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University College for Adult Learners 2005-2006 Bulletin PDF

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OGLETHORPE UNIVERSITY University College for Adult Learners 2005-2006 BuUetin K" WELCOME FROM THE PRESIDENT Ifl Thank you for your interest in Oglethorpe's University College program. I am extremely proud ofthe qualityeducationwe provide to ourstudents. ^A ^ Oglethorpe's University College will transform, empower and prepare you to meet life's many challenges. University College offers two bachelor degrees in six disciplines with an academically challenging ciuriculum designed to help you achieve your educationalgoals. Ourdedicatedstudentslearninintimateclassroomsettings fromafacultysecond to none on the campus ofthe onlycoeducational liberal arts college in Atlanta. I recendyhad the opportunity tojoin a University College class on maikedng. When the class ended, I asked why the students had chosen to complete their college education at Oglethorpe and why the professor had selected our university 12 years ago as his teaching home. Almost an hour later, at well past 11:00 p.m., I strolled through the campus revelingin the enthusiasm and commitment to Oglethorpe I had heard expressed. I ended my evening with an even higherlevel ofenergyand excitement than I hadbegun the day, some 16 hours earlier. I look forward to the opportunity to meet and talk with each UniversityCollegestudent,becauseIknowthatyouofferauniqueperspective on the education we provide. Again and again, I find myself going back to the Oglethorpe positioning statement: Makealife. Makealiving. Makeadifference. Itpromisesenrichment. Itpromisesapracticaloutcome.Itpromisesmeaning.Andforme,asthepresidentof aninstitutionwithsuchintentionalpurpose, itpromises thegreatestchallenge ofmy career. Whether you are coming to Oglethorpe to begin your college career, gain a second degree or complete your degree, I applaud and respect your commitment and wish you well in your pursuit ofknowledge. Together, we will accomplish gieat things. Best regards. Lawrence M. Schall,J.D., Ed.D. o o O o OGLETHORPE UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Make a life. Make a living. Make a difference. 2005-2006 Academic Year OglethorpeUniversityisaccreditedtoawardbachelor'sdegreesandmaster'sdegrees bytheCommissiononCollegesoftheSouthernAssociationofCollegesandSchools (1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097; telephone (404) 6794501). Oglethorpemakesnodistinctioninitsadmissionpoliciesorproceduresongroundsofage,race,gender, religiousbelief,color,sexualorientation, national origin, ordisability. ThisBulletin is published by the UniversityCollegeofOglethorpeUniversity.Theinformationincludedinitisaccurateforthe2005-2006 academic year as ofthe date ofpublication; however, the programs, policies, requirements and regulationsaresubjecttochangeascircumstancesmayrequire.Thelistingofacourseorprograminthis Bulletindoesnotconstituteaguaranteeorcontractthatitwillbeofferedduringthe2005-2006academic years.Finalresponsibilityforselectingandschedulingcoursesandsatisfactorilycompletingcurriculum requirementsrestswiththestudent. Oglethorpe University 4484PeachtreeRoad,N.E., Atlanta,Georgia30319-2797 404-261-1441 www.oglethorpe.edu GeneralCollegePolicy: Lawrence