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UNRAVELING THE HISTORY Richard Brusca^ C, ARTHROPOD OF BIODIVERSIFICATION^ Abstract Current viovvs of arthropod phylogony are assessed in ligfit of recent research in morphological and molecular phylogenetics, develo])men(al biology, neurobiology, and paleontology. Recent fossil discoveries and molecular clock data inform us that arthropod diversification began in the Precanibrian, and suggest thai by the Cambrian the artFiropods were already the most speciose inetazoan phylum on earth. The combination of metamerism and jointt^d appendages (with intrinsic musculature), and the evolutionar) poteiUial of homeolic genes, has profoundly affected arthropod evolution many and created moq)tK)logical homoplasies. Kvidence strongly favors a monophyletic Arthropoda. Accumulating evidence supp(»rts a hy[)othesis that insects and modern cnistaceans comprise a phylogenetic sister group, and that they, and jierliaps Two also Irilobites, chelicerates, and myria[K)ds, all ('(tuld have evolved out of an ancient crustacean stem line. im[>Iications of this hypothesis are that Cmstacea coni[)rise a [)ara[)h)letic taxon and insects may be viewed as ''flying citislaceans." Key words: Arthropoda, arthropod evolution, Cmstacea, insects, Metazoa. PtU.KACE. The ChAELENGE of UNRAVEEI^G Emerging molecular studies have corroborated Mt-:rA/()AN Phye()(;eny many, and challenged some, paradigms of metazoan phylogeny. For example, whereas some molecular made Despite great progress in zoolog>' during many studies have supported the long-held close rela- the 20th century, there remain fundamental, tionship between annelids and arthropods (Wheeler unanswered questions concerning metazoan evolu- The and al, 1993), recent studies have not done so (Lake, tionary history. origins relationships of et many animal phyla remain unclear or in dispute. 1990; Halanych et al., 1995; Eernisse, 1997; Agui- In large part, this stems from the challenge of re- naldo et al., 1997). Furthermore, the discovery^ of covering unambiguous phylogenetic signals from new animal phyla, and thus new fundamental body ancient lineages. Recent molecular and paleonto- plans, continues to occur. The first edition of Lin- among logical studies suggest that major splits the naeus's (1735) Systema Naturae listed 14 groups Metazoa occurred in the Precambrian, some per- that we now recognize as distinct animal phyla. To- haps nearly a billion years ago (Wray et al., 1996; Jay, we recognize 34 animal phyla. Three former Ayala et al., 1998; Seilacher et al., 1998; Li et al., phyla have recently been sunk: Pentastomids are may 1998). In part, also be because the field of it ^^^^ ^j^^^^j within the Arthropoda (allied with the comparative morphology has popularity (and lost MaxiUopoda), and vestimentiferans and pogonoph- And employment emerg- opportunities) the finally, ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ regarded as annelids (probably high- new i^ne field of molecular rphyloeDenetics is still so 11:1 u u inn-? & /a* tj / i modined pol1 ychaet*es)\ (McHugh, 1997; iK>rusca jp ly . , improvements 1 that every year sees in the data an- Brusca, in press). alyzed and the phylogenetic inference methods Most of the large-bodied animal groups were dis- used. For example, prior 1997 most molecular to We now covered by the end of the 19th century. are analyses were based on small numbers of taxa and n on a track of discovery of microscopic metazoa, and r r r *u shor_t^ sequences a si• ngl1 e gene, usually the i- n- ^ » ot ^^'^^ "^^ ^^^™^^ ^^^" discovered just rDNA P^y^^ ^^^.^ IBS herently problematic gene. Recently, l^^^: Gnathostomulida Loncifera ^^"^^ (1956), however, new (and larger) molecular data sets have and Cycliophora There a corre- (1^83), (1995). is been developed based on other conserved nuclear new lotion between the discovery of animal phyla genes, mitochondrial gene order, and gene dupli- and their body sizes: phyla described in the period Because cation data. unlikely that a single is it 1901-1920 maximum 3- have body gene will recover the full phylogeny of Metazoa, the of lengths of mm; 1941- future will no doubt see analyses of multiple gene 10 phyla described in the period of maximum mm; sets. 1960 have body lengths of just 1 I'his pap(M- benefited from reviews by Wendy Moore, Lisa Nagy, and an anonymous reviewer. Tfiis work was sup- ' NSF-PEKT ported in part by an grant (DP]B-9S2I649) to tbe autbor. S})e(ial thanks go to \\w indefatigable Peter Haven for erieouraging the writing of this paper. ^ Columbia University, Bios[)here 2 Center, P.O. Box 689, Oraile, Arizona 85623, U.S.A. Ann. Bor. Card. 13-25. 2000. MissoL'Ki 87: 14 Annals the of Garden Missouri Botanical phyla described in the 1980s and 1990s have max- Tabic 1. Fossil record of major arthropod groups. =^ imum mm. body lengths of less than 0.5 Most of Tardigrades: Middle Cambrian present the small-bodied phyla are meiofaunal, although lo ^^"y^hophora: Middle Cambrian present cycliophorans live as commensals on the mouth ap- to & Early Cambrian Permian to pendages of various marine crustaceans (Funch ^''^f''^' Xiphosura: Early Ordovician/Silurian present to The Kristensen, 1997). discovery of these minute Eurypterida: Ordovician through mid-Permian F^arly animals presents challenges to those of us interest- Upper Arachnida: Silurian to present They ed in animal phylogeny. are so small that a Pycnogonida: Devonian present to great deal of their anatomy reduced or otherwise is Cambrian Crustacea: Eariy Vendian) (or to pres<^nt We know altered. almost nothing about their de- Hexapoda: I^wer Devonian present to velopmental biology, and they are so rare that mo- Myriapoda: Upper Silurian present to lecular biologists have not yet extracted gene se- quences from them. predict that the discovery of I new microscopic phyla continue another will for Recent work (Waggoner, 1996) suggests that even half-century. the