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Unraveling the exciton binding energy and the dielectric constant in single crystal methylammonium lead tri-iodide perovskite PDF

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Preview Unraveling the exciton binding energy and the dielectric constant in single crystal methylammonium lead tri-iodide perovskite

Unraveling the exciton binding energy and the dielectric constant in single crystal methylammonium lead tri-iodide perovskite Zhuo Yang,1,∗ Alessandro Surrente,1,∗ Krzysztof Galkowski,1 Nicolas Bruyant,1 Duncan K. Maude,1 Amir Abbas Haghighirad,2 Henry J. Snaith,2 Paulina Plochocka,1,† and Robin J. Nicholas2,‡ 1Laboratoire National des Champs Magn´etiques Intenses, UPR 3228, CNRS-UGA-UPS-INSA, Grenoble and Toulouse, France 2University of Oxford, Clarendon Laboratory, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PU, United Kingdom (Dated: January 19, 2017) We have accurately determined the exciton binding energy and reduced mass of single crystals of methylammonium lead tri-iodide using magneto-reflectivity at very high magnetic fields. The 7 1 singlecrystalhasexcellentopticalpropertieswithanarrowlinewidthof∼3meVfortheexcitonic 0 transitions and a 2s transition which is clearly visible even at zero magnetic field. The exciton E 2 bindingenergyof16±2meVinthelowtemperatureorthorhombicphaseisalmostidenticaltothe T value found in polycrystalline samples, crucially ruling out any possibility that the exciton binding n energy depends on the grain size. In the room temperature tetragonal phase, an uppUer limit for a the exciton binding energy of 12±4meV is estimated from the evolution of 1s-2s sBplitting at high J magnetic field. I 8 R 1 T Solar cells based on hybrid organic-inorganic per- ing to a dramaticallySenhanced diffusion length and car- i] ovskites have demonstrated an exceptionally rapid in- riermobility.24–26DTIheopticalcharacterizationofasingle c crease in the photovoltaic energy conversion efficiency, crystal methylammonium lead tri-bromide suggests that s - which has recently reached record values of more than the exciton bTinding energy is (cid:39) 15meV27 at low tem- rl 20%.1–4 These materials crystallize in the form ABX3, perature, hOowever, in the absence of magnetic field, the mt where A is an organic ammonium cation (typically excitonNbinding energy could not be determined in the methylammonium,MA,orformamidinium,FA),BisPb technologically important cubic crystal phase at room . O t or Sn and X is a halide, with methylammonium lead temperature. A low exciton binding energy supports the a D tri-iodide (MAPbI ) being arguably the most studied freecarrierscenarioatroomtemperature,consistentwith m 3 compound. Their success as light harvesters in solarE the photoluminescence of single crystal MAPbI3 at 300 - d cells is due to the combined effect of their excellent aSb- K.28 n sorption properties,5 a large carrier diffusion lengtAh6,7 Inthispaper,wereportonthefirstinterbandmagneto- o and easy fabrication.8,9 This striking success hasEgener- opticalstudiesofasinglecrystalhybridorganic-inorganic c ated research on a wide variety of perovskite bLased pho- [ tonic devices, including light emitting diodesP,10 lasers,11 tpheeroevxsckiittoen,MbinAdPinbgI3e,neenragbylianngdthreedduicreedctmmaesassiunrebmotehntthoef 1 photodetectors,12 and single photon sourTces.13 orthorhombic and tetragonal phases. Magneto reflectiv- v A question currently under debateF, important both ity measurements are analyzed for the first time and al- 1 A 8 from a fundamental point of view and for the optimiza- low us to accurately determine these quantities without R 0 tion of perovskite based devices, is the value of the exci- knowingthedielectricconstant. Thevaluesobtainedare 5 ton binding energy. Early magDneto-optical studies,5,14,15 identical to those measured in polycrystalline thin films 0 together with absorption measurements,16 suggested an using magneto-absorption,29 unequivocally demonstrat- T 1. excitonbindingenergyS(cid:39)40−50meVforMAPbI3. This ing that the exciton binding energy does not depend on 0 would imply that a Rsignificant fraction of photogener- the grain size. 17 apteerdatcuarrer,iewristhfoirmmFpIeoxrtcaitnotnciconbsoeuqnudenscteastefosratthreoaormchtiteemc-- Single crystals of MAPbI3 were grown from seed crys- : tals in supersaturated solution and oriented by Laue v ture of solar cells. However, when the frequency depen- diffraction. The magnetoreflectivity measurements were i denceofthedielectricconstant17,18 istakenintoaccount, X performed in pulsed magnetic