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sflma-Bfli* STflTG~C0LL€G€ Merry Xmas Merry Xmas Happy New Happy New Year Year Vol. XVII Z59 SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1937 No. 25 Pipe-Dream8 Placate Polishers as Vacation Arrives Staters Hear A.W.S. Gives Speaker in Pageant in Assembly Assembly Stanford Professor, Dr. Community Singing Opens Trueblood, Talks on Program; Glee Club Aims in Life Carols Numbers LECTURES LOCALLY THOMAS KELLY SINGS Chaplain Gives Series Sehon Directs Dancers in of Talks for Public “Juggler of Notre at Local Church Dame” Tableau • Dr. D. Elton Trueblood addressed 9 Members of the A.W.S. put on members of this student body in a their annual Christmas program special assembly held Monday morn­ Tuesday morning, December 14, in ing third hour. assembly. The program was built a- Dr. Trueblood, chaplain of Stan­ round the story "The Juggler of No­ ford university and professor of the tre Dame,” interpreted as the sanc­ Philosophy of Religion there, told a tification of sincerity. few of his own experiences and then passed to the lives of two great men Student body members opened the of our day, one of them a doctor program with community carol sing­ in India and another a doctor in Af­ ing followed by the Women’s Glee rica club singing "As Joseph Was A- He stressed the lives of these two men as examples of living in its ful­ WaIking.” The glee club also ren­ lest sense, and expressed himself as dered "Lo, How a Rose” by Prae- being surprised at the small number torious and "Silent Night.” Thomas of people who have nothing to divert Kelly sang "Ave Maria.” them from the monotony of this ex­ Sixteen Take Part istence. He used the climbing of Mt. Everest to illustrate the heights which Interpretative dancing as the jug­ few men attain, and having attained, gler was done by Gwelda, Loyd. Pa­ are satisfied with only the highest So Santa Claus is dishing “A’s”? tricia Crow represented the Madon­ in life. Well, soipething’s surely off, Pledges Enter na. Other members of the enter­ \ Dr. Trueblood was secured through tainment who formed the Dance the efforts of Dr. Robert McLean, ’Cause pants of red and whiskers white T5 group included Lois Arthur, Clare and Dr. Oliver Hart Bronson. He Do not become a prof. Frat Ranks Call, Verdelle Connell,* Dorothy has been speaking each night of this Crookham, Lois Delker, Rosemary week at the Presbyterian church. Kauffman, Edna Logan, Hanna Librarians Work on Gaucho Delegates Present Three Fraternities Stage Pelch, Gertrude Rolls, Jane Ronner, Initiation Rites; Sig Isabel Scott, Truth Sheppard, Ka­ Translation of at Kappa Delta Pi Meet Alphs Join Sunday therine Smith, Harriett Wilson. Field Book The Women’s Glee club closed • Four men werfe formally initiated the performance with the singing of Dr. Outland Speaks Six Colleges Represented as into the ranks of Beta Sigma Chi, "Allelluia” by Bortniansky. • Miss Katherine Ball, college librar­ to Honorary Frat Walters, Jacobs Talk social fraternity, last Monday night Story Told ian, and Mrs Carl Edwards, both of In the performance the Juggler whom are Red Cross certified braille to Visitors at a regular meeting held at the comes before the Madonna to offer writers, together have translated the house on Cheltenham Road. all that he has, his art. He is ridi­ book, "This Life Fve Loved”, an • "The Value of Sociology in Edu­ 9 The first regional conference of Those initiated were Harry Kan- culed by the peasants but proceeds to autobiography by Isobel Field, into cation” was the title of the talk giv­ Kappa Delta Pi, national honorary perform. By a mistake he hits the ode, A1 Sprague, DeWitt Trewhitt, braille. en last night at Mar Monte hotel by educational fraternity, tP be held in (Continued on Page 4, Column 1) and Jack Smith. Isobel Field is the stepdaughter of Dr George Outland to members of California convened in. Fresno, Sat­ Music Conference Robert Louis Stevenson. "This book Sig Alphs Initiate Kappa Delta Pi, national honorary urday, December 11,' with nearly a Names Barnett has brought me many pleasant things, Sigma Alpha Kappa will conclude enthusiastic letters and reviews from education fraternity, following the hundred delegates from six State col­ its pledge season this Sunday at the President all over the world, as far afield as formal initiation of six students and leges in attendance. Those colleges mountain cabin of Captain. Paul South Africa, India, China, and the dinner. having Kappa Delta Pi chapters rep­ Australia^ I was exteremely grati­ Highlights of the Fresno conven­ resented were Chico, Fresno, San Jones, with President Dave Pollock • Mrs. Helen M. Barnett, head of fied to hear that my book was to be tion, held last Saturday were given Diego, San Francisco, San Jbse, and in charge. Frank O’Neill has been the music department, was elected done in braille. It is an honor I in charge of supervising Hell Week president of the California*Western deeply appreciate,” said Miss Field by Miss Margaret Wilson and Miss Santa Barbara. which ends Saturday night. Music Educators’ Conference, south­ who lives in Carpenteria. Katherine Rileyi student representa­ Walters Speaks Those to be initiated are Fred ern section, at