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Preview University of Oxford UK Alexandra Richardson et al omega-3 fatty acids adhd and related

International Review of Psychiatry, April 2006; 18(2): 155–172 Omega-3 fatty acids in ADHD and related neurodevelopmental disorders ALEXANDRA J. RICHARDSON Department of Physiology, Human Anatomy and Genetics, University of Oxford, UK Summary Omega-3fattyacidsaredietaryessentials,andarecriticaltobraindevelopmentandfunction.Increasingevidencesuggests thatarelativelackofomega-3maycontributetomanypsychiatricandneurodevelopmentaldisorders.Thisreviewfocuses on the possible role of omega-3 in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and related childhood developmental disorders,evaluatingtheexistingevidencefrombothresearchandclinicalperspectives.Theoryandexperimentalevidence support a role for omega-3 in ADHD, dyslexia, developmental coordination disorder (DCD) and autism. Results from controlled treatment trials are mixed, but the few studies in this area have involved different populations and treatment formulations. Dietary supplementation with fish oils (providing EPA and DHA) appears to alleviate ADHD-related symptomsinatleastsomechildren,andonestudyofDCDchildrenalsofoundbenefitsforacademicachievement.Larger trialsarenowneededtoconfirmthesefindings,andtoestablishthespecificityanddurabilityofanytreatmenteffectsaswell asoptimalformulationsanddosages.Omega-3isnotsupportedbycurrentevidenceasaprimarytreatmentforADHDor related conditions, but further research in this area is clearly warranted. Given their relative safety and general health benefits, omega-3 fatty acidsoffer a promising complementaryapproach tostandard treatments. Introduction (Burd, Klug, Coumbe, & Kerbeshian, 2003; Secnik, Swensen, & Lage, 2005). Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder No objective biological markers for ADHD have and related disorders been identified, and aetiology is obviously both Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is complex and multi-factorial, involving both genetic the most common developmental disorder of child- and environmental factors that are likely to differ hood,withprevalenceestimatesvaryingbetween4% between affected individuals. The heterogeneity of and 15% for school-age children in the USA and ADHD is further exacerbated by its very high elsewhere (Costello, Mustillo, Erkanli, Keeler, & comorbiditywithmanyotherdisordersofbehaviour, Angold, 2003; Wolraich, Hannah, Baumgaertel, & learning or mood. In childhood, these most com- Feurer, 1998). Lower estimates are obtained monlyincludeconductand/oroppositionaldisorders when rigorous diagnostic criteria are used, but as well as many forms of specific learning difficulties some of the variability reflects the actual dimension- such as dyslexia (specific reading disabilities), devel- ality of ADHD-type symptoms; clear boundaries opmental language disorders, dyspraxia (develop- between normal and abnormal function are difficult mental coordination disorder or DCD) and the to establish, because in many respects the core autistic spectrum of disorders (ASD) (Dery, defining features of inattention and/or hyperactivity- Toupin, Pauze, & Verlaan, 2004; Doyle, Faraone, impulsivity are simply extremes ofnormal individual DuPre, & Biederman, 2001; Kadesjo & Gillberg, differences in cognition and behaviour. 2001; Willcutt & Pennington, 2000). In adulthood, It is now clear that ADHD also persists into ADHD has been linked with anxiety, depression adulthood, although some of the symptoms change and other mood disorders, antisocial personality, with age (Kooij et al., 2005). In both children and substance abuse and the schizophrenia spectrum adults, the associated difficulties in health as well as of disorders (Biederman et al., 1996; Dilsaver, social, educational and occupational functioning are Henderson Fuller, & Akiskal, 2003; Hellgren, notonlydamagingtothosedirectlyaffected,butalso Gillberg, Bagenholm, & Gillberg, 1994; Rasmussen represent a significant burden on society as a whole & Gillberg, 2000; Secnik et al., 2005). Correspondence: Dr A. J. Richardson, University Laboratory of Physiology, Department of Physiology, Human Anatomy and Genetics, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PTUK. Tel: þ 44 (0)1865 513433. Fax: þ 44 (0) 1865 438304. E-mail: [email protected] ISSN0954–0261print/ISSN1369–1627online/06/020155–18(cid:1)InstituteofPsychiatry DOI:10.1080/09540260600583031 156 A. J. Richardson As well as their frequent overlap within indivi- Carlson&Neuringer,1999;Haag,2003;Peet,Glen, duals,thesedisordersalsoshowconsiderablefamilial & Horrobin, 2003). Instead, the following section aggregation, suggesting some common elements at will briefly outline how omega-3 fatty acid deficien- the level of biological predisposition. Increasing cies could help to explain both the high comorbidity evidence, reviewed here, suggests that these may of ADHD with other developmental and psychiatric include functional deficiencies or imbalances of disorders and many of their associated clinical omega-3 fatty acids. features, as well as offering no conflict with current pharmacological approaches to ADHD and related disorders. Omega-3 fatty acids Both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are essential to human health but must be provided by the diet. Theoretical plausibility of a role for omega-3 The longer-chain, highly unsaturated fatty acids in ADHD and related conditions (HUFA) of each series are the most important Omega-3 in other psychiatric disorders for brain development and function, notably the omega-6 arachidonic acid (AA) and the omega-3 At the genetic level, associations have been docu- eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids (EPA mented between ADHD and dyslexia, antisocial and DHA). These and other HUFA can be behaviour, mood disorders and schizophrenia synthesized within the body from their respective (Faraone et al., 1995; Faraone, Biederman, Jetton, essential fatty acid (EFA) precursors, the omega-6 & Tsuang, 1997; Willcutt, Pennington, & DeFries, linoleic acid (LA) and the omega-3 alpha-linolenic 2000), although there are obvious difficulties in acid (ALA), although this conversion process is not relating genetic factors to any such behaviourally- very efficient in humans (Pawlosky, Hibbeln, defined phenotypes. Many of the genes involved in Novotny, & Salem, 2001; Salem, Pawlosky, theseconditionsarelikelytobewidelydistributedin Wegher, & Hibbeln, 1999) and males appear to be the general population, (Fisher & DeFries, 2002) at a particular disadvantage in this respect (Burdge, andenvironmentalfactorsremaintheobvioustargets Jones,&Wootton,2002;Burdge&Wootton,2002). for management or prevention strategies. Dietary By historical standards, dietary intake of omega-3 influences are firmly among these, as nutrition can is very low in many modern developed countries. influence gene expression, while genetic differences Thekeyomega-3HUFA(EPAandDHA)arefound can affect the absorption and utilization of specific in appreciable quantities only in fish and seafood, nutrients, contributing to individual variation in andALAisfoundingreenvegetablesandsomenuts dietary requirements. It is more than plausible and seeds. By contrast, omega-6 fats are usually that some of the numerous genes already known to abundant in Western-type diets, especially if these influencefattyacidmetabolismmaycontributetothe rely heavily on processed foods. Most vegetable and risk for a wide range of inter-related developmental seedoils(aswellaswholenuts,seedsandgrains)are and psychiatric disorders, raising the possibility of richerinLAthanALA,andthekeyomega-6HUFA, a spectrum of vulnerability (Bennett & Horrobin, AA, is provided directly by meat, eggs and dairy 2000; Peet et al., 2003). produce. The dietary ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 There is now abundant experimental evidence of thus often far exceeds the ratios of between 1:1 and fatty acid abnormalities in a wide range of adult 4:1that prevailed in the ‘hunter-gatherer’ type diets psychiatric disorders, but only properly controlled on which modern humans evolved (Simopoulos, treatment trials can provide reliable evidence for 2002). Gene transfer studies have provided very HUFA deficiencies as a causal factor. Several such powerful evidence that the earlier, lower ratios were trials have shown benefits from treatment with much closer to the optimum for human health omega-3 in schizophrenia, in both medicated and (Holman, 1998; Kang, 2003). Both epidemiological unmedicated patients, (Peet & Stokes, 2005) and clinical studies support this picture, and the although the largest trial of this kind was negative relative disappearance of omega-3 from the diet in (Fenton, Dickerson, Boronow, Hibbeln, & Knable, developedcountrieshasbeenlinkedwithincreasesin 2001). The evidence for a causal contribution for a wide range of both physical and mental disorders omega-3 currently appears strongest in relation to (Haag, 2003; Rudin, 1981; Simopoulos, 2002). disorders of mood and/or impulsivity, most ofwhich The critical importance of omega-3 fatty acids for show high comorbidity with ADHD. Adjunctive normal brain development and function—and treatment with omega-3, particularly EPA, has conversely, their potential relevance to a wide range shown benefits in unipolar depression, (Nemets, of developmental, psychiatric and neurological Stahl, & Belmaker, 2002; Peet & Horrobin, 2002; disorders—has been amply reviewed elsewhere and Su, Huang, Chiu, & Shen, 2003) bipolar disorder cannot be considered in detail here (Bourre, 2004; (Stoll et al., 1999) and borderline personality Omega-3 fatty acids in ADHD and related neurodevelopmental disorders 157 disorder, (Zanarini & Frankenburg, 2003) although While this male excess may partly reflect referral one adjunctive study of DHA-rich fish oil for biases and/or sex differences in clinical presentation, depression was negative, as was a trial of DHA as theevidencepointstoatleastsomebiologicalfactors monotherapy (Marangell et al., 2003; Silvers, that put males at a greater risk for these and other Woolley, Hamilton, Watts, & Watson, 2005). neurodevelopmentaldisorders(Arnold,1996;Rutter Other evidence with relevance to ADHD includes etal.,2004).Sexdifferencesinfattyacidmetabolism research into possible links between omega-3 defi- may be one such factor, because for hormonal ciency and various forms of antisocial behaviour. reasons, males are more vulnerable than females to There is some epidemiological evidence that lower deficiencies in highly unsaturated fatty acids dietary omega-3 intakes may be associated with (Burdge et al., 2002; Burdge & Wootton, 2002; increased hostility in adolescents, (Iribarren et al., Giltay, Gooren, Toorians, Katan, & Zock, 2004). 2004) and preliminary evidence from small con- trolled trials suggests that omega-3 might protect against aggression in both women with borderline Apparent links with allergies and other immune system personality disorder and otherwise healthy young disorders. Clinically, ADHD, dyslexia and autism adults under mental stress (Hamazaki et al., 1996; are often associated with physical health conditions Zanarini & Frankenburg, 2003). Omega-3 HUFA involving overt immune system dysfunction, such as were also one component of the active supplement increased proneness to infections, atopic conditions in a rigorous and much larger trial that showed such as asthma, eczema and hayfever, and also with significant reductions in offending by young prison- somelesscommonautoimmunedisorders(Ashwood ers, (Gesch, Hammond, Hampson, Eves, & & Van de Water, 2004; Comi, Zimmerman, Frye, Crowder, 2002) but the dose of omega-3 in this Law,&Peeden,1999;Jyonouchi,Sun,&Le,2001). study was small, and the treatment also included In early life, the availability and balance