M. Schall,J.D., Ed. D. President AcademicPolicy: ChristopherAmes, Ph. D. ProvostandSenior VicePresident AlumniRelations: BarbaraBessmer Henry '85 DirectorofAlumni Relations CampusSafety: Rus Drew AssistantDeanofStudentAffairs andDirectorofCampusSafety FinancialAid/Scholarships: Patrick N. Bonones DirectorofFinancialAid Financial Information: Marilyn Fowle, Ed. D. VicePresident ofBusinessandFinance PublicInformation andPublicRelations: Kelly Robinson ExecutiveDirectorofMarketingand PublicRelations StudentRecords/Transcripts: Susan Bacher Registrar UNIVERSITY COLLEGE ADMINISTRATION: 404-364-8383 Annie Hunt Burriss Kerry Reid AssociateProvostofUniversity College Operations Coordinator Deputy tothePresidentforCommunity 404-504-3428 Relations [email protected] 404-364-8372 [email protected] Courtney Garrett SpecialAssistant to theAssociate Nancy Keita Provost Director 404-364-8376 404-364-8370 [email protected] [email protected] Betsy Lee M. Christine Foster Cates ProgramManager Assistant Director FinancialPlannerCertificationProgram 404-364-8314 404-364-8373 [email protected] [email protected] UniversityCollege Council: RobertA. Blumenthal ChairandFaculty Coordinator Chris Ames Provost Chris Benton DirectorofAccoxmtingStudies Bruce Hetherington ProfessorofEconomics -Division V Chair BethJohnson AssistantProfessorofPsychology WilHam Brightman ProfessorofEnglish Anne Rosenthal AssociateProfessorofCommunications & RhetoricStudies BradfordSmith AssociateProfessorofHistory William Straley ProfessorofBusinessAdministration andMathematics Visitors Oglethorpe University welcomes visitors to the campus throughout the year. Visitors are encouraged to make an appointment in advance ifthey would like to meet astafforfaculty member. The University College office is open Monday - Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., andFridayfrom 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. OtherUniversityadministrative officesareopenweekdaysfrom8:30a.m. to5:00p.m. TheRegistrar, Businessand FinancialAid Offices are also available to students on designated evenings during registration periods. DuringthesummerallUniversityoffices close at 12:00p.m. onFriday. The telephonenumberforadmission toUniversityCollege'sundergraduateand graduatedegreeprogramis(404)364-8383.AllotherUniversityofficescanbereached bycallingthe switchboard at (404) 261-1441. InformationaboutUniversityCollegeprogramscanbefoundontheOglethorpe Universitywebsite atwww.oglethorpe.edu (keyword: UC). Table of Contents University College Calender 5 Mission 9 History 13 Campus Facilities 23 University College Admission 29 Academic Regulations and Policies 35 Tuition and Costs 45 Financial Assistance 49 Educational Enrichment 55 Community Life 58 Undergraduate Programs ofStudy 63 Disciplines and Majors 66 Minors 74 Course Descriptions 77 Index 101 University College 2005-2006 Calendar Fall 2005 FallSession 1 Mon July 18 RegistrationBegins forFall 2005 Sat Aug27 FirstdayofSatclasses Mon Aug29 FirstdayofMon/Wedclasses Tues Aug30 FirstdayofTues/Thursclasses Wed Aug31 Drop/Add,Session 1 registrationand100% refund-withdrawaldeadlineendsat12:00p.m. Thurs Septl 75%Refund-WithdrawalDeadlineendsat12:00p.m. Fri Sept2 50%Refund-WithdrawalDeadlineendsat12:00p.ni. Sat Sepi3 NoSatclasses Mon Sept5 LaborDayHoliday Tues Sept6 