the annual winter Since it is all hand work, there is tives. The conference opened . Saturday meeting in Los Angeles, last Satur­ only one copy made. It is sent to a Students formally initiated were morning with an address "Challenge, Monson and Bill Lambourne. Frat day morning. blind proofreader, and then sent to Ruth Commagere, Dorothy Hornor, to Membership in Kappa Delta Pi,” members will stay over Saturday The Conference was held in the ttoh e thSet abteli nldib.rary / where it is loaned CDharniisetli nSa cMhearc, Kaenldla rW. Milfioriradm W Tiulsrotonn., by Dr. R. J. Walters, National exec­ night at thFeo ucra biJno.in T.O. sacuhdoiotol,r iuamn d ofh atsh e a Pomlyetmecbhenrsich iph igohf CHRISTMAS PARTY HELD Those attending the dinner were utive counsellor. Following which Four pledges to Tau Omega were nearly three hundred music teachers K9 o AHt otwhe, al asCt hrreisgtmulaasr pmaeretyti nwg aso fh ePlud MReras. CMhcaPreleask , Japcorebssi,d eDnte,a n DWr. illaianmd gDart.i oCnh aosn. tJhaec otbosp ica d"dOrefs sWed htahte V daelulee­ iGnlietinante d Mlaasrtc hnbiagnhkt s,a t 1th1e3 5.h oNmoep aolf. ajunndi osru pearnvids orss efnrioomr thheig ehl emsecnhtoaorlys,, at the home of Mrs. Ruth Kiney. Ashworth, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence is Kappa Delta Pi to the alumni?” New members are Dick Saxe, Bob junior colleges, colleges and univer­ Christmas carols were sung and L. Phelps, Miss Lois M. Bennink, The afternoon was devoted to group Reynolds, Bob Woods and Kenneth sities of Southern California. The gifts exchanged. Pauline Miller di­ Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Werner, Miss Brinks. district extends from San Luis Obispo rected social activities for the eve­ Ann Seymour, Phoebe Steer, Louie discussions, one of which, "What Initiation ceremonies were follow­ on the north to San Diego on the ning. Violet Barnett was in charge of Taylor, Jane Goslin, Margaret Wil­ Should be the Nature of Kappa Del­ ed by a supper given by the former south and Bakersfield on the east. the refreshments which carried out son, Gladys White, Bernice Bolte ta Pi Activities?”! was led by Rea Mc­ pledges. Later members and their Robert Louis Baron and Anita the personal colors. Contributions for son, Gladys White, Bernice Bolte, Peak. The delegates were guests of guests danced at the Marchbnks Cochran Priest of the College music the Christmas, basket to be filled with Katherine Riley, and Nina Wilson. home. Department were guests o f Mrs. toys for poor children were accepted. Dr. Jacobs and Mr. Werner spon­ the faculty members of Fresno State* "Hell Week” was concluded last department were guests of the Mrs. The charity basket is under the su­ sor the education fraternity Those college at a tea which climaxed the Monday night, and included such Barnett for the conference meeting pervision of Virgina Harris and Ruth initiated were choseh for outstand­ afternoon. A dinner meeting was (Continued on Page 2, Column 3) held at the Women’s Athletic club. Weller. ing scholarship and ability. held at the Hughes hotel. Five Attend Vintage of the Modern School Do Xma& Shoplifting Early Alpha Rho, the campus chapter, was represented ait the conference by Francis Noel, Director of Visual Ed­ By THE SPIRIT OF ’69 By BILL SPARROW ucation of the City Schools, Dr. • Christmas time-, oh joy, and New how you ,were snooping around on 9 With the coming of Christmas into the maelstrom of other unfor­ Charles L. Jacobs, Counsellor, Rea Years too. Time for a lot of new ni«ht before, and you caught comes many bothersome incidents. tunates. After several blocks of fight­ McPeak, President, and Margaret .l ove af.f. ai. rs to sprout up. Chri• stmas A^ d am^ ma k^ing l^ove tdoa yCs hrtihsatmt aws ee vael;l The problems of Christmas shopping ing his way through the crowds, Wilson and Katharine Riley, student are many and varied. In the follow­ ducking under the prickly Christmas representatives. Due to. the heavy has come again so quick. Why it [;ve for ing paragraphs are several sugges­ trees taking up the outer edge of the storms the campus group was unable seems only yesterday that Tom Col- I remember a time down in Ha- tions that should prove helpful to sidewalk, and skillfully avoiding the to attend the dinner meeting, but lins was teaching me to do that new vana when I saw Cuba Libra teach- both the Christmas shopper and Yule "spirit pots,” and the "please despite this fact, those in attendance dance the Singapore Fling, and that ing old man Vodka to do the East- the girl at the tie counter in the ten help” tables, he arrives at his first declared the conference to be a most most delightful couple Tom and side Spanish rhumba. It’s New Years cent store. stop . . . one of the better five and successful and worthwhile one. Jerry came over to wish you a happy and Christmas that hrings that old Let us start out by following a tens. Upon entering the dime empor­ New Year Remember how you Golden Glow to your eyes, and so potential yule shopper as he makes ium the smell of candy, leather goods, GLEE CLUB BROADCASTS were creeping around in the dark many new Blue Ribbons in your his way from bargain counter to 'bar­ ink, spruce boughs, cellophane, elec­ • The