of dietary a broad range of vitamins, minerals and omega-6 omega-3 and omega-6 HUFA can influence the fatty acids. programming of Th1 and Th2 responses and the Although the focushere ison omega-3fatty acids, establishment and maintenance of healthy gut this is an appropriate point to emphasize that no flora, both of which have important consequences nutrients work in isolation, and deficiencies in many for autoimmune or allergic sensitivity (Das, 2002). other essential micronutrients have also been docu- The immune system has extensive and highly mented in ADHD and related disorders. Zinc has complex influences on brain development and been the most consistently reported, and there is function, and increasing evidence suggests that the somepreliminarycontrolledtrialevidenceofbenefits neurobiological basis of ADHD and related devel- fromsupplementation(Arnold&DiSilvestro,2005). opmental disorders may partly reflect inflammatory Like omega-3 fatty acids, this element plays innu- and/or autoimmune influences operating during merable roles in human physiology, but in addition early brain development, and possibly throughout to assisting in blood glucose regulation—which has life (Dalton et al., 2003; Taylor, Richardson, & obvious implications for mental function—zinc is Stein, 2001; Vargas, Nascimbene, Krishnan, also an essential co-factor in the synthesis of HUFA Zimmerman, & Pardo, 2005; Vincent et al., 2002). from EFA, hence these findings may be directly The omega-6 fatty acid AA has pro-inflammatory relevant to those reviewed here. actions via several different mechanisms, while the omega-3 HUFA found in fish oils generally have opposing and complementary actions (Calder, Clinical features associated with ADHD and 2003). The relatively high ratio of omega-6 to related conditions omega-3 in modern diets (and particularly the ratio Many clinical features associated with ADHD and of AA to EPA) may therefore contribute to risk for related conditions are consistent with relative any disorders in which inflammation plays a part, deficiencies in omega-3 fatty acids, as discussed although HUFA from both series play complex in more detail elsewhere (Richardson, 2004b; and complementary roles in both inflammatory and Richardson & Puri, 2000; Richardson & Ross, autoimmune responses (Harbige, 2003). 2000). These include: Abnormalities of mood and arousal. Children Theexcessofmalesaffected. Reported sexratiosvary with ADHD and related conditions often have from around 2:1 in favour of males for dyslexia, particular difficulties in the regulation of mood, dyspraxia and attentional disorders without hyper- arousal and sleep, (Hirshfeld-Becker et al., 2002; activity to more than 5:1 for more disruptive forms Owens, 2005) not all of which can be explained of ADHD and autistic spectrum disorders. simply as consequences of their behavioural and 158 A. J. Richardson learning problems. The evidence for omega-3 as a Fattyacidsandtheirmetabolismcanalsoaffectthe factorinmooddisordershasalreadybeenmentioned functioning of other major neurotransmitter systems above,butalongwithomega-6,thesefattyacidsalso implicated in ADHD and related psychiatric play both direct and indirect roles in the initiation disorders, as reviewed elsewhere (Yehuda, 2003). and maintenance of normal sleep (Chen & Bazan, Effects of omega-3 on both serotonergic and 2005; Yehuda, 2003). Functional deficiencies or noradrenergic function may help to account for the imbalances in highly unsaturated fatty acids may be apparent links between omega-3 status and hostility- one of the common underlying mechanisms in the aggression, depression and other mood-related association of these traits and features with ADHD disorders as noted above. The effects of fatty acids and related conditions. on neural signalling can be mediated via a huge variety of different mechanisms, direct and indirect, as HUFA and their derivatives not only affect membrane structure and function, but help to Sensory processing abnormalities. Subtle abnormal- regulate blood flow, endocrine and immune func- ities of rapid visual and auditory processing are tions and can also modulate ion channels, neuro- associated with dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD and transmitter uptake, synaptic transmission, apoptosis other psychiatric disorders, and such sensory impre- and gene expression among other biological pro- cisionmayunderliesomeofthecognitivefeaturesof cesses. Of particular relevance to many psychiatric these disorders, including impairments in attention disorders are their effects on cytokine and endocan- and working memory (Javitt, Shelley, Silipo, & nabinoid metabolism, which are receiving serious Lieberman, 2000; Stein & Richardson, 1999). The attention in relation to schizophrenia, (Yao & van possible contribution of fatty acid abnormalities to Kammen, 2004) and may be equally important in sensory dysfunction in these disorders is discussed related childhood neurodevelopmental disorders elsewhere, (Richardson, Cyhlarova, & Puri, 2003; including ADHD. Taylor & Richardson, 2000) but omega-3 fatty acids—particularly DHA—are critical for the devel- opment and functioning of the visual system Experimentalevidenceforfattyacidabnormalities (Litman, Niu, Polozova, & Mitchell, 2001; Uauy, in ADHD and related disorders Hoffman, Peirano, Birch, & Birch, 2001), and emerging evidence shows that the dietary intake of Physical signs consistent with fatty acid deficiency HUFA can also affect the development and matura- In animals, essential fatty acid deficiencies cause tion of low-level auditory processing systems physical signs and symptoms including excessive (Haubner et al., 2002; Unay et al., 2004). Visual thirst, frequent urination, rough, dry hair and skin, andauditorysymptomsindyslexiahavebeenrelated and follicular keratosis. An increased prevalence of tophysicalsignsconsistentwithfattyaciddeficiency, these signs in hyperactive children