Ediacaran (Vendian) fauna, of the Pre- latest The challenges of unraveling animal phylogeny cambrian, included early arthropod taxa, perhaps are not unique to molecular biology, small animals, true Crustacea. new or phyla. Biology has a long history of skir- Ever since Darwin, biologists have asked the mishing over phylogenetic issues at all levels. The "How question, has the incredibly successful di- evolutionary history of the Arthropoda has been one Why come versification of arthropods about?" are of the most challenging issues biologists struggled many there so arthropods? there something "spe- Is What with throughout the 20th century. follows is What cial" about these animals? the phyloge- is an update (as of mid 1998) on what we know about Arthropoda? netic history of the Specifically, are arthropod evolutionary history. the arthropods monophyletic and what are the re- lationships of the major arthropod groups one to Arthropod Background Evolution: another? There have been four great challenges to answering biologists in these questions. Until (1) There are five clearly distinguished groups of ar- the last decade of the 20th century, there had been thropods: trilobites (extinct since the end of the Pa- a lack of hypotheses on arthropod evolution based ~ 4000 leozoic; described species); Chelicerifor- on principles of explicit phylogenetic inference. (2) mes (horseshoe crabs, eurypterids, arachnids, We have a very incomplete understanding of ~ ar- pycnogonids; 75,000 described living species); thropod development, though improving this is crustaceans (crabs, shrimp, isopods, and their kin; quickly with the advent of molecular developmental ~ 50,000 described hexapods living species); (in- biology. There has been a paucity of compre- (3) and 878,000 sects their kin; to 1.5 million de- hensive studies based on fossils from the earliest scribed and myriapods living species); (centipedes, ages of arthropod evolution Precambrian and ~ (late millipedes, and 14,000 described their kin; liv- early Paleozoic). apparent that high levels (4) It is And, ing species). there are two close allies of the homoplasy among of exist the arthropods. In just arthropods, tardigrades (water bears) and ony- the past 10 years, major discoveries have begun to chophorans and The {Peripatus their kin). close re- address each of these challenges, as discussed be- lationship between the Tardigrada and the Arthrop- low. & oda has never been seriously questioned (Brusca Work by the great comparative biologist Robert Brusca, 1990), and recent molecular work contin- Snodgrass in the 1930s established a benchmark ues to support a sister-group relationship between in arthropod biodiversity research. Table 2 shows a now these two phyla (Garey 1996). There are et al., classification of the arthropods at that time, and it known 1.02 to 1.64 million described arthropods, one most this classification that finds in is still from virtually all environments on earth. Estimates modern The biology textbooks. Snodgrass classifi- of undescribed arthropod species range from 3 to embraces cation three important hypotheses: 100 The million. arthropods (Table comprise 1) 85% about of all described metazoan species. Arthropods comprise a monophyletic taxon (1) The arthropods also encompass an unparalleled (2) Myriapods and hexapods form a sister group, a range of structural and taxonomic diversity, have a taxon called Atelocerata (= Tracheata, or Uni- rich fossil record, and have become favored ani- ramia of some authors). The Atelocerata have mals of evolutionary developmental biology. Arthro- been united by several seemingly powerful at- among pods were the animals earliest to evolve. tributes: Volume Number Brusca 15 87, 1 2000 Arthropod Biodiversification 1aM(^ 2. (Massifiralion of llir nrthn>[)ods and llioir allies sensu Snodgrass (19.*^f5) Plnluni Aiilir()[>()(la Sul)|)li\luMi IVilohita Snl>[»li}lunt Chclii^fiala Class Mrrosluiiiala Siilxlass Xiphosiita. llorseslioe crabs Siihclass Klin plcrida. Kur\[)lrri(ls; rxllnci I'aleo/.oic arthropods Land Class Arachnida. spidrrs, miles, etc. Class Pyenogofiida. Sea sj)iders Mandihnlata Sniijtii} UiFii (]lass Criislacea. (^rahs, sliiiinps, isopods, etc. Class Tracheata (= Atelocerata) Subclass Ih'xapoda Prolurans Supcr(»itlcr Proliiia. Superoidcr hisecta. Insects Subclass Myria[)oda Su[)erordcr (ienlipedes Cbil()[»oda. Superorder Diplctpoda. Milliptnles Superordcr lans S\iiiplivla. Syrii[>li\ Pauropodans SujxTor'der l*aiir"o|K)da. A tracbcal system. clonal antibody raised against a specific glycopro- rcs[)irat()i7 (a) Uiiiratnous b'gs. tein (3G6), to crystalline cones, eucones, and other (I)) Use of Malpighian tubules for excretion. elements in a variety of insect and crustacean ret- (c) — & Loss of the second head appt^ndagcs the inas (Edwards Meyer, 1990) (d) second antennae^ (as name Atelocerata im- was not until the late 1980s that Snodgrass's tlie It Vrslig*'s of the atdag(*n of this appendage long-standing view of arthropod relationships began plies). can be seen during the etnbt^ogeny of some to be seriously questioned with: the appearance (1) insects Sharov, 19S3; Bniktnoser, 1965). of explicit morphological and molecular phyloge- (<'.g., amazing rhc Crustacea and the Traclu'ala form a sister netic analyses, the discovery of the po- (2) (3) — name homeobox Manihbidata Snod- genes arthropod develop- group, a diat tential of in tlie couum ment and evolution, the emergence of grass tnmsell if (3) lii 1. molecular- based evolutionary developmental biol- For a brief period of time in mid-century the tlu* C ogy, and the discovery of exquisite new am- (4) championed concept polyphyh'tic Aidiropo<la, of a brian preservations from Sweden, China, and else- mainly by Manton and Anderson, enjoyed S. I). wnhere. & some Manton popularity (Manton, 1973, 1977; and Anderson Anilerson, 1979; yXnderson, 1979), morphologicai. pnvlogenetic studies of The Mantonian (199G) maintains this view. still Ahthkopods view of arthropods jdaced the myriapods, h<*xapods, and (mych()j>horans in a separate lineage (Manton s Morphological phylogenetic studies of the arthro- phylum "Uniramia") with an origin apart from the pods are summarized in Table 3. Overall, these rest of the arthropods. However, this idea, based on analyses suggest three important ccmclusions: flawed armnn(Mitation and an inade- phylo*!;enetic /ix *• . rr-ihe art,tnopodis are a monophiylei tie taxon. II (II I . r . 