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universidad técnica particular de loja escuela de ciencias de la educacion mencion inglés ... PDF

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Preview universidad técnica particular de loja escuela de ciencias de la educacion mencion inglés ...

UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA PARTICULAR DE LOJA La Universidad Católica de Loja ESCUELA DE CIENCIAS DE LA EDUCACION MENCION INGLÉS MODALIDAD ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA A DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF ANGLICISMS USED IN ECUADORIAN NEWSPAPERS Research done in order to achieve The Bachelor´s Degree in Teaching English as a Foreign Language AUTHOR: GALARZA GUEVARA SANTOS MARINA DIRECTOR: LCDO. PAREDES ZUÑIGA FABIAN MARCELO CENTRO UNIVERSITARIO QUITO 2010 CERTIFICATION Lcdo. Fabian Marcelo Paredes Zuñiga, Thesis advisor CERTIFIES THAT: This research has been thoroughly revised by the graduation committee. Therefore authorizes the presentation of this thesis, which complies with all the norms and internal requirements of the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja. Loja, september 2010 …………………….. Lcdo. Fabian Marcelo Paredes Zúñiga THESIS ADVISOR i CONTRATO DE CESIÓN DE DERECHOS DE TESIS DE GRADO Yo, Santos Marina Galarza Guevara declaro ser autora del presente trabajo y eximo expresamente a la Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja y a sus representantes legales de posibles reclamos o acciones legales. Adicionalmente declaro conocer y aceptar la disposición del Art.67 del Estatuto Orgánico de la Universidad Técnica particular de Loja que en su parte pertinente textualmente dice: "Formar parte del patrimonio de la Universidad la propiedad intelectual de investigaciones, trabajos científicos o técnicos y tesis de grado que se realicen a través, o con el apoyo financiero, académico o institucional (operativo) de la Universidad" _______________________ Santos Marina Galarza Guevara Autora ii AUTHORSHIP The thoughts, ideas, opinions, and the information obtained through this research are the responsibility of the author ____________________ Santos Marina Galarza Guevara Author Loja, september 2010 iii DEDICATION This thesis is dedicated to my sons, who supported me during the endless yet rewarding hours devoted to my work. Santos Marina Galarza Guevara iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I have to thank specially to God who has always guided me. I would like to thank to the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Modalidad Abierta y a Distancia, which has allowed me to achieve the Bachelor´s degree in teaching English as a foreign language, and especially to my thesis advisor Lcdo. Fabian Marcelo Paredes Zuñiga. It is essential for me to acknowledge the sacrifices made by my sons Antonio and Benjamin who understand me and help me to follow ahead, for the encouragement and patience showed in this hard and long process, and all those who were around me. To all the people who know me, I am really aware of not being able to name all of you, but somehow you helped to shape the person who I am. Thank you Santos Marina Galarza Galarza v TABLE OF CONTENTS CERTIFICATION i CONTRATO DE CESIÓN DE DERECHOS ii AUTHORSHIP iii DEDICATION iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS v TABLE OF CONTENTS vii ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 METHODOLOGY 6 RESULTS 13 DISCUSSION 62 Theoretical Background 62 Description and Analysis of Results 97 Conclusions 138 BIBLIOGRAPHY 140 ANNEXES 144 vi ABSTRACT Uses and applications of Anglicisms in the daily speech by the Spanish speaking communities, especially by our mass of communication constitute the leading purpose of this research. When conducting this research the main newspapers of Quito were used, during a week the papers were collected and the instruments used to complete this work were opinion polls and interviews which were applied to some students, teachers, linguists from different educational institutions, two frequent readers and some people who do not have any relationship with educational aspects nor the healthy habit of reading, so that different opinions from different sectors of the society can be attained as part of this research. The results found in this research express that people, who do not have any relation regarding education, ignore about the problem of the abuse or overuse of Anglicisms in Spanish, even though they are frequent users of Anglicisms without having any idea of their real meanings and how they affect the original languages, in this case, Spanish. The most important conclusion is that in our country is very common for people to add to their daily speech some new words that come from English or other languages, because of our high level of consumption, we just receive manufactured products and, of course, they come with established names or instructions in the language from the countries of origin, or the most used terms around the world, so people just copy or name them in the same way. This is the reason why society accepts and uses some words, anglicisms, without any problem. 1 INTRODUCTION Certainly, culture is not determined by the mankind but by the technicality and mechanicism, because of the advances of science and technology. This steady technological advance suggests the creation of new words or to coin different meaning for the existing ones. There are more techniques and instruments which facilitate the production and dissemination of ideas, even more the creation of new linguistic behaviors; these new behaviors are presented by the mass media, especially by newspapers and Internet which are the mediators between people and the new words created by technology and science. These anglicisms are most of the time used in our languages because of the influence that foreign technology has in our society, and how it affects the original language in the society are the main points to carry out this research. The process of globalization presents worldwide effects in the economical, social, and cultural aspects in all the countries and, of course, Ecuador is one of them. Language is directly connected with this process and its changes, mixing language (English and Spanish), creating new words, giving another meaning to the existed words, had been the target to be studied by scientists and linguists around the world. In South America there are some countries which had paid special attention to this language phenomenon and they had supported the studies of different universities about this topic. 2 Although the tendency of mixing mother language and English words appeared long time ago, people have just started to notice these changes. We consider that this topic has a relevant level of importance because our society is changing day after day and a clear reflection of this process is the used language, the expressions, the new ways of behavior. In many cases, it seems that people in our country are losing their cultural identity, because of the alienation coming from other countries through the migrants. As active citizens and part of a society, which use an influenced language as Spanish, it is a great responsibility to be updated on the topics which affect our daily communication. We receive a lot of information by e-mail, text messages, and we share new techniques to be a better person or professional; in many cases, these messages contain foreign words. People prefer to use these words instead of their corresponding translations in Spanish and they modify their normal speech or daily expressions by new ones coming from other languages, especially English. The ways the language is used were the main motivation to conduct this investigation. The use of ICT’S in the classroom to produce a more effective learning process was a great help trying to understand why people use some English words and why other words are disappearing in Spanish. The techniques used in this research were: observation, interviews and the survey or opinion poll; for this reason, some questions were prepared. The observation was applied from the 3

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