was first reported (Taylor et al., 2000) and experimental studies to 25years agobyaUK support group, (Colquhoun & follow up these observations are in progress. Bunday, 1981) who also pointed out that fatty acid deficiencies could help to explain other character- istics often associated with ADHD, such as zinc Neurotransmitter models of ADHD deficiency (zinc is a co-factor in HUFA synthesis); and related disorders the apparent intolerance of some children to foods Standard pharmacological treatment for ADHD containing salicylates (these inhibit cyclo-oxygenase involves stimulant medications that increase the enzymes that convert AA and EPA into prostaglan- availability of dopamine, as reflected in all current dins, and could thus exacerbate any problems etiological theories of this condition. It is therefore stemming from low levels of these key HUFA notable that in animal studies, chronic omega-3 derivatives); and the frequency of atopic conditions deficiencies can reduce dopamine and its binding to in these children. Noting that non-affected siblings D2 receptors both in frontal cortex and other brain consumed similar diets, these authors further regions, and are associated with attentional and suggested that the primary problem might lie in behavioural dysfunctions comparable to those poor EFA-HUFA conversion. involved in ADHD (Takeuchi, Fukumoto, & Subsequent investigations confirmed that these Harada, 2002; Zimmer et al., 2002). Emerging physical signs of fatty acid deficiency were more evidence indicates that subsequent dietary supple- common in ADHD children than controls, (Stevens mentation may be able to remedy some of the et al., 1995; Stevens, Zentall, Abate, Kuczek, & dopaminergic abnormalities induced by omega-3 Burgess,1996)andalsoshowedthathighscoresona deficiencies during early development, but not simple checklist rating scale devised to assess such others (Levant, Radel, & Carlson, 2004). signswereassociatedwithlowplasmaconcentrations Omega-3 fatty acids in ADHD and related neurodevelopmental disorders 159 of AA, DHA and total omega-3 fatty acids. Both found (Bell et al., 2004b). Poor working memory clinical signs and biochemical measures of fatty acid performance—a central feature of both ADHD and status were also correlated with measures ofphysical dyslexia—wasalsorelatedtolowomega-3status,but health and behaviour in these studies, as discussed only in dyslexic adults, not in controls (Ross et al., further below. 2004). In addition to making case-control compar- In children and adults, the same physical signs isons, other researchers have also explored correla- suggestive of fatty acid deficiency have also been tionsbetweenbloodbiochemicalindicesoffattyacid linked with both dyslexia (Richardson et al., 2000; status and various behavioural and/or health mea- Taylor et al., 2000) and autistic spectrum disorders sures. In a combined sample of 96 boys with and (Bell,Sargent,Tocher,&Dick,2000;2004a).While without ADHD-type difficulties, HUFA deficiencies these signs can obviously have other causes, their were associated with a range of behavioural and significance and their apparent association with learning and health problems, irrespective of clinical ADHD and related neurodevelopmental disorders diagnosis, (Stevens et al., 1996) supporting the idea clearly merits further investigation. that fatty acid abnormalities may relate in a dimen- sional rather than a categorical way to ADHD-type symptoms. It was also found that low omega-6 Biochemical measures of fatty acid concentrations related only to some physical health status or metabolism measures (such as dry skin and hair, frequency of Blood fatty acid deficiencies or imbalances. Reduced colds, and antibiotic use), not to parental ratings blood concentrations of HUFA in ADHD children of either behaviour or learning. By contrast, low relative to controls have been reported in several omega-3 fatty acid status was associated not only studies (Bekaroglu et al., 1996; Burgess, Stevens, with clinical ratings of physical signs consistent with Zhang, & Peck, 2000; Burgess & Stevens, 2003; fatty acid deficiency, but also with both behavioural Chen, Hsu, Hsu, Hwang, & Yang, 2004; Mitchell, problems(includingconductdisorder,hyperactivity- Aman, Turbott, & Manku, 1987; Stevens et al., impulsivity, anxiety, temper tantrums and sleep 1995). Although the specific pattern of results has problems) and learning difficulties in these children. varied, reductions of AA, DHA and total omega-3 This pattern of findings is consistent with other have usually been found in ADHD subjects, and the evidence that omega-3 rather than omega-6 status most consistent findings appear to be from plasma is likely to be more relevant to ADHD and related rather than red blood cell (RBC) membranes. Thus behavioural disorders. in one study, membrane concentrations of key HUFA were actually elevated in ADHD children relative to controls, while the same fatty acids were Enzyme abnormalities. A few biochemical investiga- unusually low in plasma (Burgess & Stevens, 2003). tions have focused on particular enzymes involved Reductions of omega-3 (in both RBC and plasma) in fatty acid metabolism. Abnormalities of phospho- were also reported in the only study to date lipase A2 (PLA2) enzymes that selectively remove investigating blood fatty acids in adults with HUFA from membrane phospholipids have already ADHD (Young, Maharaj, & Conquer, 2004). In been extensively documented in schizophrenia, childrenandadults withautistic spectrum disorders, and an initial study also found elevations of a fatty acid abnormalities have been reported in both Type IV PLA2 enzyme in RBC membranes of plasma(Vancasseletal.,2001)andRBCmembranes dyslexic adults (MacDonell et al., 2000). Increases (Belletal.,2000;2004a).Findingsincludeparticular in the same PLA2 enzyme have also been reported reductions in omega-3 HUFA, an elevated ratio of in some subgroups of children