1 1 • quate embnoloiiical loundation, did not long sur- ^ /o\ tI-ihe reli at•ionsihi• p olr .tihe /C^rust. acea *to .tuhe m• sects (2) „ .,. . . and, mod,ern Vive the rigors scientinc testing of and myriapods ambiguous; Snod- that is is, methods of phylogenetic inference (see below). In Mandibulata a taxon of questionable grass's is Perm- adiUtion phylogt^netic analyses, studies to (»f validity. (Knkalova-Peck, diaphatiopteroid insects ian + The monophyly of the Atelocerata (insects (3) & Bramkmann, Kukalova-Peck 1991a, 1992; 1), myriapods) also questionable. is 1990) have shown that early pterygotes probably num- Waggoner possessed polyramous appendages, further under- (1996) included in his analysis a mining the Marilon-Anderson Uniramia hy{)odiesis. ber of arthropod-like fossils belonging to the "Ven- Addilional support ailhropod monophyly has dian fauna," from the latest Precambrian (= Edi- for conie frotn studies of compound eyes using a mono- acara Period) that had generally been regarded as 16 Annals of the Garden Missouri Botanical Table Morphological views of monopliyly within the arthropods. 3. Artliropoils MaiKlibulates Tracheata Year Author(s) nioiiophyhnic monophyh^tic monophylolic & 1990 Brusca Brusca Yes Yes n.a. No 1991 iram Yes Sci n.a. 19<)2 Eernisse Yes et al. n.a. n.a. 993 Backeljau Yes 1 et al. n.a. n.a. Wheeler Yes Yes Yes et al. 994 Wills Yes Yes Yes 1 et al. No No 1995 Ye Wills el al. s Y Y 996 Nielsen Yes es es 1 et al. 1996 Waggoner Yes No No & 1997 Emerson Schran Yes No No 1 No No 19<;8 St raus fehl Yes He "problematica." also included 21 Cambrian ar- taceans longitudinal connectives are pioneered by modem He thropods, and various taxa. concluded segmental neurons, whereas in the centipede Eth- that: (a) the Arthropoda are monophyletic, (b) the mostigmiis ruhipres longitudinal connectives are pi- Ediacaran arthropod-like fossils are, in fact, true oneered from neurons in the brain that send their arthropods, and (c) the anomalocarids (and their axons posteriorly to set up the parallel connectives, kin) fall out very close to the base, and are probably This difference between centipede and insect- the most primitive known arthropods. Anomalocar- tacean ventral nervous systems compounded by is ids were giant predatory arthropods (arguably, true the fact that the pattern of segmental neurons in Crustacea) that reached a meter in length. They are centipedes is quite different from that found in in- known Cam- from both the Precambrian and the sects and crustaceans; centipede ganglia receive brian, and they were probably the largest predators contributions from more widely distributed Chen of that time (Briggs, 1994; et al., 1994). rons, and there are more neurons in the centipede The most recent phylogenetic analysis of arthro- ventral cord when segmental axons are laid down. pods was based on anatomical features of the cen- Comparisons of early neuronal outgrowth during nervous system embryonic development and tral (Strausfeld, 1998). Strausfeld of the brain thoracic used 100 conserved neural charac;ters in the brains ganglia also suggest a close affinity between crus- of a variety of segmented invertebrates to recon- taceans and insects (Harzsch et 1997; Theri- al., among struct phylogenetic relationships the arthro- anos 1995; Whitington 1991). Paulus et al., et al., pods. His analysis suggested that insects and cms- (1979) argued for arthropod monophyly on the basis taceans comprise a sister group, that the myriapods of shared characters in the organization of photo- are a polyphyletic group (i.e., chilopods and dip- receptors and their satellite cells in compound and He lopods are not sister taxa), and that pycnogonids single-lens eyes. further noted that insect and are true chelicerates. The most important neuronal crustacean ommatidia, with their developmentally synapomorphies of Crustacea—Insecta are elements fixed numbers of cells, share more fine structural and of the optic lobes mid-brain, particularly fea- characters than either do with the chilopod om- tures of the midline neuropils and neuropils asso- matidia (which comprise an indeterminate number compound ciated with the eyes. This analysis cor- of elements). roborated earlier neurological descriptive work by Strausfeld et al. (1995), which also concluded that Molecular Pfiylogenetic Studies oe insects are closer to crustaceans than to any other AR'rin{<)lM)DS arthropod group. All arthropod central nervous systems use the Molecular phylogenetic studies of the Arthropo- same fundamental embryonic plan of construction da are summarized in Table 4. Field et al. (1988) Thomas rRNA (Whitington et al., 1993; et al., 1984; sequenced a short segment of 18S but used Strausfeld, 1998). However, a fundamental distinc- representatives of just 10 phyla (only 4 of which between embryonic development were tion the early of arthropods). Despite limitations, the Field its + the myriapod nervous system and that of insects et al. work was pioneering. It was the first molec- crustaceans was recognized some time ago. Whi- ular phylogenetic study to test the monophyly of the tington el al. (1991) found that in insects and cms- arthropods, which supported, and the work ini- it Volume Number Brusca 17 87, 1 2000 Arthropod Biodiversification Tal>le 4. Moh^-ular views of moiiophyly williin tlie arthropods. + Myriapoda + Hexapoda Arthropods Crustacea Year Hexapoda (Traeheata) Data Aulli()r(s) iiiono[>hvlelic rUNA No 1988 Field et al. Yes Ye s 18S 7 No 1989 Yes \ es IHS rFiNA Patti^rtion rRNA No No 1990 Lake Yes 18S Y Y iRNA No 1990 18S Field es es et al. iRNA No 1991 Turheville es Yes IHS et al rRNA No 992 Ballard Yee>s Yes 12S 1 et al. (milocliuntlrial) rDNA 992 Winiiepenninckx Yes \ es IHS n.a. et al. 1 rDNA 1993 Van de Peer Yes Yes 9 IHS et al. • rUNA + 1993 Yes Yes No IHS \^lieeler nl)i(iuitin et al. rDNA 1995 ^'iniiepenninekx Yes Yes IHS n.a. et al. & Ye No 18S + 28S rDNA 1995 Fried rieh laut/ Ye;S Y Y rDNA 1996 Garev es n.a. 18S ft al. & Y Y No + 1997 Regier Shullz El -la rOI.II v.