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2017/2018 UNIVERSITY OF SZEGED Medicine D entistr y Pharma cy n n English Language Programs Y our Education. M . Admission and Academic Bulletin Our ission Albert Szent-Györgyi 1893-1986 Albert Szent-Györgyi did exactly what only a very few were able to do: he success- fully lived through more than two-thirds of this century covering an era, in which the human race displayed perseverance in self-destruction through meaningless wars. As a young professor of biochemistry at the Szeged University and a few years later in the pre-war period as the Rector of the Szeged Medical University, he mag- ically transformed his Institute of Medical Chemistry with great vision into an inter- national “open laboratory”, an intellectual meeting place, where the free flow of ide- as, the enthusiasm of his associates and his students assured that science would leap forward in huge steps. He really made some big catches in his lifetime: the Nobel-Prize for discovering the vitamin-C and the biochemical steps of catalysis of the fumaric acid in the tri- carboxylic acid cycle. “Science has opened endless possibilities for expansion if we work together instead of snatching small advantages from one another. Science has helped us to understand and master ourselves, creating an elevated new form of human life, the wealth and beauty of which cannot be pictured today by the keenest imagination”. “Lost in the 20th Century” Albert Szent-Györgyi, Annual Review of Biochemistry, 32, 1963 www.szegedmed.hu 2017/2018 Contents 234th 2 Why Szeged? We rank in the The city QS Europen The University of Szeged Universities Ranking 4 International Programs Medicine Dental Medicine Pharmacy Foundation Year 1st 10 How to apply Application documents for the degree programs (1st year) Szeged is the greenest Application documents for the degree programs University in Hungary (transfer/upper years) Application documents for the Foundation Year program 12 Entrance examinations Registration process Our students come from Entrance Examinations in Szeged, Hungary Entrance Examinations abroad 62 Evaluation Examinations in Szeged, Hungary over countries worldwide 13 After Acceptance Letter of Admission Student Visa 14 Life on Campus 23 000 Tuition Fees students studying Accommodation at our Institution Cost of Living Health Insurance Library services Support for students Getting to know the University Szeged was ranked 8th in 16 Structure of Studies the top 10 list of the best Types of evaluation university towns Grading system Academic Calendar Suggested Study Plans 1 2017/2018 www.szegedmed.hu Why Szeged? The city The University of Szeged You will love it! With its University campus right in The University of Szeged is one of the largest, top the heart of the city centre, its museums, art galler- universities in Hungary. Its institutional and intellec- ies, theatres, movies, clubs, coffee-shops, pubs, large tual history goes back to 1581 when the Academia parks, Szeged offers all the excitement of a big city, was found in Cluj, contemporary Romania. Due to the wich is, however, easy to explore on foot or by bike. political circumstances after the first WW, the Univer- sity found a new home in Szeged in 1921. Szeged, situated on the banks of the River Tisza, is a thriving university town and the cultural and econom- In the year 2000, all universities and colleges were ic centre of South-Eastern Hungary. It is a city with integrated into one educational institution, the Uni- deep historical and cultural roots, inhabited since Ro- versity of Szeged. man times. Szeged was rebuilt after the great flood in 1879 when most of the city was destroyed by the Today, the University comprises 12 faculties with River Tisza. 2.300 faculty members, 7.000 employees and By Hungarian standards, Szeged is a large city with 23.000 students. It has 600 undergraduate training its population of 160 000. programs and more than 100 Ph.D. programs in 19 Ph.D. schools. The salami and paprika business has brought fame and credit to the city. The National Theatre of Szeged, its Contemporary Ballet Company and Symphony Or- chestra provide a full season of entertainment. The city is also famous for its open-air theatre and the city centre is marked by the twin spires of the Roman Catholic Cathedral (Dóm). Szeged is often called the ”City of Sunshine” as it en- joys an average of 2000 hours of sunshine annually. 