and adults with AA:EPA (consistent with tendencies towards autistic spectrum disorders, although preliminary inflammation) and an apparent increased suscep- observations suggested that this did not apply tibility to breakdown of membrane fatty acids, to those already taking omega-3 supplementation possibly reflecting increased oxidative stress. Few (Bell et al., 2004a). blood biochemical studies have yet focused on dyslexia, and none on dyspraxia/DCD, but one early case report noted fatty acid deficiencies in Intepretation of the experimental evidence. Preliminary a dyslexic child whose learning difficulties were findings fromexperimentalstudiesgenerallysupport reduced following dietary intervention (Baker, the proposal that fatty acid abnormalities are 1985). Preliminary results from ongoing studies of associated withADHD andrelatedchildhood devel- dyslexic and non-dyslexic adults showed that higher opmental disorders, although the evidence remains RBC omega-3 concentrations were associated with limited. Some of the blood biochemical evidence better reading ability in both groups, although no suggestsspecificdifficultiesinthesynthesisofHUFA significant group differences in fatty acid status were fromtheirEFAprecursors,excessivesusceptibilityto 160 A. J. Richardson oxidative stress and/or an unusual distribution of of the existing evidence for clinicians dealing with fatty acids between RBC and plasma. While these ADHD and related disorders. findings may reflect metabolic abnormalities that have some constitutional basis, they could equally ADHD arise from dietary and other environmental factors that it is not always possible to monitor, let alone The first RCT of omega-3 fatty acids for childhood control (Hibbeln et al., 2003). Interpretation is also behaviour and learning difficulties involved 63 USA difficult because even with biochemical measures children aged between 6 and 12 years with formal that have good reproducibility, too little is currently diagnoses of DSM-IV ADHD (Voigt et al., 2001). known about the functional significance of, for All were judged to be receiving effective and stable example, RBC versus plasma fatty acid concentra- treatment with stimulant medication, and children tions, let alone the more detailed distribution and with other psychiatric disorders (except conduct metabolism of these fatty acids in different tissues disorder or oppositional defiance) were excluded. and intracellular compartments. Furthermore, Subjects were randomised to adjunctive treatment becausedietaryintakeofomega-3inmanycountries with 345mg/day of pure DHA (from an algal is so low by historical standards, it cannot safely be source) or placebo for four months, and stimulant assumed that reference values from control groups medicationwaswithdrawnbeforestudyassessments. arenecessarilyoptimalwithrespecttoeitherphysical Analyses were presented on 54 subjects who or mental health. Investigations of the functional completed the study. significance of these kinds of measures in general No benefits of DHA treatment over placebo were population samples are therefore needed, as well as found on a wide range of behavioural ratings or further research into their potential relevance for computerised measures of inattention and impul- ADHD and related disorders. sivity, despite the fact that active treatment was associatedwithsignificantlyincreasedbloodconcen- trations of DHA. In fact, close inspection showed that active treatment was associated with a slightly Clinical trials of omega-3 supplementation worseoutcomeonalmostallmeasuresthanplacebo, in ADHD and related developmental although these group differences did not reach disorders of childhood statistical significance. Anecdotal evidence, case reports and open Similarly negative findings came from a Japanese studies have long suggested potential benefits study of 40 ADHD-type children aged between 6 from treatment with highly unsaturated fatty and 12 years attending a special summer camp acids in ADHD and related childhood develop- (Hirayama, Hamazaki, & Terasawa, 2004). No mental disorders (Baker, 1985; Stordy, 1995; 2000) formaldiagnoseswereavailableandonlysixchildren Unfortunately, the randomised controlled trials were receiving medication, apparently owing to (RCT) needed to investigate this possibility properly parental preferences for non-pharmacological still remain few, although additional studies are approaches. For two months, the children received in progress. foods fortified with DHA (providing approximately Two early RCTs assessed the effects of evening 500mg/day) or indistinguishable control foods primroseoil(providingtheomega-6fattyacidGLA) containing olive oil. Outcome measures included in hyperactive or ADHD children, (Aman, Mitchell, parent and teacher ratings of ADHD symptoms & Turbott, 1987; Arnold et al., 1989) but few if any and aggression, measures of visual and auditory benefits were apparent. With the recognition that perception, working memory and visual-motor omega-3 were far more likely than omega-6 to be integration, and a continuous performance test. lacking from modern diets, and increasing evidence The only group difference initially reported was a for omega 3 deficiency in other psychiatric disorders significant improvement between pre- and post- inadults,theemphasisthenshiftedtowardsomega-3 treatment measures of visual and auditory memory fattyacids.TableIprovidesasummaryoftheRCTs in the placebo group, which was not evident in published to date that have involved omega-3 thechildrenreceivingDHA.Insubsequentanalyses, treatment for ADHD and related childhood devel- however, slight modifications to scoring methods opmental disorders. (combining parent and teacher ratings) indicated Basic reviews encompassing most of these studies greater reductions in aggression for DHA supple- canbefoundelsewhere,(Richardson,2004a;2004b) mentation over placebo (Hamazaki & Hirayama, soaftersummarisingthekeyfindingsfromcontrolled 