^ rDNA No 18S 19<)7 Eeriiisse es es Ye.^ & rDNA No 1997 Spears Allele Ye. Yes 18S The tiated a stream of follow-up studies, continuing to sister group to a paraphyletic Crustacea, rRNA rDNA 18S sequences, and later the 18S Spears and Ahele analysis also strongly supported gene Each subsequent study has tended malacostracan monophyly. Eernisse (1997) ana- to itself. use more taxa and longer nucleotide sequences for lyzed 103 sequences and concluded that the (1) data base, but until very recently most also con- Arthropoda are monophyletic, but only if the tar- its 18S tinued to rely on the 18S gene. Problems associated digrades are included [probably another arti- with the 18S gene, use of short gene sequences, fact], and hexapods are more closely related to (2) and single-gene phylogenetic inferences are well crustaceans than they are to myriapods, Regier and known and need not be repeated here. Further- Shullz (1997) made a complete and welcome break more, although there are now over 300 metazoan with the 18S gene, using sequences from two other 18S sequences available, most published phyloge- nuclear genes, the elongation factor (EF-la) gene RNA nies have been based on fewer than 20 sequences and the polymerase (POLII) gene. These II (Eernisse, 1997). This is despite studies that sug- trees were robust and mostly in agreement with the minimum gest a of 30-4-0 taxa are needed to ac- 18S work, concluding that: Arthropods are (1) curately identify the root node of a large clade (Le- monophyletic, Crustacea are paraphyletic, and (2) 1993a, Sanderson, 1996; group myriapods, cointre et al., b; Hillis, insects are not the sister of the (3) methodological and sampling 1996). In spite of but arose from within the Crustacea, problems, recent molecular studies are beginning Recent work by Boore (1995) examined not et al. some However, to converge on similar conclusions. gene sequences, but the linear arrangement of mi- as Spears and Abele (1997) pointed out, ". in the tochondrial genes. This new type of data corrobo- . . among crusade for understanding relationships rates the gene sequence work and recognizes a mi- rDNA crustacean and other arthropod lineages, the tochondrial gene arrangement that unique to the is and Holy data represent but a not the Grail and relic, crustaceans insects alone, itself." In summary, the majority opinion from the mo- The most recent 18S sequence data suggest that lecular research, and the most recent opinions from myriapods insects share fewer similarities with the both the morphological and molecular work, rec- than they do with the Crustacea. Spears and Abele ognize four key features in arthropod phylogeny: analyzed 31 18S sequences, and their re- (1997) suggested that neither crustaceans nor insects Arthropods are monophyletic. sults (1) When removed "prob- Neither the Mandibulata nor the Atelocerata were monophyletic. they the (2) lematic" long-branched crustacean taxa (Remlpe- are natural groups + Cephalocarida, Mystacocarida), a myriapod Crustaceans and insects constitute a sister dia, (3) clade emerged with insects as the group, exclusive of the myriapods. chelicerate first, 18 Annals the of Garden Missouri Botanical Crustacea are likely to constitute a paraphyletic product of a single homeobox gene, the Ultrabi- (4) taxon. thorax (Uhx) gene (Carroll, 1995). A good example of the evolutionary potential of These last three conclusions are in conflict with homeobox genes is seen in the abdominal limbs of 150 years of morphology-based thinking. Thus, two insects. Abdominal limbs ("prolegs") occur on lar- new profound implications of these studies that vae of various insects in several orders, and they the morphological attributes linking insects to niyr- are ubiquitous in the order Lepidoptera, cat- i.e., lapods might be convergences uniramous all (e.g., erpillars. Abdominal limbs were almost certainly legs, tracheal system, Malpighian tubules), and that Hence present in adult insect ancestors. prolegs insects are actually "flying crustaceans" the (in may have reappeareil in such groups as the Lepi- same sense that birds are flying reptiles). doptera through something as simple as the de-re- pression of an ancestral limb drveh)pment program Emerging Views from Developmentai. Studies We they represent an now know (i.e., atavism). that The unique combination of segmentation and proleg formation Is initiated by a <4iang(' in the reg- jointed appendages has allowed arthropods to de- ulation and expression of the BX-C gene complex modes velop of locomotion and feeding, and body the Bithorax complex, which includes the Hox (i.e., region specialization, unavailable to other metazoan genes Ubx, abdA, and ahdB) during embryogenesis We now know phyla. that the fates of these seg- (Carroll, 1995). mental units and their appendages are under the Molecular and developmental biology also seem ultimate orchestration of homeotic genes. These to have broken the deadlock on the arguments over genes select the critical developmental pathways to origins of uniramous and biramous limbs Po- (e.g., be followed by cells during morphogenesis. Ho- padic et al., 1996; Panganiban et al., 1995, 1997; meobox & genes determine such basic body architec- Shubin al, 1997; Emerson Schram, We et 1997). ture as the dorso-ventral and the anterior-posterior now know that limb branching a second-order