2 www.szegedmed.hu 2017/2018 1 2 3 Excellent University Szeged – „the City education Campus situated of Sunshine” as at a distinguished in the heart an ideal place to institution of the city live and study 4 5 6 Multicultural Rich Social and Be part of the environment Cultural Life faculties where outstanding discoveries are made 7 8 9 Valuable degrees Reasonable costs Green University 3 2017/2018 www.szegedmed.hu International Programs The University has been training doctors in English Our teaching system is very traditional. We place language for more than 30 years. great emphasis on the theoretical subjects in order The English language Program offered for foreign to provide a solid basis for the clinical training. The students at the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty programs are designed to unify the basic and clinical of Pharmacy started in the academic year 1985/86 sciences, as it is believed that scientific and profes- and 1986/87 respectively. In 1990, the English lan- sional development cannot be sharply separated but guage Foundation Year Program was introduced. In should proceed concurrently throughout the pro- the academic year 2004/05, the English language grams. Special Ph.D. programs are arranged, along Dental Medicine Program was launched. with individual postgraduate training for Hungarian The University also offers a German language Medical and foreign colleagues. Program for the first two years since 1999, as well as In short, our main mission is to train well-educated the German language Foundation Year Program from professionals. the academic year 2004/05. Our national and international reputation Statement of Non-Discrimination for academic excellence, combined with our The University does not discriminate on the basis of world-class facilities, attracts international age, race, color, national origin, ethnicity, religion, students from around the globe. The faculties creed, sex, sexual orientation, political affiliation, mar- host approximately 1400 international stu- ital status or physical disability. dents studying in the international programs. Degree Programs Medical Program MD The Faculty of Medicine admits close to 200 students third year, theoretical training is extended with reg- per year to the English-Language Program. ular clinical practice, where students intensively take part in the work of the clinical departments and the The undergraduate medical program lasts six years teaching hospitals. (12 semesters). The first two years serve as the foundation of basic medical knowledge. From the The Faculty’s excellent scientific laboratories offer the students a wide range of opportunities to join high standard scientific research activities. In the last two semesters - the clerkship year - stu- German Language Medical Program dents perform clinical rotations of 40 weeks. Our medical training centre is to aid medical students We offer the first two years of the six-year by enabling them to practice the methods of various Medical program also in German language. procedures on dummies throughout their academic For more information regarding the German studies. Language Programs, please contact the Ger- man Admissions Office: At the conclusion of the program (State Board Exam- Tel.:+36 (62) 546-865 ination), the title Doctor of Medicine (medical doctor; E-mail: [email protected] Dr. Med.) is granted for those who have met all the Website: http://www.med.u-szeged.hu/fs/de requirements of the training. 4 www.szegedmed.hu 2017/2018 Dental Medicine Program DMD Each year around 30-40 students start their dental takes part in international research activities too. The medicine studies in the English-Language Program. training material is continuously updated in light of the most recent research results. The lecturers are The five-year program (10 semesters) is designed internationally respected professionals and active to unify the basic and clinical sciences. In the three researchers. years the students are taught basic sciences -- med- ical and dental courses -- which are the foundation of Entry requirements for the Degree Programs clinical dentistry. From the third year on more empha- (See website for full details: www.med.u-szeged.hu/fs) sis is placed on the study of dental diseases and their treatment. The last two years serve the intensive clin- 1 Applicants are required to be over the age of 18 in ical study of each of the various disciplines of den- the year of application. There is no upper age limit. tistry with emphasis on the assessment and manage- 2 Applications are accepted from graduates of ac- ment of patients. Furthermore, throughout their train- credited high schools or colleges/universities. ing students participate in elective programs, clinical 3 Both oral and written competence in English lan- conferences and hospital-based practices. After the guage is part of the entry requirements of the Uni- successful completion of the program (State Board versity. Examination), students are awarded the title Doctor 4 According to the decision of the Admission Commit- Medicinae Dentaire (dentist; D.M.D.). Teaching is per- tee of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of formed at the departments of the Medical and Dental Szeged, students who have failed any subject Faculties. The Dental Faculty, which is the regional in their final year of their high school studies center for dental care in the south-eastern region of are not entitled to apply to our programs. Hungary, has approximately 30 graduates each year 5 Applicants are required to sit for an entrance exam- in the English language program. ination (see page 12). Pharmacy Program Holders of the following degrees can be ex- empted from sitting for the entrance Dr.Pharm examination: The Faculty of Pharmacy can admit around 40 stu- GCE A levels dents per year to the English-Language