fields up to 66T, with a the estimated exciton binding energies are in the range typical pulse duration of ∼ 300ms. The sample was r 2−15meV.17–21 Ithasbeensuggestedthatdiscrepancies a placedinaliquidheliumcryostatandimmersedinliquid in the exciton binding energy might be due to the grain orgaseoushelium. Whitelight,providedbyabroadband size and to the environment surrounding the grains.16 halogen lamp, was coupled to a multimode fiber. The Polycrystalline perovskites have a large density of de- reflected signal was collected by a fiber bundle in the fects at the surface and at grain boundaries,22 which in- Faraday configuration with the light wavevector parallel fluence the carrier mobility and diffusion length, with an to the applied magnetic field. A monochromator cou- increased diffusion length in films with enhanced grain pledtoaliquidnitrogencooledCCDcamerawasusedto size.23 analyze the reflected signal. Typical exposure time was The recent synthesis of single crystal perovskites has 2ms, which allows spectra to be measured at essentially allowedthetrapdensitytobereducedsignificantly,lead- constant magnetic field. 2 state even at high magnetic field.31 The small linewidth of the 1s state also allows the observation of the Zee- man splitting of the 1s transition without the need for polarizing optics in the detection path (the splitting is clearly seen in Fig. 1(a) for B ≥ 45T). By extracting the energies of the Zeeman-split 1s states from magneto- reflectivity measurements, we obtained a linear splitting yielding g = 2.66±0.1. This value is slightly larger eff than previously reported,5 possibly due to the improved resolution of our measurements, but nevertheless similar to our previous results obtained on thin films.31 Finally, the high-energy absorption peaks can be better seen by plottingthespectraobtainedbydifferentiatingthespec- FIG. 1. (color online) (a) Reflectivity spectra measured at trumnormalizedbythespectrummeasuredatzerofield. the indicated magnetic field values. The spectra are verti- These spectra are shown in Fig. 1(b), where a series of cally offset for clarity. The arrows mark the relevant absorp- maxima, identified with the resonant absorption involv- tion peaks. Inset: as-measured reflectivity spectrum at zero ing interband transitions between Landau levels, can be magneticfield. (b)Highmagneticfielddifferentialreflectivity seen. spectra after normalization by zero field reflectivity. Arrows The observation of two hydrogenic bound states ac- of the same colours indicate the transition between the same companied by inter Landau level transitions gives a very Landau levels. well defined measurement of some of the fundamental parametersforbulkMAPbI suchastheexcitonbinding 3 The reflectivity data was fitted using the relation energy and the reduced mass which have proved to be highly controversial.5,14,15,17–20,29,31 The measurements (cid:32) (cid:33) R(E)=R0+(cid:88)AjRe γE2j+−(EE−+Eiγj)2 (1) oinffltuheensecetwtohepaorbasmerevteerdsatrraenesffiteicotniveelnyedrgeiceosupinledd,isatsintchtelyy j j j different regions of the energy spectrum. The energy E (γ) of the hydrogen-like neutral exciton transitions where A ,E and γ are the amplitude, energy and n,0 j j j closetothebandedgecanbedescribedusinganumerical broadening parameter for each of the resonances solutionofthehydrogenatominstrongmagneticfield.32 present.30 R is a constant (background) which controls 0 The transition energy depends on the dimensionless pa- the total amplitude of the reflectivity signal. In practice rameter γ =(cid:126)ω /2R∗, where ω =eB/µ is the cyclotron taking the negative derivative of the fitted reflectivity c c frequency, and µ is the reduced effective mass of the ex- with respect to energy, (−dR/dE), produces peaks at citon, defined as µ−1 = m−1 +m−1, where m and m almost exactly the energies of the resonant absorption, e h e h denote the effective mass of the electron and hole. as expected from a Kramers-Kronig analysis. The data The Zeeman splitting of the excitonic transitions seen were therefore analyzed and could be more easily dis- inFig.1(a)isincludedbyintroducingaZeemansplitting played by taking the negative derivative of the measured term in the hydrogen-like absorption spectrum31. Addi- reflectivity. tionally, the higher energy transitions, at high magnetic Representativedifferentialmagnetoreflectivityspectra field where γ > 1, approach the free carrier interband measuredat2KareshowninFig.1formagneticfieldsup transition between Landau levels,33 with energies given to66T.InFig.1(a)weshowthespectralregionwherethe