is body where body appendages and phenomenon, fonn, the probably orchestrated largely by the i , & general types of appendages that form (Averof homeobox gene Distal-less This single gene (Oil). Patel, 1997; Panganiban et al., 1997; Shubin et al., initiates development of unbranched limbs in in- Homeobox 1997). genes can either suppress limb sects and branched limbs in crustaceans. Antibod- development, modify or it to create alternative ap- ies that recognize Dll proteins sh(jw t^xprcssion at A pendage morphologies. growing body of evidence the tips of insect limbs and also in biramous crus- suggests that these unique genes have probably tacean limbs (Panganiban Branched el al., 1995). played major roles in the evolution of new body limbs are formed wwnhen me gene expressed ec- tl is 1 among plans arthropods and the Metazoa in general topically in Drosophiln (Diaz-Benjumea et al., & (Davidson et al., 1995; Williams Nagy, 1995; 1994). In fact, Dll occurs in many animal phyla. Panganiban et 1995). where expressed body al., is at tlu* tips of ec'todfTmal it The degree to which homeobox genes have been outgrowths in such different structures as the limbs conserved is remarkable, and most of them proba- of vertebrates, parapodia and anleimae of poly- bly date back at least to the Cambrian. For exam- chaete worms, tube feet of echinoderms, siphfms of pie, homologues of the Pax-6 gene seem to dictate tunicates, and appendages of arthropods. Further- where eyes will develop in all animal phyla. Pax- more, recent work suggests that whether an arthro- 6 is so similar in protostomes (insects) and deu- pod mandible "whole-limb" many is (i.e., built of terostomes (mammals) that the genes can be ex- segments) or "gnathobasic" built of only the (i.e., perimentally interchanged and function basalmost still segnuuits) also dep<*nds on the expres- Homeobox correcdy. genes modulate the expression sion of the gene Distal-less. Thus, Dll expressed is of dozens of interacting, downstream, developmen- in the whole limb (or multisegmented) jaws of myr- tal genes whose products drive morphogenesis. The iapods, but not in the griathobasic jaws of crusta- — profound homeobox evolutionary potential of genes and insects further testimony the still to lies in this hierarchical nature. Variation in the out- probable sister-group relationship of insects and put of these multigene networks can many Crustacea. at k_T V-> simply by levels, tinkering with the relative timing — of gene expression an evolutionary process we Paleontoi OGK DATA TllE Al know as heterochrony. To understand profound the homeobox potential of genes to drive evolutionary Recent work has shown the fossil record of ar- change, consider that within the Drosophila genome thropods dates back to the early Cambrian, or per- 85-170 different genes might be regulated by the haps the late Precambrian. Ancl, by the mid-Paleo- Volume Number Brusca 19 87, 1 2000 Arthropod Biodiversification Table Some important Prerambrian and Cambrian arthropod Lagerstatten faunas. 5. Name Age Principal location Orsten fauna Upper Cambrian (-510 MYA) Southern Sweden MYA) Burgess Shale fauna Middle Cambrian (--520 British Columbia Chengjiang fauna Lower Cambrian (—530 MYA) Soutllern Chin a (-560-600 MYA) Ediacaran fauna Latest Precambrian Ediacara Hills, Aust. known members many zoic, all five arthropod lineages were in existence tons, including the first of modem and had already undergone substantial radiation. groups. However, the arthropods that is it Arthropods are also the land animals for which dominate this fauna, including trilobites and bra- first we have a geological record (Labandeira et doriid "crustaceans" (and also tardigrades and on- al., 1988; Kukalova-Peck, 1990), and by the Late Si- ychophorans). The largest of the Chengjiang ani- known and myriapods mals Anomalocaris, from Ediacaran scorpions also lurian the first terrestrial is already present. In fact, both terrestrial and and Middle Cambrian deposits (Briggs, 1994). The marine myriapods have been reported from this pe- Chengjiang fauna very similar to that of the Bur- is (Almond, 1985; Hahn 1986; Labandeira gess Shale, and demonstrates that the arthropods riod et al., it 1988), although molecular data suggest that were already far advanced by this early date. et al., myriapods might have arisen as early as the Cam- The spectacular recent discovery by Klaus Miill- & brian (Friedrich Tautz, 1995). The centipede er and Dieter Walossek (MuUer, 1983, 1992; Muller first & fossils occur in the Upper Silurian {- 414 MYA) Walossek, 1985; Muller et al., 1995; Walossek & and, along with trigonotarbid arachnids, constitute Muller, 1992, 1997) of microscopic arthropods known land animals (Jeram from the Upper Cambrian Orsten deposits of Swe- the earliest et al., 1990). The millipede fossils occur in Devonian den, has brought to light a rich fauna of minute first and cms- deposits (Almond, 1985; Robison, 1990); they are crustaceans, crustacean larvae, various Among similar to the extant genus Craterstigmus (Shear et tacean-like arthropods. them, fi)r example, 1984) and are contemporaneous with the Skara, a cephalocarid-, or mystacocarid-like first is al., terrestrial mites, pseudoscorpions, and scorpions crustacean for which both naupliar lanae and (St0rmer, 1969, 1977; Shear et 1987), as well adults have been recovered (the nauplius larvae are al., as the hexapods (Greenslade, 1988). The ear- only a couple hundred microns long; adults are first mm & liest known fossil hexapods are bristletails and col- about 1 in length) (Muller Walossek, 1986). lembolans from 390-million-year-old Gaspe mud- Sham, and many other Orsten Crustacea, were sure- modem stone (Labandeira et al., 1988). Some good records ly meiofaunal animals not unlike marine now of these early creatures exist, and the presence meiofaunal crustaceans. of these predatory arthropods suggests that complex Fossils from this Cambrian site in