2004). trials, the aim here is to focus primarily on their TheonlyotherRCTofchildrenselectedprimarily broader interpretation, highlighting key issues for forADHD-typedifficultieswascarriedoutatPurdue further research while also discussing the relevance University, USA, (Stevens et al., 2003) and showed Omega-3 fatty acids in ADHD and related neurodevelopmental disorders 161 Outcome NoeffectoftreatmentonawiderangeofbehaviouralandcomputerizedmeasuresofADHD-relatedsymptoms Active>placeboforchangesinparentratingsofADHD-relatedsymptoms Active>placeboforchangesinteacher-ratedattention,parent-ratedconduct,and%meetingclinicalcriteriaforoppositionaldefiantdisorder Noeffectoftreatmentonawiderangeofbehaviouralandpsychometricmeasures ¼ActivePlaceboforchangesinmotorfunctionActive>Placeboforchangesinteacher-ratedADHD-relatedsymptomsandage-standardisedmeasuresofreadingandspellingachievement s Durationoftreatmentinparallelgroup 4months 12weeksþ(12weeks) 16weeks 2months? 12weeksþ(12weeks) s. e ateddevelopmentaldisorder Trialdesign RCT,double-blind,parallelgroups;adjunctivetopharmacotherapy RCT,double-blind,parallelgroupsþ(one-wayplacebo-activcrossover);monotherapy RCT,double-blind,parallelgroups;adjunctivetopharmacotherapy RCT,double-blind,parallelgroups;adjunctivetopharmacotherapy RCT,double-blind,parallelgroupsþ(one-wayplacebo-activecrossover);monotherapy el r d nchildrenwithADHDan Activetreatment:þDailydosesofOmega-3Otherconstituents HA345mg(fromalgae) PA186mgDHA480mg(fromfishoil)Omega-6(GLA96mg,AA42mg)VitaminE60IU PA80mg,DHA480mg(fromfishoil)Omega-6(GLA96mg,AA40mg)VitaminE56IU PA100mgapproxDHA510mgapprox(fromfishoil&fermentedsoybeanoil) PA558mgDHA174mg(fromfishoil)Omega-6(GLA60mg)VitaminE15IU i D E E E E s d ci a fatty male) omega-3 N(male,fe 54(42,12) 29(25,4) 47(41,6) 40(32,8) 117(78,39) h wit nt cal olledtrialsoftreatme Diagnosisþ(Ascertainment) SM-IVADHDwithminimalornocomorbidity(Psychiatricclinic,USA) þyslexiaADHDfeatures(Specialschool,UK) DHD-typeþdifficultiesphysicalsignsconsistentwithEFAdeficiency(Community-basedsample,USA) DHD(Specialsummercamp,Japan) SM-IVDCD(mainstreamschoolsinoneUKgeographiregion) ntr D D A A D o c TableI.Randomised Investigators Voigtetal.,2001 Richardson&Puri,2002 Stevensetal.,2003 Hamazakietal.,2004 Richardson&Montgomery,2005 162 A. J. Richardson some modest benefits from fatty acid treatment. Following an additional 12 weeks in which there Participants were recruited from the community by wasaone-waytreatmentcrossover(placebotoactive advertisement, and although full psychiatric evalua- treatment) similar improvements were seen in the tions were not available, participants had all been crossover group, while children continuing with diagnosed with ADHD by a psychiatrist, clinical active treatment maintained or improved on their psychologist or paediatrician according to parental earlier symptom reductions (Richardson, 2003). report, and around 80% were receiving pharmaco- logical treatment, mainly stimulant medications. In an attempt to reduce heterogeneity and provide Developmental coordination disorder a valid test of the fatty acid hypothesis, volunteers were further selected for elevated scores on clinical The largest trial to date of fatty acids for child ratings of physical signs consistent with fatty acid behavioural and learning difficulties involved 117 deficiency (such as excessive thirst and dry skin). children aged 5–12 years with DSM-IV DCD, Fifty children with a mean age of around 10 years identified from mainstream schools in one UK were randomised to treatment for four months with geographical region (Richardson & Montgomery, either fish oil and evening primrose oil—supplying 2005).BecauseofthehighcomorbidityofDCDwith mainly omega-3 fatty acids (80mg EPA and 480mg dyslexia and ADHD, primary outcomes were DHA daily) with some omega-6 (96mg GLA and selected to reflect each of these domains, consisting 40mg AA)—or an olive oil placebo. Three recruits ofage-standardised measuresofmotorperformance, dropped out at a very early stage, so intention- reading and spelling, and teacher-rated ADHD-type to-treat analyses were conducted on 47 children. symptoms (CTRS-L [Conners, 1997]). Active treat- Significant benefits of active treatment over ment was a high-EPA fish oil with some evening placebo were found for teacher-rated attention and primrose oil (providing 558mg EPA, 174mg DHA parent rated conduct, as well as clinical ratings of and 60mg GLA daily) and placebo was olive oil, oppositional defiant disorder, but no group differ- administered for 12 weeks in parallel groups. None ences were seen on a range of other measures. ofthechildrenwerereceivinganyothertreatmentfor Interpretation was also complicated by the fact that their behavioural and learning difficulties, and all biochemical measures showed significant increases analyseswereconductedonastrictintention-to-treat for some omega-3 fatty acids in both treatment basis. groups, as discussed further below. No effect of treatment was found for motor functioning, although a clear placebo effect was Dyslexia seen for these measures, in that both groups showed significant improvements after 12 weeks compared Only one peer-reviewed RCT to date has involved with their baseline scores. By contrast, highly children with a primary diagnosis of dyslexia significant group differences in favour of active (Richardson&Puri,2002).Fromchildrenattending treatment were found for the changes in reading a special school in the UK, volunteers were further and spelling, and also for a wide range of ADHD- selected for scoring >1SD above population norma- related symptoms. With respect to literacy skills, tive values on age-standardized parent ratings average gains for children on active treatment were of inattention, hyperactivity and combined-type three times the normal expected rate of progress for ADHD symptoms (a criterion met by 41 of 74 reading and twice the normal rate for