25%Refund-WithdrawalDeadlineendsat12:00p.m. Fri Sept30 LastDaytoWithdrawwith"W" grade ends at 12:00p.m. Sat Oct 15 FinalExamsforSatclasses Tues Oct 18 FinalExamsforTues/Thursclasses Wed Oct 19 FinalExamsforMon/Wedclasses Fall Session 2 Sat Oct22 FirstdayofSatclasses Mon Oct24 FirstdayofMon/Wedclasses Tues Oct25 FirstdayofTues/Thursclasses Wed Oct26 Drop/Addendsat 12:00p.m. Thurs Oct27 75%Refimd-WididrawalDeadlineendsat12:00p.m. Fri Oct28 50%Refund-WithdrawalDeadlineendsat12:00 p.m. Mon Oct31 25%Refund-WithdrawalDeadlineendsat12K)0p.m. Wed-Sat Nov23-Nov26 ThanksgivingHolidays Mon Nov28 LastDaytoWithdrawwith"Wgradeendsat12:00p.nL Sat DeclO FinalExamsforSatclasses Wed Dec 14 FinalExamsforMon/Wedclasses Thurs Decl5 FinalExamsforTues/Thursclasses Spring 2006 SpringSession ]. Mon Nov 15,2005 Registration Begins forSpring2006 Sat Jan 7 FirstdayofSatclasses Mon Jan9 FirstdayofMon/Wedclasses Tues Jan 10 Fii"StdayofTues/Thursclasses Wed Jan 11 Drop/Addendsat 12:00p.m. Thurs Jan 12 75%Refund-WithdrawalDeadlineendsat 12:00p.m. Fri Jan 13 50%Refund-WithdrawalDeadlineendsat 12:00p.m. Sat Jan14 NoSatclasses Mon Jan 16 MartinLutherKingjr.Holiday Tues Jan17 25%Refund-WithdrawalDeadlineendsat 12:00p.m. Fri Feb10 Last Day to Withdraw with "W" grade ends at 12:00p.m. Sat Feb25 FinalExamsforSatclasses Tues Feb28 FinalExamsforTues/Thursclasses Wed Marl FinalExamsforMon/Wedclasses SpringSession 2i Mon Mar6 FirstdayofMon/Wedclasses Tues Mar7 FirstdayofTues/Thursclasses Wed Mar8 Drop/Add,Session4registrationand 100% refund-withdrawaldeadlineendsat12:00p.m. Thurs Mar9 75%Refund-WithdrawalDeadlineendsat12:00p.m. Fri Mario 50%Refund-WithdrawalDeadlineendsat12:00p.m. Sat Mar 11 FirstdayofSatclasses Mon Maris 25%Refimd-WithdrawalDeadlineendsat 12:00p.m. Mon-Sat Mar20-Mar25 UCSpringBreak Tues Apr25 Last Day to Withdraw with "W" grade ends at 12:00p.m. Sat Apr29 FinalExamsforSatclasses Mon May 1 FinalEbcamsforMon/Wedclasses Tues May2 FinalExamsforTues/Thursclasses Sat May13 Commencement Suminer 2006 SummerSession 1 Mon March 27 Registration Begins forSummer2006 Mon May 15 FirstdayofMon/Wedclasses Tues May 16 FirstdayofTues/Thursclasses Wed May 17 Drop/Add,Session5registrationand 100% refund-withdrawaldeadlineendsat12K)0p.m. Thurs May18 75%Refund-WithdrawalDeadlineendsat12:00p.m- Fri May19 50%Refund-WithdrawalDeadlineendsat12:00p.m- Sat May20 FirstdayofSatclasses Mon May22 25%Refund-WithdrawalDeadlineendsat 12:00p.m. Mon May29 MemorialDayHoliday "W Mon Junl9 LastDaytoWithdrawwith gradeendsat 12:00p.m. Sat Juiyi FinalExamsforSatclasses Tues July4 July4thHoliday Wed July5 FinalExamsforMon/Wedclasses Thurs July6 FinalExamsforTues/Thursclasses SummerSession 2 Sat Julys FirstdayofSatclasses Mon July 10 FirstdayofMon/Wedclasses Tues July 11 FirstdayofTues/Thursclasses Wed July12 Drop/Add,Session6registrationand 100% refimd-withdrawaldeadlineendsat12:00p.m. Thurs July13 75%Refimd-WitiidrawalDeadlineendsat 12:00p.m. Fri July14 50%Refund-WithdrawalDeadlineendsat12:00p.m. Mon July17 25%Refimd-WitiidrawalDeadlineendsat12:00p.m. Mon July24 Session 1 andSession2internshipdocuments duetoCareerServicesOffice "W Thurs Aug10 LastDaytoWithdrawwith gradeendsat 12:00p.m. Sat Aug26 FinalExamsforSatclasses Mon Aug28 FinalElxamsforMon/Wedclasses Tues Aug29 FinalExamsforTues/Thursclasses

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