Program. Students are required to achieve grade A in three natural science subjects (Biology, The Academic program offered by the Faculty of Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics) and Eng- Pharmacy extends over a period of five years (10 se- lish language. mesters) and leads to the degree Doctor of Pharma- cy. It begins with an introduction to the basic scienc- IB Diploma program es providing a basis for further pharmaceutical stud- Students are required to achieve a grade ies. In the second part of the program, students take 5 (for Medicine and Dental Medicine) and part in general and special pharmaceutical education grade 4 (for Pharmacy) in two natural sci- at the university departments, teaching pharmacies, ence subjects (Biology, Chemistry, Physics or institutes, hospitals and clinical pharmacies, laborato- Mathematics) and English language. ries and pharmaceutical works. The faculty seeks to educate its undergraduates by promoting their intel- BSc Degree Programs lectual development and their progressive accumula- First Class Honours Bachelor of Science De- tion of competence in all fields of modern pharmacy. gree in Natural, Biomedical, Life Sciences, After the successful completion of the program the Chemistry, Biology and Physics. title of Doctor Pharmaciae is awarded (pharmacist, Dr. Pharm.). The quality of the training BSc Degree in Dental Hygiene is outstanding compared to similar Hungarian and for the Dentistry Program European pharmacist training centers. The Faculty 5 2017/2018 www.szegedmed.hu Transfer from other Universities Students who have successfully pursued medical, dental medicine or pharmaceutical studies at other accredited universities can apply for admission with- out being obliged to take an entrance examination. Preconditions of transfer are set by the re- spective Faculty. Admission to an upper year might be possible if sub- jects of previous studies identical or similar (at least 75%) to the curriculum of the University of Szeged are approved. Please note that at least 50 per cent (%) of the students complete medical/dental medi- cine/pharmacy studies must be fulfilled at the Uni- versity of Szeged. Relevant curriculum of the English language programs can be downloaded at http://www.med.u-szeged.hu/fs/our-programs Students might also be subject to sit for evaluation examinations. Evaluation exams are held only in Szeged, Hungary. Students who have pursued their previous studies in other language(s) than English must provide proof of sufficient English language proficiency. For the list of English language test results accept- ed by the University please visit our website at http://www.med.u-szeged.hu/download. php?docID=52107 6 www.szegedmed.hu 2017/2018 Foundation Year Program This program is organized for students who feel un- Students completing the final examination at the end prepared for the regular degree programs or who of the course (which equals the entrance examina- need help in reviewing basic sciences in English lan- tion for the degree programs) with good results, have guage to prepare for the entrance examination of the a high chance to be admitted to the first year of the degree courses. following programs starting in the academic year 2018/2019: The subjects taught are Biology, Chemistry including Chemical Calculations, Physics, Mathematics, Medi- 6-year Medical Program (MD), cal English, Medical Latin and Hungarian language. 5-year Dental Medicine (DMD), The duration of the course is eight months, starting 5-year Pharmacy (DPharm), in October. The course admits around 60 students 4-year Physiotherapist (BSc) per year. 4-year Nursing (BSc) German Language Pre-Medical Course We also offer a Foundation Year Program in German language. For more information regarding the German Language Programs, please contact the Ger- man Admissions Office: Tel.:+36 (62) 546-865 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.med.u-szeged.hu/fs/de Entry requirements (See website for full details: www.med.u-szeged.hu/fs) 1 Applicants of the Foundation Year Program need to be at least 17 years old by September 1 in the year the program begins. There is no upper age limit. 2 Applications are accepted from graduates of ac- credited high schools. Both oral and written com- petence in English lage is part of the entry require- ments for the University. 3 According to the decision of the Admission Commit- tee of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Szeged, students who have failed any subject in their final year of their high school studies are not entitled to apply to our program. 4 Applicants applying for admission to the Foundation Year do not have to take part in the entrance exami- nation; however, they need to prove their English language competence. For the list of English lan- guage test results accepted by the University please visit our website at http://www.med.u-szeged.hu/ download.php?docID=52107 7 2017/2018 www.szegedmed.hu 8

students and provide a base for the long term. Con- .. Prosthodontics. –. – . and the Importance of Andrological Aspects, The Use of Gynecological
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