by strongest excitonic features are visible. At low magnetic field,thepronouncedpeakcorrespondstotheabsorption (cid:18) 1(cid:19) 1 E(B)=E + n+ (cid:126)ω ± g µ B, of the 1s exciton state at an energy of 1640meV. The g 2 c 2 eff B single crystal MAPbI has excellent crystalline quality, 3 with for the 1s transition a fitted broadening parameter where E is the band gap, n = 0,1,2,... represents the g of 3.8meV, compared with typical values of (cid:38) 20meV Landau orbitalquantum number in thevalence andcon- for polycrystalline thin films.29 The narrow linewidth of ductionbands,g istheeffectiveg-factorfortheZeeman eff the1stransitionenablesustoresolveanadditionalweak splitting and µ designates the Bohr magneton. B absorption peak on the high energy side of the 1s peak, In Fig. 2, we show the full set of observed transitions. attributed to the 2s excitonic state, visible here even at Forthehigherenergydipoleallowed(∆n=0)interband zero magnetic field. This is highlighted in the inset of Landau level transitions, the dominant fitting parame- Fig. 1(a), where we show the raw reflectivity spectrum ter is the reduced effective mass of the exciton, which at zero magnetic field R(B =0). is determined to be µ = (0.104±0.005)m , where m 0 0 Previously, inthinfilmMAPbI , the2sstatewasonly is the free electron mass, consistent with the theoret- 3 observed as a weak shoulder at high magnetic fields,29 ically calculated values from density functional theory while the large broadening of the 1s transition of Br- of µ = 0.099m − 0.11m ,34,35 and in excellent agree- 0 0 basedMAperovskitesprecludedtheobservationofthe2s ment with the experimentally determined effective mass 3 FIG.3. (coloronline)(a)Differentialreflectivityspectramea- sured at different temperatures. (b) 1s (green circles) and 2s (red circles) energy as a function of temperature. The inset indicates the exciton biding energy (estimated here from the FIG.2. (coloronline)EnergiesforexcitonicandLandaulevel 1s-2s splitting) as a function of the temperature. transitions as a function of the applied magnetic field. Blue, solid lines are the results of linear fits of the interband tran- sition between Landau levels in the valence and conduction from the above definition of the effective Rydberg to bands. Dashedlinesresultfromthefitofhydrogen-liketran- be ε ∼ 9.4,29 giving an effective exciton Bohr radius, sitions. Inset: close-up view on the low energy transitions. r a∗ of 4.6 nm. The exciton binding energy obtained for B the bulk MAPbI crystal is thus identical, within exper- 3 for a 300nm thick polycrystalline film deposited on a imental accuracy, to the binding energy of a randomly glass substrate.29 The reduced mass is then used as a oriented polycrystalline film, determined with the same fixedparameterinthefittingoftheexcitonictransitions, fitting procedure.29 Our results imply that both the ef- which strongly constrains the value of the exciton bind- fective mass and the exciton binding energy are largely ing energy, which must also be consistent with the 1s-2s independent of the crystallinity and crystal orientation separation observed at zero field. The zero field splitting of the sample, as would be expected since the value of follows the series of 3 dimensional hydrogen-like energy a∗ is substantially larger than the size of the polycrys- B states talline grains in typical device structures and the band structure is predicted to be essentially isotropic.34,35 R∗ E =E − , Practical device applications of perovskites, however, n g n2 require a thorough understanding of the high temper- where E is the energy of the nth excitonic level and ature behavior of these materials, in particular in the n R∗ = R µ/m ε2, where R is the atomic Rydberg, and high temperature tetragonal crystal phase which occurs 0 0 r 0 ε is the relative dielectric constant of the material. The above approximately 150K.39 The phase transition from r fitting allows us to conclude that R∗ at 2K is R∗ = orthorhombic to tetragonal is accompanied by a signif- 16±2meV. This value is significantly smaller than early icant change of bandgap (∼ 100meV)16,17,19 as can be estimates at low temperature based on magneto-optical seeninFig.3(a)whichshowsdifferentialreflectivityspec- measurements of only the 1s state5,14,15 or tempera- tra at different temperatures. At zero magnetic field, turedependentabsorptionmeasurements16 (37-50meV), we observe both 1s and 2s transitions at temperatures but agrees well with recent experimental results on thin as high as 35K, due to the excellent crystalline quality. films.17–20,29,31 The 1s