Sweden have who terrestrial ecosystems were in place at least as early been collected since the days of Linnaeus, ac- as the late Silurian. Perhaps the most important tually described the first fossils from this area in ancient arthropod fossils are those in which even 1757 (trilobites and conodonts). However, a brand- — MuUer new began and Wal- the soft parts of the animal were p d the kind of collecting with new so-called ancient Lagerstatten (Table ossek s work in the 1980s. This Orsten material 5). The These ancient fossils have pushed the age of or- is all microscopic, three-dimensional fossils. igin for the arthropods back to at least 600 MYA, Orsten arthropods show little or no signs of decom- and they provide us with critically important data position. They presence details less than 1 micro- on early arthropod anatomy and evolution. These meter in size (e.g., cuticular pores, the bristles on extraordinary faunas are now telling us that Cms- setae). Dozens of Orsten microcmstacea have so far tacea probably predate the appearance of trilobites been described. The recovery of these three-dimen- in the fossil record, mnning counter to a long-held sionally preserved animals and the developmental belief that trilobites were the most ancient arthro- series that have been found (with successive larv^al, — pods. The recently exploited Chengjiang fauna of juvenile, and adult instars in animals less than 1 mm south China Lower Cambrian, about 10 million in length) have provided us with infomiation is years older than the Middle Cambrian Burgess on the detailed anatomy of body segments and ap- many The Shale fauna (Chen 1994). The Chengjiang pendages of ancient stem-arthropods. Or- et al., Cambrian Cmstacea had fauna very well preserved and includes at least sten fauna shows that all is modem 100 species of animals, many without hard skele- the attributes of cmstaceans, such as com- 20 Annals of the Garden Missouri Botanical pound eyes, a head shield, naupliar larvae (with localities that have yielded pentastomids, and thus now locomotory antennae), and biramous append- the conodonts (also long a mystery, but widely first ages on the second and third head somites (the sec- regarded as parts of early fish-like vertebrates) ond antennae and mandibles). might have been the original hosts of the pentasto- Taken work together, this recent paleontological mids. corroborates Whitington's observations long ago Cam- about the Burgess Shale fauna, that during Tmk Onycmophora brian limes the non-trilobite arthropods were both As with pentastomids, onychophorans, were too, morphologically more varied and more numerous amazing, early-Cambrian, explosive ma- We P^^ ^^ ^^^ than w(^re the trilobites (despite popular belief). They have been found Bur- ^^"^ diversification. in now know also that arthropods have pn.bably been Cam- Shale-type faunas at several locdities, in the dominant animals in terms of species diversity S^^^ '*"^" deposits from China and Siberia, and in the since the Cambrian. Arthropods comprise over one- & Swedish Orsten fauna (Xianguang Weiguo, 1988; third of species described from Lower Cambrian all & & Xianguang Junyuan, 1989; Ramskold Hou, strata. l^^)- ^^ ^"^^ Conway ^"^^' "^^^ Morris's Briggs and Fortey ^^^'^^ (1989) cladistically analyztnl 'anginal reconstruction of Hallucigenia (from the 23 Cambrian of the arthropod taxa, plus 5 extant Burgess Shale) had the animal turned upside-down, groups. Tlieir tree placed the Crustacea at the veiy Ramskold Hou and (1991) recently turned Hallu- base, as a paraphyletic sequence of taxa, and ""'S^^rua over and found a second pair of legs, con- placed and the trilobites chelicerates near the top clmling was an onychophoran with long dorsal of the The most recent molecular work does it tree. ^"^ onychophoran known ^" ^^^^^^^ '^«^' not conflict with this tree, in viewing the Crustacea ^^P^"^^^' '^ Chcngjiang China ^^^"^ ^he deposits of with side as a paraphyletic group from which the other major & and (Ramskold Hou, plates spines 1991). Ay- arthropod clades emerged. sheaia (also from the Burgess Shale) was originally described Waleott as an annelid, but too, l)y is it, Pkntastomida TiiL now regarded an marine onychophoran. as early Pentastomids are obligatory parasites of verte- CONCLUSIONS brate respiratoiy systems. There are about 100 de- scribed which species, all of infest various tetra- now Let us return our two fundamental ques- to pods, including two cosmopolitan species that Why regarding arthropod tions evolution: are there humans. The blood-sucking infest adults inhabit re- many so arthropods, and what the phylogenetic is spirator}^ tracts of their hosts, where they anchor As history of the arthropods? the question, to first themselves by means of their hooklike head ap- propose over-arching scenarios, each complex six I pendages. For years was b<*lieved that pentasto- it own in its right. mids were onychophorans allied with the as ver- miform, pre-arthropod However, The creatures. several (1) ical superiority of arthropods not is recent molecular studies (using 18S gene sequenc- a recent event. Recent fossil discoveries, and es) have revealed the pentastomids to be highly molecular clock data, inform us that arthroood modifiinl crustaceans (Abele 1989, 1992; began et al., diversification very early in the histor)' Garey et al., 1996). Corroborative independent of the Metazoa, in the Precambrian, and by the work over the past few years has come from cla- Cambrian the arthropods were probably already distic analyses of sperm and lar\'al morphology. the most speciose metazoan phylum on earth. nervous system anatomy, and cuticular fine strui:- Arthropods have been on a powerful phyloge- ture (Wingstrand, 1972, 1978; Storch, 1984; Storch 600 MY. They netic trajectory for well over & Jamieson, 1992). Furthemiore, Miiller and Wal- have had a great deal of time to radiate, and ossek s work on the Swtnlish Orsten fauna