spelling, while children screened). No child had a formal ADHD children on placebo made only the age-expected diagnosis, however, or was receiving any treatment progress in reading and fell further behind in for this condition. Parent-rated ADHD-type symp- toms were the primary outcome measure, and spelling. On teacher ratings of ADHD, significant children were treated for 12 weeks with either an improvementsforactivetreatmentoverplacebowere omega-3/omega-6 combination very similar to that seen on almost all the symptom scales, with used in the Purdue study, or an olive oil placebo. reductions of 0.3 and just over 0.5 SD on the core In this pilot study, analyses were conducted only ADHD dimensions of hyperactivity and inattention on the 29 children who completed the 12 week respectively. study period. In the follow-up period involving a one-way Groupcomparisonsshowedanadvantageofactive treatmentcrossover,childrenswitchingfromplacebo treatment over placebo for changes in all compo- to active treatment made gains similar to those nents of the rating scales used (CPRS-L [Conners, shown by children on active treatment during the 1997]) but these differences reached significance main parallel group phase, while those continuing only for inattention, anxiety/withdrawal and with active treatment maintained or improved on one global measure of disruptive behaviour. their earlier progress. Omega-3 fatty acids in ADHD and related neurodevelopmental disorders 163 Interpretation of findings from controlled good rationale for including more females in future treatment trials studies of ADHD and related conditions. At this stage, controlled trials of omega-3 fatty acids as a treatment for ADHD and related conditions Clinical diagnosis. Treatment trials to date have remain too few, and their findings too diverse, for typically focused on one particular diagnostic cate- any firm conclusions to be drawn. Most studies in gory, be this ADHD, dyslexia or DCD/dyspraxia. this area have been small and researcher-led, using Given the substantial heterogeneity and comorbidity different populations, outcome measures, and treat- associated with these conditions, however, and the ment formulations. Although direct comparisons fact that all these diagnoses are based on purely between these studies, or a clear synthesis of their behavioural criteria, it seems a priori unlikely that collective findings, is therefore difficult, the balance omega-3 deficiency would play a major role in more of evidence to date does suggest that supplemen- than a subset of children within any particular tation with highly unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids diagnostic category. In the studies of ADHD-type may improve behaviour and learning in at least children, differences in selection criteria might help some children with dyslexia, dyspraxia or ADHD. to account for at least some of the inconsistency in The findings from these studies have also illumi- findings. The negative USA study (Voigt et al., nated several key issues that now need further 2001)usedastrictDSM-IVdiagnosisofADHDand investigation, and provided useful pointers for the deliberatelyruledoutmostpsychiatriccomorbidities, design of future research studies. An evaluation of while the only positive study focusing on ADHD the existing evidence is therefore offered here with (also from the USA) involved a community-based particular reference to these issues, followed by sampleofchildreninwhomhighcomorbiditywould discussion of their potential clinical implications. normally be expected, and who were also pre- selected for showing physical signs consistent with fatty acid deficiency (Stevens et al., 2003). Thetwootherpositivestudiesinvolvedchildrenwith Key issues for future research a primary diagnosis of either dyslexia (Richardson & Populations studied Puri, 2002) or dyspraxia/DCD, (Richardson & Montgomery, 2005), and although ADHD symp- Ageandsex. Treatmenttrialsofomega-3fattyacids tomswereaprimaryoutcomemeasureinbothtrials, for ADHD and related disorders have primarily none of the children studied had a formal ADHD involvedchildrenagedfrom5–13yearsofage.These diagnosis. On average, their pre-treatment scores on disorders are usually evident in infancy, however, age-standardizedparentorteacherratingscaleswere and also persist into adulthood, so there is a clear only around one standard deviation above the mean need for studies of younger children as well as for the general population, although up to one third adolescents and adults. Possible sex differences in scored more than 2 SD above this level, placing both behavioural correlates of omega-3 status and them well inside the usual clinical range for ADHD. responsetotreatment alsodeserve specificinvestiga- Improvements following fatty acid treatment tion. Existing studies have included far more males appeared to apply to both lower and higher-scoring thanfemales,asisthecasewithresearchintoADHD children, suggesting that a trait-based or symptom- in general, (Arnold, 1996) but this probably reflects based approach using dimensional measures may be ascertainmentbiasratherthantherelativeprevalence more appropriate than a reliance on categorical of these disorders by sex in the general population. diagnoses. As already noted, males have a higher risk of HUFA deficiencies than females owing to sex differences in fatty acid metabolism, but the potential significance Other selection criteria. Biological markers (genetic ofthesedifferencesforbehaviour,learningandmood or biochemical) that could reliably index fatty acid iscurrentlyunknown.Preliminaryevidencefromthe status and/or individual metabolic differences would studies reviewed here suggests that attentional seem a more promising way to identify individuals difficulties (and perhaps impulsivity) may respond who may be particularly likely to benefit from fatty better to omega-3 treatment than hyperactivity acid treatment. Unfortunately, however, the