Women’s Glee club broad­ and caught Santa and Merry Christ- hair. gain counter. He parks his 1810 tric lights, and too many people plus casted a program of Christmas mu­ mas up in the chimney having a And so my children it came to pass model flivver about six blocks from the blinding lights and the milling sic last night at seven o’clock over swell time with Segram and his seven in the year, sometime pre-war, that the main part of town, as the traffic crowd, pound him into a corner station KTMS. The program includ­ little crowns. And you just can’t Jim fizzed, Tom burned, Jerry froth- is getting so heavy that it’s almost where he stops to get his breath ed the following carols: "As Joseph forget the time pop tripped and fell ed and Singapore, that title China- impossible to park a pair of roller "Something Sir?” was A-iyalking”, arranged by Barn- over that nice little horse’s neck man, frosted because there was no skates edgewise on the "main drag.” As he happens to be standing by, "Lo How a Rose”, by Praetorius, while he was decorating the tree and Christmas Day game, so they all As our subject nears the main part near the candy counter a very tired "Silent Night”, arranged by Mrs. ma swore that he had been down went down to the Bacardi bowl and of town he squares his shoulders looking sales-girl rushes up asking Barnett, and "Cherubim Song” by in the cellar again with that twenty- saw the game between Sloe Jim’s 9nd, taking a deep breath, plows(Continued on Page 2, Column 5) Bortniansky. two year old Ginger Beer. Remember school for boys and the Pink ladies. EL GAUCHO Friday, December 17, 1937 Page Two Questionnaire Writer Instructs GHO ^ 1tcto?hop Serves State Shoppers Broke Buyers m re - coLLeoe • What do you plan to give your • State college* students and fac­ (Continued from Page One) best friend for Christmas? him “something sir?” He is just DICK SAXE: ulty will find a convenient place about to reply in the negative when I expect to give it (my friend) only for pre-Christmas shopping at the a lady of elephantine proportions my best wishes. shop sponsored by the art depart­ Official publication of the Associated Students, Santa Barbara Statt nearly knocks him down and college. Edited and published semi-weekly on the State college campus. BOB STROSNIDER: ment at the Aztec Studio in the old Entered as second-class mail matter in the postoffice of Santa Barbara, It isn’t what I want to give her, it’s Miranda Adobe,' two doors below the shouts, “Two of these please.” After California. Subscription price: one dollar a semester, two dollars per year what she will have me give her. Post Office on Anacapa street. finally making his getaway he is NAT HALES, Editor-In-Chief WILLIE WILTON: Miss Mary Monden, graduate of pinned against a pillar by a com­ TED JOHAM, Assistant Editor "Them that has gets” the art department of the State plete family consisting of a woman BILL SEARS: college is in charge, and has design­ checking a yard long list, and a man John T. Porter ________ Margaret Bennett Thanks for the suggestion. There ed and executed a wide choice of overloaded with packages and a cigar Printing (Newspaper ) Member) Journalism are only nine more shopping days distinctive, inexpensive gifts. Ori­ Instructor Instructor until Christmas. ginal work by other art students is trying to keep three children from HERMAN SCHICK: also on sale there. The article framing up a collision with toy bus? EDITORIAL STAFF If I put it in print she’d know shown include leather work, weaving, ses. After dodging three more sales­ WEDNESDAY FRIDAY and I want to surprise her. batik, jewelry, place cards suitable girls and stopping to help a lady NORMAN PHILLIPS Managing Editors FRANK DOUGLAS for the holidays, and Christmas pick up innumerable bundles our BUCK BAILEY: FRANCIS BECCHIO______Assistant Editors. ..------NORMAN PHILLIPS I plan to give my best friend two cards. hero arrves at the Christmas card WALDO PHELPS _______Sports Editor------------_ DOUG DUCKHAM tickets to the Christmas Day game. The Aztec Studio is an outlet for counter. After twenty minutes of THEDA CALL __________ Society Editors-----CHRISTINE MacDONALD pushing, pulling, shoving and a little PETIE McKINNEY ...Circulation— . PETIE McKINNBY BOBBIE REGO: the handicrafts of the interior vil­ defensive work he works his way up HAROLD SANDERSON ____Advertising Mgr------- KEASTER HALE I plan to give my best friend a lages of Mexico, collected by Mr. to the counter proper. Selecting a JACK SALYER __________Feature Editors-------%------- BILL SPARROW present which I think will be of Paul Ruthling and his organization. solitary card he tries to attract the FRANCIS BECCHIO ________Copyreaders--------Ll. JIMMIE STANLEY great value to him. In their pre-Christmas showing at attention of the girl in charge. It BOB WILLIAMS, Staff Photographer MARIE NAVARRO: the studio are many articles large seems strange to him that now he REPORTERS—Sylvan Malis, Bob Strosnider, Dick Saxe, Stella McAnulty I can’t say because I want to and small at very low prices and of has assumed the role of a cash cus­ Helen Simmons, Betty Nordyke. Rus&ell Blanchard, Carlos Lozano. surprise him but it’s something he great attractiveness, imported from tomer the