proves with the exception of the trilobites and the eu- that tlu* pentastomids (and also the tardigrades) had rypterids, the major lineages have survived all aj^jpeared at least by the Upper Cambrian, long be- and continue radiate. to fore die land vertebrates had even evolved (Muller (2) Their great size range, especially on the smaller & & Walossek, 1988; Walossek Muller, 1994). So, end of the scale, adapts arthropods for a great we must ask what the original hosts of these para- The Cambrian variety of ecological niches. Or- sitic crustaceans might have been. Walossek, Miill- sten deposits tell us that a whole fauna of in- and even Stt^phen Jay Gould have noted er, that terstitial/meiofaunal arthr(»pods already existed common Conodont Cambrian fossils are in all the as early as the mid-Cambrian, and this habitat Volume Number Brusca 87, 21 1 2000 Arthropod Biodiversification has continued to he rich in adaptive radiation that Crustacea are a paraphyletic group, and that and speciaHzed species ever since. Similar Crustacea and Insecta are very closely related tlie small-hody-size niches are filled in a great to one another, hut not to the Myriapoda. In fact, We many specialized environments today. find the insects appear have arisen from within a to high diversities of minute arthropods in hahitats crustacean stem line. Further, recent molecular and among such as marine sediments, coral reefs, fossil data are beginning to suggest that the trilo- the fronds of algae, on mosses and oth(^r prim- bites, chelicerates, insects, myriajjods, and recent itive plants, and on the bodies every kind of cnistaceans all might have emergtM] from crusta- f)f animal imaginable. There are even arthropod cean stem-line ancestors. This view of a paraphy- faunas that live strictly on the gills of other letic Crustacea spinning off a series of otlier major crustaceans (mites and small crustaceans). arthropod lineages might explain why morpholo- Small insects and mites have exploited virtually gists have been unable to come to agreement on the every terrestrial microhabitat availabh^ sister-group relationships of the major ailliropod The close relationship and coevolution with lineages. Resolution of this conflict will come, (3) I flowtTing (on land) and algae aquatic predict, within the next two decades, with further j)lants (in environments) have been a powerful force urnlerstanding of the genetic regulation of devel- in new the radiation of the arthropods. not just the oj)mental processes, examination of nuclear It is insects that have been on a coevolutionar)' tra- and mitochondrial genes (and use of multiple gene — many and more jectoiy with plants crustaceans utilize data sets in phylogenetic analyses), as algae as both a living substrate and a food cladistic analyses include fossil species, particu- source and show strong evidence of coevolu- larly the growing series of Chengjiang, Or.sten, and related arthropods. tion. The arthropods (insects) were the flying an- first (4) them imals, and the ability to fly led into niches \ SPtx:L I.ATION other inveitebrates simply could not penetrate. Metamerism (the serially repeated body seg- The realization that insects might have arisen out (5) many ments and appendages of arthropods) provides of an ancestral crustacean stem line leads to new an enormous amount of easily manipulated implications concerning arthropod evolution. body plan material upon which evolutionary For example, given this scenario, on(* could search among processes can Given the great ag(% sheer about the Crustacea for a likely ancestor to act. diversity, and our emerging knowledge of reg- the insects and in doing so recognize the presence " ulatoiy genes in tht^se animals, a high level of of a 4"4.fixed" 19-segmented body plan in insects and homoplasy no longer certain crustaceans (or more likely a 20-segmenttMl surjirising. is The potential for major changes in body plans plan in each, Kukalova-Peck, 1991a, b; Scholtz et (6) due homcobox and 1994; Scholtz, 1995). All insects arc fixed on variations genes, the al., to in downstream genes they regulate, just begin- this body plan. Of all the crustacean higher taxa, is body plan consistently occurs (mly the sub- ning to be realized, but this potential is clearly this in Eumalacostraca^the enormous. There seems doubt chang- class crabs, shrimps, isopods, that little and their kin. Thus, the insects did evolve from es in homeotic genes over time have profoundly if a crustacean ancestor, one might speculate that affected arthropod evolution. C(msidering the they could have evolved from a eumalacostracan. number and position of limbs in arthropods, homcobox Examining the Eumalacostraca for a possibh^ insect and and the flexibility of regulatory switches, wonder that arthropod an- ancestry, there is only one group that is truly ter- is litth^ it has evolved gas-exchange tracheae (grant- restrial, atomical diversity s(H^ms so endless. ed, probably convergently to those of insects), has — As to the scc(md question what is the phylo- reduced/lost one pair of ant(^nnae (antennae one re- — genetic histoiy of the Arthropods seems the duced in oniscideans, antennae two reduced in it homcobox plasticity of the arthropod body and gene hexapods), and has strictly uniramous walking legs — may expression have produced an even higher level (as do the insects) the tenestrial isopods (Isopo- of homoplasy than <mce thought. As a result, some da: Oniscidea). Could be that insects are not only it traditional morphological classifications are in con- flying crustaceans, but flying isopods? with molecular classifications. All the evidence The concept of a Eumalacostraca-Insecta sister- flict com- suggests that the arthropods are monophyletic. group relationship finds strong support in th<^ However, fossil data, recent comparative neuroan- paratlve anatomy of arthropod central nervous sys- compound atomical research, and molecular data all suggest