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University Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD), Senegal - Comsats PDF

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UNIVERSITE CHEICH ANTA DIOP Center of Excellence COMSATS Prof Tahir DIOP 17th Meeting of Comsats Coordinating Council 19 – 20 May 2014, Tehran, IRAN PLAN I. PRESENTATION OF UCAD 11. HHiisttory 2. Educational and research structures 3. Staff IIII.. PPRREESSEENNTTAATTIIOONN OOFF CCEENNTTEERRSS OOFF EEXXEECCEELLLLEENNCCEE 1. Governance 22. CComponents HHiissttoorryy 1918 : Establishment of a School in MMeeddiicciinnee 1949 : Institute of High Studies of Dakar 1957 : Establishment University of Dakar 1986 : Univerity of Cheikh Anta Diop Educational and research structures RECTORAT 6 FACULTES FFSSTT FFMMPPOOSS FFLLSSHH FFSSJJPP FFAASSEEGG FFAASSTTEEFF IST IOS CREA C H 9 Instituts de ISE Facultés CRBL E C R IFACE AA DD I E I A L A ISG 19 Ecoles et instituts d’université ESP IREMPT IFE IUPA CLAD SCD CERE RR ENSETP IMTA EBAD IDHP IPS IFRPDSR ITNA INSEPS ISED IREP CESTI IFAN‐CAD STAFF UCAD Category Number Academic Professor 1329 Administrative 1273 TTeecchhnniicciiaannss ssttaaffff Students 95000 II. PRESENTATION CENTRE D’EXECELLENCE 1. Gouvernance Approved by COMSATS in July 2012 Administered by : Director : Prof. Saliou NDIAYE FFooccaall ppooiinntt :: PPrrooff. TTaahhiirr DDIIOOPP Steering Committee : 10 Members II. UNITS of the COMSATS – UCAD Center Renewable Energgyy Plant and microbial biotechnologies  Public Health (Bacteriology / Virology) Renewable Energy Faculty of Sciences and  Centre for Studies and  TTeecchhnnoollooggyy ((FFSSTT)) PPoollyytteecchhnniicc HHiigghheerr SScchhooooll RReesseeaarrcchh oonn  (ESP) Renewable Energy   (CERER) Laboratory of  LLaabboorraattoorry ooff AApppplliieedd  Semiconductors and  Laboratory  Energétics (LEA) Solar Energy (LASES Photovoltaic Energy Laboratory of Renewable  LLaabboorraattoorryy ooff TThheerrmmaall  Energy (LER) Laboratory of Materials  Energy and  Science (LSM) Thermodynamics International Centre for  TTrraaiinniinngg aanndd RReesseeaarrcchh oonn  Laboratory of Biomass  Solar Energy (CIFRES) and Domestic Fuels: Laboratory of Physics of  LLaabboorraattoorryy ooff WWiinndd  Atmosphere and Ocean  Energy (Siméon Fongang) Research activities • Conversion and Energy Storage , Thermal , Wind , Solar • Thermal comfort in housing and energy efficiency •• MMooddeelliinngg SSyysstteemmss RReenneewwaabblleess aanndd ddeessiiggnn ooff ssttaattiicc ccoonnvveerrtteerrss • Monitoring and control of power systems • Electrochemical Deposit n‐ Type CdTe • Study of cells produced by electrochemical doping • EElleeccttrriiccaall pprrooppeerrttiieess ooff SSnnTTee • Tabled CdTeSe and electrochemical characterization •• MMooddeellss ffoorr tthhee ssppeeccttrraall rreessppoonnssee ooff pphhoottoo‐ eelleeccttrroocchheemmiiccaall cceellllss • Properties of Condensed Matter • Behavior of functional materials Unit : Renewable Energy SSttattiisttiics Category Number Academic Professor 53 PhD 77 Master degree 92 Publications 2013 ‐ 2014 163

May 20, 2014 FLSH. FMPOS. FSJP. FST. FASEG. 9 Instituts de. Facultés. ISE. IST. IFACE. CREA UNITS of the COMSATS – UCAD Center. ➢Renewable
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