sales-girls will have nothing AssociateDdis trCiboutlolersg ioaft e Press «N«st«iOmlnUtlsld A rdovee nr*tTisioiNn*gc S BIYICB, InCev. nJUeeIId’Cms.Y g iLviAngN GsoLmOe: "mixture 79” pipe gaintiv teetrhnie o ra c oMnllueemgxeibc eoor. n oMhf irs.t aelRkxspu ethtroilei nngcgre osu hpainss taoc kdnoow wleidthg e hhimis parnedse necvee.n Frienfaullsye htoe 1937 Member 1938 CoUn. PuUi*«, R«r.»u,aHv. tobacco. his eight years in Mexico collecting caonrdn eprso cokneets, fhoirsc epsu hrcish amseo.n eNyo won thheart Collegiate Digest 420 Madison Ave. New York. N. Y. DEWITT TREWHITT: for museums of natural science, CHICAGO >• BOSTON - LO# ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO and collecting examples of hand­ he has been formally initiated he I plan to give my best friend a finds it easier to do the rest of his Christmas Vacation bottle of wine then help him drink iworks from the more remote vil­ buying by adopting appropriate tac­ lages which now supply the Aztec it. ' tics. Upon emerging from the store • Today is a day of days for all students. The beginning of JANE FISHER: Studio. Mr. Ruthling also manages minus his hat, conposure, his tem­ Christmas vacation always marking a red mark on the stu­ I don’t want him to know since studio-shops in Santa Fe and Carmel. per, and about ten pounds he wends he reads this column. I’ll keep it PATRONIZE his way back to his conveyance hum­ dent’s calendar brings once more a brief relief in the “grind.” a secret for the present. EL GAUCHO ADVERTISERS ming Christmas carols. Today the students will gather for eight more hours of classes CLYDE FRISHOLTZ: and then will suddenly disappear off the horizon as freedom I am going to give my friend a reigns supreme for two weeks. To homes in close or far off nice bottle from Juarez, then hang districts the students will go for a spree of fourteen days of around for a nip or two. Chicago College of Beauty Neophytes Enter leisure and rest. Books will take the back seats. Jobs will take their places or perhaps pure idleness may come into Frat Ranks PERMANENT WAVES—including Haircut, vogue. The days of grace will be received with a hearty wel­ Shampoo and Fingerwave . . . come. $1.25 to $5.00 (Continued from Page One) Fourteen days can be a very long time or a very short events as a Snipe hunt in front of Guaranteed Shampoo, Fingerwave and Rinse, (dried) 50c time. It can be profitable or it can be a total loss. It may revive the Granada theater, egg hunts and tired minds and sore feet or it can produce a weary mental Manicures . . . 25c a hike to the mountain. Pledge ac­ oppression and fatigued body. In liquid terms these days of tivities were directed by Walter All- Haircuts . . . 25c change may be of bread and milk or of Tom and Jerrys In prac­ man, pledge captain, with Glenn 820 State Street Phone 24932 tical student life it may be a time of earning, study and de­ Turner, prexy, in charge of formal cent hours or of spending, loafing and general rowdiness. The initiation. first will bring students back to school in a condition to sail through the next month of study and up to the final exams in fresh condition. The second will leavy empty pocketbooks and split heads with too far to go and not enough to get there. Each student will take his choice. after your name True, an over-abundance of work makes Jack a dull boy, but then it is better to be dull than completely blunt. When we leave school we will be planning special fun and enough of it; we will be waiting for Santa to bring an electric razor down he’ll look for ours the chimney; and we will be back with at least a little book- larnin’. What will you do? . When the first suspense of unwrapping is over and . . • With apologies to Kelley . . . Jack show” MANSON as Mr. and Mrs. your gift to him is being admired, there’ll be an enthus­ by name . '. . we’ll start thè column Kitchen and all the little Breakfast with a pome: "The Week Before Nooks . . . TIBBY and SLOAN iastic exclamation when he discovers the Roy E. Gammill Xmas.” (he wouldn’t kiss her goodnight be­ 'Twas the week before Christmas. cause she’d been eating garlic) . . . label. Because the Gammill label is synonymous with And up at State college, MARGARET PARKS and STAN­ All the dear students LEY WILSON are the cutest couple Are sopping up knowledge. of the week, or any other week . . . quality and distinction and it’s ten to one he’ll be con­ The profs are quite savage, As they lay on exams, sumed with pleasure While we wonder what’s best Apple polish or “cram”. G IF T S So we cram and we polish, And polish and cram, More than one man has said to us just recently, “When We sweat and we curse, So Practical And comes Friday we scram! my---------comes here to shop, tell her I want ‘that’ for And then well relax Dream of “A’s” that we got. With maybe a nightmare * Christmas.” And the man doesn’t live who can refrain Of ones we did not. But this poem has a point, ROBES from an explosion of praise when startled by the very So don’t give us the “berry.” We wish one and all, A luxurious, thoughtful gift . . • A Christmas quite Merry. thing he wanted but wouldn’t buy for himself. If it’s wrap her in warmth! Robes in Pretty cute, huh? Back to the driv­ el .. . TOM LINDQUIST