terns. Developm(^nt of the eye follows Annals 22 the of Garden Missouri Botanical similar morphogenetic events in insects and eu- a close malacostracan-insect relationship, includ- & malacostracans (Hafner Tokarski, in press). In ing differences in tagmata arrangement and loca- addition, the optic lobes of pterygote insects and tions of the gonopores. The fossil record also does + eumalacostracans are distinguished by nested reti- not support an isopod insect sister-group rela- The known notopic neuropils, each of which represents the tionship. oldest isopod fossils are only whole eye. In these two taxa, these neuropils com- 300 million years in age (Phreatoicidea: Hesslerella, & prise an anatomically distinct lamina, medulla, and Carboniferous) (Brusca Wilson, 1991). However, lobula complex (Strausfeld, 1996). The presence of a recent analysis of phreatoicidean phytogeny sug- these structures in pterygote insects and eumala- gests the isopods might have had their origin con- & costracans was viewed as a homology indicating a siderably earlier than this (Wilson Keable, in sister-group relationship between these taxa by press), and further examination of this unconven- may Osorio and Bacon (1994) and Nilsson and Osorio tional idea be warranted. (1997). Further, eumalacostracans that have so far Lited I^iterature been examined also possess a distinctive form of W & neuron, called a bushy T-cell, which was rec- Abele, L, Kim B. E. Felgenhauer. 1989. Molecular first evidence for inc'lusion of the [)hylum Peiilaslomida in ognized in insects on the basis of characteristic its 685-691. the Crustacea. Molec. Biol. Evol. 6: dendritic "tree" situated near the inner face of the _ & Spears, W. Kim M. Applegate, 1992. Phy- T. , medulla Bushy (Strausfeld, 1976). T-cells in insects logeny of selected maxillopodan and other cmslacean and eumalacostracan crustaceans send their axons taxa based on 18S ribosomal nucleotide sequences: A 373—382. preliminary analysis. Acta Zool. 73: to large tangential dendrites that extend across sub- r Aeuinaldo, A. M. A., M. Turbeville, L. S. Linford, M. st. ant,i'al1 areas oi t.1he ret.•inot. opi• c mosai'c, iT n *tih, ose ^ J. v- n- i/^.t t^ r. * r^ /r &o i * i ^- nivera, K. Garey, K. A. Kali A. Lake. 1997. n J. J. . • rri pterygote orders investigated1, ib_ us1hy T-cells com- Evi<Ience for a clade of nematodes, arthropods and other prise part of an evolutionarily conserved subset of moulting animals. Nature 387: 489-493. retinotopic elements that contribute to elementary Almond, E. 1985. The Silurian— Devonian fossil record J. & of the Myriapoda. Philos. Trans., Ser. B 309: 227-237. motion detector circuits (Strausfeld Lee, 1991; Anderson, D. 1979. Embryos, fate maps, and the phy- & T. The Douglass Strausfeld, 1995, 1996). presence 59—106 Gupta logeny of arthropods. Pp. in A. (edi- P. of these cell types in eumalacostracan crustaceans New Arthropod Phylogeny. Van Nostrand, York. tor). and New pterygote insects implies that either identical 1996. Atlas of Invertebrate Anatomy. Univ. . NSW, South Wales Press, Australia. circuits have arisen independently in the two & Averof, M. N. H. Patel. 1997. Cmstacean appendage groups, or the circuit for motion detection evolved Hox evolution associated with changes in gene expres- common and in a ancestor to insects crustaceans 682-686. Nature 388: sion. has been maintained basically unchanged through- R & Ayala, A. Rzhetsky Ayala, 1998. Origin of F. J., J. out the history of both groups. That the latter is the metazoan phyla: Molecular clocks confirm paleon- tological estimates. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 95: 606—611. more likely suggested by the presence of small is & Backeljau, Winnepenninckx de Bruyn. 1993. T., B. L. field retinotopic neurons that arise from the inner A metazoan Cladistic analysis of relationships: reap- medulla Thermobia layer of the of the apterygote 167-181. praisal. Cladistics 9: and extend into the lateral lobe of the protocere- Ballard, W. 0., G. Olsen, D. P Faith, W. A. Odgers, J. J. & brum D. M. Rowell W. Atkinson. 1992. Evidence from (Strausfeld, 1998), P. UNA 12S ribosomal sequences onychophorans are that examined All crustacean nervous systems so far 1345-1348. modified arthropods. Science 258: possess the architectonic and positional equivalent ^ & j p^,^,^^^ q^^^]-^^ Stanton, L. L. Daehler j i y). of a fan-shaped body, the neurons of which extend W. M. Brown. 1995. Deducing the pattern of arthro[)od DNA do phylogeny from mitochondrial rearrangements. laterally into the protocerebral lobes, as they in 163-165. Nature 376: insects (Strausfeld, 1998). However, except in iso- Cambrian Briggs, D. K. G. 1994. Giant predators from the pods there no evidence in Crustacea of other is of China. Science 264: 1283-1284. components of the central body complex seen in & and R. A. Fortey. 1989. The early radiation and insects. Further, in pterygote insects isopods relationships of the major arthropod groups. Science 241-243. (but not in decapods or apterygotes) the fan-shaped 24f): Brukmoser, 1965. Untersuchungen uber den Kopfl>au P. body is supplied by a bridge of neuropil that lies der Collembole Orchesella villosa. L. Zool. Jahrl>. Anat. posten.orl1 y i. n tIhe 1brai- n and1 connects tIhe 1 r and1 left 299-364. Ontog. 82: & right protocerebral hemispheres, Strausfeld (1998) Brusca, R. C. G. Brusca. 1990. Invertebrates. Sinauer J. concluded while fan-shaped bodies are syna- Ass(K'iates, Sunderland, Massachusetts. that, & 2nd Invertebrates, ed. Sinauer Asso- pomorphic and to insects crustaceans, the proto- . Sunderland, Massachusetts ciates, (in press). may cerebral bridge have evolved independently in & A G. D. Wilson. 1991. phylogenelic analysis F. and insects isopods. some recommenda- of the Isopoda with classificatory Many morphologit^al features are in conflict with tions. Mem. Queensland Mus. 31: 143—204.

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