devel- per se, and the predominantly inattentive subtype opment of such markers still requires further of ADHD is relatively more common in girls. In research. Blood fatty acid profiles were monitored addition, some successful trials of omega-3 in adults intwoofthethreetreatmenttrialsinvolvingADHD- with mood-related disorders have involved predomi- type children, but only in the Purdue study were nantly or exclusively female samples, (Stoll et al., subjects pre-selected in any way according to 1999; Zanarini & Frankenburg, 2003) so there is a presumed fatty acid status, (Stevens et al., 2003) 164 A. J. Richardson and this was done using checklist ratings of physical containing both EPA and DHA in varying ratios. signs and symptoms previously found to correlate By contrast, the negative studies both involved with blood biochemical measures of fatty acid treatment primarily or exclusively with DHA deficiency. In fact, 75% of the initial respondents (Hirayama et al., 2004; Voigt et al., 2001). This met this criterion, but blood biochemical measures pattern of findings is consistent with other evidence takenatthepre-treatmentbaselinelaterrevealedthat from studies of adult psychiatric patients, suggesting these children in fact had unusually high membrane that EPA may be more effective than DHA in the concentrations of key omega-3 (and omega-6 treatment of functional disturbances of attention, HUFA) relative to non-ADHD controls, although cognitionormood.ThusDHAwasineffectiveinthe they did show relative deficiencies of the same fatty few studies using primarily or exclusively this fatty acidsinplasma(Burgess&Stevens,2003).Verylittle acid in either major depression or schizophrenia, isyetknownaboutthenormalrangeofbloodHUFA (Marangell et al., 2003; Peet, Brind, Ramchand, concentrations in the general population or their Shah, & Vankar, 2001; Silvers et al., 2005) while functional significance, but it is notable that the trialsusingprimarilyorexclusivelyEPAhaveusually ADHDchildreninthisstudystillappearedtobenefit shown some benefits in these conditions, (Nemets from supplementation despite their apparently high et al., 2002; Peet & Horrobin, 2002; Peet et al., blood fatty acid status pre-treatment. 2002; Su et al., 2003) although not in all cases In summary, although existing studies have shown (Fentonetal.,2001).PureethylEPAhasalsoshown that at least some children with ADHD and related some benefits in other disorders such as Borderline disorders can benefit from omega-3 treatment, Personality Disorder and Huntington’s disease (Puri several important issues still remain to be explored. et al., 2005; Zanarini & Frankenburg, 2003). While it is DHA that matters most in the structure of . Within ADHD, might omega-3 fatty acids be neuronal membranes, EPA nonetheless plays many particularly (or only) beneficial for children with critical roles in brain function. Its eicosanoid particularpatternsofcomorbidity—suchasmood derivatives are key regulators of immune, endocrine disorders, oppositional defiance and/or specific and cardiovascular functions, and direct actions of learning difficulties? EPA on cyclo-oxygenases, lipoxygenases, phospholi- . Is omega-3 more helpful for children with milder pases, acylating systems, ion channels, mitochondria ADHD-type difficulties than for those with more and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors extreme symptoms? (PPARs) are the focus of current investigations . What proportion of children in the general across many different fields of study. Existing population might benefit from an increased evidence indicates that EPA is likely to be more dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids? effective than DHA for the conditions considered Mostofthesequestionswouldbebestaddressedvia here, but further studies involving direct compar- large-scale studies, ideally drawing from samples isons, anddifferent ratiosofEPAandDHA, arestill representative of the general population. needed to investigate this issue. Omega-3 treatment formulations and dosages Omega-6 and antioxidant components. In all three of The optimal composition and dosage of fatty acid thepositivetrials,butnotinthetwonegativestudies, treatment for ADHD and related conditions also the active treatments also contained both some requiressystematicinvestigation. Studiesinthisarea omega-6 fatty acids in the form of evening primrose so far have used supplements containing varying oil, and also some vitamin E. (The latter is often amounts of the highly unsaturated omega-3 EPA added to specialist fish oil supplements for its and/or DHA, mainly from fish oils. None have used antioxidant properties in protecting membrane flax oil or other sources of ALA, although a recent HUFA from peroxidation, although recent research study explored the effects of high doses of flax oil indicates reciprocal effects, in that HUFA supple- versus fish oils on blood fatty acids in adults with mentationmayalsohelptoenhanceVitaminEstatus ADHD, and again confirmed the poor in vivo [Kaempf Rotzoll, Hellstern, & Linderkamp, 2003]). conversion of ALA from the former into EPA and Despite the fact that two early trials of evening DHA (Young, Conquer, & Thomas, 2005). primrose oil alone for ADHD gave essentially negative results, (Aman et al., 1987; Arnold et al., 1989) the possibility that this may have made some Omega-3: EPA versus DHA. In the three positive contribution to the benefits observed cannot yet be studies (Richardson & Montgomery, 2005; ruled out. Studies using EPA-rich fish oils without Richardson & Puri, 2002; Stevens et al., 2003), any omega-6 component are now in progress, which treatment consisted predominantly of fish oils, may help to address this. The possible contribution

symptoms in at least some children, and one study of DCD children also found benefits for the Oxford-Durham study of children with DCD,.
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