seems to flannel, corduroy, Beacon and from Gammill’s he’ll know it’s good and you know he’ll be cutting in on BILL McKENZIE’S quilted $1.95 to $16.75 territory with LYNDELL BRUN- DIGE . . . at the formal—JACK like it. * KITCHEN and BARBARA SHARP introduced by JACK “I am the floor Shop comfortably and quickly in the shop that men HOUSE THANK YOU themselves buy in. # # # COATS for your coopera­ te o n by placing The most delightful and accept­ able gift possible! These are in­ Ù your orders for deed all the rage! All types, wrap-around zipper, in flannel, ’ the Christmas for­ corduroy, satin, rayon and lace BEGINNING . . . plain and printed SATURDAY $4.75 to $12.95 mal early. OPEN 1005 Stats St. TILL Phons 14790 9 mjotat»r ATiom.ua mm— HABERDASHER - CLOTHIER HATTER IMPORTER 912 State Phone 22424 Hope you were all pleased turn. GENE and HAROLD Friday, December 17, 1937 EL GAUCHO Page Three i——-----;------------------ -<*> Practice Game Opens Salem School Tommy Hart Wins Olympic Battle Turns Down Home Hoop Schedule • Tmomy Hart the Fighting Sweet­ Xmas Game heart of Santa Barbara State again First Home Tilt Features Initial scored in a professional boxing bout By BOB BURT Appearance of Former when he floored Hut Thompson, Williamette Drops Battle negro fighter in less than two min­ Football Stars With Gaucho Gridders With the exception of the various at Last Moment utes of a scheduled six-round fight. post-season games o f New Year s This fight was in the Olympic Day, the 1937 football season fades FINALS INTERFERE stadium in Los Angeles where Tom­ • The Gaucho basketball team un­ • Coach "Willie” Wilton will start my has gained considerable popular­ away, leaving only memories behind. der the leadership of Coach Willie working his Gaucho varsity basket­ The completion of the past year ity. Following the fight one of the Wilton, will play its second practice ball team long and hard later this of football brought fame to several Phelps Receives News of Los Angeles papers issued a picture game of the season against Santa week in an effort to whip together outstanding grid warriors, glory to Postponement from of Hart immediately after flooring Marie J.C. tonight at the Armory, a team which can face the hard undefeated teams and due credit Northern Prexy his opponent. located at State and Mission streets. schedule of games which have been Throughout his entire fighting to coaches who hung up good re­ Victorious in their first game against lined up for them. Handicapped by cords. • Final exams have a way of pop­ career Tommy has knocked out ev-‘ Cal Poly, tonight’s game will feature the unusually long football season 1937 Champions ping up at the wrong times, and ery negro opponent. Also he has on­ the first appearance of many foot­ which has kept several of his best , , . i „ they sure tied a firecracker on the ly been defeated once and that by a ball players who have reported since players from turning out, and also Players who rose to new heights proposed «Sicaio'jts’s. Charity rCkh.r,istmas man he h#s since put on the floor. the Willamette game has been can­ held back by the rain which made in the pigskin "hail of fame were: Day game between Willamette Uni­ celled. They will play against the the armory unusable part of last "Whizzer” White, Colorado’s high- versity, of Salem, Oregon and the Athletes Form Bulldogs, as Witon is anxious to week, Wilton will welcome Christmas scoring half-back; Clint Frank, ver­ Santa Barbara State Gauchos. Ac­ get every man in good condition vacation as the chance to prepare for satile quarterback from Yale; Mar­ cording to the latest dope from the for the regular season’s opener the opening games with Fresno State shall Goldberg, Pitt’s powerful back; r-JB j . Honor Club * o /it t „ northern city, finals and other sacri- against Fresno State college on the college on the 28th and 29th of this and Sam Chapman, the blocking v r t fro ol from C~ alifornia. Un «t.hl e lii• ne«, fices were the caus-e s , tor, the pos,t- 28th and 29th. month. Stockton of California, Hinkle of ponement of one of the best match- “Royal Order of Squid” Two teams were used by Wilton Wilton has had Bob Ulrich, Bob Vanderbilt, Sweeney from Notre ed games^ver to be offered to Santa Plans Recognition in defeating Cal Poly by a score of Rego, "Timmy” Thomas, Bob Rey­ Dame, and Routt of Texas A. and Barbara fans. of Gridmen 33 to 32, the other night. On one nolds, Allen Gwinnett, and Frank M. were outstanding. Hbwever, it has been rumored combination Ian Crow and Bob Ul­ Fuji working in the forward posi­ Pittsburg, California, Ford ham, that the President of Willamette rich were working at forwards, Bill tions this week, and hopes to add Alabama, Santa Clara, Villanova, was not concerned when negotiations % On Monday evening, December Howsman at center, and A1 Young Howard Yeager and Freddy Mon­ and Colorado had fine seasons and were in order for the game, and 6 at 9:30 p.m., the Royal Order and Buck Bailey were operating at son to the group. Bill Howsman, the coaches at these institutions are consequently he became a bit peeved of the Squids organized as the sen­ guards. The "pony” team of Timmy Ian Crow and Eldon Crother are assured of their positions for a