equation were available from (cid:3)Kalyon et al. (cid:2)1988(cid:1)(cid:4). The parameters f, n and n of the damping function for 1 2 shear were sought upon the solution of the inverse problem to minimize the objective functions evaluated by the forward difference method. Theinverseproblemsolutionproceduresuggestedthattwoparametersaresufficientto representtheshearstressgrowthandrelaxationbehaviorandprovided f andn valuesof 1 1 and 0.283, respectively. The typical comparisons between the time-dependent shear stressgrowthupontheinceptionofsteadytorsionalflowandshearstressrelaxationupon the cessation of steady shear data and the fit of the inverse problem solutions are shown in Fig. 2. The agreement is acceptable. The set of parameters G, (cid:10), f and n , determined using conditions under which wall i i 1 slipisnegligible,allowedthedeterminationoftheshearviscositymaterialfunction,(cid:16)(cid:2)(cid:11)˙(cid:1) which was further fitted with two sets of power law parameters for computational con- venience (cid:2)Table I(cid:1). The accuracy of the parameters representing the shear viscosity ma- terial function of PDMS are obviously limited by the capability of the Wagner postulate of the K-BKZ equation to predict the shear viscosity over a broad range of shear rates. Theremaybeothermethodstodeterminetheshearviscosityofthepolymermeltwithout using pressure-driven flows, for example, from the extrapolation of the shear viscosity datacollectedinthelowapparentshearraterange(cid:2)determinedatwallshearstressvalues smaller than the critical wall shear stress at which slip effects are negligible(cid:1) to the high UNSTEADYCIRCULARTUBEFLOW 515 FIG.3. Normalforce,F,versusgap,h,duringsqueezeflowofPDMSasafunctionoftheplatevelocity,U. apparent shear rate range but such procedures would not have been more accurate than the use of the K-BKZ equation to determine the shear viscosity behavior over a broad range of deformation rates. D. Characterization of the wall slip behavior of the PDMS The steady torsional flow experiments of PDMS, carried out in conjunction with the straight-linemarkermethodandimageanalysis(cid:3)KalyonandGevgilili(cid:2)2003(cid:1)(cid:4),wereused directly for the determination of the critical wall shear stress, (cid:1) (cid:2)at which strong slip is c onset(cid:1)(cid:4). The additional slip parameters of the PDMS melt, (cid:2) and s , were determined 0 1 from the inverse problem solution using the steady torque, T, data collected at different apparent shear rates in torsional flow (cid:11) (cid:5) (cid:6) R rW−2u n T=2(cid:17) r2(cid:1)dr, (cid:1) =m s , (cid:2)12(cid:1) w w H 0 where H is the gap, R is the disk radius, W is the angular velocity, u is the slip velocity s of the PDMS given from Eq. (cid:2)1(cid:1).The best fit of the slip parameters, (cid:2) and s , from the 0 1 inverse problem solution generated the values given in Table I. The pressure coefficient for wall slip, (cid:5), of the PDMS melt (cid:3)Eq. (cid:2)2(cid:1)(cid:4) was determined from the squeeze flow experiments. The squeeze flow offers a combination of drag and pressure-driven flow and conveniently covers a broad range of deformation rates. Our finiteelementmethodbasedsourcecodesdevelopedfortheanalysisofthesqueezeflow of viscoplastic fluids subject to wall slip (cid:3)Lawal and Kalyon (cid:2)2000(cid:1); Kalyon and Tang (cid:2)2007(cid:1)(cid:4) were modified to allow the imposition of the pressure dependence of wall slip (cid:3)Eqs.(cid:2)1(cid:1)and(cid:2)2(cid:1)(cid:4)andthedeterminationoftheslipcoefficient,(cid:5),upontheimpositionof the inverse problem solution methodologies (cid:3)Tang and Kalyon (cid:2)2004b(cid:1)(cid:4). The agreement betweenthenormalforce,F,versustimedatacollectedwithsqueezeflowandthosethat were numerically predicted using the (cid:5)value of 0.7 (cid:2)obtained from the inverse problem solution(cid:1) are shown in Fig. 3. All of the determined parameters of PDMS are listed in Table I and the resulting behavior of wall slip velocity versus pressure and wall shear stress is shown in Fig. 4. Both the pressure and the wall shear stress play significant roles in affecting the developmentofthewallslipbehaviorofPDMS(cid:2)Fig.4(cid:1).Thewallslipvelocityvaluesare negligible at wall shear stress values smaller than the critical wall shear stress, (cid:1), of c 516 H.S.TANGANDD.M.KALYON FIG.4. WallslipvelocityversuspressureandwallshearstressbehaviorofPDMS. 70 kPa. Wall slip velocity values decrease with increasing pressure with the pressure effect becoming more pronounced at the relatively higher wall shear stress values. The wall slip behavior observed in Fig. 4 suggests that significant distributions in the flow boundary condition could occur in circular tube flow as governed by the prevailing density, pressure and wall shear stress conditions. V. NUMERICAL SIMULATIONAND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The governing Eqs. (cid:2)1(cid:1)–(cid:2)6(cid:1) were numerically solved to analyze the time-dependent tube flow of PDMS for circular tubes with diameters of 0.83, 1.5, and 2.5 mm at a constanttubeL/Dratioof40.Thesedimensionsarethesameasthoseofthestraightland sections of the capillaries that were used to generate the flow curves as well as the experimental data related to the development of extrudate shape distortions and flow instabilities of the same PDMS and its suspensions with rigid spherical particles(cid:3)Birinci and Kalyon (cid:2)2006(cid:1)(cid:4). Thenumericalsimulationresultsforthesolutionofthetime-dependentflowbehavior ofthePDMSinatubewithadiameterof1.5 mmatanapparentshearrateof10 s−1 are shown in Figs. 5 and 6 (cid:2)determined at I(cid:18)21, CFL(cid:18)0.25, and Von(cid:18)0.25 where I is the number of mesh nodes, CFLis the Courant-Friedrichs-Levy number, andVon is the von Neumann number—seeAppendix for details(cid:1). Figure 5 shows the pressure, mean veloc- ity, slip velocity, and shear stress as a function of time at a specific location next to the exit(cid:2)z=0.9 L(cid:1)andFig.6showsthedistributionsofpressure,meanvelocity,slipvelocity, andshearstressovertheentirelengthofthetubeattime=0.9 s.Thesenumericalresults indicate that a steady state in flow could be reached at this apparent shear rate (cid:2)Fig. 5(cid:1). Under the steady state conditions the wall shear stress increases from 52 to 52.2 kPa in the axial, i.e., the z direction over the length of the tube (cid:2)Fig. 6(cid:1) and the mean velocity increases only slightly with increasing axial distance due to the compressibility of the polymer. The wall slip velocity is negligible over the entire length of the tube (cid:2)Fig. 6(cid:1). The numerical solution was determined to be independent of the grid spacing and time interval upon systematically varying the values of mesh density and CFLand von Neu- mannnumbers.Overall,thesimulationresultsrevealednofluctuationsinpressure,shear