and 2s peaks exhibit a similar blue shift with The early results depended entirely on the correct es- increasing temperature, as shown in Fig. 3(b), follow- timation of the dielectric constant, which was taken to ing the trend already observed for the 1s state in thin be close to the high frequency value, on the assumption filmsamples.16,19,29 From1s-2sseparationwededuceR∗ that a reduced dielectric screening occurs when the ex- is independent of the temperature up to 35K as shown citon binding energy is larger than the optical phonon in the inset in Fig.3(b). Above 154K there is an abrupt energy.14 The phonon structure is however considerably transitiontoalowerenergypeak,redshiftedby103meV more complex,18 and the observation of optical phonon with respect to the orthorhombic phase, which suggests modes with energies from 8meV to 16meV21,36 sug- that the entire area sampled by the excitation spot has gests enhanced dielectric screening and, consequently, completed the transition to the tetragonal phase. a value intermediate between the static37 and the high We have repeated the magneto reflectivity measure- frequency35,38 dielectric constant should be used.17 ments at 168K and differential reflectivity spectra are The observation of higher exciton energy levels and showninFig.4(a). The1sstateappearsasapronounced Landau states enables us to measure the exciton bind- peak in the reflectivity spectrum even at low magnetic ing energy without making any assumptions about the field, but with a considerable broadening (FWHM of dielectric constant, which we can then deduce directly 22meV). A shallow peak related to the absorption of 4 above 30T with the procedure described above and find an exciton binding energy of 12±4meV, comparable to that estimated by performing similar high temperature magneto transmission experiments on a thin film.29 We consider this value to be an upper bound for the exci- ton binding energy at zero field, as the high frequency cyclotron motion in the high magnetic fields is expected to reduce the effective dielectric screening and hence in- crease the exciton binding energy. In conclusion, we have studied the magneto optical properties of high quality single crystal MAPbI , which 3 exhibits narrow 1s and 2s excitonic lines at low tem- perature and at zero magnetic field. Detailed magneto FIG. 4. (color online) (a) Magneto reflectivity spectra mea- reflectivity measurements reveal that the exciton bind- sured at T =168K differentiated with respect to energy. (b) ing energy and effective masses are identical to those High temperature energy fan chart. The dashed lines repre- extracted from similar measurements on polycrystalline sent hydrogenic transitions. thin films deposited on glass substrates. The measured exciton binding energies, 16meV for the low tempera- ture orthorhombic phase and (cid:46) 12meV for the room temperature orthorhombic phase transition, are lower the 2s state can be identified for magnetic fields larger than the thermal energy at room temperature, consis- than 39T (Fig. 4(a)) but no higher energy transitions tent with organic-inorganic semiconducting perovskites could be reliably identified. Figure 4(b) shows the tran- showing non-excitonic behavior in solar cells and other sition energy fan chart at 168K where the reduced mass devices. has been assumed to be the same as at low temperature, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS µ (cid:39) 0.104m . The exciton binding energy is expected 0 to be more strongly affected by the phase transition. In This work was partially supported by ANR JCJC the tetragonal phase, an increase of the dielectric con- project milliPICS, the R´egion Midi-Pyr´en´ees under con- stantisexpected, duetothedynamicdisorderrelatedto tract MESR 1305303, STCU project 5809 and the the rotational motion of the organic cation enabled by BLAPHENE project under IDEX program Emergence. the structural transition.40 An increase of the dielectric This work was supported by EPSRC (UK) via its mem- screening should lead to a reduction of the exciton bind- bership to the EMFL (grant no. EP/N01085X/1). ZY ing energy, with values reported for room temperature acknowledges financial support from the China Scholar- ranging from 5 to 12meV.17,19,20 ship council. A.A.H acknowledges the support of the We have fitted the data for the 1s and 2s transitions EPSRC Platform Grant (Grant No. EP/M020517/1). ∗ These authors contributed equally to the work H. J. Snaith, Science 342, 341 (2013). † paulina.plochocka@lncmi.cnrs.fr 7 G. 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