long when he heard of the affair. Never­ iors of the 1937 grid squad met to Thomas nd Bob Reynolds at for­ working as centers at present and time to come. theless, whatever the cause it seems perpetuate grid loyalty to Santa Bar­ wards, Bob Flink at center, and Al­ they will be joined by Don Hart af­ Prognostications that Santa Barbara as a whole will bara State. The group consisting of ien Gwinnett and Carl Hallen at ter Christmas. Rose Bowl—Too much California suffer from the loss of much-desired ten seniors will meet annually in a guards also looked good. Guards should be plentiful as vet­ power; the Bears, 20-14. Cottpn publicity. place set aside as their lodgeroom. With Howard Yeager, Freddy erans Dave Rumbaugh and A1 Bowl-r-Rice over Colorado after a The announcement was made by Chief moves of the organization Monson, Don Hart, Peirino Merlo, Young will be aided by Buck Bailey, hard battle. Sugar Bowl—Revenge President Clarence L. Phelps after he were to provide for maintaining the Doug Oldershaw, and other football Carl Hallen, Peirino Merlo, Doug is sweet; Louisiana State over Santa had conferred with Dr. Bruce Baxter, organization in the future and in players added to this list, tonight’s Oldershaw, and possibly A1 Sprague Clara. Orange Bowl—Auburn to de­ Willamette head, in Los Angeles adding to the membership. Also the game should prove an interesting one later this week. feat a favored Michigan State team. last week; and the final confirmation decision as to who the members of to watch from the spectator’s point Coach Wilton stated that Clarence Sun Bowl—Texas Tech over West was made Tuesday in a telephone this year would be was made of view. Coach Wilton is hoping for Lair, basketball manager is in need Virginia by two touchdowns. Rice message received by President Phelps. Providing for the future two bot­ a large turn-out to start the home of some assistants. Anyone who Bowl—The Chinese eleven over the It is too bad that the cancellation tles of Champagne were contributed. schedule and with the added prospect would like the job should contact Japs; anything can happen. news came as an anti-climax for the One of these will be drunk at the of having the band on deck, Gaucho either Lair or Wilton as soon as pos­ "Spud” Harder is certainly on men who have played their last game next regular meeting, of the organ­ students should have an interesting sible. the loose.” The popular grid men­ for the Gauchos. Such men as Yea­ ization. The second will be drunk time this evening. At present the players are getting tor has obtained strong opponents ger, Oldershaw, Hart, M u I o ck , by the first person to attend the in condition and getting the feel of Donald Hart, president, Spud for nearly every game on next yearns Young, Hayman, Pollock and Mo- meeting unaccompanied by any of the hardwood, but plays will be Harder, coach, Don Follett, adviser, schedule. University of San Fran­ relli have been robbed of their due his fellow members. These bottles given and serious work started as A1 Young, Doug Oldershaw, Dave cisco, Fresno State, San Jose State, justs, that is they won’t receive the will be kept in the lodgeroom until soon as vacation comes and the fel­ Pollock, Danny Mulock, Bobby Mo- San Diego, Willamette and Texas great ovations that are so prominent they are consumed and when they lows can turn out. relli, Howie Yeager, Jack Trotter, Mines will either give Santa Barbara in stadiums when seniors leave the are consumed, they must be finished much prestige or many "headaches.” field for the last time. in that room within that night. Joe Stocktill, Frank Hayman are PATRONIZE "Spud”, will you verify the report The University of Portland was New members will b e taken in the members of the organization. EL GAUCHO ADVERTISERS that the Gauchos will battle Pitts­ suggested by Dr. Baxter as a likely each year when the Squids meet. e— burg in 1939? substitute for Willamette, but after There will be two members chosen This and That counciling with their officials it was from the senior players of the year Quality, Like Character, Endures Something new and different oc­ disclosed that they have permanent­ with the outstanding lineman and curred last Saturday. A basketball ly closed their football season. the outstanding backfield man re­ game between Cal Poly and Santa Harder Schedules ceiving a position in the group. Barbara was postponed because of Meetings Planned wet grounds. (The Armory leaks.) Three Games Meetings of the group will be held The State college fight fans are on the night of every Homecoming trying to promote a bout between " _ _ game in the lodgeroom where the Tommy Hart and Jack ’"One Punch” • Traveling north to San Francisco members will meet to regain old Manson. last week Coach Spud Harder and mem0ries. Theme of the Squid is Beckman Planes in Don Follett succeeeded in arrang- to perpetuate the spirit that has been SAHA 8ÑWM.CAUF. mg for several games for the next built up between the p[ayer8 through- Where Progress Never Stops Contest, Breaks season. While the original trip was out the season, State Record to investigate the question of entering the Far West conference there was g0n9n0S9QEa0E30aQOQnQQQa0E30E3QE30Q0E90n0g9KI9E30n«90»X3Qa0n0S90E30E30Ea0E30E30E30E30E30n0e90Ea0n0Q0»0E30EIXiQmiKI0^ little progress in this direction. Royal • Competing Saturday at Redlands Harder arriving late for the meet­ Christmas G ifts in the Conference cross country ing signed for games with Fresno meet, a crippled Santa Barbara State on Thanksgiving Day next squad under the direction of Dr. I. year. Scheduled' for Santa Barbara in Ice Cream for everyone in the family A. Mather, track coach, showed up the place of La Verne is Cal Aggies Sandwiches and See Our Complete Stock well in individual performances. on November 12. Also a tentative Fred Beckman, frosh star, finishing game with U.S.F. is scheduled for Fountain Service in fourth position in the grueling October there three mile run of the freshman event .A game with Nevada wll not be turned in the fastest time by thirty played next year as Nevada is sche- T ASHLEY ■ WESTLUND four seconds of any frosh in State duling only eight games However, 1116 Chapala Phone 7372 history. Beckman traversed the dis­ arrangements for games in 1939 and 1121 State Phone 25679 tance in fifteen minutes and twenty- 1940 were suggested. two seconds, to be one of four run­ ners who broke last year’s conference record in the event . Danny D’Alfonso Frank Elliinnsgrss £ The Only Occidental was the winner of both S varsity and frosh meets with Hea- § ton taking the freshman race with CHRISTMAS TREES the record-breaking time of 14:55. In the varsity competition, Paul Davis, and supplies sold by a sophomore from the local campus, fought his way into sixth place in STATE COLLEGE STUDENTS the four mile event. Viau of San Diego was the winner running it in 21:45 .Viau is noted STATE and SOLA STREETS as the conference two-mile champion. ED LOUDENCLOS BUD MacKINNON Davis’ time for the course was 22:35. MacDonald, State star, did not com­ pete in the meet, as he is working in the south, while Beeson and Gib­ son, strongholds of the State cross New . . . Different country team were out with pulled muscles thus weakening the Staters SILHOUETTE no end. Other State' entries in the varsity field were Fugimoto and Rain Capes and Coats Pfiitzner. They are feather-lite . . . of transparent Pliofilm JORDANO BROS. SMART PRACTICAL EVERHANDY N E W S ! CAPES . . . . $1.00 COATS . . . . $1.95 Remodeled Completely .... Complete GROCERY - FRUIT and The Best Place to Eat MEAT DEPARTMENTS OTT’S SPORT SHOP KERRY’S VARSITY 35 West Canon Perdido Phone 5221 727 State Street Dipl 3121 1122 STATE PHONE 28791 EL GAUCHO Friday, December 17, 1937 Page Four “ ‘Buck’ Gaucho Rides Again” Delta Sigs Honor Coed Tells of Tau Gams Plan Campus Groups With Tea Engagement Musicale • Pi chapter of Delta Sigma Epsi­ Phyllis La Source Passes Sorority Event Schedules lon held their annual Christmas inter­ Traditional Candy at Noted Conductor as sorority tea at the sorority house Sorority Meeting Guest Artist 1721 Prospect avenue Tuesday af­ ternoon, December 14. • Passing the traditional box of can­ • Members of the Tau Gamma Sig­ All members of campus sororities, dy to the sorority, Phyllis La Source, ma sorority^ are holding rehearsals together with their respective spon­ Senior member of Alpha Theta Chi, twice weekly for the annual musicale sors and patronesses were invited. announced her engagement to Don to be given in the theatre-ballroom The Christmas theme was used Follett, graduate manager of the col­ in the Biltmore hotel. The affair will throughout the1 decorations and re­ lege, at a Christmas party held Mon­ take place on Sunday evening, Jan­ freshments. day night at the home of Mrs. Vir­ uary 9, at 8:30' p. m. Entertainment will include chorus, Mrs. Westcott, president of the ginia Sawyer on Spring Road in Mothers’ club, and Margaret Elli­ Montecito. piano, and organ numbers besides son, alumnae, poured. Christmas gifts were exchanged the group of violin solos played by Mr Henry Eichheim, guest artist and At the regular meeting, Monday among the members, and following evening, Mrs. Westcott and Mrs. the meeting, coffee and gingerbread noted composer and conductor. Rathjen, presented a beautiful lace were served. Plans were discussed for Special invitations are being issued table cloth to the sorority as a the semi-formal dinner dance which this week, but the public is also in­ was postponed until January 21. Christmas present in behalf of the vited to attend the concert. Mrs. Hel­ Arrangements were also made for en Barnett will direct the chorus Mothers’ club. rush week which starts after the be­ numbers, and Anita Priest will be The sorority also chose the pattern ginning of the new semester, under for a silver service, which is to be the direction of Barbara Tibby, rush the accompaniest. started by the group. It was decided captain. The next meeting will be Thursday night, December 16, the to hold a silver shower at the first held at the home of Ann Seymour chorus group will sing three Christ­ meeting of the new year. Discussion on Chiquita Road. mas numbers at a formal dinner was also held on the Pan-Hellenic Those present were Myma Jullien, dance to be held by the City Teach­ formal and rushing events. Evie Warner, Carol Warren, Rena Members present included Helen Sacconaghi, Barbara Tibby, Lois er’s club at El Paseo. Mrs. Margot Buckman, Helen Williams, Norma Scheppele, Alice Lamb, Renata Mac- Smith is in charge of the arrange­ Monson, Irene Baptiste, Virginia cianti, Barbara Putman, Barbara ments. Rodgers, Nellie Rathjen, Jean Angle- Sharp, Petie McKinney, Ann Sey­ The active and alumnae members meyer, Eva Metzger, Alice Goff, mour, Ellen Seymour, Mary Alice who will take part in the musicale and Jean Clausen. Helen Clarke, Halferty, Dede Biller, Stella Mae are: Dorthea Kent, Marlyn Jameson, Margaret Ellison and Mollyanne Smith, actives; and Irish Duncan, Betty Ravey, Jean McArthur, Char­ Hartwell, alumnae, were also present. Barbara Phillip, Ciare Wise, Mrs. lotte Naess, Jane Goslin, Lyndell Connie Bredsteen, Mrs. Charlotte ite and Dorothy Hanson, Bobbie El­ guests will act as hosts and hostesses Mobeley, Mrs. Richard Kaime, al­ lis, Mercedes Keating, Margaret Eat­ for the evening umnae. Mrs Faith Harder and Mrs. on, Ruth Arigwin, Dorothy Cameron, The Christmas dance will be the Anita Hitchcock, sponsor and pa­ Thelma Fent, Shirley Moore, Fran­ final social function of the fraternity Sig Alphs Make Final Plans troness, were also present. Mrs. La ces Hoelscher, Jeanette Leister, Ani­ for the year. Programs for dancing Source was a guest. , ta Priest, Jean McPheeter, Katie will be distributed at the door. Dark Crebs, Blanche Hillman, Anna Sun- for Annual Semi-formal suits and evening dress. will be ap­ PATRONIZE din, Alice Hoelscher, Marjorie propriate for the affair. EL GAUCHO ADVERTISERS George, and Mrs Helen M. Barnett, sponsor. Elks Club Scene of Dance; guests present. A number of pros­ Delta Zetes Hold Doug Hoag’s Orchestra pective pledges have also been in­ Christmas Dinner Furnishes Music vited to attend. Honored guests for the occasion will be Mr. and Mrs. • The annual Sigma Alpha Kappa William Poole, Captain and Mrs. • One of the loveliest parties given semi-formal Christmas dance will be Paul Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Harry in honor of the Alumnae Association held this Saturday night at the Elks’ Girvetz, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Porter, of Delta Zeta Delta this year, was and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kupfer. club on Carrillo street. the Christmas dinner given by Mar­ Officers of the fraternity and their More than fifty couples are ex­ garet and Lorraine Gandolfo at their home on Los Pinos drive. pected to be present. Dancing will be PATRONIZE The dining room was decorated from 9:00 to 12:00 to the music of EL GAUCHO ADVERTISERS Doug Hoag’s orchestra. Refresh­ with pine branches and red candles ments will be served following the while favors and caps were placed Call a * . . dancing,. There will be elaborate at the plates of the guests. An Italian Christmas decorations with a decora­ dinner was served by the hostesses Y ellow Cab ted tree predominating. Novelty toy followed by the distribution of Christmas gifts. gifts will be given away by Santa Prompt PHONE Betty Palmaymesa and Ester Por­ Claus personally. Courteottf 5 1 1 1 ter are arranging for the Christmas Besides the active members there Service will be fifteen alumni and their basket which the alumnae and actives give each year to a needy family. Future events were scheduled for the New Year. Dr. Helen Gregory SHEETZ ■ AT-THE- BEACH will entertain the group in January, Mr. and Mrs. Porter will entertain following the Pan-Hellenic dance, 216 West CabriUo Blvd. the spring fashion show featuring Phone 28666 new members will also be given. A.TF.S. Presents* COMPLETE FOUNTAIN SERVICE Xmas Pageant SANDWICHES ★ SALADS (Continued from Page One) Snappy Service Parking Accommodations Madonna with one of his balls, and after begging her forgiveness dances This poor old grad, in his freshman daze, and juggles his best until he drops Adopted studious thoughts and ways, dead from exhaustion. The monks “Where Coeds Shop for Men” then enter and are horror-stricken He crammed his Turret Top with fact, by the presence of the poor juggler But never learned how one should act. lying before their beloved Madonna. Through a miracle the Madonna raises her hand over the juggler, showing her acceptance of his gift which was himself. Nothing hut I . THE BEST t’s simple arithmetic that the more cars General Motors sells the greater this organiza­ ELMER’S tion grows. And the solid fact back of that • 1026 STATE growth is this: General Motors cars must con­ Safeway tinually offer more in terms of extra value to win those sales. It is only because General Motors is great that it can maintain the re­ search and improvement program responsible Your Neighborhood Grocer SEVEN CONVENIENT for such modern betterments as the Turret Stores in Santa Barbara Top, the Unisteel Body, No Draft Ventilation, 517 State St. Knee-Action and advanced Hydraulic Brakes. 701 State St. G M 34 W. Victoria St. eneral otors 1908 De la Vina St. 1427 San Andres m e a n s Good M e a s u r e 2720 Hollister Ave. CHEVROLET PONTIAC • OLDSMOBILE • BUICK • LASALLE • CADILLAC 303 No. Milpas .

“Zonas bélicas paralelas en Gods Go Begging de Alfredo Véa, Jr.,” “Desire, Violence and Rebirth in Alfredo Véa's Gods Go Begging,” National
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